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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
TI1C Once Oil DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1907. A. V 1 1 IV UP ICE 10 W Shipping Men Hop Something Will Be Done to Relieve the Tie-Up of Navigation. PORT OF PORTLAND IS LOOKED TO FOR HELP black Powder Would Break WocJf. , ade, Declare Shipping Man, While Dynamite Would ProTe ' It la sucaested that the sort of Port land hav tha tea blockade In the Co lumbta river ' removed by tha uaa .of black powder.- Several shipping-men v returned from the aceoe of tha blockade thta morning and according to them the altuatlon la certainly aerloua. In their : opinion It will be a whole week before the blockade will break an lta own ao. cord. If the weather, con Unties warm, ' and then there will be danger of much damaga- wha thm nnrmniit llrejnsss begins to move down alream. The ' oriental liner Aragonla la atlU faat In the lea. . Among thoae who atudled the altu ation at Warrior ilock yesterday waa K. p. Baamgartner, Portland agent for - tha ateamer Alliance. H le particu larly intereated la tha blockade became tha Alliance haa loat about 19 days' .'time on account of tha tie-up. : " " I aee no kopa of tba Ice pack break ing up for another week," aald Mr. Baumgartner thla morning. "The ioe haa . accumulated In. tha channel end - piled tip to a height 'or depth rather' of from It to II feet It will bo Irapoe- aibla i fof ateamera to penetrate thla compact maaa and It will take a long time to melt In rase of a audden riae In tba river tha alough on tha Oregon aide will apread over a largo territory because the liver la forming a new ' channel there owing to the lea dam and the damage la bound to be great.. And - again if tha lea la 'carried down the - current In a large field It will carry everything before It and cauaa Irrepar able damage to many. V hlppta " Xajaree. " "It haa. been auggeated that black powder-be used - to-elear tha channel and tha auggeation la a good one. Dyna mite will not work on lea but by uaa of black powder tha blockade could be railed.' . Deep a shipping" out of Portland ha been practically abandoned for 1 daya and the erfecta are beginning to be felt. Several ' hundred longshoremen - have been loafing at headquarter on Front atreet waiting for tha Imprtaoned ateam era to Teach the harbor- and aavaral hun dred vessel are unable to get here alnce the alough channel la too aballow. ' - llarcua Talbot. manager or tha i. r. A. I, company, left for Tha Pall thla morning to look over tba altuatlon on tha upper Columbia, Ha expect to - be able to resume regular traino in a ' dav or two. although ha aaya tha com pany will do nothing until It la practic ally certain that the teamer will' get through from , Portland to The Dalle GIG DO -without trouble. Ha atated that there ' la yet It ml lea of lea adrift eomewhere -r between The Dallea and tha mouth of . the Willamette. ',:. - " .' Oreet Gorge at The DaHea, In reference to tha condition oa tha V- upper Columbia 0. I Brook, weather ., obaerver at Tha Dallea, aaya In' a letter 1 to District Forecaater Edward R. Beala, mhat tha' tea: gorga at -The. Dallea haa . assumed a wonderful appearance. The middle . of the river la pushed up to eight feet above tha shore Una and tha great tblcknesa -of lea haa dammed the . watera ao that tha reading o tha river gg era seven feet a have the probable . readings.' The wharf boat a and wood eowa which are uaed extensively on this fiver are tn dangerous position 'One la almost high and dry. - J. i "The Ice haa cut off the river gaga,' aaya tha letter, "and further readings will have to be dispensed with until a new gage la reinstated. I shall put in --: a temporary gaga that will answer the purpose until a permanent gage can be - . established." , . Assistant I'nlted States Engineer D. B. Ogdea stated this morning that tha government lock at tha Cascade are '-again open for business. Tba- lea waa broken up yeaterday by tha employea of , tba lock aad tha gates opened. CONCERT ON SHIPBOARD Public Invited to Vfett the Surerte i' v : - Thursday Night. .- By the kind permission of Captain Shotton. an entertainment will be given on tbe British steamship Suverio Thura , 'day evening next at I o'clock. An ex cellent program haa been arranged by the officer of the ahlp, assisted by ,. Ilss Ellxabeth Hoben, aa accompanist A portion of tha huge shade deck Is belng prepared for the occasion, this being entirely under cover and lighted "by electricity, ' - Apart from tha performance, whloh will be very attractive, a ; nlque oppor- tunlty will thua be-afforded of tnapect .. 'lng oao of tha largest tramp ateamera afloat Tha vessel will ba moored at the Tlreenwlch dock, on theweat aide of the elver near the Alblna ferry, and la easily - accessible by a good gangway. . " ' There will ba no charge for admtaelon, t . nni i.. win -w. lScmn'i Institute. In which Captain I vvjotton and the ship' company have ' shown great Intereat "V f j The weekly concert at the Seanjen'a Inatltute, 104 Nqrth Front atreet win . be given tomorrow under the direction 'of Mlaa Elisabeth Hoben, who haa ar ranged a very fine . program. In ' which eoma of the beet perfdrrners in the city will take part Dr. Arneaa Munro, British ateamshlp Suveric. a ' distin guished traveler and lecturer, will take 'the chair1. ' . 7 , ENDEAVOR 4S SAFE Waterlogged Lumber . Schooner . la Towed to Far Cow Point. " I v (gpelal Dlspatrb is The JoeraaL) Hoqulam, Wash.. Jan. , 22. The ' schooner Endeavor, which waa towed Into harbor Saturday night In a water logged condition, waa taken to Far Cow roint today by tugs. Tha Endeavor : hd sunk to the water' edge and draws ' ' about 24 feet, but aha wa successfully brought over tha bar. Effort will be made to tnk tha vessel to Aberdeen t high wster tomorrow. If thla cannot done she will ba unloaded here. BIO TRADE WITH ORIENT Hcventeen Tramp Steamer Cnder Engagement, fo Ixad Here. , fh pacific Export Lumber company yasterduy chartered the two Norwegian cc:d health bb. wtuxajcr runt tbulb vsxs ATTsa amxrn -attack. arrest ratal Baollaa, Bulla rp tha 7ta aad Bestore Loa rieea t and rattbaf trearth. ' Any bodilyweakness caused by a deficiency In the blood can be cured by tna uaa or Dr. willlama Ptnk PUle be cause tnee puis actually make new blood. After attack of the grip tha blood la generally run down and the pa ne ni continues to decline . "About three yeara ago." aaya Mr. Jennie Cowan of 711 N. Henry atreet. Weat Bay City, Mich., I caught a aevera cold, which ran Into tha grip. I waa confined to my bed for two weeka. At tha end of that tlma I waa able to be about, but waa completely rua down. I waa ao weak I could hardly etand. my cheeka had no color and I felt faint My heart would flutter and it waa dif ficult for ma to breathe at time.' Neu ralgia settled In tba back of my head and atomach and I Buffered from rheu matism In my shoulder. "I had tha eara fit tha beat doctor in town but became . oo better .. until a friend told me one day how aha had been cured by. Dr. William Una PUle and I decided; to try them. I soon felt better and continued using them until I waa entirely cured. - They built me up again to perfect health and I uae them now whenever I feel at all sick and they always heln me." The after-effecU of tha grip "rageh-i erajiy worse than tba disease Itself. The health of tha body la badly -shattered and oftentlmea there aeeraa to be no way to restore It. The blood la poor, tha breathing difficult and there la loss of -weight- The aufferer- becomes ner voua and Irritable and tha system la powerless to reaiat tha attacks of aucb disease aa bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption. v . Dr. -William Pink PIHa are Inval uable In thla-condltlon, a well aa in other blood disease, because thev not only drive Off the germ of tha dlaeasa but build up tba system. The pills have cured anaemia, rheumatism. - after-ef fects of fevers, neuralgia and many other aevera dlaordera Dr., Williams Pink Pills are Bold by all druggists, or aent. postpaid, on re ceipt of price, (0 cents per box. alx boxea tt.tO, by tha Dr. William Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. T. ateamer Mathilda and Krogatad to load lumber here forthe orient soon. Tha Mathilda wilt; come here from Ouays maa, Mexico, while tha Krogstad la now on route for Penaacola. Prom tbla it will be aeen that tba Mathilda will reach here first. .- - - With tha charter of tha Mathilda and Krogatad. there are now 10 large steam er beaded for thla port to load lumber ror the orient, tha graateat fleet of 4 lta hind . aver, recorded anywhere, tha comDinea capacity or tbeae camera be ing -approximately 4l.t00.00e feet of lumber. Tba If ateamera are tha Ma thilda, Krogstad, Thyra and Thode Fegelu ftd. flylnar the- Norwegian -fie g; tha British ateamera Btrathyre, Strath-clyda,- 8 1 rath more and Woodford, and tba German ateamer - Tiberius. - In addition to these, an aimoat equal ly large fleet of foreign ateamera will ha here at tha aama tlma to carry away bread stuffs, their cargoes, too, being deatlned for tha orient and Siberia. Tbeae are the Japanese ateamera Man ahu Maru. fsuraa Maru. Shlbertoro Maru, Dlanl Maru and Fukul Maru, and tha British ateamera Armaria and Quito. -- - . k .' ALONQ THE WATERFRONT Tha British ship Halewood left As toria, yesterday bound for Puget sound to iuad ror Kuropa. Tha schooner Inoa la on tha way to tha Columbia river to load a return cargo of lumbar for San Francisco. Owing to tha lea blockade In tba river an oil fuel famine la beginning to ba feared among the river ateamer men operating out of here. The barae Rod- erlctt-Ohu reached Astoria thla morning wun a cargo or oil. but it may be soma time before aha can be brought up to the tank on the Willamette. Tbe Alli ance wa given oil from the barge at Astoria thla morning.- i ' - Astoria. Jan. - 21. Arrived at 1:1 p. m. Schooner Alpena, from Ban Pe dro. Left up at 4 p. m.- Bteamer Mav erick. Sailed it : p. m. Brttlah ahlp Halewood, for Tacoma. Sailed at 4:11 p. m. Steamer Columbia, for Ban Francisco. - San Diegov Jan. tl. Sailed Schooner Alpena, for Columbia riven I ' ' 1 Mrs. Miller, Makes a Fortune SUrted a Few Tears Ago With No Capital, and now Kmploya Nearlr - One Hundred Clerk and Stenographer. , "Until a few yeara aro Mrs. Cora B. Miller lived In a manner similar to that of thousands of other very poor women of the average email town and village. Hhe now reside In her own palatial brown-stone residence, and is considered one of tbe most successful business wo men In -ne United States. Several yeara ago Mrs. Miller learned of a mild and simple preparation that cured herse.4 and several frieoda of fe male weakneaa and piles. She waa be siege t by so many women needing treat ment that ahe decided to furnish It to those who might call for It - She start ed wttn only a few dollars' capital, and the remedy, possessing true and wonder ful me-.t producing many curee when doctors and other rcmedlea failed, the demand grew so rapidly she waa sev eral tlmea compelled to aeek larger quar ters, tine now occupiea one or tna city largest office buildings, which ahe owns, and aimoat one hundred clerks and aten ogrmpher are required to asaist In thla great bualneaa. Million Women fee It, y More than a million women hav4 naed Mrs. Miller's remedy, and no matter where yon live, ahe can refer you to la dles in your nwn locality who can and will ten any sufferer that thla marvel ous remedy really cures women. De spite thj fact that Mrs. Millers busi ness is very extensive, ' she la arwaya willing to give aid and advice to every suffering woman who write to her. She Is a generoua, good woman and ha de cided to give away to women who have never used ner medloin 10,000.00 worth aosoiutety kkjc . , Every woman auirenng with pain In the head, back and bowels, bearing-down feelings, nervousness, creeping sensa tions up-the spine, melancholy, desire to cry. hot flashes, weariness, or pllee from any cause, should sit right down and sena ner name ana aaaress to M r. Cora It Miller. Box 2710, Kokomo. Ind., and receive by mall (free of charge In plain wrapper) a 0-cent box of her marvel- owe medicinal al her valuable book. wnien every woman anouial have.. Remember, thla offer will not last long, for thousands and thousands of women who are suffering will take ad vantage of thla generoua means of get ting cured. Ho If you are ailing, do not suffer nnother day, but send vour name and addresa to Mr. Miller for the book and medicine before the $10,009.09 worth' is all jone ,. I "P. ShirtvstPnllertis Lace and Embroidery Dept. Out entire stock of women's hand and machine embroidered waist patterns, Jn linen or ba tiste, foe t one fourth leu than regular ' price regular prices $3.23 to $35 Cn nrfh the L now save iU II I III t IDm? Eight days more and this wonderfui merchandise event will, have passed into hbtory. - And for the eight days that remain there'll be spirited selling, there'll be open-handed bargain-giving, be sure of that. The entire machinery of a great organization will be set in mo tion seeking to excel all former efforts for January selling, to clear, out at any cost, what remains of the winter stocks. See to it that you come every day that is left to you and avail yourself of the opportunities that come only with such a great sale as this J , - Women's $ Shoes for $3.19 $3.50 Shoes for $1.98 '-- 'J? , i. ,- ,i. ,-, ,t " r r - ' That pleasedTmtTirveBrougTir" many a one to the faces of -our cus- tomcrs in the last month by the spe cial prices we've! been making dar inp; the Clearance Sale of; Shoes. We've been. making clearance sale prices on the best footwear that was ever turned out of an American fac tory.y The shoes bought here this year have been of the sterling qual ities and the prices as the foHowing quotations prove, are lower tnan are usually found on thegood grades: Women's ShoesT In "iroken lines, viith the addition of three strong styles - of shoes in all- sizes and widths, T"'Madeof box' calf or fine kid.- come in lace or Blucher styles. and the regular price is $3.50 for most of the .v . AO shoes in this lot. ' Sale price .... .' ." ." ......... v 1 iO 1,000 Pairs of Women's Shoes, in patent or kid leathers, come in button or lace with heavy or light soles, L All styles embraced, and these shoes are very stylish laists ; most every pair in the lot hr worth $4.00' regularly. Sale k C 5 1 ft price, ehoice. . V. . eDOely Men's -Highest - Grade. Shoes,. made ' in. patent: and calf leathers button jr lace, last and styles jpnly foundjn the very best grades. We shall include in this lot broken lines of as good .shoes as can be made in valae to ' 'J OQ $6.00 Sale price .7.. i 0 nO" Boys' Shoes, in tan or black, Blucher or lace, good heavy soles, with uppers of kid, icalf and English grain leathers. Sizes 9 to 2, regular $2.25, now $1.39; 24 to i OQ by2, regular $2.75 value, now. .eD 1 eOy Don't Forget that the quality of Olds, Wortman & King's Shoes is remembered long after the price is forgotten. ;-- 1 Lines of Royal Worcester Corsets One sizes in ong flannel, "out sizes" 17, 18 and 1V 1." T a mi blue stripes; regular $1.50 values. Special at.... ePIe y Children's Sleeveless Aprons,' slightly soiled, for children 2 to 14 years of age." Special for Wednesday t-' L ff half price.....;.... ...................... ......flail muM mm f .r i '-; r f Vi m WttZi- ta 5L-.'J,.,u V, ft: MAIL ORDERS lllVE PROMPT ay Fw"" 1 ! " - Third Less , . . . s Mm-Q 'All figures can " be"fitfed"fromthis assortment that we are offering at one third less than the regular price. It's a clean-up of several lots, not all one line, but taking all the numbers there is no size but what can be found and no figure that we can't fit. Made of the very best ma terials, some of them handsomely trimmed and most of the models haver hose - supporters attached. Whether the regular price of the corset that you may select from these iourteen numbers was one dollar or ten dollars, by pur chasing now, save--'"ft J just one third...........! nfU Black Sateen Petticoats of fine qual ity material, with three separate ruf fles on a 14-inch flounce; the regu lar price of these splendid skirts is $2.25 each. CI 7ft Special.. .:..............eMey Women'i Nightgowns, of joutine 19, come in pink or 4 f f f msmuhdMmoMEmsmMsmHait .These coats come in fancy materials only, no plain colors in the lot. AH seven-eighths and three-quarter lengths, and they are in all sorts of patterns. The colors are mostly light and dark'gravs, in stripes, plaids, checks and all the smart figures that this season has called stylish. - They come in straight or bias cut back, some have velvet collars, some have collars of the same material as the coat and some are collarless. Trimmed with braid, straps, fancy buttons, piping and made and lined, in the , , best possible manner. A lot of five hundred for tasteful women d choose from, and every coat in this immense lot goes for just nait wnat it is worth at regular times. Keguiar prices $8.ou to ; Here Arc Examples of the Way They'll . . 1 i hmrss . r.... . ,U a Kf ea fTfl Coats' worth Z'.Jf ' $20.00 now iThis includes some three hundred fine Suits, in plain or fancy . , fects, Pony or Eton blouse other suit opportunity as good women of all sizes and to please all purses; regular prices from 1 . tLC ALinenSpecial Irish Linen Table"amask; with one dozen large dinner size NapkmPTtomatch, Jn" the best patterns, specially priced as follows : '"' J; ' :": ' 2 x2 , yards, special-! $0.83 2 x26 yards, special $7.50 2- r x3 ; yards, special 1 $8.15. 2x24 yards, special $8.80 2x3 yards, special $9.70 2x34 yards, special $11.00 Silks 78c Yard Black Taffeta Silk. 23 inches wide ; regularly sold at zJ7Q $1.10.- Special yard... I Ov Fancy Novelty Silks, including 27 and 36inch white "arid black" Japs," Pointelle Crepes and Crepe de Chines; worth $1.00 and $1.50 the yard. , HQP Special, yard .......... .i OL Suitings, this season's best pat terns, in English,-French' and German Plaids. Superb quali ties and the very smartest sort of patterns, in grades that have been selling for $1.50,' $2 and $2.50. Now your choice, " the yard (see Washington street window display).. yOL Fancy Suitings, including a lot of fine chiffon broadcloth in all the wanted shades; also man nish mixtures and fancy Eng lish plaids; goods that sell reg ularly for $2, $2.50 frf 957 and $3 yard. Special, aplae Art Department BattenbergPalterns Dolly, Centerpiece, bolero pat terns, etc., in rarely beautiful designs; regular values to 30c each. Selling very special P for. Wednesday at, choice .Ov Fancy Pin Cushions, - in alt sizes and colors, pink, green, blue, red and yellow; regular prices from 75c to $4.50. Spe cial for Wednesday tT 3Q 57e to. .'. . .... . . . . . fPfJeOO DressGopds ; ;5c . Regular :Piice-Me4:i-m . 8 , i-i ... ". m . aa. CoaU worth $10.00 now i ! "I fY'l. Coats worth J 4 J OK eP IU $28.50 now ..eP 1 t,Zt3 ' styles and loose or tight-fitting as this one, so we advise you to ATTEIlTlOtl ........ . Men's $1.00 Shirts for 77c $1.50 Shirts for $1.05 "" j Men's Stiff Bosom Shirts, in the famous Monarch brand, s nice new patterns and most (n! s'zes" . Special for the, f ? ) Clearance Sale, '! ; HH n tVrJfl choice... . . .... I C If Y Men's Stiff Bosom Shirts, jf A Jj I ' including many of ..the regu- TyUVil 'ar $80 grades of splendid "Quett shirts. Special for ev tJv the Clearance , ,451 AC rafe Sale . . . . . . . . . . m.V 1 eUO Boys Wool Sweaters, some jgp.! in V-neck - style and some YJj tn' button down front freg- 1 ( . i ular $1.25 values. . Qle 'Men'a-Undeveribbed, tt" : :? l fleece lined; regu, Atop Men's Hosev-regular 50c tar 75c grade ........ ,k U w quality. Clearance 9 Men's Worsted Ribbed Un- Sale Price- derwear; regular 'JQrt Men's Golf Shirts, plain or Vlizl-JlyM plaited ; regular $1.50 grade. Men's iU odarw ear, flat f P1 '' S C 1 ft C weave worsted; Y d JC for"p' v VrU -$X50-grade.forePle-VU Men-sNecivarr-in largt Children's Sweaters, small English squares ; regular 75c sizes; regular $1.50 - H grade values. Special. ..... I I C Special. ........... ..awUU Curtains and Draperies Silk Curtains, ' in ' cross stripes, come 8 yards long and 60 inches ' wide, handsome patterns and un- usually good qualities ; regular $11 grade $8.50; and -rrz; (fcjC $7.50 grade for.... ...ePU ATI Snir Cirrtaln MateHat in rmaa stripe patterns, 50 inches ana regular i yara. ri C Special, yard. . . .. ...7. ej)l UtJ Fancy Figured Madras, 63 inches wide, comes in carmine and blue ; worth $2.25 yard; ff CA Special . . . .D 1 eU U Scrim Curtains, made with lace edge and insertion; a very dnrable-curtain ; worth $4.50 the pair., i C AC Special. . ....... 4)L.V0 Portieres, odd lots, the regu lar $35 grades for. .$24.50 Reg. $22.00 grade's $17.50 Reg. $17.60 grades $12.50 Reg. $15.00 grades $11.25 Reg. $12.00 grades $10,60 Novelty - Lace Curtains, broken lines-; regular $7 val ues at $4.25, $6.50 grades $3.95. $4.60 ' 4J7 7C grades. ... . . .- . ejaw I - - :$5.oo ::ncrr?!f:M.......$7.5o Coats worth 4 JL s r. $32.60 now ..4 1 UiaVi) wool materials, and in the best styles. Long, or models. Twill be a long time before e Deiore be prompt in taking advantage of $12.50 to $15, and now you fake 35cLzccDziids lc White Teniae and Net Bands, la widths of two to four tiuhea, regular value I (a the yard. -cial for Wedneedey. . If- .a .sv Blaak T?r-Xae and Inaer tlen, from six te ten Inohea wide, for making waists aad flounce, special, sow LAXJ UitOUA WO. . wide, i-?f 1 Special Sale of Rugs, splen did copies of oriental rugs, in rich soft colorings ; and pleasing patterns,. Size 27x 54 inches; worth ' $3.50. Special. . . .epe I O 36x63 in worth $5 $3.50 9x10 feet, worth $35 $23.00 9x12 feet, worth $39 $27.50 Childs Cribs, handsome iron cribs, brass mounted, white enameled, made, with drop Sides; regular value $14.00 each. Special . . J J Be Sold Coats worth 4?0 ( Or $43.50 now . .aVV.eJ short r you ve an-1 you ve an it. Suits for I " - your choice at L-JL 1.1 ! VCV-fl c-VfT a i a a a