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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
, THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNALS PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2. JAPS tf.lUST LIVE in mmih Stanford University Rules Com pel fJttie Brown Students to ' -; Sleep in Cellar. ' PRESIDENT JORDAN DOES ( NOT PRACTICE PREACHING ;Hrd of Called' aWate-Swi Fran . c toco I' for .ProridliiglspMt Schools . While Discriminating ; Against Oriental! Himself. (loarnat Special ttrrtoO St. Paul. Mine,.. Jan.. SI Receiving the' full Republican vote United eta to Senator- Knute. Nelson waa reelected today by tbe Minnesota legislature.'' Knute Nelson was bom in Norway in -': .". , IJoareol Sparta! Serrfce.) ':, , !-; San Franolsco, Jan. tJ. nly hood Uuras make race troubles, .-The.Japan-ese school children were -not dirty nor Immoral nor undesirable. The-Baa Fran-.i'eJ-0ehoplbpard..hed no reason for i passing that segregation order. irpayg nation to be a, gentleman , In tetay- KNUlilLSOU IS ilGillfl : CHOSEfl. '... j '.ci -.5 ; - v;' Minnesota Legislature" in Joint ' .V ; Session Reelects Sen-.' ;;ator.-'''-:V::'' dent David Starr, Jordan. , . Apparently, to the scientific mind of Dr. Jordan., the aerreaation of Japan ese students In San Francisco la a hood (- T""imact, but on the Stanford carapua t la the "deed" of " 4renterna While .' the pM TSoctor haa been shouting lore -' for thei Japanese -from San Francisco 'banquet boarda be haa beea quietly 1 practicing discrimination against them ' at Palo Alto more pronounced than any thing complained of in tola city. , At -Stanford there Is an, ertfr, which has been rigidly enforced, to the effect that all Japanese, negro and Chinese -students must aleep la the basement of ; the dormitory. This haa been a ml .- Mif the Institution almost alnce- the 'day , !lt opened Ita doors. As Dr. Jordan has Jurisdiction over all matters pertaining toTneraonnltery lt-ta- presumed th law : "wla-oC his own framing.'-' At any rate. the enforces It to the-letter., i Enclna dormitory is one of the finest ' buildings on Stanford campus and In t-lt mala students have- rooms, - It. Is - ' four stories in height, with a, largo - basement. The' rooms on Ita four floors "; are neat, airy, sanitary and eommodl - 1 jus. r-These are reserred for whito stu dents. In IU-furnlahed rooms and with : floors of cement the Japanese, negro, and Ctemesa-Btudenta are quartered. , About It Japanese - students areat present domiciled lnllhe dormitory .basement. , -.-.'-.,.' . I 11 1 " 1 '.Ji I Senator Kant Nelson. RACCOON HUNTERS KILL " NINETEEN IN ONE DAY BpmIiI llMa The Jeate sl.t- Xfit coming to America when. years old- - lie cama to Minnesota In 1871 and served aa a - private and non-commla-aioned officer In the union armyi during thactvllarrrrftrnha-war,- lia was adcnlf ted to S bkr In Wisconsin and was a 'member of the 'Wisconsin legis lature la lS6S-t., In ItTS he was elected Attorney of Douglas county, Minnesota, state- senator-In-IVTS, presidential elec tor In 1880, member of congress In 1881 and governor of Minnesota, 1IS2-6. He wu elected senator In 1896. -GIVET0GAS" (Continued. from Pago One.) Woodland. Wub, Jan. 21. The Urg est anowfall- for several years is- being enjoyed here and sleighing and -coon hunting parties are the principal di ; ' vejrslona. party - headed by Victor -. Wallace and com posed otherwise of Pro ' . f essor : W. Ernest Crowe, Solomon - -fttronr Jr. and Bartlett Lav Rue, are the champion coon hunters of Woodland, -; holding the record fa tha greatest nqm- ber -of Killed xirtone. 4ay - and for tha number killed:- Theirj champion- record J was mtoi lOHLuruw,. w.neo. .nay.. uuaa .19. Bartlett Lav Roe, the only boy in tha crowd, killed three of.themt i real estate. Moving v TW00DUND.WASH. h: . K-ir , Woodland. Waah.. Jan. ILr-Woodland ', 'is expertenclag . quite a little boom In ' the real estate line; several, pieces of ' property have changed hands In tha '. laat few day. "The principal salej was ' the - Hatchings general - merchandise - store, which -waa nold to IHe Jones Caah . Store company of Portlend, Mr. Hutch- inga. Who la one -of Woodland's oldest and mOst auccessfnl business, men. will Je. greatly missed from bis bid place of business. '- H-will remain la Wood land and will engag In some other bual " nees.-- ' ' i ' i ' . "' :-' 1; - - ' K.XXT7MATI8X. - O. a. HIgbaa. Danville. Ilia, writes, Dec'S, l01i - "About two yeare ago I was'' laid tip. for four months with i rheumatism. ' I triad Ballard's Snow - liniment; one DOtue curea, ni. I can : rheerf uiiy recommena it, to an autlerlng ifrom .like affliction, lie. 60o land 11.00 t Hold .ny an oruaaisia. : Tn "Foil 1 JlHAT; ; 1 Bring your" head to head quarters and fit it with a hat ' - at less than one half the reg ' ular , price.- Here's an ac-. cumulation of short lines of V soft end "stiff ' hats, which were' $1.50, $2X)Q and $2.80. ' t Special for ; tomorrow 85. 4 ClothinnO) - -. .Cni KuhnPiotj . ;;' - A . y .- " Men's and Boys UutfittersT 163 and 168 Third Street, . Mohawk Buildinjr. f name waa put up for ballot. ' . Great quiet reigned In the two' houses, tha faces of the members showing the tension Of the moment, aa last night there had been rumora current that a bolt of the ticket had been planned for the last moment. As thlaJBtjrota:waa ea, and the result was announced, a algh of relief swept over the vaat throng aasembled to watch the proceedings and It waa shown that the direct primary law had triumphed and the old machine regime and senatorial election deadlocks were things of history. . Tote In til Senate. : '' Tht aenate voted as follows: For Mul key, short term Bailey, BeacK Bing ham. Booth. Bowerman, Caldwell, Coke, Cole, Coahow, Hedges, Hodson. Johnson, Kay, Laiughary, Lay cock. . Malarkey,. Mo Donald. Miller, Linn and 'Marion. Mullt, Nottingham, Schnlfleld, Slchel, Smith (Marion), Smith (Cmatllla), Wheatdon. Wright.- Mr. Prealdent ' Abaent, Sena tors Hart. ' Maya and Miller of lAnn; yeaa 17, abaent l. ' The.- following -aanatorgroted r for Bourne for the long - term:' 5 Bailey, Beach. Bingham, -. Bowerman,. Caldwell. Coke, Cole, Coahow. . Hedges,. Hodson, Johnson, Kay. Latughrey, Mullt, Notting ham. Scholfleld. Slchel. Smith (Marlon), Smith (Umatilla), Wright. Mr. Presi dent.. ' , '!."' , The following -senators voted for R. ft. Bean, present chief fustloe, for sen ator. Booth, Laycock, Miller of Marlon, Whaaldon. Absent. Senators Hart, Mays and Mil ler of IJnn. . . Total Bourne 18, Bean 4, absent . x :.- '.- Tote ta toe Xonse. -.r-.-. -.j . , ' In the house Speaker Davey appointed a. committee eonaletlng of Carter- of Benton. Farrell of Multnomah county, and Jackson of Douglas to canvaa the vote for Mulkey and Bourne. The vote waa announced by the chair and the two men named aa tbe choice of the people for - United States - aenatora for . short and long terms. The vote was then taken on Mulkey for the ahort term as follows: For Mulkey Adams, Barrett (Uma tilla), ' Barrett (Washington). Bayer, Beala, Belknap, Beveiidge, Bones. Brix. Brown, Beutgen, Burns, Campbell, Car ter, Chap In, Chase, Coffey, ConnelL Crawford. Dobbin. Donnelly, DrlscolL Dye,. Eaton, Edwards, Farrell, Freeman, Oray. Hendrlck, Holt, Huntley, Jack son, Jewell. 'Jones (Clackamas), Jones (Lincoln and Polk), King, Knowles, Kubll. - McCallon, McCue. Merry man, Moore, Newell, Northrup, Perkins, Pike, Purdy. Rackleff, Reynolds, Rodgera, RothehikL Bettlemler,. Simmons, Blush er, Steen, Vpmeyer, Vawter, Washburn, Wilson, Davey Total, 10. 1 . -a -.- Three' Bol onre. 'Zl'.. '.. Following the election of Mulkey, tha vote waa called on Bourne. xThe vote resulted for Bourne 87, for F. "A. Moore 1. Tor F. W; Mulkey 1,. Reynolds and Rodgers.-of Marlon voting for. Moore, Bettlemler .for Mulkey. The. total was aa follows: - " For Bourne Adams, Barrett. Uma tilla; Barrett,". Washington; Bayer, Beala. Belknap. Beveridge, Bones, Brlz. Brown, Beutgen, Burns, Campbell, Car ter, Chapln, - Chase, ' Coffey, Connell, Crawford. Dobbin, Donnelly, Drlscoll, Dre. Eaton. Edwards, Farrell, Freeman, Oray, Hendrlck,. Holt, Huntley, Jackson, Jewell, Jones, Clackamas; - Jones, Lin coln and Polk; -King, Knowles, Kubll. McCallon, McCue, -, Merry man, Moore, Newell, Northup, Perkins, Pike,' Purdy, Rackleff, Rothchtld, Simmons, Blusher, Steen, "Upmeyer, .Vawter, Washburne, Wilson. Davey. Total, ST. 1 Reynolds for F. A. Moore; Rodgers for F. A. Moore, Bettlemler for F. W. Mul key. - T NO SEAT NO PAY FOR JERSEY CITY TROLLEYS . , The Story cf Medicine. ; . lUaarao "Golden Medical Dlaooverv" WM luggMtM by one of its moat Import ant and valoable lngredlenU Golden Boal root . , , N earl j forty years ago. Dr. Pierce dis covered that be could, by the nee of pore. uipie-rennea ffivoerine, aided by a oer- lain oegree or eenatMUy malnUIoed ieat and with the aid of DDaraUu and -apDliancea designed far that purpose, x- vact iron oar moat valuable native me dicinal roots their curative properties much better than by the Die o( alcohol, o generally employed. So the now world famed "Oolden Medical Dltkwvery," for the euro of weak stomach. tndlgesUon, or dvtpeptla, torpid liver, or blllouineas and RAPID GliOrJTII mum 010 OF J kindred dera It ever sin of alcohol A glance ots. print will show that It valuable medicinal In our American ngemrn e has been m its makw- Ser"' la maoii ro6is U was lrt made, as i, without a particle up. st of Its Intredl- DOtue-wrapper, irom tne mot. found growing A Million Progressive Agrjcul j '. turists Represented at At 1" Janta, Convention. IN COMPLETE. CONTROL r- i -. OF COTTON MARKET ur American foretOM All them ln- ryA .in! a'll - in yi'Virl -wiiiimsaj issiBi si taajtri. fr ty div.i.iea for VhU-h OOOiC of these enaoraeUietibf Lki been compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, if. Y., and will be mailed res to any one asKing same or postal m, or letier aoaresaea to toe Doctor as above. From these endorsements, copied from standard medical books of all the differ ent schools of practice, .It will be fonnd that the Ingredients composing the -Golden Medical Discovery - ate advised not -only toe tbe eare-et the above mentioned diseases, bnt also foe the euro of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and throat affections, accompalrved with catarrhal dischargee, hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, or hang-on-eonghs, and all those wasting affections which. If not promptly and -properly treated are liable to terminate 'In consumption. Take Dr. Pierce's Dis covery In time and persevere In Itsose until yon give It a fair trial and it la not likely to disappoint. Too much matt net be expected of It. It will not perform' miracles. It will not core consumption In Ita advanced stages. Mo medicine will. It toiU cure the affections that lead up to consumption, if tuAen ttt time. ... . . . KAISER APPEALS FOR AID -'TO 8ERHAH LIBERALS Through Von Buelow Reform of Bureaucracy. Is Promised If . Votes Are Given.--- OrgaiUx-.tlon Believed to Be Able to Soon Thoroughly Control Market ing of All Agricultural Products Grown.-, :;: ? (Joanal Special Service.) . .. Berlin, Jan. I J. In Independent and progressive , circles It Is acknowledged that - the; speech made - by Prince-Von Buelow on Saturday announces as clear ly as could be expected the wllllngnees of the government to cooperate with thai Liberal In governing Jhe fatherland, provldedlhey" , return a sufficiently strong party to the relchatag. His plea for the reform of the bureaucracy In dicates an almost astonishing degree of liberalism. -' The chancellor's condemnation of the Cathollo party also pleases the Liberals because It demonstrates . that the gov ernment really desires to break Ita con nection with . the- clericals If - party de velopments .In - the relchstag make such policy- possible. - - -. - Bnt the Liberals atone cannot form a majority, and they feel that the sugges tion.' of combining' with, the conserva tives la monstrous. At the same, time they admit that disagreeable coopera tion can be mitigated If the Liberal fac tions will play an harmonious tune. (Joaraal BdmUI Berries.!" Jersey City, N. j., Jan. 22. Tbe street and water board haa passed an ordinance providing that street railway companies shall operate sufficient trolley cars to provide a seat for every passenger who pays a -eent fare. It Is also provided that there shall not be longer, head way than i-minutes during the morning snd evening rush hours. The penalty for each violation of the ordinance la died at 150. . ,: Mayor Fagan, who auggeeted that it was the duty of the board to compel the public service .corporation to give better "trolley TVtce-wtll tir--the or dinance. . The company will probably setae the Bret opportunity to test the TILLAM00K T0 HAVE " V A NATIONAL BANK - fflpedal Dtepateh te The Journal.) Tillamook, Or., Jan. 11. The First National bank of Tillamook has been organised with capital stock of 125, 00. The following are the ' officers elected: George Conn, president; D. T. Edmunds, 'Vice-president; James Walton Jr., cashier. The directors are George Conn, Q. T. Edmunds, Charles RayT-Crua Kunse sod James Walton Jr all of this county. '- - : - - , :r Mr. Walton, the' cashier, haa had a wide experience aa a banker la Salem and Portland. For many years ha waa connected with Ladd eV Bush of Salem, and In recent .years has been in the em ploy of the Security Savings A Trust company of Portland. The new bank will take over the busi ness of C it K.. Thayer of this city. The large majority of the stock Is held by cltisens of Tillamook county. 3 (Joaraal Special Berries.) , v Atlanta. Ga.. - Jan., 21 One ;; million proa roe sire ' farmers throughout the south And west are represented at a grand rally begun In Atlanta today by the national directors, organisers, stats presidents and other leaders of the Farmers ; Educational r Cooperative union. President C. a, Barrett called heK-.tharmg to -OJTlr-i1s-morarnr ta the assembly chamber of the state oapltoL. .. The . general purpose of the meeting," as set forth la tha official call. Is to 'dlsouss matters affecting tha welfare of the organisation and to outline in a general way the plan of action for the oomlng year. The reports of the several officers show that the past year waa the moat successful la ths- history of the or ganisation.- The figures eontalned In these reports show that the growth of the Farmers union In membership and influence has) .been- nothing leas than marvelous. , t. - Lass than five ' years ago the asso ciation waa organised In Texas. ' . It had but a handful of members in ths beginning. -Today if haa a member ship in the neighborhood of 1.000,000, covering every southern state - and spreading Into Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon California, Illinois and other states of ths north and weet. . . 1 Ita members declare that It has al ready accomplished what no. other or gaalsatlpn has aver been able to do that la, it has the eottoa situation of the United States well In hand and under the moat -thorough control. It Is generally conceded that to the asso ciation's stand for ,11-cent cotton la due more than anything also the faot that up to. this time the average sell ing price of cotton has - been far In exoess of . 10 cents.' The .efforts to oontrol the cotton crop formed but a beginning, of -the-great campaign-contemplated by the Farmers union. It i believed that within a brief period H-'wllfr-bo-ablo- to as tliinougfnlyeontrol the marketing of all agricultural prod uots -and largely eliminate the middle man from the situation, enabling tht farmer- Instead of the speculator to atep In and control tha. markets. .. on the market a flaw In their Issue waa discovered and no one would in vest la them. For. a time It bad been the aim of the board to oall another eleotlon to vote the bonds -over agala, but thta waa obviated by the offer 'of the Portland firm to place a double- cylinder chemical fire extinguisher and take the town's warrants payable In two years. The prloe of the machine was 1710. , . - An order haa been placed with the sama company for a 100-pound fire belL The engine and other apparatus are to be delivered within 10 days, and aa soon as they arrive a tower will ' be built on tbe town'a property on Front street for tbe bell. A flrehouse for the engine Will also be constructed. Schilling's on top. Best tea and coffee both TEXAS RAILROADS TO n A - RESIST COMMISSION '(Journal Boeetal Sarrlra.1 Austin, Texas, Jan. 23. Tbe proposed order of the Texaa railroad oommtaslon requiring the Santa Fa, the Southern Paolflo, the International A Great Northern and the Missouri, Kansas Jk Texas railroad companies to build a Joint' causeway, across Galveston bay. to connect the mainland with Galveeton Island, came up tfor former consideration before the oommlasion today. - The railroads make no secret of the faot that they are 'Vigorously opposed to the project and will fight It to a finish In the courts If necessary. The roads deny the authority, of the com mission . to Issue such an order as the fgderal ' government--has-control of the waterways of the state. The railroads alao allege that the preaent eongeated condition of traffla In Galveston la not due to any lack of track faollltiee for crossing Galveeton bay. If the propoaal of the state oomrolsslon la enforced It will Involve an expenditure by the rail road companies oonoerned of - about U.000,000 to construct the causeway. 1 STOCK : L1EH - TJEET COiEilTIOIl National Association Convenes In Denver---AII Western States Represented. . FOREST RESERVE POLICY TO RECEIVE OVERHAULING Existing 6b.ortAgs.of. Cars Subject of . Consideration Fight Against Railroads to Bo Continued More - Power to? Commission. - (Joaraal Special Servtee.) ' Denver. Colo, Jan. H--The tenth annual convention of the National live stock association, whloh began in this city today. Is the largeet In point of attendance ever held by the associa tion. - Leading stockmen from Texas, Oklahoma. Montana, - Wyoming. Coio- In a was called to order by president Murdo MacKenile. . After the usual welcoming addresses had been made and responded to and the eonventlon formally organised, Seo retarr T. W. Totnllneoa read the offi cial oall for tbe gathering, whloh waa In part as follows: - . , The executive committee ana oin- ralo. the Dakotas. Nebraska and nu merate other states filled the Broadway theatre thtif '"g whan p. gather- I to confer Wlth jhe . cr of this association corjaralulute the roanit rr on the rvnulis achieved during lod, especially la the pasaeite of the railway rate bill, conferring on the Interstate commerce commission ad equate power over rates, and also In tha amendment to the federal statutes extending the time limit In which live stock can be held on care In transit from II hours. Our association Is now recognized as a great power In. livestock matters and It has attained that position through a policy of con servatism and fairness." Tha present convention wllf remain In aeaston over tomorrow and It Is pos sible the proceedings may run over a third" day, aa more than the ordinary number of important matters are to be brought up for discussion and action. Some of . the principal subjects . to receive attention are the oost of meat Inspection, sanitation, better service from stockyards companies, the suits now pending before the Interstate com merce commission relative to certain livestock rates, and the extension of the European market for American live stock products. .- i, . . . - f Semedy Oar Shorts go. The existing shortage of oars has hit the stockmen hard In certain seotions of the country, and they are anxious that legal provision be mads requiring the railroad Companies to maintain their equipment and rolling stock so that a ear farcies will become Impos sible. . , . :. - -. -. Forest reserves Is - another subject that will receive more or lees attention from the association. . Glfford Ptnohot," chief of trie bureau of forestry, la here to listen to any. oomplalnta about the administration of the forest reserves. The cattlemen have some grievances left over., but they are fewer and of less serious nature than plight have been expected. A plan, to ..divide the. available , publlo lands Into districts . and -allot them for erasing purposes Is being discussed among the delegates. . MERRILL PROVIDED WITH - FIREFIGHTING MACHINE - Mpeelal XMepateb te The Jeereal.) Merrill. Or., Jan, It. Merrill Is to have fire protection. At a special meet ing of the town board It was unani mously decided te purchase chemical engine with two -fire extinguishers, and the. order waa placed with a Portland firm for the apparatus. Nearly a year ago the town voted bonds of tf.000 to be uaed In providing a water system for fire protection, but after the bonds . vers Issued -and- placed Four Great American Stories have Now Sold QQiGOPIlS ' "American literatore says the Detroit Times, "owes much to Randall Parrish, and he Is Increasing the debt with every volume.--!! the long sought American novel were to be selected -. -ft would not be strange if the mark were to fall ujJon one of these remarkable stories.'. - ' . BOft HAMPTON, - OF PLACER - (The Sioux Wares t) A SWORD OF THE - ' OLD FRONTIER (The French sad Iadtu War) - WHEN WILDERNESS . WAS BONO . : (The War el Ota) - MY LADY OF THE NORTH . , ' (TbeavUWsr) ' . - , " "WW. WAMMSH pAS MASTERED TH8 THICK 09 POPOXAK WAKKATTVTt. AWD 18 TO-PAT . , , " ; , - " ONE OF THE MOST KFFECTIVB OP OUR STORY. TaXIRS.--The Dial, January 1, 1W. '-,,.'' MssfS BOB HAM)?TON OEPLAGER --vvt"THE BEST AND STRONGEST BOOK FROM HISvPENChlcago Dafly News.: Eight editions printed since publication lour months ago, and one of the si pcat-solllng. booVs In the tjntted States." , A rattling good American story, full of splendid excitement. Contains a wonderful description of Custer's last stand. ,4 FOR SALE AT BOOKSTORES AND NEWS-STANDS EVERYIV1T1IIE -: ; -- - ATCTMcCLORQ fJft COFnbllslicChfcgCT , ,'V' , ' y; r .. GEARIN'S SECRETARY STAYS AT WASHINGTON - (Waahlnftaa Boreas of The Joaraal.) Washington, Jan. 21. The services of John K. Lathrop aa seoretary to Sena tor Oeartn terminated today, under the rules of the senate, when the Oregon legislature met to ballot upon Oearln's successor. : Mr. Xathrop wtU remain In Washington aa correspondent of four western newspapers. TEMPER TESTER , ' ' ' -r No Wonder some Portland People . Are Annoyed. Very lltUe rest night after might. Very litUe comfort day after day. The constant Itching of Piles or Be- Any itchiness of the skin Is .ft temper ster. . . , - a ,. i t Ointment Is a never-falling taster Doan'S . Is endorsed by Portland cltisens for all Itching akin diseases. , , .- R. B. long, driver, of '.. H9 Second st feet, Portland, Or., says: "In the sum mer of 1902 my body whs all broken out with ecsema, tetter or something of the kind. The torture 1 endured was fierce. I was very much alarmed about it and anxious to know what It waa and what was the causa, so I went to e, doctor and then to several others, out none or inm did me-much -good, - When-I got the leant hit overexerted the annoyance waa especially great and it kept me clawing and scratching. I was In bad shape hen I noticed an aaverweemeni in our pUper about -lon a Ointment, and I got a" box and tried It. "It proved to be Just what was claimed for it. Less than two boxes made a -complete cure of my case; and Inter it curea mr younger brother of Just the same trouble, t know that Doan's Ointment Is one rem edy that can be depended upon, and 1 would give Ave dollars for a box of it any time rather than suiter the way I used to for one day." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. foster-Mtlbom O,- HHffalo, ,New-Tors, sola agents for tha United Statee. Remember the name 1UAN s end Our CleamMe Sale Now bn lts fourth week. " Thousands of thrifty- housewives reaped a harvest of saving this last week.If you haven't been one of them,' come in and getracquainted with our modern drug store methods. ; A far greater stock to select from than ever before. y ,-y.:. 7 ;1 ''..,"';;:; :'' ', .-... . ., . 4 Leather Specials Exira Special Sale i Get a Razor Today Bohemian Glass Ladies' Handbags, fitted complete, iew Vene , folds, bolts and double-action lock. . Ree; ' ular $10 Special ...... 88f ' ' . ' ' 1 ' ' : " -', ' "- - - Suit Cases Waterproof Pegimond, rivited corners, shirt . folds, molts and double-action lock. Refju lar H50 Special f2.69 Ml Leather Goods 25 Per Cent Off Regular Prices- PERFUMES Special Sale Gervin's y Floral Extracts '-' " ' Recognized everywhere at standard perfumes, , Heliotrope, White Rose, Crabapple, Jockey Club. La France Rose, Carnation: reimlar - 35c ox.; special, ounce ......... ...... ,.19f 1 Stationery no PER CENT OFF on all our Fine Station- -1 cry fapetenes, flaying cards, Bridge Sets. Just received, s delayed shipment of this beautiful and exquisite wrre, which, In order to close out st once, we are offering at a dis count of 8Q PER CENT. ' . . K ' Remember, ' you are buying the very best Art ware In the country and at greatly reduced prices. -v ' .,'... . . . ... '.. .'.. NOTE 'THIS LIST: r Ice Cream Trays," reg. $24f special.'. f 16.00 Comport, xegular $4.50; special ......f 3.15 Bowl, regular $6.00; ipecial S4.20 Handle Nappies, regular $2.30;. special.. 1.61 Footed Bowl, regular $1.60; special ,.$1.12 Salad Dih, regular $14.00; special . . ..f0.8O Spoon Traya, regular $4.20; special V.S2.94 Cake Plate, regular $8.20; ipecial :,.V.f 5.T4 Bon Bon Basket; regular $3.00; special. f 5.60 Rose Jar, regular $12.20;' special ...,f8.54 Finger Bowl and Plate, regular $3.10; " : . special ...... . , . . . . , .... . . . .SSIT Sherbet Cups, regular $2.00; Special . 1.40 ' ... .;,..'. ' '-" - : .Regular $1.00 QQr - Values Now 0?C - ALL OTJR. YANKEE SAFETIES. $5 set,-now.. f 2.50 $11 set, now. . f 5.50 ' $9 set,- now. .f 4.60 $14 set, now. . f 7.00 .' All our Gem, Star and Zinn Razors at Half Price. '-' Lather Brushes st a Discount ct 25 per cent. ' We have a swell Una of Sterling Silver Mugs at Special Prices during this Sale. Leniers Bath BrushesJust half pdce. ' English Bath Towels one-fourth off. 1,000 pounds "Woodlark . Linen .Note, regu lar 30c special, pound ;-4f . 'All our Christmas Papeterie at juit about half price. e ' 1 ' . A II Our Cut Glass at a Reduction of 30 Per Cent Make Your Selections Now y Reliable Alarm Clocks r All guaranteed ' per feet timekeepers. Choose from our stock at these spe cial prices A - 73, fl.05, fl.36. : Ormolu Clocks r f 1.20, fl.65t. $2.25, 3.45.,' . .,: "These are regular $1.85 to $5.00 Clocks, and frt beautiful little ornaments for any home. , . When you're in a hurry, call up Exchange 11 9 trunk lines, 20 extensions. .. 1 Any one of' 20 salesmen at our end ready tp attend tayour. orders. We are always ready to open monthly accounts Vith responsible folks. Our delivery system is good arid we are always trying to improve it. We take Canadian money at full value. : W.oodardPCkme: & owipm legality of( the ordinance. . f t take ne other,,.'- . ... . .. "- V ;'i t : : "