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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENIIre, JANUARY 21, ,12 i National Association Exhibition in New York Is Greatest . of All Events. - EXHIBITORS DISPLAY v KEEN SATISFACTION Two Hundred and Slxty-PlTB Firms . .Ami Displaying Their Particular Ktvlc at the Annual hbo- American Car Attractive. ; Jlful M1a1 Sal lift .1 New "Tort.-an. ThaNatlonal Automobile Show of th Aasoclstlon of Ucne4 -automobile Maaufacturar at Madison Squar garden ha been un- auestlonsbly ths nmt successful (now vr huM In Amedlca. .Whlls It la a moot nolnt. whether from a spectacular etandpoint this year It la, up to tha standard of last rear, there can be no question that In the matter of atten- flivr M"if,n rtnne me snow in s (OTnrA breaker. After all thla la 'the . -main point with the manufacturers and -' ao everybody - at thla wrlllnf tlta 1 happjr, for the altuatlon proroiaee a re markable year. The weather during- the week haa not been Ideal for enow pur poaea. but thla doea ,not aeem to af fect the popular Intereat nor the en thusiasm. There are tfS exhibitor at tha ahow, of " which ' about it exhibit vehicle, nearly all pleaaura carrl. It la the ' opinion of expert whe viewed tha ahow that while there are not ao many nov elties aa baa been the .caae In peat' hows, the Idea of refinement haa been more cloaely atudied and haa reaulted in good In many cases. The following . atatiatlca are furnished by tha manage . w. mcnt:. . . . ; . r i- -i '- Soma of tha Car. '. There are lit four-cylinder American gasoline cars, 10 foreign and thre . American commerclaL Altogether there are 10 aix-cyllnder cars, of which six are American and four European. There are five two-cylinder American , cara. no foreign and two commercial. Shaft drive - la almcat twtca as atrong as chain drive, there being 111 shaft drlv- en and (1 chain driven cara The per centage of chain driven cara la greater on the foreign -side of the house than . on the American. Leaving asld the - commercial - vehicles there ' are 101 Amcrlan shaft driven cars snd 10 Bu- - ropcan shaft driven cara Of the chain - - driven -cars -Js-ara-American -and t 4 .. Kuropea.t. 1 electric pleasure cars are shown and 11 electric . commerciala There ore seven ' gasoline commercial cara Care with two-cycle, engines, are represented by the company which has el way a been "lhDneatrong exponent ' of thla construction. FEWER PEDDLERS AND " -MORE CLEAN STREETS ' Elgin, Or.. Jan.- 14. The Elgin city council has passed an ordinance raising the license of Itinerant peddlers rrom II per day to IIS. Another ordinance re quires property-owners In the business district to remove snow ana ice rrom the sidewalks within 24 hours after It falla, . a '- . ' " Ten-Inch Ice at Umatilla. . F-fterisl JUspetek . Tb Jearaal., t'matlllai Or., Jan. 14. The Ice on the Columbia river has been frosen 10 inches thick along the banks, extending Into the river about 200 feet. This I -the thickest Ice for SO years. ,u Many of the residents are putting up Ice. The O. R. N. Co. Is filling its warehouse at this place. It holds 250 ton a Constipation Easily Cured In 1 the Privacy 1 of Your Own Home Without Medicine. Sea Tree Oonpoa Below nor. t. x. kzdout, Ooastlpstlon Bpeeialist, lavsntor of th Sragleas Ooastlpatlo Oar. V. Without th use of pills, purgative or drugs of any kind, I ran snd do curs the worst caae of ehrnnia constipation -cure them to stay cured and restore th patient to a state of health and hepplnees, such a they had never known before. I csn cure conatlpntmn, no matter how bed tt Is. 1 can ahow yon how to cur yourself right In your own bom without the use of drugs. Constipation Is cured for all lime when cured my wsy. Fill out free coupon below and msll todsv. ' rEH COTTFOaT. Fill In your name and nddrea on dotted line below and mnll to Prof, T. II. Srflrtsley, Mtdsley Klock, Kala mnsno, Mi h., snd by return msll he will tell you how to- cure constipa tion without modiclne absolutely free. NM1I. Aiimnnnii PQiini UU IUWUUILL UIIUII BIG SUCCESS m (i C. I Consumption is Not ' Hereditary A Common Error Refuted The tset that consumption Is 'fre quently seen to run In families ertves rise to the general Idea that it la heredi tary, but thla la erroneous. Weak lungs can be hereditary and where they exist consumption la likely to follow. Con aumptlon Is produced by a germ, wnicn all persons frequently Inhale, especially In cities where duet Is flying at all time It la in weak lunga that the germ finds a lodging place, soon multl- fles and starts Its work of deseroyjna he mucpua raembrana A bad cold or cough creates- an Inflamed condition or theae membrane of the pulmonary or. gana and affords the germ an opportu nity of taking hold: whereas the healthy lung will quickly throw it off. A promi nent physician from the Philadelphia Clinic, who conducted the successful ex periments with pine for treating pul monary troublee and who for eeveraJ years maintained a camp In the heart of the big pine forests of Maine, saya that for stimulating tne growtn ana uru eplng the respiratory organs and bron chial tubea there la -no equal to the oil obtained from the plnea of the East. ITe waa the first to prepare a truly soluble oil of the pine and he claima by Us us all the advantages of a pine fotest camp can be had at borne If the patient; will adhere to the treatment and take plenty of outdoor exercise, meanwhile culti vating the habit of deep, full breathing. The form of pine that he uaea is known to the medical profession aa "Concen trated" oil of pine and Is to be found at, every good prescription druggists. Care should he taken to set the real article. which cornea put tip for tnedlcal .use wryTtron ounce bottles, enclosed In small round acrewtop cases which are Intended to protect the fluid from change, of at mosphere. The original formula used Is as follows , "Two oiihu of elveerlne, half ounce Concentrated oil of pine and a half-pint of flrst-clasa whiskey. 11 snouia d thoroughly shaken and used every four hour In tablespoon doses." He cautions asainat the oil sold In bulk snd patent medicine sometimes put up ia-wooden boxes snd ualng a somewhat similar name. They are harm ful and have bad results instead of be ing curative. - - ! Thla mixture will check and often completely ours an acute cough or cold Inside or twenty-rour hours. PORTLAND KEKNEL CLUB HEETS THIS EVENING Annual Gathering of Directors and Officers Will Be Held in Justice Reed's Court ' President J. Wesley Ladd lias' called a meeting of the Portland Kennel club member. Xo. thla evening at .o'clock. Tha gathering will be held In the office of Justice Reed, in the , Alnaworth building, and It 1 the wish' of the di rector that every member Of tha club frfLjraent order tn participate 44 the important business that - will be acted upon. The principal business thfit will come before the meeting will be the election ef seven directors, who will Immediately select officer for the year, it Is a foregone conclusion that Mr. Ladd wHl ;wA Mmarlf nm nreslrtent. Marry I. Corbett aa treasurer and frank E. Wat- kin a secretary. The new bylsws are now In fore and they call for the two form of member ship, the activ member paying $6 per year, the associate II per year. The associate members ha v a, vole In every matter but In voting for di rector. Tjiouesuonrsaidinartne annual bench show will be discussed this evening; and steps to tnak the ar rangemens win be decided upon. It t quite Uktfly that thla year' bench show will be held In April, tn line witn tne shows at Vancouver (British Columbia), Victoria and Seattle. San Francisco will hold a show thl year, the earth quake last year knocking out It last season's exhibition. - DRIVING CLUB .111 HOLD ITS ANNUAL MEETIH6 ...-...- - Riverside Association to Select .Seven Directors and Oft J - ficera Tomorrow. The annual 'meeting of the Driving " : association -will - b - held to morrow evening 'In the office of the Rural Spirit At this gathering direc tor and officers for tha, coming year will be elected. There I some talk of a pleasant rivalry being waged for the presidency f the club, but this can net be -verified,', as the probable candi dates refuse to commit themselves be fore the meeting. ' It Is stated that Henry M. Tillman, who haa been aec retary.of the assoclstlon for the' past fire . year. ' will retire, preferring to let some on else take a share of the hard work that the office Involves, f"xul Dick, an enthusiastic horseman, is mentioned as a candidate for the sec retaryship, it 1 rumored that Dr. Em mett C. Dralie I being ;ut forward for president to succeed A. C Lohjnlre. POPPIES TAKE THREE ' .'FROM THE ORCHIDS The. two team of th Flower league that played last night were popple v. Orchid. Th latter . team waa abort two men Newberger . and . Swarts which ' handicapped the team from the very start of the schedule. Th Poppy team . worksd : well together, totaling l.t2 plna . Kalk , secured th highest single game, t4i;aalso high average, 15 The scores; .LliT. .".-n. - poppies. ' :: .' - 2 ' IBS 14S : 121 (1) Ave. 112 111 11 l5 245 lit Stammer ........ ltl Ile ! Kalk . . Id J Totals . ........ i9 472 ; Grand total. 1.6S2 plna .-.- 10 ' ., ' ORCHIDS. ' ' " (l) (2) (11 Ave. Howard:V '.. . . . . .;"12 14 I4 14 Tonight the Oregon Grape and Oolden Rodf meet . , mtn-Fos Wedding. ' iJnarnal special frrrini.) ' Phllsdelphla. Pa., Jan. 14 Two of Philadelphia' wealthiest and most prominent families were united In the wedding today ef Osorge W. Elk Ins, Jr., and Mis Natalie C. Fox, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb P. Fox of Ogonta. Ths ceremony was performed ta St. Paul'a Protestant Episcopal church of Cheltenham, In the presence of a large and fashionable assemblsg of society folk. The wedding we followed by a large reception at '.'Bethallyn," th horn of th bride' parnt at Ogonta, . SQUIRES WILL BE GIVEN CIMIICE Australian Will Have an Oppor tunity to Make a Fortune In Six Months. " JEFFRIES IS HOLDING OUT FOR AN IMMENSE PURSE Promoters' Think That , 'BUT' and O'Brien Would Make- Battling Good Match Burns Would Not Be Opposed to a Meeting. . V' (Jaargsl gpeHsl gerviee.l Los Angeles, Cal, Jan. I4.B1U Bqulres will be given a chance to show what Ind of championship caliber he is . mad Of when he comes her before any. big club hangs up a $40,000 or R).000 purse for Jeff and Squires according to present lndk-atlona . . JeK positive refusal to accept any thing less than 3O.0O0 win." los or draw, for a battle with the Antipodean and th VryTvtafnTrark of enthusiasm en the part of vn the most sanguin promoter to hang up a purs commensurate with Jeff desires,, make sr meeting between the alfalfa specialist and th Australian a matter of much oueetlon.. However, Squires Is to come over "her and the plsn of Msnager MoCarey Is to stage him wllh Jack O'Brien ana Tommy Bums and then, give htm a chance to meet Jeff If he puts these two likely heavlea away In anything Ilk champion ship form. - - . -- McCare? Is waiting the arrival of the husky boy from Australia before talking purses to him. but n naa nrmiy oeier mlned to go sfter such a match and both Jack O'Brien and Tommy Burns have expressed their desire to'- se whst' th man from' across the Pactflo can do. A match between Squires and O'Brien would be a good match, and If It la made there will be aome lively bidding for It, aa the Nevada promoter ar not going to let the chance slip away from them to stsge the fracas if they can help it. Tt 1s likely, therefore, that Squires will profit more by not meeting Jeff right sway ' than he would by tackling the chamDlon of champions. Should Squires really show up ss well as reports wouiqi . . . havs him annesr he might whip Burns i -fand O'Brien and thereby annex tha long 1 ena or tne iwo very luuaiariiiai puim. then he could fight Jeff and gather In the loser's end of a nice, fat lump of gold coin, for not even his Australian friends allow him a chance with th big 1 fellow. ' " " " ' '; These three fights, which Squires csn pull off inslds of six - months, would make him Independently-wealthy should he win the two and gather the abort end-of -the third, and b -eould rettr to Australia with a well satisfied con science of having don "pretty bloqmln' well In Hamerlca." " ' ' - Such matches would b rational and good attractions, and would discount th ridiculous cross class matches that ome of th promoters In their eager ness to promote something hav been suggesting of 1st. ' ; , ., ., - ',', , . THEN0H6C0UUimE MAKES SELECTIONS George McMillav H. CJf Camp bell, Edgar Frank,' E. E. Mor . gan and J. R. Rogers Chosen Th nominating commute.: of .the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club rrtade It selection, for, director yesterday to be voted upon at th annual meet ing of tha club, which la scheduled for th second Tuesday In February. The men named by th committee are: George, McMillan, H. C.. Campbell J, R. Rogers, Edward K. Morgan and Edgar Frank, There haa been considerable speculation for some time regarding who should receive the nominations and tha announcements will be eaaerlv canned y th' member. Th gentler men , named are enthusiastic club men. Whether or not there will be an oppo sition ticket It not known. The selec tions of the nominating committee are usually ratified by tha voter. The member of the nominating com mittee were: A. B. McAlpln. H. H. Montgomery, Irving Rohr, Bert Allen and Mr. Blackstone. . NORTHWEST LEAGUE HEN GATHER IN SEATTLE New Circuit Will Be Sejected at r a Meeting Scheduled for - -v Tomorrow. -:-.-,S (flpeelel Dlnpetrb ta Tha Jonrsil.) Seattle, Wash., Jan. 24. Eddie Qulnn of Spokane, Rues Hall of Butt and W. II. Lucas, president Northwest Base ball league, arrived In thla cltylaat night from Spokane. Lucas left for Vancouver, B. C, to confer with base ball men there, leaving Hall and Qulnn to look up matter with Dugdale. Lu cas said the circuit would be decided at a meeting Friday. Spokane , and Butte representatives are already here snd all other towns will be represented. "If Portland wants to Join us ws will make them welcome," ssys Lucas, "but we don't hav, to -hav an Oregon town to make the 'circuit." . BURIAL OF INDIANS ' BURNED AT AGENCY (Mpeelsl Dlstiatrb to The Jenraal.t -Pendleton, Or., Jan. 14. The remains Of the live Indiana who wer burned t desth In the Umstllla reservation Jail Sunday morning were burled with con siderable ceremony and many tribesmen were present. The bodies of Henry Cook and Went-pa-ya,- the Tsklma, were hurled In the Presbyterian ceme tery. Rev. Comellson conducting the service. The other thre were Interred In the cemetery near th agency." ' Arrangements ar now being msd for 'potlatchea, at which the Indians will fenst snd distribute tha effects of the dead men. Numerous article, of value from an Indian standpoint, wer left by Henry ook. Ill potlatch and that of -A'ent-pa-ya hav been deferred until Monday, when It I expected aom Yakima brethren will be In attendance. GOLF CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS i John C. Ainsworth Is Chosen President of the Waverly v Association. . CHAUNCEY R. WINSLOW IS ' v SECRETARY-TREASURER Director Meet at Arlington Club and Make Selection for Coming Tear -fPlan to Be Laid for the P re servation of tho Greens. ' , Th recently elected directors of the Waverly Golf club held their first meet ing yesterday afternoon at th Arlington club and chose officer for th coming year... -r-; : -. The new officer are: President. John C. Ainsworth; vice-president, W. . L. Brewster; secretary , -and treasurer, Chauncey R. Wlnslow. .... Th officers will begin their duties at once. 'In speaking of th club In general, the past year and th future. President Alnsr nstastti Ainsworth said: "Th golf club 1 In a prosperous condition. It revenue ar Increasing snd the property Is becoming mor valuable every. year. There I a movement on foot now to hav the "green" .watered during the' aumraer montha, la order that the beauty of the link may remain In fine condition the yesr around. Th scheme l under the supervision of Director J. O. 8ykes, and he Is giving the matter hi personal at tention. Th method proposed will In volve an outlay of between $1,000 and tS.000, and the chance . ar that th scheme will be put through, providing the'expens will not b too heavy." . Mr..Alnworth also stated that - th Customary committee would be ap pointed within a few daya. In order to take up tha work for th coming spring tournaments. It Is expected that a year of great activity await th golf play er of Wverly. v. " . ' The directors who attended th meet ing wr C. fm Swlgert, J. C. Ainsworth, a u. Mills, w. i Brewster, Kicnara Koehler, Frank H. Ransom. TV B. Wil cox, J. O. Sykes and C. R. Wlnslow. TUICICC DftD CTODC 1 1 i k. ( wo nuu oiviib AND STEAL RAZORS (8pselr THspateh t The JoorntI. Little Falls, Wash.. Jan; 4. W, H. Weaver, merchant, on entering his store yesterday, - discovered "that -thieve" had entered during the night and stolen merchandise to the value of 1150. ' Sev eral watches and articles of clothing wers among the missing tMnga No trace-of th thieve has been- discovered. The barber shop of Bob Miller had also been entered during the night and 11 hi best rasors were taken. A skel eton key was used fn entering th shop. ' Hallway Engineer Meet. - (Journal BmcUI Banfrev , Montreal, Jue Jan. 14. Chiefs of th engineering department of many of th leading raiiroaoa or tn united Bute and Canada -gathered In thla city today to attend a meeting jsf th board of directors . of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way association. The principal business of tha meeting wss the arrangement of a program for the annual meeting of the association, which will bf held: In ChF cago In March. - - r AT THE THEATRES 'Red Feather" at HeUlg Tonight, Beginning toalcht st g:15 e'clock snd eoa tlnalng Friday sad SarBrday nlgbta. with a sperlsl-prlc anttnee Satnrday aftersooa. the fasetnsting prima . donna, Cherldak ghnpssa. supported by excellent esst, e boras sad sssniented orehestrs, wtll preeent tae rsstsntle esmle epsra. - "Bsd Feather." at the Helllg theatrs. roorteentk and Washbifto streets. Saatsj are sow eelllBg. Beat Bale "Sergeant Kitty." The edrasce sest ssle will ope toarorraw nwrnlng, Jssnary 2B, st tlw bos office of tlx Helllg rhsstre, roorteenth sad Wsshlnrto ttraeu, for the dslnty lyric prima 4mbs. Helea Rrnm. la ihe salutary comle drama. "Hvrtesnt Kitty," whlrh eoraes ta ths ssors theatre aeit sesdsr, fanoary 2T, ror ss encasement of foor slants. The msuferaent of tbls great cemle npers snereM gas mixed all the nartsssii to gredleBts aemaBded by (be erttlcs, sot (or gtttmg the pretty girls for the cboms. "How Baxter Batted In." " Baker patrons sre rsrelltng I musical fares esmedy this weak sad fairly Isagbing theat selTss sick ever the sdrmtnres of ne Irre pressible drammer. Bill Barter, erne' "batted ta" a lot of family tmables sad prorscO,! te mske them sll rlgbt. Tsere sre sum moalesl nam hers gslor. Mrs, (Inter sad color. Mstune Sstardsy. Oregon" Net Week. BTeryon Is Beginning te wonder what "Ore gon," wlU be like st the Baker Best Meoday, Tueadsy sad Wednesday It Is a dram ef the famoas el "Oretoe Trail" of early lonee days, snd deals with the tree life snd ad res tarts ot those great pathmakers te eoontry. One matinee Wednesday. "The Midnight Flyer." ' Tonlxht and ill th rest of thla week "The Midnight Flyer" wlU continue te be the Em pire's attraction. A railroad plar with great motmtiln scenery, a lonely telegraph station la the Adirondack snd tbs faat moving train, together wltb many etber aorel snd startling streets. It ksi proved a record breaker. , '; "Yon Yonson on the Way. ,' Kelt (tnnday afternoon la th time, snd tbt Empire, the bom of ell tb gtalr-Hsrlla rosd sttrsctkms. Is tb plica where lb eelebrsted "Yon TonsonV will make bis appearance before his nnmeroos Portland frfende, snd thnas thon ssnd eager te make friends with him. ' Get peer sests new, . J The Pnlae" at Lyric. ' Paver bare Keating a flood produced snek a great melodrsms with so many start Mac mechanical effects aa they do this week Is "The Pnlae of New Verk." - It Is something sew m tha 17 ay of thrilling play snd tb rente artist bss prepared 10 complete sata ef scenery for th production. "Th Pnlae nf Mew- Vert skews light e tbe-daagers ef a greet city. Btrong Prama ad Star. la the present pjay th All stork eon pane at the Star theatre has a bill which Is cert a Is of makln a hit. "lMd l Uh-I" Is a strong comedy drams, with a eels for a eoewdlenne whlrh glres Mies Versa felt on aneseelled opportunities .to bring tears snd smiles. The pkK Is fall of fcamss Interest ssd st so time or It dreg. Grand' Bpectarnlar Act. Real vasdevlll la toned at the Or ad. where n sll-atas bill Is being presented with th great Mirtrma ss the baedltner. Tbls f'arletan mirror dancer fcss a beautiful and snectaenlar art. The effects prod need by -tha aid ef sine fn II length plats mirrors sre remarkable and mrtlrlnsv The ayrne-Kenyoa foar- farnla fa sad me! elody la a rural comedy sketch. DIRECIPRiaARYin IVASHINGTdn Several Bills Introduced - and -law Is Likely to Be Passed. '' Q . '' LITTLE ACCOMPLISHED i SO FAR BY SOLONS Seek Harmonious Law Between Idaho, ' Oregon and Evergreen Bute Local OpUoa BUI, Again Befora Legtslatore. A fgoartal Dlsnstrk te Tha ' Journal. - Olympla, Jan. 14. On matter which 1 receiving considerable attention 'In tha-rent leglslatur Is th astabllsh- lag of closer - relations between " the suite of Washington, Oregon ana Idaho, and mor harmony tn legislation than Aa existed In th past. Already a Joint commute from th house and ssuat haa bean appointed te confer with a similar committee from thV Ore gon legislature relatlv to all matter ofmutual tntereat tQ thJwg ftate jiiid to frame bill which may be introduced In both legislature.. They wtll also agree upon Joint memorial of tb two legislature to congress on matters of special interest to the northwest. Idaho will b Invited to nam a alml lar committee to meet with thos of Oregon and Washington . Arrangements hav been mad whsreby copies of bills Introduced In th Washington leglsla tur will b sent to ths legislator of th other state, which will reciprocate by furnishing a copy of thlr bill to th Washington' body. . " JUttmret AooomjpUsh, r But little bustneaa haa ben trans acted by th leglslatur, only two bill having reached their final passage, both being emergency appropriation 'bill which war handled In coram It te of th whole. None of th referred bills have been returned to th boua or aenat from th committees. ., Th "insurgent" retain their eomplat control of th sanat. their organisation being so strong that there la no chance of Its being broken. . The old timers hav yielded to th inavltabl and ar showing but llttl. ir any, opposition. although trouble I likely to break out again at . any time. Bo long aa they ubmlt o taking th ahort end of every thing harmony will prevail. , Th house 1 beginning to realise that It overreached itself in - cutting down ths number of employes and that ss soon aa business . becomes brisk the progress of - tb legislator will b han dicapped toy lack of help. - Bom of th committee clerks ar assigned to do work which In past sessions kept two or thre men boey, and in many cases will-1 compelled . to work.. Iroin u to IS hour a day te handl what la x-. pctd of them..,. - - - - Tor Xlrot Frlmary. - v -Several bill have already been Intro duced In each houa for tb direct prl mary law and ther aeama but llttl doubt that It will b paaked at thl session. Petitions . urging Its passage Doteoof . on OcGord ..... , " l. y, . . -1 Y ' There is no cast on re cord o! a cold resulting: in Pneumonia or othefseri ous lung trouble, after 7 ir JL mm had been taken. : - . It stops the cough and heals the v lungs. and pre vents serious results from a cold. v Do not take chances on . . . a cola wearing; away, or experiment with some un known preparation that costs you , the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. ; Remember the name and get the genuine. A Sivin Cold for Thru Ucntit Tha (ollowin: letter from A. J. No. 1 - . w..m. l-A - till. Im a. wauiu i j a 1 117 f aiuuif twua s w w w story: "I guffered for three months with a svr cold. A druggist prepared tn oma mediclna, and a physician pro scribed for ma, yet I did not irnprov. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar, nd ight,dos cured m.1' Thra aei-iSc, SOc, $1.00, Th 50 cent six contains two) and one-half as moch as th small six and tha $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. SCLO AID EECC""Er.:E3 bt AX SBTCKIXgTf. - PnooiiioniD have been received from all parts of ths state and tt appears to be only a ques tion as to what kind of a law will be passed, whother It will b almllar to the Oregon law or almllar to th on Intro duced here at th last session, which provides that ths voter Indicate - his second choice. . - Oood road I another subject upon which many bill ar being introduced, on being prepared by Representative Halteman of Ferry county asking for an appropriation of tl. 00. 000 per year to be expended on constructing and main taining wagon , roeda - throughout the atate." Th . local option bill, which haa been a constant bone of contention In every session for several year, has again put In an appearance, and, tt Is believed, with good proapocts of becoming a lam Let tie hav your good ling's Best. rill, Schil- TEN DOLLARS FINE AND VR0CKP1LE FOR DRUNKS (Bpeeisl Dispatch te Tae iesrasL) Lebanon, Or., Jan. 24. Th city council at Its last meeting passed two prohibition lawa ' One ordinance ftx fin of from 110 to 9100 for any on being drunk upon th atreat or alley of the city of Lebanon; Th second ordinance' provides a rockpll or tb working upon street of prisoners that refuse to pay fines. Sine Lebanon went "dry" liquor ha been shipped 1. , - t- - ' m iu nm woiu ... ... . I a stag, and Ballard's 8 now Llnlmant playa a moat prominent part,.. It Jiaa no; superior ior rtr tumausm, . sun . joints, outs, sprains and nil palna' Buy It, try It and you will alwaya us it Anybody who ha uaed Ballard' Snow Llnlmant I a living proof of what It doea Buy a trial bottle. I Sc. to and 11.00. For aal by all druggfata A.B.C . s xiayer " THE A. B. CHASE piano is a piano of honest worth and established grade. It is piano of highest quality. ;t THEA; B:CHASE player piand is the only player "that has the entire mechanism entirely concealed be---neath the keyboard. " " ' : r IT IS THE ONLY PLAYER that does not enlarge the instrument or change the style of the piano case.' i, IT IS THE ONLY PLAYER where the expression levers are close to the music roll where the eyes can -"watch the hands and expression marks on the roll at the same time." ; A -: .- -;;-;; , ' '- : . IT IS THE ONLY PLAYER in which the'entire' player-mechanism can be entirely removed from the piano in five minutes, and that without the use of a r screwdriver. ; - ; ';'- .'".;' ' IT IS A-PERFECT PIANO PLAYER and yoa Jiavcbut to see It to admire itrto hear it to desire it m i "The House Sherman,ClaycVCo. SIXTH AND KaaiaxaaaataxzXaOTXimXriw 121-123 GRAND AVENUE EXCEPTIONAL Friday and Saturday lien's Salts and Raincoats. Values to $13.51 1! $7.95 Your choice of any of this season's newest styles in Hen's . Coats. ' , ;. , ,-:;',; , - Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes at .'48c rGood large size, well made Night Robes, in all sizes, at 48 Utile Boys Shoes Worth $1.25 at . . 98c Good solid,' stylish and serviceable Shoes, in all sizes; 9 to' ..... 13. ... -'- ,-. -.- -: Men's 75c Golf Shirts at . . . . 48c- A good neat lot in all sizes, from Hyi to 17. Women's Onllng Flannel Gowns Worth 85c at . . 68c Nice fin flannel, very neatly made, colors blue, white and pink. . :" '"i"r; -"--v..;-; . . "'"f"'v ' A Great Comlori Bargain . . r . . $1.48 Large size, hand-tied, silkoline covered and filled with white cotton.r Large Picture Frames Worth $1.50 at . . 48c Size for picture 16x18, colors black or brown, trimmed with gilt. . . ; . . Big Size Ready to Use Shetts at v . . V . . 39c Very good quality of bleached sheets, size 72x90. ' izzzzzcz:zzzxzzzz2zzzzzCzzxzzzzzzzzizzrzzzz:zx' MEN TREATED AND CURED Best Service! ' lowest Charges. Cores Guaranteed! Tim whs are effltctee' wtt H BHVor DKRFLtTT, ' ar Tallls Strntli. eomroonlT eallrd "tHT MANHOUB." Eiksaatts Drslas. ' Plmslrs. Lam Bars- inflsmmatki ar tba BlaiMer as Klaaess, Hlftilr 01 errd 1'rlne. Impi.teBcr, KeapniHlrBer. rallln Mflmr, lua of Arnbt tlon. Mratsl Worrf,. reaslts of eiceaa ssd everwork ; Pllrs. riarsla an Hrdreerla or otbaf shihh, srbirk .abenhitelr aaflt them tnt Ituar Bust, seas,' rieesar er Marrlace utcal7 as BersMseatl ear. W evra. Be pay. W FeUea enatrsere ar neredltaryi IV la SIssssm, ItbroniatUBk Soraa. .UIss, fila-karM, Oeserrkeea, aieat, Strletsrs, I lxM rraatate aa H7ratwl. Hesaat lmallacs. Somas fal ul CM sclrsUeus Swrlce, BaaaoaaM Ckarf as. . r,,J"M M" - v- . CaO sr vrrlto SB. t. I. JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 AU Department Can Now B Beached Through Number. . Call Main T17S whe you wish X to telephon to sny department . T or The journal. , . .A private exchange hl been Installed la Tb Journal office wltb enough trunk line to 'accommodate th constantly In creasing demsndg upon th tl phon servlc. Tall tie operator whom you wish to Pk to, and sh wiU connect you-at onca Ramsmber, Main T1TI I th new number of all departments of Th Journal. . rreferred Btoofe Oaaaed ota, Allen A lwls' Best Hrend. OAKS RINK TONIGHT ADMISSION, 10c SKATES 23c liaise of Quality MORRISON STS. . a art SPECIALS FOR M ITXaCX. Ml Urst-itv twHUrnt, Fourth Race VUL-LL LLin-aVU v .... '' '.