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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
1907, -1 THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,.)' THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21. KAISER VS. NATION IS THE ISSUE Ctrman . Election Tomorrow to Settle Who Rules, Monarch V ' :' ; ? . ' or the People. " "' SERIOUS CRISIS IN ,vV 'vv ;: AFFAIRS OF EMPIRE IUartloa Against Autocracy Looked ,4 AYhlch,AVUlAccrntntlFoel. lag ( Pessliulsm Arilng From Discontent' Du to Taxation. '" , ' ' (Jonrnal Special Service.) ' ' Berlin, Jan. 24. Tomorrow' general rotlon, preclltated - by, the action of the kaiser In summarily dismissing the relcbsteg after Ita refusal to pa th measure which. Involved a larger rote la the Interest of hi colonial policy, baa aroused more popular Interest than baa any similar contest since the fonnda- tin, f emnlrc in 171. The nomina Issues of colonial .maladministration and ; Utrman military preetlge hav been lost aright of by the people. In th opinion ot th avrrlecttr-41ie a-isau it take Is whether the emperor la going to lead the nation, or th nation lg to ' rule itself. . .; :'. ::'r.:.. , .. ; Oovrnmat vs. Centre. The real duel la between the govern " latent and the centre and will only occur ' when the new reichatag meet..- If, 'aa anticipated, the centre, which command " 1.000.000 out of the 11.000,00 votes eompoe- ' Ing the Imperial electorate, returns with undiminished numbers and becomes al- lied with the Boclal Democrat It will . : be strong enough at any time to upset 1 the government. If, on the other hand, it return weakened, it la expected that a period of' reaction against the auto cracy will et In. which will only accen- ' tuate the feeling- of pessimism in the empire, arising chiefly from discontent with a heavy pressure of taxation and " - the agrarian policy. Consequently, what ever the result of the elections, grave danger and a new and much more serious crisis threaten the empire' do ' mostio peace. ... ,-. . -y i, v.- s ',' V.'. 1 1 . J. . Cbnrok Stale BteeV7"' V A prominent feature of the situation Tf Th" hTTOlarTeentmeiWlht th ultra-, montane, who acknowledge the vetl- can's supreme rule, are also able to e " erclse a casting vote In "questions of na ; tlonal Importance, thereby forcing a die ' solution. The moderates and progression- Ists have combined to terminate the ul- . tramontane jower, bat the ultra -Catho-. i lie Deputation of southern Oermany as-; ' sure a continuation approximately of the present numerical ' strength pf the; "party. I GREAT- RUSH TO-PLACERS OH BOULDER CREEK How theTLongSearchof Prosi , pector Underwood Was ' Rewarded. (Sped. I Dispatch to The oanul.) ' Baker City. (Jr.. Jan. it. Believing "tUgr-BgJrer' county hag plaeerminea of fabulous value, miner from every part of eastern Oregon are. rushing Into the Boulder creek camp in the Cornucopia district and making strikes which if announced in Nevada during the present stale of . excitement would be heralded throughout th country. - , 1 - The Boulder creek placers are the Old bed of a' stream. Agea ago Boulder creek ran In a channel far to the right of Its present course. The water later cut a new route and the old bed waa . gradually .covered with, earth, until now It la deep la the aide of a, mountain. An old prospector. Underwood by name, discovered there waa an old channel In the tillleide and with, hie partners,- Her bert and JBlalr. spent years In search for .the abandoned watercourse,, know- Ing , that there must . be placer gold there. ' : . Only a short time ago were the per , slstent efforts of the miners rewarded when they struck the long-sought pay dirt while running a tunnel. Since then errery available claim has been staked out and the miners are Dually engaged In tracing out the former course of the j stream. . Hundred of dollars have been taVen out of tho new placers already and for? . tune are bound to be made. The pay dirt at ruck by the prospectors l in the . form of coarse shot gold, nuggeta ran nlng from the else of a buckahot to that of a lima bean. WHEELER AND WILSON ABSORBED BY SINGER ...i... ..... : ,. .. . , '' " denrnal gneeUI gerle.l '."""Bridgeport, Conn., Jan." M. The" cor porate existence of th Wheeler ft Wil son Manufacturing company, on of th , oldest and best known manufacturing ' concerns In America, was formally ter minated today by a vote of the director. In future th big sewing machine fac tory founded ' by the - late Nathaniel ' 'Wheeler, and which grew from Insignifi cant proportions to become a plant em ploying more thaa 1000 operatives, will be legally designated the Singer Mton- : ufacturlng Company plant. Thl eotlon Is the result of the absorption of th ' Wheeler Wilron company a year ago : by the Singer Manufacturing company of New Jersey. Th la at named com- ' pany. In addition to the factory here, has estenalv plants In Elisabeth.. New . Jersey, South Bend, Indiana, Montreal. Glasgow, Hamburg and Moscow. WALLOWA ODD FELLOWS -.INSTALL OFFICERS (Special th)Bteh Tb JoorsaLI Wallowa, Or., Jan. J. Wallowa lodge,. No. 1&7. X. 'O. O. T has Installed the following officer for th ensuing year: M. C, Uavi. N. O.J Elbert Rich. V. O.; H. E. Payne, secretary; John Mr-Donald, treasurer; Charles Hsuprlrh. trustee. The officers of the Rebekahs ar as follows: Mrs. Jennl Sherod, N. Q.; Mrs. Myrtle Rich. V, O.; Mr. Bertha Cover wn, secretary; Mrs Mlra McLaughlin, tr"irer, ' ' ' " " Wants F.strprlasPortof flees. CfirMlal Dwnareh te The Jeanul.) Knteiprlae, Or., Jan. J. W. T.TBeTl la an ; pi leant for the position of post master t Enterprise, In place ef Mr. House, who hs been compelled to re elait on rfotint-of hls-falilng health, nd wn has held the position for the rt 1 years Mr Bell haa th In-nuioein-ni of man p( th patron o th vr:ue. V4-'mTTT , t hid r . ;-. -tr r 11 1 a. ( a. IA 'fYWrll IvlUllXllUvl ri EY HELEN havtiiopj. T The Haby and (be Home. . , Shall we come to ths adoption of the community nursey for babies? There are those who see In the present ar rangement whereby each mother cares for ber own children aa best, she can with the multitude of other 'dutleit which engage her time and which fill her hands a condition which does not t.dmjud ofina child's nature and growth. They urge that the mother cannot be the maid PI ail .. worn ana at,tnjunt"w. pecial . inning, . and- ovakiv remaikaDly competent nursery governeea. There ! handsome trimming.. -.. The fact ' that are no doubt notable exceptions, and they are employed on dress nets and we look with admiration on the woman chiffons as wejl aa on heavier mater who has sufficient vitality, energy an4la1s increase, to a great extent, their executive ability to carry on person ally all th manifold .duties of th household and at the same time sum- dent mentality and patience to, prop erly - superintend t the ohlld'a- mental growth: but is It not true tnat tnes are rare, and that the great majority of women: who are burdened with house work ' are not In - a ; frame of , mind to deal wisely 'with th eager child's questions and experiment? ... ' . ;f The mother leves her child -aad-amnu. to do her best for him, but Is her best always bis best? ' ' If we brought op .our children m stable we. ahould expect - them to oe mcKed; II w used saw. mm Tor nir series w should look for amputated fingers; and the manifold necessities of kitchen work which demand boiling water, hot stoves, tuba of water, and so on. furnish many opportunities for childish . troubles . whea they -are not the mean of serious disfigurement and Joea of life. -j Babies . are acalded ' to death and burned to death, because their mother whir conscientiously doing tbelr best for - the whole family are obliged to rear their children in aa unsuitable place.' -i ... -1 .We are learning to .tolerate and .dis cus questions which a few years ago would have been booted as subversive of the-whole foundation of society.. Th suggestion of the community nursery Is one of these Snd It goes hand In hand with th Idea of apeclallsed do mestic labor to be hired by the hour and the emancipation of the mother of the falrniy from the grinding toll ot continuous menial labor. .'.. . Ifl many of - our large citlea meela are cooked' and delivered, and dlahea are cayed for1 and returned clean; why should . these "things b- mors-absurd than sending th washing to the laun- ryt"9 ::' rr' ;-r-::. f..-..- .- it th mother could bo relieved from the burden of housework she would be free to give her time to something else for the benefit of the family: if she i a skillful educator aha would give her time end thought . to the cultivation of her child's mind, and if he I not aocompllahed in that way she could send her-child to the community nur sery where he would be wisely cared Ifor ...andjjriye her time to other employ- ment lor wnicn sue is netter xitteo. r- I don't , say It 1 coming soon, but that there 1 a tendency toward speciali sation In all line of labor la true, and it may be that the future will see some such solution for the overburdened mother. ... , w " ; Some Rex-lpc ' Puree : of Celery. Chop fine a little celery, top and all, and place over the fire in a kettle containing on pint of boiling water; let-thl stew for a few minute until the celery flavor the water; then strain, and add the liquid topne quart of milk that has been boiled and thickened with two table- spoonful of flour and one of butter. Season with salt, pepper and Celery salt. arid serve -with saltinea. Celery extract may be made to flavor this soup If no fresh celery Is at hand. . Chocolate Cake. Put larg square Baker' unsweetened chocolate, t table spoonfuls sugar and t tableepoonfula boiling milk in a bowl and cook In pan of hot water until smooth. Then cream together V4 cup butter, 1H cups sugar and well beaten yolk of S eggs and stir In with the obocotat mixture. Then add 1 cup of milk and 4 cup pastry flour, ltt teaspoons baking powder and the whites of I eggs, beaten stiff. This make two sheets and wilt bake 1n 19 minutes. Frost with a whit pastry. . Cream' of Spinach Soup. Chop fin some cold boiled spinach, place two gills of cream in a saucepan and add a pint of milk; thicken with tablespnonful of flour added to half en much butter, and then season with white pepper anl a daah of grated nutmeg. Stir in enough of the chopped- spinach to coldr the soup a light green; let It boll up,1 strain and then serve, adding salt and butter the lest thing. Potted Flab. "hop and pound to a paste ail the fragment of cooked fish you have. Season highly, using one- DOCTORS MISTAKES Am said offam to b burled (lx feel and or ground. But many time women Mil oo their family phytlclans, nffrtnff, a they Imagine, on from djrpepla, tnothar from btart dlieaia, anotkw from llvr or kid nay disease, another from nervou prot trttlon, another with pain br and there, and In this wy thy present alike Ja tbemielve and thIr easy-going or over busy doctor, separata diseases, for which be, summing tbem tfl ba uc.h. prescribe El pills and potions. In reality, they ar all only iympum eauiad by tome uteri no dlseasa. Tha1nvlcian. Ignorant ef the Cuu$e of afferingVWp npbiatreatmenl until large bill ar nhtde. JuJTerinf patient get no belt rVlJWLCk tho wrons treatment, but nrobgblv wor j , .i 1 1 1 . t r, 1. i?. .. 5uT?f 'rescrlption, 'lirrrtc won hnve rftf'fe v rrhim iidthe dTsea". (here- bv aitSelnhg air thok Giitreami Tmo- toras, and Inctitutlng comfort Instead of prolonged misery. A ha been well said, that adieas known Is half cured. . Dr. Pierce' Favorite) Prescription to a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's dclleat system. It Is mad of native American medicinal root and I perfectly bsrroleM In I ejrecuja nnwerfut Invlgoratfnaf tonlo " Fa vor I te Prescription' Imparts strength m the whole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine (a particular. For over worked, worn-out," run-down," debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, shc--gtrls." nouse-keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gen erally, Dr Pleroe'g Favorite Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic f As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "favorite Prescription Is aneqnaled and Is Invaluable la allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, fcJU Vitus' dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease ef tht uterus.. It Indooee refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet InvlgoraU th stomach, liver and bowel. One to tax a dose, Kesy to take as vwd. half teaspoonful of aalt, ine-half tea spoonful of made mustard, one-half tea spoonful of black pepper and a little cayenne pepper. Moisten with ' melted butter, put Into glasee or small Jnra; place In a steamer and heat for half an hour prees the paste down again and cover with melted butter. , n n . What Is een In the Shop. V Embroidered stocks with tab in front are still in the running and share in the consideration of women. The best sellers sre in linen worked with mer cerised cotton and some very novel and smart designs are shown. Steel point buttons are III marked favor, and there 4 also -a demand for fancy metal buttons with, points, or act with semi-precious stone, coral., tur quoise,, amethyst, etc. Tinted metal buttons In old tapestry colors have found a ready sale, aa have also the braid buttons, set in metal rim, which I gm .JnalJtho populurjrloth shades. BrTdpa3cmcntrUewhVcrTwgrt In .,.n. f.. . k.oin.i abeyance for a short time, are Jiavlng selling possibilities. .Black la employed on- all colors. - .' Sheer goods with printed design ar dixplayed In. abundance and are espe cially . attractive in chiffons. Xrg floral designs are In favor this season. Broche chiffons and moussellne 'make charming dancing frocka. ' Moussellne brilliant broche, In white with white or tinted designs, la much admired, trepe come with brocade and embroidered ef feota...-: , : . .. . ,, ,. JPUes Cured la Six to Toarteea Days. PAZO OINTMENT I guaranteed to eure taf 0f Itrhtug. Blind, bleedlu or Pretradln run la t or r aaooar- rfniwin. -eue. I l , u ! L- DON 'T SPECULATE ! HAVE MADE I Will Make Alillions Invest With Me With Me You Must Come Quick- . i . ft' X ; X . . ' '' " .. "mm", .ef"" , " f tavt. w. urnn, c Xsveator of the Iffles aiaetreMa-ntlo Ballway and System, and Wall street generally know a good thing when they see It I could not afford to let lg-aal By stem. . laveator of machia to mak Barb these big moneyed Interests get control. I preferred to go to the small Investors, to th peopl who Wire. Inventor of many improvements to Xarveetlag - want to mak small, but safe and sure Investment. 1 hav therefore bound myself to this company, X seals. Oeneral afaaag-er and OoaseJttag Baglaees . and to every stockholder, that I will personally see to It that vry man and woman who makes an ef baffle Sleetrlo Bystea. - - j . Investment In this company will get a square deal. This Is a equar deal from start to finlaa. YouUI Jlave Te Brore that ma will set a anare 4eI I lin had ta following contract printed a th sack ef y eertlttcaw: , r AH or any shares ef the capital stock of th Xfflr Sleotrle Ijnra wiu be redeemed, by It a .pear or face vain ap to, aad iaolndtng, the 10th day of Stay, . 1983, apoa wrtttea actio properly gtvea te said eompesy at It executive ffleee la Ohloago, ZUiaolB, la a anaaaer aad form as provided by Its by-laws, aad adopted by a majority of the etoek feklrs ef thl Company, so that all stoek so offered for redamptloa, wlthla say glvea period, may share equally aad proportionately. B over, the etoek of thl Oompeay la ealy redeemable from - fmads re eeived. oy to be received, aa royal ties from railroad eompaalea a slug th patent of this company aadr license, aad after proper So tic, as aforesaid, which may be received from stockholder direct, o from each of said ; railroad cempaale as have received said stock la payment for ' traasportattoa, or, otherwise, rmOTXOXO, ' KOWslTliB, ao stoek ehaU be redeemed aatu after . Kay loth, ISO, ewoept at the options cf hia eompaajr. . . . ' rxK costtsaot xiin ,;; ; Tkat tn! eenpaay will pay yoe fall far vthra for every ataar ef atork yna buy oat of tha reraltlea paid by railroad eempanla saing ay sritrm. " T(fl can tne roor toek eaak u parmeet for tare or freight oa any roa4 ealng lay r tea. Yoa see, vry read that see any 7tem rill baa t par no' eowpany roralty eTrr ,h? aimplr f' the rtfjjt W Mt. Taea rllroa4 euDipanleo weald ot aa aoett par iia wtth Uieae rertlSntea a te par eaab. aad ta eertlfteatua waeld b tb earn as eaab to a. Tht contract mean that If yoe boo got 100 Share at the preaent prloe yon won Id be abl to gt at lt Ol.OuO frrm any railroad oalng sty arataa. Or ran eould torn the rerttacatea ef atoek ta te M o4 set ll.0" In cash wbea tber la rufalty oeer lb eov. treaaory. I Sna't tblak yoa will Tr wast te Mil. becane ef tb anoraMaa 4iv14aad w will .pay. Hot If yoe bouM be moeila4 to aell yoor eee, USrat woo Id be wortb It full far vain. Thla stake It abeolatnly iaiuoaathl for y stockholder te k fneea eat of u coxpony. irUT AM O TMM MQVAMM Srory skar ef eterk Is ear epnf l .es tb eoar. Kot dollar's worth ot th tork will be e14 wblcb 4oe eat raoroamt aetly tb sw fontlu ar atandlng that erery ether biro ar dollar rnrnt. Tha atork I rilXX PATD and KON-aS- gcaaABUt. WKAT llHaT TOOT ATI . I aa est Ik slr M be think thl Is the aoet sertaet. !. eeaiert- OFFICE OPEN Saturday Evenings Until 9 o'Clock r. AGAIN ASK FOR CREATION OF STRONG RAILROAD COMMISSION ( That ' transportation' problems, th regulation of ratea and control of th railroad of Oregon generally be left entirely In the hand of an appointive railroad .commission,, are the recom mendations urged for the second Mm by the transportation committee of th chamber of commerce. - The resolutions adopted by the latter set forth the ne cessity of the legislature pa"ing th bill providing for the apporirMve com mission which the committee drafted, and a copy of the resolutions Is to b sent to each meniber of the legislature from Multnomah county, urging them to act In the lntereata of the people. The .?'t""" l0,rT- r r " "Whereae, The future development of the state, aa well as .present Individual welfare.r Imperatively demand . that the great transportation agencies in Oregon shall be wisely regulnted and Justly ad ministered in the Interests of 'the pub lic, to the end that the discrimination of the past shall cease, - that future rates end charges ahall be lair, and that.. service of a character adequate to our needs, to which we are entitled and auch aa we have never received, shall be 'given, and ' . v Whereas, v The Individual Is power less to redress bla own just grievance or those of the community against the powerful railroad system of our stats, and to nreven their continuance, and "WfiereaaTTTie rtfuMrI6n0f gOcHT1 carriers la probably a governmental function, which the state ought to per form tor' the cltUen. and which our present .law do not so perform, and : . I ran a machine shop and bras foundry In Minneapolis, Z did the repair work for the Electrtfcal Street Hallway of St. Paul and that oity. I was so uooeful aa a rnechank) and electrician la thla rsnalrins that I was reauested to change every dynamo put in by th General Elscrrto CO. . I saw all ...the trouble of th Antlrelv wroiia. T ..I foand I could get magnets direct thaa by t v. .i ... been a loa at one time. AU of great successful barb wtr buslnea today i bunt on my patenta.-.--- v - v--v -- The best money being mad today in th manufacturing of harvesting machine la very largely based .on my inventions, l . :.. .... .... ' ' . . - - , he first switch' and turn-out that prevented the trolley wheel on trolley car from con, latently Jumping th wlr at croaalnga. ,. .......... . :...'.-. -. --. '.'. - .- ' . . For fourteen year I have tudled how to mak ears run faster, cheaper and safer than ever before.. . . 'v- I am done experimenting. . . ' - .. . ; I Have at Last the Greatest Invention of This Century ' ' ' y ' -J-' ' It will remodel the whole railroad business. There Js not a railroad la this couatrjTbliti that will oon-r or later be compelled to adopt my syatem,, btcauM tt la cheaper, faster, aafsr and more money making than any other syatam. . . . i . . ;....-.,'.-. . . I absolutely control the next great' step forward In the railroad world In my patent. Why? Because team ha run It UmlM wtes. cannot run a train 0Q rnlle an hour and keep It up. Th trolley and present third-rail system cannot be depended ' upon for long distances Their motors are likely to burn out any minute. With my system I can run a train any alliance la any Kind or weather, without ' x hitch or breakdown. (0 to 200 mile an hour with perfect safety. By my syatem, if a wbeel broke or a rail broke the ears would stay exactly In - position on the track. They could not do otherwise. , They could not jump the track, at any speed. It would be' lmpoealble to run my care off the end of a - track Into a river whr a bridge Is open. My car would atop Itself even If th leverman were asleep. I know this whole system to be a ueos, bscaua I have tried It for two years. , During that time x millionaire hav tried to gat control of . my ytem, but I would not let them, because I preferred to protect my own and email stockholders' Investmenta. T Charle T. Trkea offered m 1100,000 If I would throw Toy invention on th scrap-pile and forget it He did not want to be compelled to change hi old cable system. ' Tom Johnsop of Cleveland offered to furnish f 200,000 for my patent rights for over eighty miles an hour. ' Wall street capitalists have made five different attempts to gain control over the Leffler Electric Before hi railway ayatea knows. Tbrao ef the Moot xpert englaaon la this eeastry ke rare folly eiaalaad ay Byvten a4 liddes .on ay car, - and taey save wrlttaa report oo what thty aaw aad too ad. These a(ta.e re-Jobs Brtrarm, dry englaaar or Chtea "iVi Karl L. Lohmana. aooaoltln aaaiBeer ef eago. aod r. W. rasDel, foraer city s- glBMie ef Minn poll. Mlaseeota. They deelar tb ya awnaafnl. tlapl n4 srartlcal n4 point out aany ether fra tarre wherel the baffler, ayiua I as Ira siena Improvement ever sny other yeta now know t be la eiiatene. ' Other snpreya 4loe4 and cclentiae vx port bare prooooiw-d tb iyat'B woBderfally atapl and alaply won4rrful. The reports will k seat ta any one apoa requeet,. , rr AtrTOKATxo bzobtax ' bxbtxctb 1 abeolutaly prevent ealllaloBS. aerywber ear morea it aenda elgnale ahea4 aad bablad. It la not affected by tarm or asy waatber ondltloa. My alrnal ayatea 4 sot reqah- ltber baod or aln4 ef aaa to eperat It No wire or polr ar ipoo-d where a lor ma ea blow Ibea Cows or Interfer with thoa. . If tbrengh noma aetUent one algnal h . broken, er etherwlae pot out ef eomtulaaloa, another algnal Immediately takea Ita glace. Baery trals dlapatcber and operator ee tha road re go t alrnp, and my elgnale will work perfectly and aafaly. Era tb trainmen bar nothing to do witk thaa.' There I no forgetting. Beary . algnal - woek atoaatlelly. Who train eoste together too eioaaly, bea4 os - ar from th tear, a letrl ball ring vlgorossly in ae- leeaiman'a eah. , OAMM VsTSNt illOLUTI OObTTBOX, It Is all controlled fey one lever.' Tha lever man atarta, atopa an4 reveraea wltb tha earn lever. - Mnow, Ice, It, rain, greaee, dirt and aurh iibetaaeee 4 not affect th sower or control ef the cat er train. TBTJB BrrgngXBB WZU BS ZaCktZirBB Beeaaa before lone we ' will be ' pot tin. r aratea en all the atandarg, etreet and Inter- srbaa rallwara. Juat think what a Immeeee boalnaao that will ba. One eomoany alone now employ 12,000 me to aak th sreeeat alee- trie railway equtpmena ana vara anouicr Sra employa nearly many mas. Thar ar also thouaanda of men employed aaklng etano ard looomottvea and equipment. All of theae will be back nnmber. and will bav t ge out of bailneae bacaaa thla Laffler ehretrla aya tea will take tbelr place and . will employ IBTBBTIOATB V OABBBBIAT ! Com and aee tola aaat rBrkbl iaveattea f th twanflatk ctury. Thl la eucb opportunity aa doe not come to any one once In hundred yrara. te get t on tbe ground door oa propoaltl.m hound to mak million. It la the neit- great forwrd tee ta Ike railroad world. It mean th ani ent changing of every preaent a teem aad treat railroad over te the leffler ayatea, not only becauee tt can rua faater, but It aave bout halt la operating eapema and thousand of Uvea. , . It aean faitac aad ebeapar travel and greater sroSts to tb railroad managers snd toekholders, . , M I caanot deacrlbe tbe eyta fully barn, t bav 4on thla 1 booklet whir I will Med yo free tor tb Baking. If yo ca't take but ta aharea, get the heohlet lad leer fully U tb weaaer ef th ataiataat perfect ay. 425-426 Fliedner "Whereaa, Th' transportation com mittee of the, Portlan chamber of com merce, and th Oregon and Washington Lumber Manufacturer- association, without regard to political bias or party line, and after a number of month of atudy, have prepared a. bill for an act In conformity, with the sentiments above expressed.' which bill was the work of no individual but waa the work of ail. and which, during and since Its preparation has been rwidely circulated and thoroughly dlscuased; therefore be It .. ' . "Resolved. That we request the legis lative aasemUry uf .the state, of Oregon to-owus the . bill' for an act creating a railrodcouimllon jf Oregon, pre pared as above set itut and how known aa-houseblUKOwiLand that-, w a. re spectfully request our delegation In the legtiUtture to ue Its Influence for the early pasnage of the bill aa drafted and submitted, and to vote therefor; and be It further l ' . "Resolved, That It la the sense of thl committee that the commissioners, as provided in1 such bill, should be ap pointed by the governor,' as we are con vinced that thereby the most' efficient administration can be secured; and be It further , . , , ' . "Resolved, That's copy"of thl reso lution be. sent to the speaker of th house and the president of the senate, from tht county.' Real estate galea are' Increasing rapid ly In Lake county. ..'.,.. A SURE Grow Into Thousands trt. railway manager. Wound the present system of running streetcar w more power," greater speed, mor safety th roundabout, mlxed-up system now successful manufacturer and Inventor. my Inventions have mad great successes and enormous sums of mony.,.Th tea ever devlaee.' IT will aw row 10 wonw 414 X Ulok ot thl aai wonder- Ing that iar- valot valooa Idea before. -Wbea I (end yoe ale booklet 1 will am send yoa th resort of com of tb ahleet elertiie! engineer in til country, who bav ear folly iamla4 tb arattm. Tbey fully lndorna It. We havs veeelvad raqueat fraa a la thaa ovoa 41ffrant raepenatble sartlaa within the snat tw weak fat oatimataa far putting ta ay arataa a now rondo shout to aa ea straatod. .... mzws ' iittxbtom ' un ' .... TTJsIEB. , rom- mS ZS TOTXB CBUtBCB ACT WXBB r ' I.T ABB QTICII.T, Don't lot this opportunity slip hf. A o aa the world kin, what a alraple. nnney. avlng n4 aoncyarnlug ayatea, ttua la tha BHftiey-ataking tnatlnct ef tbe railway man agers will force thea to edn'it It. Thla will aaa million for the tockbnliler- Tbe prnflta and dividend can't help bat be something wonderful. , Groat fortones are Bade nowaday by pee pi who make jndlctoo inveatsieut of Urlr aavlnga and earnlnga, . Having atoney dnean't ' aiake you tiih. It 1 making the money work for yoa , wkll yoa are working that bring wealth. - Invaat yonr aavlnga In something anre te being the graateat retnrna. Bankrra get r1-h by doing thai with th money yon drnoatt with them, and they pay yon only 3 or 4 per cent tt th oa of yonr money . Vt by not 4e tli banker doe and g't all th. proQu yonraelf j Here la wnck a opiwrtnnlry may never en ma yonr way again, gnrh great rbinga thla do not come mor than onee In cen tury. It la np I yon to act earefnlly, wlaely and Intelligently.' Inveatlrate every claim I mako. Qo into It thoronahly. Kind out for yottrarlf that I hav th greateat railway ayatea ever- devleed, end dim! Inveat one cent nle yon are perfectly nrtaSod. I hav hiat what I elahn to have. am au uto Thla Zesfflsi Bleotrio Train. Will Boa 80 to BOO miles an Hour Without th Boeglhlllty of Jumping the Traok fwlft, '-'., Safe and Bur. , -. . ; :.,b bz.zotbio btbtbk, (tne.) CBnOAOO.--- i..-..-...j.,.:-.,....i..T The naderslg-ned t crar risoal Agat for the West. Address ell inquiries BJdg., ' In the Name of Sense, 4 that good common sense of which all of us have, a share, how can you continue to buy ordinary soda crackers, stale and dusty as they must be, when for you can get yr.eeda"Bis:cuit t ? fresh from the oven; protected : i.i v from dirt Jby very oeauty 01 ; you hungry n NA-nOHAL-BISCUTT-COM PANT tic LIFE INCOME FOR YOU If You Want to -Your Money and. comfort by running cars with electro uaea oy eiectne railways., I have had charge of 100 expert median. Next Advance question yoa want to and I will answer every ipwiw nonaaiiy ana vquareiy. i noneeiiy oeuev thl lev thl atoek will advance low see en Itbln- e year.- If you want to ahare Is theae enormouaproAte it will be seeeaaary for yon to act NOW. Tkkv atock will never b loww. and la aura to advance at least It par cent within tbe seat few day. It is oa tb ground Ion bow, bnt saver will b again. Be wle m time. Ra member thl M no . untried xperlmnt. I have tbe ear end ayatea, to abew yo. I want yoe to call and tnveatlgate It thoroughly. I will be (lad to show everything about It n you t any time. Bvwythlng la and will be tborongbly covered by patents, aad th patent are ndr the (beohita control ef the Company. . - I nooeatly believe that a very little saoney Inveated la tbla atock now, at tbe preaent bottom price, will la very abort time yield each an Income aa will make you independent for life. It la tha chance ef a century It y mtee, It yoa will regret It all your life. . ' , 'about TXB BTOOX . . Tbla com pany I not kded dowa wltb a lot of watered (tock. Keltbrr M It pro moter' a company. It M utralxht aqoar d-l, directly betweea yoa and tha company. There I . absolutely so treea-out acham mixed ag In n tangle of preferred and eoa sma atock, aor I ther any other atyh, of horn porn. Every shar of atock ataada s ctly ou level with every other ah are. o Only ( (mall portion of tha atock M) being old below par. If. you dalr to rat Is aa tb ground Soar It trill be seary for yau to act at one. Betncmber, tbla la no untried experiment. W hav ear. Ill made and on exhibition which will how any an ex actly what our eyatam la. Com, and aa foe youraelf exactly what we have got. Too will Snd It marvel of simplicity and prac ticability. Ten will not queetloa when yoe ae It that thl company will become th owner , ef one of the greateat )fr!cal manu facturing plant In the world. Tha onmnany haa aomethlng ao much better and ao much farther In advance of anything alee over beard of that It Is bound te make million tor 1U stockholder. ' . ., Ckdl, writ r telegraph at ao. ' ? I I .Tef a--"1"' a package the .wnicn Will BB QT7X0X ABB OBT A BTTBB UBst ,. zBOom ro every 19 share. ig saarh. ISO HiiM BIB Aaj th) aambar ef gharea, " up" to. S,000 eharee, at the aame Wete, , : ovk Bsjr BroBTatLT rATvnar lor every la saar, flO oash aad d saoathly payateats , TetsJ. 9evj rex every 100 aaieerea, 10O cash aaaj moathly Mraasts ftw eMk TtslJ 4flo. Asy other aumacr es suss is, ay w ,000, at th aa rat. . - - - ru Tina ox u aoarwj. ew pa aaa. , . t ' i ' all reBHttaaea awt ba aad ta attser po fnc aaoaay erder, raglatarad brtlar, sasr aocey aroar er ern . . . . . . If roe let tai ooBortnnltr gat by without Aii .ka .-Mb a. miimiMt bur voa wlU aooa b la tha seeirjoe f the ma who rrad te bay BaU Taiepheae stock wkes It oould be tad for mU maeay aad later saw It Mil far thirty tueos what he eaiq v boaght It for. I aa at the effle every cay froa . a. ts a. B. Next Saturday nlgbt aatll . If yea eaa't call, write for feooklet ad - glneer' fesert. " . "' ' , 1 " " TrtyXBTB TO BBXfXBTBBB ABOVT ma stitsh rom ' ,'. . . . BAXXtWATB There -ere B everbaad wire. B thtrf ralL so a lot la tb ctreeC ae ndergroan Caa ' be run taatee, sefar, eeeler soft aore comfortably taa ay etbw ayateeaT k sears. - It la cheaper te operate, a a half tea fuel at power bouea, ta cleaner, eurer and quicker fa oorUoa thaa -say atbar. . Canaot ba Mopped by elect or saaw torma, rain. Ice, greaee. dirt er say ethe aim liar ebetractlon ae tb track. It cannot produce aleetrolyale a water pipee ee eoeduia la the atroots, which n now aurh a kaavy axpenea a ltlas aader the trolle. - - . tt eanno later fera wltb any ether W- trle arlrea, roqulrae las curreat thaa ether eyatem. and develope greater power. It ta all eoatroued by oa leva, and I alvny aader tbe Boat haolat eetjv4, aaTwbere, and aadar all eeaxtltlona. It la Bolaelean, alnc ther ar a gear tag. mMore a ether Bactilsory t grind, aoueak ae rattle. I Tbera are no bar-entn ef beraoae tber are se motor to bora cut It le Itnnoaalbie me mas or seast a aboek from aa electric currant. onrrs to atBBrKigaz abovt TXtB UrfUS BTBTBhf TAB. rH0 TBI BXAOB OT FBXaV v. .. BBT TBAht BA1XWATB . ' It doa away ettr1r with Ineeaerlva. heavy atotor car, electric a1na and all other , (Intllaa baavy aad axpeoalve ma chine. A aseed ef SO to BOO Bitle aa knar be regularly reached aad aalntalaed tot any dleunce. Huna winter snd natnr ink. Kot affected by tc. enow, greaee dirt,' el, rain ae sny other weather condition. Lea tba oa quarter tb fuel B) seeded. Trains res be everted aad (topped atilrkar thaa by any ether ayatea aad without 4lecamfort to paeaesgar. Power keuae caa he placed 100 alia part. ' ' No brk are required. Tb atoppiag I dona by revraing the mrreat. There i no flattening of tha whea la and eenee(oeat logging of the ear. Wheel do got grind on the nil to atart waJaaT have no beta ee ,pr eee tone ar mad. It I ualrr es the roadne4 aad car, and practically no repair wlU aa needed. . . aad order to ,-v A ..vr . ... .. . '. m V 1 A PORTLAND, OREGON