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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL". PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY. 2. . 1007. ' - -FE17ER FLKIGS AT ROCKEFELLER if H Spent Hi Million Gam bling, Says William Ed ;' gar Ceil. ; IT 13 BUSINESS OF t ; MAN TO SUCCEED Backbone" Is Subject? of Address at Whit Tempi Speaker Uses Paul aa Example of . Forceful . Character. ; v -f - ; : William Edgar Gell gave an. eloquent Illustration of Be'ckbon' In' bla Ind . pendent utterances In an address On that subject at the Whit Tempi last vanlnf. - The attendance waa good and . almost the entire audience remained for -th unique after-service.-. Servicee will be held each afternoon at the .First ' Christian church, ss Mr, Dell, has 'siren trtrlp-to Tacoiua and will spesk .each evening at the White Temple, with the exception of tonight . : .... , On , the subject of "Backbone." Mr. " Oell took for bla text Romans 1:11, "I 'am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, JoevttHa-the -power '6l"Qot linto salva "T tlon to every one that belleveth." The speaker uaed many forcible Illustrations and -made telling hits. ' 'Among many things, he said: "Paul was a man of colossal mind, and he Said be was "not ashamed of the . gospel of Christ.' - Here Is -a great man ' making a - great statement. Not . ashamed In Rom, the wickedest city : on the face of the lobe. Her also In the most-learned city, stands a conspic uous figure saying, 'I am not ashamed of the goapel'of Christ.' I. want you to . feel the force of a statement Ilk this, "Toming"Trom""lh lips of sucb, a great .t man. 1 ... , ,. "It Is the business of a man to be "great, to' succeed. As much as w dls llk some of the methods of Mr. Rock- ' efeller, if he spent his millions gamb ling, there would be fewer unkind things '' said about hlra. r , ' "Paul was not ashamed' because the author of th gospel was" perfect and - because th gospel was as perfect as 'Its author. If we can only keep-men who have the perfect spirit of Jesus FOUR SCORE YEARS AiJD OiiE William M tyda, a Washington County- Pioneer, Has Passed Away. .(Special Dlfpatrh ta The Jnoraat ) '" Forest Grove. Or.. Jan. S2. William M. Lyda, pioneer oCVVashlngton coun ty, is dead At th horn of bis on, W. II. Lyda, . at Verboost. three and on half miles northeaat of this place. i S-.. William M. Lyda. Christ In the White Home. In the r at -anr-.on the "bench rt the supreme court. I rentur to think that the dea ' tiny of this nttidh is assured. ' V . "If you are going to b a Christian, ; let It cost you something. Intend to be th light kind of a Christian, anil be It, whether Tom, IMck- or Harry Ilk It or ,.",:' don't Ilk. Let thla stiffen your back bone. Mean business for Christ or maa business for the devil, but In th . --nam of Ood and righteousness, don't mix the two. ...... r ... . ... HARRlfJAN MERGER STIFLED : Railroad Officials Before Com- missioned Lane at Seattle i--- V- Hearing. , . .'''''., tSfieelal Dispatch te The JosrsaL) . Seattle, Jan. Ji. Interstate Commerce " Commissioner Lane examined four wit nesses yesterday. 'Ben Campbell, fourth - . vtre-pres)dent of' th Oreat Northern "and head of th traffic department, for merly with th Harriman Unas, was ths fcfflret witness. ' Th affairs of the O. R. N?s Cfrlen- tal service wss gone Into and It was developed that these various lines, In ' V eluding a service by contract with Dowell A Co. and th O. R. N.'s own . line, th Portland as Asiatic, wer oper ated at a loss. -.... ;. "Why wr the . lines established?" naked R. 8. Lovett, who was then ex amining th witness In defense. " "Solely for th purpose of affording ' an outlet at Portland In competition ' with th Northern Pacific ' at Puget sound porta," said Mr. Campbell. Mr. Campbell's evidence showed that ' there waa competition between the dif ferent Oregon lines until merged by Harriman. He belljtled th extent of this competition under examination by L ' attorneys for th Harriman Interests. "7 J. 1. Farrell.was examined during th afternoon as to th Pacific Coast . "! company. ' Mr. Farrell 1 a director 'of th company, and said that whll Mr. j- Harriman was director of th oompany h only held a nominal amount of stock, .about 1 or 100 shares. " - Th hearing terminated oa th failure . ( j, C, Ford, xlce-presldent and general manager of the, Pacific Coast company, .' ard Harry M. Adams, assistant traffic manager of th Oreat Northern, to ap pear. Othr witnesses were th agent ' for th O. R. A N. at Tacoma and . - Seattle. .- '. ...,. , .:.:, T PRELIMINARY TO NEW :i 'Z. . DEPOT AT EUGENE (Special IMesateh to The loareal.) Eugene, Or, Jan. ft. Th work of Idlng several thousand xeet or aaai- tlonal etrtetrect and of rearranging th depot ' yards here preparatory to the erection of a An new passenger depot will be -commenced by th Southern Pa clflo company this week. Thirty-two mules hav been brought from th south to be uaed, In building th tracks and filling in th yards. Whll no defi nite Information 1 st hand. It Is thought th work of building th depot will bextn as soon ss th Improvements to be . commenced' this week are com pleted which will be In about two months, according to a statement made by Contractor O'Neill, who has ths work In charge.. .. . - ',' 7. Sk .AMftftiii'MiAkie ir 4v4 JUwKrvAL rnunt io 1 1 j All Departments Caaj Now too Reached Through Namber. '. Call Mala T17S when you wish to telephone to any department of Th Journal, ' a ' A private exchange bas been" InsUlled In Tb Journal efflc with enough trunk lines to accommodate th constantly In- - i .. Amwi1m 11 nnm the tele- pnon r,irw. ' Tell th operator whom yon wish to speak to, and she will ermnect you at once. - Remember, Muln 7171 is th new number of sll departments i of Th Journal. 1 - Wlllsra M. Lyda waa bore SI -years ago at Sparta, Tennerae, where h spent His boyhood years. He then re move! with . his parents to Boonrvllle, Missouri, where he lived two year. II afterward moved to Nebraska and lived there for som years, then to New Mex ico and from there to Oregon, locating at Gala's Creek, where be conducted s sawmill for J years, tb actlv man agement of th business .being tn th hands of bis son for th last flv years. H married .lUa Martha I-hrty in Missouri over (0 years sgov 8 he sur vives him, with the following children: Mrs. Miranda. P. Jonea. Is - Angeles; Joseph- V. Lyda, Silver, Washington; Mrs. Mary Wad hams, Mugalon. Ne braska, and William H. Lyda of Ver boost. this county. ' Interment will be In th Hillside cemetery tomorrow. 1UY I'JITIiESSES SUOPOEUAED Interstate Commerce Commis sion Will Hold Hearing Here Next Thursday. H HARRIMAN SYSTEM TO ; , BE GIVEN ATTENTION Chief Feature of Session Will Bo la Regard to System of Fixing Rate . and Merging Steamship and IU11 . road Interests. v ; ;'' PHENOMENAL WINTER -. Little . Snow, ' Pasture Good, Farmers Plowed in Decern- : ber Feeding for Market. A continuation of th Nw Tork and Chicago bearings' of th cases against th Harriman system by th Interstate commerce commission will be held In Portland Thursday, when evidence will b taken that is expected to help hcllncb-th -case of the r government as-ainst th great railway system. Com mlasioner Franklin Lane will arrive ttla. WednesdajLnlglilL and win commence th hearing tne rouowins mornlnc. Commissioner . Proury Is In Denver hearing a case similar to th Spokane case and It Is doubtful whether h will be able to finish bis work at -Denvrln time to bear tB proceedings In Portland. Th hearing Is sxpectea to laat only on or two days. .. Ralph M. McKensle, special agent for tb commission, -wa tn Portland - laat week gathering "videnco for th com mission, and as a result th following local man hav been subpoenaed: W. C McBrlde. general agent for th Denver Rio Grande; T. E. Wallace, traveling freight agent for th Frisco and Rock Island systems; Thomss McCusker. ex general agent In tbs traffic department of th Harriman system: w. j. ieonara, chief clerk in th accountant's dpart- ment of th Portland A AsUtle Steam ship company, and J.-H, Iwson.-agtjnt for th Portland A Asiatic ana ;- nan Francisco . A Portland .Steamship com, naniea. Other subpoenas will be served today for other local railway men. connected with transportation companies, but Mr. McKensle wilt" not reveal their names. O. A. Severance, special attorney for tbs oommero commission, arrived, In Port, land this morning and will handle th case for th government Mr. Sever ance I a member of pevla, Severance A Kellogg, a prominent law firm of SL Paul, Minnesota, of which the lata Sen ator Cunhman K. Davis was a member; R. 8. Lovett. chief counsel Tor all th Harriman roads, and t. C Stubbs. traf fic director, cam to Portland Sunday In a special car and went to Seattle th aame day. Mr. Lovett cam all th way from New Tork and was met at Chicago by Mr. Stubbs.. Other railway officials .belonging to tho Harriman system hav been coming to tho north west for th past few days from all parts of. tha. country L ' Th chief feature -of th session In" this city will be. In regard to th prob ing of tb Harriman system's fixing rates and merging steamships and .rail road Interests, together with the marg ins of different roads. ' FEEVEIIT mi- RAILROADS fro:.i eei::3 cuilt - . i , New York Central Abandons Plains on Wall Street Advice and Other Lines Follow. - (ftpeetat JMrpatrh ta The JoarseL) ' Burns, Or.. Jan. I J. The stockmen of Harney cbunty iiav not bad a more fa vorable winter for several years than th present. Since th bllssard In No vember there has been no severe snow storm and the snow now only about six Inches deep, where last year at this tfnr there waa three feet of snow. - In December tb farmers bad no trou ble In plowing for their spring crops, something -hitherto unknown in Harney valley In th winter months. The feeding of stock wss never better In this country. ' In th southern dis trict there Is plenty of pasture snd good rang on th mountalml In the north ern section of the county there Is plenty of fodder for stock this winter and up to the present time there has been very little feeding done and stock Is tn good condition. ' ' The Pacific Livestock company has disposed of most of Its. stock cattle and Is feeding mostly beef cattle this win ter, as there Is mor profit In them to feed her snd msrket In the spring thsn to drive them to the railroad tn tbe fall. ' ,:. : r-.. .. . THIS BILL WOULD MAKE S V r - ELOPEMENT A FELONY Olympla, Wash.. Jan. SI. An exceed ingly stringent bill aimed at those who entice srlrls from their homes for Im moral purposes has been Introduced In the bouse by Representative Hanson. While It is aimed at criminal entice ment, it Is so worded that an elopement In good faith-la equally within its in hibitions. ,;,.... . The bill mskes it nnlawful for any person to entice any femal parson un der, the age of is years of age 'from her bom for any purpose whatever without the consent of. ber parents. The'bnf not only provides for the punishment of tbe entlcer, or seducer, but it also makes it a felony for any one . knowing the whereabouts of th girl to withhold th information. Th penalty for violation of any of the provisions of the bill is a fine of not lees than ISA nor more than f L0e. or a term of not more than on yeari In the county Jail. - - WEALTHY EUGENE MAN . . v COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Eugene, Or., Jan. t!.- -Robert Hays, a well-known capitalist and hopgrower of this city, was yesterday afternoon com mitted to th Iasan asylum at Salem. His mind hss been affected for th past IS months and a year ago It be came necessary to appoint a guardian for him to manag bla business affairs. Alcoholic excee Is said by th examin ing physician to be th cause of ble Insanity. The' uafortuVtate man Is sin gl snd la II years of sge. Ills home Is In Eugene; but he hss a large hop yard at CreswelL where he bas stayed a greater part of the time for the past thres or four years. Clancy's Employer. , BMlasila , F. Bntlsr of afaawekasetta waa a tlcvhMe worker. Re sad hie rrrewry, Claner. eftea sat si the library mtll elsMSt dayllcut wkoa the geaeral wasted Is ftnteh e aaythias. Dertag tbe sight seaatuss ef tbe mate to ward a ehw ef Kwiirees a senator called a Qeneral Batlef eae stornlng at e'elerk. Th same senator state rka the mate admisit tbe follnwtBg sierslag st Saransk ai4 foaad tbe geaeral .and. Uasey till at work, j rwt x ever " T" rhe ematnr nlrert. "rta." (ieneral Under MM. -Salaa flada mt mfcwilef stjll fir Mle In Ma to ." "(leneril, 1 sarer ksew befnr Jn.t wbe .Bf esiployar was," Ctasry Said, bow log. . . n o n n mm - FOLEY'S NOHEV AJD TAR i Obatlnata, rackingf Cough that make jwa bead ach, your throat and tangs sore and Inflamed, that rob you of sleep until your syxterrr-becomes so run down that yon aro la grave danger of paemmoni. or Consumption, are quickly cured by Foley) Honey and Tais FOLEY'S HCXEY !XD TW soothes and heals the Inflgjned ah pas sages, allays the feverish conditions, stops the cough and prerenta seriooa results from m cold. ; ; ; o 7 FOLEY'S KOnETTAnDTJan: Is th only prominent cough medicine on the market that does not contain opiates or baneful drags of any kind and on this account is safest for children. It la unexcelled for Croup and Whoop ing Cough and will quickly cur the racking cough which follow measles and leaves so taany children with weak tongs unless properly treated. Remember the name Foley Honoy and Tarv-and refuse eubstl tutee that cost you th MM as ths -renaln. Do not take chance with torn unknown preparation. Contomptloa Thmtanil ' " Unger, 211 Maple St., Cbamplaga, in., writes: VI waa troubled with a backing cough tor year and I thought I had consumption.' I tried a great many remedies and I was under the car of physicians for several months.- I used on bottla of Foley's koney and Tar, ft cared me, snd I have not been trou bled slnca." ' " ' . ii n Threw slses 25c, 50c, $1.00. V The SO cent sis contains two and one-hall times as ranch as the small size and ths $1.00 bottle almost six timet as-much. :.: tCLO m ricniatnEa IT , aj-w ii-uoaisia. f IJearaal Bneelal aerrlra. New Tork. Jan. II. Tbe directors of the New Tork Central have decided to urtell muoh ef the construction And Improvement work that had been planned for this year. Tble decision. It Is believed, was reacbad on th advice of very prominent bankers that prose cution Of all tbe work planned by the Dig railroad system' would Involve ex pendltures which . would 1 produce sn svsn greater stringency in tbe money market than that of laat year. On of th bast wsys of avoiding a crisis In tbs money market, the bankers are bald to hav pointed out. was to shave appro priations not absolutely necessary and th ffect would be all the more salutary If a corporation with ths Central's un doubted ability te raise money should set th example. . Th action of the director doee not mean cecratlon of work on the New Tork City terminal improvements.. On renewal. Improvement and conatruotlon OUtSld -Of "'"T"ln d't rtrta, hnw. ever, it win he the policy of the com pany to make baste alowly utiles a there la sn unexpected Improvement In the monetary outlook. . Volcanic Eruption in Japan. (Journal Special Service.) ' Toklo, Jan. 21. The volcano Asemah Tama has been in eruption - since- Fri day. -I.,':. S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH PIANO CLUBS BUY FOR. LESS Members of Eilers , Cooperative -Clube Secure Benefit of Most : J Remarkable Price Reductions - and Long :Tlmo in Which to -pay- " - Fivo Different Clubs 489 ; Pianos From Which to Select -v-Finest Makes in the World . . "i Anyone Can Join -Pianos Delivered at Once. ln all ''America there probaly ' never aa a aalo of an orreat Imnortanc to music lovers a th box Cooperative, una sate inaugurates yesteraay or Eilers Plane House. That It ha "taken1 with tb pubuo. was pretty forcibly demonstrated - by ths immediate , re sponse of th large number of piano seekers, wno tnrongeo th store sit aay, and by th large number of malt and telephone Inquiries, all of which com bined kept th emir store "force on th Jump from store opening until closing. Th savins; of nearly a hundred dol lars,, on a piano ordinarily sold by th average dealer at 1326, meana a buying opportunity most extraordinary, but this la exactly what club members can do now, ana it Is not surprising thst buy ers should Join th clubs quickly and in liberal numbers. ' Eilers Piano Hons believes In modern merchandising methods, and also In do ing things upon a liberal, progressive basis. When conditions warrant It. they take the "hull by the horns' snd do not stop at ths half-way point. This is aemonatratea in tne present aai, oc casioned by an Immense surplus stock, which hss ueen accumulating during the past coudio of months, owing to the delsy In securing occupancy of their new quarters, ana in tne ro axing or tne necessary improvements. Profit a have been cut out entlralv. expenses greatly curtailed by concen trating in a very short time a large amount of business, and every effort la being put fortn to cloae out the surplus stock In the shorteat possible time. Whll thle I a costly period for EUers4 riano House, it is regaraea as snucn better policy to dispose of this surplus stock without profit In a very brief length of time, and hav clear sailing sll tb rest of the year unhampered, o that business may be conducted under ordinary conditions. . , What this great cooperative Bale meana to purchasers msy be appreciated rrom tn fact mat aometning over 3. oe will b aaved to club member In th matter of ordinary expenaes alone. It eoata the average dealer throughout th country about $7 a piano to market his output, this Is materially reduced In the cas of KUers Piano House, owing to their buying In such Immense num bers, receiving In full carload lot and handling In more Improved and cheaper manner than Is poaaibl In small estab lishments. With th practical ellmlna tlon of all regular profits, club members will actually buy for less than th aver- ago dealer buys direct from the maker. There are nv clubs in tnis sale: ciuo A, Including pianos selling from IU7 to Hit. 17.60 down snd ti ts a week: Club B Includes Instruments selling from-$124 to 1270. 110 down snd il.60 a week; Clnb C Includes pianos selling from $272 to 1327, 111 down and II a week; Club D Includes plsnbs selling from 1111 to $176, $20 down and $2,f a week, and Club E Includes pianos sill ing from $181 to $S, $21 down and $1 a week. - Th number of planoe In each club varies, from (I In Club E to lie In Club C. Membership In each club la limited to the number of planoe In that particular club. . One of. the splendid features of thla club sal I th opportunity afforded to not only eecur a piano at a 'marvel ously low price, but also to choose from makes that are considered without an equal In all the world, the list Including such favorites aa the glorious Chicken ing, the grand Haaelton, th popuiar Kimball, the sweet-toned firhumann, the artist's choice, the Hohart M. Cable, and a host ef ether equally well-known and meritorious makes. , Plannless music lovers, who live with in reach of this grand opportunity may consider themsalvea fortunate, for It is one which is not likely to be duplicated In a long time. If ever. - Chancea to choose from such a vast stock ss this are pooatbi only- In very-few cities In th I nited State at any lime, and to choose at such wonderful price s are now open to club members Is SUII more exceptions!. , ' A number ef member wer enrolled yesterday, and some very handsome In struments selected. Including a th stock does, a large number of Instru ments shipped with the expectation of being bandied In time for tbe Christ mas trade, there er many of unueually beautiful design, also many ef the new 10T styles. , . ' Thnoo Intending to Join should do so ss soon, aa possible. . as some .of .. the clubs may fill in a vvry snori time, Irop In todsy and the visit of Inspection will prove well worth the time spent. i! Orders by Hail Promptly ' Filled ' v Our mail order' service is splendid. Bright, quick-witted shoppers represent you. They se 'ct the,, goods to fill .your ? order just as you would do if shopping in person. Try a mail or-2?"L,t01y- Express prepaid on all purchases of 15.00 or over. - . . . . . , TO GAVE TILTH GEr A . : . THAirorsx: It will facilitate shopping and five you a grest deal more time. A transfer slip obviates the ne cessity of paying for esch article when purchsed. On payment at the end of your shopping settles it alL Goods promptly delivered any where.' . New Idea Patterns Are absolute ly reliable, aU styles and all slses exam. New Idea February Magazines Are now In single ropy rrrn cenn. Yearly sub scriptions loo- r ip ii - Jj'lst""-' Ws,- since Sale IBsLirgSLimis TT.lire oTI fni inn1 rrrm ravliiMTio'. WiinrfrrHeTn? most attractive offerinfrS" III aSMsVreV J7 w at " aaara B-r v w s vMvejWt , ! www waa - . J yeryjsection of the storeeIhese.few itemspicked tLldoniJromur arous assortments: - r : v " y ". ' ' 1 ' i I, ' Hundreds of sadsCed customers la a most positive" proof of ths bargain-riving power of thla Em broidery Sale. Wednesday again finds every counter and bargain Uble is "The Busy Aisle" crowded to tha limit, wtth still greater values. v - One. of the newest and most popular novelties of the -season is Suiting Embroideries. This material comes"2rThcheCwidC'vtliinertl6ii lafSd fj W 8 inches wide to match. -An attractive costume can be made by using two widths of the wide' edging' for the skirt,' forming the popular double flounce "effect, or by using one width of edging with one or more bands of insertion; for a waist it requires only one tand s one-half yards-of embroiderytwith ' enough insertion bands for trimmings. . Greatly re duced prices prevail: , Sale price . . . . . . . ... . . ... '' i. 27-lnch Shirt Waist Embroidery, regular : $1.50,' ... 99 Sale price .... 27-inclr Shirt : Waiat Embroidery, regulaf $2.50, Sale price v. .. .....,...... . . . . .... CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY AND . FLOUNCING. 6 to-12 rn.-wide, regular 25cr aearanc pric.12'w w 14 to 18 in. wide, regular 45c, Clearance price.. ' 18 to 20 in. wide, regular $1.00, Clearance price.49a)' BRUSSELS NET NEW SPRING PATTERNS. At Greatly Reduced Prices. Our regular 75c values, Clearance price ......44 Our regular $1.50 values. Clearance price Our regular $2.50 values, Clearance price ..1.95 Our regular $3.50 values. Clearance price , . . .$2.25 NECKWEAR NOVELTIES. fVhnn1e lino - t4 - nn.trt.Ha4e Nerlrrveari . mmYanXAm - 27-inch "ShrrtaistEmbrTery,--regular$lt Venise-effects, turn-- 69e 1 Overs and wash collars, at attractive orices; 1 15c values,- Clearance sale prioe v.;..T,..i.. .-.- sc values, Clearance aaie price ..v.v..,;...a' 25c Lace Stocks, Clearance Sale price.. ...... 12He- 35c. Lace Stocks, Clearance Sale price 18e 35c Embroidered Stocks, Clearance Sale price.. 18e 50c Lace Stocks, Clearance Sale price ........ 23 loves -Cashmere and Golf Gloves for women and children worth Sc and 75c pair, on sale this week at....45 Women's Lisle Gloves, worth 20c.Vit i. sale- : this ;Veek at Oe Women's Lisle Gloves, worth 25c ' and 35c, Sale price .......,........, ...j A new shipment Just received of our famous Kid r.lnve . at a oair ...... ......."...00 and f X.SO Silk Pillow jCrdStJnjplainjndfan quality, ax t Pillow Tops, regular 50c qualities, on sale this week at ,......'.. ., of StirriixNctJ7S i'rom tho y Corset Section A 30,000 Stock of Women's and Children's Wintor-weiglit Knit Underwear . A Ten-Day a' Mighty Clearance Sale, winding up th Business Year with a series of Most Remarkable Offerings we have ever been able to plsc at your disposal. If your .wan ta are-supplied for this sea son, you will make no miataka by purchasing for seasons to come. Ths prices will never be so low again for years. , . Women's 40c value, silk trimmed, fleece-lined Un derwear, all siiea of the first quality, on sale to morrow at .....9 - Women's 65c. Value, silk trimmed, bleached cotton or silver gray wool ribbed Vests and Pants, all siresi to close,' each ........;.. .. " .'?.S9e WomenV first quality "Oneita" Combination Suits, all siiea, in splendid winter weight, the best 75c quality; tomorrow only, at the auit '...88? Women's "Norfolk' snd New. Brunswick" all-wool Vests a!nd Pants, in white or gray wool ribbed, or white, gray or scarlet flat wool garments; regular $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 qualities; buy them tomorrow at, each '. . .'." .';..'- All the better grades of Wool Cashmeres, Wool Me rinos and silk and wool mixtures, values from $1.50 to $2.25; will be closed out at. each ............89a All sites in "Dr. Denton's" Sleeping Garments for children; made of sanitary flannel, made with mocca sins and hand warmers; solid night comfort for the little ones; 00 dozen best 85c..and $1 qualities on sale tomorrow, suit . ......... T.oOet PORTLAND AGENTS FOR . "R. ft G." CORSETS. Tomorrow we will place at your disposal two specials from the Corset Department that have never been equaled for lowness of price and thorough merit In addition to the items quoted, we offer a most com tiet line of - all- styles and sizes in every popular model of the renowned "R. & G." Cor sets. The largest assortment of this popular brand ever as sembled on this coast, from 50c up. A grand Clearance Sale ot small Quantities Women's 75c and $1.00 Corsets, Tomorrow, ' The. vast Quantities of new spring model arriving . by every sbtpment makes tt imperative that we dis pose of all small lots that are taking np valuable shelf room. With this end in view, we have gath ered together all lots of five dozen or under of our regular 75c and $1.00 Corsets and marked them for a quick clearance.; L . 100 dozen, all colors, white, drab or black: all stvlesv short hip, low bust or long hip and medium bust; made with hose supporters on front and sides, of excellent quality coutille or light-weight batiste; over 50 dozen for tomorrow's sale, we offer )" your choice, at the pair ......... .&(. Also over 200 dozen Women's Tape Girdles, h white, pink or blue, daintily trimmed; these 07 are standard 50c sellers; tomorrow, all sizes.,. eW C LINEN PAPER, best 35c quality. Cearanc Sale Frice 23e NK TABLETS. 10c grade. Clearance price.... 8? INK TABLETS, 8c grade. Clearance price..... 5t BACK COMBS, plain shell or amber. Clearance Sale price 23 HAIR PINS, shell or amber, dozen In box. Clear- Sale price, per box ........ ,9e DRESSING CUMtJS, 15c quality. Clearance. . ,f riiivui''i mum- i . s IV ' Domestic Gfoddls Curtains and Bedding latly Reduced Our 'January Clearance Sale of Domestics. Curtains and Bedding is the main i bargain event in the city. Those same dependable qualitiea that thia store haa always sold comprise this sale, and tha prices are much lower than equal gradea sre selling for elsewhere you can prove this by comparison. X.laea Muok Towels 10 dos. IJnen Huck Towels, sis 11x1 Inch, axtra heavy, durable quality, com in all whit and with red border: oar tC IUW BUaebed Tarxlsk Towels 19 dosen bleached Turkish Towels, slse 10x41 Inches, good too values. Special Clearance Sale price.,.".....,....', 16c regular toe trad. Bal price.... awawvaw . CTjrmTArjri Arabian XngUak BebblaeS Curtain I yards by 41 Inches, -neatly trimmed with honlton braid. In pretty dealsna. Special Clearance Sals . , Sjl 7fl price, per pair Btrlped Madras Carta Ins I yards by Inches' rich stripes of i red. S-reen and blue, wll mad; Vesular S1.7I values. Special SJI JQ Clearance price, pair....... 7elU Arabian Zriab Tot Onrtalas I yards by 41 Inches, well made, rein forced edsed. 4-tnch hern. Rxoep tionally ood curtain at Special Clearance Sal ... , jfj Cns atrip Madras Cmrtalaa I yards by 4 Inches, colors, reU blue snd green, en nru around, frined nds; rexular price 11.11. tt (): Special Clearance prlc..... .?lvJ Silk . Striped Madras Curtain i yards by 4 Inches,- silk stripes in red. green, blu and yellow; or h-.t t.lfrarrade. Special ?7 Clearance prlc. va,l J now Flaked Madras) Cnrlna i yard by 40 lnrha. bn.t .. flaked lladrma Curtains, with cross strlpo of red or s ""'. resular 14.(0 values. - Special Clearam ,, ( Beddingr Esc? optionail Go o d spreads, bammed, an assortment . of values. . Clearance prlo Sis while H(-(l- deilans; OA. M Wktt edspre'' ft.' J?-f1 rren.Vn. eTr,rt.'1, ( our 1 bO VRl'l t.