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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21. 1D07. Ml NEW TODAY. D9H DELAY7 SEE Till TODAY Our choice buys lu Residence rropert. Improved or Unimproved. west ninr mic east SIDE : DiKUrill I J SIDE II. W. Leincke Company -UU ud. Whlngtoa, 8treets, Phone Main 550. I0-Acre Apple Tracts HOOD RIVER DISTRICT $50 an acre Warehouse property, East Water, fine - location, a 1 bargain ; i lor I also have all kinds ot busi ness, acreage and residence prop erties for sale, including farms and. timber lands. Have satisfied others, would like to please ou. References. - - J THOS. P. THORNTON .319 Chamber of Commerce For Oar Full Page Advertisement frJr-tlti iAf trtvii l.fitkanlAA m mw . . dt irusi company Xriunb Exckaan Banding, Corner- Beo oad smd Stark, BELMONT ST. iVTlt. J. J fa. t. W 100x181. lncludlna; eornsr, new (-room hnni. A wmjt hnv ma aas waanunarnas wtw -noUaUUtM. . Fine Home Modern 7-room house, laraje hall, lot 77x100, furnace, with full cement base ment, food lawn with lota of rosea, cor- ' , .'. t3SH Washinftos attrewi Acreage On to flva-acre tracts, clos In on O. W. P. Ry.; choice black soil; Im proved $400 per acre; eajiy terms.-- . JOKDaUr ft OAatBADB, .w, ; ; aa WMUatrtom s. . WHEN AWAY FROM HOME , Ooplaa ef The lonrnal caa be abttlnad'. fa rka (ollowlnc ritira and towna sntaloa ot Orrjroa. Tna journal would apurroat to a rereipt or .rnporta of fallar to obtain cop la of tba papa at any ot thac placca: COIJ'AX, WA8HINJTOW A. . Kins. ' ' WALLA WALLA. W ABHINtJTOK Walla Walla Statloaary Company; Ba-ra-Iloawa Company! Hotel IMcne h-wa Bland; (,'nloa Cigar Stand, 11H Soatk rnunb atraet TACOMA, WASHINGTON Hotal TaeaaM atewa Htand; Central Nwa Company. 8EATTLB. WA8HINOTON Kalnlar Grand . Nrara fttaad; International New Ajrency Nrwapapcr Waaon: llotrl Heattl Kawa atand. OOl.DrlcLu, KKVADA laxua Pobn. twppar U.a.awa. BAN 1)1 KOO. CALiroBKIA Anas Hews Oaav pa nr. Newapapar Waron., BPOKAMB, WASUlKiiTOM John W. Oraaaa Co. - loiK, TDATTO ' Jwaph Cntllns.' MINNBAfHlLlK. MINNESOTA at J. 0kTa inh, BO Tbfrd arraat. anath. BT. LOCH). MI8MOLBI E. T. Jatt SOS OUT atraat; Oanrca L. Arfcerman. Kansas citt. misooi ki im New On pany, Newapapar Waa;oa. . CHICAOO. njJNOT" P. O. Hews Company, ITU laarborn atraat. DFNVEa, COLOKA0O Cato . Depot News Htand. 1 LOS A!0ri.K. CALirORWTA Aaaaa Kawl tvtnipany; Nawwpapr Wayoa. OAK Lift). CAIJrORKTA ADMie Keir Coa. pauiy. Nrarapapar Wafon; N. Wbaatley Maws tvjaipanr, Nawapanw Waaon. A.N rRANClHCO. IjAUrOHNI A K. Waaatlay New t'ompaar. Nawspapar Waanaii Foatar m Orear, Farry baikllnc; Joaaasa haw Company, I4A1 Flllmora atraat. 8Ai;r UKt ( ITY. UTAH Mra. fjartna. Haw. . pa par Waron; o. L. Darlaa. Hotal'Krnyoni . Harrow Km., 48 Want Second atraat, aontb. OUHKN, UTAH Gray New Company, IX pot New Stand. OMAHA. MiBBAgrtAMirUrd Hotel Mews VF.W TOBK C1TT Arttnr Botallnf, Raw. pa par Wavona. WEATHER REPORT. The nlnliwara taaapamtora at Portland thla nornlnc waa 4 degree. - lb kl(k praaaara area overlying the erarra plaiaaa region ha a anerged with arxKber an4 laraer bltrn praaaara area, which la central thla morning over Alberta. Tna barometer aa falllna over Nevada and light rama. wltb Tla- Ing temperatnra. prevail la itortbern ( allfoe- nla. N rata of (imaetinenca ha ocrarred la itie north I'aeirie alale. A atnalt dlatnrbanc la central aver tit Teiaa panhandle, bat aa yet no rain kaa reanlted therefrom. Tna klkh prea aaire area veaierdar over the lake realon ww orarlle tli upper HI. lawrenea valley, and fair and cold weather continue m the mkklle At. tanile and New JCnglaad atate. . Tli mlnlmura tentparnture Iti w York City till morulng waa aero, wbk-p la within S degree af Uia col'leat weather Known in ruai any. Tlie rndlcatkma are for llrht lane rrmlgtil and FtMay In eaatera Oregui. eaat am Indna and Idahe, and for rain r anew In aaainaca tr gnn. . Fair wewtber will pmbaMy mntlntio in tlw Willamette valley and the eound ooontry. , , ....... . . Tmp Mai. Mia. Praylp. Bakf fMr. tJregoa.. ...... .w .. . an i..t.e. UkIio 31 ,- t uxaao, lilln.Ha it . 20 . H..r, I ol"raln V . 21 )., rallfornl. ......... IV) t - l llrirna. ; .vt'Hituna. .......... .VI M Kaiuea ( Irv, M iearmrl 4 !til , Anri lee. Calirnrnl.... l '." 4H .w York, Now Vol 14 t. It. T Ul 40 l-.wiimJ. Ilrairon. .......... 4.1 S4 K.ajct"tf. Oreatta ......... 4'i .ta rl, lna, Mieanri. ... . i.4 'JH , M. I at iil y"ii-ia ' .aa. I lah. ..1 Jf- - f-.ti rra. i-. t allfornla. M Ht -f.kiM. aMn loa. . .. .. 2 . 'J 'l .. a H .;! a'"w M . J1J Vaiia Wa.i. V aaulrujiea. . aa tHt' .0 .0 T. .A ' . T. .0 .0 .0 T. . T. - .a T. i . MARRIAGE LICENSES. Chrt Keller. 23; Irene Sbipp, SO. B. U. Helton, IM; Pearl Vtcll Shaffer, 18. Joel M. Clauton. 94; tmn Crawford. A3, Sam sehuel, 29: Ressl Lahowltch, in. I'leva .r -. ta-naa VMImn lib. rruk K. . Mccormick. 31) Allc A. Gro vel le. ist Hon B. Shaffer. : Katharine Karg. SO. Wedding Carue. W. O. Smirk Co.. Wseb tetm bl.lg,. cor -Fourth end Washington st. . Weddlug end calling card engraved r printed. E. T. Rnebtoa. 408 Steers .bldg. TONSETII A CO.. FLORISTS, FOR FLOWERS Or ALL KINDS. lXt SIXTH ST. . Crk Rroa,, Florists Fine fkal design-. 2S8 ftlorrleoa st. full drees oit for rant, tU sixes, Tsllurlng Co., Wis Stsrh st. Onlqoc BIRTHS. Cobltaa At SIS Sarlrr srrmt, January 19, to Mr. and Mra. Tbomaa Coliltaa. a boj. At tk ilrwl. Januarj It, to Mr. and Mra. unataT WlliU. a dot. Han at UA Saaiaaliaa fcwiplufc Janaarj Sn. lo Mr! and MnC AItwrt Hart, a (Irl. DEATHS. Mayr-.At VaaeoTT, Waahlnftoa, Janaary IS, Jociaa 0. Marar, a4 48 rvara, taootk aad 4 daja; rauaa. anslaa partorto. Ma Ham At Walla Walla, January IS, ftnaan K. Malboo, accd 71 yaars. t no at ha and 'M anrt; iauaa, rarrbral namorrbaira. Klnc-At HI. VlnMtit'a hnanllaL - JaauaJY SO. Jnaenh H. klna. aced 70 yaara: caoaa. cerabrai WlleoaAt flrvwf Saanarliaa boanltaL Jannarr 12. Marian Wilcox, aaad AS 7ara, 4 aaoatba ana 4 aara; ranae. clrrlioala ot llrar. Hnandal At 01 Tenth atraat. Jannarr TO. Maori M. Hoaradala. aavd S5 Taara. B montna and t daya; eaiia. ralrular dlaaaaa of baart. Mlnffrllr-l Mi S.lnu.n alrat-an aarjr Anna Kllnf frllcr, aavd M Taara. 11 aaontha and 37 dara; rauaa,' typboid law. KniaaAt MRS Uata-ht inm, January tt. Maiaaretha Knlaa, arrd 91 fara. 10 uontua and t daya; cauaa, valvular dlaraaa of baart. UNDERTAKERS. Danntna', McBntra A Gllbaark. andcrtakara and ambalmara; amlna In arary dalalL. Saraotfe and Iln. Mala - Larty aaalataat. A. B. Manatsrft. mdartakar and am ha I mar. Eaat Tlilrtaantk and Umatilla, ara. Phoaa Hall. rood 71. - , .. - - . . , . Erlrkana I'adertakmg Co.. and embalmma. 4O0 Aider at. Pbone Mnla 0133. Lady aaalataat. -J. P. Staler ft Bo,,, Tblrd aad Madlaoa sta. Oftj of eonnty coroner, pbone Mala 9. . Edward Bolmaaj, andartaker, X0 Third at. BITCA TIZW CEMTTZBT. Blogle gravM, $10. FaroUy tote, 100 to 1,M. Tna only canietery la Portland which per petually maintain and earra for lota.' roc full Information, apply tn W. B. Mackenrle. Wor caater block, city. ' W. M. Ladd. praaident. . Bosx crrr cemitkbt. Stogie grave, $10; family Iota. $29 to STS. Bapartntaodeat at cemetery, .earner ef rreniont at. and Colly road. Pbone Tabor KM. Vat fnll Information, apply to frank Hchlaral, SQ2 ContmarcUl blk. fbon Mnln 2H2S. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. , Ogleaby and Mary B. Tomng to May lay. lota 1 and X, block i. Henry' Fifth addltlaa ...................... . r. .M Philip t. Wllaoa al. to I. N. Flelach-ner..-eaat 1U0 feet of fractlona block S13.'Hy ., 110.0M L N. and Treale Flelecbner to Aaaoclate Inveatment company, eaat 100 feet af fractional block SIS. city 10 Ale Warner to U. Starke, lot I and S. block IS. Columbia Height ...V S60 Bjee City Cemetery aaaoriatlon to Hen rietta renton, lot 8. block 40. aactloa . it. uoae uy cajnaxery SB lanae Ott -cemetery . WaUA Walla Willie HakereT aTfl- L. Krenaa. kX ft, block . Tlbbett'S ' Homeatnd .. .T , 10 Harriet and J. K. Kennedy to A. L ' Keenan. lot 4, buck 8, - Tlbbett'S ' llomeatead ..-. 10 John B. KIly Wm Tito Welch, lot ' S. row A. 1'leaaant Home cemetery.... - - 10 Ernrat and Kmma Haaenmaycr to Kaa. , per Bellinger, lot S. block 0.- Mayor - Uatea' addition 1,BM Carl 1. Oabrtrbjrm Sr. et at. to O. I. ' Brown, lot 18, block IS, Bunnyalde.... SO Knnla J. and Hnaa M. Hamlin to Jona Johnaoa, 44x10 rod a, beginning at ' orthweat 44 of aeetloa la, towaahlp . ' 1 sooth, rang 4 eaat S.S00 A. L. and Minnie Stone tn William Klll- aon. lot B. block 18. Palrvlew 10 sterling I-anU couioanr toTctr Jjani rracuonai tot a, bjoci iu, , iMacner a . Beeond addition , - T71 0. P.- Jordan et al -twrl. M. McDanfel, lot 22, black IS, Mount Tabor Villa Amies . ISO Earl V. and Grace V. Bmoaurh to John K. Pearl, block 34. Arbnr IxNlga S.600 J. and r. Pronlllat te O. Blchua. na. divided 4 of lot S In Gnatoa tract. T30 John and Liaxl W eeely .to Kdwln Boae, Iota 1 and 8. block 4. Cblpmaa's addl ' tloa te St. John A. P. and Ida A. Lechlet to A. X. Cobb, lot 12, block S. Klrlanrf B. W. and Nellie B. Mitchell te Kiel 2.000 1.SO0 0. Porter. Ut arree beginning at - ' dividing line of Martha A. Long and Margaret E. Long. IS roda waat ef eaat boundary of Edward Long' a dona- tloa land eliim. ...... ......,,..,.,-. -' IS Annie T. and Alfred L. Parkharat t - Blchard SVott. the tract of 40, acrea , conveyed by Fanny Q. King et al. to Aaale T. Parkkarat. April SO, 1002... SS.000 Elale O. and J. Fraak Porter to Ger mania Land At Improvement company. . r 124 acrea. beginning at line dividing ' ' 1 land et Martha A. Long and Margaret B. Long 10,000 Joaenbln Boyd te O. P. If. Jatnlana, aortheaat at block T, A- N. king addition ...... 4.000 Title Ooarantae ft Tmet coarpaay te Genrge B. Hampton, kt S, block A, - -' enhdlvlaloa of lota h t, I, 8. aad 10, North St. John BOO Barvey and Hannah E. Donglaa to ., . George B. and Maude B. Hampton, lntn 12 and 13, and eubdtvtaloa of lots 1, 1, 1. 8. S and 10, North St. John.'. 1,200 Ora E. and Frederick C. Ncaely te II. G. Hlbray aad I. V. Hart, lota S. 10, 11, ).. is and 20, tlock SO, porUnwath Villa Annex '. 1,000 B Iverr lew Cemetery aaaoctarlna to Albert T Logan Gatbrle, lot T7, block 101, haul cemetery . 100 W. B. end Mary I. Marrell to J. S. Otla, .50x20 red beginning at a point SO feet eaat of ermthweat corner ef W. E. Markell'e tract SO0 ttiarlea IT. Thorn paon te Horaee I -Nile, lot L, block 0, Gleacoe Park.... 1,300 0. A. and Emily M. Akeoa te I.. . Watt, lot . black 1, Llawood addl tloa ,........ - 1 L. and Ida Watt to J oh a T. Bnh. . . Biana. lot . block 1. Lin wood addl ' tloa -100 The J. McCtaken enrnpaar te Addle B. Allen, lota 1 and 13, block X Bern hardt Park . 428 0. P. sad Fanny If. Jamlana to Robert flhaw, part of aortheaat of block 7. A. K. King' addition $.000 Fred and Jennie Flebler to Cbarle Ttart ram, lot . block. 17, Original Towa atte ef Alhlna.... 10,000 B. A. and Sarah A. Tray la te Helen F. , Spenldlng. kta I. S, S. S. -7 and 8, -block 2. Terwllllger Hnmeatrad '. . S.M00 K. Lemnel Stewart to Ella M. Pre tan, lot 6. block II, mencne Park 000 Portland Treat Company ef Oregon te . A. Heltkemper. hit i. 17, ig, la a4 20. block 2, Tremont Place.. 1 400 For (hetracte. title Inanrance er mortrar loan, rail on Pacific Title ft Treat eompanr, 204-5-4-7 railing balldlng. - Gat ronr inanrance aad ahatreete te real aetata from tlw Title Guarantee Tmet eenv penv,- 240 Weabtngtoa tret. enrnar Sacoed. NOTICES. KEAI.rn win be' received at the ectaeet clerk efflce, dty ball, np te February i. 11107. for a carl a In tract of lend located In ' stephena' addition, city of Portland, bennded ' aa follow,: By the rWithem Paclfie railroad track, renter line of Kaat Htepbene at, Eaat Third and Eaat Mill at., krae the lot eold to Thorn llllnon. Said tract of land I owned by erhool dhttrlct No- I, Mnltnomah ' county, Oregon, and they 'will receive pro. ' poral for earn aa above etnled. A denoalt of 10 per tent will be required with all blda. - Term ra all . Toe ertionl board neervea the right te reject any end ell blda. - - H. a. AM.KN, Hcbnnl Ckerk.-- Portland. Oregon, January IS. 1K07. , rrwtl owing the Ariel tlnamltb for eerv . vlcaa better come and pay aame and avoid farther trenhle. C'HAS. Kl'THIXOU. . EXCAVATING and grading, ft E. Pettage, 4) Commercial at. Phofte Eaat SIOS, MEETlXfl NOTTCT:.S. T " M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp, Be. 4.89. Mna day., 17th and Mankali; vial lor wtlooaie. MELTIXO NOTICES. WFHFOOT CAMP, NO. 08. Woodmen at tlw World Uhii every Friday night .. et W. . W. kail. Tenth and Washington sta. He- treatments will be eervea. All -rialttug neighbor wel come. n wnaftntr ft p. L. BARBUK. rink, 201 Third at MACt AIiERg, Portland Division No. 1. have Invltstlons oat Uw the flrat o( Its 1S0T dsnces tonight, In tlx p. ball. I lib. and AWer at. Music by Kitntt'a orchestra. . B. M, LANCE. Captala. AT ONCE Keveral young nr to prepsre for ooulna; oxauilnatlou frir railway inal) dark In Orrf; nrrmaaant (oTrrnmant poalllona; food aalarlos: aa ma wltbout dclar. . Air. Ilrracu. ai.1 Columbia blil. . AMKRICAX8 Tonta-ht (TharadaT). Jaanary 34, nuinarj wblat and daorlna. M Allaka bldf., Ihlrd and Morrlaoai admlaaioa 19c. M. W. A. EVKItflRRRnf ra XM Wedneaday evealng. A 1 laky bidg., Tblrd and Morrboa eta. LOST AND FOUND, FOUNTt A place te have hair mattreaaea reae, vatad and returned am day. 228 Front at, Main 47. Portland Curled-hUIr Factory. H. Metager, proprietor. . LOST Collie bltck eable end white. pup 4U month old. color bad whit feet breast and face, alao wblla tip on tail. Call up W. P. Duoox, cast a -Mia. Heward. FOC NO r,t winter, a dark brown acrea at ft te wart' a ata lion: poeaeaenr want te find owner. Addreaa Joan Ulberg, Ariel, Oregon LO'T Large dark bay home, white atrtpe- hi face. Reward. Pbone Eaat 614. Brabakar, 411 Eaat R4th et. Goyerciaeiit Pcsitlcas AOK LIMIT 18 T0 40-. V. 8. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. . , v .11. S, I.KTTFR-CAHB1ERS. .... . .. . t '. TJ. S. PD8TOFFICB l l.KRKS. IT. 8. ITSTOMS INSPECTOHS. WE WILL PKEPAKK YOil BT MATT, A-VTI ACCEPT PART TLII10N AFTEB APPOINT MENT. PACl-10 STATES emoOLS, M'KAT BLDG. COK. 8I AND STABK STS. PORTLAND, OREUON. i 8 ALES MEN WANTBD fhrae aaleamen for oar raw- cwinij-.-anrawiip ana niuw.a mrn-ji - Oregon. Theae aurveye ar a aplaadld compilation of fact, figure and drawlnga and ef wonderful value; countle aad , town are frilly Indexed and population of each are given; railroad plainly ahowa and dlatancee between all atatlona alao ahown; aongreaatnnal dlatrlcta outlined, numbered and population given. Other features too numerous to men tion. "'A splendid opportunity for energetic men. , Baad. McNally ft Go.. Chleago, 111. WANTED AT ONCE Stare-bolt ratters, ware 11.40 per cord; atsedy work. Apply Weatam Cooperage Co, Bteaxna . bldg "ortlaad, eg Uoaltoa, Or. WANTED AT ONCE Bound yooog men for Sre- mea and brakemea on leading weetern rau roada and foe new made now -being rem plated: experience nnnereaaary; flreraea $10 per month, brakamea $78; poeltlvne now open, write at onca tor particular. National Railway Training aaaoclatlon, 7 SO Paxtoa blk., Omaha. Nrbraaka; or all Bldge bldg.. Kenans City. Mlaeoort - -a - - - PLANING mill man to mn planing department or eonnrry oawmiii. 10 ou ai. capacity, ap-to-dat machinery and power all In. Edgeraan, city, S3 to a-M; S ratchet setter. S3; ratchet -eetter. $2.&o and board; honk tender, $4; rongh carpenter. $3; black amltb, - -4 - roillwrighta, S4 per day; othera. HArTSENTI EMPLOTMETfT OFFICES, 20 N. 2d at. 290 Barnalde at.' WANTED-SaJeamrni aaaap make $100 Jo $1501 per momn;- aoroe even more; aioca clean ; grow on reaervatlon. far from old orchard; cah advanced weekly; choice of territory. Addreaa Washington jioreery company. Top pen lah, Wsshlogtoa. ;'- - - - -. . t. . f- WHT work for wages A visit with as win. be profitable to yoo. Something new'; a chance tor yon to get on your feet. Beqalrea only- leisure neora. Only- 12 - men - wanted. Call tomorrow, 170 Park street. WANTKDTeams at 7th and. Oak etreete, per day. Elwoed Wiles, contractor. MEN AND WOMEN to lea re the barber trade tn eight weeka; graduate earn from gift to fas weekly; expert tnatruetoret eataiogQe nee. at.. Portland. THEATRICAL- manager - with splendid en t fit wanre loan ot nO, rally aseured; will give poaltloa and Inter-eat: reference required ana given. S 81, ear Journal. PACIFIC STATIONEBX ft PRINTING CO. 200-207 Second et. Pbone mala Ml We design aad Pasta Tl the moat modem aad Improved offle ayatame; complete line aoeae leaf filing device, f - SALESMEN Experienced apeclal contract men: Siov per month r na eonimtssioa.. voneerva tJve Mutaal Life laaoraace Co., Elk1 bldg. WANTED Two or three first -class, all -a round machine men; permanent position, good wsgea. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. W rV gat work for oar members; special mem bers. 42. I. at. ci. A, roarth aad xamniu. WILL exebann dent la try for carpentering. Call a, aas waanmgtoa at. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, CallfornlaTSJdaba, Wssblngton; health and accident Inadranca; eld reliable rompanyi good eontrscts; refer encea required. L' si ted Btstee Health ft Ae eident lnauraao Co.. 2U0 Maraeans. - 81.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO Against aecldeat. alchneee and death. Write or call aad Inveetigat. Norwi west Health ft Accident Association. SuS-007 McKay bldg. Agents Wanted. WANTED Every ma a oat ef a poaltloa er dla- aatianea wita me preaent vocatioa. 10 leas a eight eourae et the Brhnke-Walker Bual aesa College. Seventh and Btark ata. We will place yon la a poaltloa whea competent. WANTED Boy corner Davta. to lean trade, . OS Frost, BB Independent; msks money at homo, salver soars; aomeuiing new. ITU I arx . - WANTED A good competent blackamttk and wsaon-maaer, -aearesa as. avjatfipoie, aaoanx Hood. Oregon. W A NT ED Coach rflsksrs. bo Front, eorner Davla. DON'T work for a am a 11 aalaryt aee or write t-aeine Aia aaeoctstiosj ror a good - propoai tlon 234 Lamber Excbanaw. . WANTED 2 good msrhtnemea for farnttnr rsctory. rortiand npriug Beg rural ture Co., ioO'.North. 11th at. WANTED Resswyer for Mersbom band. Ad- arena Heaawyer, care Journal. FIRrTT-CLAftS nphnlsterer end draper to take charge of apholatery - room. . Addreaa 471 Wssblngton at. WANTED Aa experienced man to epea eys- tere. Apply at .004 w interne ave. - WANTED Neat Intelligent offleerboy. not under .0. anurna an vwu oanuwrtuux.- aa 00, rare Journal. 8HINGLEB wanted; ateady work, good price. R. C. Klngery, ST3 feast Bornslde. I'hon Kt 8079. WANTED 2 railroad laborers, 82.00 per day. V. B). Build, S north Tblrd at. WILL exchange dentistry for esrpentery aad shingling,, Call room 8. 82$ Wasblngtoa ac . tPHOIJITERER oa .furniture; good wages and steedy poaltloa. S4S First at. EXPERIENCED- operator ' for Adlrsaamnph : machine, -la answering atate refereDcaa and peat experience. Portland Oaa Co. WANTED Elderly man to do chorea and light work oa rsnch; one who won 14 like good home. Address August RiechU.. Wood burn, Oregon. BOT WANTED Apply 145 Front at. WANTED Ten woodcoopnera. Call at MS Front st. between and 7 0 clock, or te the end of B carllne. South Portland. YOU want a pleaaant permanent position and become a memner ot a aura w inner t gfaai or mora Wanted: reaponslble eomininy; full Inveatlgatlon courted. S 4. care Journal. W ANTKK Yonng men to take eourae la rail way telegraphy; day or evening daese; poal tlona wltew competent.. Oregoa College, tut Cotsuaouwsallh bids, - 1 A HELP WANTED MALE. TRAMS to haul lumber. Oregon Waehlngtue I'Uiiiwr iu, noma rortiajui. MOLWIt, first riaaa ma a. tait Ktarrkxk bide BUV with Wheel, man At King. Apply al once to Old. Wort- SEWER IlllllieKS, 12.50, HOI llrl. - Eaat Muith a ud Tbouipaon ata. $2n FEB WkKK and traveling expenare paid aaleamen to at? 11! to grut-ery dealer; eaperlerH'e nnncceaaary. Purity Co.. Cblt-agv. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAXTEIt Every womaa out ef a poaltloa or dlaaatlalled alth her ' preaent voratton. te take a night eourae at H Bebnke-Walker Fualneaa (oilage, HeventU and Stark ata. ' W'a will place yoo In a poaltloa warn ouav petent, ... WANTED Ladle out ef ernnlovment to In- y veatlgai our aewlng niecblne prouaeithais SI can man iht wvea glrea you ntean et earning gnHl livelihood, if toii ca do plain ?'- vfTO u. f- WANTED Kalealadlea for cloak, anlta and wrapa; good poalllona. Apply to Mia Brown at the Chicago nothing. ( .. ami 71 Tlilrd at, between Oak and Pine.' WB want I Is dies; light work and pin money . for yonr leisure hours; you will not look for - employ meat after a visit at our office; $10 10 per week easily made. Call 170 Park at.s CI I HI. for honaework: good homo and liberal time off. Telephone Eaat 244. WANTF.D Ladle to take roars In commercial telegraphy; 'day or evening: positions when unneietir. urrgoa college, oos common .. wealth Milg. , . , , G1RL8 WANTED Operator to work oa shirta and ever Ha. Leesuns given to tnrxpeiienced. Apply al BiaMaid lactuiy No. 2. Uniwl averr aad Eaat laykw at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843H Wasn- lngtua. St., ear. Serenth. upstairs. Phone Main 2002. Female kelp wanted. . - COMPETENT girl for general housework -cooking r good wsgea. ,o Haasalo at. and WANTED Apprentice to do drsasmsklng. 807 East C sru there at.. ........ WANTED Coe-d girl for Call SAO Williams ave. reneral heaeework. GIKf, wanted tn do eweeptng la rooming honse. 47 North Sixth at. " . - WANTED Good girl to work la dlalng-reem. 104 Js'ortk Sevejtth at. WANTED Good girl to. work la kitchen. North Seventh at. i 104 WANTED Experienced chocolate aad boa-boa dipper. Aldoa ( and Co., 10th and Giles u. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. a, urena nve, ana csac 'layaor at. WANTED Strong middle-aged woman, general housework; no. washing;' $; private family. Drawer O. Hood River, Oregoa. WANTED A good mdy cook at once, German preferred, to cook for nine boarders. Com mercial hotel. t40 Spoksne ave. WANTED A good girl to do general honse ., work. Phone Woetllawa 838, or call 870 Garfield nve.. GIRL, for general aooeework; email cottar. ramiiy or two; pejjnanrat. , et3 East Mala St., eorner lMth. MALE AND FEMALE HELP.- HBT-P wanted and anpplted, mala or female. It. G. Drake. SOSVj Waanlagtna at, Paetne 18Ta WANTED A few good solicitor, aisle as1 female; beet proposition la Portland: good snoney to tho right part lee. Pbone 8 II wood Tl. Comer Eaat 13th at, and Umatilla ave. WANTED 9.000 men and women to patronise the Oaka akating ring, evening, arteraooa ana night. A good time for everybody. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BELT ABLE ronng man. not afraid of - wanta poaltloa aa shipping clerk or any other inside lob; references. Address K 119, ear JournaL 1 - . WANTED Position mm traveling aa loam a a with aome broker er jobbing booee; can give A Ko. 1 reference. . Address 8 47, ear Joarnal. POSITION aa fire man er watcSmani capable, boneet. sober man: gilt-edge rsfsrences. Ail dreea S 4U, ear Journal. . T WANTED 1 A position aa anllcltoe m onllaatee ny newspaper man. aanreaa at as, aearnai. WANTEEr-a-AOENTS.' THB largest maaafsrtnrera ef alnmhram tng aienalia want-erpreeantsnvee t eett rou tine everywhere. If B. Btrelu Ca.. Poatofflc Box J 24. Grants Pas. Or. AGENTS Make good income sasllyt oar bnrner turn common kerneeae lamp into nriiiiann Sortable. absolutaly safe light; big aeller; ascription free. Gaslight Manufacturing Co., 231 Broadway, New York. AT ONCB Agents for enep medicines aad nil blacking. H. M. l'lnmmer, sw intra. g rra onee get beet territory, --' WANTED Agents, ladles or gents, te make S3 to 83 par day. 374 First at., rortiand. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. , RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging eamp and farm help a specialty. . SO North Bemad st. Pnoa Mate seVO. W pay all telegraph ebargee. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrilCI J- FOR MEN. SO North Second at. Pbooe Mala 1828. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OrriCB I08H Morrlaoa et.. Phone Pectfl SAO 27 North Second at Phono Pacific 1300 WANTED TO . RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hcwreee, eotUgV. Hate, atoree, orricea, rooming nooses, rc iaa lords will do well to csll on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOOH Pbone EX. 72, S. m Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED Board and room for men and twe cblltlrea, aged M and T; partiea with children need not reply: weat aide preferred j reference required.-- M. 82. -care Journal. . I WANTED 1 or 2 light booeekeeplng rnonrat meat be ebesp: walking distance. Addrea 8 90, care Journal.. WANTED FINANCIAL. TO invest $00 In a profitable pnatneea In Portland: atate yonr . propoalt loa: raatsnrsnt. a a loon or partner not wanted: graftere need not answer. SOS Eaat Davla at. ' STANDING THE JOURNAL'S POSITION 1-v In the local advertising, field The Journal -- stands, supreme. -The Journal leads in cir-,"; '.li eulation, in advertising and in RESULTS ; TO ADVERTISERS. .. Advertisers. .want no second mediums. - - they want the first always and The Journal is the first in its field. MORAL: Advertise 'y in The Journal first, and then you will all the "time. : ' ' . ' 11 $0$t0$0H$v$Ovv WANTED REAL' ESTATE. TWO houses, 8 and 7 rooms, auodar. must be weat if E. kith St.. belaoen llsw thorne sve. and Ankeny sr.; pric about $a.(WK to t3.uo; -'oO to fl.OtiO rsah dvwa; balance eaav terms; alao aant vacant Iota la ail parts oL ' 'I. II. HEJI.mtONNEB-A CO.. B17 tutnhcr Ex. Hlug., Wecoad auit Stark. Dou't delay. Me u today. , 1IIR TITLE A ABSTRACT CO., H. Tt. 6ALTMAHHH, Maaager. Xoaaa, collectlwna, ililea ciierted. Ex pert adrlce on really values. Property rtsls-l far atik-k dlepuaal. C. H. Plggott and J. A. Finch, legal couitael. Pbone Paclne 1940. ' Room 4 Mulkey bldg., 3d and Morrlaoa ata. WANTED To buy a amaQ reach ef owner; price not over $1.1X10. with - Improvements. Address "ft " Box S, St. John, Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. we will err. sell oh tradb an-oi d THING. WKSTKRN- HALVAtiE CO., Si'r. C2S WASHINGTON. PACiriG 78", WANTED Fttrnltnre every description bought, sold snd eicl.sngrd. : ine.a. asx rirai at. Mala 7. a -a ' '" MAIN MM. :- i - -::' ' .' CASH AND lirlS OE IT ' FOR FI'RNITIIRE. " ;. , ' PORTLAND ACCTION BOOMS, ' , 211 Flrat 8L .' MAIN MM. . . , MAIN 0833- EXCA VATING and grading. C ' B. ' Pottage. etoj comniercisl st. I'Dou cast oiunv HIGHEST rash price paid for all klnda aecond sand good, roon Mala 3111. 8g m. imra. WE hanl drsd horaee snd cattle free. Oregon Fertiliser Works. Tu2 Tbnrmaa. Mala IPoo. HALL and ballroom, separate or together; new end with ell cooretrleaccs. I'bone Mala 300. I PAY ea.h roe . Kaaa-Kl ywS. W, W Savage. t43-247 Flrat at. Phone Paeltle 36S. WANTED Children for motherly rsre; reaaea able., 227 Porter at. Ketereucea given. - WANTED Teams to haul wood to earn. Phone ' F.aat 301; - WANTED Te buy for rash a good driving horse, eecond-hand . barneea and buggy. , hi 63. ear Jouraal. NICE raoma aid good home rooking la privere family residence: gentlemen preferred. '9T 4 Gllaan. corner Kith. WANTED To rent a' boras, light work; use three month.- Phone Eaat 2312. - rill WANTED A horse for grocery wsgoa. Eaat Uth at. Pbone Bellwend 255. 4T FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE HYLAND, 400 Morrlaoa st.. eppealt high erhool Brick building, steers best, newly furnished, beat in city: raoma reaaonable, by the day, week or asonth. Fl'RNIHHBD' rooms, week or month: bath, ga ud phone; rent reasonable. Inqntr at 904 , Fifth at. - .- THB RICHELIEU. 83H North Sixth at Ele gantly furnished; ataan best sad bathe. FURNISHED rooms and fnrntahed bouse keeping rooms for rent st 782 Vaaooover are. THB GRAND, 494 North Third St. Room fat geaissssea. l.o per wees ana up. PLEASANT front room In neat home, cine In. a eaat aide; rent reasonable. Inquire S Grand ave... north. . phone Beat 8B2. . ROOMS tor rant, from $140 np. 244 V Sea sod et. HOTEL OXFORD, -Sixth aad Oak. will take a few snore permanent roomers; all naodara coa- - venlencee; elngle room $4 ap sreek.. Spe cial rate for suites. ... ' TUB . GRAND. . 887 Ysmblll st. Cadec new mensgement; newiy , turiusnea rooms; nauie and eteera beat. Phone Psrlftc 1887. ' -FOIVRENlVa-HOCTinCgEPLNU. 1 LA ROE frrrntahed front room, also ' foraished aad anfurnlabed ho-asekaeptng-rpoma, . also nsui.' mn crane t. FOR RENT 8 fnrnlabed brmae keep tng -roof - modern residence; gas. phena aad bath. Saoood at- near HalL FOB RENT Five mfurntsbed hoossksenb-ig rooms: s lac trie lights and gaa: cheap. I'soae raciiie x-io. coiamoia at. , $1.80 WEEK CP, large, clean, fornlaned boaaa keeplng r 0001a. laandry and bath. 184 Saor. ; maa aontb. Portlaad. . ... 1 Z5 WEEK UP, clean, rtjralened heaaakaap tng reoma, parlor, bath, laandry, faraaea - Bear, yard. 203V Sta a ton. n ear. . THB MITCHELL Bonsrkeeplag and traaalaat rooms, reeeonaow. -aeveata aaa nanosta. S OR S fnnilahed booaekeeplng-rooma. Call at awvh Et 11 urns Id at. Pbone Eaat 4582. FOR ban RENT Housekeeping-rooms. ave. Phone Wood laws M 98 WIU - NEWLY furalahed at. Iioaeekeeplaf-rss-agss, 814 ROOMS AND BOARD WANT 4 atndaat or clerk for large steam- heated rooms $23. free bath, .best meals. Mlnneqna Ian, 27$ Yamhill at, MINNEQI A IXN. 878 Ypmhlll tv Nice roosne. eteera aeai, epienrria meeis; aay, wee month : new management; reaaaaable rata. 2 NICE roetna, eattable for 2 aech; clerks pre- ' ' Mi a-Kaaa mtm eaia Mil T Prk t. I LABGE parlor, fnrnlabed to rait party; flrvt ctaas taoia ooara. iuo weex fsrs st. - WOULD tike to get yonng man from Y. M. u. a. 10 room ana ooara. , 231 Fifth at. ONE room. with board, private family, $8 81 Eaat 18th St. Pbone Eaat 84P0. per week. FOR RENT FLATS. A MODERN 8-room npatalr flat, with lain bath, gaa and wood 1 1 ft: rent SIS. In. qnlre 111 East 2Mb at-, K.j take HoaUvilte or East Ankeny esr. UPPER fist, 0 room. T12.6O. 688 V Nortbrnp et. inquire next door. - FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Voder T-reamv fnenhdMd honse la imngton; rerereare; rent S40, . Call Eaat 2294. - FOR RENT For Feiaraarr and March. a room rurnl"hfl hoaae, 01 North Slat St, I'hon Main 8AK2. WEI.I.-FCRNIrtllRD eaat alda house. I good location 1 poeeeeeloa February 1. Pbone Eaat 1712.. ' t ' ' SUPREME - 4 ft FOR REXT HOUSES. WK ar la need of esasrsl rurulahed sad an. furiiLI.ed houaes te aati- ty the wants of our pstrons. Phone sua In SMI or call 720 Cham ber of Cooimvrce. lie It now. 8-ROOM bonse. erst elde. good locsllty, close to csr. low n-nt te good tensut; will evil oa eeay taraia. Pbone Main 1410. ' FOR RENT A good " room bouse. Ankauy et., coiurr 2'Jd. T33 East 79 HA lt HA IX ST. a room bouae. thoroughly modern, roiivenleut and attrae'lve, built le rears; r-nt Hi per nionth to peioisnent - tenant. Morgan. Sweet A Chanman. 21a Abr lugtoa bldg. I'bone Main' gins. 8-ROOM house for rent oa Eaat Mark and 49th sts.. 012. Kr at next hnuae south, inquire 841 101 a st.. I'houe Mala Oae. - FOR BENT S-ronm bouse, 1 blo.-k of gronad, plenty of fruit trees; rent 8-1t: on Wood stock csr tins. Inquire VJ2 Kest Anksny at.' FOR RKNT Nice B room . cottage at No. SO Knrt Eighth atn N.. XI'.. lnoiilre at 02 Eaat Eighth at., N. Call Eaat lw. HOTlIS-!?!. RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. WB need Ni-attnre at any price. Portland Aee tloa Rooms. 211 First st. Mala tooa. -ROOM bouse, full ef roomers and boarders. clesrlng f ) per mouth; best, Iocs tloa in y. ' Inquire 4a8 Btsrk si. . SNAP New furniture -room cottsge. T mln Ittes walk; bargain; rant $20. - 0ft Sixts at. FOR RENT Ftitnlahed ft-room modern house, or furniture for sale. Inquire 800 Fremont St. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Stores 'For Reat Two large ateree with modern f roots. " ftiTl pscments. in new nrica Dunning, ai ana and Washington sta.; low rent; king leaae; growing part Ot city. Apply to . .'.Gc7Brt2'&;Swi: ' irs-irs Rrst st. ". A CENTRALLY locatei store, with good bam window, bs looey, and lease. Apply 282 1 am hill at. Phone Pacific 200. ' OFFICR-ROOMS. anfurnsLhed moon ana aenta ple-roouts tor rent. Goudaoogh bldg. Apply levator. i" . . A FEW arat-claae efnce-rrMtsne left at northeast corner Third aad Madlsoa ata. Apply room wo. a. $19 0FF1CB mittabl for denHat; raceptloa. room wito ooctor. 1 t amonege mag. FOR RENT MISCELLA NEOCS. BALL snd ballroom, separata er together; new aad with, all coavenienee.. phone Mala SsA BUSINESS CHANCES,. .. . a"".-M.'. STOCKS AND BONDS ' ' WB WANT TO B0Y. ' BAC-fr "'' OREGONTRrST ft SAVINGS. I'NITED STATES NATIONAL. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL. LMrSIN-ffil. -J B. C. AMALGAMATED C0AU . CASCADIA. MAMMOTH l MINT-ra ft 8. CO. . v. MORN1NO MININ4 CO, . TACOMA 8IEEU ' x ...-. BI'LI.ION. ,-. ..: .. COPPER KING. s. : -..v PARK COPPER., , r ' i '' RKINDEKR. , - .M : SNOWNHOB. -' ,1 SNOWSTORM.' .. . i THB J. C. LEE COMPANY. . , iNprrntiAT,! ' HOME TELEPHGNB Prt1nd-. . ' PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE. as, evea though yoo think them arrartb. leas. nrtentimea amcg mat anpprsssa x bo worth leas proves valuable. v ,. THB INVESTORS' EXCHANGE, V I ' A riaaaaew ag Mast. 804 Marleay blk. WANTED Iirge. well-establlahsd manafactar . lag com pear, making staple Una of goods widely known, wanta eatlafsetorv men. wltb $3,000 cash, ta ssubllah .and carry oa brnaeh bwslnees: 8290 per month salary and all ex peneea, with ehara of profits extra; tmneaally san Inveatment. permanent engagement and hlgh-elaaa bnelness: good for $0.011 per year, or better, with big future lacreeee. For rlcnUr. furnish refer ncea. and addreaa Eastbara, president. 0T Wabash ava., Chlcsg. . 828.000 AN . EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. A fin tie and piling proposition oa trans port. Moo. 18 mile from Portland, consisting of Mil acrea, that will cat 240.000 tlea ani 10.000 fto-foot piling at a art profit of more than $O0.0tai: the land alone la worth the . price; 812.900 cash will handle tt. laves ti gata Immediately. THOS. P. THORNTON, -'- - ' - SIS Chamber of Commerce. ' 24 ROOM HOt'SE Fine ftrmltnra. steam beat, gas lights; very central; $1,700. HATFIELD i SMITH. 109 Foartk it. BIO SNAP? Very gne eonfectlonery and -cigar atore with three living-rooms, la Brat-clsss location; good Stock: vary low rent, only $10 par month; price SS79. M. Cadonaa ft Co., ' Washington bldg., mom a. TEAM, harness, wegon, err a per, plow, bvel, . etc., to exchange ss payment on hones and lot. or for aa la at 8300. Alexaadet Land Co 83V Sixth at, near Pine. BOMER breeding ptgenne, 87 per eoaeni larger amounts supplied. Georg ,- Houta, Balassa, vWashlngton. '" - - - ' LAVE MONEY Anything la printing ess Mad den, Odd Fellow' Temple, First aad Alder sts. ; opstalre. - $490 BUYS S-roema. well tarnished In good la , esllty; wset elde) low rent. Hagsmaaa ft Blaeciard. 81 Fifth at. PLACBR gold mine, partner wanted ar will ell: mine fn Irlehot atrlctly high grade; $1.90 yard dlgglnga. W. N. Ruble, Golden, Oregon. . Iu8 SALKWReelsurant doing a good eOalnese; owner In boapltal; will be eold at a eacrlrlea by the owner; ao agents. Phone East lift. FOR SALE Stock hardware, amall town (this Is S ntoney-msker: sale 90 per cant more thsn laat r. Addrea P. 0. Box 2$, Port laud. Oregon.-- . WILL sell amall -block of Canadian Marconi Wtrelsse stock te beat offer. K 118, Joarnal, FOR RENT Hawthorne Arenac Dye Work. inqaire st sii roartn st. a- NICE new restaurant or hotel dining-room and . k lichee outfit : new trench range; everything Srat cleea; lt cheap er trade. 1 Inquire sot a.,i. . 1 : I .. . I . ' BLACKSMITH-SHOP' snd lot for sale tn Hood , Hirer, Oregon; shop ItliSt, lot 29xl90 plica t-Mi; or will trade good team young Adrfeaaa awaae, VT Bl IImUK, Ht. Johns, Oregon, - WILL eecri See, acennnt of sickness, newly openrd little cash grocery, frnlt. crmfactionery store splendid location, on j bttslnesa street, within 6 vilnHtes' wslk from center ef city; tent $20. store snd routus. Address M 60, ear Journal. . . ... . , FOR SALE. IS.OfiO Stock sboee, eleithlnt and furnishings; good live town near Portland) , any reasonable offer accepted. Addreae -It ltd, care Journal. Hi' ROOMS, $M) rent, price $550: leaae; bargain! net slesm bested, but Money-maker. Alex. ander Lsnd Co.. tWi Hlath. near Ploe. - MIN with IJ..V10 to Invest; spcenlntlr hay on penttt-rnia: ta-ing in yonr pvopeny. aiox nder Lmiul le.l leJ'x Hi tin, aaar t'ina. lil'SINESS CHANCES. JjrBT UK SOLD -VI' ONCE Notion snd cou-fe.-tlotn-1-y hualU'aa; bet Slltiilrtiae io-atlon lu Portlaail: 110 competition; Involve $.".iu: you call make $!.' ier month. fell luyj Hsw lb. Has sre. 1'houo Isbor 4IX CAN you sail real estate? , 1 want live man to jotu me; am eiiwrieoi-ed; know Portland values sml locsilons well; giaHl office se cured, you'll need a little money to atari, WrltJ H 11(1, care. Journal. HOTKK furniture end long lesae. tor sale; rkiee lu. On rooms, brick building, full of - ati-ady rooniera: a rare iargain for gA.rMai, A. li. Maegly, 210 Fourth at., uear courtbooas, rvrtlanj. $000 ART atore and real estate office; al-- bnslueaa fur aian and wife. 0. Arnold, St, - Juhna, Oregoa. , FOR SALE Grocery stock; tine trade, good location; will lu--4'; snap, Addrea 8 44, care Journal. 30 BUI kits, 90x13s, clus to big cnoolhoaae and car; some sa, cheap SIOO. Call on Ira Kilhorn, two block west of public acho-ii, Inta, Oregoa. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NEW T-room modern nouaa, lot 60x100, SeU. . wood; fl,O0. 1 4-roooj cottsgeA MontaTllla. $1,000) $198 ' cash, balance monthly paymeuta. - Nw modern 8-room house, concrete baas merit, wood-flher plaater, fl.ttno. S-room modern houw. lot 88x100, Exit 88th at., corner. terma, . - - 8-room atrictly , -rwdcrn bona, Tot 90x100, . East Everett at., near car line, $2, MM). . Good 7-room moilern bouse, kit Soxi-h. good baru, chicken bouse, ome- fruit) East - fold st., a gia-d buy -fiar $8.0u; terms. Two 8-room cottages, lots bxloo, plvialoa at., fi lial each; terma, $290 down, balance .. monthly payments. METROPOLITAN BEALTY CO., 251V Alder at., room 18. CHOICE HOMES. -Trn"TimOtertr Home Hawthorne ave, very cheap at $2,000 It . taken qiil.k. - 8 rooms, new, modern, elegant, Cotty . fnll basement, furnace, gas and electric lights, Willamette Height, $0,000. jr $7.50u 7 room, new. modern,, elegant ap - to the - standard ot preeeot hour ( Willamette - Heights. 1 612.600-10 rooms, new. modern, tba vary wsllrt of a west sld home, close ta. LIND ft CO.. ' .; S2S Luna bar Exchange. ACBEAGB on proposed Mt, Hand railroad, from is mile to 2 mllea elty limit, from 6190 to $750 per acre. - - ... ,- 4-f.xim hoaae.- full basement, good bam, 1 bearing fruit treea, corner 60x100, $1,000) $129 raah. balance monthly naysjeete. A nice little- bouse and 60-foot lot sear .' rar for $878. . Btialnesa property peytng 20 per cent on Investment and growing mora valuable every -day, on mala traveled atraat, near twe ear line, 61.6; 21.000 ch. . AYL8WORTH ft EPTON, Bvanlng phoaa Tabor ISO. Phone Tabor 870. 85.230 NEW borne on Wlllametta. Heights, f : large rooms, lot 6O1I00. MOORE REALTY CO, -$14 Stearns blk.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. FIVE aerse oa Moant Scott carHne, -. level, sightly, cheap, py or, $0 . Bentos at. Call mornlnga. TWO Dice mldenea lots oa Rodney ave. aad . Going at., sewers tn, streets Improved, at 1 a low price. - REGISTER ft CO.r 10TV4 Third St. $1,000 "BUYS a Dire 4 room cottag and lots on a vomer tn Vernon oa 23d et. - - . REGISTER ft CO, 10TV Third st' v ; , Scmetliiiii: Klcc " Soatbeast corner 14th and Kearney, modem , Improvements, good income; alao 6 river-view lota, west, front; for besnly caa't bs dopll- " eataa. nt l i-umoer axenange oiog. 1. MM) 3. ROOM sou as. barn, rhtcksa wooanonso nnq al. acrea tana -rsgtnr oa canine, -x mna itirougn lano. , ay BEUiSTEK 4k CO., tuTVa inira at. PARTIES with amall smonnt of capital doslr. - tna1 s heme cea have aame built according ta their own plans on S small payment dowa of $i90 to $100, balance seme aa rent. Com- ' aaunlcate with 0 114, ear Journal. . "e t $1.280 TRACT of 24 acrea neat Vereoa, high ana ignur; m ' oa nor. MOORE REALTY CO, . 416 Stearns blk. Sixth and Morrison.. INCOME-BEARING fists oa eeay terms 24- , 2NS 10th st, four Oats, tn per month, por- retain beabe 'In -saehi eloa in.-esatly reateilf 82.0M cash. $73 monthly Inatallroenta; In cooia will pay the Inatallmenta. making ee- - maraanie rnveermeni ox anisu capital, mot. Ko Sweet Chapman. 21S .Ablngtoa bids. ana Ma Is 016. .1 ScllWOCd . Mors hoove ft French. 1670 ..lath. Pbnoe Sellwood 74. City Flew Perk ietm. 8378 and aoi Rasa Addition kite. 6100 aad np: 83 down and $9 --m. - II month. Homes from $:00 to $.'.000. Lots naj sna op. in sll part or Bsuwooa. ut . 1 year property with as: are will aall It. J Fcr Sale noose and grounds, -14 lot. hsoe d ' frnlt treee. oa ' . ' - V Kiar St. . Telephon Main 2570. DEHIRARLB lot 0 Lerrsbee t high, sightly. walking dlstanc. Bel Lamb Exchange. Ba, Jl'ST think, 4.200 lota near Salem reruns ' ao further tben Bt. Johns, at 816 per t,v ft $1 per month; level aad good ealL, with eases already there; yoa een't buy seres re out there for rtame amount; lots will be $.'0 per lot la A tar oat, when car ar running; . , there will be ibe 6 neat town out here In the valley. Apply to owner, W. Rildt, room ij Waahlngtoa bldg, 2704 Waablngtoa at $160 WB have a few lot ht Wood lawn, Tak your cnoirw wntie rney laat. MOORE REALTY CO, . 416 Stearns blk. Sixth and Morrlaoa.' $20.000 VERY central 90x100; an of the beet onye ifl r-orrisna, wiu nonnie in vine tn 2 yesrs; $IO,otiO cash. 80.000. mortgara, 8 years at 6 per cent: will take $8,000 h t Id property. Csll at 8orv Barnalde et.. room 10. Phoaa I'sclfie 1211. - MODERN 6mom honse. $2,400; 6400, 220 monthly. Modern 7-room honse, 82 n0; $900, $'J9Mntbly. Owner, phone East 678. $2.790 S-ROOM honaa, meileen: an exramttoaal bargain." W.t J. l-Mdti-ord, Bt. Jotna. Or. 1 $7,600 ON Kearney t near toth. sew 6-rooni ' f . J nous wttn laraje imishad attic) lot nuxitst. - iui i a Deautlfnl bona aad ' - a oargain. ' , MOORE BEALTT CO, - 416 Steam blk. Sixth and MWfli ALPINE REAL ESTATE CO, Sngu Morrlsoa. ' ' room 3; phone Main 1017 M block with 12 room bouse, rl-iss In. $11,900. rS Scree, ' a-room nouset essy tsrms; 33,260, SEVERAL comfortable houses and Iota belong, h Ing to a non-resident moat be eold at once el a saeririce; term, W. B. Mi-i'fceraou, fho ; Phliadelpbla, room 12. Third and SaleMaa. Hot'SES and bit in Holladay Park. R, B. Rice, 000 Waaca at. Plione Eaat 1400. , MAKE me a cash offet oa a new modern 6-roem . cottsge. I must bsve come money at once. See me. the owner,- e -Nashville AddltUm, ! on the Monnt Scott jarllne; alao 2 lota cheep. EOR SALE Fine new modern 9-room cottage! owners leaving city; must aall at one.' Tele phone Wood lawn 474. FOR SALE Good 4-ronni honse, fractional lot fencsd: terms. Mount Tabor car. 101 Eaat . 4Hth at. QUARTER BLOCK en Grand aver -with three T-rornn boneee, paying 400 par month, tor ' tS.HtMi; this is a grand opportunity and yoo shnnld snsp this np at onca. Sphinx Agency, SOnS Stark at. $1,790 BUYS new It-mom cottage on Garfield ------ at, near -Sbirer and one block frotun, - Union ave. , MOORE REALTY CO,, - ' , 418 Stearns blk. Sixth and Morrlaoa. ll.rXmS.tUH'M cottage on Grand are.: terms. M'-Omhcr ft Dcffenbangh. 410 Stearns bldg. FOR SALE Moilern 8-ronm dwelling, lot 8'IH ItMi feet; fiirnaca. sleetrlc lights, gaa. -family -laundry, larger bafbr-mm, cement basement and kldewalks, located 3 blocks fr..m new east side high erhool tn the preltlcat a. rlence street. 'PrVe $4S. Inquire SIS Slark St., Chamber of Commerce. botMaKJ.. l a 1 1 oa. 4 I 7 v