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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21, , 1SC7. .1 UlllOn LABORITES PLANE PLANKS Municipal Ownership of Utilities One of Principal Aims 'C "' : f--;of "Party.--' EXTEND EXCLUSION V TO THE JAPANESE :J .... - '"' ' Womu Suffrage It Another Thing ) Deaind by Member I New Party, M hJch Ala Want 6Ut Control V r ' of Tograjh nd Telephones . V at , the TJntpn . labor, party, a . outgrowth 'of . the Ore on Labor . party, ' which figured la the Oaat cam paign, adopted their platform at the meeUnir heM at 125H Fifth "treat last right and -made arrangements for fur ther work In the Interests of tha party. At present - there are Identified with the Labor, party 10 of . tha Portland unions, which Include about 74 par cent ...... i I . M ..a .Ka mr tn. .ntni mmn.rinin m Ul UUi unlona In tha city. It la belrered that All .th nnlnm wilfln a. ahOrtttmC T- filiate with the' party which advocate . and declaraa for many chances In exist- V in- laws. The first plank In tha plat form demands municipal ownership of publlo utllltlea which In their nature " x are monopolisUa. - . -- y The party, however, does not advocate ! a auddea chance In conditions, but be " llevea In the acquisition of theae null s' We In a oonaeraatlva way that la sax i and aura. Particular attention la called te the atreet railwaya poor eervlee and !' disregard for'the rights and privileges .' of the traveling public, "pedal taxes - " on railroad and atreet rallwaya are railed for, the money to put In bond of the company with a view of the city v finally acquiring them. - V The platform opposes, tha repeal of t or tempering with the Chinee exclusion art and advocate the extentlon of the , law to the Japanese, Election of United " States' senator by-dtrert -vota- la ad located and the party will withhold Its support from legislative candidates who V oppose the choice of the people In this -i, respect, . "' :' ' Convicts kept free oS. competition "wltB labor by working on the roads; eight f hours for day's work In etata, ounty ' and city . offices: tha abolition of tha -' sweatshop system; liability f employ I r for - Injury -ta body or loss of life,, and rree school and textbooks. - at ' among the planks of the platform. - . The party demand th state control of all telephone and telegraph lines and the railroads; believe n the antl-pasa law; . demand the taxation . of unimproved property at the same rate aa adjoining Improved - property;. enforcement of -rmore-Hgld -ehlHI -4abor- laws, and wrfmaa I suffrage coequal with man suffrage. Aside from these mora , Important planks, th party platform Includes ' many others of ler ilgnlflcanc. most of which are either openly or Indirectly '"advocated by other parties. Tha Labor ; parity la' arranging for a labor mass ' meeting aoon, at which time tha plat I form . will be ratified and Ah Interest i ot th party advance ..... , FIRM AS EVER People Still Crossing Columbia ' " ' at The Dalles on Skates. ' GOVERN M ENT BARGE ' T" ; ; ; in crave danger XOtely to Be Crashed la Jam When . ' Ice Begins to Move Ice About ! Steamer Beaolnto Is Broken by V" Dynamite. " ' ' Spedal Mapeteh Th Joaraal.) ' ' The Dalle. Or., Jan. . Th tee krg in the river opposite this city appear aa Arm aa ever. : Without a heavy chlnook wind It will take several daya before tha river will be clear of Ice so as to admit the paanage of boats. Th river waa crossed on the lea several times today, and It appears perfectly afe for men, borsea or cattle. Th loo around th Uttla boat Reso lute waa blown out with dynamite yea. terday and aha Is now In clear waien A force of men are working today with block and tackle, attempting; to haul the J-JUiaa B. out -of the K-e onto the beach. The boats are employed as tenders for the camps on the north bank. The government barge at Three Mile Rapids Is In considerable danger from a grorge of tee that has formed at that point in the river. The boat la moved from her mooring now. and it Is feared ah may be crushed in the jam when th io begins to move. Every precau tion la being taken te protect the barge, but If aha seta into the lams of the Ira tnenee lc flo that ' surround Rer it will be almoet Impossible to prevent her being crushed to. pieces. MISSIONARY MEETING r ; HELD AT M'MlNNVILLE (SpeHat Merxtek to Tb Jeenul.) J VcMlnnvllI. Or, Jan. 24 TUer lias Jut cloaed at the - Flrat Baptist . church here missionary conference. The leaders were Rev. A. W. Rider of Oakland, California! Rev. C. A. Cook of , Ploomneld, New Jersey, and Rer. John M. Dean of Seattle. Morning, after noon and evening aeealons were held. Visitors were present from some of the neighboring Baptist churches. The .speakers at the" afternoon and evening -passion were John M, Dean and Rev. C C. Cook, ACCUSED OF FORGING -; PAPER AT THE DALLES pfet M T ear nil.) Th iHtllea. Or, Jan. 74. -Conatabl TTarper ha brought from Portland, Ar 'thur Rrhtrer, whe is wfcnted her on a rharaa of forgery. Soma weeks ago, it Is alleged, h forged three checks on rnlneas men here and left the city. OfTtrere thmight they had located him at lhn, but lit waa on of the partlaa , arreatcd In a raid at Portland last week . . , . . , , i ' '''' , Attention, Advertisers! ; ' The large increase in" the volume of. The Journal's ad vertising 'during the past. several months makes it nex essary to ask the cooperation of all advertisers In the mat ter oj favoring V . ; V The Journal with early copy every day in the week.' "TolfThc SunfJay i Journal; No display, advertisements can , be . taken after six o'clock Saturday night, 'and to insure-insertion copy, should be handed in as much earlier than this hour as pos sible.' ... '', ...';, .The- .earlier - the .: copy, reaches The Journal the bet-'' :of the. ad andJhe better the position given it. r V .; . MORAL: Advertise in The Journal for quick re sults, the most results and the best results. - Largest Pd Circula tion - of Daily r Any Paper in Oregon REOPEN CAMPAIGN F EBRUARY Strong Efforts Will Be Mada to Raise Balance for Y. M. C. A. Building. ONE MONTH FOR " U - : DOINQ ALL THE WORK 8. O. Reed Haa Boon Appolntod Chairman of the Committee Which Will Haro Charso of Soliciting Branch of the Campaign. ' 'v ' That tha total fund of IM9.D0O, neces sary to erect a new building for the use of the members T the. T. M. C A- and tha T. W. C.A, will Inside a few weeks be In tha possession of the commute to tak charge of the ollclting work is ths confident expression of those interested Jn-raising the balance of money required. Out of th total aura needed, 120,000 - has been provided. leaving the amount of $120,000 to b raised. Offlclala of the two aaaooia- tions believe that this amount will be on hand by March l. t- Arrangements - were partially com pleted at. the meeting of committees held laat night, and nnal plana win be perfected at tha meeting which la to be held at tb Y. M. U A- building next Wednesday evening. : Campaign Begins rebrnary So fsr the plan la to centralis th work of raising funds in th hands of a citlsans committee, consisting of 104 members, which will promote Its cam paign through tha churchea business bouses and residents of th city. The campaign will be given Its initial move Sunday, February t. when a gen eral field day wlU be announced from the pulpits of the varloue churches. Solicitation will begin Ah .day follow ing and will continue until March t, when It Is fully expected that the en tire ion will be on hand. ' Members of th eltlsens' committee will establish their headquarters at the Y. M. CA. building and will hold dally meetlnga there. Luncheon will be served at 11:1S each day when th work covered during the preceding ft hour will be dlcuaed and plana laid for further details. . 8. O. Reed has been apdolnted chair man of th soliciting committee and its 100 members will work directly under bis supervision. Mrs. A. Hockey Is vice-chairman. - When the work starts 10 days hence It la expected to carry it on rapidly and make the greatest pos sible headway durln(the shortest pos slble space of time. . ,, ' : " Members and officials of both associa tions are enthusiastic , over the proa pects of securing the funds for the new building. The meeting last night w k hopeful ons. Others besides th o ni cer present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jam P. Falling, the latter representing th Y, W. C. A.. Mr, w. J. Honeyraan. r. B. A. Brown, Fletcher Lynn,. A. M. Smith. K. C Bronaugh.H. ' P. Lock wood, W. J. Clemen. A. F. Flegel. Robert Living stone. J. F. Carroll and B. M. Mao- Naughton. . - - ."' "-V OSTEOPATH V o a rsmmo oca -.'.. $10.00 Per Month ! .. . . . . t Tlrks vTlIr Infirma ry . of , Osteopathy, room It Grand The atre building. Wish. Ington and Park. Dr. Sommar, grad ust ' in medlcln and osteopathy and formerly professor st th Still College of Osteopathy, man ager.. " - . OAXJtia tf ATzoa certainly smashed a hole In tha bar rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Hor bound Syrup b smashed all record a cur for cough. Bronohttl, In fluence and all Pulmonary diseases. T. C- H n- Horton, - Ksness, write: -. - have never found a medicine that would cur a couch eo quickly aa Ballard' Horehound Syrup. I hv used it for years." Hold by ell drusdsta 1 Slid Wiiip f iii wiM Glalvaidai giaUC WllU.llWsiOVr lUUk X Ul UUUU ilUOUVWi SliSISilrfffl a a . erctartlsefo I Ov Ov o - v n AAU II 1 1 1 1 1 1 TFTIC I C H CTITlMWFn and ought to create a furore the like of which was never seen before, v We are positively offering ail wnas liilij IO it . ij 1 UliiitiU of winter good at $3.00 for $1.00 and many goods $4.00 for $1.00. : -' ; ; v- : :". Tni? ni7ACAlI IlfTV c can nke such tremendous cuts is because we bought the splendid new stock of Harowitz & less, llilj UJuriijUll If 11 1 than 20c on the $1.00, and for the reason that the Boston never carries one dollar's worth of merchandise oyer from season to season. 75c Norfolk and New BrunsvvIcR ' -' -v, ; i Underwear 23c ; . - - -- v . Trlif finf "wfwl pMH TTnr1rwfarr jaatjaJby-th Norfolk and -New 'Brunswick Hosiery . Co manufacturers' price $6.80 dozen, eff retail everywhere at 75c. This sale.... AWtJV $1 Men's Wool Underwear for 62c wear, mill price $9 per dozen, retail fJn vtry where at tr Thfs-sale .....UV $1.25 Pure Lambs' Wool Underw'r 44c lAAe' 'finest Dure lambswool Underwear, sev- erai Kinas to seieci irwin, iiui turers everywi kinds to select from, ; manufac- I ; . - j s' price $10.50 per dozen," retail A An 'where at $1125. This sale.,...., ..TtTtV $5.50 Blankets for $2.75 ; $2.75 Vefy heavy pure wool Blankets, very large size; $5.50 kind. This sal e ....... .................... . . 75c Union Suits for 35c - Ladies' very heavy ribbed fleece : lined Union Suitsrmill price $5.50 per dozen, retail ; . '. everywhere-tt-75c. .This sale, per ; 15c Wool StocRings for 7J Girls' and Boys' very heavy ribbed ' -. f.t -It ' Alt i n : lowest, retail price 15c StockingSr all sizes, from ija. to . 7. Jl rj Jc This sale...., f CW : 35c Fleeced Undenvear for 15c Boys' and Girls extra heavy fleece lined Under wear largest sizes, mostly all shirts, ... mill price $3.00 per rjozeru retail every- C-t where at 35c.: This sale lUv 30c Ladles' School Stockings !5c Ladies' very heavy 'wool ribbed Stock- ; ings, the 30c kind. This sale, per , 1 Cr pair. ........ lUv 50c Hen's Underwear for-35c Men's very heavy fleece lined Under- wear, mill price $4.75 per dozen, retail C everywhere at 50c. This sale. ......... O U V i0 Girls' Kersey Coats $3.95 One large Tot of Girls Coats, including very fine pure wool kersey, cheviot, etc, nicely trimmed, all sizes, 6 to 14 years, guaranteed tk ' $10.00 kind. - This sale, for your (.TQC choice............ k. tyQyO 1 60c Bed Sheets 28cir:";v: 1 Case of Harowitz 4 Defender Sheets '-.A sold everywhere for 60c. , : , J Xn This sale. . . via : .......... , , . ... wO V $18 Women's Suits for $6.45 One lot of Women's Suits, dozens of kinds and styles to select from, including Prince Chap, Hip iackets, Etons, etc; this season's . m itest styles,guaranteed worth up n Jk to $18 This sale, for choice. aPUiTCO S ' ' $1.50 Shirtwaists 4?c - Dozens"" of styles of AVbmen'a-latest style Shirt waists, in repp, mohair, French flan- '.X nel, mercerized silk, worth $1.50. This $1.00;BIack Sateen Shirts 43c 40 dozen Harowitz finest $1.00fast black sateen . bhirts, pearl buttons, gusseted seams, '- . double back and shoulders, This 1 ALn aler. .777T.. TTTTTVlO $1.50 CalicoWrappers 39c ; - Ladies', Wrappers in 10 neat designs of . fast colored Amoskeag prints, worth 11 rr $1.25-and $1.50. This sale. - a 75p Silk Neckwear 29c Over 100 dozen of Harowitz finest 50c to $1.00 J Silk 'Neckwear m the newest shapes, 1.7, : shades and styles. , I his ,-- ' uyQ $1.75 Bed Comforts 79c . Six dozen full sized Cf eton" 'covered " Comforts, a trifle soiled a good $1.75 T f value. This sale.... I yKf $3.00 Hats for $1.35 100 dozen Philadelphia-made and stamped $3.00 Hats, solt and stitt, newest shapes and .shades. sale . This $1.35 : ; $2.00 Boston Blankets 88c ; Three bales of 11-4 extra heavy double twilled gray Boston Blankets, $2 value. JLjlfr This sale. . . : O O L $3.50 Boys' Suits $1.75 Just half regular price of hundreds of Harowitz fine wool worsted Boys Three-Piece School and Dress Suits, sizes up to 15, best $3.50 suits on earth. This , CI fj Z sale... ...... ............ aPl. O $20.00 Ladies' Cravenettes $3.10 " I - odd .Snik fnr - 46 Genuine -English Cravenettes, : tm , , . , . in black and blue, silk and satin' 1ft V' v'v '" vAr lined, sizes 30 to 36 bust only. Sale. 0. 1 U I a"f3;4.;; V .... V oC ' $10.00 Ladies' Long Coats $3.95 1 In grayi blue and fancy mixtures, very stylish cut, equal to the best $10.00 coat shown in Portland. This ' ; - . 10c Bar Perfumed Soap 2c 100 -dozen" Armour's best perfumed V,y - . Toilet Soaps, best and biggest 10c . , ' cake on earth for.:.... ....... WV $2,00 Men's Underwear 79c 8 broken lines of Men's finest wool silk mixed "camelshair" needleknitafld"Tiiercerized t Underwear, finest $1.25, $1.60 and $2 H Q r values, This sale. I t $12.50 Beaver Overcoats $5 00 5 Distinct styles of Harowitz $10.00 and $12-50 Beaver Overcoats, lined -with best --r-Italian cloth, well made, full and VT C II II three-quarter length. This sale....PtlUl V $8 Fur Scarfs for $2.50. Ladies' fine fur neck Scarfs, many kinds to'select from, including fine. Fox Scarfs, 60 inches long,' -brushy-tails; - also - fine Opossum 7K7-yrr .Scarfs, 80 inches long, guaranteed VT Kll $8 value. This sale i)i.uU . $1.50 Sweaters for 68c Men's extra1 fine pure wool Sweaters, " J, : ' -mercerized silk stripes regular $1.50 ' A Vrr kind. This sale. .. . .. ....... ; .... . ;. . , .UOl ; 20c Suspenders for 8c Men's heavy elastic web ; Suspenders, leather nds, 20c kind. , - v ' - -.; 1 This sale..,. ; 30c Wool Socks for 12c Men's extra heavy Wool Socks, regu lar 30c kind. .This sale only. ')) 1. IIVIMf MIII $2.00 Ladies' Shoes for $100 ; Ladies' warm Shoes, leather soles 4 A' A and kid foxed,-tip or plain toes or C 1 '"'fill all felt, $2 kind. This sale....... P 1 Ul. $3.50 Sharood Shoes for $178 ; Ladies' fine Shoes, in kid, calf or 'patent colt, welt soles, made by-the Sharood iA - 'aeA Shoe Co., regular $3.50 kind. , This C 1 H Q sale............ $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Shoes for Men, ' - Women,and Children $1.39 : 1800 Pairs of the best makersmakes of custom made Shoes for Men, Women and Children, in dressrrworlcand school shoes-" dose out the lot, . This" sale . C J $5.00 Dress Pants $2.45 1000 Pairs to pick from Harowitz " . '-' est $5 custom-tailored trousers. C A km is sale......................... LJJ finest Th $25.00 Long Coats $6.95 Zl 47 of Harowitz very best $20, $25 and $30 Coats, In all the new materials, solid col- y ors and fancy plaids, every size, Xn Qsa new models. This sale...!....;.. )JytJ $12.50 Dress Skirts S4 19 All . of JIarowitz $8.50 to $15.00 Dress Skirts, in every make of material and style L . of skirts go in this sale ;; . J A - $7.50 Dress Skirts $2.19 40 Dozen of Harowitz New York- - ' ' made Skirts, worth $5 to $8. Go V 1 O in this sale at.................... 4sW 1 J $1.25 Corsets for 45c 8 Styles of Harowitz La Sprite and G. B.' Corsets; silk finished, fo 85c to' $1.25 values. form This sale UV Xe j .?.'.45c v $15.00 Men's Suits $5.00 3 Styles of Harowitz $10 to $15 Wool and Wor sted Suits, in single or -double X - breasted, all sizes.. : ,f $ C ftft This sale. ; . . .... . . . . ;. . . . . . . ; . . aj O.U U Harowitz was in business only 70 .' , , '" ' ' Ing this sale, days, so hi stock was Tiew. ' There are no shop-worn goods. The price we paid haa placed us in a position to give you, dur and especially so for the two remaining days, such values asno other store in the country ever duplicated. Miscellaneoai Goods ' 85cMiisei' Flannelette "Gown., each 14 $1.50 Ladies' Flannelette Gown each 85 $3.50 Silk Skirl .....,;.-4 5 $1.50 Silk Umbrellas ...79s 50c '' Muilin Drawers . ,23 50c Muslin Corset Cover.. 23 $1.00 Muslin Gowns .....49 $1.20 Muslin Skirts ...... CHUCPtST i STORE V Sc M11TTED3WD " r I mm 1000 Samples at 25c on the J1.00 " Samples of Ladies Muslin Underwear. Ladies' Knit Un derwear, Silk Baby Caps, fine Wool and Silk Fascinators. Ladies' Knit Petticoats, Ladies' Glove and Hosiery, Indies' Sateen Skirts, Men's Under wear. - Men's Silk Tiesrv Men's Clove and Mittens, Men's Dress and Work Shirt. ALL OO AT 25e ON TUB - DOLLAR AND LESS.