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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE Or.ECOIJ ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. - JANUARY Zi, 1807. ; . t ioivn ic;;c3 i, JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 ' a . . . .- w All XH'jwri ihci-lb van now oo Reached Throngh V'ujuber. Call Mn llTt wheJou wish to telephone to any department . p( The Journal. ' A private exchange ha been installed In The Journal of flea with enough trunk line to acromraodata tha constantly In- , ereaalng demand upon tha tele phone service. ' Tell tha operator' whom you 1 Winn to apeak to, and aba will connect you at one. Remember. Main 717S 1 tha ew number of alt department- Of The Journal Illf .... R-kor..... Kreptre.,., (rautl .... Ur. ...... Lyric .....-......"Red reatb-" 'How Baxter Butted In" ..."The Mldolibl Klyer" a ef a , VaadrTllla :-fb Paine ot Hew lork" LSr Fnances M. Putraan. pioneer rest dent of thl city, died at aood Bamari : tan hospital ' yesterday following an , operation for cancer of the stomach. ' B Bh cam to thl atate In 1851. aettllng In Pouglaa county. "TrTTSTB aTlCTJeeirn - th wife of John Henderahot and two year fter hi death tn llaO wu mar ried to i. R. Putman - of Ooldendale. Oregon. Mr. Put-nan ' waa born In - , low on May II. 1847. and la urvlve4 by her husband and four children, Mr. . . Ji . Kin ley and Mr. J. 8. Hutchin son of thl city,. Paj-villa nd Orvllle Henderahot of Beattla, Washington. D. A. and Oeorga Johnson, two well-known resident of Ooldendale, are brother of decedent, and Mr. J. M. Long of Baletn - I a sister. The funeral will be held - - tomorrow - from - Krlcson'a i undertaking parlor. . . : . . "v.....;- ..';... - Thirty leader, Incladlng many prom inent minister and laymen, will conduct services at tb Y. M. C A. auditorium tomorrow tn obaervanc of tbo day of prayer set apart In connection with the union service now being conducted at the Whit Temple with -William- Ed ward Oell a speaker. The service will be opened at :30 a. tn, by E. V. Floyd, and a new leader will conduct the meet- , Ing for each half hour following until 9 :it p. m., when the aervlcea will be . closed by Dr.- J.-WWtcomb Broughor. - The special service are open to all In " lerested and all are Invited to drop In t any hour of the day. " Samuel 8. Boyce. head aawyer at the lnmen, Poulsen mill, died thif morning at o'clock, at his home. ! East Eighth, street, ; Mr. Boyce was popular .-among a largo circle of friends and a -well-known member Of Portland .lodge. No. 5, A. F. and A. M. He leaves a ' widow aVid two children, an Infant Is months old and Mrs. William Severance, living at South Portland. Tb funeral -service--will be -tomorrow -at-1 o'clock. i Tha Mason will conduct th exercises at th grave In Rlvervlew cemetery. -. . Bricklayer and maaona. you want to get a move on and go down to Adolph A. Dekum's hardware store, 131-123 First street, ' and get on of b.1 new mason levels before they are all gone. They are dandle and are selling -very rapidly. They endure th fall and Jars Incident , to J daily as wltaout' injury, and r-sve a clear, distinct Eclipse black band to divide the bulb, and It la easily aeen even at a considerable dis tance. - His stock of mechanics' tools Is most complete and he la tb fellow that aves you money, . ' Paper upon which tha grade of th -work performed had been marked have been mlaaed from th desk of one of -tha teacher In Room I at th High school for several days and Principal DavtN and other teachers, although unwilling to be hasty, bavo reached th conclusion that they were taken by on of th student, tb paper are very ' nMmurv to determine tha grades for th term just coming to clo and are only valuable to th student. . ' Captain T. K. Dunbar of company B, Third Oregon regiment, has been ad vanced to th rank of major tn com mand of the Third battalion. Th new commander ha been with th state militia sine US. H waa a first lieu tenant tn company E. Second Oregon, In-tbo Philippine campaign. . Tha educational department of the Woman's club will meet this afternoon at th bom of Mra. P. M. Jiuniaon, (71 Main street, A program will be given and some practical suggestion In vited. Member of th department and other Interested are Invited to attend. Found-i-On Fourth street, . betweon Yamhill and Taylor, a reliable place to have eyeglasses mad to order at rea sonable prices. Inquire of Oeorg Bu benatrln, the- reliable optician, 4IJ Fourth stroet. Rev. John Ovall I assisting Rev. C J. Lareen in revival meetings at th Norwegian Methodist churoh, corner Davis and Thirteenth streets. - Services every night at o'clock. Jeoob-A. Rlls, the famous "Nelflrork eltisen, appears- at the White Temple cm th T. M. C. A. Btar oourae Friday night, January JS. Reserved seats 10c and 1. pr : a-v :. i T. M. C A. fitar course number Friday night at tb Whit Temple. N. A. Ambrose, for -the past 20 year imploye of th government a a rall- alrx Can only be acquired by avinhg ready money to ut up Can only be acquired by having ready money to put up : itself. , . ' "ti Getaway from the drudgery of working all your life ' making money for another man. vu .. . A bank account gives you a standing with the man agement of the bank that goes a long ways in influencing ' a loan or an accommodation such as business men require. Dont get the idea that your salary is . too small to save anything. rv'- --'-'t;:" ' - You lived, didn't you, before you got that last raise? " Open a bank account with us and save the "raise" as a foundation for a business of your own. , SCMDIilG'TO Gl TALK OH OREGOn Episcopal Bishop Will Show in East What Church Is Do . Ing Her., PICTURES OF OLD r'" , AND NEW CONDITIONS Lecture Will Advertise State Among Church Member In Eastern State 7" -Delivered "tor" First" Tlme at - Trinity Church, Last Xlght.'- .What th Commercial club and slml lar organisation are doing for Oregon among commercial bodie of th east. Right Rev. Charles Bcaddlng, bishop of Oregon, will do among th church. He will tell In eastern state of the vast poasibUitie of this state and what tb Episcopal church la ' doing In Oregon and what' other churches are doing. Bishop Bcaddlng has prepared a lecture- entitled, "The Churoh In America tory of th missionary work of tb Episcopal church and . was delivered at Trinity church last night before a large audience. , ( Tlew Zllastrat X-ectare, The lecture waa under the ausnloe of the ladies' auxiliary and th offerings wer added' to tb triennial offering to mission by tb society. Tb lecture was two hours In length and th larg audience was deeply Interested through out. ". The lecture was Illustrated with 300 colored - etereoptloon views and waa . a comprehensive review of the .wjork of his church In America from tbeTarlleat times. He told of the early establish ment of the church In Virginia, the missionary work ; among ' the Indians, the colored race and -the people of Alaaka. He told how consecration was denied the first bishop a Jamestown, who afterward, however, received con secration by th church In Scotland. , - Oreoa Old and Vew, ; . The views taki on over th old trail Into Oregon, ahowiug the church build ing and beautiful scenery along the line of Tall roads In this state. Begin nlng with the original parish. Trinity church, he illustrated th growth, of the Episcopal church : and ' paid glowing tribute to th work -of Bishops Scott and Morris. . . . Though a recent arrival tn Oregon, Bishop Bcaddlng showed by. his lecture that be la. well Informed ou topics. per taining to tbe state and is .carefully studying the subject. The lecture tells of the wonderful possibilities of Oregon and will be of great Interest ' to the many parishes In the east, where it will be delivered next October. ... Jacob A. Riis. Jacob A. Riis, the famous New Yorker whom President Roosevelt terms "The most useful clUsen la New York,' will appear at the White Temple, Friday, January It. v " This man, wno a a young man was a police reporter . in New York, speaks out - of his -experlenc. which ' makes vivid pictures before the mind of th people as he addressee bis - audience. He ha a remedy for the evils he de pict and la this hla reform ,ls prac tical. He ha torn down and built up th tenement districts in the most con gested city of the country. After 3S yeara of persistent work he haa ac complished i; New-York what every one said could not be done. Mr. riis will begin speaking at t o'clock on Fri day evening at the First BapUst church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, under the auspice of the Y. M. C A. The re served seat are on sale at the Y. M. & A. for SOo and 11. . Mifwauklo Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Eel 1 wood and Oregon City car at First and Aldr. way mail elf rk, runnfhg on th Southern Paclfio overland between Portland. Ore gon, and Dunsmulr, California, baa re signed from th service. He- waa per manently disabled In the railroad wreck at Grant Pas January S of laat year, Th carmen's mask ball on Thursday nlghtr January 14. at Merrill's ball, will be the event of tbe eeason. Valuable door and floor' prise. .: Steamer. Jessie Hsrklns for Camas. Wsshouga! and way landings dally ex cept Sunday.- Leave Washington street -lock at t p. m. - v ,' . ' WantedTeams at Seventh and Oak, streets, $ per day. Elwood Wile, con-' tractor, .. ' Wllholt mineral water and salt. D. J. Wallaor Agt, HI Id. TeL Pae. 150. Acme Oil Co. sells tb beat safety coal ill and fine gasoline. Phone Eaat Jl. . Woman's Exctiang. Ill Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. IS. W. Moore, expert photographer, Elks' -building, Seventh and Stark St. ' Four thousand tulip bulbs at cost to close out, - 3. J. Butser. Ill Front st. Y. M. C. A. tar course number Friday night at the White Temple. - - PATEIGX DSUin VICTC-l OF "CHEAP. PERSECUTIOir: . Hibernians Pass Resolutions Pledging Support to Po- . lice Inspector. Captain of Detectives Patrtrk Bruin was give the undivided support of tbe amalgamated division of the Oregon Jurisdiction. Ancient Order of Hiber nians, In tbe resolutiona adopted by tbe society at its meeting last night. ' - The resolutions set forth that Bruin la the victim of a cheap political perse cution. Inspired by certain members or IWWIWWKW t Y I. Patrick Bruin. the counell. and the resolutions further declare that "we, the members of the Ancient Order of Hlbernlaas of Fort land, Oregon, declare it our solemn con vlotfon that this persecution against our said Brother Bruin is Inspired by racial bigotry, and for no other reaaon than that he 1 by birth a native Irlahman, and. In th word of hi persecutors, a foreigner, so-called; and that we hereby pledge ouraelvea under our fraternal ob ligations to offer our sympathy and sup port to ear brother. Patrick Bruin, In his fight against latent bigotry, and for hla right a an American cltlaen, and we openly defy his enemies, or the ene mies of any man of any race or creed, that is subjected to the same kind ot un-American treatment and persecution.'1- . i, 1.-,.-,..- HIKE DIFFERENT KINDS OF -FOOLISH PEOPLE : Lecturer Ceil Shows How Each Class Is Mentioned in the . ?-,.;-: ; Bible. :.;-,;- . Tflne Batchee of Fools Mentioned In the Bible" was the-eoblect of WUllam Sdgar Oell at the White Temple last night Mr. Gell declared at the outset that be wanted to accommodate the en tire congregation. If possible, and pro ceeded at once to classify his congre gation, with their consent, of course. Each fool Is mentioned In the Bible, and the speaker spoke of them as follows: 1 "The thoughtless ones are called fbols--lw--Iukw -snrrtti. A - man who thinks a little will mink nimseir Into trouble and Into a hole, but the man who thinks far enough and long enough ahead, will think himself through .and out of th tunnel Into the clear beyond. "Hypocrite are called - Too la" In Matthew x:Il. Those who wash th outside of the dish, but fall to wash tbe Inside of the dish, which also . comes nearest to their own Inside. People are fool who veneer themselves, They are en the same principle a the cannibal who wears a silk. hat , and carries a cane. I The 'unwise' are fools according to Epheslan v:lE. "That 'man U a cdh umroat . fool who lay up on red cent for tomorrow, while he fall to reckon with 1.000,000 year Juat beyond tomorrow. . . "Th "heedless one are fools, accord ing to Luke xli:!0. Go on building larger barns, buying real estate, making money, and buying oorner lots yes, buying graveyard lots I - Yon ahould rather cut your time In two give one half to getting and the other half to giving. - , "As for the thick-headed fool men tioned In Eccleslastes 11:9, I could not ret anything Into their heeds with a flash of lightning, and will have to let them go. "The self-confldent,' as well as th boaster,' Is a fool." On these particular fools, Mr. Gen touched on the cigarette question, saying: "I have been a pretty big fool In my day, but X have never bean a small- enough fool to smoke cigarette. One man bragged to me that he eould smoke 21 ' cigarette - a day. Wby, I have a stove at home that can smoke more than that.X This curiosity makes murderer of people. There are some things that we cannot afford to know. Adam could not afford to know what the result would be of disobeying God." ' - Tonight Mr. ' Oell wilt speak on the subject, "The Painted Face," and this promises . to be one of hla most Inter esting addresees. ; , - HERE FROM THE ORIENT Tad rose. Prominent Voblemas of , Orient aad Importer of Bugs, , BTow a Portland Motel, N. Tadross, a prominent nobleman of the Orient, well known In both the old and the new world a th largest Im porter of rugs and carpets. Is stopping for a few days at th Portland hotel. He 1 th representative In the Orient of George Jabour A Co., whose well known rug emporium Is located at the corner of Washington and Seventh streets In this city. . Mr. Tadross has brought with him for Jabour eV Co. th largest shipment of Oriental carpets and rugs that eVeV cam to th, coast.. Among th carpets whloh be brought with him Is one which was en exhibit In the Constantinople art musenm and attracted much favorable notloe from vtaltora. On thla rug Is a realistic rep resentation of the Gnrdcn of Eden, with animals, bird,, shrub, flower and th tree of knowledge. - A on would nat urally axpect thl Id a very costly floor ooverlng. Thl rarest of articles In It line will be on exhibition In th show window of Jabour at Co. ' tomorrow. Doubtless tb Oriental rug connoisseur of PortCind will find much to admire In thl new collection, -t preferred1 took Oaaned Allen aV Lewis' Beet Brand, DEW SCALP OF OFFICER ALLEN; St. Johns Saloonmeri Think H,e Is Too Active tn Enforc-. . ?r: Ing Laws. ' -. PHONE FRANCHISE ! IS SUBJECT OF DEBATE Whether It Is Advisable to Give I Home Company Exclusive Prtv- L- llt'ge. J. Quwrt Ion Agitating Busi ness Men Shipbuilding Plant. -', Zast Sid Department. . Not because of the usual complaint that be "slept at hla post" but because he was too wide awake, do the saloons of Bt, Johns want tbe offlce of night po liceman In that enterprising city abol ished - and .Of floor . O. Allen discharged. Because the officer was attending to hla duty and swore out a complaint againat a aalooa that, In strict. violation of the city statutes, was open after 1 o'clock In "the morning, has a petition been pre asking that' hla services hereafter be dispensed with.. The petition has. not yet been scted upon end is In the hands of the committee on heslth and police. At the trial the- saloonkeeper argued that ha had kept hla place open to oblige several men who had missed the last car to Portland after attending a fra ternal meeting in St. Johns. The court held this argument to be good, and the saloonman was released. - The ferry franchise ordinance passed Its last reading at this meeting of the council end the St. Johns Transporta tion company under the management of P. -J. Peterson and Henry Smith will have the new ferry In operation by March 1. The -new ' franchise seems satisfactory. "" - ; ,-..,... . Doubt "Phone Fraacbise. - : On account of the absence of Council man Norton the telephone franchise did not come un. And although there now seems to be a favorable sentiment for the franchise before the council, it Is the opinion of Influential men In Bt. Johns that tbe Home Telephone com pany I not able to give fit, John a suitable and satisfactory aervlce such as a growing city demands and that the city would eventually save much time and annoyance if the . other company were allowed to come In. a tbe differ ence In money will not cover the. dif ference in the service- They believe that-' It will be - some time before a service with Portland can be given and at no 'time' will they be given a long-distance service; business men will be required to pay for two 'phones where one would do the work, and 'therefore they argue that the dif ference In the grant to the city would be made up and paid for out of th pockets of- th bnsInessnTsu In BU Johns.. '! - shipyards Assured. S - At ft well-attended meeting' of-- the Commercial club last night Pretlllent D. C Rogers announced that the pro posed shipbuilding plant and drydock was assured and that Kelly Bros, had sent word that the O. R. A, N. waa pre paring . to make surveys for a spur which will enable It to bring tn material and begin work on thr yards immedi ately. - The. erection of the entire plant will J represent an outlay of 11,900, 000 and be one of the largest tn the Pacific north- west. However, while Kelly Bros. , promise tbst the yards will be built this year. tha drvdock mar be nost poned. The site covers 14 acre north of I th dry. The club adopted' tbe form of a map of" the city and waterfront which will be printed on all envelopes and station ery used by the business men In 8t I ohna. A special Joint meeting of- dif ferent organisations of the city will be held tomorrow evening to make plan for establishing a reading room. Thl evening the second convention of east side improvement assoclatlona will be held at tbe ball of the Kast Side business Men's club, "East Pine and Grand avenue, under - whose auspices the meeting Is being held. Mayor Lane haa accepted an Invita tion to attend as also many other of the city official, including Dr. C, IL Haffety, R. B. Lam son, O. W. Allen, Su perintendent Dodge and Engineer Clarke of the water board. The meeting will especially consider water facilities for the eaat aide. ..'.. pask Cash's Social gesssloa. . Th Woodstock Push r.lub will hold It, regular meeting Friday evening in the hall at the corner of Woodstock avenue and Prince street. The club has decided to make one of Its semi-monthly meetings a purely social affair - each month. Tbe Woodstock organisation ha a ladle' auxiliary, and the meeting to morrow evening will be one of the so cial sessions. The Isdles will bring baskets filled with good things and a program with muslo and speeches will be the en .ertainment of the evening, supplemented with dancing. Everybody MR. BRYAN'S PRAISE We're too baay today to write arnck tor the aper. " Berana Mr. Brysa hsa toM ss te nub ' ' Bis laundrv to H.l.m. Aad that h) the raper Be earefal, exprMSa, tkese kowaia doa't . erua. . . .., , . , Ttir are ton ptere"Whr arm't yna earrfalf Tke first be e had laoadered since lea-log 81. Psal ttsndle It teaderlr haadle It Brayerfal Doe't ta-e ap that parkage aa U 'twere a ball. -.i i 'f ITe ears tbst tn DsMla be beard of eer laaadrr, Aad resolved that the fu-at tlsie ae eaaie t tbe roat, Olnd to be free from his aenal enaadary, He'd visit tbe place ef wklck ail people boast. . "MagBiri-ent!" "SpW-ndld!" "Dellgbtfall" he atrled And we felt stoat pleassat raeetrtBg kis As fori ruU soar bs nwlly befntled a With wnrds that shall, live with a all ef ear dara. ' UNION LAUNDRV Tel.. Mala M. , 4 aad Columbia. HOTEL EATON ooa. MOaJtiioir as west Aax m. -NEW----- Randsataety foral-brd, el-tanttv etrntpned. rapraot, 0'e ailout.' walk from kasrt t4 hnpplrg sna biuliMSS dl.trlct. all Uraa, Iry, ourln rooms, ateaai, Uctrtr Itrhta, t-kptiene te each apartaieDt, ik tart (ft-M. leasstii. smnkln,, wrltlnc. Ud4M r.'.ptlon pa'-Ta, Hodm , raawtad hr asall er tslephoa. ' rnvato eatslhus bmsU toalas aad etoasiara. . Room $1.00 to $5.00 Day - I portal Batae te OwiMrtkl htMk : . . A. AaJlIIkOkO. gretsis-i. Interested In Woodstock's welfare Is In vited to attend. r Surveyors were working yesterday on Belmont street, which 1 to be extended beyond Weat - avenue. Mount Tabor, making It the longest street leading eaxtward from th river 'on- th eaat aide. This Improvement 1 badly needed by the realdents of Mount .Tabor, and if a park is plaited en tha crest of the hill it wUl be aeeded for a drive to th city. WANTED WANTF.n A ftnt-eU-a wa1treae. Tae Lnv dell Hotel, Warket st, bMwaea Third sad tutu-lk ate. . WASTED Good Ctrl t work la dialog- Mum. 104 Noci tb BevcatM at. WSTKr-Gond SIM te work la kttrbei 10 North Hernia at. - BRIOI1T. ambition yoong wmaaa te hare stamping and - tTt-n- m.litna nn nnt aad ouijr t!in- wao want penuaiiMit T.!1 l"l.T Pf'r-- The Needlecrett Shop, S83 V, aablngto t. WAJITFI Ctperlenoed enooolate and koa-Jn-b 4lpere. . Aldoe Candy Co.. iota aad QIKIJI WAftTKD Apaly StaaOsr raetor So. , Ur.pd are, and Kast Tarlee at. WANTED Strnnr aiMtle-afed woman, m. erel kouwork; bo wanning: 24: erlTit fsailly. Drawer O, Uoad Blrer, Orfoa. WANTED A rood lady eoofe at eaee. Oer , mis pnftrred. to eook for alne aoaraara. Oouimerct! Hotel. pskaae ae. WANTED tilrl for ehaaibarwork aad to -bale hvui-a. la ruth at, rmtTHE "WAirrs' Ttrg tb ouuauruo yaotg . If you want anything a 15 cent Classified advertisement will advertise the want amona 130.000 JOURNAL Readers! TMM ITOKS mi OURORBAT FKroAYaodl SAT If economy i tv -oblcct to yoii . r . n r iwu wcai sargain i-iays are irom a intra to as nan ot ui usual acuing jnc-i wiagiuvavarai:, is it any wonder shrewd buyer make it a point to come to this store v FIRST? Out-of-town orders filled with care. . ; - - I Sample ; Underwear Less Than Cost A manufacturer's entire sample line of wintcr-w-eight Uttder--wear for Men, Women and Children on sale Friday and Saturday at less than the trigi nal cost of making. Remem ber, this being a sample line there's bat one garment of a kind. Every style and weight is represented, including Chil dren's Sleeping Garments and Women's Knit Corset Covers and - Tights.- Come - and - see these great values, v MUSLIN . SKIRTS For a great Friday and Saturday spe cial we offer 10 dozen fine em broidery and lace-trimmed Skirts, $1.50 and $1.65 values, -mt-iv.-.-.-r.vr-.-.-.-.-. ..... Sl.l CROSS-STRIPE MADRAS .45 inches wide, in red, green, blue and gold stripes; standard 18c grade and never sold for less; special Friday and -Saturday .................... 1-Mf . COMFORTERS Filled with ' pure white cotton, full bed size and covered with best silk oline; our regular $2.50 irradej .special fl.0o FLANNELETTE GOWNS--Best quality, with large em , broidered fcolIar and turn-back : cuffs; reglilar $1.50 value; Fri day and Saturday f 1.19 . Best $1.50 FlanM Gowns At 97c Each 15" dozen Women's Flannel Gowns on sale-Friday and Sat urday at 974 each. Made of best quality flannel and taste fully trimmed with tucks, em broidery and laces. Come in plain colors and also in a va riety of stripe designs. We consider these a great bargain tt the regular price. You'll think the same when you see them. On sale for these two days , only at this low price. Mail orders promptly filled. New SPRING COATS and SUITS Don't Miss Our Great January Sale i Bargains. ;u- FIRST SHOWING OP f SPRING SHAPES OFT- AND" "... ZtSt'LCICsaasatjUnE, foff '' VZZK OF ALL $3.00 HATS Latest Assortment of ;i HATS lOntf TOM 1BI1 OOODI r. A LOWEST PUCB. SSiEiAiB toil should read every word of this ... . . . . . . , FLANNELETTE . GOWNS Made from heavy, fleeced flan nel, tailor cut and neatly trim med: regular 75c grade; special for Friday and Saturday only, at ,.. CTf BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS In plain colors and fancy-mixtures; our rgeular $125 and $U0 qualities, on sale for these two great bargain days at this low price 89 MEN,S"NIGHTSHIRTS--ilO dozen Men's Flannel ' Night Shirts, well made and regular 85c grade; on sale Friday and Saturday only, at this price, each ... . ......... ISO) TABLE DAMASK-72-iflch Pure .Linen ; Damask, extra heavy, rich new floral designs, and best $1.00 grade, Friday and , Saturday, special.. ...T5f Men's Wool UNDERWEAR ; 69c a Garment Men's Wool Underwear for Friday and Saturday at . less than half priev No man can afford to pass .up a bargain like this. Made-of fine Jersey, rib bed wool, hand finished and with best silk facings. We have all sizes ta start with, but would advise you to come as early aa possible, as the lot won't last long at this remarkable price. No mail or telephone orders will ' be ' filled and but two sttits to a customer. Come In blue only. 1 , NEW SPRING COATS In the popular box styles, in checks and plaids; velvet collar: regular $7.50 value, Friday and Saturday only, at this special low price ............. f4. 95 SAT2EN PETTICOATS Made of best quality mercer ized sateen, in the : newest styles; our regular $1.50 grade, 2-day special'..,., 98 OUTSIZE WOOL HOSIERY ---For women; full lashioned,' with double heel and - toe and elastic top;. regular 40c grade: Sate price ............... 2t MUSLIN DRAWERS 15 dozl Children's Muslin Drawers, on sale Friday and Saturday at this low, price; regular15c grade; special, pair ....... 10 CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STRUTS STIFF HATS JOHN B. STETSON in the City -V ad. Tha prices quoted for these. : r f i SPRING WAISTS ; Great Bargains " Another line of sample Waists focSpringj just in. Remember bow quickly the last lot was snapped up? Don't wait so long this time Come early and get the pick of the lot, and save about half what these identical styles will cost you a few weeks later. Dainty styles in fine lawns and linen, trim-t med with pretty embroidery and laces; long or short sleeves and dozens of different models, but only one of a. kind. 1,250 YDS. FLANNELETTE Fleeced back, Bedford cords and ducks, on sale Friday and Saturday at less than cost. Come in all colors, in floral, - tripe and oriental patterns and -are regular 10c and 1254c grades; special for these two days only, yard .5) TURKISH BATH TOWELS 50 dozen Turkish Bafh Tow els, heavy, double warp, size 18x36, and regular 22c quality, Friday and Saturday at this low . price, each; ..........,..18e FRINGED BED SPREADS Full bed aize, with cut corners, extra good weight and our reg ular $2.25 grade; two days only 1.T5 Regular $1.50 Corsets At 50c Each For Friday and Saturday only, Thomson's Glove-Fitting Cor set, in straight front, medium bust model, bias gored and made of very best French Cor set Sateen. A splendid model for the average .figure and a regular $1.50 grade. Take ad vantage of this remarkable bar gain and buy a high-grade Cor set at less than cost. All sizes from 18 to 30, but eomee in black only.. All sales are final No exchanges. ... . Now On Display Don't Miss Our Grest January S' Bargains. UK PAY : i.