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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21. 19Q7. SCOTS TO CELEDDATE ROBERT BURNS' ANNIVERSARY UR. .SECOND O 1 v: lL Jl. A. O. John A. Paterson, Chief. Jamea Cormack, Tan 1st. Alexander Gavin. Royal Deputy for -;' :,i . Oregon., i i v r lirVii-- .. r '. ..,,, - . -. 0 v D. A. Milne, Secretary. - Henry Dickson, Treasurer. " Iosl Boots - Will lb .( th annt ' Tersary or th birth of Robert Burns with a special concert Friday evening at Aiion hall. Second and Oak atreeta. A thoroughly Scottish program of -song J. D. Stuart, Financial Secretary. will ba presented by several ot the best artists of the city. A special feature of the program will be the Highland bagpipe playing and dancing la costume. The principal officers of Clan Idacleay for-1907 are:'Boyai deputy for Oregon, Alex Oavln; chief, John A. Paterson; "past chief, Alex O. Brown; " tan tat, James Cormuclcr chaplain, James I CarsweU; secretary. D. A.' Milne; flnan- Brown,,1 Past Cblef. T cial Secretary, J. R Stuart; treasurer. Tfe1a"ryTJrcKiiohT,pnysTc1an;' Dr. W. H. Skene; truatees. A. H. Blrrell. A. Oavln and Tfflrhead; plpire, flpe. Major J. II. Macdonald and J. P. Robrtson. - The order of Scottish clans is a fra ternal, beneficial and social organisa tions founded In St xuls, November 0, 1178, - for the purpose of uniting Scotsmen, sons of Scotsmen and their immediate descendants for their mutual benefit and protection, r . 1 Ths benefits to be derived from Such an organisation were soon recognised In other parts of the country and the or der has now subordinate clans or lodges in all portions of the northern states and Canada.. .These subordinate clans sdopt tho name of one of the old clans famous In Scottish history - and wear as regalia a plaid of their clan tartan with tha bonnet and eagles' feather. Clan Maeleay. tha local branch, was Instituted 14 years ago and has a mem bership of about lea of the best Scots men in the city. The name was taken from the late Donald Maeleay, one of the prominent pioneer Soots of Portland, who took an active Interest in tha clan until bis death. - . r - ; ; - - Tha .regular, meetings ' of the local clan are held twice a month in tha new Woodmen building 00 Eleventh and Al der atreeta. . . .; RIVER WATER MAINS FOR THE FIRE ENGINES New Rreboat Would Pump Water From . th WiU . . ' . " . lamette. ' . PROTECT FACTORY : AND MILL DISTRICTS "&guiealtiM!ne4WnCorlllall-C Throw Stream Over Nineteen j Story Building . Salariea of City mployeg Increased. - : . A bill providing for tha appropria tion of 1200,000 for the laying of fire mains on both aides of the rlvsr will be submitted to tha people at tha June election, when tha measurs appropriat ing $125,000 -for the construction of a new fire boat will also be voted upon. This was decided tipon at tha meeting of the council committee on ways and means yesterday afternoon.- y-.- - .City ' Auditor Devlin was instructed to drait tha two bills and submit them to ths council at a special meeting of tha council Monday afternoon, - At the same time tha council will be aaked to request the legislature to complete the law jiving cities the right to amend their own charters. When the law waa passed, Mr. Devlin said, tha legislature failed to state bow Ita provisions may be carried out. it will now be asked to set forth tha details of procedure. The system of mains proposed" will north t ths mill districts on both sides of the- river. - la the mill and faefbry districts In North Portland tha mains will be laid as far west as Twentieth street In the center of the city the mains will extend to Sixth street on the west side and to Union avenue en lue esst side. ' . ' ; The mains will ba laid on alternate streets. They will be kept full of water constantly, and In event of fire the fire- boat may attach tinea of hose to tha water gates at tha river aad maintain a steady supply. The present flreboat has a pumping capacity equal to that of five flrst-sise engines. Pumping from mains so supplied in the east, engines have thrown a stream over a ll-etory build- ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. BUSINESS SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS :- : '. :AT . 'v . II DISCOUNT lng. Fire Cinef Campbell says. This was the last action the commit tee took prior to adjournment yestea day afternoon. Increase in the sala ries of city employes took up the re mainder of the afternoon. The salary of Charlea Bavarian, superintendent of the ore alarm and police telegraph sys tem, waa increased from 1130 to $150 a month. - Building Inspector Spencer was given an additional deputy at a salary of $111 a month, and tha salary of the clerk In sthe health department waa raised from $t0 to $70 a month. BiinrraEci DEPOSITORS the act "No person, firm or corpora tion shall", use either or any of the terms, ank,'. "banker, "bankers," "bank ing Jiouse or trust company," unless he, they or. it Shall have .first fully complied with all tha provisions cf the aet" At least TO per cent of tho capital of every corporation engaging la tha bank ing business shall be paid In before tho corporation shall ba authorised to com mence business. The remainder ahall be paid in within six months Of tha data ot Its organisation. - afeferrea Stock Ceae OHoda. . . Allen a Lewie" Best Brand. 1 Cut out thisad and bring it to CHICAGO Friday and get an all bristle Clothes Brush X7H1 surpass any sale oL TJEiTS Wcarinaapparel ever ailempled rrT' e - m City FREE Cut outthis ad and bring it to CHICAGO Friday and get ah iall bristle Clothes Brush Note These Prices for Fri Only Men's Derby Ribbed Under wear. .Reg. $1.25. Friday l)ST Cwam 1 Men's fancy cotton arid black A A cashmere Sox.; Reg. 20c. fri- I H ft day Special ...... . . . ... . Men's Bath Robes arid Smoking Jackets. . - Values up - to A p $10.00. Fri day Spcgjj Men's fancy white and wash FA Vests. Values up to $3.50. JlJfaT Friday Special . . ..V. -""f Regular $5.00 Suit Cases. GO 0 C Friday Special .;..V....V;;VV-0tl Men's soft and stiff Hats. Regular $2.50 and $3.50, Friday Special . . . . . . . 1.69 Men's Trousers. Values A A A f up to $5.00. Friday Spe-2)1 -Ji J cial v. . . . ....... . . . . i . t Men's regular $12.50 to $17.50 Suits and! Over coats. Friday Special 17.99 Men's dress and V work ShbesTTValues up tb $3.50. Fnday Special $1.59 Men's patent leather,, vici kid and box calf Shoes. . Values ; up to $5.50. .Friday Spe cial ..... i .. ..... - tuu aiiu vwa 2195 ISGlISiSSiilaiM 67-71 THIRD STREET . Between OAK (Q PINE State Bankers' Assoctation Sub Tmlts Document Tf or Introduce . toh at Legislature, t "1 Vc Say It's the Greatest - ? ; v - Clothing Value Ever OJered Port- ' ' land. Make Is Prove It " ' OUFFUM FPi 311 MORuISON, OPP. POSTOfFICE1 ' :. SCLE AGENTS KNOX HATS ' : For tha purpose ot protecting bank depositors and legitimate banxnir tn atltutions and preventing disastrous failures and financial crashes, a . bill framed bjr tha State Bankers' associa tion and forwarded to President Haines of the. stste senate will be introduced during tha present sesslon'of the .legls latvre. . - Tho remedy against unreliable bank lng concerns and against schemes ot Ir responsible speculators is believed . to be found In a state board of bank com mlssloners and a state bank azamtner, The proposed act provides for their ap pointment, tha governor, aecretary of state and state treasurer to constitute tha board, with power to appoint aa examiner at a salary of $.00 a rear. An article of the bill touching par ticularly upon tha security of banking Instltutlona Is that which prohibits any officer or employe of bunking insti tution from borrowing any of the funde of tha bank trpoit hla own aote or obligation without first .having ob tained the approval of a majority of the board of directors of the bank, or ot an exeeutlve board or discounting commit tee selected by a majority of tha beard of directors. In ease any of the dlreo- tors knowingly permit or i approvaa such loan In a dishonest manner, every one who assents shall be liable in his personal and individual capacity ror all damage sustained In consequence there of. - . -" . xtvamlnes to Zas-eetigaasv Another important section of ths bill Is that which provides that every bank operating In a community of leas than (,000 Inhabitants shall have on hand at all times In' actual cash not -less than li per cent ot its demand liabilities and 10 per cent of Its time deposits. Every bank doing buslneaa In a city of more than 10,000 Inhabitants shall bavs on hand IK percent of Its demand De bt 1 1 Mas and 10 per cent of ita time de posits, thus preventing, to a great ax. tent, the danger resulting from a run. - The bsnk examiner Is to pay occa sional visits to the banks and Investi gate ths reports of. liabilities and as sets in every detail.' ..Buvh reports shall slso be published In some newspaper. ot general circulation for the protection of the general public A regulsr round of all the banks shall be made at least Once a year by tha examiner, when he shall have access to every book and rec ord in the Institution. A penalty is provided-, however, sralnst the examiner disclosing any Information thus gained excepting In the regular course pro vided by the bill. -- Frelgn"bemks--are to be governed n similar manner., to. the home institu tions. In case of apparent danger of a bank being unsafe It shall be tha duty of the examiner to as Inform the sec retary of state, who will at once inform the board of bank commissioners, who in turn may take the neensssry steps to straighten out the affairs of the In solvent concern snd sttend to the pros ecution of those- to blame for Ita Con dition, ' . . Against Wildcat Banks. .As a protection against concerns op erating under tha guise of hanks -or trust company, the bill prescribes that no person, firm or Corporation, exoopt national banks, shall carry on lng business, cacopt oa oompliaai fr Baked of the finest ingredients Suits every Taste - i ' ' - ' ' tIJr. 5 centt J i 3 Infill pwloaf; S Hill ,i aw, '11" v -i ;.. ssssa V at oU Sjocers X -'--- Insist upon onr hbel being J ' on the loaf others are imitations. 9 Have You Seen It? Do You Want It? .. LzktzzJ lJ 7 Wi now offer for aale the handsomest T lots In King's' Addition, with 11 -room housa on tsdJolnlng lots sold Isst week for I2T.000). These lots are particularly well located for a fine home or a grand hotel, and about tha only tract large enough for auch a building in that neighborhood. 4 ' - . . We wUl sell them if taken before February 1st at two, thirds their actual value. See us at once. -. - -- - " -r r" - -- BUCHTEL & KERNS lion B, -Mas. - taa , if oaUsoaT. i. exoopt , a bank- I J nca with fTr JLL-af tU JJ- JL J Vl xms enare outuuu biock 01 jaaica xvcauy-xo- vv car u at in cms, as wc wm nut yxsM. v ( . a single garment to our new store, whidx we. expect to open about March 15 4 ' EXTRA SP1LGIAL for FRIDAY Our entire stock of Coats stands before you -' Friday morning to dj I C choose at;.v..::y..... . . .;; . . .... . . , . . . . ; ... . . ..... .... : . . . :y. fyXCim J Can You Imagine $40 and $50 COATS Si '1' :Mh Yes; 'yJ:Mig old. .-. f .., A lot of Coats worth up to $12.50, at . . . . i . . Vv . . . . .' V. . . . ; . . . . . . . Come to 7 131 FIFTH STREXT J) O .JL apUa O J. VH Li 4 "T 1 - K 3 . I