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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
TIIC OliECOIJ DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING.' ' JANUARY M, 1907. Hi! 10 DRYAE3 ; Llail Orders Filled From This Advertisement 50c Uuckabuck39cYd Indian Baskets Less AT SALEM ,: t'r: - - ";: Great' Crowd Hear Nebraskan Talk on Political Issues, of the Day. . : ' ' In the Art Department. Shopping Baskets Made by the Grande Ronde In diani;' the real Indian designs and genuine good. we have reduced one-third for Friday. Read the prices: 55c ones for 37 75c, ones for . , In the Linen Alale, Fine grade huckabuck, in plain or fancy Jacquard patterns, for towel or fancy work, selling Ofl very special for Friday only, at the yard.... .VdZ White Lingerie Wsistings In open work designs, a grade that sells regularly tt 50c the yard; 1 nn pedal for Friday,-the yard ,....'...,..' ,...JOC 50e, 11.00 ones' for 67., $1.50 ones for :: .SI.17 Special Prices on 0. W; & K. Sewing Machines f l.OO and the regular $175 grade for HIGH PRAISE GIVEN TO GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN Commoner Bute Hla Belief In In itiative and Referendum and Also Recall Glad to Know That Pc lltlcal Lines Are Being Eliminated. Oiw WSlh Fnimj. Ecmmmf Safe Last FMm oa Be 29vh ftiMHzil Clearance Safe (SpecUl Dlepetefc te Tha JoarnmL) Salem, Or., Jan. 34. William Jen nings Bryan," tha recognised leader of ; Iemocracv, scored a tramandoua euc oeaa In Balem last evening wbeq -ha spoke to aa audience ot nearly 1.000 ' people that packed the Grand opera ' house from 'pit to gallery, while hun dred were unable to obtain admission and returned homo dlaappotntad. A large majority of the members of fha legislature ' occupied seats on the plat- Xfotm. AJ1 party lines were eliminated for -the time and Democrats and Repub licans did honor to tba Nebraskan. On hi eiUr&noe Into the ball Mr. - Bryan ' was cheered vociferously for several minutes. Mrs. Halite fairish Hinges then sank "Vive la America" and te ponded to an encore. Governor Cham l , . berlain then stepped forward and Intro duced tba speaker of the evening-, and aid: ,v , "It Is a great yjeasure and a privi lege for ma to come before you tonight and Introduce to you a man whose name , - is a household word wherever the Eng- llsh word la spoken; a man who Is loved . and honored by all classes, regardleaa of party. . I take pleaaure In presenting , to yoq the moat distlngulahed private cltlsen In the United IS La tee, William Jennings Bryan."' t ; ' Cheered for rtre mania. -, - For fully five minutes the audience cheered Sir. Bryan as he arose to de- -' liver his address, which was In the main of a political nature. He showed how ' the Republican party, had gradually . adopted some of the. planks of past , Democratic platforms, and that the " masses of the Republican party were : - Democratic) at heart. He then made a " Jear .differentiation .of .the Hamilton and Jefferson systems of government, ' showing; that the Jeffersoniaa Idea wag -winning favor, and that the trend, of ' ! government was mora and more toward a purer democracy. ' Hla address was replete with humor ous anecdotes which he used effectively - - In clinching his argument Said Mr. Bryan: "I appreciate the very eourteous- welcome that has been ' tendered me tonight, and I appreciate - ; ftha fctml-aal-4efr - anoken byTOUf - chief executive in Introducing me to you. I I regard it as a great courtesy ' to be Introduced by a man who has demonstrated . his great popularity In this state by your electing; hlra twice to the high offloe he holda Hla first election might have been an accident, but I know by- hla second election- that , you are thoroughly satisfied, and that he ''has your confidence. : - ----"1 enr-glaeytbe day I dawning -when ! partisanship Is growing less, that party fences are not so high, and .that party '. prejudices are not so strong. A good . demonstration of this Is exhibited In the Invitation 1 have generously received to address your legislative aaaembly to-morrow morning. They are a body of men, most of whom differ from me on political questlona ,1 am glad they can overlook. my political weaknesses and extend me a welcome into theft midst. I cannot talk on- politics there tomor rew, so I will have to crowd all I can .in my speech here tonight. ' - "I believe In the Initiative and the referendum: I believe in that. and. I sro ' rarthar I Twillava In recall. I believe .that the people should have tke power to recall a public servant front office 'when he has betrayed his trust."' ; The declaration was cheered to the echo by the vast throng. BAILEY GRILLS HEARST AS CAUSE OF TROUBLES y '(Kpeehd Dtopetck to The Journal.) Austin. Tex Jan. ft. J. W. Bailey, 'in thanking the Texas legislature fol his reelection as senator by 108 out of 147 ; 'votes cast, saids . , "William R. Hearst Inaugurated a .. campaign ggalnat me laat June In his magazine. He has sought to sow the atate with infamous scandal by sending .thousands of papers to be spread abroad by news .dealers as samples to poison the minds of the people. . . - "No men's character or woman's name s safe In his mad rush for con truest. iAJI his millions and newspapers oould not attract me to support such a man, who with all the machinery ever set to . work In American politics has sought to destroy me, as he has destroyed oth ers and will destroy others to eome. - "He is a man without character or intellect whose , candidacy would de bauch any race or whose leadership j would destroy any party a moral leper, , a political degenerate and a physical coward. He says things about me that he would not say to me." - JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 4 ; AU Drpartmmta Can Now Be . Beached Throngh Number. ' Call Main TITS when you' wish to telephone to any department Of The Journal, A private exchange has been Installed In The Journal office with enough trunk lines to . accommodate the constantly In creasing demands upon the tele phone service. 'Tell the operator whom yen frith, to speak to, and she will ' connect you st once. Remember. M'.in 7171 Is the new number of all departments of The Journal. , BRYAN SPEAKS TO .' -, PEOPLE OF CANBY Canby, Or.." Jan. 14. A brief address was delivered here by W. J. Bryan to the people of Canby while passing through on his way to Balem yesterday, lie stated that when he was first candi date for congress he had la hie platform l plank advocating the election of t'nlted States senators by direct vote ef the people and that he was glad to note that many states were choosing their anators through the direct - primary. "I am glad to see," Mr. Bryan con tinued, "that Oregon has successfully adopted that method." WITH ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT OF THE BEST AND BIGGEST CLEARANCE SALE WE HAVE iEVER KNOWN, WE MAKE THIS LAST FRIDAY AN EXTRA SPECIAL DAY, FULL OF SPLENDID SPECIAL VALUES THAT WILL BRING OUT THE BARGAIN SEEKERS IN SWARMS. UNUSUAL .' ' ' '. - eB- a a .iaffeK v W- W- W- aa "r"e Vt-.VYrX A ej-ea aaaaa ". eV w afx "s. ea e ie 'Jl tf -SrTa .em a"a asen s e u em ew-ef-m ej wstenstaetiii ama i.m -.,,-. . : , , ! j . , ViaUUito ADKJUriU ilJiKH, UK.VKXUAHrL,&i: JMU UNtUW. AN JiCUJNUMlUAL, M1XNIJ MISS 11. Buy Kitchen Needs Friday ,. '.; FourA Floor Sixth St....J Specials for the kitchen that the economical housewife will readily recognise as values out of the or dinary. .., u. '. . .' Picture Wlroi-Special; only;,.'44 Picture HookaSpecial, only, C dozen ; .............. ...... ,w Coat and Hat Hooks Special 7 for Friday, dozen ............ I v Repair Knob Dozen .......3 Sink Strainer Each .......10 Covered Roasters Size 10 Oft a k15 inches, -special Fridayr;vvUt Japaned Dust - Pans Special . . . e Covered Tin Bread Raisers.. .55 Gem Pans 12-hole; special.. 23 12-Quart Chamber Pails Made of galvanized ; iron; speciaV 45C Wood" BaaUapl FridayT.BO Wire Soap Stands Special.. .8 Dish Mops Special Fridaysrr Vegetable Brushes -Special A, Rattan Sink Brushes Special.. 1 Clothes PinsPer dozen.. 4. .le) Remnants Colored Dress Goods Hal Price This includes all cream and evening shades, and the remnants cpme In lengths of 1 to 6 yards each. All good lengths and mighty good fabrics. Buy rrjday, and no matter wnat tne regular price ot tne goods you select may have been you save ' Ml nit nan just ............................. j. Remnants of Colored: Silks for Half i. These eome In very usable lengths, of .one to eight yards each," in many colors and patterns. It's the be6t chance : to"-save ' on silks that you'll have for many a day, sd come here early after these Friday and have first choice. Remember, all remnants of colored silks at half regular price . . . . ... ,. . . . ... .. .... i ............................. . . . ONE ' HALF SILK AND WOOL DRESS FABRICS FOR LESS THAN HALF REGULAR PRICES $3.75 Lace Curtains for $2.85 A Friday sale of Lace Curtains in Brussels and Renaissance effects, two tone colorings, snd splendid qualities that Usually bring much better prices. ; There - are three - grades - in - the - lot,- and - that means that there are many dozens of pair J. reduced for Friday's sell ing. Here is the way we sell them. The $5.00 grade goes t4) OC FridarJot f3.76thL$40 jnt f 3.35,,tndL$4.onee. UQ Wool Velvet Rugs Size 27x54 inches, in floral or oriental designs, snd splendid values that sell regularly for $2.50 each, very. C 4C special fo'r Friday, choice of a lot of 150, only .. .....M.'w Special Sale of Feathers 10c A Friday aale of pretty quills, pompons, wings and feathers of all sorts; come in all colors, and were sold at two, three and four times ' ,this small Friday price. Come a-buying Friday jnotning and . IAa get a very pretty little feather for only ....u 1UU Ostrich Feathers I n black only, regular values up to $2.50 I QA: each, going on tale Friday morning and you take choice for.. ...itL -Fins) Flowers New arrivals, just what you want, to freshen r M A I up your hat; special value, for Friday only-rrvrriw. . . ,e) I.Ul. New Gage Hats Advance arrivals of the spring goods; come in navy, brown, black and two-tone effects, ready for sale Friday. I- ,- Specials in the Notion Aisle Shoe. Shining Outfits Consisting of brush, dauber and pol- ish; special Friday, set .... .tOw Hardwood Tooth Picks Reg- ft ular 10c package J...,. 25c Imported TooUt Brushes, 10e Rubber Cushion English Hair ..4 ..: Brushes worth PSc each; fCp special-v'. . . . ... UJL Writing Paper, and Envelopes 50 jt each, 35c value, Q special for .. .............. IJU 25c Package Writing Paper.. 15 10c Book Straps, special . . . . . . 6 25c 1907 Calendars, special.. .6 Detachable Dress and Corset Shields All sizes, special, Pearl Buttons Reg. 25c IC dozen, for ......... UL Hair Pins Amber or horn, one dozen on ctd, .20c" value," J g 5c Box Wire Hair Pins, special 8 Side - Combs In shelL or. amber, regular 25c values, the . JQ Any Silk Petticoat in This Vast Slo&OtFou Jest think of It. Yonr choice of about two thousand Petticoats, and . no matter what the price was you have your pick of this magnifi cent assortment st one-fowrth less than the tegular price, Friday. They come in blacks and every color imaginable, including the delU tate evening shades. Made of the richest silks possible' to find, or of the more modest priced goods, but you save on any one that you ; like. The regular prices run from $5.00 by easy stages to $6,50, $8.50, $10.00, $16.50, $20.00 and on up to $65.00 each, and, on any one in the store Friday, yoa save Fourth Women's Dressing Sacques, and Kimonos Msde of flannelette and outing flannel; sj lot of 400, so you may be sure that there ' are enough for all; regular values up to $1.25 each; special.... 4VC Save Third on Royal Worcester Corsets . - FOURTEEN LINES REDUCED '""''.'"-' , '"'..,' A sale thit takes in so many. Corsets that every woman in , Portland may buy one of the best there is made, and buy it at a saving. There are Corsets for all figures in this immense sale, for remember, there are fourteen different .lines in all. Most ef the models have hose supporters attached, and there is a brosd range of choice in models, Snaterials and prices. .-'But H.yoa come now, on sny corset in the lot. ThlfH -yoa save ........,. ..IIIIIU Gowns Two 1 Children's Dresses Made of black and white checked goods and trimmed with red braid, for little girls from 6 to 14 years of age.- Regular values to $6.00 d 00 -eachprery special for Friday ... ejjaVeJrJr Entire ' Stock' of Small Children's Coats now at Half Regular Price. ,yon Women's Outing Flannel styles, kimono effect or big neck; come in all sizes; regular values $1.50; f1 AO special for Friday ...?I.VO Women's Outing Flannel Skirts In pink, white and blue stripes; regular. 20 40c values; special Friday. ...oiW Friday Hourly Shoe Sales Bring 7 ' . . . ... . . -1- ' ' - Better Than Ever Values V -f-:: FROM S TO 9 A. M. ' Small Girls' Shoes In button or lace; many styles in fancy and plain leathers; all have first-class soles and uppers, and are well made throughout; ' . HQ a ' spring heels; sizes 5, to 8; value to $1.50 ItL Same in small sizes. 1 to 6 ....................49 FROM 9 TO 10 A.' M Girls' Shoes Made of kid or prime box calf, with light or heavy soles; sn sssortment made up "of broken lines; good shoes, but not all" sizes, though there are plenty of sizes one, one and a half and two; these are regularly worth up to ' QQ $175 the pair; for one hour only JJL - t FROM 10-TO 11 A. M. v Women's Felt Juliets In many colors, trimmed in black, brown or gray chinchilla. The entire stock divided into three lots and priced like this: Worth to $250, for fl.B Worth to $1.69, for ..fl.19 Worth to $1.59, for ... ti.. ......89 FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. . Men's Box Calf Shoes Made with half double sole, blucher cut; a good, substantial . shoe; 40 A value $3.00, special price .? 1 7 FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. Men's Highest Grade Shoes Made in patent and calf leathers, button or lace; last and styles only found in the very best grades.. We shall include in this lot broken lines of as good shoes as tO OQ can be made, in value to $6. Sale price.... Jv0J FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. : J ' Men's Shoes and Oxfords Any style, sll most wanted patents and dull leathers, blucher, button or regular lace, ..swing and straight lasts: built wjth light soles for dress wear or heavy double soles for hard service. It doesn't matter for what nyarpose you want them, you can find just what you want in this assortment. Come and take home CO 1Q a pair of shoes. Worth tip to. $5.00 $di I J FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. Men's High Cut Boots In black or tan, with 10 or 12-inch tops, full double soles and viscolired. Good boots that are regularly worth to $6.00 tM CA the pair; one hour .. ........ 4iiuU 'Mm vt7:: i Tt:T..: FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. Women's Odd Lines of High-grade Shoes Made in hand-turned and welt soles, button or lace; a large assortment, embracing styles and material found only in this grade of footwear. Mannish ef fects and college designs; also all styles of heel and toes. No better shoe made. Laird, Schober & Co., Wright Peters, Hallahan and Son; f9 OQ Value to $6.00; sale price .Jt.OJ FROM 4 TO S P. M. Girls' School Shoes Made in several styles, in box calf and kid leathers; good, heavy soles; lace or button :.: . ' Sizes 5 to 8, regular $1.50; now ......fl.19 Sizes iyi to 11, regular $175, now ...... ...f 19 Sizes Upi to 2, regular $2.00, now .........f 1.69 FROM S TO 6 P. M. , , Boys' Shoes In tan or black, blucher or lace; good, heavy soles, with uppers 'of kid, calf and English grain leathers. Sizes 9 to 2, regular $2.25 tt OA now fl.39, 2U to Syi reg. $2.75, now ...,e) I .Qj $2 tard Cases y' Sixth Street, Main Floor. 1 ' Made of genuine pin seal, or polar seal, in the regulation sire, snd they srs good values at $2 each, as it is possible to produce. Come in black, tan, brown and green; regular value $2.00 each; " 1 1 OC special Friday 9IIJ Women's Hand Purses With strap handles, made with inside coin pocket, and outside flap has pearl or leather button clasp. These purses sfeour reg- Q0 ular $1.50 value; Friday 70v WeHesley Shopping Bags Made of finest tanned goat, with draw string; come in black, brown and colors; regularly sold at 65c each; special Friday .. . Many other specials In Leather Goods, In all sorts of qualities and articles. . . p una 4.5c Men's 25c Bow Ties 5c Silk Shield Bows -In a large variety of patterns; goods that sell regularly at 25c each; very special for Friday, CA only .....,.;.Jt Men's Four-in-Hand ' Ties In stripes, dots, plaids and other designs; regular 25c 1,fv goods; special ...i.,.. .luL Boys' Golf Shirts Sizes 12tf to 14, nice line of patterns to select from; regular 50c 0f and -75c goods; special.... LOL Men's Kid Gloves Sizes 7, 7i, 7H only; regu- JC lar $1.50 values; special. ..OdU Men's Bath and Lounging Robes Every one in the house goes st one-third less than regular price ...3 Men's Cashmere Sox la Oxford gray, seam iest; regular 25c values; special, .. ICa Friday,' a pair.... ..ML Men's Smoking Jackets, snd House Coats Your choice of any in the store, st 1 one-third less than regular price .........3 I Men's White Dress Shirts Regular Cp v$1.00. values; special Friday ..0lv 30c Embroideries mmc'm A "lot of broken sets' of Embroideries, in widths that vary from 3 to 18 inches; very pretty patterns, and they come in Swiss or Nainsook. We have divided them into six lots and the prices are sharply re JQ duced.. The regular 30c qualities ',y Worfh to 45c the yard 85 Worth to 60c the yard .... 39 Worth to 85c the ysrd S Worth to $1.00 the yard 3 Worth to $1.50 the yard ...98 Turnover Collar and Cuff Sets Embroid ered in black, white, pink, red and ICf blue; very special at the set' ........ UL Women's Handkerchiefs Made of Rich srdson's linen, with hand-embroidered ini tial; regular 35c value; special f Q Friday, each M v. Valenciennes Lsces, snd Insertions, in widths from Yi to lyi inches, and values that run to 75c the dozen yards; OCa yery special Friday, dozen yards. ... Xut Mens Umbrellas With carols cover and taped edge, steel rods and paragon frame; fancy horn or box wood handles; CI AO splendid values st $2 each; sp'l,... )l40 $1.25 Union Suils 95c Women's Merode Make Union Suits In medium weight lisle, in the fol lowing styles snd sizes: Long sleeve, knee length, in sizes 5 and 6, high neck and short sleevei in sizes 4 and 6, low neck and "no . sleeves, in sizes 3 and 4, high neck and long sleeves, ankle length, in sizes 3 and 4. every suit tn tnis lot is a regular 1.Z5 value, and the Friday price is but ........ Women's Vest a Fine ribbed, witfi wing sleeves, ; regularly 25c; I0 special ....... ..... I OL Women s White Lisle Vests In extra sires. 40, 42 and 44; regular value 35o each; speciat ..... Women's Hose Of prime black cotton, with double xoie; regular o.c value; . special Fri'I.iy .. Women's Wors'J Hose Medium weitr'U, black; rep!?; ir t ins ivi is 95c r 23 c 1, with ,18c special Frui . e . . . sVa Vj $1 Collar Pins 69c Jewelry Department, Sixth Street, ' Main Floor. Fine quality, gold-filled Collar Pins, set with genuine ' baroque pearls; come two in a set, and the regular price is $1.00 the set; spe cial for Friday, per ' ft0r set UC Sterling Silver Bon Bon Spoons In several different designs; retr't lar values $2.00 and $2.50 tt I') each; special Friday tJ Sterling Silver Lockets In as sorted sires, plain or fancy em bossed designs; regruUr vahis to $2.50 each; special ( Friday . : Sterling Silver ?"' match locket; f , - I Friri.'sy fter'.. i f ' 'X V 1 ' ' Orr - TI , - ', v a ! ',-;' i 1 ....