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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUAIiY S2, 1ZZ7. . iCI II: III HAVE TIFF II SENATE Doort of Upper House Closed Whn Personal Encounter Seems Likely, , tbiahts roncto 10 m mm ). (Mm) Special Servta.) - -Washington. Jan. ; tt. The door of ' th senate were eloaed yesterday after- ', noon on motion of Teller to pre rout pub ' licit of an apprehended personal an- counter between Carmack ana Tinman. ' Canoack charged that Tillman bad rldl- ; 1 culed him without provocation. Advert- ing to Tillman's referno to Carmack' i defeat for reelection, Carmack aaid: . "A fact bo obvlou la easily within tthe groveling Intellect Ot tho senator from South Carolina. w.HO need not raise ; his belly from tha dust to grasp IV. The men were standing- close to each other and were retting excited waen the door closed, c ' " Tillman's speech "was ths most spoo ; tacular la recent years. ' It was a reply ' to the recent critlclam of himself by t Bpoener and Carmack. Spoonsr. replied " coolly and Carmack heatedly. Tillman - sarcastically compared, the senate with a minstrel show. After. 1 wards 'Tillman apologised to Carmack and other senatora that he had men- .tloneO Carmack accepted to, apology and regretted his remarks. The Brownsville affair was the aub ' Ject of the debate and T.lllman defended hla attitude. Tillman declared that, 5 though he had Justified lynching for .- rape, he had deprecated and denounced -"' burning at the stake for this crime. HENCEFORTH BUY FROM - : PEDDLER RIPE IN YEARS - Old men who hava to maka their living by the sweat of their brow will hereafter hava -tha exclusive right to peddle horse radish and hominy In Portland. Healthy young hawkers have In " the- past peddled both tha rad- 4.K anil the as. VOrv DfOd UCt f th "corn' around-townr andthy"q have -taken about all the bust- neas away from their elders. They made considerable money out of the business, as they also carried fruit, vegetables and popcorn inthefr hawkers wag ons. '' ' ---- Tha old men complained to tha license department, and Colleo- ' tors McEachern and Hutchinson recommended to ' the j council - iiMnu committee that they be placed in a class by 'tMmselves end tased IS a quarter. - They ' will hava the right to sail horse radish and hominy only. A license of Hi a quarter 'was placed upon tho Toung hawkers. Both recommenda tions were adopted' by tha com- ' tnlttee. ' - 'o;;e burkeo ouh has i;0TED REIIEGADE One Escaped Through Window , From Moving Train Neat ' i Perces Much Excited. i ;' (Rpeelil DLpstck ts Ike Jeansl.) Lewiston, Ida.. Jan. 2t. He Turn Pak-i-IAlpt and Taa-Pua-Nuta were the two Nes Perce who were burned to ' death in the Umatilla reservation Jail fhinday. The' English name of the foc mer is Nlcodemua Stevens and ha was considered one of the worst renegadea on tha reservation. - Three year ago, ' when taken to McC all's Island to serve ' a term for Introducing whiskey on the Nes Farces . reservation, he Jumped through a .window of a -train moving 21 miles an hour and escaped. Ho had since been living among the Flatheada In Montana until ho went to tba Uma- ' tllla reaeTvatlon a month ago. ' The Indians hare are much wrought up over the burning and contend that under A recent ruling of the federal coarts no agent has the right to order confinement in A reservation Jail. Edu cated Indiana hold that sine they re ceived their allotments they must be classed as elttsena, , In the case of the cremated Nes Perce it is said some action may be taken on the part, of tha friends and relatives of the dead men toward aak- - Ing for a thorough Inquiry. vT eeeM- JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 All DrpArtraenU Cab Wow Bo u Reached Through X umber. f-ll if. in T1T1 when von wish e to telephone to any department ; f The Journal. -A private exchange baa been 'installed in The Journal of flea ' with - enough trunk lines to accommodate tho constantly In creasing demands upon the tele phone service. ' v TeU tha operator whom you wish to speak to, and ah will connect yon at one. ' f Remember, Main T17I ts trie new number of all department ot Tha Journal. ' SUNDAY MEASURES AND ; -LOCAL OPTION IN IDAHO (SperUl Dtepatcft to Tke Journal.) - Boise, Ida., Jan. 22. 'Loral option la beforo the legislature of Idaho. A bill to.frovld for election by counties, precinct and municipalities has been Introduced in tha house and referred to the Judiciary committee. A hearing has already been given lasting three hours. Among tbe many Speakers only one spoke against the bill. There le great hope) among the temperance people that an effective law may be enaoted. The . Anti-Saloon league, - tke International Reform bureau and tha Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union are cooperating In behalf of the measure. Th reform bureau, through the per sonal supervision of Dr. O. I Tufts, lis tild secretary for the Pacific coast state will have A Hunday rest bill in troduced. Mr. Tuft addressed about I, no member of the labor union at l'olee and found a sympathetic response to the principle of a fcuodsy rest day. At present the stat has no such law. in Horn Again for rVna. Oenreil Sserlal aernee.) - trrltirf leld, 111., Jan, S 1 .-e-ttepa ra t seine of th house of th leglala- .r- ttj tj U Vnlted Elates ssnaia. . j Furninrriornpany Hair Biocai ramhillJ M a mw hi 3tnybimTtulJulrfg.l iUcond susd TamhlU i lGori toliacat .by fl QeArtsI 1 pti rem 7 on - 'it Sale rrr - n n mm-. rieiinTfrtlieTi f northeast corherJof trestA'hav been .March 1 In. order tbat th Arm of foo tnav eccunv the entire half block.. Jsoia A. Claiueneon di"ugVra, on itli" corner propttn has a leas, running Lmor thanaa-o year yet; and o.nccdjaot. ii)ove ui Th8l Hory gtrucT kit lease Is bought? ccon snj Tam'nill itreta. py u t , wan m wuiiiu - . Idg :buUdinrlXtnree; occupying a quarter ot a 'ontare. of 1 feet oir both 1 ,!i i 'J "1 W It I ownal The reasons of our Great Clearing-Out Sale are now public. The newspapers haye told you the story. At last we are to secure, more room. The EniiME uAi Y iti hamnts anrl thrift ctm t tlrvrnt are Knnn to he oura : While 'hiMJadrtei .we are always sorry to discommode others, we must have floor spaceN -oSuf-iSsai? with the growth of this great businessthe Old Fio- iul'thjlj Tia DrTj'svUl rfi'ro -red wtS fMTts. TScvator ecrvlcirwIfT Alo be pfi !'iJd. "and a notat rnutlsyion fU.ow ior J.r Is expecUtf.' Th tenant Of rthT'puIld Uige. hJTJjsVa ASow to seek other, quarter i the Old . pock etor Company, the Portland Xivn A Jllc.vcl( Kimpany,'rsHodcsonsfiuslc : House and Pr. O. I.'8'.rowbridge.Vwhose Viuarten liiere'are unusually roomy, and . Waborafe.f "ireral J lodges - will . also' ba Vbliged toysetki other a meeting 1 piacea. (These am three -tribes of Red itvu; the .Swedish Society, Soclete cvlstofor Colum- J oo ana others. un me Becona-street sw t iui , w itv 1 ivuihi . mini sgeacrottne Mnoi: sjninrs miner , neer Furniture Store. Gevurti & Sons will "eventually occupy- the .tke Jbundine-siiQwnJiere. In the meantime we must prepare for the -. fl' . great alterations that are absolutely necessary to make this' one of the ' ; p -finest furniture, stores in the west. Pending .building operations, . . omer Storerooms will be secured f or the new spring stock, and stocks ; '.; nowpn,hand in present premisesw ill ;besold out - md-conderi5edIasl much as possible. We prefer to move them into your homes rather than into new warerooms and we have made prices which we think will A " induce you to come, see and purchase. All - quoted reductions are ' genuine in Gevurtz advertising.' ' S 3SS ft --J. ' Ay--ri 1; 1 sjaw-71 ;. i. ,i m i . f A'.'"" - '-; III 1. 1 I ........... '...' .... ..... Ill 31 III. ' I .' a a e f --ir ftf &xC m L. vjrr4 Umii i i i r t n. "-art"! rr- . i nrm taaffffT i kWXU BuTrXT A Buffet that WIH aieat with feneral favor, as It Is soth sriced aad baastlfully built. Tba wood la aolld goMen eak, charter saweii. hlirhly aohabed. There are three cnminodtous itlrer drawara, while the , Unas cabinet la vary motor; a large plale- fm wirror ai luaa is entire too sives the aone.radM of k aaa bnff.L. while car price eol7...w..,..,..M.M Wo. 591 Her I a Royal Oak Bide-" board that Is very rich in appear ance and pleasing In design. It la of standard slse, having a baa 11x44 Inches, handsomely carved top piece, ' large and roomy drawers and cup board; on drawer lined for th silverware; adorned with French plat bevel mirror, Kzlt inches. Th , regular price- of this sideboard I 121.60, reduced for this sals to f 16 Ask foi Btook sTo. S0 Tbla Library ' Table 1 like th cut, mad of th finest quartered oak stock, with large quarter band-sawed legs, polished top aiu si elf. one largo drawer with gilt brass pull. It is a beauty. Regular price fat.t. Sal price, only , ....S26.00 Ask for knock W. M4 A soUd weathered oak Dining . " Table, length I feet whan open, mad of th finest sea soned oak stock. Alwaya aells for 137.60. Our Clearing . Out 6al prto only f 22.50 . ft the aone.raKM ef . aaa bnff.L. .1 .' '.'.".' .if.. ' - .'V-t ,...' . V - - " N. V "' "ZT'-j-.":.'?.. IT '' ST. B7T This cut. Illustrate a hand soma Vernls Martin Bed of a new de ' sign. These bed do not require the , car and attention of th soUd brass beds, and are as rich, in appearance. . 7 Tb price, too, I not so great This on i regularl priced at f Sal -pr-toe , .i. ..$10.00 .-V iro. 338 Thla Buffet will appeal to ' very one, both on account ot it beauty ' . and th low price at which it Is sold. ' Th height 1 14 inches, width tt inches. It i topped by a French bevel plat oval mirror 12i3l inches. Three draw rs have locks and key and ornamental brsss pulls.. Th cupboard has a large door, fitted with grill work of very neat design. Regular $40. ' Special price dur ing our Clearing Out Bal.....f 32.00 . e-r-.jr-7 t t ,i it .ss. - -aasssssss-- m IT. 883 Ther ar several styles of ' these Prfssers on special sale, and I display In oar windows. Mo. I SB I, very attractive oa account of molded v top drawer and abaped serpentine front. It is mad ot a beautiful : grain of quarter-sawed oak, per- . feotly hand polished and finished. . Th French bevel-plate mirror 1 I4z $9 inches, th top 10x14 Inches. Th regular price la fll.QO; mad A spe cial for f 29.0 ". Vo. 1SQ Chiffonier built of selected klln-drled oak. French .bevel plat, mirror shaped, - and ITztl Inches in sis, east brass drawer pull and locks, full serpen tine front, handsomely pol ished, top ' neatly carved: mad to aell tor Ill.tO, but la . mad on of our spe cials at S 20.00 a A. beautiful China Closet, in quarter-sawed gold- , en oak, hand-polished and per fectly finished In every detail. -Just Ilk cut. Three shelves,, doubl thick bent glass and; . glass door with straight front; height feet. C Inches, topped .' off ' with bevel plat mirror. Price. i.o down and II a : week .....M........f 2T.OO mm Ask foe . ,MA Thla kadaoe - weathered eak dlnlnc thalr-1. lo.t like eat, excepting the eeat, whiefe . Is ease covered with leatherette, makinc Its weartns onalltles Brack -Teatr an4rl:raaual -t"""geTin- ine lesuier. frlo of this st' dinar ta , v M- S7i8 Klaboaanr ': - Rocker. . . $5.09 JTo, 138 This handsome Ma bogany Rocker looks Ilk th ' abov cut. It ta a thoroughly well 'made, easy rocker, and ell regularly at 17.80. Our sal price I only ; . .05.OO' vTjsurtaat Torm toin bt baatt rATacxarTs. . . sTo. aa These superior Davenport have tufted covering In red J ' ana orown -veiour,- soiia ou iraima omm vieei . consrxuouon; oss ' cupboard for bedding, is automatlo In operation and I priced spe cial ai only f 2500 :jpfaffivi-'uumui' r?v?tTrrrfj. 1.11 j . i a n Curtain Ktretchers, f 2.85 It . will aoon b housecleanlng time. We have a combined Qnllt and Curtain Stretcher that will aave you mach annoyance. It I gauged and perfectly adlnat-: able. The sh price this week la .$2.85 $4.50 Stands for $3.50 This great Clearing Out 8al of fers many bargain opportunities ta th oak tail linc If you ar In need ct a few of thee littl tandav visit thla sale Our No. II Ra k top 4x4, mad f beautifully matched quarter-sawed oak, handsomely polished, regular prtc I4.B0, apexilai ,:'. ;' ? ' mm mm Jro. Wt - This . han&sora weathered oak Hooker, with genuine leather seat, usually all for tll.OO. . Our special ; prlc la 99.00 A large number - of odd "Mission Chair - to choos from H reduced. The pretty llttl Indian gtoola , ar . In blrdy mapl and golden oak. They mak very attra tlv window aeatA Th regular prlc - I - f S.M. Bpeclal . .........92.OO VT " 1 ' 1 ... 91M Finow 75f. ' These ar th regular 1H -pound plllowA They have good, ., ticking and ar fully guaranteed to be all feathers, pure and sanitary. . Regular prlc $1.80. Far pair . T5t fl.M Clock Shelve, 91.00 . The little, walnut Clock Shelve . ar both useful and ornamental. Th 11.80 slse we now sell at 91.00; th ti.eo is at eo; th to ais at 40A ' Saver al other pattern to choose from. - Poldinsr 1907 During th past week we have -' ..... .: unloaded two oar load of HOT Folding Go-CartA ' Ther ar many new style in th big shipment. ' n u sTon too xabxt to nun abottt TsTAT XTff CAST FOB BAST. . . ' W hav a irld rang of prlcea Th llttl Cart shown hit, only ...... ...... 93.00 . ... $60.00 Sewing Machines $25.00 Only A SDOX.X.AS will plac. on of the great ma chines in your ' i. . . . . . . ninni aim mwrv- . after you sre asked to make the small payment ot FIFTY ' CZ ATS per week. You earn th cost of th machine twice ver before you ar required to pay for It. , - .' 91.00 "Uown," 501 a Weak. I12.C9 Washing Machines ... $10.09 W carry aeveral new : styles of Wsshlnc Ms-.' , ' chin th latest labor- ' aavlng pattern. During th Clearing Out gal any 111.00 anachln for ' " only ...910.OO ; COME AND SEE THE GOODS; AND REMEMBER, ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT. PAY A LITTLE DOWN, .THEN A LITTLE EACH WEEK. V. TT- FIT JTT"Pnr77' II TT ' " . 4 w , , , 173-175:F( Street Edipse" Steel Range 73' SB Thl great rang w guarantee- wr IS years, replac ing all part that break, and If It doe not prov entirely satisfac tory ywu may re- j ; turn It and get your ' money back. Sold on easy . payments- . . 1.00 down, 1.00 a Wee. J