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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21, 1S07- IT PLAH TO REGLAIL1 DESERT LAUDS I- First Dry Farming Congress Meets in Denver to Dis cuss Reclamation.' f EXPERTS FROM CAPITAL DISCUSS EXPERIMENTS ment, of Agriculture) Present Form Permanent Organization for Development f Wwt. - - ': ' (Journal Special lnt) . Denvsr, Jan. 24. The Transmlssls- slppl Dry-Farmlns" congress, , the first ' large meeting ever held In the Interest of the reclamation of the aml-ar-ld re- glons of thewest, convened In Denver ..; ' today for aMwo days' session. . Dele gates ere present from every . weatern stats, and the Mississippi vallfty baa a '-'' aubatantlal representation. Tba Initial . aeaalos today was devoted to the work of ore intuition. , s The congress prumlBwta haver re Bnlts , of a aubstantlal and far-reaching char '., aotar. Tha chief alms, ss outlined in tba opening" addresses, will be to form V a. ' permanent educational. interstate organisation somewhat on tha lines, of the- National Irrigation congress, and to afford a full and free discussion of tha prlnctplea of anientlflc soil culture, ' and of their development In the wests ' ' - Zzperta . Trom Washing-ton. . - Tha government at Washington has manifested Its .. Intereat la - tha-movement by sending to tha congress almoat ""the entire staff. of "dry-farming" ex- parts In the employ of the department of agriculture. Prominent among; those who are to deliver addresses are: K. C Chllcott of the department of dry-land ,.'.' agriculture; C 8. Bcofleld, In charge of weatern agriculture extension; Dr. I J. Brtggs, physicist of the bureau of soils; T. H. Kearney of the plant-breeding -. laboratory; W. T. Swingle of the divis ion of plant-Ufa history; Mark A. Carle- - ton. United States oereallat. and El wood Mead, chief of the bureau ef Irri gation and drainage investigation. : Slstlngulslisa Kpeakers. ; , "' Other men - of : prominence whose -names -sppear--' on - the-e) program arei - - John Fields of Oklahoma City,. Profes , sors W. F- Bnyder, U. A- Burnett and K. (J. Montgomery of the University of ' Nebraska, Professor B. C' Buffum of ..the University of Wyoming. Professor W. i Olln of the Colorado Agricultural college. Professor J. J. Tlnsley of the - Agricultural college of - New . Mexico. " " snd Professor. W. M. . -Jardlne of the University of ytah. who la now In ' charge of all (he government's dry-land ''" "work throughout the country. Repre sentatives of many leading railroads of tha west are also In attendance. yeirs or a term for grand larceny, ran aay and came to Oregon. , Tha Indiana prison official lost track of him until a photograph cams under the notice of the Oregon prison officiate whils Rosenberg-was doing time here. The Indiana officials were notified. Thomas Lr mond'haa started back with the prisoner to, the "Iloosler" state. To Investigate Negro Troops. (Joorsal BdspUI 8rrlra.t Washington, Jan, 24 -Tha senate has passed the compromise Foraker reso lution authorising- the committee on military affairs o Investigate the facta wi aiiru-jr Brownsville - on ius nights of August IS and 14th last, with out questioning "the legality or Justice of any act of the president in relation to or connected with that affray." f . Ralph Crowe Alleges Desertion, (Hpeclal Dl.patch to The Journal.) . Pendleton. Or., Jan. 14. Divorce pro ceedings nav--tie n"'starMd'by" Ralph Crowe against Carrie Crowe, with, de sertion alleged. . They were married at Walla -Walla, May-15, 1905. - The plain tiff declarea the defendan deserted him on September 15, 1906, while they were living at Ilermlstnn. - v FOR STOMACH SUFFERERS COMUIS r.!ER WANT TO SWAP WITH m Don't Use Any Remedy That Keep -:-?-- it, ponuinl a Secret. r, 1 People who are troubled, with" stom ach weaknesa. cannot afford to use any remedy unless they know what It con tain a Ml-o-na Is not a mere digestive glv- tH only-tmpoiryreIlerrbur"a"speoiric for ail disorders or the digestive . or gans, and so" effects a permanent dure tor stomach troubles. Tour physician will ' tell ' yon that nothing la better than a combination of chemically pure bismuth subgallate to allay any Inflammation of tha stom ach and bowels; cerium oxalate, to strengthen tha stomach nerves; sodium bl-carbonate, which - neutralises the poisonous acids that " are present In stomach troubles;, end ' nux vomica, which will restore vigor to the digest ive organs, and tone the whole nervous system. This combination - la found only In Ml-o-na stomach tablets, snd It so rare ly falls to strengthen the digestive sys tem and cure all forms of stomach dis orders that the remedy Is sold under a guarantee to refund the money-unless It cures -' r---- ;-.----;-, , If you suffer from Indigestion, dis tress sfter estlng. specks before the eyes, headaches, pains in the back and aide, emaolatjon. bloating-, nervousness, sleeplessness, or any . of -the other symptoms of sjjomarh troublos, begin the uss of MJ-o-na stomach tablets at once. - gold In 59-eent boxes. ' - Write- today for -a free' sample -package, and also give us .your symptoms, and one of the best known stomach specialists will give your case his care ful end . personal -attention .. .without charge. ' Booth's Miona company. Buf falo, N, T. . . ..w v...- j IEOIIS.G-.DCIUSS EVERY DAY Kl THE WEEK Remarkable Record of. Union . Companion Mine in East- , ern Oregon. (Special Dispatch to Toe Joursal. Baker City. Or., Jan, J4. With JO stamps pounding night and day the rich Union-Companion mine In the Cornucopia district Is making a clean up of 11.000 In every 14 hours. . Sixty Ave men are employed stsadlly, and the crew will; be largely incressed In the spring, When Uje capacity of the mill Js doubled. Apparently oblivious of the .placer ex citement on Boulder creek, lust below It, the old quarts property is grinding out free milling ore in the most satisfactory manner in Its history. , All preparations have been made for the Installation of the new machinery and the work will commence In the early apring, just aa aoon as the roads Into that mountainous district ars passable. The 20 new stamps have' already been purchased and only the condition of the roads prohibits their Immediate Installation. , Rumor had It laat apring that - the Guggenheim smelter trust , had pur chased the Union-Companion mine. This waa never officially verified but from tha fact that the new machinery waa lm med I a tel yf or t h com I n g and that t h a crew at the rich mine has "been stead ily. Increased, it. is believed by mining men here that- the . report was well founded snd very probably true. ' Semi official confirmation of this story was receive' today and It was hinted- that within the next year the Union-Companion will be wprked on a scale unknown to the eastern Oregon mining district. vlce-prealdent would be Increased. The total grab Is estimated at $1,260,000 a yesr. SUSPECTS TAKEN BACK TO WASHINGTON SIDE " . (SpeHil DUpatca to The Joaraal.) The Dalles, Or., Jan. 14. Deputy Sheriff Scott of Klickitat county, Wash ington, has taken from here B. O'Neal snd Karl Banders, who. had been in jail here U days. .They are charged with robbing Twohy's camp on the north bank road. They attempted to escape on the Ice, but were arrested by the officers hers and held pending the ar- rivai or an omcer rrora Ooldendala IX M. Reamer waa brought from Hood River and sentenced to SO days for lar ceny. , R0SEBURG ELKS' ENJOY ' ' " CONCERT AND CARDS (Special Phpates to The Joernal.) '-' Roseburgv Or.. - Jan. J4. Roseburg lodge No..J2, B. P. O. K., entertained their friends st their temple In this city. The principal feature of the en tertainment was the Midland male quar tet of Des Moines, Iowa This Is the finest aggregation the Elks have ever secured for their social functions In this city. Flinch and "600" were the principal games after the musical pro gram was completed, snd there was an excellent lunch served In the banquet room to complete the enjoyment .of-the evening.---- - - ' Size of the Salary Grab. " (JoorssI Special Service.) -Washington, D. C, Jan. J4 By. the provisions of the sslarles bill that the aenate has passed, -the salaries of cabinet members, the. speaker and the The Band Identifies The Genuine J Every 1 Toro agar is now banded to "guard" you' against themany unreliable brands of questionable quality which have teen pushed oh the" marlcet smcethe re cent increased cost of Porto Rican leaC' Be sure you get the genuine, ".- . y e:L toro Cijjar S Cents EL TORO Exact liU nd I Patuttlm W Pmnttels Finat Thil ls one-dgar-you can be .ure is 7 Porto Rican, made in Porto Rico', entirely of Porto Rican tobacco, for years' its . high quality, has been a prime factor, in , popularizing Porto Rican cigars among discriminating smokers. v' .'v z!:. : " The H Toro cigars now being marketed are particularly ' recommended because ol the unusual 1 excellence 7 of this year's Porto Rican tobacco crop-from only the choicest selections of which El Toros are j, made. . . r , . ...;.':.',). : . El Toro is today the best cigar Porto Rico" can produce for "5 cents. There's a ; band on the genuine. v " 'l 7 "r Porto RkauAmerkan Tobewx ' ;.. Kaanfaotarer,- San fnaa, . Torto- Moo MASOV, ZXBaCAsT CO, Distributors, rortlsad. Ore. ADVANCE SHOWING OF 1907 in 7i" New Proportions Springes Shades lelliOiMI alls S. Brombergcr & Co.; Clothing Hats Fornlthings ;;; 343 WASHINGTON STREET. NKAR SKVKNTH- JOURNAL WANT APS PAY DEST Proposal , to Exchang Two Tracts,' to Alleged Mutual I . Advantag. v , ? "f '"f (Special Dlapatoh to Tba 1ml.)- - j Albany, Or., Jan. .It. Some of the . residents of Linn county' are much agl- - Stated over S report that the Corvallls " business men and reeldenta of Benton ' county are In a movement to annex a : large strln of Linn county lying ad jaoent to Corvallls and Just across the river. It Is said the clan Includes the '. Acquisition of Oakvllle. a small town p In that, section. In exchange for this ' Linn is to be given a portion of Ben '. ton county lying immediately across ' the Wlllsmette liver from Albany and ; constituting fine garden country. This ' Is connected with Albany by a large steel bridge and the portion that tha i Hen ton I tea desire .Is connected with Corvallls wltha free ferry. -T - ' There Is opposition to both schemes ' and possibly neither will materialise. ; INDUCEMENTS TO ENTER . THE STATE UNIVERSITY (Rperlal DUsateb to The Joarsst) i ' University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. It. The university will offer to fresh- men - who desire to enter the second emeater, February II, a number of courses. These make It possible for new students te take up work In most of the departments. In botany a fouiy hour course Is open, while others may be taken up If aufflcient preparation . : has been had. With some preparation - considerable work - Is open to new sto dents In - chemistry, the languages, Greek, Latin, French. German. Spanish, mathematics and physics. Courses will slso be open In . English, econom'sa, psychology, . literature, history, educa ,. tion and phlloeophy and speaking, and , la shop practice, '. Iron, msohine . and ' wood-working. In tha engineering de partments. The school of rouslo alto ' holds open Its entire curriculum. Forty or SO new students will probably enter. gOTESTING AGAINST r r , - ntitnvttA i tNiiuN - (Rpeelal DIMteh to Tea Joaraal.) -. ' long. Creek, Or., Jan. 14. The people . of this section are circulating a petl . tion to present to Secretary Hitchcock, - protesting against tha enlargement of . the forest reserve so as to Include tha latest addition,' 10 eectlone of tha beat of Grant county's agricultural landa ; The protest will be circulated ' throughout the ehtlre district affected - and everything that can be done to . make a protest of consequence will be dona The territory in question takes ' In Long creek, a part of Hamilton and nearly aU of Fox, and Includes shout - half of Grant county. It Is claimed that ' the scant timber In the proposed ad- '' "dltlon to the reserve that has been filed : upon Is of the poorest kind and could 1'. b of llttla benefit to the reserve. - . , HE BROKE PAROLE AND , IT IS BACK TO INDIANA S (Hpecl.l Dwpateh to Tbt Jnnraal.) talem. Or., Jan. I. After having commuted the sentence or Edward Bher Idsn, alias Dan Rosenberg, who was serving Sn Indeterm Ins te' sentence on a charge of larceny In a .store, committed In Multnomah county, Governor Cham ' berlald has honored the requisition from the governor of Indiana to return Sheridan to that stare to serve a 14 year sentence. It seems thst when under parole fihertdsiy who bad served two Conches . 24.00 Couch, spring- edge, oak . . frame, with claw feet, toll steel - construction, upholstered in re-' " louf7"i s- . .w u0 $3200 Gondola Couch, ball foot, best oil tempered steel spring-f used in construction, upholstered in Verona .. .......... .fat.OO . $29.50 Verona 'covered Couch. . . .golden oak frame and full steel . construction , flT.SO $21.50 quarter-sawed '- oak frame Coach, upholstered in ' Verona clour steel construction.. J ; $50.00 Bed Davenport, upholstered in Chats leather and frame fin - ished in rolden oak and mahog any finish S38.00 ' $30.00 Bed Davenport, golden oak ' frame, steel construction, tiphol-e-tered . in - relour f 25.00 . $125.00 genuiha mahoganv Daven-' Jort, upholstered in silk re- ' our SjTO-50 y $95.00 Davenport, solid oak frame and upholstered in first quality - leather S73.00 . Back of this advertisement arc GENUINE UNQUESTIONED BONA FIDE REDUCTIONS. Wc never advertise a bargain un less we hac a bargain to ofier- a bargain x someone will quickly snap up ; and when we say THIS "RED TAG SALE AFFORDS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ONE-FOURTH THE COST OF YOUR FJJRNISHINGS" we are ready and anxious ;to . prove it. Come in you arc welcome whether yoii come to, look or to buy. l , ,e- ' ssaBto M m Mission FurnifiirC; $1950 Library Table, mission de sign, quarter-sawed oak, weath ' ered finish f 14. HO $26.00 weathered oak Librarv .Ts- - ble, qtiarter-sswed oak.fl0.T5 $32.50 Library Table in weathered qusrier-iawed oak, with book rack base , $24.00 $14.00 weathered oak Den Table, 30-Inch around top, lower ' shelf 4 flO.RO ' $14.00 qnarter-sswed osk Card Ta-, .ble. drop leaves snd drawer in . "end, weathered finish. .f 11.00 $16.00 quarter-sawed Magazine Rack, three shelves, i top 14x32 ' inches 1 11.75 $19.00 weathered osk Writing Ta- . ble, with top racks for station ery, one rlrawrr f 14.60 $33.00 Ladies' Writing Desk, quarter-sawed, weathered oak. dull brass trimmed .525.50 $14.00 Ladies' Writing Deak, strictly mission- in design, fia- ished weathered, one - drawer f 11.25 $7.00-Mission 'fedestal, quarter- - sawed weathered oak, too 14x - - 14 Inches f4.75 Furniture for the V Dinino Room ; ' $65.00 Buffet. 15x34 French bevel ' ' mirror, -quarter-sawed . oak," fin-' ; ished weathered .,f 39.00. $27.50 Sideboard in golden oak, Ux 24 French bevel mirror. 520.00 $70.00 Buffet. 2 mirrors in back, full swell front, claw feet, quarter-sawed oak ..SJ44.0O $65.00 weathered oak Buffet, lead ed glass top, strictly mission in detign' ............... 538.60 . $15.00 six-foot Extension Tsble, weathered oak ........ s)10.50 ;$27.,50 eiRht-foot Extension Table pedestal bass, 48-inch son a re ton, weathered oak ..520.60 $78 50 quarter-sawed golden oak , . Table, extends to 10 feet, 60 inch round top, -pedestal base, , claw feet V. f 53.00 . . $43.00 Buffet in weathered or gel den oak, 18x40-inch oval French mirror , 26.60 $92.00 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet, leaded glass canopy too, bent glass base, weathered oak finish 6S.60 $55.00 China Cabinet in weathered . oak, leaded glass doors, minsinn d es ign f , , , , A , i , j,f t ju. 3 8 . 5 O . WM Bikini Library Cases and Desks Dcds Stoves and Ranges '$55.00 six-bole Malleable Steel Range, 18-inch oven, ' an exceptionsl value, at f3S.60 '. , $45.00 six-hole Steel Range, 18-inch oven, full ''. nickel-trimmed 520.60 $27.50 four-hole Range, 14-inch "oven, high warm ing closet .. 520.00 $12.00 No. 8 Cook Stove, 16xl8-inch oven, sliding "hearth, extra long firebox .......... 58.60 . $6.00 Wood Heater, cast top, lower front draft; full nickel-trimmed 4.25 ' .' $8.50 Combination Wood and Coal Heater, cast top. -"" bottom and lining, full nickel-trimmed. ... 50-6O : $20.00 . Woodstock Jewel Wood Heater exactlv ,- like cut cast lining, top, bottom and front full pirkel-trirhmed -i. ....7...... ...514.50- $12.00 Hot Blast Coal Stove, cast lined, full nickel trimmed and cast toe. bottom and front.. 57.75 $7.50 Hot Blast Coal Stove, cast lining, top and bot- $35.00 Library Case, leaded glass doors, mahogany finish, exactly like cut 523.75 $51.50 mahogany . Combination Bookcase, leaded glass canopy ' top,, bent glass door ..39.50 $28.00 Combination Bookcase, gol den quartered . oak, bent (rlas door, mirror top . 22.50 ' $31.50 . Combination Bookcase, in golden oak, 12x12 shaped bevel - plate, bent glass door.. 24. OO $37.50 Ladies' Desk in genuine mahogany, the design is colon ial and it It a bargain. .22.60 . $18.00 is the price f a bed exactly , like cut, with 1 l-16-inch con tinuout post, finished Vernis Martin; our January Red Tag Sale brings it down to..9.7 t $4.00 Iron Bed, angle iron bead ' . and foot, scroll design, all col , ors 3.00 ,?6.00 Iron. Bed, with straight up rights andbrasa knobs.. 4.2 3 $17.00 Bed, finished in cream and -' green or dead black with gold chills 9.75 . - . . . . - . ' $37.50 all-brass Bed, bow- foot, ltf , inch post and 2-inch - - -. knobs ................ 27.50 $12.50 Malleable Iron Bed, 1 1-16-' ' inch ' continuous post, finished -; Vernis Martin 8.25 $85.00 full Napoleon Bed In genn yine mahogany, claw feet. ..66 , $35 00 Napoleon Bed in mahogany. ' birdseye maple and ntiarter - Sawed golden oak .....27.50 $33.00 Bed with roll top in birds--. eye maple, mahogany and gr! - den oak 34.75 Carpet Department $17.50 6x8.6 Axminster Rgs ". $25.00 8.3x9.4 Axminster Rugs ...... ........ $15 00 6x8.10 Brussels . Rug . . 1 513.60 19.20 10.80 torn, an excellent value at ,5.25 First aEd-faylor $27.50 9x12 Smyrna Rug..20.00 $22.50 &3xl0.6 Smyrna - Rug 15.25 $5 00 36-in. by 72 in. Smyrna Rug I 2.83 $3 00 30-in. by 54-in. Smyrna -Rug' 1.63 $2 SO 26-in. by 48-in. Smyrna Rug I. $1.35 $3.00 27-in. by 54-ln. Axmlnjtter Rug $3.00 36-ln. by 72-in. Axminter Rug ...... 3.ZO $2.00 27-in. by 54-in. BrusN . Rug 1.00 $5.7520 Pairs Lace Cur tains $7.00 8 Fairs tre Cur tains $3.50 10 Tairs Lace Cur tains $2.5026 Fairs Lare Curtains