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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
- a ; ' THE OREGON1 DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND. -t - THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21. 1007.. tract laborers at the lime thejr landed at Honolulu t And If ao, why were they permitted to landt That la something that this department will probably as certain in time. At ppaaant I out information on tha aubjsot . I can not tsll what wUl be dons about it until I am in possession of facta , SKETCHES OF HARRY KENDALL THAW REFUSES TO DISCUSS PHASE OR JAP LABOR Waahlngton.' Jan. 14. As to ths alle gation that Japaneee were landed at Ban eommlealoner-general of Immigration, said tonight) "I have no report to make oa that If they oame from Honolulu we could not stop them from landing on the mainland. They were already In the oountry and eould oontraet to oome here or anywhere else In the United. States. - The question is, wsre. they eon- 'e . .atf Franolaco after they admitted they were V V;-1 . '--ar St x,rv contract laborera, Fran p. nargent. mm 1 '':;- I, BW V ( I I I; ..I T1 'Hii .111 . - m i r - . f - -. mmmmM I ACCEPTED REBATE - WHILE On BOARD Railroad" f Cbmmlssloner - Takes Sam Favors He Was Sup ; RESOLUTIONS UrrtKtD IV iniVCOIIUAlb vAgC Wuhlnftoa Member at State Corn i mladon Draws Balturj to 'Tight V ItaOroAd Dlacrlmtnation He Hlm elf Vtm for Penonal Cialn. i nMetal MnA t Tto Jovul.) -'."f ."" Olrmpla, Wuh, Jan. 14. Reprsea tttT Hutchtnaon of 8pokn wpraag erudition In tb houak UUa mornln by lntmducing th followlnc reaolutkuii "Whareaa. It la ooramonlr report 1 ' that a former number of tha a tat rail ; way eommiaatoa haa accepted a aalary r from tha atata aa a railway commla - alonar. to tha amount of oyer 11.000 and ' ha only devotad It daya of hla Urn . to tha duties of said of flea; and, - Whcreaa. It la rnmmool . ; that aaid railway eommlaalonar ha an i, Joyed much lower freight rates than ' the aeheral nubile nays on fralchts of lower claaalftcatlon --on ' tha- railroads ' , within this state, therefore, na it ' . "Reaolred. That a . Joint ; committee - - oonaUtlnv at fire members of tha houa and three members- of the senate be ' appointed to Investigate ' the charirea aaalnat said former railway oommia- aloner and thai aaid Joint eommltteeJ be clothed with, power to compel tna - attendance -of nersons and papers and -.with authority, to administer oaths and - to compel the rendeiine; of testimony. " He mored Its adoption by the aouse at onca. but after a spirited dlacuaslon It was 'referred to tha oommlttee- oa ' ' on record, Hutchinson demanded a roll ' .aJI. The result was a TOte of Tt to 20 for sending it to the committee. IMUW pn;iH rm wv,v Bi,n w tha lima company of which McMUUn ; Is president and manacmr. ' , -k A bill making; 'tt 'a felony for eor- poratlone, Joint stock associations, ee ' partnerships or individuals to make or ' MiKllaK 1 a, mrt , , Int, 4ftteAne4 , by Senator CottrelL It provides a pen . alty of a fine of not mora than 110,000 or Imprisonment for not more then 19 years, or both such fine and Imprison 1 ment. A tares del-ration was over from ' Seattle last nlirht to plead for a $1,000, ! aoo appropriation for thaklaaaa-Tukon-'' Pacific exposition; A hearing; was given ' by tha Joint appropriations oommttteea, but no action was taken and it la be ' lleved that the bill will have to Uks Its reular course la spite of the fran ' tie efforts of the Seattle people to have It railroaded through. f Twenty-alx below aero one night In Bend. mntn-t) w.k IlereV a Drive in Shoes A four-in-hand for your feet. .. ';, Four shoes are necessary .. for the comfort of "every pair of feet. ; ;.. . ' " ' ' - Change every day it's econ omy, too.-- ' Waterproof Shoes ?2.85 were $3.50. Business Shoes 2.85 were 3.t0. .Dress Shoes 93.85 were $5.00. This is the home for shoec , ' comfort. ' ClotlniTqCo CaiKuhnPiciO Men's and Boys- Outfitters.1 ICS and 16S Third Street; . Ilohawk Building, The above drawings were made In the Tomb before, the prisoner was placed on trial for the murder or Stanford white. Five Jurors nave , been selected In the flrat two daya of 4te trlalIIenry C. llarney, , piano dealer, belns the fifth. .-, , TOUGHCUSTOMERS- - TO. BREAK ROCK Seven Men Arrested In Lodging House Are Sentenced to T" 'Kelly's BirttCTr r Tor the anralng to days-Wi-J. Kod- gsrs, 11 Bowland, Charles Winters, Wil liam Clark, Kick Miller. Charles Ander son and William Porter, arrested la the rail on the rooming-bouse at Front and Clay streets last Friday by Detectives Burks, Baty and 'Klonlln,winsjal-l: forded aa etnimluuuyof testing the quality of the blue rook at Kelly's Butte. The seven men were sentenced this morning In the police court by Judge Cameron., J . 1 ,v ' . William Sweeney,' the youngest mem ber of the gang of alleged criminal, was alsa found guilty but-wirr b'e kept la the city prtaon tor a few daya so as to afford the detectives aa opportunity of aubjeotlng him to the "sweating; . pro- cess" with a view of wringing a con fession from the youth. . ' According ' to advloes reoelved today Ranklns and another of the gang, who sraa known as Johnson, are accused of having brutally murdered an unknown man several weeks ago. The officers in Psndleton atata that the other thug was known . aa Johnson, but it Is thought that Rankin's partner. Anderson, Is the man wanted. Frank Wans, naught In company with the other men, was able to produce evi dence that ho had been working and was allowed to go on his promise to leave! town at once. He has signified his in tention of going to Tacoma and tha po lice of tha Puget sound city will be no tified to be on the lookout for him. ' j Frank Kelly and Tim Jones, also mem bers of tha gang, ware given 10-day sentences and are now at work on. the roekplla tn view of the desperate char acter of the men Superintendent Brlggs of Kelly's Butte will keep them under close surveillance, as they may make aa attempt to break JalL WHITELY'S ASSASSIN IS STILL UNKNOWN (Jeeraat apedil Servlea. London, Jan. 14.- Whttelys assassin remains unidentified. ' His own wound Is not fatal and be was hurried to the hospital. Much mystery surrounds the sa. Whltelr was closeted with the maa aa hour before the shooting and finally went to ' the door saying, "I can't argue any longer: go or I will call the police.'' The man then drew his revolver and fired. . The second bullet slightly wounded a . customer. Whltelr Is ths Marshall Field of Kn gland. Ha started small and now has an Income of 100.000 annually. Late this afternoon, ths police sar. the as sassin gavs the name of Cecil Whltely nd told them. "I shdt my father." Whlteiya two son vtstted him,-but said they never beard of tha man and didn't know him. . . - .. .,. LINN AND LANE SETTLE - BOUNDARY DISPUTE (By a Staff CerretDoedent.) State House, Salem, Or, Jan. 34. The boundarjcrtlspute between Linn and Lane counties was settled this morn ing, ss far as the house Is concerned, by "the paaaage of tha Edwards bill, fixing the boundary Una The bill was fixed by united delega tions, from the two counties and re ported upon favorably. Ths only point of difference was the care of the road loading from tha mines to Kugene, but running a rong way in Linn. count Linn objected -to keeping up tha road, carrying all business to the Lane coun ty town. Ths matter was compromised and tha bUl paaaed with no opposition. ICE JAM IN RIVER - -- BREAKING, UP . . w Purser Short of the steamer e F. A. Kllburn - telephoned ths d . local agent of the eompsny late -this afternoon tbst the tee jam In the Columbia near St. Helens Is on ths mova It Is expected 4 that the oriental liners Aragonia and N loomed la will reach Port- land, this evening. Tha San Franclaco steamer will probably arrive up tomorrow.' r--- ; j FOREST GROVE'S ' NARROW ESCAPE sWaTaeeBanawaBSBassawasBl Heroic Work of Firemen Prevents Fire From Laying Town n Ashes. r (Special Dispatch to Tb Joanuil.V nnn nr.. Jan. 14. The old Western hotel on- Paclflo avenue was totally jSeatroyed by. fire this morning at 1 o'clock and the whole town would have gone up in smoke had It not beea for tha herolo and efflclent . workpj tb-r-nTilnenT i-r-nTilneisr, . v tli van tha warnlna at 11.10. , Frank Baer, ths motorman of the local street car. having Just dis covered the bias, "which had startsd .k. n.,v. anit of tha old eating- v irt.A MmM - broke Into, the building and saw that no Inmates were n...ufnrih Airntmtl all their attanUon to saving . the remaining 'a! -yjt i..imi., m situated between i Of VIU lf.ii.t-, atiuki on the east snd Johnson's big brick llvsry stable-on the west and au nne - . i.. ,ii,Ar 1 The flremen turaea vn mi" r . destruction of over IIOO.OOO- worth of PrThartfira wss without doubt tha work , i.h. im laid eareful nw 1 1IW.HUI . i , aad canning plans to burn the a am building two waeas a so hh At that time Ed Thomas, a laborer, i . ... Af'thti nntMir rooms of the ley vmw ww hotel, and when ha came home about t o'clock he noticed a Hgnt sninms m back end of tha hallway. On Inveatlga- m..m . t - w rtf nawananers (ion -- ' - , j and excelsior thoroughly saturated wlthl eoel oil on ths noor la tne miaat oi which was a burning eandls arranged In .nnh a. wav aa to be sure to catch when n burned to tha paper, . SMOKER'S CASE Automatically Dischargee Clg- arette and a Match Novelties are nowhere la greater de mand than . among tobacco smokers, n. - mm hm mora unions ths novelty ths more Interest It will arouse. A recent invention in 'tnis una m comblnatlon elgarstts and match ease i i. u- m.i.iMttnn Tt eonalata of pUUWB 1 1. III. - -- a tslescoplo ease, one side comprising a cigarette receptacle uw nm -waw match reoepUde, with a partition be . n- mtAm f tha nartltlon are slots for the automatic dlsohargs of a cigarette aad a matcn aimuitaneouaiy. The ease Is first loaded by dropping the cigarettes and tha matches In ths re spective slots. In tha receptacles they rest upon an Incline, which forces on of them at all times on top of the dis chargers. To dlsohargs ths eontents, the Inner portion of the telesooplo ease Is raised, whicn allows a cigarette ana match to come in contact witn tne dlsohargsr. As ths cass Is lowered all the clgarettee and matches naturally fall'io the bottom of ths receptacle ex- MS ; ' li'i -i I I it h r . DISCHARGES AUTOMATICALLY. eept - those on the dlschargars. Which sre forced out through the slots la ths top-ofr-ths ease.;;, . t ..- 1 v . Governor and Press Agree. From the Albany HsraldT Rep.) Practically everything touched upon In the governor's aieesaa-e has been ad vocated by tha country preeev A govsrH ner cannot go far wrong when ae keeps la tauck with the ooantrr press, j CROVOS .7ATCHINS SCREEN HEHACE .VIKDOIYS Third-Street r Merchants Want . Picture Exhibition Stopped ; jjy City. ' Relief from tha nuiaanoe oreg,ted by the nightly exhibition' of moving pio turea on a screen erected oa the roof ef a building on the . northeast corner ef Third and .Morrison streets is - asked by a number of merchants doing busi ness la that vicinity. . ; ' In a communication to ths council, presented this morning, the march ant say ths plotures attract such a large number of. people to tha Intersection of the streets that corners are crowded, streets blockaded at times, buslnsss se riously Interrupted and . ths traveling public annoyed. Ths crowds not only menaoa tha plate glass windows against which many persons lean while viewing n pictures, but they also obstruot the view of the merchandise, "and thereby cause a loss tn ths advsrttslng value af forded by ths window displays. -Baturdar nights tha crowds Interfere with the oustomers passing to and from ths stores. Ths practice of holding such exhibitions, the communication says. Is In violation of all city- ordinances, ahd establishes a precedent which might fos ter similar snterprlsea None of these enterprises would .produce revenue to ths olty. - Among the signers of the octmmunloa tloa.are Bohsrts Bras,, MeAllea ek M Donnell. Henry Jenntng ek Sons, Samuel Rosenblatt aV Co, the Skldmore Drug Company, Albert Welch and tha Wonder Millinery company. . GEARIN WILL' SERVE V- V TILL MULKEY QUALIFIES " (SfMrial Dtspatck Tie Xrarsal)' Washington. D. Cm Jan. 14. Doubts concerning . the time , which Senator Oearin may serve were solved today by senata eommtttss on rules deciding that hS shall stay until Senator Mulkey files his orsdentlals and quail flea la the sen ate peraonally. Senator Mulkey la ex pected to arrive here Monday. WHILE UNPARALLELED INDUCEMENTS PREVAIL r -'H; ".- ' ': : i::-r:-..:. v-. f -.v ,;v.'-;:,';.:;,y1 . There la certainly "something doing" at Eilers Piano House! And no wonder, when we of- fer to sell you a, piano at retail on a wholesale basis, allowing you to choose from a stock of "nearly five hundred of the finest instruments known to the piano world, and then give you , hist about as long a time as you, want to settle in. It Is certainly quite out of the ordinary. But we've got an immense surplus stock to be moved in a hurry and we propose to do it in about, one tenth of the usual time. And we are doing it through the Cooperative Club plan. Join one of our five clubs and take advantage of the extraordinary inducements... . OUR GO-OPERATIVEGLUIVPLAN MAKES BUYING EASY CLUB MEMBERS BUY $225 PIANO FOR $137, $275 PIANOS FOR $178 - $325 PIANOS FOR $218, $400 PIANOS FOR $278 ; : i ' $475 PIANOS FOR $307, $550 PIANOS FOR $368 ' - Club members effect a savins; of nesrlv a hundred dollars on the lowest price pianos, and almost two 'hundred on the more costly grades. Your first deposit, which is applied direct on the purchase price, entitles you to membership, and your piano is delivered at once. You can then take. a long time in which to settle the balance. Club membership secures for you the immense discount which puts the piano In your home practically on a wholesale basis minus regular profits, and at a saving of 90 per - cent regular selling expenses. Payments as low as $1.25 a week will secure to club member arf ex.,. cellent instrument and if you esn spare a little larger . weekly amounts 4li0, $2, $2.50 or Hyou can buy as fine an Instrument as any heart could desire. First payments range from $7.50 upward, ac cording to the grade of piano. Easier, more liberal terms were never inaugurated by any piano house In the united States, and lower prices were never quoted by a reliable house. , . . HELP US AND YOURSELVES Assist ns to move this great surplus stock, and benefit yourself "at the same time. ..We've made' the " inducements worth the consideration tf any prospective piano -seeker--we don't-believe- there will.; be anothmsuch opportunity as this in years to come. If you're a man of family, and there is no piano in your home, nows your chance to put more happiness into that home than it ever contained before. Think of the genuine pleasure, comfort and entertainment it will afford the wife, and the ; i in rAmmm iMii reach ef vanr children, t- And a trfano lasts a lifetime it's some- f thing iubstatialr-A-htrnsrwhhotnrVpiana It will never come, mows tn time to ouy ana eave. . ., - PIANO-1K10.USE BUSIER, BIGGER' AND BETTER THAN EVER ' ' Nbw Number, 353 WASHINGTON, Corner of Park WmM Jardinieres to Close - ' Out Regular 75c, now Regular, $1.25, now Regular $2.00, now Regular $2.50, now Regular $4.00, now 43 mT ,........ " v 1.40 f2.80 Now is the time to buy. Toilet Paper Special Acorn, roll, dozen .85 Our Fair, dozen 74 MWoodlar1c, doten". .8T Mount Hood, dozen ........93f For $1.00 we will give you 12,000 sheets ef the best Tissue ever made, with nickel-plated fixture. Ask for A. P. W. Reliable Alarm Clocks All guaranteed per feet . timekeepers. -Choose from our stock at these spe -da! prices-- T8, fl.08, fl.36. .J ... Ormolu Clocks (. flJIO, f 1.65, 93.25, f 3.45. Thee sre repultr $1.85 to $5.00 Clocks, snd 'are beautiful little ornaments for any home. W00DMD, r:. Extra Special Sale of ; Bohemian Glass AT A REDUCTION OF ( 80 PER CENT "; Ice Cream Trsyt, reg. $24 Special.. f 16.00 Comport, regular $4.50 Special ...... f 3.15 Bowl, regular $6.00-Special ....M-20 Handle Nappies, reg. $2.30 Special.. f 1.61 . Footed Bowl, regular $1.60 Special.. fl.ia Salad Dish, regular $14 Special...... 89.80 Spoon Trays, regular s $420 Special.. ?a.t4 Cake Plate, regular $820 Special ....85.T4 Bon Bon Baiket, reg. $8.00 Special. 5.60 Rose Jar, regular $1220 Special V... 88.54 Finger Bowl and Plate, regular $3.10 Special ,. j. fa.1T ' Sherbet Cups, reg. $Z0O Special .... Wines, Liquors and malt extracts Ml Our CUT GLASS at a reduction of 30 per cent Make Your Selections Now- At Special Prices This Week. ' We Guarantee ; the Purity of Our Brands. " -"'. , - Special. Fisher's Pure Malt Whisky,........; T5eV "Chicken Cock," bottled in bond .... , 94 Fisher's Bourbon 084 "Nolet's" Gin, genuine imported Hoi- -' land .......fl.05 Extra fine Old Scotch ...,$1.15 Old Bourbon , TOa Lenoir Brandy 994 v . wines. . (. . , . , California Port, quart ............... 25f California Sherry, quart ;. S84 White Port, quart .,. 78' Woodlark Sherry, quart 464 Fine California, Port and Sherry, gal. .81.00 Cloverdale Burgundy ,,, . S5e ., CALIFORNIA WINES. ZInfan'del, Cabernet and Burgundy, . Extra Special 29eV Hair Brush Specials ; - f Perfumes ; . Special Sale of Gervla's Floral ' . Extracts Heliotrope,' White Rose, Crabapple, Jockey " Club, La 1 France Rose, Carnation; regular - 35c ounce Special, ounce ..; Stationery 30 PER CENT OFF on all our Fine Station ery, Papeteries, Playing Cards, Bridge Sets. Extra fine box Royal Note Paper, regular " 75c Special . . . . . . .-1 ... . . . ....... .-. 1,000 pounds "Woodlark" Linen Note, . ' - - regular 30c Special, pound . . . , . . m,,. . , . 24 4 ' Bath Brushes Lenler's Famous Bristle Bath Brushes Half price 15 styles, . sll rood; special . at .,....aT, 46f, 65 13-row solid-back Imported Brush, regular 25c Special .....S1.8T "12-row solid-back Imported Brush. regular $2.00-Special .fl.4 11 -row. solid-back, unbleached bristles, ' ' regular $1.35 Special v 88 8-row, solid-back, bleached bristlest . regular' $125 Special .59e Tooth Brush Special .Imported Bruch, regular 60oSpecial...424 Imported Brush, regular 45c Special., .824 Imported Brush, regular 35c Special. . .234 Imported Brush, regular 25c-Spcial.,. tJ4 Imported Brush, regular 20c Special... lie) -s- ....... I All our Bristle Ware at a Reduction of I ..... 28 PER CENT. rrr I CLRRKE & .C0MPMY . .1