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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
!-'' '. irtrn -Trr!rT nAtf'w TrtTIOMil' CnPTT AMn TTTTTPSDAV EVENING. JANUARY 21, ------ . - i i . - " 1 - LARGE SUPS FOR OREGOfi RIVERS DRYIillv CHISELS OREGOfi SOLOIIS REAL ESTATE III , EAT AND TALK Twenty Applications , for Mem bership in Realty Board the Result. V r . rrr a n m ) ! Bill Reported by Committee to Conjjrew Contains All '': j'. Asked For. .', ... ". ; OVER TWO'MILUONS ' ? FOR COLUMBIA JETTY Small Amount la Cash Balance In '. Authorised CoatrarU - River rr? ; Channel Ini)roymeit -and Celllo Canal Provided For. l Tun..! Rn1 arrlM.i . . Washington, Jan. . Th rlr and harbor bill wu reported te th house today and wlU be called up next Mon Amy. Ore iron treated liberally. x " cepCfor th Cascade locks. , which" axe .. cut out !' - '"- - ' The mouth of the Columbia river seta every cent that wu' recommended, and with this money the Jetty will be eora- imi ni- itis are-- prlated In cash, the engineer are au thorised to make eontracta to the eg '. gregata- amount of $$,4$$.$44, and the 'balance of that money will be carried In the sundry civil bill or next session, ' Ions before the . contract! have been 'fulfilled. - '; - -Three hundred .thousand dollar la the "" aum fixed tor, continuing - the channel between Portland and the mouth of the Columbia; 1100,006 eaah I appropriated for The Dallea-Celllo canal, with $$.. . , too additional to be used when the first -named sum Is exhausted:"'' . .The committee , appropriates 1120.000 , for that part ot the Columbia river be tween OUlo and the. mouth of. Snake , - river and 41.000 for the str.tcb of ."river farther up between Wenatchee and - Bridgeport. -.-.:- ,.. : v . ' T ' 3T Upas Oolunania. Tha upper Columbia and Bnake f old project) get $10,000, and XO.OOO i given . for the Coqullle river. ' Tillamook bay get , all , that wss recommended, $10,000, and th upper Willamette and Yamhill get $13,000. th ; full amount asked. . No appropriations were recommended tor Coo bay. the Sluslaw river or Tk , quins, bay, hence no appropriations were mads and -non could be made under :' the rule of the committee. In addition -to the appropriations, the v committee authorises surveys with " view to formulating new projects fol 1. deeper channels st the entrance to Coo bay and Tillamook bay. and for further . Improvement of tb Coqullle river. Waahlartoa - Appropriates. f Th Isrgest appropriation authorised , In Washington was for Gray's harbor. ' $(00,000, for constructing th north jetty. Half is in caah and half On eon ' tlnulng contract. . Inner Gray' harbor, for Improving th channel to Aberdeen, geuiiJXaor--heo foraialB , t nance, and Oray'a rver $$,104. i . Dredging In the tributaries of Staget sound -will be conducted under appro- ' ' priatlona or $70,000. . Willapa river get $$$,000 under a new project, th - Cowllts and Lewis : .. rivers $$.000 and the Okanogan and ... Pend d'OreUle $10.00. .. . .An appropriation of $I4$.000 is mad for constructing a ship canal from Ft. - . Michael to the mouth of the Yukon, In . Alaska, to facilitate th transfer of . i cargoes from sea-going vessels 'to river Steamers. ' ' ; The. bill authorises another survey - . looking to construction of th Washing--7-7 tern canat"at Boattle. -7 . Th bill authorises five surveys with ;a view to determining th advisability .. of undertaking new, projects la Wash ington, ss follows: ', Bellingham harbor. Blaine harbor, Cowlita river, Skagit river and Pnyallup liver aa far as PuyaJJup City. . Ontario Legislature Meets. . ", ' Joaraal SdmUI Strr1r.) Toronto. Ont., Jan. 24.r The third Blon of th eleventh legislature of On tario was opened today with the cue totnary oeremonlea . From present indl catlaas th session will be shorter than th ordinary. While th government has some Important measures in con templation they are not so numerous as - usual. Among tb bill that will at tract attention Is on relative to a rev- nu from mtnea. ;""'. 1 ,, ;. Mrs. Walter Daggett Dead. ' ' . fltoerlel DUoatrk The loaraaLl Lebanon. Or- Jan. 24. Mr a. Walter Daggett died at 'her bom In thla otty Tueaday night after an illness of 14 : hours. Th morning before sb wss 'feeling wall, but soon became 01 and gradually grew wore. She leaves a nusband and three small children. Her remains were shipped to Albany for burial r-: ,. " ; , , . MMM-MMm MMM , ' Thar la plenty of hay about Lake view, which sells around $4 par ton. Compound Interest ' comes to Ufa Vhen. 4h body feels th dallolous glow of ' health, . vigor and energy. ' That Certain Sense 1 . 1 for vigor n th brain and easy . polss of th nerve comas when ' ' th Improper food r cut out l: and predigested. :."'"l. - Grape-Nuts take ihelr place. If It baa taken you years to run down don't expect on mouthful of thla great food to bring you back for it i not a atlmulant but . 1 . . " Robulldcr. 10 days' trial show results.' 'TUero'mn Reason Oet th mil book. Th Road to Wallvllla." la pkga. , (Continued from Pag Ona) dum. It enable th people to speak. I believe that there 1 mor virtu In th people than finds xpreaaion through their representsUvs. "I regard a representative not as an unalloyed good, but aa a necessary evil. Look back at the scandal a, d I, races and shames In public life and they are la men representative aa a rule. It Is because the representative does not rep resent thatw hav had graft and cor ruption la publlo affair a "By th Initiative th people compel action. ' If representatives ao not do what people want don, th peopl themselves can-do 1t If tha 4eglsla- ture doea something the people do not want, through the referendum they hav th power to overcome lb . Whan rep resentatives know that If they do not act th peopl will, they are nor likely to act and ar not so apt. to go astray. . , ' 1 TrM af Ooot aTrainn. -"tfwltaerland -has th 4nittativ and referendum and has a government rest ing so strongly on the wilt of th people that It would require tb armies of al most all Europ to taka th liberty from little Swluanand. . country and government to destroy all the thrones of th world. Not by fore or violence, but by showing them some thing better than thrones In a repub lican form of government, strong be cause U darea 10 build Its citadels In the hearts of men. . -,. r?" "It - is ' necessary that ,. represent atives should always bs on guard against ths demands of th few to see that the few do not take advantage of the many.. Today the great contest all over this country la between th cor porations and th individual. Men were created by God, , while creations were created by men. , In making man Ood put a limit to his Ufa, so If hs were bad he oould not be bad very long. But th corporation Is much stronger than Ood mad man. . . . KaUroad Xnflnsne tfcroaf. "'1 want to lay It down as a funda mental principal that ths crsatur can not be greater than big creator. ., ;T would like to head th charter of every corporation with tha phrase, "Remember thy creator. In th days of thy youth, and in all, thy day.' Nina teen year ago Interstate commerce law was passed. It took nine years to find out that it did not amount to much and 10 years to amend It, tiiough th mem bers of th oommlssloa were clamoring all th tint.' That la bow strong in Influence of th railroads wasIOwJMtn bouses at eengress." The railroads con test avary step. If a member, 1 sus ceptible they entertain him. Ij one -hoard a- physician say thai th disposition of a person could .be changed by th diet. I asked him If he wanted to hear a confirmation of hi theory. When h said b did I aald: 'When In congress I saw many Instances whsn men cam to Washington with a ents, but a diet of champagne and ter rapin soon entirely changed that dlspo- altion.'. . - Veople Xaew Voialaff. ' "We hav for year known of the telegraph system, where on man at on end worked an Instrument and an other man at tha CtthaBend received th messsge and n on ls knew what was. going on. . There bss been too much of this In our legislative bodies, where there was a representative at on end and th railroad at ths other and tb publlo knew nothing about what was going on. -"Th modern ystemjs wireless, only th Instruments ar tuned to each other to receive , or transmit snessagea ' I would Ilk to see this system substi tuted ao that the representatives should be attuned to th people and th rail road not know what was going on, - "A between th two measures for th regulation of railroads I am alwaya for ths bill that goes farthest. I believe in giving th most complete power possi ble te the member of th commission for th regulation of th railroads. Short Term Traachisoa "Every municipal . franchls ahould contain a provision allowing th city granting It to taka ovar th Industry at any thna-they wish on - an equitable basts. I belter la short term fran chises for wo cannot peer Into th fu ture and tell what value a' franchise w41t be. There ought to ba maximum dividend also. Ths English parliament now la governing charters for water and gaa companies fixes th maximum dividend that tockholders may receive. Th great railroads in Connecticut- ar alo subject to a maximum dividend pro vision and they get along as well as any. . - "Legislation ougnt to b so framed that we will hav not only . tha right to th pursuit of happiness but some hop of overtaking th happiness of which we are In pursuit The hours of work In a day should b fixed by law. Some protection to th laboring men ought to be provided ao that tha reward for toil ALL t'PHLLL . Vntll Sh Teaad tha Iropr rood. r Llf has a vary pleasant aspect when viewed through th spectacles of health. W ar equal to almoat any task; moun tains ar as molehills and difficulties mad but to be overcome when vigor ous health Is ours. Just as certain as fat. If w overload th stomach with poorly cooked, pasty, starchy or greasy foods ws will suffer and lose health, for th machinery f ithe body la dependent for It strength and perfect action upon the food ws at , - v ' " A woman living In Maidstone, Eng land, aays: "Tor months I suffered severely with pains in my cheat and arm as well ss round th back Of my waist, and always felt tired and lackadaisical, so that th Slightest exertton ws an effort. My appetite -kept growing smaller and smaller. I consulted two doctors, but no Improvement was noticeable while under their reapeotlve treatments. I becama despondent and began to think my case was hopeless, when a friend recommended Grape-Nuts, having da rived great benefit from this truly won derful food himself. Aa a isat chsncs I invested In a package, and after only a couple of weekr trial It had marvel ous effect upon my health. Tb pain disappeared eatlrely, and In their place strength and afl excellent appetite re turned. I felt strong and fit for any thing, that nasty sensation of llfrlass nesa having quits departed! . T have put an flash rapidly.' ; . 1 hav now used Grape-Nuts for many weeks, and mean to continue to do a In th future, for th reason that I and tb remainder of th houeebold Ilka It so much. W eat it with milk and a llttla Jam, generally ..apricot wklrb la a valuable addition." Nam given by Fostwm Co., Vattte Creek, Mien. . .1 .. -. .... , CAKE SAYS DEALERS : SET, PACE FOR CITY R. W. Montague Speaks on Lcglsla- tlon Affecting Real Estate Agents, anjf J- E. Bronaugh Says -Brainy ' Men Ilare Fin Opportunity. The best governed, most prosperous and contented-looking body of men that haa come ' together In. many a day in Portland gathered around tha banquet table st Richards restaurant last night In response to the Invitation ot th Portland realty board. Practically every real estate firm in the city wss represented, and .together . with , the guests, there were -something Ilk 100 Th object of the banquet was to bring together ths real estate dealers of Portland, both in and out of the realty board, that unity of purpose and good fellowship might be promoted . and mean taken to promote the dignity and character of tha profession. Ths banquet was . served at $;I9 o'clock, but It was three hours later be fore th speech-making began. Web ster's orchestra and th Oregon Male (quartet furnished the mualo for th evening. .President W. H. Moor of to board was absent and A. H. Blrrell, vice-, president, called the meeting to order. After a short sddress by tha chairman, J. O. Rountre was called upon to pre side for the remainder of th evening. H. SI. Cake was the first speaker called upon. He gave preeminence to the. real estate men for th remarkable prosperity and upbuilding of Portland. "They set ths pace in. advertising and exploiting the great natural advantages of our city and state," seidr he, ' R. W. Montague confined his remark to a discussion of legislation that would be ot benefit to the real estate dealer, particularly : with reference to the law governing options, commissions, etc J. E. Bronaugh spoke of th real estate business as a profession that re quired great energy and enterprise. Me declared that it offered a wide field for the renourceful. Joreny mn.," There fwere20 applications filed for member ship In th board last night, which will bring th-total membership up to . 7 flrtna .' : - - J.-O.- Roue tree, - W. H.-Moors M. O. Griffin, W. W. Fries and E. Sweet com posed the committee that had charge of last night" banquet. 'Th officer of tb realty board ar W. H. Moor, presi dent: Benjamin L Cohen, first vice- president; A. H. Blrrell, second - vlce- A K tary. should b In proper proportion t th amount of toil." . : : SPEAKS AT UNIVERSITY Large Crowd Greets Him Mere sod ' "' at High School. " Bt Stiff CorreBaadat) ' ' ' Salem, Jan. $4. Perhaps th greatest ffort among tha speeches of Bryan in Salem was that mads before tha stu dents of Willamette university this morning. , II spoke for 10 minutes and was Introduoed by Governor Chamber lain. His . address wa particularly Interesting to the students of oratory, ss th distinguished orator spoke ot th lenient of affective public peaklifg. A thorough Understanding1 of th sub ject, th feeling that the speaker has a message to give, brevity and clear ness of statement ar among th eisen tlal. h said. "Tha Christian religion gives n th only tro conception of greatness, snd service I tb measure of greatness," said hs. -..-.-.-.-- ' , . At o'clock Bryan spoke to th High school students on ths importance of education. Large crowds greeted him at both places. . , SPEAKS AT ALBANY" Makrs Address to Large Crowd From " . Flatcar; - 'k (pedal Meeate t The learnaL) Albany, Or Jan. $4. A large and en thusiastic crowd greeted William i. Bryan at Albany thla noon. He was accompanied by Senator M. A. Miller and upon bis arrival her ws escorted to a Una of f la tears from which hs addrssaed the assembled eltiaens. Tor $0 minutes he held the close attention of his auditors and many of his ut terance wer received with applause. A large asssmblsg of students from th O. A. C. were in th city, coming especially to bear th great commoner. To th students present he delivered a short sddress before leaving for Eugene, BANQUET AT EUGENE Noted Commoner Will Sit at Table "'T flpread for 300. . ' (Special Dlapatrh te The Jotirnif.) - Eugene, Or - Jan. 14. William 3. Bryan arrived In Eugene from Salem this afternoon, accompanied by a com mittee of local Democrats, who went to tb capital city yesterday for th purpose of escorting th distinguished visitor te this city. Mr. Bryan and his wlf wer met at th depot by a large crowd of men and women and escorted to the Commerolel club room where sn Informal reception - la in progress, hundreds of eltlsens taking this occa sion to meet th great Nebraska com moner and his estimable wife. ' Th distinguished guest will be dined at the Hotel Smeede this evening, the dinner to be attended by - twenty or mor prominent . Democrat . of tha oounty and their wives. After ' th lecture at th university a banquet will b given down town, plate being act for $00 persona - Mr. Bryan v Is ex pected to deliver - an address at this function and several local speaker are on th program for toasta l M. Travis, chairman of tha. Democratic county central committee, la at the head of th committee in charge ot the en tertainment . Lo, the Wise Indian. Frcai th Kansas City Joontal. There haa bees qalte a little saM ehoat the grafter UKlef aaVaBtage ef the Indies. It sj nnt ahrajra thoa. A lead sn tkt weate as ladtaa'i slgaarar te a de told the la Slaa, whe was - enf ferine with toothacbe, te s t s eatatt ea4 have hie tMtk flxea. aed aid that so, the grafter, weals say the ! setue. The grafter Sid tele Is Jolly ths Indian lnt algning the deed. The Indlaa retaraad frnis the dmttst'i with $Zt worts of nki emwaa la his bead. The Uad maa paid the hill. - Wheth-r the rndlaa elgsfd th e4 I aet inaiirUy a pail ef a a Mr, BiiUMfa, comer ef East Morrison street snd Union avenue, on of th oldest department store In th city, haa had more to contend with, possibly, in th way of Inconvenleno on aoeount of atreat Improvement than any other tar in town. First It wa th building of the Morrison street bridge, then th filling in of Morrison street directly la front of th store, and following that the tearing up of Union avenue to the north and south. But all these Improve ments ar now completed, and Mr. Baumer 1 preparing to make extensive additions to his store, enlarging th stock and In very way keeping up with th demand of th time. He la ao conveniently looated that ha catche trad on both sides of th river. "W expect to increase our business fully $$ 1-$ per cent this - year." aald Mr. Baumer, "and we shall prepare In every way for th Inoraaee, ' 1, ; eaa-awaa-a-aal t, J ' Th Pacino Honey company's ator at the aaat and of th Morrison street be a eonslsnt temptation to th amU boy who love sweets and tha housewlf en pur foods bent Tot through th wld glass front . ot tha tor on look upon aa array of th golden liquid In bottles that la beauty andavldent purity euggest a food fit for ths . gods.' H. M. Ogden and T. J. Murphy, proprietors, opened th "honey store" about a year ago, first Introduc ing th guaranteed pur Oregon and California honey lnt th northwest market and now they ar supplying every town of Importance In thla and neighboring, states, also a large ma jority of th retail dealer of Portland, The secret of their rapid success 1 In th absolute purity of tha produot Think of two carloads $0,000 pound of straight honsy being brought In at on shipment en aaslgnmsnt recently received. Qn brand I granulated, or reduced to a solid state something Ilk Jelly, and put up In paper parcel. Th prooeas seems to eliminate th Intense sweetness that la objectionable to aom people, and to 'produce a moat dcUolous Jam or butter that te a delightful addi tion to th afternoon tea table, or te the children' lunches. -, Honey In th eomb is not handled by thla concent at all, as tha eomb Is a most Indigestible produot, never Intended for th human stomach, and not to be recommended to those- in aeareh of pure-and healthful foada "It peopl oould realise," aald Mr. Ogden lo his verv interesting ao eount ot the way the bee work, "that a working bee s llf Is Just 40 day, and that if she put la half her time mak ing now- somba aha producee Just half ths amount of honey sh might other wise produce, and that tha comb baa no food value, they would never aak for the honey In the eomb. Our honey 1 all extracted by a patent process from the cells, and the eomba put back for th baas ,to .eenil. Many people aJeo think that the lighter the color the purer the honey; this la a mistake, the color being In accordance with the kind of blossoms the bee culls from.- No honsy is more delicate than that made from alfalfa, and' th Alfalfa boney Is quit dark." .- . : X command th honey .tore ta thoee aeeklng pur and healthful goov.' The Columbian Optical company, 13$ Sixth street. Floyd F. Brower, mana ger, has the exclusive agency for th Kryptok lenses, which ar th only double lense made without lines. In use by optlblana today. The lense are sol ia.c round jk. one : piece. Thus the wearer experiences . no difficulty , from the heat separating the two piece of glass aa when th lenaes are made In the old way. Mr. Brower says that tb increase In .business la very strongly evident, mor people having their eye carefully looked after than ever before. ' E. R, Hlckson of the Moore Invest ment company aays things are hum ming out In Vernon, th addition this company baa put on th market Homes ar going up In svery direction and a Presbyterian church baa Just been finished. - Vernon is - beautifully situa ted, K being tb highest elevstlon on th peninsula, and .Is one of .the moat attractive spots for a home about the city.. , GOTHAM'S OLD GUARD " HOLDS ANNUAL BALL ' New Tork, Jan. $4. Th Old Ouard, New Tork'a famous organisation, of veterans, expects Us annual ball to night to acllpa all of It predecessors. This means much when It Is born in mind that th annual ball of th Old Ouard ar among the most brilliant event of the social session la th me tropolis. The affair tonight will tak plac la Madison Bquar Oardan, th interior-of which ha been lavishly decorated far th occasion. Th guests will Include military ana naval officer and distinguished veterans from Wash ington, Philadelphia. Boston and other clues and they will be reviewed by Rear Admiral. Joseph a. logman. ;',- ' ' . V " r It Happrna Every Night, - t -At the end of on of th sessions ot th world' convention of th Women' Christian Temperancs Union In Boeton, Mrs. I M. N. etevens condemned th habit that so many men have of going out between the aots at tha theatre. "I am In hearty sympathy," aald Mrs. Stevens, "with a woman whose husband sstd heartily to her at ths end of an in- A. DOCTOR'S 8LEBP iWad ate Sad to XVeav Off Ooffee, Many person do not realla that a bad stotnsch will cause insomnia. Coffee drinking, being such an ancient nd ree pec table form of stimulation, fw realise that the drug- caffeine contained in coffee and tea, is one of tha principal- cause ot dyspepsia and nervous troublea ' .- - Without their usual portion ef coffee or tea, th esffelne topers ar nervous. Irritable ' and fretful: That tb way with a whiskey drinker. He baa got to hav hi dram "to settle hi nerves" habit. - To leave off ooffee la an ey matter If you want to try It, because Poatura well boiled according to directions gives gentle bat natural support to th nerve and doe not contain any drug nothing but food. Physicians know thla to be true, ss one from Georgia write: "I hav cured myself of a long-standing ess of Nervous Dyspepsia by leav ing off ooffee and using Fostum Food Coffee,' aays th doctor. T also enjoy refreshing sleep, to which I've been aa uttsr stranger for it year a - 1 "In treating Dyspepsia In Its various typea, I find llttl troubls when 1 can Indue patients to qutt coffee and adopt Potum." The - doctor Is right snd 'there's a reason." Itead the little book, "The Road t Wellvllle," In pkga t . . . . ' x :. , ' : All 515.00 Values, on Salo at -All 5 18.00 Values, on Salo at -AH 520.00 Values, on Sale at -All 522.50 Values, on Sale at -All 525.00 Values, on Sale at -All 530.00 Values, on Sale at -All 535.00 Values, on Sale at T AH 540.00 Values, on Sale at -AU 545.00 Values, "on Salo at -All 550.00 Values, on Salo at - iiliiiiiiii HAR.R.Y WOOD MRKETXO. v ; U. S. aoVERNMBNTalNSPBCTKO MOATS V:- ) ,.; ' Phone Mala 3014-SOUTHWEST COIL. FIOST cftd ALDER STS.--Phone Halii 3014 -Who!-l and Retails-W Buy Dirtct and Sava You tha4raiddleman'a Profitt - rltomrnment-fnanected meat coat .under th best sanitary condition - - ...,',, .v,'..'",.; . , beer X Can you do better for choice . r- ' ateerat . Briskets, per lb. ... risnk Boll, cer lh( ' Plata Roll, nar lb. V. .4) Keck Boiling Meat, per lb. 4 - Shoulder Steak, per' lb. ,.74 Shoulder Roast, per lb., T4 Chuck Steak, per lb. ........... .74 Cross Ribs Beef, per lb. 74 - Sirloin Steak, per lb. ...... ....10t Prime Ribs, per 1U .10l V Hamburger, per lb. ............ .8 MUTTON 7;. flenty-at all Um."-. :''---:. 'Stew, par lb. 54) Shoulder Chops, per lb ...10 Shoulder Roast, per lb lO Front Quarter, per lb 8t Hind Quarter, per lb.-..,.....12H4 Legs Mutton, per lb 164 terestlng drama: - 'Jove, what a play. I dont believe there waa a dry eye In the bouse when the curtain went down on th third act' "No,' aald th lady, bitterly; Tut there seemed to be th usual number of dry throate,'" TO SIT IN CABINET Thla picture It from a recent photo graph of Gilford Plncbot, who, ac cording to Washington reports, 0011 will b appointed tecreUry of agriculture in place of Secre tary Jamee Wilson, i - Groat Sals oi Will Continuo a Fciv Days Suit and Overcoat Reductions 2692? 1 Morrison Street yeu no more than any other lilnd'of meat Neatness and dispatch te our snette. v? TMrkat. It wltt pay jron, t Atvp.JUk, - r. ; ; ;;; vgaC ; '.- lA The finest wuiamtt vauey ' stock. ' ' ' ' Veal Chanka, per lb .-..i......8 Veal Stew, par lb. ......... Veal Boll, per lb ..10 Breast of Vealer Ib.......lOw Shoulder Roast, per lb......lOe Leg Veal, per lb. . .12H4 Rump Veal, per lb 12H4 Veal Cutlets, per lb...w..12H4 Ixln Cutlets, per lb 154 Veal Loaf, par lb. ......... .IS? - patron ar asked ta pay at the cashier' desk ss a coet venlence to themselves and aa accommodation to ua SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO HOTELS J and restaurants The Kind Too Have lwaya In nu fr over 00 years, and -v rfA onB topervblon since Ita lnfkncr : cttCAt&S juiow no ona to deceive ym In thla. All Ocnnterfelts, Imitation luperiment. tLat trifle with and endanger the health of - Irfiwits and Chlldr.n Jsxyeaatu asralnst Experimens What Is CASTORIA ; TOaat'Tla Is a harmless snbstltn e for Castor Ofl Para-, ' fxorl , Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. ;lV ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other XarcotiO . r ' gmbsttanco. Its age la its truarantee. It destroys Worm . ' tand auays rcverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ''lie. It .ellever Teeiaing Troubles, cures Constipation . ' and FUtnleacy. , It' anslnxilates tha Food, regulates tha . -Stomach and Bowels, 5-lvlng healthy and natural sleep Tha Children Panacea--The mother's Friend. cnrjuiriE CASTO R I A A-wayo :.:V-' yj Bears the . . er Tlio Kind You Mo Always Bongbt In Uso For Over 30 Ycaro. X 1' . Longer 51TT50T 513.50 515.00 516.50 519.00 523.50 526.50 529.50 534.50 539.50 W have It. and f also handle it . If yea hav not been In our nw st-V' IV :Ltv ' -'," fX-:-. ; :: :X PORK ' ' ; : Sweet and Juicy. . ,. ' Loin Chops, per lb... ....154 Shoulder Chops, per "lb rTr.-;13 4 4r Hock, par lb ......84) Pigs Feet, per lb ...54 Back Feet, per lb........ 104 . Leaf Lard, par lb .....12H Pure Lard, our own make, lb.,. .12 Saussge,- per lb 104 Salt Pork, per lb 12H4 Pickled Pork, per lb. 124 - SUNDRIES -'' ' Kldncya. per lb....... .......... .54 Liver, per lb 54 Oxtails, par lb ..,......... 54 " Trip, per lb, .................. .84 Cora Beef, per lb...... .64 Bologna, per lb 84 ' Frankfurter, per lb ..-,...104 Baool P" .:::::." :::::::ithJ -akaVX sWaal Bon;lits and which baa beea baa borna tha slffnatiire ot .. hag been made under bis per and M J nit-aa-gxxMl are bat Signature of Ik 1 .