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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
TIIE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 24. 1007. 13 TO MARRY ' fcj : ' y . :'' . V j ) . ',' 1 !- - ' 'II ffhl la from I recent photograph of Has Caroline Edgar, daughter of ;Mr. and Mrs. Newbold Edgarxrhoee engagement ts announced to , '; ' Henry Sanford. ton of Professor Sanford- of 'Yale University, and grandson of the late president of the Adams Express Co. Mr. San : ford was divorced by his first wife some time ago and some Interest ,Jng testimony was given during" the progress of the case. """ f.lUCH IflTEREST in THAW TRIAL: Thirty Weeks Today Since Pris oner Entered Tombs Now Facet Rnr nf Justice. " MYSTERY SURROUNDS : PLANS. OFJTHE DEFENSE rnwrltten Law Hay Still .Be- Be ,. sorted to ms Justification for Mur der of Stanford White Western Lawyer Leads Defense. (Journal Special Barrlee.1 Naw Tork, Jan. 24. Thirty wefki to the day to a prison cell and Harry Kendall Thaw la called upon to cross the "Bridge of Slfhs" and stand before ted . -LJlafled Free How to Cure Yourself to Ten Days Privately st Home. -- JTo Tronblo wo Bias' fart Brad Tata Ton lull ana Be Curee Thave Ail. My discovery has cured hundreds of eanee lir-crom 10 to 20 days after cele brated physlclana and surgeons bad de- , clarec tnem as axKK as dead. . .. icm. aabow KaxsavsT 'iviM, uu, cared of -aneer by ox. , Carry la May, isoa. BUil Btout and Well at S3 Tears. - "' Write and Aek Him. Don't Doubt Don't Delay. ". Tou have nothing to hwie, everythtns; to rain, by doing; what I aek you. You J . ' can t afford to trifle with oaneer. Health. - lire itaelf, la surely' wortlx sanding your name. I have one of the finest sanitariums In the count!":' furnlehed throughout with all the modern convenlenoeai hot y and cold water, steam heat and electrlo llfhta In every room. For thoae who ' wish to come and have my peraonal at . , ten tlon X guarantee a cure In every caae ' or ( make no cnarge for my anrvlcea or nfrflclne. However, you ran cure your- - t"t ;ut aa wen at norae. 1 Rinaiy ' ytilrr you to any bank or bustneae Arm jn Kehanon. ' If you want to-be cured quickly and nrlynfely In your own home.-aend your4 C.hni "a annrefta on fne coupon to Dr. i. M. Curry. 10 Curry Bide. Lebanon, - Qhlo, " ; ;cajtcx oovrov. Dr. O. t Curry, , ' . . 1801 Curry Bids, Lebanon, Ohio. ., M' name ls' ''v . .' , My address Is , Town ....... County............... fltate.......r , MAXX. TXXM TOSATI - . YALE MAN the bar of Justice to stand trial for the murder of Stanford White. It la not alwaya easy to account for the In tenas Interest that th public displays In murder- caaea. Almomt 1 every day adds to the list of homicides in Greater New Tork. But It Is only at Intervals of about every two years that that great city Is aroueed by one of thoae caaea that become famoua and are remembered after all the partlclpanta have pasaed from the scene. The records would seem to show- that If a love Intrigue Is In volved In the case It is most apt to at tract wide attention. Deep myateryt exl Trngrflinary tniitmr "r nenaisnnesa. and the aoclal prominence of ths prin cipal oftentlmea serve to attract the public attention. Murder accompanied by robbery aeldora attracts more than a passing notice from the public at large. In none of the long: Hut of cele- bratedT'cases. however, haa .the Interest been aroused that Is being shown In the Thaw trial. . I. Wltnasaea Jtnal Oenfereaoe. ' The principal witnesses for the state have had their final conference with the atate'a attorney. It was late la ths evening of June 13 last that the olty and soon the entire count! r was ringing wttff ths 1 Tragic I news that Harry Thaw had slain Stan ford White. Ths setting for the final attack had been the Madlaon Square roof garden, where the first night per formance of a summer musical ahow known aa "Isle Champagne" waa being given. The ,placa was - gay in - flowers and multi-colored electrlo lights and was thronged with a fashionably dressed audience. On the stage a man was singing, "I Could Love - a- Thousand Girls." when suddenly above the musto pistol Shots rang out. The music ceased. the chorus girls and actors upon the stage were terror-atrlcken, men and wo men In the audience dropped their glaaaea upon the tables before them. Jn the atlllneas a man. was heard to aay: . Tu ruined my wife;-a - you. ana now I've got you." Stanford White lay dead at the table where he had been Bitting. Harry Thaw, In evening dress, stood with a smoking pistol m his hand. His wife, who' bad aeen htm fire the fatal ahot, was led screaming away from the spot and -Thaw waa arrested. He made no attempt to escape.. - '.;,,.;- - Tells ef day Studio Parties. ' White was vice-president of the Madi son Square) Garden company, and was the architect of that famoua structure, in whose, tower he had always main tained a studio. It was in this tower that Thaw has charged time and time sgaln since his arrest that White enter tained young women at the galeat of part tea. TTlaw said he had frequently complained of thesa studio parties to tha Boclety for the Prevention of Vice, and it hsd been stated on authority that this society hsd mads several in vestigations prior to the root garden tragedy.-;- v t - It has bden brought out slnoe ths shooting trat White befriended .Evelyn Nesblt artd her mother when the young woman first was brought to this elty to snter tha studios as a model, Letters which "pass id between Whits, and the mother of ths girl have been published and may play an Important part In the trial. There have been reports that White sought ths girl's society after her marriage to Thaw, but this has been admitted by neither side snd so far as they could do so. counsel for both sides have closed tha mouths of ths most Important witnesses. - ' ' Belles em Onwitttem Law. ' Thaw hss sought hla Justification In the worda he uttered to his victim on the night of the tragedy. He haa claimed , that under the "unwritten law" no Jury would convict him of having taken I the lire of "the man who had traduced his wife in her Innocent girlhood." To these accusations by Thsw the friends c Stanford White, many of them In fluential - men of the' Community, have declared that the architect's Interest in the-glrL waa purely of a fatherly char acter. - They said he bad assisted many young women to make places for them selves In the World and that he was no more deeply interested In Miss Nesblt loan ha had teen in many others about whom no breath of scandal had been ut tered. -J . - - i...,-... - - ; - It hs been frequently said that the Thaw caae would never come to trial nd that the mysteries of - Its many intricate phases would . never be ex posed to the light of the publlo's gaxe. This conjecture was based on the re port that-a plea of Insanity might be antered and accepted. . - Bef uses Insanity rlea. This probability, however, it Is now said, 1 past. - Harry Thaw has himself stood In ths way of any aurh plan. . It la asserted that ta hla refusal to give! TBiPER TESTER " No Wonder some Portland Peep it - 'Are Annoyed. Very little rest night after night - Very little comfort day after day. . The conatant itching of Pllea or Ec- Any Itchiness of the skin is a, temper testur. ,, , . Doan'a Ointment Is ,a never-falling cure. , . ,;. la endorsed by Portland cltlsens for all Itching skin discuses. . R. B. Ioiig, driver, of I4 Second struct, Portland, Or., aaya:- "In the aum- mer of 11)02 my body was an Droaen out with ecsema kind V The i " . X - .'V'JriZ'7:iA I waa vtry much alarmed about It and anxloua to know what it waa and what was the cause, so I went to a doctor and then to aeveral'othrra, but none of them did me much good. When I got the least bit overexerted the annoyance waa especially great and it kept me clawing and scratching.- j I w In.badahape when I noticed an advertisement 1n our paper about !nan'a ointment, and I rot a box and trlwt it. It proved to be just what was claimed for. it. Iesa than two boxes made a complete cure ef my caae. and later It cured my younger brother of Juat the same trouble. I knoT that Puan'e Ointnrwnt la one rem edy that can be depended upon, and I would give Ave dnilwre for a bo of It any time rather than aulTer the way J BMftrto-f or-one-flay." r-r r For sale by all dealers. Prlc 60 cents. Foaier-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agenta for the United States. Remember the name DtAN'S and assent to. the Insanity plea he has been steadfastly supported by his wife, who, it 'is also generally reported, had con stantly urged, her husband to take some action against White. Mrs. Thaw has been a. dally visitor to the Tomba prla on. and Mra William Thaw, who was recalled from Europe when the tragedy occurred, has also been a frequent caller. There have' been many family confer ences and many stormy" interviews in the young man's cell, hla resentment be ing shown every time the suggestion of insanity has been off ered. -- 1 . "I prefer death in the electrlo chair to a life ln'an inaane asylum." the pris oner la credited with exclaiming. : ' - Weeterm Lawyer Leads Defense. ' Lewis Delafleld of counsel to the Thaw family, waa first called into the case. Ha engaged Judge W. H. K. Ol cott. of the firm of which former Gov ernor Frank S. Black is a member. They had -hardly been in the ease-a month when young Thaw after an Interview In the Tombs- dismissed them. He called to hie aid Clifford W. Uartridge, a law yer who had been hla friend for years. Now that the trial is approaching he has called Into the case Dolphin Michael Delmaa, ons of the most noted criminal lawyers of the west, who has coma on from San Francisco to New Tork to take direction of the trial. Delmaa has been quoted' as admitting that the . "un written law" may be the defense finally decided upon. ; District Attorney Jerome will have praonal charge of-ths-prosscutldnT He has declared that he will introduce only such witnesses ae ara necessary to prove that Thaw had made threats agalnat White and the eye witnesses of the shooting. It will be for the defense, ha declares, to Introduce any evldetsca bear ing upon the past lives of the principals. 1 UWISTON-CLARKSTON FUND FOR PUBLICITY (Spatial Dispatch, te The Journal.) -Lewlston. Ida, . Jan. 14. Encouraged by their siiooess In raising nearly tl.000 I in a few hours canvass last week for promotion and publicity ef Lewlston and Clarkstoa during 1107, the com mittee of 21 which has charge of the Work has decided - that the funds can be easily, extended to 15,0 and will endeavor to raise that Xmount during the week. The money already promised aggregates $1,800 and the twin cities have hot yet ' been thoroughly. . can vassed. ..' New Cure For Rupture Vew gotaatile Appllaaoe, always a Terfeet M it aajaatie te aay bbm fsrsee fsiy, Omfertshle, Xm Blips, Ks OkaexioM Bprlnst sr Psds Oetta Lass Tsaa staay Oemmea Tninn ! Ferefs, WosBa er , Childna. . rai It On Asvreial Tea Wear It If Tea Ant Vet aatisSea. X aefaad - .- Tear Money. . .. t bsve la vented a rnetare tDPllaaee that I can safely say, by 80 years' experkB-a la tbs rap ture Besineas, at tae only see uat wilt asso- inteur soia tne rapture man never sup m yet is enol, eonfortable. eonforaai te every movsastit ef the body without chiflng or hartlog snd ensts less thaa ataay srdlaary ti asi s. I have put the price ee lew that any person, rich er in en, i a. r m i las. Brittaa, Oarel ef gaptuie IfC. L Btreeks. poor, fa a bay, and I abedtntely gnarsatse It. I make It to yonr order eend It to yon yoe wear It, and If It doran't satisfy yon send It hark te ,ss and I will refunS roar tanner, laat Is the fatreit propoaltlea evar made by a rtintsre aaeclallat. The bank a or sny respnneiWa eltlaen In Marafeall will tall yon that Is the way I So hsalseaa always abenHitelr oa the etnara. -Hare to irbatr Mr. Jaa. brtttun, a prominent aantifrturer ef Methlebetn, Pa., wrltaa: "C. H. nrooka, K. Dear Sir I have een raptured six years sad kars alwaya had troubl !lh It till I o your appllanee. It la very eaay tc. wear, nts neat and snug snd la not In the way at any time, day or night. Ia fart at time I did not a bow I had It on. It uat adapted Itself to the ehape of the body sod eluag to th snot Be mattee what peeltloa 1 was In. It would be s eerttable Oo4-esd te the an. fortunate who aaffer fmra rupture. If all eon Id prorure the Brooks Raptor Apnllanee sod weaeTlt. They certainly weuld neTer rrrt It. Mr raptor Is all healed p and nothing ersr did It hut year tppllasre. Jas. Brltton." If yon hare tried sooat everything a 1m, aenM te me. Where ethers fall Is where I have my greatest snrrass. Writs ms today aed I will send yon my bona oa Ranter one. Its ("are. showing taj appliance and giving yon prleee and aame of people who have tried It and been cured. ared. It la In'tant ralirr when all others ' fall. kmi Remember 1 n on ealvee. no harness. no lies. Juat a straight truslnes eaal at a reasonable prlre. O, g. greckx, iat Brnks Vldg.. atanUU, Klek. coflMcrroriEE mo 00;V;i SHAKE RiVEB Definite Indications That This Mine-Opening Rairway Is . to. Be Built. (Special Dtesatch ta The JoeraaLI Baker City, Jan. 14 Construction of the branch line of the Oregon Short Line branch railroad from Huntington down the Snake river to Homestead. in the heart of the ! Seven Devils cop per country, la assured at laat after alx months of uncertainty. Word has been reoelved from Bait Lake by Manager Urant Ueddea of the Oregon Lumber LBumpier - jaucyxallKa, to. the-effect I tbat the Utah' Conatruotlon company hpa taken the contract . for tta con at ruction, .-;-'--. ,1 ' - While the exact time for the com mencement of work on the new road Is not 1 announced it Is believed .that It will be, in the Immediate future, from ths announcement that- an enslneer In the employ of the conatruotlon com pany will soon arrive In Baker City to Invest! fate conditions and make the neceneary arrangements. When the new road ' la built down the Snake to Homestead It will open up the richest copper country in the west today. The Seven Devtte district Is de, clured to ' have propertiea which are who have recently investigated, them. The mlneS In this dlstrlot have lain Idle for a long; time because of the fact that they were. 70 miles from rail transpor tation and could not be operated pront ablr for this reason". - Within ths past year, however, the operatora owning property In that dis trict have returned to take up the work of dcveldplng their mlnee in the hope that tha Short line road would be built. They have been installing machinery auia ine iron Dyke, the most fully developed mine of the district, five com-1 In Uncomplicated My Fee is Only You Can Pay When Cured -have Ml the serious complex and, stubborn ones-that others neither cure nor compre hend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively; and there is no ailment belonging to this class that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But, I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that of anv other specialist noon the Pacific coast treating men's disease. It has grown to these dimensions oecause - .- n cure I nave eneciea is a trrampn ana a maniicsiauon i skiu mat had its part in the making of my success. Each azy new cures .are com pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. -,,', ----- - i . , r . Consultation is free.- If you are afflicted, consult me. You canfe!y upon, what I tell you, and if I accept your case you an rest assured that a complete and permanent cur?jwill follow my treatment ;i.,. Z, . : y -r it- ' All necessary X-Ray examinations , - are abso lutely free, to patients. My-j. equipment for . X-Ray -work is the finest - nd moat complete ever pro-t duced, and equally per fect results arc not possi-1 ble with an inferior appa- . ratus.. '.. - ; ; All medicines are pre pared from standardised drugs in myownprivate laboratory ' and are sup plied to patients at actual cost. 23 1 The VJH CQJ05E OUR awfA r1 TfV '' mm FEE In Any Case aRuums ' ta TSAJag -nr roBTLAVD CONSULTATION FREE Our Fe Need Not Be PeM . Unlets Cored POISON, NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY, URINARY COMPLAINTS, VARICOSE VEINS. PILES, FIS TULA and all associate diseases with their reflex complications. - . -7 ? V ' 'WRITE IP VOU CANNOT CALL . J . . r Office Hours 8 a. m to 8:30 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 12 ST. . LO U I S "ISrqImu DISPENSARY . :t COtBTE BIC0BO AJTD TAnTjrlUi ITmirH, yOBTtAatP, QKgOQg. ,- ' Stoptiie Fr Cmitttaim. Wwimu. HrmdmrAt. DUrrituu. IMirtitum, tie., tmkt ' Bcantleth!s4 Pills A Laxative and Bloed Esch pill eoaislae oae grala ef solid eatract ef rills, which, with ether vslusMa vegetaWe n a stooa psnner ot esceucm caaracetr, preaaed air drills are running day and night.' ore being blocked out for the future. On many other properties ex tensive work Is being dons and ons of tha greatest campa in tha world will ha th. result nf the ennatrtirtlAft of ths new railroad. I have thalargest practice- biause I invaria bly fulfill my prom ises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made up of many little triumphs. A large medical prac tice doesn't await the young physician at the col lege door, lie must prove himself. Me must work toward success day after-dayy doing well each day's tasks..,,, ;.'.'... , - : It has alwavs been mv rule to nromiaa-nothins tfiaf "1 "am not absolute' certain of accomplish ing. Realizing that no one physician can . suc cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study in preparation for my . present work. For sixteen years I., have been proving my ability and building my success. -1 mastered, nrnt the- simpler Uteases, . . . ..... ... i nave maae promises ana tuitiiied Dr Taylor Company Morrison Street, Corner Second i Portland Oregon . rntianta Uvfatur eat ef be elty aal eonlng te F art la a fa treatasant will he f nrslahad with fhM roea fro ef ebarge. Cheoh yew tmnk a direct te SSSVh Hsrrlaoa at, In view of the confidence . been received by the public for so many years, we feel it in cumbent upon us to maintain that confidence along the same lines of honesty, truthfulness ard ability. : To those who read our announcements and are not familiar with our reputation -and methods, we solicit the privilege of furnishing the most satisfactory references - in support of our. claim of superior knowledge and skill in the practice of our specialty. f We can (rove to you that our long residence in this city and our suc cessful experience in the treatment of diseases of men is worth your while to investigate. ' ; Absurd promises and catch propositions are never allowed -to appear in our announcements. - Neither do we promise to cure 'you in a few days that is "often impossible. The only thing We can safely promise is to cure you in the shortest time, possible, if 'your case is curable, and with the least medicine,' -discomfort and expense. " " ' , ' v " v Our fees are as low as they, can be, consistent with high grade treatment, our reputation for success and honesty has been carefully built and the confidence of "our patients is not frittered away byTjncstJofible"trafisaetiofl. . BY THE LATEST AND BEST METHODS KNOWN TO MEDICAL SCIENCE WE CURE, to stay cured. BLOOD Pain with an This painful trouble can be relieved and cured by using an Allcock's Plaster. Warm the plaster before aprlYin; if not relieved by bedtime. puce a . noL. witer.- cag- against ine pianer on the shoulder. . : 7 - v RgMgMSga AUth'i Ptost0rf have eea)4ae for e . yters. Theyafstht esumslsnd genuine pormit Blasters, Made - ef absolutely Um s-m asd bast asaterlsJa, asd Cmmmm taaJ ssoa) fcaJravo Fm4 aa4 1 Dross Act. Jaae M. 1SVO. BjsnaJ lew nee. . Tonla 1 staMtoftael lyga preducta, Drops Dead of Heart Disease. Sumpter, Or., Jan. 14. John Powers, an employe of the North Pole mine, near Bourne,, a few miles from this -place, dropped dead in the mine with heart dlseasa His death was first repqrted ss due to an aoctdent. . DA Tayxom. th The leading gpeclallst. ' . WEAKNESS. T fa produce temporary aetfrity ef the functions la esaes of o- eallsd waakaees I a almple ut ter, dux io permaneatiy restore strength and vigor la s problem we u rav. H tnem. I i ' met ' net lew nnrsteians soleed. I -worer treat frar tent- nas porary effects. Inuer my sys tem of treatment, every hit of tmproTnint Is a part of a pr naaeat core. Tltooch other phyaiclans bare, through my sue ess ta effecting permanent enrea, been eonTtnred ef th fart that pramatoreaeaa, loss ef pow er, etc., are hot symptom re snlttng from ehronl Unamma. tloo or eon seat km In the prostate gland, none hare as yet been able te duplicate aty cores. My system of local treatment ls-th only effort! re mease yet known for restoring tbe prostata to Its normal- atate,- whlrh - alwny re sults In fall snd complete return of strength snd- vigor. Sneh a ear fts sbsolately permsnent, ho eaose fhs condition reaBonalbl for the functional disorder Is en tirely tssteeiiW - It ts the eely kln4 of e car a patient aeelras, and I the only kind of car I wUl treat Car. CONSULTATION FIUCK ' I ' ststs nothing In my sn noanrements bat tbe straight. -square truth. It will eost yoa nothlsg to rail and talk erer your caao. Yon ean find eat sll sbont yonr troobls and yoa ean , later arrange to begin treatment any time yon Ilk. My office, comprising ten rooms, sr tbe largest, most elegant and best equipped In the west. M with which our statements nave I TRAXSPOnTATlOX. mm. Cnrrror; am DMlOff RiCIHC 3 Trains to the tist Daily J Thioagn Ptillmaa stsndsrd and Marlat wtr "-ears dally t Omaha. Ctukmaa, Spoe.oai loarM, sUeplas-asrl aaliy ta Kasssa Utf. 7k .-rb. raelialag asslnaln (esats- ins i the tut .it. t1,w,"'r,t?'-:: " teerrrrwmr- '"a-o-rorusnd Sevtol roe i1 aat. rla Huatingtne. dir. S:Wsa : al T-fa lysr for Baatera Waablnaton. Walla WalU. . . "ton. Coeor eatwo and, , CT,-Nor."",Tn solnta ditl,. T:0Ss :.. SHanrte Einms for the Bast Jts HsntlTietos. dally S:1t sa :SS tat Prtoind-rlira lor.:, for all : . , . eemre " hatweea Blars asd Portland, dalle.. i-Ti am : ' ' cot.phrm aivea nivtstow.' ro Astoria anal way prists, eonnectlne with steamer for snd Norti Mearh. Steamet ""Io. dork. Weae I . a a.ur. ft;' .Snodayt Katardsy. 10 fv . as, Aerlee hos S p. m.. errent Smvlsy. VAMBTT.t. Bivra BOtm. roe Daytoo. Oreron City sod Zsmhin rte peiats. staamrs Bath snd Modoe, Aah-et. ors. Tarn. a.Hr.jlcaat Saj4 oalat pee silt ling). Arrlrs T.K p. m. aallr. Sssds. . 1 . . . . s-VAgsf srvan Borrni. ror Lswlaton. Idaho, and way sonn free Rlnerta. Wash., stesmers anokas and towts toa Issee S:0 a. m er npon arrrrsl Trala. No. 4, dally ereewt Satnrday. Arrre 4 n. m. dally except rrMif. Ticket Of fire, third and Weehlagtaa sta Taleohoix Main TH. ; ' O. W. KTINnra. Olre Ttrhat Area Win. MoMDBBAT. eenarsl rsaaenae Aaest EAST" SOUTH Union Depot Mar. Portland and Saa rran. "OS Express Stops sly asot important station .i '.' betwws ui a-- . . Arrtr. rasrlMoi eonnoetloua at V ' t Saa rranclar foe sll points ' . East snd South U:Msa 11 -SO pm Oaerlaad Kiureas Trains ; for all lorsl point Boats, i SacramrBta Baa fran-tooa sad points Cast and Sooth. 1SBI M aa Morning trala eonaeeu at Wondburn daily except C : -J. . . . . ; r. . Sand.y wtt Mount Angel "'"., ud Slleerton' local. ... 77. . niBO am - 1 M $m Cottage Orors pasasDgee" ... on or eta at Woodburs and - . Albaay daily, sxrept Sua- , .11, lllll .... W.lf. en Woodbarn-Sprlngtleld and nman7-Lnaaon Branch., -a:io pm -n am Corrallta pwnxrr... . 7.8c) aa S SO a fbrrldan paaaenser t:lo pm :: am Forest ureas passenger.. :oo am pwia rret Oror paaeenger.... IIBtOpm lil.aU f Dally. !!rlly axrrpt Sonday. jrVVBRSOt jfTHKKT MTATtOI. roe Dallas snd totsruMdlst points dally, s. sk sad 4:1 . nv. Arrles itorUsnd 10:1S a. m. and S:lss n. sa. rar itsj ua. rmra mi j annl at Ihtw Tlrhet Offlro. as station. T Irk at. to Eaaterd points snd F.aroset ahn . Jspas. China. Hnntaln and Anatralls. City Ttrket Of fir corner Third ana WsaV fngtoa afr-t. ' rhane Mate T1S. C. W. STiNflRg Wm. MrTirrrtBAV. City Ttehot Aavat. Won. Paaa. ArraS. !Astoria&Columbia - River Railroad Co. Csloa Depot -' - Lane. - Anirs. for Mayirara, Balnme. Clate. kanl. Weatport, Cllftoe. A- , torts. Warren roe. Fine!. ' Haaunosa. Fort Starens, 4i ear Can lark. Seaadle..... SrOO am ll:SSa Astoria sad Seashore, eanrsss dsils lies am S:sS sm ' . All trains daily. J. a MAYO. ii. t. as P. A.. Astoria. Or. a A. BTCWART. Commercial Agaos. aa Alder .treat- Phone Main aoa CIGEEIWO Portland't Widely Known end . Successful Chinese Medicinal. I Root end ' . Herb Doctor V ramedlaa. the Inrredlenrs a whtrh are Import direct from th Orlaat tn large enantltlr a ad prepare asd pet nas ta hat as-h4at Ishstary. Me asareory. soteoas or drags ex ear klad ened, rnrsly eeretabl. Th Issrtar treats sneeeeefnny end gears stass h tor sll stomseh tronhlea. estoerh. ssthsw. tteae. throat, rhenrmtlam. asimoaaasa. lies, tldesy asd Viat manssoA ruiAU taoublis awtj ax hivati oisKAara. ' Re falsa sr Wmhnrdlag ts fh tfSlcted. A safe asd mating core la th enleh rat nomtbl time and at th loWMt cost so. MM fof koneet treatment. . ir yoa eanaot call, write for symptom stash sad etrealse. fnrlraM. e eeota fn atams. COKSTLTATTO rSEX The O. 'was We Chiaae htadi.iaa Os ISS'ih Vkrst St.. Oa. Jtarrnwa. rartlsad. Oa. Scoffs Sanlal-Pejsin Ce;si:!:3 A P0SIT1YE CURE VorTnflmmtto-a orO-vteirTrf the. blHJ-Tn-l IMfMMi Kid- aara. no coaa no rav. tares lulrkly snd sormanentir the worat i l arisaisrrnnsst , and Sato. a. mo matter of how - Jong tasains. Abaelately parnjleaa. bold by druggtats. Prlc tl no. or hr Siail, paid. Uaaa. ti.7i. -THE SAXTAL-PFS! CO. BalVsocrtsiAS, OaJe. All Dratflata. Every Wc.'nan iniareejLeci tini itvmia kmw rioiiiiha vontienrrrtl MARVtL Vvliirlifii &prr iv v vvtt..' 1Tb. lm TaMTSBxeal 9 ajaH-l'" C Onvnttl . i niaiisi ijasjlswaiiy. - - oW aa 11 H I . eu Bn4nIM 119 Atrhstr. hut Mnal aLauin frat tnitatrvhlswl ttnnlt ansanls j. Tt aTrVasal full pnM-tirolr ami tirvttttr- itv W vsktimM to Ift.te.l 4 H !. rO atxaa aa asd af kl IV t i.usi "aadxu. WOODAaD, CLAM 14 H Co. A WW tAUi-DAVU ,MUw, V" . liUelial, iZSl nusaiT. A5m lill B0UT" fl - - --iftliai n' saat Hit (aBDOfje It JL- H Sold by - ' : aasawaam . i ... J