The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1907, Image 1

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Journal Circulation
-. Pair and cooler tonight; Sunday
fair; northeast winds. '.' -
VOL. V. NO.-281.
. aiAJiDa. rivs ctmi
CountessDrY arm outfi
Reported to Have Left
on Account of Family
Quarrel :' - r
Prisoner Objects to Having Alien
.lists' Watch Him During Trial
. Jerome Sure Plea Will Be
wEnrcotional Insanity- Lawyers
Deny Family Differences.
' (Jen-oil Rcf-Ial prrle-.l
New York, Jan. it. -Hurry Thaw to
day protested to! hla counsel rains t
--iho-presence of alienists In thc-coui
room who had been . engaged by the
"-state to watch every, act of the prisoner
during the selection-of the -jury; It 'Is
understood that Jerome has decided the
defense Is going to plead .emotional
Insanity and has planed specialists - to
il a too tha prisoner closely nliHerhf-H
under the ordealj
a; .' The prisoners wife, mother- and
' his 'brother Joslah called early at the
Tombs this morning and remained tin.
' tit nearly 1 o'clock this afternoon. Pot
' lowing the, family conference. Thaw
-. talked with A. E'Peabody, one of his
: counsel, oa the result, of which Pea.
" body- tnad'a - a formal ' denial of any
. estrangement between various members
of the family.- It la generally believed
that May MacKenzle Is the cause of
7 -give up her friend's companionship as
. her husband's family desire. .. .
It la- rumored that the Countess of
Tannouth will return to Europe and
. baa taken passage for a ship sailing
. lata this afternoon, because she is at
loggerheads wltlv-ntber mosnoere. Of the
family. Shejs not on -the passenger
;' Hat ( the Kaiaerln Augusta Victoria,
-which sails today.. - T .
JTaiore Carefully Onarded. , r.,-
The Thaw Jurors are carefully guard
ed, but are subjected to no particular
hardship. Seventeen 1 rooms and a pri
vate dtnlng-room have been engaged
for them at the Broadway Central hotel
All publications - are censored and
clipped of all reference to the Thaw
case, and 'all letters 'to tha jurors are
I i.aiaad berore win given to mem.
VV Hartrldae of tha Thaw defense denies
all stories of a disagreement In tha
'' Thaw family.-' Aa a result of sin appar-
nt coldness between tha mother and
tha wifa of , tha defendant goaslpers
(Continued on Page Two.)
Rev. Henry M. Field, Brother of
Cyrus W., David Dudley and
Stephen J Passes Away at
' His Massachusetts Home.'
(Joarna! gserlsl BVntae.l
Plttsfleld. Mass.. Jan. 2Rey. Henry
Vartyn Field, last of a famous quartet
brothers, died this morning at his
home In this city, aged Si years. His
brothera, whose deaths preceded his,
were Cyrus W., to whom tha world owes
tha Atlantio cable; David pudley, law
reformer, and Stephen J., Justice of the
United States supremo court for 14 M
years. -
Ir. Held was norn at ntockbrldge.
gnachusetts, April 9, 1813. Ha grad-
uaffn from Williams college In 1SI
and studied theology. He was pastor
of the Presbyterian church In St. Louis
in 1U1-7. and resigned to go abroad,
where he visited Ireland In the year of
' the famine,' spent the winter In Paris
- - and saw tha revolution of IMS.
On his return he settled In West
Sprlngfleld, Uassachusetts, In 1850. re
. moved to New. Tork In liSa to phcom
aartner and later sole owner-, of ' the
Evangellit, In which he remained" 44
years. Ha circled tha globe in l!7-.
. He traveled extensively wrote of bis
Journeys and In later yeara wrote the
Mographiea of his brothers. -
Things That Interest j
In tha world at large, and lnour own world society happenings, dra
matte news, notes on art and books, and. music, whatever holds the
attention and arouses discussion finds plsca In .The Sunday Journal.
Tha Journal appeals to a wider circle of readera 'than does any other
. i. nn h. .na .f In Its 4lff.M. .Mllnn. fa ma,, aw .ha, kaa a M
LaW personal Interest for every subscriber.
. i Among the many features that have
subscribers and which have made hundreds of new bnes Is the fine song,
which Is given free to e'ery ptrrohaaer el ' .- - . , . .1 . .
I The Sunday Journal
; ,
Harry Thaw's Sister, Who Has Quar
reled With Hla .Wife Over. Mae
MaxKenzle, Her Actress Friend. -
Counciris Expectecf to Pass the
Ordinance for McCorkte En
terpriseShepherd's HigrTer
Saloon License Ordinance Will
Also Probably Pass Monday.
Tha special meeting 'of tha council.
called fot - o clock Monday afternoon
to consider the budget proposed by the
committee on ways and means, will
probably alsQ. take Up and In all.llkell.
hood cum thelount Hood Eaectrlo rail
way franchise and tha Shepherd liquor
licensa ordinance. . .i
i The Mount Hood ordlne,noo was an
proved by 'tha committee on . Judiciary
and elections yesterday "afternoon, and
It was recommended i for. passage with
tha following amendments: - That -at
tha time of tha acceptance of tha fran-,
chlsa tha gum of; 1600 be-paid to tha
city; that during the succeeding nine
years the Sum of 1500 be paid tha city
annually in advance; during the nest ten
yeara, 11.000 a year, and the -last five
years, $1,509 a year; that In three yeara
the company build a continuous line
from the eastern limits of the city 40
miles tn the direction of Mount Hood:
that len miles be built within tha next
two years and tha remaining 10 miles J
within three years, and that-a surety
bond In the sum of 150,000 be given
that tha company will carry -out the
provisions of tha ordinance. The amend'
ments were accepted ay.. Pr. McCorkte,
tne promoter ortna railway.
- Tha Shepherd liquor . ordinance pro
vides for a license or isoo- a -year, an
Inorease of 1100 over the present figure.
Retail liquor dealers era said to be In
favor or the higher license, aa It would
tend to-preren the establishment of
dives and the adoption by. tne people
at the June election of tne 11,000 oral
nance proposed any the Initiative One
Hundred. It if understood that -a dele
gation of liquor dealers' will be present
at themeetlng to advocate the passage
of h "ordinance. '
" " - e- ' t
: Earthquake tn West Virginia.- ,
Bluefteld."W.1Va..r Jan? I. A heavy
earthquake was felt here' at 1 o'clock
this morning which lanted 'nearly 1L a
minuter ' No serious "Carnage Is reported.
Jap Ttaa Berl-Derl. '
. Chevenne. TVro. Jan. A Jananeae
section hand Is confined. at the Union
Pacific hospital with berl-berl, an orien
tal disease. , ' .
found Immediate favor with old
1 .j
Gigantic Task of Fill
ing Eighteen Square
Blocks to Commence
at Once : v
Property Owners Let Largest
Contract Ever Awarded for
City Improvement Which Will
Consume Three YearsVTime
. and Much Money.' ' ' ' ;
u-'r:- . ' 1 "' ,:' ,
-v eighteen 'square blocks.' covering., a
territory practically 1.500.000 - squaxe
feet in extent, bounded-by Hawthorne
avenue.; Bast First 'street,' . Belmont
avenue - and I'nlon avenQe, which In
dudea the .slough In the central -east
aide, will be filled nnta-basement
level during the next three yeara; The
contracts! lia lar geat-aver-let 1y - prop
eny, owners tor improvements In the
city, waa awarded to the Paclflo Bridge
company today. - The gigantic task of
making .the riu, is to tx. eompJeted In
January. 1010. . , .. , r
The low Unds will be filled to-a
point within nine feet of the street
grade, according to the provisions Of
tha contract. , The,.' bridge company
placed the eharge at .5 cents a yard and
this was looked upon aa the most rea
sonable or any submitted The Puget
Bound Dredge company- also . pTaceST
bid, bur the latter was unable to com
pete with the local concern. The offi
cers of the. Paclflo Bridge company are
ii . sjwigert, . c. Campbell and
George V?. Simons. The equipment Of
the company will have te be greatly aug
. mented and orders for - additional ma
chinery have been placed la- anticipa
tion of this big work. ; .i : v..- -y '
Oosktaot Slgasd. : - " ''.
Thcon tract . waa elae4l
tng by W. M. La4d in behalf of the
Ladcf estate,, which awna four blocks
In this district, and tha other property
owners have already ' expreaeed . their
satisfaction with tha terras. The ffrst
work will be performed for the West
em Electric company, a Chicago firm
with branch electrical supply houses
In all parts of the world,- which re
cently purchased the north half t the
block between East Second. East Third
and Beat Taylor, with the Intention of
Immediately erecting a brick war-house.
.The fating of this property will add 1
greatly to the value of all property
between union avenue and the river.
The stagnant water that haa .occupied
tnia site so long and marte it a
Ing ground for diseases will be replaced
by solid earth and when the district
haa been Included within the fire limits,
aa has already been proposed, all build
ings erected on . the ground will ' be
brick, stone or concrete. Insurance rates
which heretofore have been : very
high will be placed among the lowest
In the city. . - . .
(Continued on Page Two.)
4 (Rinrlal Dfanatrh to Tb Jonrnat) 4)
4 Central Pol at. Or., Jan. It. A. e
e car load of Newtown Pippin ap- d
4 pies shipf ed from tha orchard of e
e ' W. Hj Nflrcroee of Central point e
ak" lalra ilia, f.ii. aa-.a e . .a.
- " -. i 11a- aa
Ing 13.000 In the London market.- e
Mr. Nercross haa received - a
check from W. B. 'Dennis . as e
Bona, the London commission
mercnanta tnrougn wnom the ap- e
plea were sold, for ll.SIS, the, e
oirrerence - neween thla and e
1,9. being the amount re- e
qttlred for transportation by rait e
and. steamship, the commission
and other charges. The commie- .
slon brokers report that this wss 4
the best sale of American ap e
plea, or of. any apples, made In e
the London market this season. e
It Is also the best sale of Rogue - 4
river apples thla season. -, e
' . ' .-r
Senafor'sWife SeelisonetaryBalm forYJounded
Feelings From Papers Thaf Printed Scandal Nevs
(Special Dlspatck te The loarnal.)
Washington, - D. C. Jan. . Mrs.
Thomas Collins Piatt has filed a libel
suit on three counts against the Wash
ington Post and another on two counts
against tha Times. She s-ks 1500,000
from the Post and $300,000 from the
Times, -charging libel n the articles
detailing her. trip, west and connecting
her name unpleasantly during the trip
with one Hedges, Senator Piatt's coach
man,' who accompanied, the party.
Mrs. Piatt denlea all allegatlona and
innuendoes in the printed stories, and
say her conduct with.. Hedges was al
ways honorable. ,"-.T . ,; " v -
If Mrs. Piatt la successful" she' will
bring libel suits sgainst the New. Tork
newspapers which printed ' the same
chargss. ;
Sedges) Affair he Be Aired, .-irf
The history of the connection of young
Hedgea with the Piatt tamlly will now
be -probed to the bottom-by the papers
that ' have been made-defendants,' and
detaila of the famed trip to 'Frisco will
be alrvd.
Not long after Senator Piatt's secret
wedding to 'the -dashing widow, Mrs.
Lillian T. Janeway, October ' 11, 103,
the bride paid her -first -visit to the
eenatora country heme; at -Highland
- .v.
. - -- -- - . - --I iu-i ,-' .;-.' . : . - ' : .it - .'
- . - , . . t .A .V 7 V 4 .- ' 1' ... .:. a j .1
- r (Continued enage -Two.) 7 ' ' ' '
.1 ui t- ? - I 1 1 I 1 if 11 ti 1 n rri
. 1 I - v . . . ' . .v-. : . .
xffavi w ' mj.j',-. .
II ll V -'. m ' ; . nenrys uonecxion in-rniiaaei-
SLL1 Vk H V:
Senator Thomas C.-Piatt and Hit Wife. , Who Hay Signed a Separation
Judge Gantenbein's
, Property in Multnomah County Alone
i r;. That . s Worth ;T$ 1 ,000,000 1
- Tax? deeds to property In thla county
worth more Uian ) 1,000,000 are held In
valid by a decision of Judge Gantenbetn
In the circuit court this morning. The
deeds Involved are to property pur
chased by the county at delinquent tax
aates and later sold by tbe county to
private Individuals, They are the sales
commonly called "Junk sale--",- r-
The decision was rendered In tbe case
Looking North Front Hawthorne Avenue.'.
Decision ; Today ; Affects
of George W Parker against j. K. Kol
lock to aulet the title to a piece of
property bought by Kollock from the
county under the law passed tn 1893, and
amended In 1001; - The Jand was ' held
to belong to Parker. Attorney H. It.
Rlddcll, representing Parker, had raised
the contention that under the law tha
-(Continued on Page. Twa)
Henry's Collection In- Philadel
phia Sold for-Fancy Price
7 Sixty-Five rTriousand . Dollars'
Keceived for a Troyon.
" (Jooraal gperlal Ser-Ve.) t M ' ,
New; Tork, Jan.. 26. Thirty, pictures
composing the collection of H. 8. Henry
of Philadelphia have been sold at auc
tion tor a total of 1153.800, The highest-
price glveq was tS,000, which Her
man -Sehaue paid f ot a Troyon, "Le
Ketour. a la Ferme." . . -
Thla la stated to be the second high
est figure ever received 1 at a publlo
art 'sale in thla country for a foreign
painting, the record price being t.000
for Meissonler's "Friedland," paid In
13M at tla disposal of A.' T. Stewart's
collection. . . ,. .
Senator Clark of Montana started the
bidding on the picture with 135.000, and
every Increase. waa troro. 31,000 ' to
35.000. Henry ' purchased this- Troyon
from.. Will lam flchaue, uncle ot thla lat
est buyer, for 334.100 In 4K9.
. Senator Clark's purchases, were two
Corota for 3)10,400 . and 334.000. Dela
croix' "Tlgre Serpent" for 34.700,1 Du
pre'a ; "Twilight"- for. $13,300 and Rous
seau'a "8unlight" for 33i.00. C. K. O.
Billings bouybt a Corot for 30,300 and
a Millet for $4,700. .... ,-
' . (Jnraal aneHsl 0-rrlra.l
Nei-ada Clty Cal Jan. 24. The- Jury
In the mining ault of -the Champion
Mining company vs. the Home Mining
company rendered f verdict this morn
ing 'awarding the Champion company
$25,000 d&ranares and costs. Tbe Cham
pion sued for $100,000 and proved ore
to the value of $33,000 had been taken
from the disputed ground.. Tbe Cham
pion company la satisfied and will not
appeal. " " , '
Rockefeller Must Pay Full Duty on New French Hair Which Of-
ficers Refuse to Release Claims It Is Worth Only a
Dollar Others Say Seventy-Five.
Oawaal ffp-ela! Strvlrs.)-
Cleveland, 0, Jan. 24. John D.
Rockefeller wilt not be allowed to wear
hla. new French wig until he pays full
duty on It. It la being, held by reve
nue officers here because Its value la
given as U,hUe the . off totals insist
It la worth 375. .Rockeuller ordered
the wig when In Paris Inst summer
and 'the statement of the maker saya
It la worth five fiance, or about $JU
Fire -Destroys . Dover
Mills Hundreds of.
Operatives Cut .Off
From Escape .
Fearful Scenes of Panlo Follow
-Only One 'Fire : Escape in
Four - Story : Structure : and
That Cut Off by Flames -All
Dead Mutilated. 'V
" (Journat Special Service.) "
Dover, N. H.. Jan. 2. At least II
persona perl-hod In af lra which-de-
stroyed the Cocheo- Manufacturing com
pany's plant' thia morning. Firemen at--'-noon
discovered the charred remama of -this
number on the fourth floor of;
Mill No. I. "
From 300(o 400 "operatives' were rea
oued trera the flames, which caused
property loss of 1500.000. Scenes ot
the wildest . excitementattended - the -"re.
. - -- -- - .. I . . ..'
Thirteen bodies were recovered, all
badly burned. The death list Is likely"
to be swelled by. (he deaths of many of
the Injured, scores -being hurt, many "
probably fatally. It Is probable that
there are a number of-bodlea aa yet un
discovered In the ruins, as the com- v
pany haa not yet accountofl tnr i h-
- The fire started' soon as the force
went to work this morninnr. Fully 400
were In the plant. The flames soread
with each rapidity that all those on the
fifth or top floor were trapped and
many escaped only by eliding down the
ropes. Some were probablv fatally hurt -
I by Jumping. A panic among tha
stricken workers followed. . Men and
women were trampled upon
poured through the rooms.
The firemen eaved many, four women
especially were rescued by the personal
' bravery of the firemen. Most of tha
operatives were women and glrla. There
sua only one fire escape, which wa
attached to that part of the building
and tha flames cut It off,, none wara
able to reach It. :
Practically every dead body shows
legs broken, proving that the vkjtlma -
were crippled in the first rush when
the crowd caused the doors to become'
Vagrant Arrested Near Mon-
terery, Sleeping in Shanties, ;
Proves .Well Heeled.
Paclflo Orove, Cat, Jan. tt. Alfred
Nafus has been ' arrested for vagrancy
at Monterey. He has been sleeping In
old shanties or In the pine woods for
two months, living on snch food as be
could pick up. When taken to Jail and
asked aa to his means of support, he
handed the officer $3.40 in silver.
Upon being searched, a $100 bill was
found In a coin belt around hie waist.
After being placed In a cell Nafus
pulled off a ahqjO and produced another
$100 bill. From the other shoa he
peeled off a couple of $100 bills, one
bill of $20 and one of $.
He la said to have come here In No
vember from Santa Monica, brlngln
with him several valises, which were
left unclaimed at the Southern Paclflo
depot and finally sent to the lost bag
gage office at San Francisco.
Nafus Is said to be a native of New ;
Jeraey and to have lived In Oregon
He haa been plaoed In a sanitarium.
Minneapolis. Mlnru, Jan. $. The fed
oral court today overruled demurrers to
Indictments In the rebate cases brought
by the government against the Omaha,
tbe Great Northern, the Wisconsin C-n.
tral and Minnesota A St. Paul roads. .
The ease will now go fo trial on the In
dlctmenta at the April term.
Rockefeller ties had many and vr(t
experiences with his Isx. tthn I
flrst wore one b- apne;Ur, t .,,.! I
Avenui Baptist chun t m,.l i
sensation. The t a n anm i-m 'i
affair, tll-flttlng ami full nf I i-
and accent rtr Itt-w.
Latter he got .noilnr mttle In
New York. That - 'I
French wig Is supposed to bm tut fc t
of then all.
: '-, '.7'-;-