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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21. 1907. 13 TODAY'S MARKETS SPUDS TO COr.lE If ERE Local Buyers Would Boost VaU lies Here in Order to Make Profit on Them.' r.: f. FIFTY-CENT RATE IS V EXPECTED FROM EAST Ordinary Stock . U Hot Moving, to ; Any liitent and Ban Francisco ; Trade .Advises Against Their Shipment. -. ' . .'' Principal market feature today i , -.' 'Jlere boost In potato market . . ' Minnesota potatoes to com bar. - Sugar market to take Blyhcr freight, j B laussene la ndvsutjcd iKalii. V Freeh aalmoa scarce and high. " Egga are dowa again. . Vary alow la poultrjr trade. j Grant Pas hop cleaned up. ' " ' Trad believe ealen' dangerous. ; ' , ' "Dealera Boost U Potato Market.''. ' Wall all conditions are perfect la the Pa rifle coast atate for high price la tie potato market., toe advance resorted by oealer due- . log too paat few dare bare beea muck Bur rapid tbaa ontald condition Justify, along f rout street Terr fin potatoes are feeing sold by commission as to the trad at (1.U3 per Hundred pound; thl belnt th eitreme limit for etock there. Tbeae potato are aald t - oe mute satiauctory to tne local . trade. A ' 'aale a two of potato baa been reported at country snipping polnta durlnc toe paat ' day at ll.aa,- but tbla la tha- axtrern high limit e far a th local trad toons. Tbla high figure wa paid only for fancy selected atock and there 1 only ona eeetlon la to. tat that producaa thla elaa ef atock. . Even la that district awt ( th sale are being mm da at from 11.10 to (I.2B per bandrrd pounds; the latter .being the high flgur for general Business. w. . , Onager t Grow re ia Boosting. To the producer of potatoe there I much danger at thla tlm In th boosting lnugu, rated by several of the dealera. It I known positively that these dealera bar beea very heavy' purchaser of Mlaneeota atock. They . war. purcaae4fnr -VUTfT--ttbe-tlaa "reneiaco or .fortlaud at $1 40 per bundrcd pounds. They ar bow trying to gnt a flat "rate of 50c per bandrrd pounds from Mlnne ota point to any Pacific coast city. , 'If tbe . boyra of this esstero stock gst tbetr boosting . blgb soough ser," ears a dealer,-- "they will keep practically all tbe local stock off tb -aaerfcet, 'tor uiudui. will sot sell when prloea ore going ap. It they succeed la that tbey . will divert tbelr Minnesota atock to Portland and will anload here while th Oregon pro ' eocer es loading for Mill further advance." : I r lea- Treacle Dealer' Oplnies, r- - A Baa rranrlseo dealer tha write a local r esnneetlon regarding - the potato alt aatloa, nnder date oT January IT: v "The market for fancy potato t ta very . fin shape. KtrkUly fancy atoct wiu easily bring l.H3.iT kandred pooads; bat for tbe ' off grade. ' do not see any great future. Arrleala of eastern potatoe hare beea quit heavy within the laat few daye, and tbey ar ' selling at fl.60i31.o0 . per hundred pound. ' Tneaa potatoe ar very ranch better tbaa tbe , ardlsarr ajrade of Ore gone. ,ao you eaa see what yon bar to contend with. We would "sviela. yoa-aot-to. Uk any chaocaa oa poor i stork, and whenever yon caa aell It at re, unable profit;.- there, w think 'It would be a good thing for yon to aell. . Ton take no Vhaneee onr the market tbe and you make r your profit ceetnla.' 1 Xgardin the Onion lituatloa. . ' The local oaloa atarket 1 qnlet with a Th Sea Kranclseo aiarkrt la thus eumioed ap - by one of th largest Clra there, ander daU f January 17: "Onion are doing a little better today. We sold car of Oregon for fl.Sn. Tbla ta owlug ' to the eery light arrlrals. W bs no eon Udenc la tb onion market .tbla fear. Orego baa a big crop, to more, and only a few juoniha to do It la, and w canoni see bow prices 111 go eery high. It I all right to tea ia few oaiona, and send them by boat; but do not go Into ta custom beaellr. n cannot see any big money la it, ana toon is a gooa fJlSOTi! 1 cbaac ta mak a km." . 4 Brief Bet sf th Trad.; ' ftlueetooe I . adTaaoced another He pet ' Bounds making tb aw price 9V., , , ... Practically all tbe bop la th Grant Pass district are now cleaced ap. Daring tb paat few- daye the fottnwtng purchase were made: Klaber. Wolf Ntter. lOObale at 134 lHc; Clem Bunt. 840 bales at 12rilil4e .. -Jstlla Una. 10 bales at lie. Th lots " ranaed In quality from prim to ebole. Kara ere down again today, eome aalea be , lag mad ee loar as !c. ' ' blegens eery slow With price nonllnaU Re - relpts bearler. Halibut la ap to te again. ' FYesh gaimoa acsrc end ap to 10c." ' steadier tea Is rallng la wheat and floor, eslih -elue anehsnaed. . - i Trad par the following prlre. te Front Street. Prices paid shipper are tea regular aommlsalota: . i ... OraJa, rioar aad reed. , ' . CBilS BACH Calcatta, He bnytpg prlrai elllna. gMj8ietf ' WHEAT New rlnb, )4ttTe: red Bnaadaa, 3c; blneetem, BS4JHMC: ealley. ode. CORN W hole, .KT.OTJ craeked. $28 00 per . A RTBT Keer Fed, I21.00 2.0rf roUeC . WJ WUM.W: brewing, (23.00e23.Mk , . BP: 1.6 per cwt. 0 ATA New Producer prlco No. 1 whit. ijti m. 27.00: gray, 2K.8O22.0O. ri.0l; Ksstera Oregon patents, tSi Straights. 3.S.l: eaport, 3.16; ealley, $3.0 .' ' graham. .a. M.&O; wool wheat, ry. - lint. gS.OO; bale. 12.70. M1LL8TTIFF8 Bran, 1 00 per toni mid dllnrs, ' 123.00: ahorts, coaatry, I1B.00; city, - 18.5o: dinp. iie.0Ojt21X. HAY Producer' nrlco Tlmotby, WUIamett valley,, fancy. 12oO13,00; ordinary, S.0 10.00; eaatera Oregon. I1T.OIIQ18.00; mixed, glO.ooeioMi; aloter, .00: grata, W-OOUSO; bet, vo.OO. I Batter, Egg aad Fenltry, ; TITTER fAT f. . b. ' Portia ad Sweet . Oil 1U erctn BUTTKB tblty ramry, 8et oatsMe fancy. 2 rttt. Iftc; storaae. tttfl: store. 1 71 1 He. EiiOS Etra fancy, candled,- KUX; local and eastern etorage. 27 He. tHKKHI! New roll cream, flats, HHOliei Toung America. ISUltle. rOlXlBYt.lT Allied chicken. lHc b: fcy bene, 14 lb: ronatera, old, I0H4 lie lb; fryer. llHe lb; broiler, ldejuc per U: old ducks. laWe per lb; spring isrke, ISH per lb: geese, 6'it(x- per lb; tnr keya, 17 per . lb for old; dressed, raacy, 22 see b(.qnab. (2.00 per dns: .pigeon. 11.00 par doa lres4 poultry 131 He per lb klgber. ,.- , Xopa, Waal aad .- Bide. - " HOPS lood crop, chotce, 13vc: prim to -' rbotco, iaitllke; medium Is -ii. . uZt: medi.iej, lOHCHc. WOOL lieu Up-r-Vallej. ,2022ei eeatera OregoB. 20a . , HOHAIB "'. nominal. -gHKEPHKINo Shearing,- IMJStV saebf short wool. 2A40c aiedtam wool, 0&7i eeck: long wool, 7ci0l.00 each. TAU-OW Prim. lb. sUfiee: No. I aad ... grea, 22He. . CHITT1M BABK-4HQT for eer lots; ma HIDS-.i iTy No. I, It lb aad ap, fgu. . 17 W. per lb; dry kip. No. I, 8 to IB lb, lee: grecalf. No. 1, ntider lbs, 13c; salted bfctee, ateera, sound. BO lb ind oeer, lOtlUo: aeme, . nHc: ataga and bulla, snail, J)Tc; kip, It t 0 lb. Be; calf, ond. amler IA Itie, II?; an, anaalted. I less) culls, le per lb l Horse hide, salted, eaeb, $1 2St l.Toi dry, each, ai.otl.ftO; solt bins, Xt'a:c: gnt kl, csjssioa. eab..l0ai6ci Aagora, each. SJVUI1. :-,4 . rrait aad g.taW. ' frTAT0 Baying prlc. eastern Mnltwe risk lekama aelen, l.2.itll.gA( fancy. Il.inei 23; ordinary, ft.Vsi1.00 cwt; sweets. No 2, JOtoc, buying pHee, KiJiti garlio, g.e per lt. . -- llLr'--r"ney noocl Btese' Mrnherg and Xeilest Mwtowos, l.iO; fancy WUIausIt est- SUGAR PRICE LIKELY ;1 TO SHOW AN ADVANCE . i no nw freight rat between d thla city and Ban Francisco go- d Into effect tomorrow morning. e 4 Toe new rats' on sugar la i cent per liuudred pounds over tha former ona ruling between the two cities anil, thla will In ail proDaDlllty t added to tha local value on sugar. Thera la no change In refinery prices. . d ley and souther Oregon, (l.toai.TS; ordinary atock, 7.Vm,l.X5. . KUESU KKul7 Oraagea. new Barel, 2 TRC I 20; Japanes. Ili banaoss, be per lb: Irmon. j.uu,.uo no; llrnea. aletiras (1.26 per luo-. pinaanpl-. (4 OutaS.OO pee doaen; grepee. lihlaga. 7.30 per keg; pears. fl.AOnJl.i-; Joi-in-, e..-, . pioea(iaa, a.ou per oa; poroegraastas, ll.MllM per boa; grap fruit, VunaTTABI.RS-sJnratpa, aewV sttejtfl sack; "n". -,. per aaisi oeeta, gi.xs per sack uregoa ranunea. 20 per dual -cabbage. Or-sn- 1-7V bell pepper. ( per lb: to mstoss. I22S; parsnl. ocCrll.OO: atrlsg bean. ISo per lb.; caallflowee, (1.30 per doaen: rsaa, lltej boreeradlah, PitflOe per lb.: artlchokea 1. 00 per doeeni squash. TVUI1.00 per box; celery, rallfuraia, :i.2irjJA.i pr crate; pump ll',;L.,'ijIHr: cranberries, (10 per barrel. J'lJ''--ISl'lia-Amilca aisTorstsa,- -,. ..I7,.. P"""". -Htr-Oe per lb; peaches; 12lHe per lb; aacka. He per lb leeei prune. to 0, bdiflc: He drop oa each 1-10 amaller sir; flga, California black. etiSH per lb; California white, jl.c per lb: datea. golden, (tt-Ml per bog; farda. (l.aotnll.AO par 15-lb boa. ' " Hnwm. aisva. , ... gT'OAm rltrnenl, a. t ' SI. es.K. (S.2THI powdered. 4.1H; berry. (4.B2H: dry "Ti o'r. ga.TZH; eonr. A, 4.V2HI utr B. (4.42H; goldea C. MA0 D jelh.w. 14.2. IA I beet -r.r.ll.,.,1 a nu Wester Cab. 5.j7v,j powdered. 13 12H; frynB,r,'"",,d' 2: P. Cm (4.A2H; eoaf. i. (4.02HJ eatra C, (4.42H gold C (4.A2HI D, rllow. (4 2JH! beet graaalatad, (4.72HI bblk, loc; H.bkla, 3cj box, o adrane oa sack Mboe price ar to days ant raah qnota- , HOSKT-IS.dO per crsle, . " COFrEB Package brabus. llS.MiBJlT.M.' SALT Coarse Half ground. lOOa. ( 00 pel ton: 60a, $l).ao; tabla, dairy. 60a, 118 00; lotis, f-I2: rV' Ji i Imported Ueerpoot. BO, lift. 00: lotia. 117. no, -j4. ai on, riT bbla, 2a. 6s, 10s, (4.ou;5.b0; Lrrerpool lump e--w ear voai svin reca, gw.uuj iwa. (Aboe DrfCeS Snnlv to aalea 1 then esr . Csr Ipta at special prlcea snbject t aB,t5 '"ifrtrt yepea; No. 'l, fc! Vo.' Hc; j. Orlcajnv head, ?cj AJas, e Crool. 8ic, e . BRANS-dmiall whit, (ft M: ' mrg whit. tJ.XA: pink. X80; bayoa, (A.701 Lluaa, i .iTaV Pee'ntitaj itrmbo. WCTeT TbrTlrgtBla; TH per lb; roasted. 10c per lb; Japanese. MU SHI roted7ta' He per 1M cocoanou, UCK4 r'r do: , walnuts, California. IS? per lb; rsocb, I6e per v lb; . plneaota,' lebc pee lb; bl' korr arm. lOe Mr ;ht ebe-rnnla. eaatern. ISttlrtc. per lb: Hraail nut, rv r " . ini-rro.. inc ner- id: user neeana- iNnzto Keats, riab anal Provlslona. FBE8H VIEaTS rront mnini. fmm . . i r ,Di Tw aura, se per id; ordinary, THibSSe ner lb: boot. ev; , f. S ei pw 1U, HAMM.-BACON. BTf L PWnia-efc kama. 10 to 12 lha. lH lb; 14 to la lb. 15. lb; 1 to 20 roe. IS He U: breakfast kcon, 14H20e lb; picnic. HHc lb: cottage roll, 12c lb; regular abort clears, aaemoked, 12c Hi; amoked. ISe lb; clear bark, anamoked. 12 lb; amoked. 13e Ibf t'nloa bo Me. 10 to 13 Iba. aa emoked. e lb: amoked. Se lb. clear helltea. as, -amoked. 13 lb; amoked, 14c lb; sboaldeara, 12 He io. picaieo fonguea, sue eaca. LOCAL LARIV Kettle leaf, . 10s, I8U Iht Be, laHc tb; 00-lb tins, 12H lb; tm Ten dered, 10, 12He lb; oa, 12H lb eompoaad. 10a, .SUo lb. ...... CANNED nALMOM Tolnmbl Hear, 1-tb raite.; l-lt taiiar gx.Tn; fancy, l-lb Hare, ei.uo: 4--ID rancr riaia. ill. tuner n. la (2.73;. ALnak tails, rink,- B3Q80e; red. (1X0 nominal. 2a. tall. 12.00. . riKii Bock cod. te per lb: flounder. Be per lb; halibut, 114! per. lb I crabs, (11 30 per dnrrn; atiipad baaa, 12He per lb: catfleb. 10c id; aalmoa. rreah Colombia rlrer allTerslde. Be; teUied, 10e per lb; herring, 8 per lb: aolea. e per lb: ebrimp, 10c per lb: perch, be per tbr-bbTMf Trod. T f Tb : temcbdV" Te per lb: alleer amelt, 5e per rb; lobster. Id per Ibi Irsab mackerel, se per tb; crawnah, (tie per doaen: etnra-eoa. lOe ner lb: b'ark baaa. ao na lb; Columbia rlrer amelt. 12He per lb. OVTEKS Rhoalwster bay. pr gallon. 12 23t per 116 1b ears, (4.2: oiympla. per gallon, (2.2B; per US-lb sack, $3.00 to (6.30. tSLAUft Hardshell, pet boa, y (2.00: rasae clasua, (2.(0 par box. - . Faint, Coal 00, Zbs. BOP B Pur ManlU. lt4ei standard. 18et lie. COAL OIL Peart or Astral Caees. 10H see gallon) water white. Iron bbla, ie pr gallon; wooden, 17c per gallon; headlight. ITlelag., eases. 21 He per gallon. . UAHOUNR Ml-deg eaa, 24H per gaUoa, Iron bbl 1 He per gallon. ' BENH1NB 3 deg. caeca. tS per gallo; Iron bbla. lH per gallon. Tf Rl'ENTINK In caaee. Me per galf weode bbte. twe per gallon. - - -- ' - WHITE LEAD Ton kit. T4 per lb sOO-tk lota, Ac per ID; lee lota, Ht per lb. WIBB NAII.K Preecat baal at W.tS.-- LINSEEIi OIL Par raw. In 6 bbl Ma, BOei 1-bbl lot, 68c; cases, bae per gal; gen a In ket tle boiled, caa, 0 per gal; 6-bKI lota. (4e 1-bbl lota. 66c er sal: wmuaA eaka. ear lota. M net to; kea tbaa ear lots, (80 per ton. PRACTICALLY A RISE : OF 25 CENTS TODAY Most Sales of Sheep Being Made at High Mark Others 1 -'. ' Firm. v'.;-'-'";-:''' rortland rnloa (tockrarda Jan. 24. Uts. stock recelpu: tTogs, Cattle. Bbeep. Today M 22.1 Week ago 220v lwrt .180 Year ago . 143 ITeTions year K While th trad la tb aheeo market la eery firm owing to tbe general light arrlrals tha trad la not offering oyer "He for beat stnft. iloweeer-nracttcally everything la now a.Hoa at tb blgbee figure. -Thle prectlrally mean rise of UHC lioga and eattl firm but an cbanred. All lines etrept cattle ftrm a year ago. Official llTcatock prices: . Hnra Bft eaatern Oreeoa. tT.00:' atoekaea nd feedera. (6.73; China fata, Soitij,7rv. , t attle Beat eastern Oregon steer ' (4.00t .2fi; beat cowa and belters. 13 26 8.nni atock. era and feeders, (S l.rn; bulla, 2.00. ewisep atwq, otaoe: wetnera, hc; ewes, (Ht6itc. ANOTHER DROP IN HOCS Chicago rrice. 5 to 10c lxwrr Cat- ' tie Ar Dull. ' Chleago, lan,' Livestock receipts: lines. I'sttle. flSeen. Chicago 1 M.(1 1 ran Kinase C.llr -r, 1 1 - 7 nun a nnil Omaha 12'H T.ono ,) Hog are B'illOn Intrec, with (.100 left nrer. Prlcea: Mlted. - (fl td.43: hTT. ( ! (KH: rough and kay, .iift.40i light, 0 - Cattle Pull. nheep Steady. t- WMir VAW frir ir wn Tt, -J, 4.Ootrrm fntnr eVfi to 10 ndlnt tin. Official quotation by Oeerbecit. BUrr i Cooke conipany: Jan. Jan. JHtk. Low. 24. ; TX .'. p . 4 pu " .JI P2A B5.1 42 frtT (7 B.'.l o PM fs 0H2 , M P-t 04.I b.-.T P4i bna iw n'- kM wv.1 p.m. , 1M7 ... VI 0." i .-.. p.-.J ; "2 imo MO MK) , V .Tsnnsrf . . . . o.ia - 43 , .... M 061 P'O' .... I". .... ; ..... 0"T .... tuO rtriary, March ... April .... Mar Inn ..... Jnlr ..... August piembet t Octnlier . . iMKeutker TOP 25 CENTS OFF Lower Prices Again Named jn . the Trading on San Fran J Cisco Market. . MINING SHARES LOSE MORE THAN THEY CAIN Bullfrog Mialng Loaea lOe In Price) From Previous Dar Good Gain I - Askett in Tonopah. Nevada Block ?.' Other Market Notes. '" J"" ' Oanclac. Jaa, 24 A look at tb net change In ealne on mining har will show qui in clearly that tha continued Urnildatloa la eostluj Jh jnl of moat mining ahsns ens raerable money. There Is a rumor thst many Inalueca ar IUng their haldluga, their atti tude soaring th public Into letting go of It shares. In th trading on th local eicbang today It waa th am atory that has beeu told for. several weeks leasee greater tbaa ad raucea. ' Tbs following net change compare today close with that of yesterday: . Losses Home,., fc; Jim Butler. 2Hel Mid way, 12He: Montana, 2Ho; Narth Star, 2c; West End. 6c; AtUnta, 8c; Columbia Mt., lOe; Jumoo, 26c; Jumbo exteo., 6c: Kendall, lc; Iguna, 6c; May Queen, ie: Bed Too. 26c: Snowatorm. 2c: National Bank, te; Orlatnal Itulltrog, lc; Con. Cal. Vs., 6c; Opblr, (c; Kx chequer. 4c: Montgomery Mt., be; Bceptra. lc: Nrlfl, thlmnVu. 1 . W ' 1 1 J , , . . ... . . j . , , , . , . . v,'ue-4iua wit, v , luioue, yc; rtuiirrog gllBlng, IOC. ' - (1.76 naked; kluebell, 2c; Booth, 2c; Oooqner,, ,., mauionnrieio, ic; Mexican, ec; csleaonla lc: Or sat Bend, THc; ttescus, lc; Great Bead erten., 4c: Mayflower, 7e; Bed -Toy exteu., Official . bid price by . Orerbeck, (tarr A t'OOk 150. Belmont ......"(S.aT'HIOMi. Cti. T,,.(1.00 Cash Boy .12 lOphlr' .......... ZKS Oolden Anchor . : .43 (Mrxlcaa ....... I.OB Horn .14 iCsledonia ...... . .71 Jim Butler ,.. .22H!r:icbeineg ...... .AS . MacMamar ... .84 IN or cross ....... .61 Midway ....... 05 li-ld Crown ... .IB Montana (.7-Hllireat Bend ... 1.22H North Star Rescue .20 Ohio r. , Tonopab ex. Nevada West Ba-r Adam ...... Atlanta ...... Bluebell Booth ....... Columbia Mt Cob Quarry . Dlamondfleld Rlk. Butt ex.. Montgomery lit .1 .no .17 '.M .It . .in .70 , . .2a ,1 - .87 .40 WttJM-t veptr " Manhattia ..... ft. Humphrey Dexter Cranny Gold Wedg .. Loo Star .... Gt. Bend ex. .. Dixie U- l1 field ... furoho ...... do extra ao oBx - .so--.1.1 - rreaeent '- owboy 10 Dearer nnx Black Bock .. .2 .11 Kendall . . guna ... -Aar-tjunew Mohawk . . Red Ton 41 X1 Manhattan eon . .95 tie Jo .oa .67 .19 -. IS -.37 .78 , .07 .29 .27 May Flower ... Sandatoru - Juinptrj Jacks.. Sllrer Pick 1.47H At. Ires ....... . .3 Nat. Bank .67 Vernal ,. " .24 Gold Bar ...... 11 rteo. 'ion el k... Mustang ouurrng at in. .. Trtangl ....... wouner O. Bullfrog ... .22 Melaway ....... .11 Ism Dillon Mo Nut BOBTOH OOrrEB lUlZEt.. Boston. . Jan. 24e Official bid mice: Ad Tentnre. (S.g7Hi Allouea. te: Arcadian. ,IU..'. , l I . 1 1 i I- , fit.M, , MIHIU-l, , v,e per ttsnre. iaiz west, gin: rranxiia. (29: Green Cos. (31.26: Massachusetts. (.7H: Mohawk, (91; Nerads Ron. (18.25; Old Domin ium, eoo, useeoia. . eioi.ov; .farroi, :. .n .00; rnoenix. ii.zr,: uuincy. iiu: Korai. gi.Mi: Santa re. eo.nvv,: Tsninracc. lijo.cxi: innity, (41: United Copper, (73.60; ftab, (73.60; Vic toria. 17.76: WolTerloe. sifw; c. 8. Mining, ld6.76: Tennessee Conner, Cabimet A Arizona," (183; Superior As Fltshurg, $22.87H Butt CnbLi.-(37: Apex. (12.60 WxandotUT (13.25. ... , trtrrrzit (tates Borauncon bovds. New Tork. fan. . Official price: Inst. Bid. Two. - reel stereo opt. do coupon tint. Throe- registered .......... Opt. do coupon , , Opt. Bmill bonds fours, registered .......... 190T do coupon IWT rours, registered .......... 102(1 do coupon 1925 Psnamn 2s , .... do coupon .... District of Columbia , Phlllppla 4 ""FAILS' TO HOLD RISE Chicago Wheat Market Drops W to fie m Bushel Today. ' ; BKLATIVl WHEAT TALUK. . Open. CVwe. Jan. 23. Los. January .744 ( .744 ( .7SHf I May ......... .79 H . .7HHB .79iZ , .00 July ,TH .7U .TStZa .00 September ... .7SH ; .78 H . .T8iB . AWV Chicago, ' Jan. 34. The greet gala In wheat ealnea yeaterday wa evidently too mack for th market to -carry, for Ik ton wa weaker her today despite tb adrane la. LlrerpooL Otfldat (3 notation by Crrerbeck. Starr A Onok compaayt WHEAT. ' . ' Open. High. Lew. ' Cloa. J as nary ....... T4' May 70 July 79 September ...... 78 CORM. May 4 July September .... 41 46 OATS. May July September ..... M ' 82 H MF.SS PORK. .1002 ' iwej January May ,.,.,. l9 ' ,....1867- ldt -LARD. Z July- January 922 922 May 940 ' 946 ' July ,. 94,1 . 947 . September ..... 962 900 KHIIBT RIBS. Jannary "97 . m7 May 905 910 " July 91 7. 920 - . rxntART PEA Of MOTDmrT.' Chtcago, Jaa. 24. Prlmsry receipts: lonsy iesr ago Bush. Bnah nrbeat 314.000 4W.000 ' 172'onn' S.15.00S 475.000 12 ooo 464.000 Corn .V. . . .". v' athlnmenta: Wheat ,., Corn 816.000 Total clearance: Wheat, 417.000 bushels; flour, llooo barrels: corn: (79.000 bushels; oat, 7.000 bushels. : ' , LIVERPOOL CRAIie MARKET.. Mrerpool. Jan. (4 Official srlrsa: - WHEAT. " -- ' ' Open, Close. Jen. tX Osl. March ...... As ! As 6'.d Hs a,d .. Hd Mar m M a 4S1 S.I July ......... As 1T9 "A ITU" a TH4 d COH. March ... .:. S 4 W 4a $it I Ud Chieag Caah Wkant. Chios ro. Js. 24 I'esk wheat: Va. red. I'.c: No. 1 red. 7it7c; No. 2 bero winter, 7.1H'THc: Ne. 8 bsrd winter. fts&I.V: j0. northern ir4ng.- l4: 2 sort! era spring, tsiUWci No. S aprlng, 7.V. , stew Tork-Londaa ' Sllesr. New Tork. Jan. 24. Bar alleer. ttNr: Loo- dos, 814)4. , .... ... Liverpool Ccttsn- Market, LlTernool, Jan. 24. t'ottua fuluma closed an- JUr.lOO-RED oft . .20 . B SO .20 OO .2S . 1 , .67 , 1.00 . 1.08 . .84 , .6 -....16. ... 1.60 .,. 4.l ... 1.95 ..... .69 i""it!oo' 4.oo .... -.73 Ask. 1044 lon4 104 V inftiZ 102 02i2 102V 10814 102VJ 100Z 101 li loo loul 12s? 2BiZ laj l.KIH 10.1 104V 10S 104 115 ioM 741. . T44 T4s H 79ii ' 7 , T"H1 ti . . 79 H T7Z -7ti !? T " It . T8Vi CORN.. . H 4L 4o 45'- ti . 4dH ' 4AH - 46 H 46 W 44 44 - St4 ' Mt(B 54 " (6HB 12. . 12 lAO 102 ISAfl J043 186 i66T - 92J J 25 9S7 . 42B 942 947 961 . 90A or - hot 905 P10 S17 ' -92CB akaagttj ta ( .peiau a , If the Pric Can Be Boosted High Enough Here Local Buyers of Minnesota Potatoes Will Make Good Profits on Eastern Stocks IS THE ATTRACTION Advance of a Quarter in Price of : Copper Metal Sends the . . , . Value Up. : CAfN TODAY NEARLY . . ONE AND A HALF Anaconda 'Adrancea In About Same . Proportion- Pacific Mall Has Un nsnalljr Good JUse In '"New ork . Market, , NET OAINS, Amalgamated Bugar ...... lH'IIllool ICentrnl ecowdg tt; Ivaty ........... ta Cesadiaa lis Nortbarn Pa. ..... H Pacific Mail ......It Cert. Lssther People Us Reedlna 44 nep. orsei . , Texaa Pse. Cheeapaaka . .... H southern rae. ..... H ... HIU. S. 8tal H .... HI -MET LOKSES, Smelter . Atchison . Bslttmora Brooklyn Erie LouUrtU MlaaonH pa. ..... H Nat. Lead ......... H N. T. OantrU Pennayleanla V Union Pad (la H An adeanc of Me In th prlc of copper metal today waa tb Influence which made Amalgamated Copper rla today. Amalga mated sold lea tbe regular dividend of 1H per cent and t pr cent txtr aukiiia the total i 3 per cant. i ' - .-. , . Official Cook Co. anotAtloa by Orsrback, Starr A DESCRIPTION, Amal. Copper Co....'... Am. Car round., eom do preferred.. Am. Cottoa OU. com... Am. LooomotlT. roes . , Am. Bugar, com....... Am. Bmelter, com do preferred Anaeond Mining Co... Am. Woolen, oom.,.,.. Atchlsoa, com......... do preferred , Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred Brooklra Kanld Traselt 114), 4H ioi 3 115 1I4H111RH 44 H lOlV i 52? ii ii5 21 ioiH SI 78 lli 74 H 78H 73H 182 H 188 1-2HI132H 148jl4h U 111 l 14H UHflltt i279H'24"4 tuvk 106 H OJ I 39 104MMi 117H 78H Canadiaa Pacific, com.. 1M laausi ijoauser, com. . .do preferred --. Chi. A O. W.. eom a 164. ChL, MIL It St. Paul... Bl... 1604160U I1i?r1!l.,j 160 lOU cni. t K. w Cbetapeak - Ar Oblo.- 62 H (H SK Colo. Fuel Iron, com. . Colo, Soatbera, com..... do 2d preferred. ..... do. 1st preferred. Delaware A Hudson...., Dearer 4c B. O.. coat... do preferred.......... Brie, com do Id preferred...... do 1st preferred...... niinole Central , LenlsTlll a NeshTille. Mashatun Railway ... Mexican Central By.... at.. K. T, com . da rrftr4... ,..... Distiller , Ort Northern Mleaoorl Pacific National Lead New York Central...... N. T, Oat as Wastsrn., Norfolk Went, an., do preferred ., North American 74 129 ssh' &ortbasraJael: 1 t Prf aw" Pacific Mail 8. S. Co.., Pn oar Iran la Railway.. 88H 89 186 1864, P. O., L- C. Co. rreaaea Kteei car, do preferred.,.,. Oft 99 Beaaing, com. 129)4 do Kd prererred..e ' do 1st d referred Rep. Iron At Hteal. com.. no prererrea. ....,,.. Rock Island, com....... do preferred..... St. L. B. r 2d pfd.. do let Dreferred St. L. 4k fl. W.. om.... tSH do referred Southern Pacific, com.. do preferred Southern Railway, com.. do oref erred ssh Tennessee Coal iron.. Texaa Pacific ToL, Bt. L. A W.. com. Aa neefei el HL'nloa Pacific, coat uu preierTSNS.......... TJ. S. Rubber, eom ao sreOTTed D. S. Steel Co.. com.... do preferred.... Wabash, com 4THI 47H! 471 10h 10 C loon Hi S I 17 H 16 H 174 4H do preferred Western Unloa Telegraph Wisconsin tn urai, com, . do Btwferred ......... 24 I 24 Virginia Chemical 80 84 Total aale for tb day. 609.400 aharaa. Call money closed st S per cent. Amalgamated Owner, ea-dleldsad al 111 w cant and, H pet cent extra. PORTLeyJD STOCK MARKET f a Very Bmall Trading Shown Purine the Sessioa Today. . Jnat 10 ah area of' (fork were sold ; an tha local eicbang. tbla being tb dnlleat day. There was. bowerer, a goad crowd present with bidding actrr. Tb aale waa 10 aharaa Am. elated Oil at (48.(0. , urnciti pnces: , v ' V tAWK STOCKS. . . Bid. Aak. iboi6 14AO0 120.00 Bank of California 843.00 Bankers A Lumbermen'.-. Merchant' National 1M.1S Oregon Trnat A Sarins 122.60 rorviano Trust in United State National fOO.OO BOXDS.7- City tr Snrtmrbaa 4a Colombia Bnathera Irrigation an, ..... Horn Telephone se. 1. C. Ie Co. As............... 92A0 0. R. JC Br. 4 99.00 O. W. P. A Re. As 100.00 92 60 95.011 6.O0 100.00 100.00 104.00 100.00 100 00 101 00 94.00 Paelfle Coe.t Biscuit 4 95.00 Amertcaa Biscuit 90 00 Portland By. Aa Souths-eat Lighting 6a....... M I W 'ELLA NEC PS STOCKS. Associated oil 4 loo 44.00 ooo T8 Horn Telephone 26 OO J. C. Lee Co S7.AO Oregon City Mill lumber.... 4 26 Oregon journal, prererrea ii.uai Pacific state Telephone....... 108 04 Portland Helghta Imp. Co..... ..... Pne-et Snond Telenbonc. ........ ... m on no on 75.00 Southwest Lighting .....,'.,,.. -equina Bay Telephone. ... .. .. 2a MIMXO STOCKS. . . Alaakg-Pstrolenm a rjoar....... ,ll 7 Blue Stone. Gold M. A M... 0H .14 .10 .00 .2(1 .(O British Colnmbl Amtlga lasted. .06 British lukoa ,,,..e, Caaeailla. , ..20, , PUIe Meadow , .08 field Held Trotter ............ .4t Great Northern .... .,!.., .01 H Hold 14 Lakerlew i,aeriew . . . . , .zi le'a Creek Oold , niu , .02 Mammoth- ...... -. - loli : .13 Morning .02', North Fah-vtew Oregon Secnrlfie ... Standard loneolldated .ia .00 .0 .09 .12 .14 . JW Taeom Steel I'nlted Placer Wasnongai Emniloa ......r.. ..... COKIB D'ALENB OISTBICT. BnllW , .0 F.nrke .02 H lepiier King .23 Msppy Hay W4 Park C.per , .07 fteindeer .... .....i.r.r.V.'...." .0 Hnowalio ..................... .12 (aewstora IM , .0'. ' .Mi .2 ."4V4 ,o, . . S.1C AmALBAHATED (10 IIM FOR RAILWAY TRAFFIC (Continued from Par Ona.) coma around for th bualn. Mr. Honoyinan. replying to q unctions from Air. Cotton, said tha routing of tha Rood waa .not raatrlctad. Tha (ooda cam from Indiana, Illinois, New Jaraey, New York, Michigan, Mlnneaota .and other place. Today thy ar getting their good a ovar ' tha Union Paciflo and tha northern llnea No mora do they oom via tha Bacramanto rout. Thy ar not ollcltd to eoma via BaoramntT Br Thomas D. Hontyman, head of tha Honeyraaa Hardwara compauiy, It waa howo for th Bovrnmart that ship mentg from AUantlo and central states were - prior to 1201 competed actively for bx tha Boutbrn Paolflo and Union lhwiina ooinpanlea, by rlral freight Franklin K. Lane. agents, but that atnee tha reported con sol Ida t Ion of tha Southern Paclno and Union Paelfle systems there 1 no long.r eom petition. Hl eyldenea brought' cvt th fact that while thera Is no long- 'competition the Bunet route for Portland buslnesa ta or from th east, thera Is very strong competition by the American-Hawaiian Bteamahip- Bnernnd other ships via tha Panama route and around Cape Horn. He eatd hla'nrm ahips -vary - largely - with - these veasela. X K. GUI' etrldeaca waa along tha aatna Una and tended to show that there la Annually an Immense tonnage moving from th AUantlo seaboard to Portland by the all water route and Panama, Controls Interior Oreg-oa, . It became apparent from tha Itne ot questions by tha government's attorney that ha Intends to bring out tha fact that Harrlmaa controls tha territory interlor Oregon for all practical purpose of preventing competitive railroad build ing and bottling up tha products of tha state with a view to reserving; them ror shipment 'over Harrlman railroad lines, while at tha same time competition in transportation rates snd sanrloa ia throttled. Edward Kewbegtn, manager for R. IS. Wade Co., said that prior to 1901 his house routed most of Its freight via Ogden and Bacramanto and thenoe via the Southern Paciflo to Portland. Ha aald they routed some goods via the IX a. R. O. and the Colorado Midland. and, soma of their shipments came via tha northern lines. , -' - Orearoa Sesorlhed. . , Tha witness was ssked by-Attorney Severance to describe tha central Ore gon country, Mr. Hahn having tn for mer year been a resident of ATine vlllo, where ha still has extensive live stock - lnUrastav Anr-0.R. N;""mal waa introduced and marked exhibit A. and with Mr. Severanoe tha wltneen went over tha territory shown la the map ., without rait transportation. . It waae- stated by Mr. Hahn .hat about 10,000 square mtles in central Oregon is without rail transportation, and that about 25 per rent of thla area Is adapt ed to the raising of wheat., barley, po tatoes and ether produota, He waa asked to state tha present occupation of the inhabitants and answered .that it Is chiefly livestock. Mr. fleveranoe'a questions brought out the circumstances of the building of the Columbia South ern, the announcement made at the Arllngton'club by Mr. Harrington that this road would be' extended, tha fact that It has not been extended but that on the strength ef Its reported exten sion four or five hundred claims were taken up by settlers In central Oregon. Witness designated Crook. Wasco, Klamath, Grant. Lak. Harney and Malheur countle as productive and ao ceaslble to rsllroad. bulldtng. Sot olicdtatl Wow. - j Henry Hahn, manager of Wadhsms It Co.. wholesale grocera, for II years, tes- tided that prior to 1901 bis house had been solicited regularly for freight shipments by rival agents of tha South ern Paciflo and Union Paciflo railroads, snd that goods for tha store cam over the Southern Pacific, Union Paciflo, Northern Paciflo and Great Northern railroads, shipments over tha latter coming via tne O. R. 4b N. Una from Sriokan. The 1 Southern Paolflo - and Union Paciflo at that time bad separate . ull-ll.., V. th. Mm. SAHKltAM A I the work for bot.t roads, and there" Is no competition that is apparent. Ia the evidence of Mr. Gilt. Mr. Cot ton showed that shipments via water lines from tbe east to San Francisco are there taken by the O. K. N. boata If)' Portland, in competition with th Southern Paciflo company. - Mr. Lane, however, drew out the fact that the through water rata from the Atlantic seaboard to Portland 1 made at. the originating point snd the last end of the trip la not competitive so tsr as rate are concerned. - Formerly Competitor. ' Thorns s McCusker testified thst for II years while be wss a soliciting agwnt for the Southern Pacific, or tbe so-called Sunset-route,1, the Union Paciflo route was regarded As the etrongest competi tor of tha. Sunset route for all freight butilnea moving to or from the east. He solicited freight for Portland from all polnta eaat Including Plttaburg, New Tork and Chicago territory. For eastbound business hs solicited Wllllamette valley bops, prunes, pota to, hide, wool, boxen and other com modi tie to go by th Sunset route via the gulf and the Southern Paclflo's wa ter line to New Tork end when he could sot get (he long haul he took business for the Southern Paciflo via the Ogdon gateway, ,wher It wnt ta tbs Rio Grande roads, tha Union Pacific and any line that auecended la getting a part of tha east bound hauL Thera waa no considerable lumber movement sat in t ho days. Tha hop output for the Wllllamett valley amounted, to .4,000 to lOOoo bales annually. j TJsod to Oe Boalneaa. ' ' "Our duty as Southern Pacific freight agent In thoae day a get nil the business we could for the Southern la, elflc long haul via the gulf and water lines, and If we could not get It ell we were to get It as far as Ogden. Thur were no Instructiona aa to what Un we should route thai bualneaa east it OgeVsnv'- eatd tbe wltnegs. ' "Some time after the consolidation of the Southern Paciflo and Union Pacific systems wa were called into a meeting by Ben CampbelL general freight agent for the O. B. AV N. Co.. and were told to solicit only certain lines of business for Atlantlo coast polnta via ' tbe . Sunset route. This bustneaa wa such aa the rates on eaatern roads would permit It to move via Sunaet route. On other bualnesg we were ta use our Influence In favor of tha IJnlon PaclftcBut we were not to attempt to force, the busi ness either way as against tha other route to tha extent of Jeopardising" the favor of the shipper toward our lines. Wa were not to solicit business for the Ogden. gateway, . This ' gateway was closed about that time." "How was that doner" asked Commis sioner Lane. ; . ; Beadjnstnuat Cam. - "I don't know Just how It waa don, but I presume by a readjustment or a withdrawal of rates via that . route," l tha witness replied. "It was closed for T" w Hh fitly lit r1 initioii i &TvitOTrrwt of the Atlantlo seaboard. In old times thera was a rate on the Southern Pa, ciflo from tha eaat that was 10 cent lower to Sao Francisco, and It enabled us to make a combination rate that would move freight Into Portland In competition with the Union Paelfle. But afterward these rates were adjusted and made uniform, t There was competition ia passenger ratea between all the lines. "Formerly wa tried to move Willamette valley wool via the Sunset routs to the Atlantlo seaboard. Thla wool went to th gulf, and by boat to Boston. - After ward It was -routed via the Union Pa clflo all rail route ta tn east form erly we solicited bos shipments from tha Portland Bos faotorlea to San Fran cisco for the Southern Paciflo In com petition with O. R. N. steamers.' i Tables of Shipments. , Re was recalled by Attorney Sever ance and asked regarding - tonnage movements from ' Cincinnati common polnta . to Portland. Ha aald business rrom ' Cincinnati territory, - Including whiskey, merchandise and canned goods, waa formerly solicited for the long haul for tha Southern Paciflo from New Orleans, to which point It moved over th Ta. A K or th-Queen "and Crnarcent routes. After the consolida tion of tha Harrlmaa lines : the . in structions to freight agents . were to moTA this buslnsss directly westward from Cincinnati, using tha Union Ps elflo and connecting .lln.s,. .. The hearing adjourned' to S o'clock p. nv, whea Mr, Cotton took up th examination of Mr. McCusker. It Is be lieved that tha evidence of McCusker will prove to be vital In establishing t h tr c talm thatth a Hai 1 1 ui ail eonaolldav- tlon of Southern Paciflo and Uwloa Pa cific roads Is a monopoly In restraint of; trade. : : .' - ' - POPE ATTENDS MASS , AND INVITES NO ONE Rome, Jan. It. Hitherto prominent catholics have beea ' especially prlvt leged to attend tha pope's dally mass ofJ1 Jfoelva communion at his handa ninon uie Deginning or in Tencn crisis the pope has mads It a rule to rise at ( o'clock and celebrate maaa In a privet ohapelr ta which nobody waa admitted.' Be then attends personally to French affairs and grants audiences from 11 to 0 Clock. Dr. Petaocl. the Papal physician, fears early rising In the bitter morning cold and overwork will tell on tbe pontiff's health, but the Utter lnalata that health comes after tha Interests of the church. Besides, he says, tha cold Is beneflci.-aj to his constitution, be having been used to U since boyhood. Seeing Rome cov ered with snow this morning, ho ex claimed! "I feel as If Z were at Tre iso." . - ,. - . ', . Russian City Bnrns. r -. 1 (Journal Special ferric.) St Petersburg. Jan.-1. The central portion ' of the ancient' city of Polota was destroyed by fire today. Cuban Chief on Trial. (Journal Special Service.) Havana, Jan. 14. Pogo, chief of pro vincial police. Is being tried, today for participating In the cockfight . HER MARRIAGE A SUCCESS V Tbls Is a picture ot the Duchess of ' Manchester, whose father. Kucone Zimmerman, tha Cincinnati rail .road man, declares Is a living, proof of tha fallacy of the Men that the marriage of American girls with titled KngllBhmen U not'esarlly doomed to failure. Ila declares that his dati,!Her U j,er fectly bapyy. AiarpsrifEitTfl. V'aVThe TclIIi Th.stre Tonight. :l(l s'Chvk. KrMae aad Ssturday . Mgbta: Special fries Matlue batnnur. Th Uowaatt Cauile Opera, RED FEATHER With tb Fascinating Prim Pnaaa V- Cberldah Simpson (0 People 40. Aagsaeated Orrbwtra. ' Prstty Clr la Catchy Mule Tua. , ' '" Brenleg Prlcea 2S t (ISO. Ma tine 244 to (1.00. . Beat Sen log at Tbeatr for Eagageasent. Daher Theatre Phone Mala 190T. Oregon Theatre Co-, Geo. U Bkr, Mgr. r BPPCI4L KNOAflEMENT. MOVSAT, TITE8DAT AMD WtDWIABATg niaHTS, JAM U ART SA, It AKO (0, .. -. Eitra Matinee Wednesday, Jan XcMUlaa Ord way's lew risy, . , "OREGON" A story of th Old Kailgrant Trail, prasentad by th Incomparable Bahr Tbeatr Stork Coos- ' psnr, staged snder ta direction ef John. Raiupolla and Arthur Markler. Aagsaeated east., rleenery by William tir.Karh. PRICKS POB THIS PBODLCTIOK KlCHT PRICKS: Lower riosr Parquet and . lena. (l.BOl Parauet Circle, (I. Balcony Klrst 4 rows, toe; next S rows, 80. Gallery-. "25c. Boa Heata. (2. MATISEfc Entire Lower rbwr. (Oe. Balceny . Klrst 4 rowa. 29c: next 8 row. 10.. .. bEAT MOW SELLING. BaKer Theatre i Phone Mate MOT. Oresoa Theatre Co tin - Oeorge L. Baker, Ma sags. Rom of tb Psmous Baker block Coapaay, trery Mght Thla Week, tb Startling and) riTsewna o--eM.. . HOW BAXTER BUTTED W." . - ' . A great New Vorh mualral fare remedy n ees. Direction Arthor Msckley. Matinee gas antsy. - , Erenhig Prices 2.V, Vie. ' BOc, - Mattnee ' 15c. 26c. Has Week, 'regan. ' , EMPIRE THBATRB Mats 11T. Mllto W. Sssmsa, Kaaager. Playing Only tb Btatr-Hariin nsstera - Attractions. Tonight. ATI Thl Week. Matlbee Wednesday and Saturdsy. Big Scenic Production, , "THE MIDMIOHT ELTEB." Is Poor Act and Six Scene, rie Big , Specialty Acta. , ' , Begular Empire Prlcea. ' ; ' I aText Attraetle, ''01f T0S0.' LYRIC THEATRE week BEonrrao JAETJABT IL Tbe Pulse of KewYork"" I Boa office scan fpiaar ta a.ti a .floats eaa be taaarrsa y poosai Mala 44SS, STAR THEATRE Week ef January 21. Telrpkon Msln 4404, . Tbe Alien Stock Company Preaeat 7- "DAD'S QIHU" - - Tn Fmo AaaM Priley 4mdy-tlrMr Matins Tuesdays, Tkarsdsys. Satnrdaya aad Sundays t 2:30 p. m. Prlc 10 and 2c, Erery e reelng t iclA e'ekws. Price 10c. 20 , nd Oc. t hyAteirpnnn; lJ-ej The Grand Bnaa E en sen Ceaw. "Hauls Beta's Advtoa." ellae Clair Kayaara . Maaollta. Ximkeil Bra. ' Xauffmaa later. ' HsralA Hoff. Vaudeville 4 Las. Martynne. Th Parisian Mirror Lianrer. Positively . ; (aoo Act,.,.. 'Jailbird, a Haw S , Tlw.- OAKS RINK TONIGHT Fourth Race ADMISSION 10c : skates; 25c TRfECT riTCUARANTECD -$l,f : EXPERT; OPTICIAMS METZOEROCO. Ill SIXTH S! MfAr WaAMINCTOM ,.-.eW o., FOR WOMEN OflLY lit. Sandereon'a Compound Pavtn and Cotton Root Pills. Th lt and only relishle remedv for DELATED PE RIODS. Cxr th mot ob stinate caes In I to 10 day. Prlc It per box. mailed In plain' wrapper. Ad drees T. J. PIERCE. IX O, ill flrot treet. Portland. Oresron. ' 1 . ' ' I WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M A. OUNST a CO.. WSTamrToits or pins cioais. P0RTLAiD. ORBOQN. 8HERK. OAZB a GRARAM f tne.) -Oommleelo merctianta, noher ef frnlta, proouoa, t. eonalfnmenta solicited. 123 Proat C EVKRDINtl A r ARRftf.L. ro4e mnA Silas to merchants, 140 Proat St., porUaaa. Or. fbon Mai ITS. 0RB0O? ri'PNITURB MAirPACTt'RlfltJ CO. Mansfactarer of furnltar for th tr. 'J"Portlal. Oreyoa. . WADMAM A CO.. srlMleeal BT-c-rs, anaee. . faeturers and csmSiUalsa saercssala. Pvuith anA Oak era. Pl'RNITI'RS manofseturtn anA special or-..,. L. Rurensky farnltar factory, ml Pri.nt ... Al.l.St A I BWIS, ewatMla se t ee1-. Cheat A Pront an lvs ate., lori.,, WMOI.K8AI.P! er-Sery sn.l t fl-rele s rv. inn to V V" POSTXAWD AIT STAT r V ' i '"!":!"" !' f;,ln tc1,r ... n.i.fleea t.t.r . iau,ua jsr