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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
TJIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, KZ7. - GG0 Poz. Ncv Crop Large California Navel Oranges, 30c Doz. Elder G Frank's Cclciratc J Llccha end' Java Cofico at 23c per PcinrJ lMder Franks 887th Friday Surprise Sale ICQ WomensTailored Suits; flIW''IM"""',M',,,,',PWP"'' ! WWiiiWnii ibiii iwiii mum i Him n -i mi 1 1 i n m i i 1 1 ,-. ... in, i i IMiiM i "' ' ' V ' 1 " " " 1 "" Great Surprise Sale 'of WasEt sq$3s 123c to 25c r J 50c Values 11 (Ft ? . .. . . ..... ' . '. , . . "' Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers for to morrow's 887th Friday Surprise Sale : a very unusual bargain in high-grade Tailored SuitslO(garments of: this season's best style and manufacture to be sold at one-half price Every suit in the lot new and up to datc and many of them desirable for Spring and Summer : ; In the assortment will ; be found Eton suits, wear. blouse suits, semi-fitting, boxcoat suits," Prince - Chap suits, three-quarters length coat suits materials are mannish mixtures, plaids, checks, grays, browns blue and black These suits are all splendidly made and " finished-roghout-4y-theeading-loiiri the country and perfect fitting Reg ular $25.00 and $26.00 values On sale at phenomenally low price See Fifth St. window display No mail or phone orders filled ii Values for- 50c and 65c Values at v Meier (D Frank's 887th Friday Surprise Sale Sc Huck Towels for 24c Eacli In the Linen Section for tomorrow' 887th Fridy Surprise Sale, the greatest bargain in fine Towel we hare ever had the pleasure of offering; 200 dozeu of them, hemstitched, all-linen huck, 20x40 ; inches; vtry best style; limit of half dozen to a customer. Regular 45c values, tomorrow only. Here's a grand opportunity to supply Summer Dress Materials at big saving to morrow It won't be long before you will need these beautiful-Wash Goods,' and there's a half or more saved if you anticipate your: wants tomorrowThree "great lots to select from The entire main aisle on Fifth street will be devoted to this great selling Wonderful . .values See . the Big-Flfth Street-Window Display Lot 13,000 jrarda of Embroidered Voiles, mercerized Foulards and Cotton Suitings; s great assortment of desirable wash materials, in good pattern and colorings. Regular' , I2yic to 25c values, to be cleaned up tomorrow at this exceptionally low price, yard.. Uw 'YZii9 t rW) -...i- ur.A w -: t j n, i.ttJ -mi .11-: .mi. , embroidered linens, mercerized waistings, embroidered Swisses, all splendid style f (i and leading shade for lummtr wear. Regular 50c value, on sale at, the yard..:.. 1 7C Lot 32,500 yards of silk nd mercerized Wash Materials high-clas novelties, all colon -pinks, blues, tans, -green, white, yellow and red; 27 inches wide; all the newest and I! prettiest styles; 50c to 65c values, tomorrow only, at this low price.' yard. .......JJC - vava nix- Meier (S Frank's 887th Friday Surprise Sale WW For Tomorrow's 887th Friday Surprise Sale, a tanyoPrj' feting of lfl-button length Glace Kid Gloves Our superior purchasing facilities enable us to place on sale at a special price this scarce article of women's apparel at a time when other stores find it exceedingly difficult to secure them for regular stock Every pair of first quality French kid ; a cele brated make Every woman knows their good qualities- Full 16-button length; 3-button mousquetaire style Black, brown and a few opera shades All sizes Regular $4 values on sale to morrow only Take advantage Pair I Mail and Phone Orders .Wffl J3e Carefully FffledJ $2.95 Meier (S Frank's 887th Friday Surprise Sale s ; Women's $3.50 Shoes $2.45 Pair For tomorrow' 887th Friday Surprise Sale, women' fine Shoe at less than manufacturer cost; 1,000 : pair all welt-sewed Shoes, in patent colt, button or Blucher style; gunmetal, in Blucher style; vici kid in lace and Elucher style; walking weight Boles. The latest Fall and Winter lasts; shoes C3 A.w that retail the world over at $3.50 pair; all sizes and widths, on sale tomorrow only, at. ; .. vaVecTJ Groceries PHONE EXCHANGE 4 II lbs. Granulated Sugar .7, fl.00 IS. A F, famous Mocha and Java Coffee; superior to moat ' ' 40o grades; treat value. .ywC Paper Shell Walnuts, lb ..T,1S4 20-os. bottle Queen OHvee.....45et 1 oan Alpha Corn, specie!.. '..25 Burnett's Lemon Essence..., ,20 C ft B. Vinegar, quarta, at!.. .25 1-lb, can 8tirlmpa, apeclal.t,10 t-lb. can Shrimps, special..... 20 1 package Domino Bujar..... .55 B lba. Mission White Flg-a. . . . .25 1-lb. can of Ghlrardelll's g aremnt Chocolate torrr.-w C l-lb.pkir. of Baker's Un- 1 C weeteneij Chocolate (or.U Gal. Honeysuckle Syrup... ;...4S Qt, Los Cabin Plnocho Syrup.. 25 Ma f Price Sale in Great Clean-up Sale in the Art Department, Second Floor odds .and end and broken lines of Japanese drawnwork pieces, Battenberg and Spachtel Center Squares and Scarfs, Xaundry Bags, Table Covers, Sofa Pillows, Pin Cushions, etc, etc Great assortment In all style and qualities. Take J svrt - your pick of a big variety for a few day only atjbi Wonderfully low price...,. ......... r ChevTon Sets, Stars, Anchors, Bars and Eagles broken lines of regular 25c. and 35r values, on Ct ale at this special low price, per set1' On sale in the Art. Department, Second. Floor. ......... 1 vU " " Great' Clearance 'Sale of Framed and Unframed Pictures, Photo Frames, Pyrographic Sets, Stamped Wood, Picture, Framing. Second , Floor. Artistic, framingf picture at pecially low prices. Dinner Set Sale Special lot of German China Dinner Beta, blue violet decorations; 10- pleoe set for 914.00, 100-ploe , ' t - for- f 20.0O. . Baaemeat Phone Exchanc 4. . Beautiful Ilavlland China Dinner Sete.'arreen and purple floral deo oration; gold stippled. -Great pe- pec'l value t this prlce.f43.50 Bavlland China Dinner Beta, neat blue decoration, . cold edgA r . duced aa follower - . 0-plee set on eel foi....fi21.T5 10O-piece set em sale fo...t25.42 Havlland China. Dinner Seta, with pink floral decoration; great - value, on sale: ,- f eo-pieoe aet, on sale t...14.B3 100-ploe aet en seOe a.. $21.75 Great valuea In (0-plece and 190- plece sentl-vltreoue Dinner Seta. per aet.... 7. 54 and $117 Meier D Frank's 887th Friday Surprise Sale , ir $ 1,00-1 S:MSi6tM. ' In' the Hosiery Section for tomorrow's 887th Friday Sur prise Sale 2000 pairs of Women's Fine Hosiery at about one half 'regular pricesGreat variety of the very beat styles, including -women's FineT Lisle Hoseirr lacerall-" over and boot effects, embroidered insteps and polka dot patterns -Black, white, old rose, Nile, lavender, reseda, myrtle, Alice blue, royal purple, pinks, reds, garnet, black with white polka dots, navy blue with white polka dots. also fine plain black gauxe lisle hose All sixesHosiery selling regularly at $1 and $1.25 per pair rYour choice for tomorrow only at the low ' price of 59 c TAKE LOOK AT ICE ; FROM STEAMER River Pilots and Port of Portland Commissioners Take Trip,;' on Harvest Queen. MY FORMULATE PLAN ' t : TO RELIEVE! SITUATION Vfore 8temprs Join Ice-Bonn Jleet Off St. Melons nnd Anchorage Will Be at rretninm If Blockade Con tinues Manj Bar txmger. ' V ' Commlsfilonere pease and 8wlert of the Port . of Portland eommlaalon and awveral river pilots left on the steamer Harvest Queen thle morning to take a ' look at the ice Jam in the Columbia river and see If anrthlns can be don to relieve the situation. The Harvest Queen will return this afternoon and" ftovalblr a force of men .will be eent down to blaat out a channel through the Ire. Superintendent Groves of the Port L- . - ..- L- - - --! ii-LL of Portland dredge Is also on of the Ice Jan Investigating committee., Blowly pieces ere breaking away from the lower end of the Jam and drifting down the river, but new Ice is reinforc ing the blockade from the tipper end so that It ie believed the field la nearly aa large as when it began to block traffic. The upper end of the Jam le being In spected for the first time today by the crowd en the Harvest Queen. The fleet of Icebound steamers at St Helena' la eteadlly Increasing In else and available anchorage, will be at a premium aoon at the rate of which boata are arriving. This morning the fleet waa Joined by the steamer Oeorge W. Elder, from Port Loe Angeles and San Francisco, and the steam echooner An relia, from Ban Francisco. Thle after noon the large oil steamers Santa Maria and Atlas will be among those at an chor, i The craft new Imprisoned oft St Helena ar the Aragonia, Klcomedla. Roanoke, Oeorge W. Elder, Auirra, Maverick. Atlae and Bant Maria, while in the harbor here are aeveral steamers and. sailing vessels that should, have been started for the sea early this week. The British steamer Cruaader Is etlll here waiting for the tee to break. She should have started for Calcutta. India, last Monday, -' .- -. j ' , r -'' ; A river Steamer captain stated thle morning that he believes It will be np to one -of the stern wheel boats to Cut through the blockade. He aays If one of them wa equipped with an ice cut ter It could gradually bring out the Ice from the lower end of the Jam.' where the 'big eteamers cannot even maneuver becanse ef the Ice falling in behind them. , ; In eplte of the two days' thawing weather, the Ice pack in the river-near Read It ! Z The Sunday Journal is made for; you; all the news of the world worth reading is printed for your -information; the work of the best writers is published fori your entertainment; the ideas of experts.on a variety 6t ' valuable matters are given for your instruction;, the best comics to be found anywhere are produced for your amuse ment.' There is something good and interesting inThe Sunday Journal for you no matter what or who you are. Try It ! j Z 99) The Dalles showe little evidence " of breaking up, and there la little probabil ity of the Regulator line of steamer commencing operations on a regular schedule unUl nest Monday at the earll est. . , ., , . SPACE SCARCE ACAIN Steamer Cost Ric Takes Aztec's . Place on Frisco Ron. The Harrtman freighter Aiteo will not return to Portland from Ban Fran Cisco, and bar place will be taken by the much smaller steamer Costa Rice. This will mean that again shippers will find themselves crying for space even at the advanced rates which go Into ef fect tomorrow; The Costa Rica leaves San Francisco January tl, while tbe Columbia, sails for Portland next Satur day. Pmtilm Inquiring for freight space on the Columbia this . morning were In formed that there la - already enough freight on the dock' to fill the steamer so - that no more wiU ' be received for this sailing. The ice blockade has also had a bad effect In that it delayed tbe Columbia Ave-day on her trip down. She would have been back here by this time but ror her getting stock in the ACAPANTHUS CHARTERED Big British Steamer Will Load Here ' : ' , for Orient. f . ; Frank Waterhouee A Co. today char tered the Brltlah steamer Agapanthus to load wheat, floor and general eargo here for North China and Siberia. The Agapanthus will be the fourth veaser to sail from here In the new Waterhouee Siberian line, the Suverle, uymerto end Quito preceding her. The company has seven steamers booked to eall from Paget sound for ftlberia before' April next, some of the steamers to load here being booked to touch on the sound. The new line promleea to mean the development of a,vt trade between this part of the .world and . the great territories of the northern part of Asia, for while the Waterhouee line has' been eeteMiehed only e ehort time, lmmenwi i . . - " ! a A Memorable Pay , , 'J Um wfc in. wjm ..w .iiiriinw will, pleenure, aa well aa with profit to our health. I the one on which we became aeniialnted Vtth Dr. King's New Life f ill", in- in. " urn. GUI, 1 1 L. Jl klll.ii..... I - nei,ni;iiv Hill, .iiiuiimii:.. HIM. mwwp nm bowrv right. M Kd Croat Fhr cargoes are already being shipped. Tbe Agapanthua registers 1.86 tons net and haa a carrying -capacity of fully 7,000 tone. The Buverlo, which Is now load ing here, has a capacity of 11,090 tons. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO.Tn2ffi2S ALONQ THE WATERFRONT - The British bark Qlenerlcht win flnlsh loading wheat for Europe this afternoon and shift Into the stream to await the breaking np of the loe blockade. r The npper Willamette Is tilled with enage and the enagboat Mathloma will begin work there In a few days. She Is at present pulling anaga from the river between Balem and Corvallls. " A large number of lights marking the river channel have been carried away by the ice In the Columbia, The light house department will have a lot of work on hand replacing the lights and marking the channel. The bark Berlin left San Francisco for Portland thla morning to load a re tnrn cargo of lumber. Bhe will be in the lumber trade nntll It le time for her to start for the Bristol bay salmon canneries, ""-j:-- "' .", MARINE NOTES Astoria. Jan. 2 i. Arrived at T:t0 a. tw steamer. A Una, from Fan Francisco. Arrived at :0& m steamer Santa- PATBOvro son nrptrsTBY. .. Choice Ribs of Beef; .... ;5c Choice Brisket Beef.. . ,'.5c Choice Necks to boil.,... 5c Corned Beef Plates. . . ;7. 6c Corned Beef Brisket; . . ,6c Choice Pot Roast Beef. . . 8c Choice Rump Roast Beef. 8c iu sxrr to non rm xxr nvtrcr CONCERT THIS EVENING Public' la Invited to Attend Enter- ' UUnment on the Suverle ' There came, nearly being no concert this evening on board of the British steamer Buverkt because at an early hour this morning orders Were Issued to have he, mWtiA fmm h riMAnwlnk dockto th. o r.. n. Aibma doctM Rolled Rib Roast Beef 12Uc ug muie ws, a wwyj a.n vu. I Rtti; II of the street cars and 'passable thor- ougnrares mat it would have been out of the question to give the : concert there.' By some arrangement It was finally fixed so that the monster ocean tramp wlU remain at Greenwich dock nntll tomorrow morning eo that the con cert may be given as advertised. . ' ' The affair gives promise of being one of the most entertaining ever arranged for the benefit of the Sailors' Institute, and It Is expected that the attendance will be large. The novelty of inspecting the world'e biggest freighter of her type ie one seldom afforded. Greenwich dock Is at the west side landing of the Al blna ferry, at th foot of Northrup street. ,v. '.'-.". Loin Beef Steak. ..... 1214c Round Beef Steak. . . '.'. . 10c Porterhouse Steak . . 12Jc 'TBone Steak. ..... 12y2c Prime Rib Roast Beef.. 10c Hamburg Steak ....... 8c Liver .. 5c Leg of Veal. . . . .. ; . .12c Loin Roast Veal. . . . ; . . 15c Loin Veal Cutlets...... 15c Shoulder Roast Veal . '. . . 10c Lamb Shoulder Roast . V. 10c Breast Lamb .... . . . . . ..6c Lamb Stew . . . i i , , 6c Leg of Lamb :. .V. .'. . . .15c Loin Roast Lamb. .15c Lamb Loin Chops. . ... .15c Lamb Rib Chops; .". . . ;.15c Lamb Shoulder Chops I2c Pork Shoulder: Roast 2xc Pork Loin Roast . . . .'. . .15c Pork Chops....:. .....15c Pigs";Feet ,5c Leaf Lard V12c Our. Own Pure Lard. . . . 12c Breast Veal iC.lOc yeat,stcWih. . . .8c r Our' Own Bacon .' . , . . . 1 7 xAc Hams; ouur own '.U . . . . . . 17c Sausage ;' . . . ' j .. . '. . '' j . . . .. 10c would be la the elntohae or the meat would eoet yon twice wha Smith le asking. Tow owe It to yourself snir vou familv to trada wlta Mmith and bain him wlta Tone natromaaa ta keen the nrta of mtam. im v.i..-- . Maria, from Tacoma. ' 8alled at :10 a. m., schooner Roderick Dhu, in tow of tug Dauntless, for Taooma. - Left up at noon, German steamer Nlcomedl. Ran Francisco, Jan. 24. Sailed, steamer Thomas I wand and ship Bar Un, for Columbia river. - Astoria, Jan. IJ. Arrived at 4:SS p. m. and left up at 11 p. m., steamer George W. Elder, from Ban Pedro and way ports. ' Arrived down at a n. r eteamer Maverick. Left up at 11 p. m-. steamer Aurella. San -Pedro, Jan. 2T.' Arrived, barken- tlne Amaranth, from Portland. - Port Plrle. Jan. J4 Arrived Jan. 17, Norwegian steamer , TerJe Vlken, , from Portland. . , -Astoria, Jan. t4. Condition of the bar at t a.-m., smooth; , wind, northwest; weather, cloudy. i PERSONAL Charles M. Stltee, engaged In the tim ber buelneee at Grants Pass, with his three sinters, Misses Daisy, Lillian and Josephine, met Mr. Bryan In Portland yesterday. Mr. elites accompanied him as far south as Balem. They are full coualns to the groat Nebraakan. Jlarvey L. Johnson, a prominent at torney of Tacoma, la at the Portland. Assistant Postmaater John J. nhlpley. who .has been kept, from his office aev eral days .beoausa ot : HI n ens, has re- Covered and la again. . able to be at hi work JEWELED ELEPHANT OF IVORY FOR MR. MANN "Abd-CW-Atef Tempi No. 11 T, D. O. K. K"., met Saturday evening and elected th following officers for the ensuing year: E. L. Muns, royal vlaler; J. D. White, grand emir: Frank S. Grant, ven. erable ehelk; L. E. Crouch, Mahedl; D. J. Gregory, secretary; J. D. Asher, treas urer) Thad. ,L. Graves, ratrap; J. . E. Wilson, catrap; David Leppert, chap lain. .- , '' " . - John M. Mann, the retiring secretary, having resigned after IB years' contin uous service In office, was presented with a Jeweled white elephant carved from Slam Ivory and aet with II Stones, each being emblematic of one year's term In an official position In th order. ILWAC0 WOODMEN: . INSTALL OFFICERS (Rperlal fHepetct te The Jonrn.l ) ' llwaco, Wash, Jan. 24. lamp No. 12, W. O. W.. has InsUUed the fallow ing effleero for hr enimlng stg months". Consul commander, Chris A. Hansel- man; advise lieutenant, J. O. Rand; ss cort James Martin; banker, H. B. Woodruff; clerk. A. C. Mclver; sentinel, John F. Stand; watchman, Joseph H. ; Gold; manager, one year, W. A. Or- r ham.""'," s ':. , The following of fleer have been In stalled by the Women of Woodcraft! ' First class guardian, Mrs. Joseph Goldl guardian 'nelghborer, Mrs. Provo; ad-' vlser. Miss Mary Lynlff; banker, Mrs. Vvm Graham; magician, Mrs. Alice Haw- ' kins; attendant, Delia Tucker: . Inner entlnol, John McKean: outer eetlneL Lottie Tuckerf eapuin -Of -the "guard." - Mrs. Eiia Ford; manager. II months, G II. McfClnncy; manager, six month, i Mrs. Alice Brumbacb. Ameriran Irish Society. I'T1"! perlal Srne. h -' Phlledolphla, Jan. H. The Amerloan Irlsh Historical socletr. of whinh Ruf Admiral John McOowan. United States VTHJ navy (retired) la president, held Its an- .Vji 1 " - 1 .Mil. I J iiT- K gate were In attendance from nnaton. kNew York, Providence, Chicago and numoer or otner cities., . The society was orgnnlsed 10 years ego for ths spe- ', clat study. of the Irlah element in the composition of the American people. Don't be a stranger to a good tea, and eottes-tJcblUlng's.Beet.. , , , -I