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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING; JANUARY 24, 1907. If BULLETS SH0:v;i TO JURY III MODY I.1DER TRIAL Rifle and Revolver Wars 1 , of Same Bore. " (SpeeUI Dispatch te Tha twail) ,CIt. vOr.. Jan. J4. Exjert testimony to the effeet that the tun which killed Wtllard Moody and tbe re volver found by Detectlv Lou Hartman am possession or Ira Brown, ,Wld oowacn a co-defendant, axe of exactly n aaxna rifling, waa the feature ot - mia roonunrs. eeaston of th Moody murder, case, Thla testimony waa not mowed to go to tha lu'rr. but tha lat tar war show bullets from Jtho (una . tura auowaa to Judge for. themselves.. , wuiiax oirana explained Ma state- m-m v) m arraot that, Moody "oufht w v oeea deed It yaara ao" by aay ma- taat He thought hoax waa being . -waea upon nim when ha waa Informad . Of tha trae-edv. with . peaching ale " testimony r Glrens waa asked tt he did not maka that atata- ; . RUUIl a ease. . . r ... No chart haa bn preferred by the prosecution aa yet araJnat Rnin f0" 'Jr Prown. Jthojraav juraatad-yea. --. v-uuuk cnmre-ee or perjury. The boy became badly tangled upon the ' "d i,n -- If h waa iuin.'? lie, aald "Just aa ll.f aa not." T"e trial- la being conducted more ex- v-xuuoaaiy iooay and a number Of wK neaaea have k n uamini ...... FIRST UNION BANK NOW i: RUNS UNDER NEW HEAD . Chloago. Jan. Jt The Commonwealth Treat Bavin bask, widely heralded a the flret exclusive union labor bank In the country, yeatorday oeaaed to ex--uo and began Ufa anew aa the international Trust" aV Savinga bank, wltb an Illinois charter and aoma other radical ehangaa. The anion labor con cern bald an Arlsone charter, which granted It certain pitTtlege denied by avua ponniu tb capltar atook la UOo.OOo. When tha bank orgaaiaed It waa expected to ; peooma w depository of all tha union fund and to hay tha entire bualneaa of the union laborer - . - ?' lXa employ, -with th axcep tlon ef a praoUoal banker, were union labor man and ail It auppllea bora tha union iaov but labor refueed t pat "" ana k wm now tax on aoma new eiocinoiaera and begin bualneaa Ions regular ban kin llnaa wlthnut mm. , plaaa dlatlnotkm and under Illlnol rea New Tailoring Shop.' ' v ... On Pabruary 1 one of the finest san. tlemen a tallortng atabllahmenta ever , started la thla city will be thrown open xor me inspection or gentlemen re "'rjgf jrodo!vthaa at tha rlght-prtoo. ae aa. Acneaon company' name atande for ft good deal everywhere and ina opening or auch an aatabllahment. ine nouae ox aquar dealing la a well ' worn phraa In every city of the United JB tatea, but whew applla t he J. M oheaon oompany ona may be aure it ..a HAf bhI4Jb It m mt wit, , i r S . .mwiii K WU1WU. men will, be pleaeed with tha work of ' tallorlnc aatabllahment. The J m. Aoaeaoni company eonaucta ft well known ladle ault and aklrt bouaa on jVirtlr gtreet, between Waablngton" and Alder. Thla will of course be con - tinned and' greatly enlarged In ahort time. ' r- - Ib Caa of Fir. ' A Qei man town man waa talking about the fameu 0r. , Henry Van Dyke of Princeton. '.. t "When Tan Dyk waa ft little ehap," ha aald, "I want to achool with him. "One day, before achool closed for Mhe Chrlatmaa holiday, wa expected . visit from ft. certain director. Thla di rector alwaya questioned the children , about one thing namely, what they'd do In caae of fir. Bo teacher coached us all the morning' before he earn, pre , paring ua finely on the course to be . taken If fir abould break out. - -, "Well, -aure enough,-the -director - called, but whan he got up to address Us he ealdt , - . -'It Is good to b her ftt thla Jolly Chrlatmaa season among so many rosy, amlllng young faoea Tou are ft very -' fciight-looklng lot of children, and I wonder what you would do bow If 1 were to make you ft little speech on the beet way td celebrate Chrlatmaa" i "Quick as a. flash young Van Dyk piped out: , : " Tom in single file and march out quleklyfr - . REGISTERED WOMAN LOBBYIST - . . . .', , - SOLD SECRET TO POWDER TRUST Independents Accuse Naval Of ficer of iHavIng Betrayed Government. New York haa tha credit ot hftring the first registered woman lobylat In j the United States. 8he la Mary C. Craicie,' whose picture here ap ' pears, and sh represents the New York State Woman's Suffrage a - soclatloa at Albany during the present Jeglslatlre session. :,: SAVAGE DOGS TEAR GIRL'S -CLOTHES AKD FLESH i Falls ' From Wheel and. Is At- 'tacked In the Street" by 1" Maddened Beasts. Special Dtepeteh te The Joertul.) Bakerafleld, CaL, Jan. ft. Pretty IS- year-old Shirley -Wllhlte. a Bakersfleld choolglrl, waa attacked by five aavage dogs and narrowly eaoaped death before aha "wj rsouedYnHercldtteawer1orn to .plecea and her body waa severely lacerated. - Miss Wllhlt waa thrown to tha ground from at wheel, she waa riding and trie dogs were biting at her savagely when P. D. Llnvllle of Ban Franolsbo, who la attending the field trial, drove along In ft rig and rescued the helploaa malden,::lilBVUlt Jumped; fronL hla buggy, shot on of the brutea with pistol and drove the rest away. Me waa attacked but escaped. Miss Wllhlte will recover. BARONESS BURDETTE, COUTTS. Read Boston Ad Tonight. TnmftrTrtV anf flaturria will wttftatia tn wlndup of the aale of the-Karo wits stock at tha Boston store, corner of Salmon and First streets. Extra In. ducementa have been offered, aa will ba noted from tha five-column display an nounoement elsewhere In today's Issue. 1 I APPENDICITIS MEANS - - LOCATING CRIMINAL Oeeissl Special Bervlee.l Chicago. Jan. 14. V. Plllaralla. axed 40 years, an Italian aald ta bar been manager of Italian banka In number f el tie. Including Denver, waa arrest ed thla mornins; at tha Inatlgatloa ef the police of Toungstown, Ohio, on ft charge of fleeing with ft deposit of 1 70S. PUlarella waa taken 111 with appendi cular hla lllnes at the hospital causing hla detection.. aftC TJlMIOSr, TMM oi.lJaTOTAirx, rOT teluui UTJLbaxiOjr to ujptics woaosaruL rowimi, - . tn iiuncoi rivuruoiiiun v HUDSON will positively make no charge for his services unless you are entirely satisfled and find him superior to any palmist, me "'dium or Clairvoyant in the City; tells your full name, what you call - for, whom and when . yoir , will marry, whether husband, wife or gweetheart is true or false; names of friends, enemies or rivals; reads your entire life from infancy to old age, giving, names, dates, facts and figures. Advice on business,' law, health, love, marriage, di vorce and all domestic and financial difficulties; reunites separated: rfncwi vouth and vital force: locates mines and valuable ores. a . urTnertKT ........ ........ i 'n i others faiL Call today. ; . . . , Don't mistake the name and number. . , , raoxai. x.ow m so roa nvx sara, to asraansa.' HUDSON cfSSs v HUDSON Hours 10 a. m. to 0 p. m. Sundays 11 to 4. 'i v ., , . (Jesrsal SpeeUI Service.) . t : -. Washington. Jan. 14. Admiral Con verge and Lieutenant Berriadou of, the United Btatea navy have boon charged with having Illegally sold to the pow der truat the government's formula fo making amokelesa powder. The price the Dupont powder trust, controlled by the Delaware senator, paid for the se cret la aald to be I7..00. The charge la made to tha hous commlttoe on ap propriations by R. 8. Waddell of Peoria, and representatives of It Independent powder manufacturers. ' These independent ask that the com mittee recommend a bill appropriating 11,008,000 for tha erection of thru gov ernment factories, one to be located in tha east, another in the middle sveat and a third on tba Paclflo coast. Tha discovery of the amokelesa pow der formula by tha two naval officer referred to wa then related to the committee. It la aald (bat these two officers, working aa Severn men t ex perts, and with government money, die- A. . Senntor Dupont. C-tMaaaamjl covered the necessary method of mak ing ' the smokeless poffaer now used in the' United State army and navy. - Tha truat paid them for th patent' which they secured on th formula; and it is now aelling powder at a gteat profit to the government . - . . . ' . It waa pointed out that I he formula and patent belong to the government under the law, and the Independent ask that the government erect tea awn fac tories and maka powder for th navy and military establtshmenta. The com mittee took . the matter under advise ment -4 KING EDWARD FORGIVES WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOR (Special Dtopeteh e Tbe JpereaLl New York, Jan. 14. The Amerloan'a London cable asys: "King Edward has Anally forgiven William Waldorf Astor. The king is to go to Cliveden, the coun try home of th expatriated American multi millionaire, to visit young Wal dorf Astor and hla American bride. At thla meeting full reconciliation will take place between the elder. Astor and his maleaty." .-. . ' ; It . la alx yeara ' alno tbe king haa spoken to William Waldorf Astor. whose offense consisted In speaking In sultingly to ; Sir Archibald Berkeley Milne, captain of the klng'a yacht, when be escorted the Countess of Ox ford to ft concert at Lansdowne,' Astor's London residence. Court aoclety since then haa turned Ua back on the former American.. .. - ' ' . ' - .. The king baa r been friendly to young Aator, ' however. Cliveden - is being decorated at an enormoua expense for the kins' visit . . , : ' Great Northern Appeals. ; 'H St Paul. Minn., Jan. 14. Tha supreme court ha aet February t for tbe hear ing of tha Great Northern appeal from th order of the district court, granting an injunction against th proposed issua of ISO, 000,000 stock. , , fOnR DEFUTY IIM toils m mm i.i Hillsboro Mart Takii Watches and Sweater and Is Chased by Sheriff. (SpeeUI DUseteft t The ioeral -1 Hillsboro, Or Jan. 14. After ' ft lively ehaaa at. 11 o'clock laat nlsht Sheriff Conn ell arrested J. T. MoNa marft on charge "of larceny. MaNa mara entered - th 1 Tualatin hotel and atole a sweater, and two watches. He waa watched and tha sheriff waa 'no tified. . .. As h attempted to set away the watchea were thrown behind a build ing, but the sweater wa found under hia eoat McNamars when ft boy waa In th reform school and later aerved several terms In the county Jail here.' He waa' arrested In Portland' for high way robbery and sentenced to six months In the county Jail and ha erred two terms in th penitentiary . Reoently he acted aa deputy sheriff In Tillamook, taking an aotlve part la the raids there for gambling and vio lations of the local option law.. He re idea here. - ' : net as assay Was- Aft ti fomraal that will Intel as pweV The death of Baroness Bnrdett- Coutts .hfts removed one . ot the most remarkable figures from English life. When she van onlr IS years of age she fell sole heir to the $9,000,000 fortune of her grandfather, Thomas Coutts. the banker. While she has given away millions for charity she leaves an estate vastly greater than that which she received. She was 91 years of age at the time ot her death. ' DAMAGE SUITS FOLLOW CAR SHORTAGE INVESTI6ATI0.1 Seattle , Lumbermen Declare) They Will Lodge Formal ComplaintJ or, rUnaelal Dtssatch ts Tbe Joarsel.t Seattle. Jan. 14. Investigation Into the ear shortage and freight oongeatton. which Interstate Commerce Commis sioner Lane concluded yesterday after noon, is only the preliminary move on the part or the lumbermen against th railroads, declare tn lumoer snippers. The Investigation la being conducted solely on the volition of th Interstate commerce commission. "Thl is only the beginning," said ft well-known lumberman today. "We are going to 111 formal complaint before tha intestate commerce commtaalon and demand Judgment against all rail roads for damagea sustained. "We also expect to go into tha federal eourts and au for damage." Interstate Commerce Commissioner Lane left laat night for Portland, where he will probe Into the Harrlman merger. He will make another trip to the coast In April. At that time he will Uke up any formal complaint that may be filed axalnat tha rs LI roads by lumbermen. LANDING OF TROOPS AT. KINGSTON JUSTIFIED (Joaraal assets! Serrlee.) Washington, Jan. 14. Secretary Met- calf ha received Admiral Davis re port confirming press dispatches in re gard to the ordering of bis forces from Kingston. Tha secretary aay that Davis had ample authority for th land ing of seamen. , Davis report contains th following: "Yielding to th entreaties of th co lonial secretary and Inspector of po lio at Kingston, speaking for the gov ernment, I landed 19 men under (arms front th Indian." , . Now for Another Rousing List of gaums Bargain-Friday Outdoing all competition and proving again that this store sells cheapest Here's prices that prove the truth ol every claim we make Read the list and come with the crowds 5c Roll Toilet Paper Large - full C Best 35c ' House Brooms All 1 t full --1 n a s V. aise. 7c Fnntr Figured Calico All Mill J3r BEST lOc TOILET , SOAP A While 1 L....:.....4C Women's 20c Black Hose Soft A- thick - tC fleeced...... X Best Granulated i Sugar liS. A'c at, lb...Tl Odd Lots Women's Neckwear Worth ps , up to - K(T 25c. at...... tJ 5000 Yards Finest 12c Edges, - insertions and headings; remember, all 12c snd15c grades yard... PQRTLMID'5 IIE17 DEPAUTI IEIIT STORE wm Odd Lo!s Misses S5ctnd 50c Wool Gloves AU fancy styles, all col ors and all sizes. Pick out 50c ones it you want, pair...... ft "v a i5 ENTIRE BLOCK .ON YAMHILL f ROM 2ND TO SIUX Another Great Scoopand It's One That Every Wsman 4n Town Is . Interested In WOMEN'S S6, S7 AND $8 SKIRTS 96 A e-a -J U'a .'k.t-Vatr. mr r.eea Kaa tKaasi Urlll ta r . y s sat uui uas iaw ja w , mjm flying ThlnK of it 56.00, 37.00 and 55. OO Values The prettiest; handsomest and finest skirts ever sold at such a ridiculous price -only 50 of them oil the maker had and we wish there were-a thousand for they We a bargain so great , that there won t te s single one left sfter tomorrow All tna rncxt stylun ol this season s models. of handsome checks and plaids, in all colors, also stylish grsy shadow check effects, elegsnt pleated ef- button and lancy trimmed ail tuiiy tailored and perfect fitting; every fects. strao and one a $6, $7 or $8 alua, and w want you to see them whether you buy or not. But only i to a customer. ,noice Pick of th lot -- - rtt t' Wi a f3.98 Any Winter Cloak in the House $9.98 None resenred, worth $20 and up to $35. Choice.....,........ , . While They Last,' 10 Dosen 9I.OO Black Sateen Skirts Ruffle trimmed. For 1 day... 59c 38 Wometfs Now Spring Suits $7.48 All samples, and but 1 of a kind; worth up. to $20. Choice....;,. .Another Sensation and It's One You Can't Afford to Miss 39c AND 50c CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES A thousand yards only and early comers get it Did you ever hear the like wide 18-lnch corset cover embroid eries, all dainty patterns, sheer and fine, beautiful effects in th. wanted ribbon beading styles wide 18-inch width, and every yard worth 39c to 50c Come early if you want any, for we can't promise it will last more than one hour or two at this sensational price. ; Choice. .V. ...... .. ... . . . ; . . . :. . ....... . ............... 1 Odds and Ends and Broken Lines of Women's 35c Hose 23c AU blacks, wool and cotton, plain, ribbed and fleece lined, all seamless; none worth less than 35c. Choice 7c Apron Ginghams 713a All color checks; 10 bolts only and all TMl cheap at 7c: yard. 1 w $2 English Long Cloth Full 12-yard bolts; worth $2. While it lasts, bolt $1.35 Infants' 25c Mittens In wool and mercerised, all fancy styles; white, pink and blue:. 9c , Windup of the Great Sole of Sample Ends of 1 Dress Goods All one-half to three-quarter yard leagthe Worth to $1.50 All Cs 1or at VC Pick All drummers' samples, all- one of a kind, the finest of black foods, and also fsncy novelties, many up to 54 inchee wide; dress foods worth 75c to IIJO the yard, omorrow, buy the entire rem nant at the- five-awrry pticr of. each.. , mm 9c GREAT CLEAN-UP LOT OF .HUNDREDS OP PAIRS OF Women's and Misses' 52.50 Shoes And when we aay $2 and $2-50 values that's what we mean Broken lines .of our best and finest, lace and blucher styles, light and heavy soles, patent leather trimmings and all sizes. A look will convince you they're the best bar gain ever offered. Pair..,......-.-,. $1.38 ' 1.000 YARDS 50-INCH Table Damask Half bleached; regular 73-, 40c values Yard aVUC Groceries 3,000 LBS. BEST SODA Crackers 1 7c Lh While they last.... 10c lb. pkg. Macaroni ....Te 10c lb. pkg. Vermicelli Te 4 pkgs. Ginger Snaps... .....15 4 pkgs. Oysterettes .......16 4 pkgs. Animal Crackers.,.,. IB 2 combs Honey ,,.,25e 12 Vic bottle Catsup.;.. 8e Great auction lot of 20c and . ' . 25c Dressing Combs ' 9c In whit and black, the long 6 and 7-inch ones, plain and fancy. One of the great est comb bargains ever offered Choice Boys' $1 Sweaters All wool. $1 values. all colors, positive 75c and Choice 39 $8, $10 Suit Cases All solid leather, steel best brass trimmings. 5.93 Men's 35c Wool Hose in Finest - all wool black and brown. cashmere Psir '19 V ' A ONE-DAY CLEAN-UP OF. ODD LOTS Soiled Muslin Underwear A clearance of every mussed and soiled piece In stock, and there's hundreds of garments to pick from gowns, chemise, . j Z - I..- .. W-;,4- arl- Sauna, urawcis ana cuiki lutci a. miwv aim vmuiviui uuu- i. . . e. I.... bQ Bat mea; au auc up a ea tbjucs. uium, -t 29c A Bargain Friday Basement Sensation 9c for 15 c to 35c Graniieware and Tinware 10,000 pieces 'to be dumped out and at a price that should crowd this section with buyers all day long AU 15c up to 35c values and 9c takes your pick of the lot. Hero's Some of the Bargains The lot includes granite and tinware of every description wssh basins, dippers, flour sifters, kettles, tea and coffee canniaters, bread, milk and cake pans, large 10-quart dish psns, cuspidors and over a hundred other articles; none worth less thsn 15c and up to 35e. All are in one lot and first come, first served. Not over 6 pieces to a customer and none to dealers. Choice "aw"w"l"lJ"-1-' 9S ! 3,000 BEST 8c Fire Shovels Full sis and. Jap- Jl r anned, each............OiC lc.E Notions . ' 5,000 LBS. CASTILE Soap For Bargain Friday 3c wire Hair Pins, pkg Sc spool Charter Oak Thread. 5c csrd Hooks snd Eyes. , . . . . 8c cube Black Pins.... 5c Pesrl Buttons, doxen. ...... 5c Tape Mea-mrcs 10c Trsdng Wheel, ea.'i 1 l. i