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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNACPDnTTAND THURSDAY EVENING, "JANUARY 2 , 1907.- llTllDDSM TO FACE HA 'Stat Construes as Suspicious His Zeal Following Moody's t Death. ALSO CHARCES THAT HE FIXED EVIDENCE Gold Ring, Gnu, ' Flcture; Docu- meats and Bloodstained GarmnU PolnUn CW' Defense Explains Zeal m Only Natural. . - "1 ' " (Special Dispatch te The Jeerall.1 Bakr City, Or Jan. J. Ths pros r cation la the aH ot Alex Wlddowson. on trial (or (lit murder of WlUard Moody last September, state that It . will show that when Wlddowabif went to tUa acene upon the dlacoverr Of the murder be walked to a fence near where the body of Moody was lyln and re marked. .. This accounts xor wnai i -Mt2 v' lieutionlnr". the revolver whloh was obtained from lift. Brown and which It - - purposes to show waa the one with which Willard Woody was killed, the V prosecution algea the lending- of the - weapon to av -eowpuncher-named Reed. J who took It to the mountains with him. ; and . lta , subsequent discovery la the possession of Ira Brown, who !' also accused with Wlddowson. Analysis of stain upon the sight of .the weapon. Prosecutor , ixmax - 1 declares, had shown' that there wa blood " up on the .weapon... Me also - states that it will be : shown that the ' rules on the bullet taken from the head of WlUard Moedy correspond ex actly with tajse of this can. . ; . Claims Wlddowson Toe Beeloua. ' ' -Another point to be brought forward Is that the plain sold band ring worn by Moody on his watch chain was af ter- ward discovered In- the purse of Ira , Brown. The purse was,' dropped ' by Brown In the stable of Mr. Bradford at Cornucopia, it Is alleged, and delivered - . by the owner of the stable . Into ithe hands of the prosocutlon. The fart that Wlddowson and Brown took such active part In aiding the i- Moody a In their attempt to ferret out the murderer la dwelt upon by the . 'prosecution, which points out that Wld dowson showed twigs recently out and remarked that they must have been cut by a taler man than himself, In an . endeavor to fasten the crime upon one . Stubbleneld who had been in fine on . Friday night.; ,- : . .-'rr- ":, AUares rUla of Evidence, , j Mr. Lomux also utated that he will 'prove that Wlddowson went, to Cornu' jCOpluand collected avtendollaxblll from Btubbleneld, which he afterward tried to Induce the Moodys to believe L10LKEV OFF FOR THE SENATE United State Senator Elected Yesterday Expects a Busy, Brief Term- ... IMPROVE OREGON'S i w ; : WATERWAYS, HIS AIM At Arlington Club He Decline to Discos Appointment of Bristol as 1 United States District Attorney Take Train for Washington. T serve a term of six weeks in the senate, . United' States Senator-elect Prederlck W. Mulkey left this morning for Washington City. He was the unanimous popular choice to succeed Senator . M. Oearln, appointed by Gov ernor Chamberlain to - fin the vacancy caused by the death of Senator 4. H. MltchelL , . Lte ' yesterday afternoon Senator Mulkey rearhiM- rortlanr-rrom Salemr where he delivered an address before the'leglalature expressing; -his gratifica tion at the ratification of the rxnnla'i will by that body. He was given an In formal reception by his friends at the Arlington -club last evening-. "Mr cnier concern.- bo said last night, "will be to secure larger appro priations for the waterways of Oregon. The mouth of the Columbia river, the Celilo falls and Coos bay are. In my opinion, the most Important objects for me expenditure or the appropriations at this -time.- I shall exert myself to se cure larger appropriations for those ob jects as well as for other points in the state which are also greatly In need of runas." . - . Senator Mulkey is heartily in favor of free locks at Oregon City, He thinks they should be owned by the govern ment and operated "so that the people may aenvetne benefit. (government ownership ofthe WH lamette locks Is the best and most -prac tlcabls solution of that question.' he said. "I am In favor of the government acquiring possession ot the locks and operating them -so that ths people may be benefited. Free locks at that point would be of Inestimable value to a large section of, our state." Senator Mulkey positively refused to aiscuas the opposition in the senate to the confirmation of W. C Bristol as United States district attorney. It is a matter which he has not followed in all Its details, he said, and he preferred not to express an opinion in regard, to It. There : are no especial plans - which the rew senator-elect proposes to carry out during: hla term. - His term will be brief, but the time will be devoted ex clusively to. the Interests of the state. that end I cam e ; from ' the rl gh f the belief little to the rear' of Moody, who had been taken from the dead man by in. vor,p f""" whlrW and feH 1n the opposite dlrec- ?! .V.Wl, 'SiV!.h,.EE U" from that In which h.. going. in the testlmonf of Or. Isonot was nection that Wlddowson saw Btubbleneld . 4 collect the money from another man -at the time it was paid over to him. . ; Along the same line Mr. Lonu states that a photograph of a former wife of t Btubbleneld. was In the. possession ot - ' Willard Moody before hla death. This - wss the -only picture of Its kind In ex ' lstence. After the' murder this pheto- y graph was discovered la the pocket of - ' '- m ouster or oia man jsooay. 11 win se V, ' the object of the prosecution' to show that this picture wss taken to Rlchlaad y and placed In-the duster pocket by the accused man. ... . . ' .. , .' ' loodsialaed 9 ai meats. Aeoordlna to testimony that Mr. Glv . ana Is expected to give In the case, he . accompanied Wlddowson to the house of Willard Moody after the crime waa - committed and Widdowspnevent through the papers ot the dead man. Qlvens wss outside the house at the time. An account book, to which aome importance Is attached, . is now missing. Just prior to Wlddowson's arrest, It Is alleged, he came to Baker City and .that day a man filling his description ' called at .Bryan A Neuman's barn. and .left a package, stating that he would call for ft later. He never returned 'and finally whn the paper became torn oft It was discovered that It oontaned a vest and shirt, the wrists of whloh were stained with blood.- In the pocket of the vest was found a Blip of paper . giving the description of some cattle . and signed by Ira Brown. Brown admits the handwriting but states that he gave 'out a number of those slips to different people. . . - . t Mr. Lome . calls attention to Mrs. coles, asking that they pay partuv vlar attention to ber while on the wlti 'ness stand. . Claims of the Defease. - j Judge White, for the defense, calls attention to the array of prosecutors and the ' facts that -rewards of f 1.60i had been offered to convict someone of the murder of Willard Moody and -that lKHi Martin,-a Portland detective, has been employed to work on the caaa. He makes the prediction that the state ments purporting to 'be racts as made by the district attorney will be .dis proved by the testimony end --relates the story ef the relations between Wld dowson and Moody. . He calls attention to the apparent lack of motive for the crime on the . part of Wlddowson and asserts that be fore the end of the trial it will be shown that there are other people .In Pine val- y who 'bad equal ' opportunity and eater motive for committing the crime. He calls attention; to the faots that Moody and . Wlddowson were the nearest friends .and that Moody had been In the habit of using Wlddowson's saloon as a .barber shop and Wlddow son's toolvfor his work, without pay feint a cent for them, . Activity Vot Snaptelona. -' In the matter of the shots that were heard he asserts that while shots were heard Saturday night they , were also heard Friday night and that such an oc currence was common, as there waa considerable ' hunting on the creek at that point v - . . r Ha states that the interest of Wld dowson In the cass la not unnatural, that hs was the first to notify ths fam ily of the tragedy, that he covered the dead man's face with, his handkerchief, helped to dress the body and did every thing that showed his tender feeling for the dead man. Others visited the bouse of Moody and Investigated his belongings and the defense claims that no significance cap be attached to that point - There Was no secrecy about the gun, according, to ths defense, It was loaned to Reed about an -hoar before the tragedy was heard of and upon its return by htm was loaned to Ira Brown by Eddie Wlddowson, son of the de fondant ' Moody's Wonnds Described. Tr." Virgil.- ft-1 son, oroner of Baker eounty, testifying as to the manner In which the murder wea committed and 'as is the course of the bullet, showed i s shown that the eyes of the dead man were torn loose In their sockets, tbst he had a heel print ' on hla forehead and that half of hla upper lip . add mustache had been torn off. 'This, ac cording to the witness, must have been done after -death, as there was little or no blood,. It being simply torn fTesh. -' While the physician was on the stsnd ths bullet which caused Moody's death, and his watch and purse were Intro duced as exhibits. . Relative to the purse' the coroner testified that It ,was open and - empty when found and was covered. and filled with chaff, aa though be had been upon a threshing machine somewhere.;, ..,.:'.. BRYAN PRAISES TEDDY , FOR DEMOCRATIC WORKS - peUl Dlnpatch to The" Inirul.) Wood burn. Or., Jan. li. For 10 min utes W. J. Bryan spoke from a ear plat form to a large crowd asaembled here to greet him laat night The dletln gulshed visitor was introduced by P. A. Cochran. In answer to a voice In the crowd) asking about free ' silver, Mr. Bryan said thai there la now 150 per capita,' which carried out Ms assertion that the more money there was the bet ter times would be. The balance of his speech was praising President Roose velt for doing that which vindicated the Democratic platform. THE VALUE OF uHARCOAL raw lHoplo Xaow Mow Vaefal II la U Fieeeniag Xealtk and Scanty. . -:'J Costs wotting to Try. Nearly everybody knows that char coal la the safest snd most efficient dis infectant and partner In nature, but few realise Its value when taken Into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose ; Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of It the better; It la not a drug- at all. bat . simply absorbs the gases and Impurities always present In the stomach snd Intestines and carries them out of the system.. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and othar odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Im proves the complexion, it whitens the teeth sna rurtner acts as a natural and sminently safe cathartic. It absorbs ths injurious gases which collect In the stomach and bowels; It disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of cstsrrh. ' All druggists sell . charcoal In one form or another, but probably the beat charcoal and the most for the money Is In Stuart's Charcoal Losenges; they sre composed or , the finest powdered Willow charcoal,- and other . harmleaa antiseptics In tablet form or rather In the form of large, pleasant taatlng losenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The dally uss of these losenges will soon tell In a much Improved vendition of the general health, better complex- Ion, sweeter . breath and purer blood. and the beauty of It Is, that no' possi ble harm can result from their con tinued uae, but, on the contrary great benefit.-' - , -, . . A Buffalo physician. In snesktng of the benefits of charcoal says: ."I ad vise Btuert's Charcoal Losenges to all patients suffering from gas In stomach and bowels, and to clesr the complexion and purify - the - breath, ' mouth and throat; I also believe the liver Is great ly benefited by' the dally nee of them: they cost but It cents a box at. drug tnr.1 mnA M 1 thnuvli I.. Um m ana - patent preparation, ye I believe I get more and better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Ixisenges than In any . of ths ordinary charcoal tablets." . ' . "Send your name and lres "today for a free trial parkagj Vnd see for y (til reel f. T. A. Stuart Co- Stuart Bldf, Marshall, Mick. , . elg's food declared to be ivholeso:.:e' County Commissioner Do Not Sustain Charges and Accuse ' ' , Sheriff Stevens. . , -?'. County Commissioners Llghtner and Barnes . have exonerated Contractor Kbellng. who provides food for the pris oners in the county Jill. The exonera tion resulted from the investigation of the lood and took the form of an aocu satloa of Sheriff Stevens, against whom they are said to harbor grievances. The Investigation wss made at the Inatlgstlon of ths 'county physician. who exsmlned the food and found pieces of badly decomposed meat A number of prisoners. In support of ths stand ef the commissioners, wrote a letter say Ing that the food was all thsy desired. "The men who made the kick about food are only trusties," said the let ter. "Every one of us Is willing to testify thst your food waa always good and wholesome. . We are doing this be cause we want the better food, which is the restaurant-cooked food, and- for no other purpose. . . ; LIQUORS SUBJECT TO 7 STATE POLICE POWER Washington, Jan. 14. The houae committee on : Judiciary has - favorably reported the Llttlefleld temperance bill. It makes liquors going Into a stats sub ject to the police power of the state. .;IiE 1RIT MADE TO UEASIIKE ii Portland TO V ; ' ' ' Faultless Fit Perfect Finish The Most Complete and Exclusive Line of High-Class Woolens in All the West : And With EveryJuit Costing Not Less Than $22.50 WE'LL MAKE FOR YOU AN PAIR OF raoiisiis (For a Limited Time) ELKS -BUILDING, SEV ENTH AND STARK STS. The BEST in QUALITY Portland's. Fastest Growing Store The IIP ST in VALTJH 12Xo Flannels, 10b One day only at this price; best quality Outing Flannel, in a great assortment of patterns; light, medium and dark color; extra heavy weight, nice, aolt finish: our best 12c grades, on sale Bargain Friday at.lOet Hath Towels 26c " Value at 15 Full 'bleached Bath Towels, extra heavy weight, good, large site, 20x39 inches, - finished with hemmed ends, never before sold for less than 20c; specially priced for Bargain Friday. 15 The IJoot Intonoely Interesting Sale of all the Year THE LAST f toy -DimilJG- OUR" GREATCIiBARANCESAIiE For Bargain Friday we have arranged a sale of seasonable merchandise that will surpass any we have had for many a day. This sale will bring economy to every person who takes advantage of the opportunity. .. You may have noticed that we are constancy, harping on qualities. If we did not know positively that no better quali-, ties of goods are sold in any store in Portland than are sold over our, counters, we would stop , that -kind of argument.' You can visit Roberts Bros.' store with the perfect assurance that your interests are our interests. "All standards of merchandise are elevated at Roberts Bros.' while the prices are lowered to the bottom point Read Cariefiilly .ol Bress-Goods and SiBss At extraordinary low prices. ' Now Is the opportune time for prudent women to select Dress Goods and Silk for present and future needs, yc have gathered together an unusually large stock that women of good taste win appreciate. ' Fabrics that will give long service and cannot be excelled In style. The variety ot pretty patterns and colorings have never been , so great nor ',' ' ' .' .prices for this sale never so low. . . . "'). , , J.. J . ,..ia. ,i . - - 35c JAPANESE SILK 22e r- - - r r- . 20-inch good grade Japanese Silk, fast colors and washable, ifortycfive colors,-warranted pure silk. l Special Gear- f' ance Sale price. J..;..;.;... .V:'.'. TT..'.;.. ..LLL esc tapanese silk 45 ' ,. . 27-inch good heavy Japanese Silk, fast dye, washable, purest of silkr over fifty colors including white and black; sold every; where for 65c SpeaaL tomorrow Clearance bale : 45c 75c BLACK TAFFETA 49 19-inch Swiss Taffeta, spotless black, warranted pure iAQp silk ; excellent value at 75c.;- Clearance Sale price. ... ,?Ts V ," '-75c PEAU-DE CYGNE 49 ',. .' 1:1 19-inch genuine French Peau de Cygne, beautiful rich" velvet t finish, high lustre, colors steel, champagne, Nije, navy, reseda, Alice blue, brown and black ; regular 75c value.;7Clear-""iQ lance Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . ........'....'...... ........Xw " 81.00 - -x i- 54-inch gray Homespun Suiting, very serv Dles9 Goods iceable, lights and medium grays," good lha ; : . . weight r"fesrulari - $1.00.1 values. Clearance -price i ; r. it; ; r-fv ; iv 56-inch "Novelty Chic Suitings, very durable, choice styles, in . checks 'and broken plaids, grays, reds and browns; regular $1.00 valiiM. ClMrance nrice. '. : . 1 . .75i x8i.S581.50 -44 and 60-inch Jamestown Suitings, all wool, Dress Goods the besdress goods "in "the American mar- 81.00 1 . ket, in the popular new grays, both plain . and broken plaids; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, all in one lot, Clearance price. .. . . . ; 7. . ............ . , .$1.00 65o"75d rr"S0-inch Silk and Wool Waistings, regular 1 Dress Goods 65c and 75c values, in. neat . checks and 30o stripes, big variety of patterns.:" Clearance price i . . , ''..'V..'1; '. ........ ......... . . .'. . . . . ..39 50o . ; " 86-inch ; plain all 1 wool Albatross, colors Dress Goods green, blues4 tans and grays; regular 50e r. 35o . quality. Qearance price.-. ..35 - " 77rT.r. .": 75-U - 38-inch novelty check Worsteds, in neat broken check, colors .............. T 1 1 - , .- , . r, r nsr red, Diues ana grays; ieguiar-vamcuc t.. ica ra ncc-pnc'.oy 38-inch Novelty Suitings, in the new . and popular : shadow , plaids, both light and dark colors, big assortment to choose from ; regular 60c values. Clearance price. ........ . . . . .35 81.00 8 ': - 38-inch Silk and Wool Plaids, all new goods. Dress Goods very select patterns; rail the rich new color -68o ' i' , combinations; regular $1.00 values. ; Clear-j ance price ......................... '7.... '....6S 45-inch German Novelty - Suitings, in .medium, colors, light weight, new designs, in broken checks, color gray. Friday only $1.00 values Clearance price".,.. .. ............ .,..68 45-mch Jamestown Suiting, in the very popular light and mej dium grays, herringbone weave, bigvalues. Friday only $1 values Qearance price........... 68 OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF ; 1 Fashionable Footwear Such reliable footwear for men, women and children was never before sold at such low prices. . , , ' We say Reliable Footwear because our first care is the selection' of trustworthy leathers, and we see to it that every, pair of shoes made Tor us is well made and well finished in side as well as outside. Our stock is made up of hundreds of different styles, all up-to-date, each with some distinctive fea ture, so that every man, woman and child can be exactly fitted and thoroughly pleased. . : , THE FbLLOWING REDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE ON OUR REGULAR LINES FOR FRIDAY'S SELLING: Ilea's S3.B0 Saoes $M Five dif ferent styles pf Men's high grade Shoes, some In patent leather, run metal and viol kid. These' shoes sre our regular tl.Sf stock. Spe-' clal Clearance Sale price, prl $2.85 Id sees' tl-M anoee M Misses' vtel kid lace Shoes ' with pstent leather tip: these are our regular f 1.50 values snd are ' all solid . leather t throughout, - sspeclally sdspted for school wear. Clearance Sale price, per pair ...'..991 , Women's $9 JO Shoes S1.I9 Excel lent lot of patent leather and vlel kid Shoes. In both light and heavy .soles, : suitable for dress or street wesr; our regulsr price $2.50 snd $1.00. Special Clearance Sale price, par pair .....1.59 Wemsss $3.00 Shoes a.l Eight 6ferent styles In Women's street footwear. Including patent colt and fine . vlel - with flexible - soles for . dress wear, heavy soled shoes for street wear, all atses; regularly sold at $ 1. 0 and $$ 50. ,. Special Clear ance Sale price, per pair. .. -f)2.16 Men's S3JM Shoes tt.OO Men's heavy Working Shoes, also- lot of Men's Patent Leather Button and Blucher cut lace Shoes; 11.00. 14.00 . snd some $5.00 values. - Special, Clearance Sale price, per pr.92.OO OhUdrea's and Misses' $U1 BTooes $10 These shoes are our $1.00, and $150 grades. In all slses, excellent qualities, - Ideal school ' shoe. , Clearance Sale price, per pair . .-tl.SO A Gigrantio Clefirance Tomorrow t , Of all the best. qualities of.the famous "Norfolk and New ',:' : Brunswick" ! "", ;".'.'..'.:."..:, ; 1 KNIT UNDERWEAR For Women .'.. Regular $2.00 quality All Wool Vests and Pants 67 -200 dozen alt wool pure white, lambs wool Merino Vests and Pants, all sizes for women, long or short sleeve vests, knee or ankle length pants, these are strictly all wool and posi- ' 4LH lively non-snrinxing, mc -very dcsi .uu quamy at. . . . vr w 80 dozen Swiss Ribbed Wool Vests and Pants, in white or natural gray. -"."''.' ' ' 150 dozen fine ribbed Merino-Vesta and Pants all. styles; all ' sizes, numerous other small lots, some excellent bargains to be had, all to be closed out quickly before inventory at, . ffl the garment. . ...... .'.. . f .'. . . v. . U I v NOTION COUNTER : Now Is the best time of the year to secure what you need OC Notions and Dress Findings at a great saving in price. Don't miss ' this ' exceptional opportunity. Note these bargains, there are many others equally as good: - 10c Pearl Button Sic 14 to 24; Clearance price 35c Back Combs Shell or amber; Clearance price ....10f- 35c Hair Brushes Solid back, good quality bristle; Clearance nl $1.75 Hand Bags New atylet, insearand walrus grain; special Clearance price fl.19. 20c Box Paper Box-paper, -colors-blue, white and pink; special Clearance price lzyt , v Stobliin Flyer -Women's Stockings, Children's Stockings at QNE THIRD . , REGULAR PRICES -: 300 dozen all wool Stockings for Children, 200 dozen navy or tan stockings for women, fast colors; best 25c and 35c quali ties, all sizes, tomorrow at, the pair: - - ,K 4 Best 35c fA. Best 35c ' V." Qualities - iJL Quah'ties ; Great Annual Clearance Sale Now Prevailing in the . , Muslin Underwear . and COBSET SECTION Women'i Muslin Drawers Made from extra quality muslin, trimmed with torchon insertion and edging; regular 35c qual ity. Clearance Sale price..,..., ...21 Women's White Skirts Our regular $1.50 grade and excep tionally good values at that price, made of standard muslin, 18-inch flounces, finished with hemstitched tucks, torchon in sertion and edge. Clearance Sale price ..08 100 dozen Women's 50c, 75c O and $1.00 Corsets tomorrow (Qi v ' The . last announcement of the great corset clearance over v 100 dozen, all colors, all styles, in women's high grade corsets, . the small lots left from the successful season just past. H We will dispose of these tomorrow at, the pair. . . . . . d i C BARGAIN FRIDAY PRICES IN THE DOMESTIC SECTION WILL BE UNUSUALLY LOW This weekly sale has always been of vital importance to the women of Portland, but tomorrow's sale will be far more im portant than ever before, due to the fact that it is the last Bar 1 gain Friday during our great clearance sale, and for this rea- on we wui oner dozens oi unctjuaica Dargains, oniy a jew of which are mentioned here : 7 Best Standard Prints, Specially Priced - ' at 5 Cents a x ard Regular 6yic and 7c Grades A great clean-up sale tomorrow of manufacturers ' short lengths, thousands of yards best "standard prints, iff lengths from 1(T to to yards each, this sea- soo't-best styles in an unlimited assortment of patterns, me ' dium, light and dark colors, blue, gray, black, red, etc. ; this is a most unusual opportunity to secure Wash Cottons suitable for dresses, , wrappers,-kimonos,1 curtains, draperies, aprons, waists and quilt coverings and prudent shoppers will lay in a "year's supply tomorrow; best 6c and 7c grades. Specially priced for oneiday only, Barpain Friday, at , .Zf Eaco Curtains Best $1.50 Values at $1.12 Tomorrow we place on ' "limited number of White Scotch Lace Curtains in a 1 sortment of pretty up-to-date designs; these curtains .--60 inches wide and .1 yarh long and never before - less than $1.50 a pair. Extraordinary values r i i price