The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Gross Earnine Bill v Provldtt
That All Incomes Over Stated
: Amount Pay taxei. " ; -
Corrupt Practice Act Forbid Cam
paign Contribution Abuses Dye
of Clackamas Father Measure, to
Provide Seat la Car. - . ' v
V . Salem. Or., , Jan. - tl. The house of
-repreeentatlve got. very busy after It
' rilri cnnvini1 vastef-fta-. afternnnn and
proceeded. to Introduce some 7 bill and
pas them to a aeoond readln, beelde
considering several mm(N from the
aenate. Indefinitely postponing five we
Toeo mu sent tnera rrorn the governor,
releasing one vrtoejL-bUL over the veto
" and listening to the appointment of com
mittees at the hands of Speaker Davey.
The grist of bills was such aa erery
( house haa to ' hare at every aeealoa
, though there were aeverat which will
cause more . or leas - discussion .before
they are either put to aleep or paaaed
i p for the governor's signature.
' . Jones of Lincoln and Folk introduced bill providing that the County super.
, .Inteadents of school be empowered to
.bold a "county school convention once
' ," every year and that all teschera sent to
lt ss delegates-he raid at the rate of 11
A Aav fnr f i TlmitiAf thi 1 1 n i. ri
fThe purpose-of .the ; law would be to
promote the high standard Of schools In
th state. . r -
i, ... Baralng BlU...'-- -
i . A gross earnings - tax bill was Intro
duced by Rot heb lids of Union provld
, Ing that all Incomes over $1,500 annually
should be taxed on a ratio according to
J the Mae of the income. t---
Bumi of Multnomah baa a "bill which
'provides that to per cent of the salary
of any man can be garnisheed In per-
tnent of debt. .
' . A bill to fix the salaries of all circuit
' judges at 14,009 .a year was Introduced Freemen of Vultnosnah. Freeman
-also haa a bill providing that' all bank
' aiocK, snares ana capuea snail ne as.
avesea lor inzauon accoraing to tne
same standards as Is other property, at
Its market value.
Bt-en of ITmatllla would have the na-
v tlonal flag Jly over every school house
in tha state, according te the provisions
'of a bill which he-has Introduced.
'-' Convict Labor Board. :'''
'"AeOnvloV labor board will be created
according-to a bill Introduced br Per
kins of Jackson county. There are to be
draw tl a day while actually engaged in
performing the duties of the commla
'elon. Their dutlea will be to provide
. for . the employment of , the convicts
"number of convicts to be used by each
.county and to guard them from escape
. by such means as tney may see rit.
t The bill provides for tba employment
v T ait avai.aoi nwTicii ypun yw
ruaae o -v . ....... '
. r f iai va puuuiivuwu tuiiuvuvvw
.'a bill' providing for ths creation of a
' , state board, of tax commissioners. The
board is to be appointed by the governor,
, secretary of -state and state treasurer!
wnicn mm vi l ivjwi ar w u -v-
r clo memoir" of the board. Th oomml
r sioners are to be put under bonds of
110.000 and are to bo appointed for
- four year. Their dutlea will bo to
provide laws for equitable assessment
; and taxation aad to se that all eollec
, tlons are made according to th law.
. Corrupt Practice AoV '
Th corrupt practice act aa compiled
by tha legislative commute of th
Multnomah .county Republican elub was
Introduced by Coffey of Multnomah. It
provides for the regulation of election
and campaign expenses, both of a per
onal nature and aa regard . campaign
.- Dy of Clackamas has Introduced
bill , providing for th ereatlon of
stat board of charities and corrections.
It is to be' composed of six person not
mora than three of whom are to be
from on political party and who shall
' bold office for six years. ' Its duties
Sweats and Chills Gone '
Weight Increased 14 Pounds
Bully's Pure Malt Whiskey
. I an absolutely pur genii and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, It butlds up
th nerve tissues, tones up th heart, gives power to th brain, strength and
. elasticity to th mu antes and richness to th blood. It bring Into action all
th vital forces. It makes dlgeetloa perfect, and enable you to get from the
food yon eat all the nourishment it contain. . It I invaluable for overworked
as It is a food already digested. It;
strengthens and sustains the system,''
Is a promoter of good health and long
evity, makes th old young and keeps
th young strong- - Duffy's is recognised
na a family medicine everywhere..
Fall led chemists, whenever they snal- ;
- ysd It during tb past fifty years, have ,
alway found It pur and possessing
.properties ot great medicinal value. . .
, - - . . , - .w
BBWABsT Of daagwoa ' tmltaMoas
aad sobetltatea. They are positively
harmful aad are sold for vroti oalr kv '.
jnerrupulon dealers. Xjook for th
trsst-iunrk. ta "Old Cbetnist," ea tb
lakel. an
id bo eertaia tb eal ova b
sort ie anbrokea.
All drne-glsts, gre.
ewre, dealer, or direct, lHJ
a aetua,
bootlet free. dt afait . Waiakey Oe,
Buokeeter, Kw York. '-
will be to Investlgae all penal and
corrective and chart table Institutions.
Jackson of Douglas has Introduced a
blU asking for the appropriation of
1100,000 from the general fund of the
stats for the erection of armories for
tha us of the national guard of the
tat. The appropriations are to 'be
divided Into continuing fund of 115,600
for. four conseoutlve years and tha
armories are to be located In the differ
ent cHle and town of tns staie wnere
there are national guard organUaUona
. provide -Seat la Oar.
' A bill to fore all transportation com.
oanlaa alna huainaaa In the State to
provide seat for every on purchasing
tickets of their authorised agent ha
bean Introduced by Dye of Clackamas.
It provides that whenever a person pur
chases a ticket he is entitled to a seat
and In the event he does not secure on
ho mutt be riven a check by the con
ductor stating that be could not be ac
commodated with a seat Thl check
when presented to any ticket office of
the company I to .be onutiea io a re.
beta nr ana hair the orlco of the ticket
Violation of the terms of the law la to
bo punished by a fin of from $10 to
ii nno .-. . . .
. Moore of Baker has Introduced a bill
providing for the creation of mining
Inspector at a salary or ii.voo a year,
OomrolUe-. Appointment
Many Dlaappolntroentt for Boloa.
By a Staff Owi-apeedeat.y-'-, -Baiera.
or., Jan 11 There 1 an aud
ible murmur of dlaaatlsfactlon running
among t he members at. the committee
assignments made by Mr. Davey and H
the . language of one ' of - the men
ho did sot get that - whjch ho
thought he was entitled to have. "It
not a case of the early bird catch
ing th worm but ot the lata bird who
did th anost scratching." ' , ...
a, number of Mr. Da rev's staunch
supporters . did not get what they
thought they would got and now they
do not feel entirely satisfied. - -
'Holt of Linn. Bayer of Multnomah,
Beals of Tillamook, all wanted eommlt-
whloh they did not got. Perkins
of Jackson, who 1 th house father of
the irrigation code prepared by th state
Irrigation commission, was - not oven
given a place on th Irrigation com
mittee. '
Beverldg of Multnomah i th only
printer in th house end was left, off
the printing committee. .
R. B. Farrell of Multnomah I th
on man In th house who la Interested
In fisheries and tha fishing Industrie.
H was left off however.
Senator ' Hodaoa and Others . Who
Helped nodsoa Get Placet.
(By a Staff tVrreepoedest.)
Salem, Or., Jan. 12. Bene tor Hod son
Of Multnomah, who opposed President
Haines- In tha fight, for th presidency
of th sonata, was given the chairman
ship of two committees by his success
ful rival whan th announcement of
committee .appointment was mad Jn
th senate yesterday afternoon. , Each
of th faithful eight who atood by Hod-
son and want with him Into a rival caucus
when th Haines followers wero hold
ing their caucus on th first day- of th
session, was given th chairmanship of
a committee. Two beside Hodson were
appointed chairman of mora than on
committee. They were Booth and Blcbel.
Hodson was named at th heed of th
committees on municipal corporations
and pubito ouuaings.
wa- choMn to lead th committees on
insursnc and public Undo. Booth
named as . chairman of. th Industrial
and claim committees. The remaining
follower of Hod eon. with th chair
manship given them, are: . Johnson,
agriculture and forestry; Coke, who was
claimed by Hodson, banking; Whealdon,
alectlona and. privileges; Beach, federal
relation: .Laughary, , hortloultur. and
Bailey, printing,
Tha four Democrat who changed
their votes to Halnea after they had caat
them for Coahow, thereby assuring
Haines election, wer remembered- with
chairmanships and oommltte) member
ships. . ,.- - ,
,01 m n ii. ii
England Observe AnnJveraarj.
(Jonraal Special Servfe.)
' London, Jan. it. The sixth anniver
sary of th death of Queen -Victoria
and the accession f King Edward was
observed today throughout the United
Kingdom. - Th king and queen, with
other member of th royal family, thl
morning attended the annual memorial
servloe In honor of the late Queen Vic
toria, which was held In th Frogmor
mausoleum. - ;
Mr. Johniently of Grand lUpldsj
Mich., who was ao low, from long
trouble that the doctor gave him up
mm Incnrable, and who 'had ' night
went and chill and weighed only
M pounds, was miraculously cured
bjr Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Letter like the following, written
by Mr. Bently, unsolicited, should
be published to that the world may
know -what the great medicine is do
lug for suffering humanity .
have taken DUFTT'S PURE MALT
WHISKEY for three month for lung
troubles. Whan I first commenced I
was bedfast, and now I am Table to work.
Now, th doctor of our town said that
nothing wnuld help m. but DUFFT'S
MALT WHISKEY did what th doctor
could not do. I had night sweats and
chills and weighed II pounda. I weigh
10 pounds now, th chill have left ma,
and th sweat are also gone. I am
looking for great results. MR. JOHN
BENTLT, Grand Rapids, Mich." Nov.
II. '01. -: - t
Many New Bills Introduced in
Snate-One Knocks Out,
. ! CrAft of Sheriff. .
i :
.i , .
School Itirsicians for Ever District
To : Io Away ? With Circuit
, Courti " and Establish Superior
Courts For Jamestown Fair.
y V staff Oorraspesoeat.)
Salem; Or., Jan.- tl. After a recess
of four day tb nat again convened
yesterday afternoon. During th re
cess many of th senator visited Port
land., others went to their homes and
others remained ia Bajgaa.
All war busy preparing a fresh lot
of bill t offer for th consideration of
th aenat. . After th committee ap
pointment wer announced yeatarday
afternoon. II blUs wer gnt-to-thehref
clerk s desk to b read lor to prat
Urn. .'
Among th bill introduced was ths
bill providing for . th punishment oz
men who fail 'to support their wives,
that was drawn by Judg Webster. It
was Introduced by Senator SlohaL
" Xaook Out nortn- Oraft.
Senator Kay offered a blU providing
that convict should be taken to th
penitentiary by regularly employed pen
itentiary guards, who should be allowed
only their actual sxpenees, Tb senator
eetlmate that should this system, which
Is now In vocu at th aaylum. b adopt
ed It would save th state nearly 16.00
annually in , th cost of transporting
convicts. ' r ' ' 1
. Tb gtnlon of th ground sronnd
tb oaoltol building, at a coat of I 0,000,
la provided In another bill offered by
Senator Kay. Th extension la pro
posed to be mad on th east side ot th
oapitol : building, to extend to- th rail
road track. '
School Dhvstotans la ovary school ois-
trtot in th state and at all stat col
leges are provided In a bill Introduced
bv Senator Miller of Marlon county. It
Is provided that th phyaiclaa ahall be
appointed by th director of each dis
trict, and by tha regent of th large! j
colleges. Every student, teacher, jani
tor or any employ of any school ia
to bo examined bythe physician at least
one a year or a often aa th director
think proper. Tba aaiary of tn scnooi
physician 1 to be fixed by tb board
appointing him.
Ve 'aaaaetowm BnUdlag.
An appropriation of 1(1,000 for. a
building and exhibits at the Jamestown
tercentenary xpoltlon. and the : ap i
polntment of a commission of five by
th governor to attend to us worn, are
provided In a bill introduced by Senator
Beach ot Multnomah. Th out contain
provision in Una with tha recommenda
tions made by Provisional commissioner
Jefferson Myers, who reported recently
on th advisability of an appropriation
for th Jamestown exposition.
A constitutional amendment changing
tha circuit courts to superior courts, and
increasing tb terms of offlo of th Jua-
tloe of th tt supreme court will be
proposed it a resolution proposed by
Senator Bingham 1 concurred la by the
house Under th proposed amendment
the term of oftlc of th iupreme court
Justices Is to bo 1 years. -
Superior courts are made to tax in
place of tha present circuit court and
U Is provided that thelflrst judge of
th superior courts shall be tb present
circuit judg. . It la proposed that
there shall be a superior court In every
regularly organised county, but xop
tlons are made' In tha cases of many of
the counties, and com of them ar
joined together to form districts until
th legislature shall otherwise direct
Th resolution also proposes to nx
the salary of th governor, supreme
court Justices and attorney-general at
11,000 a year each. Th secretary or
tat and tat treasurer ar each to re
ceive salaries of ft,600 a year. .
Many Measures Drafted by Law-
Makers at Capital.
s (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Salem, Jan. it. The following bills
have been introduced In th aenat:
S. . TO. kh,l Yur mtalabment of hav
sands wbn (all to support their famlHM,
a, B. Tl, Miller et Una Te about Praia
and II Mi mouth enrmal vrknnls.
R. B. Ta. iikmoa Tae rartproral n(raga
an smbtbltlag anhatee an dUcrtmtnatioaa.
laee ttt r'nipgna rivet br Bxins the closa
arch 1 te April 1 and Brptemher
1 to November t.
8. B. 1. Coahow To anthorlse eonnty
courts to tx the width ef public roads from
SO te lio feat.
B. B. To. ontsew T eaciare vnua any ai
vorfve tranteit aa puMlratloe of aammona
wb.ra thn validity ef etK-ti dlvnrca has bn-s
lie rubtful by s recast aeclaioB ef tfl
tolled Mtmre raprame coart. ...
8. B. 78, Mil lit To reoeal chaptor '904 ef
tba ode. eatabllihtns hnntrr'a llrrnae.
S. B. TT, Ilodaos To sawed the water end
by u,-rmlttlo raclamatloB eesiDeBlo ondar
the Carry ect to aall water to eutaldm.
. B. T. Miller of Moa-Martoo To provide
for ai!Ins)nf of Sreoot pbratrtane. r -r-
. B. TB, Millar et Una-atartoa Tor com
pulsorr educailna.
a. B. ). Kar -For traoaportatloa of esa
vim ky prtaea amplnyea.
S. a. SI, nay 'lo pwrcvnmr am aojnin.
tut tb eaoltol ermines on lb east aid aad
appropriating 1 30,1)00 thwfv. .
8. B. (2. Lareork Te orgrhlaa and SmId
tain Ue trh ss sixth Beaters Ortsoa Agrt.
ntltnral fair.
H. B. M. Melarkar Te repeal seetlea I.1M
f th code.
s. B. M, Rnttintaam-re snnoe mr wen
ins couely prlaoaar on tbe pnblle blfhwa;.
snoer car ef road enprleore. .
. B. MS. Wrlibt prorlrilng for coetroi ef
sersial ernools br one board. - i
rt. B. M. Ba4i Cor rxhlMt it JaaaHtsw
tposliloa. ApprnarlarkMi. SM.nfln.
8. B. ST. Bowrnias Tne erMwtloa of Vir.
tkm ef mantr hlsb aoaools where tbe eoastr
esort bas failad te act.
S. a. ss. Bowermas rm., eevenis saster
Orrgoa District asrlceUaral eoeUty.
Bill " to Reapportion RertresentaUou
la Lower House Introduced.
.By , gtsff Cereaaeeadent. .
- Saleatr- Or., Jan. 11.-A bill to reap
portion th representation of tha stats
In the lower hou-of th legislature
haa been Introduced by Washburn of
fjn county. It takea th census of
ltot as s basis for it representation
and apportion . th representatives
throughout th stat follows: ' Marlon
county, t representative, Unn I, Ln
t, Douglas , Coo 1, Coo and Curry L
Joeephln 1, Jackson 9, Benton and Lin
coln 1, polk 1, Yamhill 2, Washington t,
Clackamas t, Multnomah 17, Clatsop t,
Columbia and Tillamook; 1, ', Crook; 1.
Klamath and Lake I, Morrow 1. I'ma
ttlla I. Union 2, Wallowa 1, Baker I,
Melheur and Harney 1, OlUlanv and
Sherman t. Oraat and Whlr I, and
Waeee ,"
Three Bills Concerning Schools
. Have Already Been Intro
duced at Salem.
senator Miller Want to Abolish In
stitutions at Ashland and, Mon.
mouth. Sell Buildings and' Trans
fer Property.
- (By a Steff CerrespoaeaL
Salem, I Jan. 12. Th atat normal
achool fight, which raged so bitterly
at th legislative aosslon two years ago
stfes strong promts' of being renewed
at th , present session and developing
a more stubborn contest than was
waged before.
Three " bill touching tb 'normal
school bave already been Introduced
In the nate. two of them providing
that tha number of school In tha state
hall ba reduced from four to two.
8enator Millar of L-lnn Introduced a
bill yesterday afternoon providing that
th two achool should be at Ashland
and Pendleton. Senator Caldwell ba
offered a bill which pro poles that the
board of regent or tb Ashland and
Monmouth normal schools be directed
to transfer all tb school property held
by them to tb state land board, to b
old and tha money dlepoeed of as ths
land board may . deem - to b for th
best Interests of the state.
Senator Miller says he will stand by
his bill, and Senator Caldwell nay he
will stand by hla MeanwrJl Senator
Coshow of Douglas Is lookmg out for
tha interests ot th school at Drain,
and haa this to say: r
"I believe that both of thos hill
wer drawn ' by then who know very
little) about normal schools or th work
they ar doing. Tba matter was fought
out at th laat session or th legisla
ture, and It would appear to me that
the oeopl. by their vote on th general
appropriation, upheld th action ot th
legislature in' refusing to cut out any
of th four normal schools, , -
"Should - th matter now be left to
a vote of th entire people, I am con
vinced - that they would be in favor
of keeping Up all th normal school
w hav.
One . Measure Passed ; TJnaalmously
1 0ver Head fjUe Governor.., .
(By a Itaff Oorfvsposdest)
Salem. Jan. II. Governor Chamber
lain fared wall .with hla vetoes when
they cam tip for th consideration of
tha house today. The consideration of
all th house bill left over from th
session of ltOI whloh had met with th
disapproval ef Governor Chamberlain
were Indefinitely postponed with the
exception Of on ease, that of th bill
prepared at last, session by Mr.
Newell providing for th regulation of
th sal of commaroial fertilisers. Thl
bill provided that all commercial fer
tilisers should be analysed by th chem
ist at th Stat. Agricultural college ex
periment station and ths formula print
ed upon th package in which th ma
terial was sold. Th bill had been
VetoedT but was passed by th unani
mous vote of th bous over th veto,
ven Herman Rothchlld, th Ion Demo
crat, voting against th governor. -
Th bill Indefinitely postponed wer
on by Von der Hellen to protect th
salmon of tha state; on by Weet, to
provide for regulating sheep running at
large by a vote of tb Interested dis
tricts; on by Smith of Joeepblne, t
redlstrict the road of Josephine coun
ty; on by Henderson, to regulate sure
ty companl. - .- - r- v ; -
Bill to Fix Compensation In Fields'
."' Office Introduced. '
' (By a Staff OortwaponaVat.)
8alem. Jan. tl. A bill to fix
salaries of th deputies In the offlo of
th county clerk of Multnomah county
wa Introduced by Coffey of Multnomah
today. It . provide that th dark be
allowed to appoint two. deputle at a
salary of 1160 per month and a many
additional . deputle aa th board of
county commissioner deem necessary
at a aaiary of not lea than ft and not
mora than Ills per month, besides a
number aof female deputies at salaries
of t"t per month.
Drlscoll of Multnomah has slso In
troduced a bill providing that tba sal
ary of ths auditor of Multnomah coun
ty be fixed at' tl.OOO per year and that
he also be allowed a chief deputy at a
alary of S1S0 par month and other
deputy ssslstsnce at salaries not to ex
ceed 190 s month. -.
- Positive "
A soda cracker should
tious and wholesome of all ' foods made
from wheat . , v'yV "" .v:
Ckmp2rative J v "
But ordinary soda crackers absorb moist
ure, collect dust and become stale and
soggy long" before they reach your talkie.
There is however, one 'I
soda cracker at once so pure, so clean, so ' . '
crisp and nourishing that it stands alone
in ita supreme excellence the name i -
Uncoda Biscuit
, CsC a dust tight.
'"' J) moistur proof package
.WsSae.swSnBBaksMseaaai V .
Wright in Senate and Coffey in
: House Head Railroad 1
Committees.- ' .'.
f ". "
,' ;. .
rioms Given to Supporters of Sue
eessful Candidates Good To-
sltlons Fall to Sortie of Tawter's
(By a Staff Oarreapoadeat.)
Salem. Jan. II. Th following com
mittee appointments hav . bean an
nounced in . tha aenate:
Arrtcnltnr aad . Foaaatj-y Johnaoe. Me
Donald, Layeoek. .
iMHiaifiit an -TazarMMv BmgBesi,
Uoibam. a ay. Malarkay. HMleaa.
Baakluf Ook. C. J. Sailta, Bowenasa. lay
aeck, F. J. Miliar.
Clalma Booth, Oosaew, a 7. Ssilth.
Oobumtc sd havlgaUoa NottlBgkasa,
BaUey, aVaoftald. ' .. .
Ooaotiaa 9. 3. MTUrr. Booth, BTeDoaalA
I caoaty-and Bute Offltaia BuesimiB. rtiit"
anaaani, o. . smiia, mipua, a'i".
tUuoatloo C; "J. Smith, Cole, Wkaeldua. M.
A. Millar, Wrlsbt. .
Blectlona end frlvllagas Wbealdea, Bf. A.
Xalarbsy ea IwtieJary.
Jtngroaaad Bills Wrlsbt, Cola. SesoseM.
Enrolled Bills Kay, Coke, BIcheL
.rdaral KrlatlooeBeack. Blchal. JohBaoa.
nakarlas Bcaodald. Whealdoa. Ooke, Bedges,
Game OBklwaU, Lanfury, notaBgnaav
Boot. .
Horflcaltsis taeytary, "Wbealdoa. IfsBt, .
' Inauranos aicbal. Beota. Joknaoa.. CaldwaH,
. trrliatliiB tel, aUDgassa, - nan,
lerkay. Cole. - i - - . ,
Judiciary Jalark, atoweraua. Ooke, Bart,
iBdua'tri Booth. Kay. Bodsoa, F. J. M1V
lar. Lanrbarv.
Medicine aad Phareaaey Oste, ' 0. . Salts,
J. N. ttmtth. Caldwall. M. A. -stiller. :
til lltary Arralra ciMit. a ay, nvaeoa.
Mining Bart, Cole, MuUt.
Wrlht Beads BaflroaA.
Manlclpel Ooipisatluss nodena, at A. SOV
r f j Miller
renal InaUtutlons Mailt, t. M. Satltk, Lay
sock. ' ' v
Printing Ball, wnaac, Benses.
ruoue pniininss ana lanw
Kar. BallaT.
rub te lAvaa bicbbl,
Bdwaald, Besca,
Ctotbow, M. a. Miner. . , .
Hallroads Wrlsbt, r. J. auiiw, aiosaae
BewarsMB,' Kettlnfbaak L r
KosointioB aar. auBgnaH, www,
Wrlgbt. a J. Smith. .
lUTlaloB or Laws Bowemsa, neasea. Bin,
Ooabow, Malarkay. '
Roads, su HlshwaysMeDeaald, taagbary,
Johaeos,( Beach. Caldwell. .
Ware Ba MHia J. w. emiia. u. . eeuu.
Sisghaav MettlngkaSb MDoMld,
Waste OematltBaae,
'i'trlcnltare Donnelly. Sloaber, Bettltsilar.
eeaaraent and TaxaUoe Keweli. Beals,
Hoore, Jonas of polk, Huntley.
Aleobot Ifarno Brown, oaam, uray.
BanklnawMeCaUoa. Pre. " DrisooU. JewalL
Tswtr. -- '
Clalma wortaraB, nse, suBjam,
OorporatloBS Cbapln. Upmerar, Brl. .
nitiM iMt ovmia Ptk. Kubll Bcatsea.
Commerce Brtx. Baaerick, Vawtet, rarreU,
Cob ntlae Waabhnraa,
Hrndrtrk, Botbrtill.
lapuoi riauaing
aad Oroande atdslr.
Urr, McualioB. . .
. Kieetione ains, nna, rerreu.
KcrarattuB Edwarae, ueireu e - vaiaiuia.
BrerMsa, Gray, Mcose.
- Kacraaeti Bllle Huntley, Chaela. Pike.
nrolld Bllla Adama, Dobbin. 81m moss
Federal BaUUose farrell, Crawford, Casia-
U -,' VaOse ea ruhsrles.
rih.rlM McCua, EaatUr, Headrlck, Ohaee,
I tvi aad Dairy Products Bora, Basis,
I r,.f4
. Uam Carter, oray, Bones, wuaoo, renins.
Health and bUc ; Morals atotacblld, Cp-
m.rcr, w llua.
Ilortlcoltnre BeyBoMa, Perkins, PewalL
Internal lmnromata Holt. Cha. KaowleS,
I rrltatloo Dobbin, It a a, BeUaap, . KasU.
Wlhwe. .
Indlaa Affaire Backoff, Beattea, Rteea.
Judiciary Barrett ef Waabingtea, treeaiaB,
Ckmpball, Cbaae, Jackaoa.
inauraBce vawwrv wunw, wu, m,
I.abue e4 ieaeserles Pardy. Vawtar, Bev-
Mnnrarnra Barer. Bob. TresMrer.
Mining Moore, , Jawall, Kaektaft, Debbta.
Waahburne, ' -
Military Affaire Jackaoa, rreeauia. King.
Medicine and Pbarmary Belknap. MerryiB
Bom. Jobm of Clackamas. MrCalkn.
fvnal. aefbrmatory and Charitable Instltw-
tleas Bamn et L manna, veiray, simmeea,
: Jeaes Hesas Mathur. .... '
rrlatlBg Jaass ef Polk and Uneola, Brews,
Public Lsnds OoaasB, . Belksss,
gnhll. DonBllr.
Publie Ubrary OampkaO, - Baton, Joe ef
Matlways and Traaspertsttoe Coffay, Joass
Sf Polk aad Uneola, King, gdwarda, Bolt.
Blwa of Law Dye, - Vawtar, steOse,
MnrthniB. Vllm. '
Boeda aad Uiahways Crawford. Steea, Btae-
ayvna. rurny, i-raina.
Boles and Jolat Bulss glnaher, . pieeSMS,
Salaries and Mileage afsrrlaMB, Jeaes ef
Clackamaa, Adama.
Salaries of Stat and Ceosty Officer
Knowliw, rreasias, Hyuoioa.
Butlatlcs ssd ImmlsratloBr Beata-es, Jess
ef Clackamas, Barrett ot Wasblnatoa.
Waya and Mrna Drlaeoll, Bogcrs, Satoa,
Barrett,' ef Umatilla, Carter.
' Shopping Politeness.
"Werer point, oiy dear." said the mother
"But, aamma," eejeeted tbe little girl,
"suppose I don't know the same ot. tb thluf 1"
"Tb let tn aalMoiaa snow rod all be has
tn stock until be eomes to tbe srticls that Is
dslr4." . - .
be .the most nutri
I "' u
; Great
All $20.00 Values on Sale
All $2250 Values on Sale
All $25.00 Values on Sale'
All $30,00 Values on Sale
All $35.00 Values on Sale
All $40.00 Values on Sale
All $45.00 Values on SaWatl '.-.,. $34.50
All $5OJ0O Values on &de"at. . T. ;H .7.7. V$39.50T
Liberal Reductions on Men's Fine
- ; ; Furnishings y
269-271 Hlorrison St.
Avretable Preparalionfbf As
similating (he Food andBq? ula
ling rhtStoinaclts artlikweh of
. Til, ('-t ii i.
Promotes Digestionheerfuj-
nessand Kest.contains neitiKr
OpiunuMorplune nor)liaexaL
liOXXAllCOTIOe , ,
A pafed Remedy for Cons Hps
Tlon, Sour StotnafJi,Diarrhoea
Worms fonvulsions .Feverish
nest and Loss or SLEEP.
TttSJiraW Sttnarars of l
pcAcr eotre or wtAaeim.:
H aye You Seen t?
11 "
W now offer for sals ths handsomeat T lot In King's Addition, with
12-roorn house on (I sdjolnlnc lots sold last week for 127.000).
These lots sr partlcmlarly well- located for a fin horn or a srand
hotel, and about ths only tract laraa enouh for such a bulldtns In that
Aslfhborhood. , -..,..,. ,. - .
W will sell them If taken befor Tbniarjr51rt.t two. thlfdJthlr.
sctual value, . Be us at one. . . r ' ' -"
VHOira a. moo.
Clarlie, Woodward Drug Co.
Importing Wholesalers & Manufacturing. Cor. 9th and Hoyt Sts. ,
' 70.000 snuar feet of floor spaoa.
A rompiete analytical Laboratory.
' A private switching traok from-- th
terminal yards. - - - -
i Da larrai ism raosa perieouy
Sale of v
,.. : -V.
at. . ; . . ... . . . .' . . . .$15,00
at, . $16.50
at ..V. V..C..,.. $19.00
at. . V. ;. V;.:. . $23.50"
at.". .1. 7. H .'.v. . $26.50
at. . . . . 7: $2930"
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havs
Always Bought
Bears the
Do You Want It?
king jr
sea x. Momaxsov.
equipped wholessl drug hotls os th
coast. t ., -,
- Wuyer and handlers ef beeewiT and -Oreson
dm; products, cascara ' hark, "
vrap root. to. . t J i
mj- -. , Use
For Over
Thirty Years
.5 W . s IS -