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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
Tilt OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 24, 1907. S rv - V. . is u r "( i O y: w v v...v " " I 4 nl-W'iIP j V 4 78 ILxquisite - '.Vi'::.': '. I mm -M mm ips , LmmtfW bargain. See Third Street Window Display. " No Telephone Orders. None :. vtt-: -...,- sent on Memorandum, t ' ';---' 395 Flannelette Kimonos RegTValuesto$4fo sa - means an actual saving worth while. d A O -Regular values to $4i)bSpecialFriday LyO '; P WORK OIIIIL HEXT nonDAY Both Houses of Legislature Compelled to Wait for State . " ""Printer's Office77 " FLOOD OF NEW ?ILL8 V ; CONTINUES ATSALEM With Election of Benmloe Off Their Handa, Memben Show Desire to ' '; Get Down to Hard Work In Ear f nest To Protect Employe. , - By Staff OormspoBdent.) ' ' Salem. Jan. St. The flood of bills In th houa has ceased after submerging f th desk for several day and pasaing on tcv th atat printer, who la yet -under water and will not be abl to get Ma head abov th aurfac before Mon day next - At that time h expect to " be abl to handl all that th legisla tor will throw st him and keep th t wheel running without ' stop of pause lor th remainder of th 40 day. . Th two houses of th legislature ad Journed today . after listening t the 1 speech T W. J. Bryan and will not meet - again until Monday afternoon. By that . time It is expected thatth printer will hav caught up with ,th Work t th two house and that- there will be no ' further need of long .Intermission. ' Down to Xaxa Work. . TTIth'th election of th senator oft - th hands of th legislature th mem bers are showing a dealr ' to buckle wn to bard work and th celerity wun ( which th house has swept th desks clean for the past two days ana men circled round and round th order of business for tnor thing tq do prom ises that th people can ' expect action t th hand of th two houses on all measures whloh may be brought before them, Th principle osiua for delay In busl ' nes so far and the direct reason for tho present adjournment until Monday1 Is th Inability of th state printing of fice to handl all th flood of bill and resolution which has been thrown upon It by th two house snd which has ' swamped th office, Stat Prmter Dunl ' way baa been doing yeoman service tn getting out from under th load and has pressed Into service every available facility which Balem could afford. He Iirs been hand leaped by lack of hand (lompoaltora but. ha managed to turn out large amount of work neverthe . The adjournment until Monday ' ; &our Uv th Xiagt '- , Is th popular cry throughout European countries; while In America, th cry of th present day I "Iong live Dr. King New Discovery, King of Throat and l.ung Remedied" of which Mra Julia Ryder Paine, Truro. Masa.. ys: "It never fall. to lve Immediate relief and "to quickly eur a fouaTh or-oold." - Mr, Paine' opinion I shared by a majority nt th Inhabitant of this county. New DIcovry cure weak Uunga and tor throats sfr all other' remedies hav failed; and for cough and colds - It th only sure cur. Guaranteed by Fad Cross Pharmacy, 60a and 11.00. Trial botU fr . , Silk Dresses $22.50$25 Vals. $14.89 For Friday's tale : the "Lip-" man-Wolfe school of styles offers a special . lot of ex quisite silk dresses for street . and afternoon wear, in black, navy and brown. Made of - finest chiffon' taffeta silks, v..,; with short sleeves, in tuck ed, plaited and lace-trimmed styles, with fancy yoke eiV fects. Skirts made in the. new ptailedTstyles. . AT'Beau-- tylish and exclusive an extraordinary Sold regularly at and $25.00. Special .'SPECIAL FOR; FRIDAY -'295 Womcn'j Long Flannelette Kimonos, - Japanese - cut,' in Per- -sian- designs There is a, -.wide -range, of individual effects, giv-N ing the fullest possible choice in - regard - to -" fashion, ' trimmings, -colorings and- designs.-- Every a garment r is cut with ; generous : I fullness " characteristic of the' :- highest grade Kimonos.- . Here iwndcTtut - gcworrvamenar" will him clear and ready for the long run until th end .of th session. He 1 experiencing th aam trouble that ha com to ach printer In turn at th first session, , with the added handicap of having to mov Into" hi of Oca .and InataH hi machinery just st th opening of jth session. : - - . MOM llnlshM Bills), ' ' Th bouse finished aJl bills and other measure which, hav been Introduced yesterday and yesterday- morning snapped up th nw addition to th al ready long Hat as fast as they cam up It worked from th first order of basW noss through to the last and than turned round and went back over th ground. In this manner all th bill war read th second tlm and referred to their proper committees. Owing to th fact that ao many of th bill bad not been printed it was Impossible to go beyond th second reading In many case and a a result th nous cleared Its deak and adjourned at 1:10 In th afternoon. In th senat It was practically th same. ','.- Representative Farrall of Multnomah baa Introduced a bill providing for th protection of trainmen.-' It I provided in th bill that all wires and other ob structions 'serosa railroad tracks shall be constructed at such a height that there will b no danger to trainman on freight train or other trains. Penalty Is provided for the erection of such wires in violation of th law. ' . ; , To Vrosaot Shnploy. ' ' . bill haa been introduced by Barrett of Washington provldtng for th pro tection' of employes from unjust rule and regulation mad by th Arm or corporation for which they may labor. The-bUl apeeiflea that it a hall be un lawful for any employer to fore bis men under pain of dlsoharg or threat of removal to board at Sny particular place or to bny provision or nlothes at sny' certain store. It Is also illegal, ac cording tq the bill, to Issue any checks or evidence of payment for service that would not be accepted as legal tender st sny banking Institution. T,h dis charge of any employ for bis refusal to follow any such - Instruction as those outlined I declared to be a viola tion of the law aad punlshabl by a tin and Imprisonment ; -, . , ..: Pre Text Book BUL'. The free text book bill which ha been prepared by Beveridge of Mult nomah he been presented to th bouae and ' ha passed , its first reading. 11 provides thst all books used in th pub lic school of th state shall b fur Dished . by th school ' boards of each school to all pupils who desire them. Connelt of Columbia hw Introduced what 1 perhaps the shortest bill of the session. It has seven lines of type written manuscript and provide that all logging roads In th atat be de clared common carrier and forced to carry freight and passengers st th same rate as other roads. A btU aaklng that 140.000 be appro priated for th Ashland Normal school has been prepared by Vawter. Perkins sod KbU.. th Jackson county delega tion. The aam bill also asks for f 10. 000 additional as a fund with which to n struct a dormitory for th n-of th Students of th institution. ' REAL BLUE LAW Cray's BUI Make It Unlawful to ., Make Noise on Sunday. 1 (By a Staff Cnrrwpoxteat.V " - ' - Salem. Jan. 2Th nrsv real blue law bill of th session has been intro duced by Gray of Douglas, who has in troduced a bill In th houa by requeat making It unlawful even to make noise on Sunday. Th bill stipulate that It shall be unlawful to) keep any store open oa Sunday unless th publlo health - . - v' : Millinery Clearance VALUES TO $4.95 AT . . . For Friday sale only, we offer 500 trimmed and untrimmed Hats, all this season's styles, made of braids and velvets, trimmed in an styles. Actual values to - $4.95, for clearance Friday v Early customers will fare best. On display in Third street windows. No telephone orders. ' . Don't Worry Watch Us Grow.: Henderson's Famous Kid- ny nd Backache Pins. . ox - . ZOe Wyeth's "Vichy Bast. 60o is . 854 Wyth's Vichy Baits, 11.15 Ik . .. .....v.89v " Kedal'r Dyspapsl r-- Cur .........83, 41 Henderson's Dyspepsia ,: ' Cure . ............. 45 Oaborn'a Catarrh Bali- . ... ... .254 Glyoo-ThymoUae, 60o else ...44e ColweU'a Peruvian Tonle for the Net vuuj BystPrit 904 Warner's Bare Cur Cntlcora Pills , ., Catlcnra Ointment . .....214 :...2i4 We Save-Yott Money-on Drugsv-r- and safety absolutely demand that It shall be open. It Is also unlawful to do any work on that day sot called for by great necessity. No saloon shall be kept open, no Judicial act shall be dona It will b unlawful to dance, or to hold picnic when they mut- b-takea through th medium of excursion on Sunday and th bill wind up with th provision that any loud or noisy amuse ment calculated to; disturb the quiet and rest of the Sabbath .day shall be considered to be a violation of the law and punlshabl by fin or Imprison ment rt la further specified that If any district attorney or other officer of the law neglect or refuse to follow th provisions of th law he shall be con sidered to b guilty of a violation of It provision and subject to a fin of not leas than $60 nor more than SS0O and that upon his conviction his office shall be declared to b vacant for th re mainder of th term. . Th bill ha gon to second reading. " INITIATIVE IN "CITIES McCno . Measure Perfects Present - Law for Towns and Districts. .. . (By Staff Cerrassondeat.) Balem. Jan. 84. Initiative in cities, town and districts Is provided for by a bill which has been Introduced In the house by McCu of Clatsop. Th bill has been prepared simply as a measure to provld a method for exercising th Initiative a provided for by the amend ment to th constitution adopted in Jon last According to the bill, any city, town or district can make us of th Initiative . and . referendum on th same plan a '1 used in stat affair under th new law. )In city elections or district it shall be lawful to nomi nate persona by th petition of 1 per cant of th legal voter of th voting district and call an election In th asm manner a under th atat law. Th measure has been Introduced on account of th refusal of th authori ties of sever! cities, to. allow th people to avail themselves of the initiative and referendum allowed under; th amend ment " -f' : . TO CHANGE ELECTIONS Barrett Fathers BUI Changing Time From-Jnne to November. . : (By Staff Coerwonsdent.) -Salem. Jan.. 14.- A Joint resolution changing . the fhne of state election from June to November has been Intro duced In th house by Barrett of Wash ington. Th resolution provide that all election held In th state for th election of stat officers shall be held on th first Monday In ' November In place of th Brat Monday In June. at th present time and under th exist ing law. It 1 further provided that th officers ao elected shall tak their of fice on th first Monday In January fol lowing their election and also that the registration laws ' of the state be rhanaed as to time to conform with the lection In November a they now do with the time set for. the election in June. 1 ' This resolution wilt b , favorably acted upon by th committee on resolu tions snd It Is very possible that it will be adopted by the house without much discussion, it will sav th stat th expense of two primary nominating con ventions and two elections. - IS FIRE TRAP T-- l'(per Story of State nonse Unsafe . Says House Committee. ' - Balotn.- Jan. t4.That'-the - upper story of th stat hous j a fir trap 49 c 85,000 Yards Cotton Torchon Lace & In sertion Val. to 1 5c Yd. ;r v , . " 2700 Art 7 J A little more remarkable than any-of the splendid sale bar gains jve are now giving in Art Needlework is this won--derful sale of 2700 Art Pillow Tops, lira most delightful range of attractive designs. Real value 50c. The Friday sale will be enormous be as early as possible at the 1 r remarkable sale price of only. $1.00 Men's UnderwearJOc Clearance Sate Men's $1.00,Shirts and Drawers, derby ribbed, fully half wool, perfect fitting. '. Just half price for Fri- Cfl day: sale..,., ....... ... .... . . ...... .OU v and possessed of practically no flr pro tection 1 th opinion of the house come ml 'tee on capltol building and grounds, of which Settlemier of Marlon I chair man. Today th committee mad a tour of - th attlo and discovered that there are -ao-flr walla -throughout th whole spao under th roof, while the great height of th building and th fact that th water supply comes from th pen itentiary by gravity pressure reduces th efficacy of th flr ho stretched throughout the upper regions to prac tically nothing. , Valuable records are stored In the attlo and great loss to the state would ensue should fir one gain a start fhere. r It has been found by the committee also that there Is but on way of reach ing th attlo and that ia either by th elevator or by a small door and" ladder. In the event of flr thr would b no way for th firemen to reach th attlo and If the ware ahl to gain a place t hey- would be compelled to haul their ho through winding and narrow pas sageways, hammed in by board parti tions, so that they would be caught Ilk rata In a trap by th rush ot th draft from th big dome overhead, . EXECUTIVE MANSION ' Building; Selected Formerly Occu . . pled by Philip Metschan. (By Staff ' , ' 8alm, Jan. 14. An exscutfv man sion haai at last been found and may be provided by th legislature for the use of Oregon's chief executive it th plan now outlined In a bill Intro duced by Senator Kay is carried out Th building selected for th honor Is th residence formerly occupied by Philip Metschan when he was stat treasurer, - sttusted on the corner ot Twelfth and State streets Just one block eaat of the capltol building. It Is one of the finest residences In Salem and Is btlt on ground which Is now being con sidered for purchase by the stat In or der to provld further extension of th capltol ground and at th sam 'time afford room for the construction, of a ajat printing plant. Th bill Introduced by Senator' Kay provide that an appropriation of SSD.OOO be mad for th purchase of the block Just eaat of th atat house. . it I also provided that the etreet running be tween th block and th present eastern end of- the state grounds be condemned and closed to publlo traffic " BUNKOED BY MARION ; M ' .. Crawford Give Up Clerk on Prom- Ises, Now Berks Consolation. (Br a Staff vwenotxleat.) ' ' " Balem, Jan. 14. The hous of repre sentstlves -today will take up the ques tion of giving Representative Crawford of Yamhill county a consolation prise n the ahap of a clerk for hi commu te on roads and highways. Mr. Craw ford st th time of th organisation was entitled to on clerk for hi district but In th shuffle f adjustment wss talked out of hi opportunity by th Marlon county delegation and gar up hi chahc under the representation that further provision would be made. Time ha passed, however, and Mr. Crawford has not received his clerk-appointment and has grown restless. To sooth th, wounded feeling of th legislator from - Yamhill - a resolution ha been Introduced by Perkins of Jack son providing that an additional clerk be provided for th committee on roads and highway owing to the fact that one of th common clerk had been transferred from thst class to th posi tion of expert typewriter. 4cydo . "For Friday Bargain: Day 1 we oner an extraordinary sensational sale of 85,000 yards dfXbtfon Torchon Lace and Insertion. VA to- (S inches wide, in a great variety ot charming ef fecls. I Regular values to 15c a yard. The greatest r lace value of the win- . '--f ter, a yard. .r; .. . ;.-. 4C Pillow Tops .50c tor 15c . OF Ten Minutes From Tims Intro duced, Bill Is Rushed Through -j- Upper Hous. WATERSHED IS MADE NEW DIVISION LINE Like the Letter 8 Summit Between McKenxle and CmlapooU Will Sep arate - Lane From . LinnEagle a Creek! Road la Lane! (By a Staff OmepoBaeat.l Balem, Jan. 14. Ten minutes from th .tlm It waa Introduced, th first bill that ha passed ths senat during th present cession was passed by unaalmous vote yesterday afternoon. The measure provides for a ehang In th boundary lines between Linn and Lane counties. . Instead of the present straight line which marks th boundary between the two oountles, th summit of tn water shed between the Cslapoota waters on th north-- and th MacKenst waters on th south was made th boundary. All members of th delegation atat that the chang give each county about th am amount of territory taken from it, so that neither county. Is loaar by th change. Th new line curves Ilk an elongated S across th present Una Th only question discussed related to th Eagl creek wsgon road, which lays en top of th divide. The road leads Into Eugene, snd neither the Lane county nor th Linn county delegation desired to see any part of th road placed In Linn county so that county would have to keep up a road leading Into the eonnty sest of the other county. The new boundary was arranged so that th Eagle creek road Is left in Lan county snd will hav to be kept In rebatr by that county. - Provision for alteration of th county record of th two counties is made. WANTS STEEL CARS Bill Raises Liability for Lives Lost in Wrecks to Twenty Thousand. ,' (Br a Staff Cerreapnadeot ) Balem. Jan. 14. To bring about th us' Of the passenger eare constructed of ateel and other non-inflammable ma terial In train drawn by ou-burning locomotive 1 "th , object of a bill Introduced in ' th aenat yesterday afternoon by Senator Johnson, which he aaya was framed with that end In view. No direct commands to build their cars of steel sr given to the rallroada OKXSBPTrX.IT BXCOstMZBSXB OB CBXTJMATISsI. O. a. Hlgbee. Danville. HI., writes. Deo. t, 101:' "About two yesr sko I waa laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard a Bnow l.lnlmeat: one bottl cured me. I cn cheerfully rertommend It to all aurTerlna from like affliction, .oo. uo ana fl.du Sold bv all druaalsta. i www COUNTY 500 Pairs of Lace' Curtains Reg. Values $5.00 for $3.19 500 pairs of Cluny, Renaissance, Battenberg, Cable Net, Irish Point and Nottingham Lace Curtains in sufficient va riety to please every taste; white, ecrif and Arabian color; " actual values to $5.00 a pair,' reduced to the low a "y r " special price of. . . . . ... . .'.. .v. ... . ; . . . , . . .... . t0 1 y $6.50 Curtains $4.79 Pr. $1.50 Curtains 98c Pair 400 pairs of Cluny, Irish Point, Renaissance and . Battenberg ijbce Curtains, white or Ara bian color; ralues to . $6.50; very special, Sale flji 7Q price .......... . P y $25Curtains$l . 51 Pr. 350 pairs, of Nottingham. Lace TCurtaius, both plain and fig ured centers, in both white or Arabian color; 3 yards long. 50 inches wide; values fljl to S2.25; special I.OO Great Savings in Small Wares J5oboKIlalrplnaraxtra long. . . .184 ISo wire Hatrplna, all atsea, 20 In box ..................i.l04 J6c Bide Bupportefs. black and all colors . 12H4 5c MllltsryPad Hob .Support era .. ......194 f 1 Fancy Pad Supporters, 4 strap . ..J... ...... .........684 tto and 15a Steel Sclssora, six slses to select from .........104 ISo and Boo Shell or Amber Back Combafln-flnlh ,.. ..254 So Nickel Safety Pins, 1 dos. for 54 10a Colored Head Stick Pins... ..44 16o Good Btrona Shoe Laoes, dos.104 JHo Good Ironing Wax, I for.-. 64 Bo Paper Whit Head Steel Pins. 34 10O Pyramid Bteel 84 So Wlr Hairpin, box -. ....It lfro Colored Top Hatpins. ...84 too Pearl Top Hatplna .124 t(o Combination Shoe Press Ins; . ........... ,.......12H4 25o alse Gold thiat ...... 184 100 Iohtneanae'r ....... .flT 1-34 lOo Pearl ine ...84 Jtt Dexter Darning CotVn .....l4 10c Cub Pin v.,.,.84 COo Bet Comb, back comb and Id combe ................. .384 lOo (-Inch Hairpins 54 Instead. Senator Johnson hope to ac complish th desired result by lncreas Ing the liability of railroad for dam age resulting from ore caused py tn explosions of oil-burning locomotlves. Th limit of damage recoverable for a death caused through an "Ott burner I raised by th bill from (S.OflO to tlO,- 000. It-lg-provided that-slight negli gent: of th parson injured is not a de fense to an actios for the collection of damages, and that the question of con tributory negligence Is to be considered snd 'determined by the Jury exclusively. The trial- Judges are expressly pro hibited from Interfering with the Jury In considering the question of contribu tory negligence, or setting aside a ver dict on that ground. FOR FEEBLE-MINDED ; State Institution for Care of Income petents Provided In Miller's BI1L (By a Buff Correaptmdent.) - -Salem. Jan. 14. Feeble-minded persons, idiots and those subject to epilepsy are to be cared for In a atat Institution for the feeble-minded. If the bill introduced in th aenate by Miller of Marlon yesterday afternoon become laws. Appropriations amounting - to $1(0.000 foe the construction and main tenanco of the Institution for the en suing two year are provided. - Twe bills were Introduced by Senator Miller, the first providing that the in stitution should be founded. Th gov ernor, superintendent of publio Instruc tion and attorney-general are to consti tute a board of trustee to found th Institution and get control of It -,. Application for th admission of any person to th Institution is to be mad to th superintendent: After the appli cation I approved by th superintendent it la to be passed on by the county Judge of the county where the applicant Uvea Tl trustees are empowered toVlx um not exceeding 140 a year thst may be contributed by the relatives of any feeble-minded person toward their sup port while, in the institution. . FOR JAMESTOWN FAIR Governor Requests Appropriation Be Made for Display. (By a Staff Correspondent. ) Salem. Jan. 24. Prompt action on an appropriation for an Oregon building at the Jamestown tercentenary expo sition was urged upoq the senate and house ot representatives by the gover nor In a special message yesterday aft ernoon. Th - governor expressed th opinion that much good would result to the state in ths way of Industrial de velopment from a proper exhibit of Oregon's resource at Jamestown. - Special stress was laid on the facts that the exposition opens April to, snd thst th option secured by the pro visional commission expire February t. which leaves only two weeks for Oregon to secure th sit reserved by the op tion. ' ' PLEA OF GUILTY ON A LARCENY CHARGE (Rueclal Donates t The Jmmil.l Enterprise. Or., Jan. 14. Ernest El liott waa arrested In Joseph charged with larceny from the person and when arraigned here before Jilstlca ot th Pence Smith pleaded guilty. He l now confined in th county JiUI, to remain until th next term of circuit court, in fpril. The crime being a felnnv the Jostle of the peiui has tin Jurisdiction of the ca further than a commit ting magistrate. 1,000 pairs ai Nottingham Lace Curtains, with" plain" and fig-, ured centers, in both white" and Arabian color; 3 yards long, 50 inches wide; Ofl values to $1.50. for.,..,. VOL Curtains to $2.75. spl .,fl.Z Curtains to $3.25, spT . .fZ.23 $10 Curtains $6.95. "Pair. 300 pairs of Lace Curtains in Irish Point. ' Battenberg and Novelty styles: values to $10 a pair; special sale price, pair v.' $6.95 25c Stationery; 12c. A number of atylaa of Juvenile paper, or amnll note size; white and blue; regular He value. 35c-40c Stationery, 18c. Regular alz linen fabrlo bnxed paper, nw ahape; color, blue, white, . gray-white; box contain quirt of puper and envelopes.' ,1 50c Stationery, 28c. Cabinet box of paper, containing 0 aheets of paper and 60 en velope; blue or wjilt linen fabric; beat quality. J 7 Sc.. Stationery, 33c. Cabinet dot. containing assort ment ot paper, two slses; some blue, some- whit; BO sheet -af paper and envelopes to match, . $1.00 Stationery, 48c. Large- cabinet containing 100 sheet of paper and 100 envelope of fine linen paper; new shap o- $1.25 Stationery, 58c. -fine- Ik i ge buz ot ttmm fabric- -paper; new ahap envelopea $1.25 Stationery,' 68c. Beautiful box, containing 60 aheet of paper and envelopes to match; great value.- RAILROAD BILLS y v.;;-,".' Committees of Senate and House Will Consider Proposed Laws Together. - I Staff Correspooewiir.) Salem, - Or, ' Jan. 24. The railroad committee of th hous and aenat will act Jointly in th consideration of J1 railroad regulation measures which may come before the present session of the legislature and will hold publlo hearings for th discusslson of railroad regula tion in order that a fair and Impartial masur may 6 adopted for th govern ment of the roads and the protection of the people and commerce. On Monday next the two committees, . headed by Senator Wright from the up per branch and Representative Coffey from the house, will meet and outline their plan for ths consideration of all railroad matters. This program mapped out on that evening will be followed through the session In sn elTort to ex pedite legislation and arrlv at th fair est results. It I th intention of th committee to meat Jointly and hold hearings simi lar to those held by th Interstate com merce commission. Befor these hear ing will come all those Interested In the legislation proposed by the bills now or yet to be Introduced In either of the two houses. - Th committee will listen to the argument mad by these men for Of against a railroad- commission or reciprocal demurrage, or other form of regulation, a th case may be. An official stenographer for th Joint committee will be employed to take the srguments made by all men coming be fore the -committee and this will be transcribed and laid before the -number of th commute when they enter Into th prlvat work of drafting the amendment or polishing up th final meaaur which will be presented for passage to the two houses. Dr. James C. Kan. who ha been eon fined to his rooms In the Portland hotel because of Illness. Is Improved and will be able to sttend to his professional du- ' ties In a dsy or two. S0Z0D0NT Tcoia po;vcin k ' Is of benefit as a dc antiseptic clear, 'r : and preservative. A dentbt. AC J0I1ILY Mil