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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
TIIS 0REC01I DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 3. 1807. ic:3 JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 All Department! Can Now- lt Reached Througt, Number. Call Main 717J when you wish to telephone to any department Of The Journal. ' A private exchange 4ia been', lnatalied la Tba Journal offjoe . with t enough trunk llnna te accommodate th constsntly In- creasing demands upon tha tele , phone service. ". Tall tba operator whom you wlah to apeak to. and aha will connect you at onoe. i Muiuiuri, nam t ii. as mi. "X nw number of aU departments , 4 or Tha journal. TOBMHrS amcsucuts. . Raltlg ....The "Bd Mm. toqoertr" Hak.r .."Wbr Baxtor Bottrr In" Empire,..,...., '-Tbs hlldnlrht Flyar" i rrio...., ....."Tba fulM or Naw Jorh-' ' Btir. "Dail'e Girl'1 -mn4 VaBd.Tllle i Tmpl i.Wlllua Jeanlags Bryaa "Tha sale of seats-for tha magnlfloent production of Juno UcMUlan Ordways new piay, "Oregon,- opened this morn' . houses at tha Baker theatre, January us. zi and SO, with a matlnao Wednes day. Thla atory of the aarly Ufa of thia atata will be preeented In a wanner that will oauaa local theatregoers to think ; that they are In tba heart of tha (Teat metropolis, where naw playe are pro--dueed -every other week. Portland can pride Itself on having- a company thor oughly competent ta produce thla his- - roricai play, and tha scenery and effects will bo perfect In every detail. .r-Th meeting of the 'board of regents or the University of Oregon today wu poatponed on acoount of the lllneaa of C. A. Dolph and tha absence of several members from town. J. C. Ainsworth. Y. V. Holman and Louis Johnaon of Eu srene. steward at tha unlverelty.. ware - tna only onea preaent when they met to adjourn until after the legislature.- At that time they rauat meet to adopt meaaurea concerning tha appropriation (ranted Dy tbeatate. -. - -L---- -v Interest Is Increasing every night In the evangellatlo meetings at Forbes Presbyterian church. Mr. Snyder Is a popular preacher, at tha sams time ha la convincing ' becauaa ho has a keen appreciation of the demands of reason. ; Hie appeal la constantly to tha intel lect. -Mr. Johnson-Is making a splendid aucceaa with -the chorus. Tha organ loft ia full of singer every evening. Spe cial musical features are furnished each - evening.: .- ,---( . , Wa carry a moat escellentltn of iiwHnvia - vuuvrr. uaewiae duicuvtv : ment. t e are always prepared to f ur- msti butchers shops' complete on the shortest notice. It la no longer neees aary to send away from Portland tor " anything required in. this Una of busi ness. Adolph A Dekum, 111-11 First street, between Washington and Aider. Don't blame1 Tha Journal If It strains your eyas to read thia print; It may be your ayes have soma defect, wa fat you with attractive, perfect-fitting lenees at very reasonable prices. No charge tor examination. George Rubenateln, tha reliable optician, 1SI Fourth street, be tween TamnlU and Taylor. - Tonight at to Davis street will be held a meeting of working-men to com memorate tha aaoond anniversary of tha murder of Russlsn worklngmen at St. PaUpshii. An -R1aa1 Aiinriav fl w eral speakers will address tha meeting. ' Tba public Is cordially Invited. . tM carmen's mask ball on Thursday nlgh January 14, at Merrill's hall, will be tha event of tha season. Valuable door end floor prises. - Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas. waanougas ana way lanaingo aauiy ex cept Sunday. - Leaves Washington atreet dock at s p. m. -. v- ,-, For tha popular' brands of cigars and latest AaJlv naners and tMrlfxtleala. Cirl , Jonas Is tha leader, 176 Washington, corner Fourth st. ii:. y .... William Jennlnga Bryaa apeaks to night at tha White Tempi. Secure your , tickets row at the T, M. C. A- . . I. i i Wllhoit mineral water and Baits. El J. WaUac A. 1U Id.. Tel. Pae-lSS. Acme Oil Co. sells tb best safety coal 11 and Una gasoline. Phone East lit. E. W. Moore, expert . photographer. Slks Duuaing, eevenin ana ntara avis. Woman's Exrbansa. Ill Tenth street. Intioh ll'ia ta 1: huiliuiu man's IuhaIl f.n. ItiAiiuiiJ tullfi Inline e Mat elosa out. J. J. Butser, 181 Front st. ' Big shos sale, great bargains. Harks Sboa Co til Morrison street ' , Hear William Jennings Bryan tonight at tha Whit Tempi. -' ' For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to at orris resUurant. . . T. V. C A. Tickets to William Jan nlngS Bryaa. , 1 , - , Dr. X. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam, PUT WASHBOARD ON -V . MANTLE BEFORE LONG 0 The price ef that humble artl- 4 ele, tb washboard. Is going up. In fact. If tha preaent tendency 4 should oontlnua, wa may yet aea that utilitarian bit of domestic 4 furniture removed from th 0 humbia horn and Installed a a .p luxury In the manalon of afflu- nce. ' 4 Twlre during the past month p ' 4 has th price been advanced, 15 4 cent at a time, until now th ' w . 4 wholesale prlce Is Just double... what it was a year ago. Severn! A reasons sre assigned for thla w ' fact. One ia th scarolty of suit- A sbla lumber, - another la h ' O higher' pries' 0f line, and th 4" third, th sdvanc In th arala 0 of wages paid tha faotory work- - 4 mm. , 4 - i 4 ' . InrrcaM I Capital. ' leurtia ipelsl frrten.l - ' Pittsburg, Pa,, Jan. 12. Stockholders ef the Standard Underground Cable rompany held a special meeting here ...... mrA vntef fsvorabl on the nm- nal to Increase tha capital atnek of ! aaa It ia understond that part of tha Increase Is to be in "the aatur of stock dividend. . - -v - . - - . - ' ; CROWhlGA JOYFUL FAREWELL Poultry Show - Exhibits . Seem Clad at Prospect of "v , Release. - ROOSTERS SHRIEK A ' DEFIANCE THROUGH BARS rigeona Happy st tha Chance) to Pis play Themselves Before 8pectt ors Ailmtrlng Ey?s 8U Days' Captivity U to End. The last day finds the thoroughbreds at the poultry show mors noisy than ever, as If In anticipation of approach ing freedom and release from the con fining exhibition cages that have .for six long days kept them from enjoying tha liberty of a oomm odious poultry yard.- V .. ,v : r r Every mala bird In tba bouss Is volo lng his farewell to Portland and about lng defiance to his brothers that next A MAR VlgW MXt FMt TML ATela 0tJTV. year ha will come back and take home with him every can among tha awards. Ons old Buff Orpington near the brood ers, tired of crowing, has been busying himself with a perfect Imitation of a hen Just after she has laid an egg. but all efforts have yet bean unauccesaful toward finding an egg la tha big Buffs csge. '. . Tha plgaona are also restless and pace tha cage anxiously awaiting mora room to swell, strut and tumble and shy at every approach of tha stranger. Only tha fantalla seem to ba happy and spread their tails mora and mora and shove out-their chests when-an admlr lng spectator stands In front of their pen 1 - - Tha. turkeys, sleep most of the day and pay little attention to tba bragga docio of tha mala element among tha contemptuous ' common -herd -and - never a gobble has Issued from their quarters during lAe whole show....: t . He Play '' Portland . has seen - tb eroblem nlar and has seen th problem play Interpre ter, it had seen th problem play be fore, 'Saphoi and many others, but un til last nikM It had never had th op portunity to o h-wage to tha greatest oi interpreter. Its homage was complete. For four hours It sat In admiration of th genitfs of Olga Nethersola, Irresistibly drawn by th intensity of her power, but In wardly rebelling against th -vehicl Tf Its conveyance. Perhaps Portland has not progressed sufficiently toward cos mopolitan Indifference to revel In th production of "Sapho," but It may at any lime be overwhelmed by th great neas of a Nethersola There wa an Immense audlenc at th Helllg last night on tha occasion of tha opening of Mis JVethersola' en gagement In Portland. Intense Interest centered about this -woman, of whom more perhaps has been said and writ ten than any other actress. And she had scarcely begun her lines before the audlenc had formed its Judgment and agreed with universal opinion that sha 1 on of th world's greatest emotional actresses. Miss Nethersol tells th story of Fanny L Grands, which every ons has read, but even In th expurgated ver sion of her play tells it mora ardently, more . fervently., than- all - Its - printed pages. Whether the story Is ons that ahould ba told upon th . stags is for others to ssy; It has bean an unsettled ! theme for years., But an admiring world will still bestow its homage upon Miss Nethersole's Interpretation. Only la th first act la ther aa at tempt for elaborate effect, and In das sling brilliancy It surpaeses anything that has been seen her la many a day. It la ta the eecond act perhaps that th wonderful intensity of Miss Nether sole's emotional powers are moat Vivid ly portrayed. In It tb bounds of sug gestion are deserted for realism, and with Jean she shows th weakness of th strong and th strength of th weak. . "Sapho," as produced. Is Intended of eours ss a vehicle for th abilities of Miss Nethersola. However, she Is sup ported by a strong company. Mr. Frank Mills, a Jean Gauestn. do that difficult part with considerable skill, while Wil liam Clark does aa excellent piece of acting In th part of Ceaatr Oaussln, roue and reprobate uncla of Jean. Other ' whoa work Is conspicuous even under th brilliancy ef th star are Ina Ooldsmlth, as Franclna, servant to Fanny and Jean; Miss Mary Relph. aa Madam , Hettema, and little Roland Wallace. Jth child. It. may have been th fault of th star or It may have been the fault of th house to provide proper acoustic facilities. At any rat ther were times when It was quits difficult to hear Mias Netheraole and many of her lines were entirely lost to part of th audience. There waa considerable complaint on that account by th audlenc. Mlnm Netheraole will be seen tonight In "The ; Second - Mr. - Tanquoray." Wednesday night ah will again appear In "Sapbo,' which Is also tha bill at a matinee performance on Wednesday. Tha management ha made emphatic an nouncement that th curtain will ring up promptly at o'clock In th evening and at I o'clock at matinees becsus of th length-f th performance. ------ f ' , Kt ' r , 11 mnmnM MARINE NOTES V Astoria. Jan. 11. Arrived at 7:10 a. m.Mchooner Roderick Dhu In tow of tug Dauntless, from Monterey. San Franclnco, . Jan. 11. Hailed Schooner Inca, for Columbia river. San Francisco, Jan 1. Sailed at 1:18 p. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Port land. - - . i San. Pedro, Jan. 1 1. Sailed Schooner Melrose, for Columbia river. Arrived Steamer Meteor, from Columbia river. , Astoria, Jan. 11. Condition of th bar it I . in. Smooth wind south, weather dear . ;- . ..: . .; O. H. Rlnnenkamp. proprietor of, the New Torfc market and grocery. 471-m Williams avenue. Is on of th most suc cessful of Portland's adopted cltlsens, bs having removed here from New Xork about Ave yeare ago, and ha Is now one of the most loyal, enthusiastic fori landera to be found among the business fraternity. 'They've ; fallen into the way of talking about Portland being blow," he said, speaking of 'business conditions. "It's a habit, like complain ing about tb rain. The rain's about the only disagreeable thing In the country, and a long time ago aoma on started complaining about It and a lot of them keep It up: th asm way with th town. A long time ago. some on started tha Idea that It was aaleep. and a lot of. people who are themselve aaleep are still harping on it I aay Portland Is not slow, eompared with Seattle. Ta- com a, fipokane, or any ether pl&c of It rank." - - . i -, . '.. . - -. t' Mr. Hlnnenkamp began bualneas - In Portland on the west side, opening the east side atorajLsla branrih., TjttrJb aold out th former and now devotes all his time to th extensive business be baa built up all over, tha east . aide and suburbs. Hs owns his . large, attrac tively appointed store, his barn and bis team, and haa personal supervision ef everything that goes on about the place, allowing nd Imperfect or damaged' goods to go upon his shelves. Everything Is nlo and clean, and th secret of the store's popularity Is readily evident, ' Kennard A Adama.- 519-541 WMIame avenue, hav leased two storerooms snd the basement of the new -Xwo-atdry brick adjoining their large department store. An archway la to be built through the wall, throwing th two buildings Into one, thus adding to th spacious ap pearance of the place and, furthermore. the convenience of shoppers. Mr. W. Kennard talks very Interestingly of the progress of this part of th city. He ha been la bualneas her for 11 years, beginning, as be expressed It. with "a box of cigars and a, box of candy." and now) occupying (7.1tt square feet . of floor spaoe, Including tbs two floors and basement. The neSv storeroom will be used exclusively for furniture. A much larger stock will bs carried thsn has been possible hitherto, and .all tb e partments will be enlarged. Mr. Ken nard says they do a strictly cash busi ness,' and theirs Is the only furniture Arm tn the city, not a member of the Furniture Dealers' Retail association. . 1 'Another Williams avenue firm that Is responding to the wave of expansion sweeping over, the east side Is that of ZeUar- at MUler, furniture dealara, at 435-617 Williams avenue. Mr. ZeUar has added balconies to make more room. and la planning other balconies to - be constructed as soon as possible.-. Ud is also a member of - th Zellar-Byrnes compsny, undertakers. In a neighboring building. Mr. Zeliar moved to this loca tion during tc summer and business has been constantly increasing from the very beginning of the new store's his tory. '..-.'.;.. : . i The Burnald dry goods and depart ment store, corner of Burnside street and Grand avenue, Ms. Samuel Safka. proprietor, la one of the please tUeat placea to shop on tbs east side. Earge window covering the 'entire front and stdef the building afford splendid light snd air, and th freshness and newness of 'th plaos are strongly evident Mr. " Safka,' though - an 'old resident, has been at this location 'leas than a year. He Is constancy adding new de-i partmenta and getting In new goods, I keeping his stock up to date In every respect Spring goods will be on his shelves by February I, CAPTAIN GRITZMACHER TO RESIGN IN JULY ' . ' ii i i i i After 11 years of almost continuous servloe In the police department, during which time he haa held every position from Jailer to chief. Captain Cart C Orltsmacher, at present acting chief by virtue of Mayor Lane's appointment has definitely announced his Intention of severing hi connection with the 1m- " V," . f t 1 V i i-s: F J ' Carl C. Gritimacher, Actins; Chief ot - '- . ' Police). ' portant branch of tha municipality over which he presides snd retire Into the ob scurity ef private life on July 1.. Captain Orltsmacber's determination to retire has not been Influenced by the action of tha ways and mean committee of the eouncll In recommending that no appropriation for ehlef of police be made unless the mayor made a penna itent appointments but Is due solely to a desire to secure a much needed rest after three decade -of strenuous work. -Orltsmacher etatea that even If he ahould be elevated to the rank of chief, this would .not alter hi determination to retire, -. " "I have been In harness so long that I believe that I am entitled to a good lohg rcat" says tha veteran police of ficial. The captain has not been enjoy ing good health recently, and thia no doubt had aoma Influence In caualng him to arrive "at the decision to doff tha uniform be haa worn with honor to himself and credit to the city for so long. ,. , . t 1 Orltsmacher entered the police de partment In l'" ss a patrolman, and with the exception ef a few yeara has neon constantly on duty since that time Upon the retirement or Chief Hunt. Cap tain Qrltamachar wa appointed aeUng I wn mm LaWKS, oust pla Bner st year aotee at lour leUure boors; auwtblog new Call end Unausst. 110 fare st COMPETENT girl tat giairsl tMosewerk sod eaoklus; od waff. 840 Haaulo t COMPETENT girt for f.neril housework, small family; good w(e; reftrsncM ie qulr4. but lets st, nasr liautsumerr. WANTED A lsdr tlcket-esller. WsTsllag show; I'A weekly sad eiptuues; amat cure a atschlne, eot 1tt; experience as '. necessary; give descrlpUc. t 121. care - Journal. WANTED Taarhars for Chloaoe Episcopal mlaaloa STenlog school. 2U Booc4 et. l .ia to a go p. am. WANTED-Several girla w light losliie work; waves tl par Say. Apply Sod WaablDstoa St. WANTED Girl for ehamnerwork and to help wait a table, private koardlBg-aoase. ie ruts st , FOS FITXTKZE "WAXTl" TtTXJI TO TH CIAMIXHD AOXS ', -- If you want anything a 15 cent Classified advertisement-will advertise the want amanw-llOjOOO JOURNAL Readers! chief by Mayor Lane and has held that position ever since. : Under his com mand the department was never In bet ter condition. The results achieved In tba suppression of crime and ths ap prehension of criminals can be attrib uted in the main to his ability,--,- When aaked this morning by a Jour nal representative to give a brief his tory of his life, Orltsmacher declared that be did not deal re any fame, and laughingly said that ons of the reasons for leaving ths' department was 'to es cape the representatlvee of the press. It is thought that Mayor Lane will re ward Orltsmacher for his many year of faithful servloe by appointing him chief. SECOND BIG RACE ' Tea and Two Thirds stUe Covered last ITifhs in Thirty Mlantea. One of the greatest races ever given in the weat took place as the first of the six days events at th Oak Rink. The racers were all In best of shape and at ths shot of the pistol started off with a dash, each struggling for first position. -The -race was- full of excite ment from the word go and .several spills were taken aa they flew peat the corners. Little Joe Farrel had two bad falls but gained his lost ground. Bar rlaon and Brent also had bad falls but caught up again. It la anybody's race yet and all claim It If you would see the race of the . season don't miss, the race "Tgt' .. ' SONG BIRDS TO CAROL T V FOR CONRIED'S BENEFIT ' (Journal Special tarries. T New York. Jan. 12. On of th most ; remarkable aggregations of song birds ever' heard In the country will appear et the Metropolitan opera-house tonight In the testimonial performance to Herr Conried, the manager of the Metropoli tan -Grand -Opera -company, -who-- has been ia poor health for some time. The production of Richard Strauss' Salome" will be the chief feature of the program. Olive Frematad la to sing the title role, end Messrs. van Rooy Burrtan. and Miss Marlon Weed will take other pert A concert will be given before th opera In which many other famous singers will take part All th seat tn the opera-house were sold several days sgo at a' premium and aa all the famous artists have vol nnteered their services It Is expected the profit to Herr Conried wfll aggre gate several thousand dollars. - OFFICERS HARRISBURG - GOOD CITIZENS' LEAGUE - (KpoeUl btaeatch ta TsJ JaaraaLl Harrlaburg. Or.. Jan. 11. The Good Cltlsen' league of Harrlaburg has elect ed the following officers to serve tor the ensuing year: E. E. Upmeyar, pres ident; A. J. Hill, vice-president; Charle II. Canter, secretary and treasurer. The object of thla league Is "to promote whatever la for ths greatest good to ths cltlsens of Harrlaburg." Ths cltl sens ticket nominated by tbam waa de feated la the .city election January 14. but by a very small margin, and they are In good spirits over their Increasing strength- and Influeno la . tb , com munity. who'ix pisTamm m rut . Bow ate res. Mr. nrraat We are glad ta have re kare Tee. rejoiced that roa are wtta ss DesaseraUe heart to cheer) Asd we hope whlla on 're ta afordasd roa wtU eettle eere foe-all The grat probles Blshty sisMsai whe'S se titled a pier Jssll. Is It rMllr Srether Wauns taat Is heir sat the bat? Aad if so. win res plose tell ss where Fat Powers sow la stt Asd eiplala. aasr WlllUm Brtaa, Is KUIfaatser In the (aaaef -Aad what kae haptwnrd Ratcklat Doa't M - ee see walking laaiel . - We aotlca Mr. ArailUge la carry tug g mm. Aad wh.a qaaotlotwd wbf rapllte, "I Eave It with we "Joat fT faa,' " Aad frlra Tbesus wtaks those eyes ef his e-tookfn st the "hors." Aad JnhB Maaalog's saw lag eoiuud wttheat - staking aaj solas. . . Oh, wtlium jrsnttwe Brraa, whaa 'roe esstare the White Bouss. May we call there fsc a visit. If we're quint aa Sut'tf'aTro WntiW S eao aow, Wales IViaoerst's ee tf Aad which eo has get rear .battle Slled With Deawcratle pnpt l.tiOS tAtTDaT, Tol. Mala Una. an CnlnaiMa. ajnrsaicxsTTS. w'ijS. HeUig Theatre ST, The DtstiotralslMd KagtiaS Actress. .OLGA NCinCCSOLC Trnlaht t e'Claoh titk aicol vas. TAjittintaAr' Tomorrow Mattes . A D tf f)t Trm, hoth siatlaw aad nlftit, IWV u X kssttaibw, corula at S aad I . a. Claa'rsnct Sale Bargains In Shoe., Men'tt, VVomtn's, Chlldrwit'.-Ha "rr.ccr.t V! Jt ClearancsSaUDarga n la ToUst Artlclat, Station try. Jewelry, Fsnry Cooj. Etc. The Meier (-Efraelli : 'Store L ' 1 i ' I i i I i -.i.ii I. ' ' Clearance Safe of Men's (Clotiilng OnftirwVtockcf Mtm's and YonthV Suit snd Overcoats at great redaction, from thy regular telling prica-All thia tcaion's op-toTdata apparel l(andtom $ 1 0.00 Suits 512.50 Suits $15.00 Suits $ 1 8.00 Suits $20.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $25.00 Suits $280Suits - $35.00 Suits $ 1 500 Overcoats $ 1 0,85 Each $2000 Overcoats $ 1 4.89 Each $25.00 Overcoats $ 1 898 Each $30.00 Overcoats $2415 Each $35.00 Overcoats . $2765 Each AH Trouiers, Smoking Jackttg, Bath Robci, Raincoati, Fancy Vests, etc, at Clearance Sale pric: Men's Mackintosh Rainproof Leggins, $1.00 value, on sale at thia specially reduced price, pair. .f Man's Priestley Crsvenette Raincoats, silk-mixed materials, neat, dark grays, i, silk ft 1 K lined; satin sleere lining; sizes 34 to46; best $25 values, on sale at. each HARRY?WOOD MARKETCO. ' U. . OOVERNMENT-INSPBCTfiD MEATS : , . : Phone Main 30l4OUTHWST COH. FCIST and ALDER STS.-Phone Main 3014 Wholatala and Retail. W Boy Diract and Sava Yoa the Middlemaa'a ProfiU Oevernment-lnspeeted meat eosta nnder the best sanitary eondltlone. nnder. th best sanitary " V DEEP steers t Briskets, per lb. Flank Boll, per lb. . . . . . Plate Boll, per lb. .... Neck Boiling Meaivper Shoulder Steam per 10. . Shoulder Roast, per lb. Chuck Steak, per lb. . . . Cross Ribs Beef, per lb. Sirloin Steak, per lb. ... Prima Riba. oar lb. ..... Hamburger, per lb. .... MUTTON Plenty at all times. - - - Stew, per lb. 5 Shoulder Chop, per lb.........lO Shoulder Roast, per lb 104 Front Quarter, per lb. ........ ... Hind Quarter, per lb. a2? Lags Mutton, pef lb .....164 BAKER THEATRE CEO. U SAKKK. Otsertl Mass (or. SEAT SALE TODAY tnnsh gNOAQBMffyp M0HPAT, TTTESDAT AMD WXDWTTOAT VIOHTt, JAWUAaT M. t AJIO SS. Eitra Matin Wdaatar. 7ase StoMlllsa Ord war's Dew Flay . msi&m " A Rtorv ef the 014 Emlgrea TrsO. freseatad by the laeoBparable BAKER THEATRE STOCK COMPANY " Staged trader the Dtraetie ef yomt SAiirpous a Aa-racn macttlct. Aagaieatsd Oast. . Sceeory by Wm. Orssach, pucks roa this raoDrcno: IflOHT p R IC KA Lower Hear Parwt aad Loave, Sl-i Psroeat Circle, St. Baionar rtrat 4 rows, gnc; aozt S raws. Me. OaUerr, V- HoX tMU. S2. MA TIXXE Entire Lewor floer, SO. Saloon? Flrat A rows, SOcj aext S rows, lie. SALS OF SZATS BEQIXS T00AT AT IS - u ujn.a A. Baker Theatre Paeee Mala MOT. twaeoa TWatf Co Goorse L. Sakar. Maaagw. ffoaie of the Fa won. Baker Stork Compear Bvery Nlfht This Weak, the Startling ssd Ivai'loaw K.'.ltr. "MOW BAXTEB BUTTED W." -' A groat Now Xork aaaalral farce tomatr eoe ens. Dlroctloa ArUar Machkt, MaUose Se ardar. Evonhig Pi leas SBe, Sv. lOo. Matinee lBc. SO.. Best Week. 'Orates." EMPIRE THEATRE Mala 1T7. MI1WS W Playtog Oaly the Tnalght. All Thla Wwk. MarlitMa Weitaeesty aae "Ttti.j. n - .um rrnarxiae. TBS MTDBIOBT FLY Eh," ta rear Acta a .4 sis SVmsim. Pras Big , Seaclaltr Atta. . ' Bslar Katptra PHa Vest Atfawtttsa, "TO TOSSOB." - - LYRICTHEATRE wxxx axsnnraia jabtabt iu "ThePuIseofKewlfork" swi arrire eea fmta IS a. m. te f s. si. ' Saaw eaa he isaanad hr seosei Mala . STAR THEATRE Week ef yswsary St. TMoph Mala SaS. Xhe A use ernes beaapaoji rrMaais - hUAD'H UIKLM The Paamka Ansle rwi-v rootonVrtrasM. Matlsass ToMitera Thanlara, Saturdara anil annriara at IM p. m. Prk-oe I'W an. 2 ". Erorr aveejag at a.ia wewes. i ns if, ant sne. Seewe saanj ay wiapooaei msi ua. ......... 4 :-::::'.. lb. . ... iff t ........ .'ar T 14 T 10e ..10 ........ .8 Patterns and roatertala Tam advantage for S 7,85 Each for $ 9.15 Each for $10.85 Each for $ 1 3.85 Each for $14.89 Each ; for $16.15 Each for $18.85 Each for - $227l OEac for $26.35 Each yott no more than anr ether kind ef meat. ., Neatness and d Is pa ton la our motto. market. It will pay yoa to drop In, :7l-T.T-r:; VEAL v ' '-::X f or choice '"' - Th , finest " Willamette ".Tly : ' -wtookr- , i ' Veal Shanks, per lb....rrrrr.)y- Veal Stew, per lb 8 Teal Boll, per lb ...lO Breast ef Veal, per Ib.......lOe) Shoulder Roast, per lb......JO Leg Veal, per lb ...,12H Rump Veal. pen!b........l2HeV Veal Cutlets, per lb...n..12Hy Loin Cutlets, per lb.........l54 Veal Loaf, per lb.. a 15 patrons are aaked te pay at th eaahler desk as a eon venlano to themselves and an accommodation to us. SPECIAL PSICES GIVEN TO ROTHS Quality from crust to v crust Kutter-lMat read Try It next time 5 casta'' aar loaf ' 1 iflir Uv-v . Aik for Bttttcr-Nnt". and refrne a tnixtltut vvlthoiitxur label TFo Portland PORTLAMXJ. ORCaON. KUROnAN FLAN ONLY HEVAXgUARTIRS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCLU. TRAVEIJCRa, - Faeiy tiling ta eat and drink, and It eoets ncunore la the . fortlann Hot si tathakeQer . then elsewhere In -the city. Svery weekday night (rem S:SS to It, BL Jt lOVnt. Btaaafw. The Grand Ya4.nie 4a Luc. M.rt.nna. The I'.n.ian Mtrmr ' poMiTeiy a -T ( A A.t. 'T.v-1 AoTina." alias C'.ira afaara, Ka'iftm.n a t.ra "Jail bud. at horn Ba - ... f'jw." MS. -It.. I -.WW ' -v - I e- -W have It, and we alee kandla tt If you hav not been In our new . .. , poRK , - Sweet and Juicy, -.- Loin Chops, per lb..... ........ lBd ' - Shoulder Chops. perUD, 12 H - -Hock, per lb 8e Pigs Feet, per lb......... 6e) Back Feet, per lb 10 Leaf Lard, per lb 12 He Pure Lard, our own make, lb... .12 . -Sausage, per lb. ..... ...... -10 Salt Pork, per lb,...........12H ' Pickled Pork, per lb ,.12tte) SUNDRIES j Kidneys, per lb. ................ .6 Liver, per lb. . ..... .... . .....R4) Oxtails, per lb 5 Tripe, per lb. .t ................ .Sat Corn Beef, perlb. 6 Bologna, per lb .8 Frankfurters, per lb. .... 10 Brains, per lb ...10 Hams, per lb...... A....1T Bacon, per lb 1TM t on grocers PRINTING CO. OUR BUSINESS , T "P h rvt Xttn nMsfuticn to mil tnrwrk. Our nwr mnj tjP mrt mil nw mmd mp-to datt. W da nct tUim t b th tnfy PrmUrt it Atwm lhai do vW uvri, hu wu da tlaim tkut 0n't i t,ai U (tout A GOOD PRIHTIITG Wont ' 213 SECOND 5TIV KEMP