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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
TIIH OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21, 1907, 15 Vr. T?AS!iQHABIU SUGGEST . (1) Yacht Rao. (2) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A BEAUTIFUL HOOT. ' A well-built bouse of '12 room and t baths, iu a ad elertrlc lights, oomtnt baa wot la which thar ara 8 but room aad ant -wa tar beat! the eresmde are KWiU a oa u tocathrm rery good, mc on e ' food carllna and wltbla aaay walking dl- ianc; it u worta, but raa a par' baaed, If sold at one, for Itmu. SPHINX AGENCY, at H Stark at. 0OOD room bonaa, near Wrwdatock eertla, . ait dOxl'JO ft, woodaaed, chicken yard, etc., aoly u.Vi; too down, balance 10 per month. Nice p-ruwn buuwv pttrsa.ajrBOilOO;" a rarllne, near Wait. m. a good bur; l.loo; duwo, balance. ftO pax month, ' aame ag rntv , - W. J. Day & Co. ltH.. Fourtr gt, -v .-" - EAST TAVLOB ST. i H.WO 10-room boom, lot 6Mtl4. 18 fruit traaa, plenty of berrtee, email fruit. etc; heoa pieae worth prlc eaked; half cash. . vac. shay, .111 1M2. - MM Ablogtoa bldg. 12.10 l A BOB a-'noca bona on lot 80x1 80, la 'food location; eery easy terme. - - WOOES BEALTY CO. - ' 418 Starn blk., Sixth and MorTiaoo, BKRB II YOUB CHANCB to bay a splendid - alia for a suburban booms U acre, fenced; BaSulshad -room bowse; ample and flr tri aa, ,. excelleot aoil. flne chew: only a fsw ati from Moanf Tabor ear; 12,000; tern. Owaer. a 10 Stearns eld. M 1664. I2.TSO MOB cottage la On tar Addition: term. McOawer - -Deffeahauga. 410 - Stoaraa bld(. r BOMB-BUYERS. ATTENTION, We bar aoaa lega at ad ara j within walking distance, prle $2,000 to to.Ooo; lao aaborbaa property at oOO to , M.00O; t.rms or cash. Call an aa a for , hay lag elsewhere. - DIAMOND BEALTY CO.. Phon Paclfl 101. 268 Aider at.. Boom It). - YBRY SWELL pitr fine stylish designs bona ef large richly finished rooms; bath, baala, elhk and toilet, MOMat-floorad, roa-erata-wallad, full baamnt?-atrt work don and patdj oa rood olek aarrlr earlloa: pope . lar.dlatrtrt; choir loeatloa for pnraalonal .. Baa; aOalOO bautlfal lot and the rich bona. bold fnraUore aad carpata all for for $a.au0, , bait down. Bam Las Oe, laoft Wint t . A NICB -raom bone and baaamant; title mod; 0T Baat 10th at., north, near Maaoa, rmin tfnloa. ar" ttlockaaaat;41rflwOr-tarniB, -ir down aad ( la par month. T pat eaat. ' Trade with the ewaar. la the a aoaa. 00. BALANCB to aalt. it Ukan at once. C-rooo) bona, lot 00x100; 4 raoaaa eowa ataira, plaatcnMl. . Bae B. Taoratoa, - laoS ran at. Woodlawa. 7 1M rrB ACRa b the price- we bare en a I ta-er place on Johanna crtjrk; half la caltl- ratlon. tnnd hooaa, near rarlln. ' BBClsTBB 4) CO., 107 Third at. . ' A BARGAIN IN 8UNNTS1DB Taraabl with Improreatente aad ma for aaar. aoth - , and Balmoet ata.t aa feat fmntaa oa car , track. Iaoutre Go, M. etroov IU4 Lamba , Bmaaaa bid. , - . - - WATCH "TILTOW ADKITlOlt" CROW. none balMcr ara baytof tbea Inta be- aenae thay are halow vataa, Oal M imtt, Ajtit on iron ode ta anornmra. i , TUOMTBON OODKN 4Hraach, rbone Baat 3oo. M Babnoat at. FINB fct oa loth at., waat aide. Income HM Kr nionth. IB.2IW. Weatarn Orf oa Troat SKI Stark at. ' TUhUIBB WALKBB r Baal Batata, rarma and Banrhaa. r nune waaaineoa ni. 0 BIO lota, aOKlM, ctoaa to bl( achoolhooa and car; eeme aa enaap a aim. tail aa Ira Ktlhnra. two block waat W pnbU acbool, Lenta, Oraroo. .... BOOH honaa; part eaah. balaac S moath; h-mloota car aarylca; Improved atraat. . Io : olr 3a Baat Conch. Fhon Eaat evT. "I ' ' " FOH BALE 'PABMS. U ACRES. 10 mllre from city, on pood road; - ISt la enltlTatloa, , balaaca aliahcd and ' nnmad; food paatures. 4 mil from da pot; IXftoo, or will trade for city property. ' acre all ta fralt, pxwd S-raom hoeae aad 1" eottnilldlnra, cloa In; $2,800; term. 24 a era, all la fruit, eood a-room hen aad harn; $8. "00; terma; cloa In. 10 acre, alb-clear, en pood road; t (era I atrawbcrrlre; 12.000; term t anlt. ' hUtTUOPOI-ITAN BKALTT CO., ' 361 Mi Alder at, room la. CO rOW WAItT TO BUT THB BEBT FARM BARGAIN IN OKRUONI 96,000 loo acre beautifully actuated ea the banka of the Willamette with boatlanrt- lac; handy aa B. R. atatlae aad Newberg eolletta; 11 acre la hop; .pood ImproTe manta; ftrat cla aoll. Thlt place la worth ,t nt, ooo, but will b erUle4 to lettl aa Aetata. - . r. irons, 221H liorrwoa atrett ' t: A GOOD FARM FOB t1.Ot. tS acre. 12 eultlTated, 4 to I lea of Canny, ' an mala county road; pood room aouae, " '" barn and outbulldlnra, plenty fruit, rural " mall at door, telephone In houea, 1 mile to ' acbool; alaa 1 bora, 1 wapan, 1 omr, chicken, .' plow, cnltlrator, aumiYou email Impl- '. menta; arerythlne poee tot 11,000. . W. , Dlzoa, Oanby, Orepon. POULTRY RANCH, B arr, fl ebolc chick en,' Incubator, tiroodera, earrala and hoaae; " (nod mU dwalllnf, barn: cow, hone and Wry: bouaebold fnrnttur all for fMO; . t&otl down, liume Land Co, 14BH l lrat at. IPO ACRK8 In Tillamook county: (rariti or farmlna land; fur a la very cheap; ha to b old at one. Atldree or call roam eft, Ollmaa Botel. FlMt and Alder. BOMEPTEAD. , Ooanr d'AUne Keearrattoa wilt op eona; ' ' rholc land, 25 aille from Bpnkan. Coeulr .- d'Alana Beaerratlon Infora-iatlon Arency, 1T-K Exchanp BanhMildp., Mpokaa, Weak. gUNHHINE Oratix orcaarda. cheap land aM (nearameat trrlaatlon. Orlaad. ('allfornla, e Wo lap. far PIT from Portland. W. W. ' Fayne, Orland. California. ; ACREAGE AMD FARMS aear Tlrantyllla, , Waablnxlnn, I to 10 mile from Portland, t ' near Portland and halem carllne. ' Parmera' " Land Co., 17 Madlaoa at, Portland. Oregon. 1PA ACRKS of ne level rich land. mile earth front Sacramento, Cel., for limber land la Oregon. 874 Flrat at., Portland, Oregon. " 40 ACRES Bear Bel; 100 fralr tree, oa eottnty road; 13 cleared; houea and barn: bargain V tvm. Alexander Land Co., tSM Sixth, near ' ' - Pine. ' " - - M20O NICB frm. rina to rtty; lea tbau improrament. Boa PO. rout t, clly. BO-ACBB farm of food bottom land for aal oa ar terma: P mllea fmra Portlaad, kear ' . new electric line to Halem. Call or w.-it It Commercial bWg.,- Portlaad, Oreoa. - aj - ACRIVI. mile eaat of Clarkamaa; make good dairy farm. Cuimonwalu Treat (lompany. filth and Ankeay eta. HViVS AND INVESTMEXTS. COEPB IVALENB MI NINA' STOCK 1 am alwaya in the market either t bny " er call ay acrlea mining atoek, wane made M aa lltd aecnrltla. ' Tt. f. BBOWat, dM MK7 hMa. In th Eighteenth Century people leved to connect life and faghlon. They had coiffure Eeet Indian Veeaela, to . Why ahould not ladiea of $-dayvear up-to-date hateT We ahow here) atylee for . , ' Lawn Parti. IIORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. D0H8KB and bnrglea for rent by day. week aad month; apclal rata to bualneaa-houaaa. Sixth and Hawthorn. Baat 7a. FOR 8ALAV Horae, barn and dellrery war on; bora quick la aaddl. bugcy and daUiary wagoa. Clark bub, 664 H FoorU eU WB buy, cell, rent, exchange borne, wagon, addle, haraeaa. Hubert is Ball, 26e III at. HOK8B. buggy, harneaa for al, n5; burpy can be uaed baady wagon. Pboae Caat MrM. 'FOB BALE U V KM TUCiL ' FINB family cow, large, glrh milker; a I no thor - otixhbred whlta-leggad cockerel. pud Baat lttth at., K. Phua Woodlawa 640. . FOB 8AI.R A freak milch cow. SCO Eaat loth, aear liolgate., Phone Baat 442. FOR 8ALB Two freah milch eowa, young aad . genu. Grant, 131 Lowaadal C . FOB SALB 4 head yonng cattle: ana wilt he . fnh aoon. 122S Xaat Mala at. FOR 8 A LB Cow and calf, Jerary, 20 qaart mua a way, oaq at. i mcamoca car.. TIMBER. - t25,WO AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. A fine tie and plllog propoaltioa oe tran. portatlua, IS aillee from Portland, conalatln of Ml acre, tliat will cot 240.000 tie od , 10,000 BO-foot plllag at a net profit of mora tbao IPO.OuO: the land alone I worth the price; tl2.tiO0 eaah will handle 1U InTeatl gat Immediately. . THOrJ. P, THORNTON, IS Chamber of Comuercd. . TO THB OWNERS OP TIMBKB LAND W . hare bar era for elogle claim or larg traata In almoat any part of Oregon and Waehiug tu; If yea era la the market and want to , aeU-euica, aaad aa your deacriptlona, kind of . timber, aatlmata, end your luweat net eaah ' ORROO BROS.! " 1 ;'i '-"'. . 11T and SIS Faatoa bllg., Portlaad, Or. - WB haee part tea tor all the mltnantahannt w can get, If tiiey ar good oaaa, we want all af them we caa get. .. OBKGO BROS., .'. '..- SIT aad tig aauton bldg., Portland, Or. TO OWNERS of timber elalma and timber W . will boy for eaah any good timber tributary ta Nabalem rteer; will deal with ewnera only! no other peed am war. Write, glrlng full particular, ,t Bo , U.-P. Sutloa, Portland, Oragoa. - S HATE some racent atau aehool land thatwtrt run froai Jf.6oo.000 t 2.000,000 yellow pin to tti quarter; aula price I $2.00 par a ore, on fifth payable dowa; will gUa deacrlp tlone for $1 per acre. Addr A IIS, care .. Journal, . : . -' .-- e.Oug.000 YELLOW fir and larch oa Salmon- oerry nnr, m mllea from line of rortlaml, Hlllahoro A Kahaiem railroad; price ,0u0. Owner, H e. car Journal. WANTED Timbered blade, large and email . 'tiwviai laepuoaene aoimteo. Kf. B. alt teao Cav, tilt Heat lh U La Angelea, ' CaL , t CERTIFIED acrln, mzf ara. Krweat price. u. nowiu, aaa cuamoac or loaamare. AM ettll ta timber Und noatnea. W. C beadle, agant, Soath Bend, Waahlngtoa. BARTER AND. EXCHANGE. BXCHANOB 11800 capital atork of ane ef IM largaat wnoieaaie-nouaaa in remand roe reatdesoa .or eacaul lota. - Call lOTVh Third. M0 ACBES So alfalfa land Bear Loa An. galea, California, to exchange for Oregon rroperty, land, lot er horae. lnformatloa 74 Pint at., Portland, Oregoe. 480 ACRES outer Oregoa wheat lead: all ta grain, good oatnt, aouee and ham, furniture and atork j vtrad tor.rallay farm er city ' property, ' ' ALBXAKOBB LAND CO.. USi Sixth at., aear Pine. OnoteRT Oorner location! wUI trxde; good buaineaa, good lock. - What hare too to trade f Strictly nrat-claea atore. Alexander Land Co., eai Sixth, aear Pine. , MXSICAL EVSTRCMEXTS. , WHY ebonld yo look for a second-hand plaa whea you eaa get a beautiful aew plane . direct from the manufactnrera tor Ira money t . Read-French Piano Manufacturing Company, "Prom make aa player." BixU aad Buaoalde. FOR SALE Good aprlght piano, flret-elaaa em dltloa, cheap for eaah. P70 12th at. FOR 8 A1J5 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR 8ALB4atbm nicobator and brooder. 4 daya free trial. Oea, W. Foott, Ul Eaat Morrlaoa at., Portland. . WB print poor name ea P0 calling card, proper ta and yle, R6ci 200 boalneaa card. $1. A. W. Schmale Co., S2P Flnt, Portlaad, Or. FOR SAIJt CHEAP Safe, 80; Bra eeeape, . Thlrdrat bnildlBg, IUk Inquire S40 North ' Uth at. SKKKN Electric Work, IPtk and Waab. eta, Phone ' Paclde 1474. Mew and aecond-haud electrical good bought, eold aad axehangad. SEW I N1 MACHINES bought, eold end e changed. and up. Wetra BalTage Co., til Waahlngtoa at. . SHOWCASES, eoontera flxturea, booglit, eold or exchanged, weatern aa ivaga Co, ef Waahlngtoa at. PaoKle TPS. BILLIARD AND POOL table! for rent er tor ale on eaey payment. TUB BRlNSWICK-BALKB COt, LENDER CO, 4P Third at, Pertland. - 00 SLIGHTLY - damaged wlng-maehlne at awry low price; Blnger.f heeler wiieon, Ikmeatlc, White, Hooeehold. DaTta and otbece; to make room tor new atork Wheeler Wllaoa and Singer. S. S. SlgeL S3S Mor rleoa et.. Marquam bldg. HOLDEN'S RBKT-MAT10 CURE Sirre i rhaamatlam. Sold by all draggixta. , for CHRISTMAS ROOKS, Rlhlea and prayer-book. illaad Brna., 22B TamhlU at. FIVB eeplea popular fnaalc. 7 Be poatpald. Lerr'a Maale Houea, 171 Foavth. SELF-CllANOEMAKINO eaah ragurtar for aal cheap. 211 Flrat at. BOUSES repaired, counter and herring made, reaaonahle. Naleon, 17 Baat 14lh at. Phone ' Eaat H'M. FOH SALS Bargarna la White. Slnrwr. ta ele. Wheeler Wllaona, tlouaeholda and thet lightly damaged machine. The White Sew- . tng Machine nrMee, H. P. Josea. ISO Yamhill ' att af frtrHSJl Miff el a " ' " , - FREB FOR EVERYBODY Sing up Mtn 4S0 or eall 21 SS Front. We bug and aril furol. tare, clothing er any eld thing. SrtOWCASKS and tttnroa, new and aecend band. f orlaon A Kallatrom. 2MS Couch at. WANTED loo men to wear eur ralrhrated t2o made-to-nrder eoJla, Lnloa Tailoring Co., Sooaj Stark at Satlafartlo gnaraaleed. FOR SALB la-font launch ta good condition, with ai4-horarower Parker gaaollne engine, t!25: worth fully doable thla amount, A4- dreaa B 111, rare JoornaL 400 NEW plane $ . 10, Decker 40, organ 20. 84 LH Flrat t4 comer Main, apatatr. . FVRNITTRB a-eooea enttajre l eaah. Mil Baat cottage tad ar'lant ptaae, cheap Set Morrlaoa et f 13) Art Exhibition. , , (4 Naval Review. , (5) M FOR fllLD SnSCELLANEOTJS. SECOND-BAND bar xtarea, pooltablr. cafe, tnblee, cbalr. ,. Weatere Salvage Co.. rU7 Waahlogtoo t. f . FOR 8AI,tC 20 aha re of atork known Claa 1, In Vnultabla Sarlnra A Iaa aaauclatlon; taken out la Auguat, 1HVP. I'bon Baat mM. FOH SALB Dairy, 8f aow. horae. wagon, food routej SO mlnutea' di We trout flne luoa Ion; part eaah. . Phene Main 6083. S140 PEANUT ciaalar for J7B; perfect order, dip Wllllama am. FOR SALE Old and new manor delivered 12.28 per load. I'hou Malu frtM3. r FOR SALB Steamboat 14 feet beam. 48 feet long, capacity 14 tona. aew; will aell cheap . for. eaah. l. V. Wood, 018 Oawego gt St. . Joliua, Oregon. - - ... . - PERSONAL, i BEST IW THB CITY Maaaenae aereoue dla- aaaee, face and acalp maaimiring and rbenma , tiam, hot and cold hatha; alao electric I orator treatment) plmplce and freeklee re moeed; trained- noraee. M14 Morrlaon at., . aecond floor, roonia 28'hnd ST. " 10 a.' in to 11 a. m. SEXINB PILLS care at! farm of nereou ar muacchir weakaeae. For men er woman. Price 11 box. boxe 25. with full guar antee, Addrcee or eall i. O. Cleuienaon. drug ' glat, Secutd aad Yamhill ata., Portland. Or. DISEASES of men cured in abortrat pnaalble . time by new ecletitiae methode of treatuent; cooaultatlun free; call and tneeatlgate- Dr. . W. I. Howard. Commoaweaitb bldg.. Sixth, earner Burnalde at. Bl'SSlAN BATH. SOT Third t., hetwea Taylor and Saltron. Swimming pool, ateer and pot- . air bath. Houra Ladle, from 9 a. ox. to 1 p. m. ; gents, from g a. m.- to 12 p. m. SERMAN hooka, magKlnee, aorela. eee.. Oer , man, Bsgllali, French, Spanlah, Swedlah and Italian dlctlonariee; foretrn books of all , tloda.. Schmale Co, S29 t int at. - . IF you hare rhonmatlem we wsnt to core yon. Hew York Medical ds Snrglral Institute, cur Bar Sixth and S23H Waahlngtoa ata. MOIJES. wrtnklra. uperflaou hair remoeed. No charge to- lath- It oaaav -Mra. MrD. Bill, Boom tao Flledner Bldg. Phone Pacific 133. WEKTOOT Oil Blacking earas the leather; ab solutely waterproof. y BOLI'EN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sore core for rbeomatlam. Sold by ell drugjlats. DR. PINO CTtOONO, Importer Chine root medicine! aell Clilaeee tea. certain cur for all diaeaaaa, IVl id. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. PR. O, V. KETCHX'M cores promptly priest .dlaeaaea. kidney, aereoua. kla od peclal female trouble. Call or write. Office ITOl.', - Xhlrd at, cor. YamhIL Phone Pacific S22U. BALM OP FIGS for eU female diaeaaaa. S2fj Eaat Bclmeot, ' Phone Feat 4084. DOLLS' ' HOSPITAL Repair tag aad - dreaarog. Boom S, 2314 Waahlngtoa at. i . TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlaa Mrtg.l axdlee day. gentlaea alght. Mala 18.1a. MANLY Tig or restored by Dr. Roberta" Nam - Globe lea. On menth'e tieetment, - 2; 8 montha, fSt ent aecorely eealed by mall. Agent. Woodrd, Clark A) Co Portlaad. Or. SUITS preaaed while yon wait eOc. Ladle' . akfrta preeeed, frOr. Gilbert, tnn Sixth at aext to QoeUe. Pboae Mala to8. BEST magaaloe clnbe erer offered) end for price; gent wanted. Joaee' Booh Store, fell Alder at., Portland. Or. DISEASES OF WOMRN; anfortnnat girl and bablee cared for; private hoapltal. Dr. Atwood, room S. Uitihi Mor. at. Tel. PaelSe 1768. HOLD ON There la one thing that will rare rheuraatlem. Aak your drugglat for bark tonic er eddree or call J. O. Clemenaoa. druggist, Portland, Or. OWL RESTAURANT. ts East atom eon et. . Ilea la l&c and op; abort order, freah oyeter. J. L. Tetalaff. proprietor. 8WRDIRH trained nuree. Helalngfor gradnate, cures rheomatlem. stomach tronhlea. aenrous dianrder gad ap rains by hBd-ruMrtng, steam, wt and tub baths. No. T Eaat Uth L Take Baat Aaaaay car. Phon Baat 2U0. , THB Taa Tlerk Glandular Extracts cure ruber . culoal, aereoBanee. Btnmach trouble and gee eral debility. Call at Too Dekum bldg, city, for conaultatlna, free. SUPPOSITORIES for married women: perfectly aatlafartory. Call ar addreaa Mrs. H. C. Wilbur; od Third at., aear llarrlaon, Pert land, Oregoa, MISS. INlil.IHH Magnetic bealer; dlaaaae . cured without drnga; rbeumatlam a specialty, - alee rlbratoty treaunents. 143 Sixth at. SCIENTIFIC maaaeuee glees treatment fog chronlo dlaeaeee: scslp treat men ta and chiro pody. S24V Waabuigtoa et. MARRUSFI PAPER, highest character) In corpoTated: 11th year; 2,000 aterobara; 12 para, reeled; send 10c. U,L. Lot,, Bog 1,600, Dearer, Colorado, 1 PROFESSOR O. B. DOVE. pbrCBologtst. aden-, tlfic character-reader: leaaonn aleen m claa - or prlTate; formerly of Hen Fraaclaco. Offlrc is Aiiaxy bldg., oornar xaird and Momaon. AGENTS wanted; good alary or commlaaloa. For particular Inquire Wanda, the Palmiat, 220 Fifth at, BKEINED lady gleea maalcurlns, chiropody, calp and facial treatment. 201 uj Third at., corner Taylor.- FACB and scalp treatment gtren gt (48Uj Mor rlaoa at., suite 1-2. SET ECTIONS made. Introduction glean; honor able ladles and geatlemen. , Addrea. with . atamp, lira. H. 0. Wilbur, 404 Third St., .. aaar Barrlaoa. MRS. DR.' MABY KRAMER, midwife: ate aaar tra for pa ilea ta. ...Ml Mlaalaalpol are.-, MAMCrniNO narlnrs for ladiea and gentle neit. StlSMj Miarrlaoa St.. room 14. - LADIES:, Dr. , La Franco' Compoondt eafe, needy regulator; 2S cent a, dresxlata or mailt booklet free. Dr. Le Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. BKCENTI.Y opened manicuring parlor; ladle and gentleman. S.'.lVi Morrlaoa at., room IX BOYAL OLt'B REHTATR ANT bow pen for hiielneeat price reaaonahle, . A. Merrlman, VI Vw North Sixth at. JACK Will see yoa Saturday cream at Son. daara. JILL. 7 BCSINESS FERRONALfl." COMMERCIAL STATIONERf a PRtNTINO CO. Ofma auppllra, leoae-lraf aratem tllng da Tlcee. typewriter- ribbon and. rarhoe paper a, a,. KUBU. Mgr., VJ Starh (. - CTHMXEY SWEEP. D. D. Wood. - Phone Main 1172. 48 Third et. ART. . . FREB LESSONS IS) Embroidery Eeery Dee. THB N KFII.ECR AFT 8U0P, 882 Waahlagtoa at. B. R. MOOREHOl'SE A CO. Artlafa' mateetale. picture melding, picture framing, atereopt! con, lanter lTilea. - 812 Alder L . pROEP.snOR B. MAX MEYER, S4S Alder at. portrait aad lea artist aad teacher, j oreooo Conference. (6) Automobile AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO., -i Builders, deslgnera and re pa lew re ef all makea of automobllee. Bodies, topa, feudera, daalie. lamp brackets, running hoards and glaaa frouta. Gears aod all part of auto mobiles made to order. - oa-70-72-74 North Sixth at.. Corner Bverett. II. L. K EATS AUTO CO.. AUT0MOBII.KS AND SUPPLIES. rtortbweatern dlelrtbuters for Pope rtart ' lrda, Pope Tribuoea. Pop Warwlys, Pope Toledo, Thomaa, Oldamohllea, Franklin, Balck. 80-82 BVrenth St.. Portland, Oregoa. UAVH YOU SKEN BAKER ELPCTEICH t Capital Supply Co.. 406 Alder at. phone Pa cific PT1. Demonstration by appointment. ' ATTORNEYS. C. H PIOGOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attomere-at-law. Practice In all conrt. - 4 Mnlkey bldg.. coraer Second and Morrlaoa. ASSAFERS. OABYIif 0YANIDF1 BXTK4CT10!f CO.. aod Montana A any Office. I NO Morrlaoa et. BATHSMASSAGE. BATHS gt SOT Third, hetweea Taylor aad Sal. Sana ta. W haee added oa e Rnaalaa bath; swimming eon. steam and hot sir. Houra: Ladle. 6 a. m. to 1 p. aa.l geata. 8 a. m. to IS p. aa.- - -- . - - BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BTTTCHER SUPPUES . Btrkewwald Co.. 204 808 Ererett at-: largaat butcher aupply boas ea tb-oat. Writ -for eauiegae. - BirTCHBRS SUPPLIES Adotph A.- Dekum, 131-1R2 Flrat at., earriee a full Una and com plete aaeortment at lowest market price. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB, DAYIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Reread et. Blank book msnufsetnred; a geata for Jones Improved Iooa-Leaf ledger; ee the aew ... Bureke seat, the eaat oa the. market. - . CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTO!T. the rarprnfer, S04 ronrth at. Store and office jork, Mala lift --r B. MELTON Oftlca, atore fixture; general Jobbing. 07 First- et. Phoae Mala S10. . CARPET CLEAXTNO. STANDARD 'Carpet Cleaning Co., largewt plant ea the roast. Lortng and Harding u., tele phono Eaat 21). Carpet eleaned, refitted, eeered and 4a Id; both ateara and la test eom- ' preaaed air preeeaag - renorstlsg aaattraaaa and taetbara a specialty. . - ' 8ANITABY carpet cleaning, sort ion and eoev preaaed air comhlosd; carpets cleaned on floor wit boat temoeal. Main 6634. Mala 8200. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mat frOSS. - Smithing Coal aad '. coal ror ahipe . , . ..; ' ' a meclelty. , , The . ITOBEY dt BROOKES FCSL 00. - .,, .... I Incorporated. -; 1 Bxrlnalee agenta for ' BEMMBREB COAU . ' .' , COAL. COKB, CHAUCOAL. " Offlc aad Yard Front and Kearney at. THB Portland Wood Coal Co. are aow doing bnaloeaa In their new yard, at the corner of ldth and Barter streets. Fir, aaa, alabwood ' and eoeL OBBOON FURL CO. la aow eening Welsh ra tnractte, beat Coal o the market. S34 Alder et. Main . . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer ta cordwuod. coal and greeu and dry alabwood. B. R. and Alblna are.. 2 block a eaat ef ferry. Baat 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealer t coal, - cord wood aad dry alabwood. Phone Baat 424. PORTLAND Sawdust A alabwood Co.. Vrrmt, sxtrtsiaar to Pnitoa Wood Co.. Makt 1936, WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Hot blackamlth Co la. Phone Mala 1018. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedlcnrlag. Mr. M. f. Hill. Room -0 Fleldrjer Bldg. Phoae Pacific 1SS. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and preened ft per Btoath, Unique Tailoring Co., BOP Stark at. B. W. TURNER, professional dyer and Cleaner. 80S Jsffersoa at. Phone Mala 2S18. PORTLAND Steam Clen!ng and Dying Work, til Poartb St. Phone Parlfl SOT. CAFES. THB OEPICE 2n Waihlngton at phoae Mala T71. Samuel Ylgnenx. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. CONSULT THB BEST IT WILL PROYB - - CHEAPEST IN -THB END. .' ' PRKFJ TEST I XREB TESTIS Xgk thla adTertleement to , 1 . PROF. D. NIHLO, -.. i ' " 308 V Washlngtoa st. H will glee yon s teet of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by tell big yoa your -asm in foil, free ef nurse, and gle ye adelce. before yo decide to haee a readlne. nd then If yo think he kaa the power to read ynnf paaf. present and fntttr life, he will glee'Ton hla sronderfnl DEKP PSYCHK! 6 READING FOR tl. ThrJ week Only. II tell yo who yo are, where y0 com from, how meny memliers there ara la your family. what your ocrnpatlon ta, and what It aboold be what your a II men ta are, how to cur ,- them, where yon will ln moat successful, snd why; wliat your health will he all tlirouvh llfa: how mach wealth yo will noaara. If any; who It la that causes yrm trouble, and how to erarenme It: If yonf mine eoateln ore, and to what extent: bow to control tboe you lore and admire: where your kt one re; what yna ebould hieeet In to be snc ' reaful. In fact, no matter what you wlrh to know er wish to do, be will accomplish II for yoa rr chsrge yoa.notblng. Hours, p a. at. to p. m. , MntC, WASHINGTON ST. : -Opposite OMa, WortmSB King. : Always Cooault the Beat, - - t- - prof. E. KhllMO,- Ore at ret II r tug astral dead-trac elalr oTt of the asej adTleer aa bnalneea aad II affair of life: tella yonr full name snd What you called for. whom yoa will marrr, bw le control Ih one you Joee. eeea though ail lee awaii renal! the srparahd: fir. -a erret powxra to control: ao long delays In watting. Hnor 10 to S, dally and Sunday. permanently located la his owa bom. . 266 Fifth at-, eoraer ataoisoB ax. MRS, S. B. SE1P. psrrhornetrlat, splrltnal llf reader, reliable to erety detail. 10 to 8, 8o2 bldg. Circle Tuesday, We.1ne.dT, Thursday, Friday 8 p. a.. 2-V-. Parlfte SS36. PUOEI-tsoa WALLACE, pahnlat. clatrroTeat and roedlnm; readings toe. Parlor 4 aad t, Th Couvoe. Suaia Morrlaoa tu Rao.' (7 Ruaaiari jlomb Uxouraior- DANCING. DANCING lesson. 2Set claaeaa or prlratai walts Ing. two-ateps tbree-eiep, etc.; ataxa dancing. biKk and wing, clog, reel, eklrt. Spanish. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wllaoa. old est recngnlsed taa char, Allaky bldg Third and Morrlaoa its. : WOODWARD DANCING SCMOUI. Claaa Mo.. Thors. sad Sat, are.; aoelal, fancy and tep daaclng tangliti 8 east teachersr claa snd - prteals aeona daily. Weatern Academy hall. Second and Morrlaoa ta.. Pacific ItiiiO. PROP. RINOI.KR,' Mies Purkenmeyac Leading school ; ballroom atlqoetle: correct dancing; Claaa TTr prlrata leeaoo dally ' sou Al.ler. Mala 1961. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' tallorhig and dreasmsktng neatly donet . low price. Mr. J. Berg. Tit Front at., eor- aer llauker. . MRS. MARY CKIPPEN, eastera dressmaker, Moanastes houae, 2b6Va First at. TRY Ati rales Dreesmsklng Parlors, 241 Fifth s and Hal. Pacific Psz ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. . M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at. Electric and Ga Fixture and Supplies. Man tela. Tiling. Grates aod Doglroa. PACIFIC EI.BCTRI0 CO. Knglaaer. contrac tor, repairer, eiectrl wiring, supplies. 84 First, cor. aUark. Mala ti. B. B. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELBCTRIO WORKS. 81 Sixth St. Contrscton, electric aupplie. motor aad dyi aamoa; we Install light and power plant. . MORRISON BLECTRIO CO., 291 Eaat Morrlao M. Fixture, wiring, repairing. Bast Slit. BARRETT'S, 408 Mra-rtana st. Phone M1a 124. Krarytblug in electrle wiring aad llghtlag. EDUCATIONAL. ; ' HOLMES RI'SINKSB COLLrXlB, Waahlngtoa and loth at., Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all ' Bngllah brancbe taught, both day and Bight. BEUNKE-WAI.KKR Bt'SINKHS COLLBGB. DAY AND NIGHT 6KNHIONB. - - Special Chmae in' flCrman, French. Snsnlsh. Klks Mdg., Seeeoth . and. StartV ata.-- FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. ' PORTLAKb WIKH at IRON WORK snd Ererett sts. I' none Mala Sooo. GASOLINE ENGINES. SHEFFIELD marlae engine, resersing m solid propeller; all make repaired. Fairbanks, Mora Co.. First and Stark. 0ASOLINB ragtne. all ixe t4 styles, et lowest price. Balnea Machinery 0e l2-4- Morrbwa au HOTELS. THB BELLBYUB, Pvorth aad Balmaa sts. Room 60c up; rates by week er month) ' out-of-town trad aollrltcd. ' Pacific 2106. BOTEL Portlaad. A mar tea a ptaa, $2. 8 per day. - - - I otaere apoa their ewe name wttnoni serur- PEI.VEIlEBR; Enropean plan; 4th and Alder r.tlty cheapest rate, easiest payments: offices HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. enttctt epportnn. tty to quote price. T4 Sixth St. Pacific 46a. INSURANCE. ISAAO U WHITB. Br lnear, , sock bld W. L. PAGE, lnauranc; employer' liability, surety bond, burglar and aocldeat Inearaaec Phone Mala 828. 204 Failing bldg. IAS. Met. WOOD, employer' liability aad -. dlrldual acldet e-urlty head et all Jltuda, Phone 47. pr2 McKay hldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED aad tor Ml A II ktade, tnrredtng approred forest reeere scrip for sorvyd, - nrreyd. timber aad prairie goeemment lad. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portlaad." Portland. MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGSLEY. M Flrat t. PertlaaaTs leading marble d graalt worka MUSICAL. THB WEBSEB STUDIO Maadolra. aaaje, got. tar Instmctloai Olbsoa . maadollaa. 4bun ' Waahlngtoa. PIANO, rtolla, plane, tromhon, clirtnet. Pre faaaor B A. Smith. 264 12th. Mala 4708. LESSONS BOO Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, Tlolla. 241V First et, apstalr. airs. Martin. LOUIS A. CREITE, riolla tescber. Studio 211 Sherman. I'bon Pacific 1M. SIACHINERYe B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, eawmtll. Pag- glng machtneryi kydraulle pip, casting I all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. J. PAUL, 102 Flrat et. Eagle, hollers, aawmll! snd erose-erm machinery. TUB H. C. ALBEB CO. Second heed chlnery. saweilll. rt. 248 Ursad are. OPTICIANS. DR. B. . MILLB - Optometrist and Eyeelgtit Spedallat, , Boom 2B-2T. 828 Waablagtoa Billet. PAINTTNG AND PAPERING. P. A. DO A NR. 28 Yamhill at., eppoatte Joor. Bsl office, wsll psper, painting snd decorst . tng. Phon as for estimate, rsdfle 21. WORK done eoasclentlonaly at sheet half prlr tbroogb winter. Addrea Y 112. care Journal. FOB. reliable work, reaaonahle prices. Sbeehy Bros.. 22V Yamhill, near 4th. Mala jolt. PRINTING. . , p,. K!HN CO.. v ' i ' ' . PHOMI'T t - PRINTERS 218 Second street. Phone Maf MST, TUB MODERN PR I NT K BY Art let I printing. 2d Rueael bldg.. Fearth aad Morrison. Phoae Pacin 1528. -- EVERYTHING? IN PRINTING .. From circular to rtalogoee and rsnanera. Metropnlllaa Print 1 Co 14T Front St. OGILBEE BROS., pHntore Cards, billhead, ate. Phoco Mala IbAHSII If Ira t at. OSTEOPATHIC PHYBiaANS. PRS. ADIX A NORTHRtT. 418-18-IT pekum ' hl!g.. Third and Baahlngbaa at. PhoBC Mala 849. Rxamlnatloa fro. DB. MLLEBELLK PATTKR80N. specjaliet on per rone, acut and rhroplr diaece. . Offlce SIT Fratoa bldg. l'huoe PaUtW 1100. V , BANKS, JUST BATIOBAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OSEOON. ' Designated Depositary iwt riaanclgl Agent of Ih United Sat. .. PrMldenI A. L. MII.IJ1 1 caahierT. , . Wi Vi a . it ' Aaalataut Cashier W, C. ALVOItU hevuud Assiataal ta.hlrf . . . . . -1. h I a. tt i . . Letter of Credit Arallable 1 Euron and the Eter. atntea. i. " V "" and T.-lH-ranhl Tranetera eold , N,w Y.n-k 4-,.t..n. Cl.lcago, St. lenwa. Paul, Otnaba. 8m Frsorlaco and th prlaelpal sol eta In the N.rtbert. . Rlaht in.l time hut. ri-.m-n i. . . ... - , z. ... n b..,i, .-r.,,xf,t ea the-vin. St - - - ------ ... -vi, - ,q tA.n.iun. I una, r"..'-. e ..I. MwaXongTkohamaoiienhagen. Clirlatlanl. Slockhnlm. St. P-tcr--t.urg:';c2w5 - L'ADD TXXTOM, BANKERsfEMMlalaydiriHgT) 7 Tranaaets a enral Banking Bnainaaa. Collrcttona mad at all rotnt j a f . fc a,.. the, 1""'" l,,r rre.111 iMoed .rallable In Eur.M.e and all r- lnte I ' Pttea. Sight harhanse and Teh-irrantile Tran.fer. arid oa New York, Wblnr'o. CK'",-V St. Leal. Dearer. Omaha. Sen Francisco aad Montana and Rrltwb Coliiinl.U. Excnaugs sold on Tendon. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort. Hoaakone Ynbohan,. V.nlla and Honolulu. . B ERCHANTS- VATIOWAL BANK. MBTT. XT 1 wr,,A WA18).v:...Pre-l.leM I B. W. HOYT .....Csahler Traaeacta a General Bsnklnc Buelnee , Drsft All Parte of the World. IT KITED STATES BATIONAL BANK OF Tranaaets R.n.,,i n..biM , . , t , . . - - 1 . Dklng Beatneea. , llnrrkoe and AINStVORTH I EA BAHS'BS - - u . i riiates sn Europe, I President. .............. .J. C. Al vice-rresident R. LEA r ANKES8' LTMBEBMEM'B BANK ISii . .. Comnvrc1t snd saylnra department. r r, ... '" ' "wul eaauesj srausuie to sii -. v. ici.. I-.., ,...,. , Prealde I1' rlOTHCmLD... First Vleelpreelde JOHN A. KEATING. ...Second Ylre-Prealde r-pRE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Eatahliahad I . c,n""' Peld mi. t4.0ori.onr Pumlu nd uadinded-pratre. .,.t1rvt t.St . Oen.ral Raaklne and Exchange Bnelnee Transacted.. Inret on Time Deposit. ( . AAVINGS DEPARTT1ENT Aeroonts may be opened of tio ssd upward. . ; i ' . . Portland Bran.-1 Chemhee of Commerce Building. WiJS.'uai J.; T. BT'RTCHAEI.L Aertstft Vsnsge TRUST COMPANIES. " P0STT.ANO THWST COMB ANT OF OBFSON The OUeet Tmst Osmpaay ta Oregesfc BESOURCES OVER 1 on ,00ft. General Banking. Two aer cent t tercet aa eherk ecewsat teren hundred) n dally balance of gsoo or oeee, Jtfer of credit and exrhanr o rt part of the world. Sarinra ccount. Tim cerrlflrstes. 8 to 4 per rent: short-e.ll a pedal ertlflcta, 8,-rfK) or erer, 2 to 4 per cent. Cell tor Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS.' , Sontheast Corner Third end Oak Streets. Phone Private. Eichanso T2. BE.YT. T ciHt; , rrsamewei-rr B. LEW. PAGET Secretary I SICjrmrrT SAYINOS TRUST COMPANY Morrlsea Street. PortUnd. Oreeroa. Trsnaact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed e Time and 8a rings Accounts. Acts a Trustee for Estates. Drafts and Letters et Credit '.' - , , Arallahle en AD Parts of ths World. , ? r.PAf" - President I L. A. LEWI....,,..,, ...Ftrat Y1r-Pr1errt A. U allLLS .. .Second Ylce-Preeident ' B. 0. JI'BITZ ; ....Seeratary GEO. B. RI'HKELI, , Aaal.tant Secretary . NORTH WXBTEHN OTABANTEB a TBT8T Cl'MTANT Pertland, Oresoa. , . Lambar Exchange, 8. B. Corner Second and Star 8 1 recta (second Soar). l . .- - FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS, i- - - Stat. Couuty. Mnnldpst f or notation Bond Bonght snd Sold. New Enterprise Organtssd , - nd Financed, Stock and Bonde Ouarnnteed. - . TITLB OTJABANTEE TBTJ8T COMPANY 0 WASHTNOTON STB EXT. -r . v M0RTOA0B LOANS ca Portland Real Eatat at Lowest ., Batav ,...' . . ' ' - ... -Tltl Inanred. , A be tracts Fural.hed. .-,. 1. THORP. TjRN ROSS President JNO. E, AITTHISON... Secretary f BPhD r1 SP n BY It f rr l an a a a. 8' aaw asm ass w . ass r,iM)-jo gi. tumi. ...... T ICft-rrM lOPTiXj BONDS AND M OBBIS BXOTHEXS Chamber f Ceauiarce MnnMpal. Railroad and Public Serrlce Corpora tlon Bond' DO WTrrNO-HOFXINI COMTANT EstaWllhad , STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought Priest Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBER OBIS , WILDE HOME TELEPHONB BONDS BANK STOCKS. . - Member Portland Stock Exchange. " T" -Corner Sixth and Washington Btreeta, Portland, Oregon.' Ovcrbcck. Starr & Cccke Co. ' .' ' . StAIN PHOYISTONS. COTTON, STOCKS AWTJ BONDS. - -. , , 1 . rl;.ill i.' ..v WE 9 A STBICTLY OOMMIShlON BUSINESS. ; . j y.: . Coattmrnaa Markers by Priest WUs. Oulck Serrlce.:: BEFERESCF.8 Udd- A Tllton. Baak- er. and United State National Bank of Portlaad, MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Ob tmpRrred 'Kf property or for ballding MtnwM for Cwifn B tn in eeera. ftn-e with fisriiig-w-rpy"n; or part of "loan-nr tw years. i,oune approrea rrom piana iw money adesneed aa bulldtn progresses: mort gages taken up end replaced. , FBBD 11. STHONO. FlnaacUl Agcat. 242 8Urk et. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa salaries, lnauranc . polk-lee, pianos, fnrnitnra, warehooae receipts, tc.i any deaerring person may aeenre a lib eral adrasc. repaying by easy weekly or monthly installment. NEW ERA LOAN it TRUST COMPANY, SOS Abtngtoa bldg. - MONEY LOANED ro SALABIED PEOPLB - Jut e-your own aame -a other eecarrity; don't borrow enrll yoa , me: my yaem I th best ror railroad men. clerxa, nnoasceners. sfreetcer men nd ll ether employee: boet Beea strictly eoafldentlsL F. A. Nswtoa, 424 Ablnctoa bldg. . " MONEY ADVANCED SALABIED PEOPLB and tn ao principal stiles: nee youraeir mcney hy getting our terms first. " TOLMAN, 223 Ablngtsa bldg 108V, Third at. MONEY leaned to eslsrled people Joat ea yoar owa aame; don't horrnw nntil yo ee mt my eritera Is the beet f'. railroad men. . clerk. Snnkkeenrrs. streetcar us end sll other emplorea; bnatnea atrtctly confidential. r. A. Newton, 44 aningiou oiag. WANTED Not. ' mortcsge or contract any kind of real estat la Oreron and Wash. ifurtnnt aennd e,oet..eee Onechaaed if Wall ' teemed . H. B. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. MONEY to loB oa S per cent gold hood life In surance policies n sot. eecuniy or ie pn-i t B per cent per annum. . Address P. O. Bog 84. Portlaad. Oregoa. MONEY t loea In nm to salt. 8 and 8 year. low 8 par cent, on improren city prop erty. Mormon Seobey, But Cnimnhla hWg SIX Waahlngtoa t. DON'T bormw money on sstery wettl ; Kcttn Crciit Co. 812 Dekum bklg. W. 8. WARD, lawyer. Allaky Bldg. Probate fee; loan money oa mortgage Crwa fta) MONEY Vieaed on Dirnrrore. plsnoa nd other seen titles. -W. A. Hstliwy. room 10. WaaO ' Ingtoa bldg. Phon Pacific 1832. MONEY to lean; lrr Vain pec1sltyt ! , building loana; loweat ratee: tir law William O. Beck. 812 Falling Diag. PRIVATE money to loaa oa city and eobortvin property at nd per cent. si. - vew lahaw, dlT Commercial bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 4 Mohswk bldg. Money to lend oa ea ay payment piaa wsgw sarnerai strictly conflJentlal. MONEY to men oa all kind ef eeevrtty. William Hall, room Wsshtnctoa bldg. - TO LOAN Sams to salt on chattel aocartty. B. A. Frame. 614 the Marqusm. A LOAN tor the king salary er ehgtteL Th laa vb. 4lo Vfiua ning. r QUICK loans oa n Becoritle. 8. W. King. eo WBsninsion OIUX. mmim niw PH31BEKS. fOX 4 CO.--nltirir 1nmbri. W1 nMnl, tt. .. . a a . , . r, L ti.l. dhfall Mtiia mam vainoa. vrvm vswm iw DONNRRBFRtl RA DEM ACHE ft, NMf, to - Kh 8QJ hvrwAy tH. ---- f'', PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. R. BEACH A CO. Th Pioneer Paint C ', window alas god gUxlng. 188 First L Phon 1284. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing nd general JohMnc. I. Loall. 211 jvrtereoa at., rao, UK, REAL ESTATE. M. S. BROWN. Rest Estat nd Insurance. riaaneill. tvrnce. situara imni, .i. rnnt car line; postofflr Lents,-B. F. D. No. I. hoc IX. OEO. 1. RCIIAKrER, reel estate and . fire awuraaee, P17 Chamber of Comtnerc. "COOS BAY NEXT." PARRISIt. W ATKINS CO., ' Baal !(. Insuranrs, rental and ' loa ;.; agents. 260 Alder st. j w. OOlf SEE, r.l etst and loaira; estab- llabed !. I40,.nrer at., room ii. A. B. RICRARUSON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phoae Malu 639d. 622 Chamber of Commerce. SPHINX AGENCY, deelerg In real estate end rental. JO.IV, Stark at. Mala 8184. . BUTHEHEORO A CO., PIT Commercial bldg.. Residence property ear eneelaltj. FO. f.rv op EvrrtY prt HirTioN. W. W. CSPCY. gift CvmarcUI hldg. - Ian KiriuiV R. L Dl'ltUl 7'. GKOROH W., HoTT. .. ,,..-Aaa1'at Caahle snd Letter of Crdl-laarued Aral" Collection BneHaltT. PORTLAND. OBEOON. DRAFT IKSrED Aealtahl TO n 'j; Manila. Collections Made en FaorMe Tw.e. Ca.hler.. : B. W. BVT.fS Aaalatast Caahl-r. ....W. A. HOLT . . . n , . . . t.i,i. e. An Cities ef i , r. if nfi,i,vi. . a. m. -w-rtTrfrrr - tl..J rVwee Seeoad and Stark stmets. rtment. Intereat paid en earlBg coount. ' o all parts of th world. .,-- " ddent 1 R. C. WEAR .w... i ..Ceahle Meat n.''f. ST0HET ...i. ..Aaatstanj Caehler ildent PLATT A PLATT. .General fanael Intereat nsld en aariass ccounta. Drafts and parts ox The worie, 11M. VmJ fta., a., rrsneisoe. Osllfemla. rv .PfTTOCrT T7r7rr.T;'7".:rtre-1 I. O. OOLTRA Asaletant Secretary l . X. B I.I.KUAK I INVESTMENTS. Ballding. 1183 BBOXZKf. , aad Sold for Cash and en Margie, of COMMERCE. "Phone sfatB ft. (Member Chicago Board of Trade.) -102 Third at, McKay Bldg Portland, Oregon, -SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES.- - SHOWCASES ef erery decr1 prion; bank, bat -- and store 8Ttoree made to order. Ths Lutks MaDiifatnrieg-t)e.t Portland. -' ' K" B. H. BIRDSALL. deslrner; agent M. Winter iomner Co.. T Hamutuo bldg. . nuls onjiK . STREET PAVING. WABREN ConatrucMoo Co.. street paring, side walks and erasing. - 814 Lumber Exchange. THB Barber Asphalt Paring Oa. ef Portlaad. Office eus Worcester blk. SEWING MACHINES. THB WnrTN SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. 280 Yamhill St., Cor. Fonrtb. Phone Main 8102. Bargains ta sll kinds of new snd seeoad "hand sewing machine; a few silently dsns-' aged, good as aw. at greatly reduced price. PHONB Pacific 2738 sad I personally will call j and repair your sewing-machine: work guar anteed. S. Hams, adjuster, S11 Third at. TYPEWRITERS. ," DON'T .ay a typewriter oales yoa buy the -Beat. .-The B. c. boj Its et Bro.' writing- ln-Slght Typewriter -1 th beat typewriter " mads. Alao a Hue of allehtly use.1 trsde-l-ont machine of all makea at yenr own price. L. A M. Alexander: H. E. htemler, manager. 170 Fifth et., oppoalte pcatoftlc. BEADQCABTEBS for aew snd rebuilt type writer or all make; aee eur winoew; li yoa re going to boy a aew typewriter are us be fore buying: wa can are yoa money; we here part for repairing al machine.; atat agents for the Visible Fox; we buy sll kinds of typewriters. The Typewriter Fxchsngo, Inc., B. i. Ellleon. ataneger.-M Third at. - WB aell Remington. Smith-Premier. Dene- mores, etc., lower than any other companyi loTeatigaU. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 68 th. TYPEWRITER Repair A gupnlr Co., 480 Wash ington st. Phin Hum 4Kt. BLlCKENSPERTER tynewrlters. $4r asd gaoi ansnllea. repairing. Boa A Kie. aiiv atsra. SAFES. PORTLAND BAFB CO.. ante ageat for Herring. lisll-llarrin ssrea and manganese steel Hare Co.' bank asfea. The largest assortment of high-grade Ore a nd burglar-proof ,fa Ixy the aortbsreat. ' 82 Bcrenth st DIEROLD Msnganea sad nre-pcoof eafra: lock- mi t. opened; metal oxmree; rsult sna tail work; jerks. J..E. Per la, M Sd. Msla 14&6. EIGHT second-haed Sre-proof aafee and two emna-aa bank sat re tor MM eoean, ax. III Sixth at.. Portland, Oregoa. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder St., phone afain tiu; rubner atsmps, . srencii; peg. gags, trade checks; brsss signs and -plates. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnah. soap, 81 par moath. Portland Laundry A Towsl Supply Co., Ninth and Coach. I'bon 410. SIGN PAINTjSRS. FOSTER A K LE IF ER SIGNS. - W hare built ep ths Isrreat slxn bostneee In th city by 8rt-c1naa work aod keeping -our pmmtees. Our prices ar right. Fifth and Ererett ata. Phone Exchang 08. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign Co.. tnj Bt.rk at. Phone l arlto :,n. W. P. BERGEB SON, tt Yamhill st. Sign of all kinds. Pboiv Padn n vi. TR.1NSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE A OMNlltl 8 TUVANSEER I O., C-r. Sixth snd Oak ata.) tMssaas rh-cliM from hotel or real lence direct to ilea'lnallon; paesengers therefore aeold ruah asd euuoy ac st depots, frit ale Kicbags 8H. SAFES, plsoos and furnlturs to-4. pa-S.d resdy for shipping and ahlrt'-'d: a'l wot- gosrsnterd; larre S-elore brl--k Mrepro-Y warehouse ftar stnrsee. - Orf),-. 24 -ak at. Olsea dt Ro. I'bt.n Mats 617. - O. O. PICK, ofgc M rtrst at.. Ketwwn futt and Oak et.. t-i-owe hv-et ptaoo snd f-i,'f ,ira Bl-tT-vt lltd pneked for ahlt-iilrr: roiniii,-ll -ta ''brick war"hue T1fh K-psrsta Iron r.M,io., Fmnt snd Cliy B8H CITY V1N co.,-effl, lil fir phon M-il '.HI. Esrnltore an I r''u a apeclultri we guarantee rur w,.,i-. National irvn'sper 270 Oak at T-levh-.s I ring anJ .t-rltx. A S t l.,u 4 OREGON TRAvaypri CO, t"t -1 I'hon Mala 8. J Her e-iilmg a, l IMiKt'ENItyT BilOA';E I" l ' Storsg. 824 8trk al. M-'n 4 7 POST BPrriAT. DEl.tVl-"- s . i li gtoo st. Pkse k',n b .A,