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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1E07. SEIilDEER CANNOT HELP Alaskan Dying Off Through 7;-. Disease, Says Returned Miner-Preacher. CAN NEVER COMPETE v WITH DOCS, HE AVERS Jlev," Charles Elliott of Nome, rroph! That Southern Alaska Will Bom Day Support Million ot Inhabitant in It Valleys. , That Alaska will some da become great farming country, well " land of mrull is predicted bv Rsv. Chsrles Elliott, who recently returned to tha states from a, six yeara epjourn In TCome. ' " '; ' '"'"" :r " am a thorough believer In Alaaka's future, said Kev. Jr. wimu mj. Rev. Charles Elliott. "especially southern Alaska. -1 believe that it will some day accommodate .mil lions ef Inhabitants. There are many - fertile valleys much Ilka those of Nor way, in the same latitude; also like the plains of Buassla, and I believe that the southern part of the territory Is des- . ttned to become a great wheat country." Rev. Mr. Elliott la from Iowa. He waa caught in the rush to Nome in r 1S00. ... He mined for two years with but moderate -success; then-he took charge of tha Pilgrim Congregational church at Nome. He built up the church, osgan-, laed a branch of the T. M. C A. and es tablished a mission colony of Eskimo at tha mouth" of the Stnuk. river, $0 miles west . of Nome. , Thia mission is still in. existence and Is now under the . control of, the' Methodist '; Episcopal ,churchT ' ,,...." V The jnlner-preacher declares ,that the . government is ' laboring under a great mistake in Its reindeer culture. The reindeer, be- says, will 'never be able . to compete .with dogs In tbe transpor tation business. .. He believes further that the effort to make herders of rein- - deer of the natives must end In failure, us the Eskimos are hopelessly lost in disease and ere .a rapidly '.disappearing element. j Rev. Mr.. Elliott haa been' engaged by a Boston bureau to give Illustrated leo- lures on Alaska next winter. T He leo. tured in Seattle and Tecoma on Ms way - here, , but will not be heard at thia time In Portland. lie will go east In a few . daya.- . ,. -- REMOVE DAMAGE LIMIT FDR CAUSING DEATH Attorneys - Would Also Reduce Filing Fees in Divorce - ' ' Cases. - Kadlcal change in Soms of the exist-' fng laws of Oregon were proposed laat night at the meeting of the Multnomah: Bar association, which a p propria ted f 100 to pay the expense pf a member who will go to Salem and make an ef- ' fort to see that the bills recommended by it are mads clear to the legisla ture. .--.;-' t i -The most important of the proposed changes In present statutes Included , cutting down of the filing fees In di- vorce cases from $20 to tlO, that three fourths of a Jury may give the verdict .Jn a civil suit. Insufficiency of evidence not proper grounds upon which to grant a non-suit or new trial, all notary pun- - lies shall be attorneys, real en late of , a deceased person ahall not be liable for debt after six years from his or her death, the city of Portland may be msde lnte one justice court district, and the remove! of the $5,009 limitation for - wrongfully causing the death of a per son. - . .. .. , ,' . -.; Several other changes and new meas ures were proposed dealing with prao- ' tire before the courta and these will be forwarded in the shape of bills to Sena tor Mnlarkey and Representstlve Frank K. Freeman to be Introduced into tbe legislature. County Judge Webster stated last nlsht before the meeting that at its next ' neeston he proposed to introduce an amendment to the constitution Of the Mute whlrh would require a total of live members pf the state supreme court. The new bills and changes In present which were proposed last night wer paused upon by a committee com-l-.wd nf the following: Kohert O. Mor. ii. r"t"rtnr of the slate supreme ronrt. halrman: Senator Den i. Malar-V-v, If' -i reeejitative Frank V. Freemen, l.uf I'.-inttf Plstrl'it .Attorney Gus C Morer. t.unty Juilee Lionel R. Webster, A. U Veeaie and W. M. Uavl , MM MINING SYNDICATE CHICKENS AS A cold mlna In a chicken. At laat ft haa coma to Portland. No longar will other citlea In tha northwest hold their haada In haughty pride when narrating stories of how "the wlfa of our well known townsman, Blra Jones," found gold nuggets In tha glaard ot chicken. Percy Kletcber, who dresses chlckena for tha NaUonai market, corner Grand avenue and Esst tfurnsine .street, ex pects to change hla vocation to that of a gold prospector and ail Because ne found eight gold nuggeta worth about IS, In the atomaah of a chicken he was dreaalng laat Saturday. Bo certain la Fletcher that a golden fortune awalta the man who - doee a little detective work on the trail of the chicken which made the tale of tha pro verbial gooae look like chicken feed, that be-refuees to divulge the name of the person who Bold the chicken to the market, although' it la Known mat me fowl gathered up He gold fodder near the town of Gresham, about , IS miles east of 'Portland. ,i - Fletchor will determine . whether the little feathered repository of tha yellow " i. SECOND ARE KOI' 5EEKISBBACK-PAY In Service More Than Two Months After Treaty of Peace - ;t Was Signed. -t Members of tha Second Oregon regl ment have organised a movement, to petition- the government for - back pay, ilch they allege la due them for ear rice jn the Philippines after the treaty of peace waa signed between the United States and Spain. . Regulations provide that volunteers shall not Serve longer than two montha after a treaty of peace Is signed, but the Second waa after Agutnaldo, away from telegraphto com munlcatton, at the time the treaty was signed. " . At the laat regular meeting or the Scout Young camp. No. S, Spanish War Veterans, a resolution waa unanimously adopted calling on -the Oregon delega tion in congress to use Its efforts to secure the money due the soldiers. Let ters were aent to the representatives t Washington yesterday. ... In addition to tha Second regiment. there ere about U western regiments which will cooperate with the Oregon regiment in Ita attempt to secure back pay. " The second was tie nrst regi ment in the rhiiippinee an the rirst to return, and tor that reason was se lected to take the initiative In asking the government for back pay. Several of theae claim have been paid to va rious ether regiments throughout the country.- - Evangelistic Baptist Service. Special evangelistic services are being held every evening at the Baptist Mis sion church, at the corner of East Sixth and Alberta streets. Rev. 8. Hermlston and wife are In charge and have been very successful. Mrs. Hermlston' work Cured Quickly and Painlessly r No Risk No Danger. A Free Trial Package, to Convince I Boat by Mail to All Who Write. Common sense is Just as neceaaary (even mora so) in medicine ss in busi ness or the affairs of every day life. People are getting to know more than they used to. Not so long ago, it was tha faahlon to make all sorts of claims for a medicine, and wind up by asking a reader, to go to a drug store and buy a bottle. People won't stand for that kind of thing now. . They want proof- tangible proof. " They want totry the remedy first and if they find It to be what la claimed they will be glad enough to go and buy it. - - A OOXVlVtaNO ARGUMENT That Is why we say to every person suffering from piles or any foem of rectal disease, send ua your name and we will gladly send you a free trial package. ; For we know what the result will be. After using the trial you will hurry to your nearest druggist and gst a too box of pyramid me cure, now aa mltted by thousands to. be one of the most wonderful reliefs, and oures for Pile, ever known. i "Please excuse my delay In writing to yon sooner in regard to what your Pyramid Pile Cure haa done for me. consider tt one of the finest medicines In the world for piles. I suffered un told misery for four months when my wife begged me to send for a BOo box. When it was half gone 1 knew I was better and It didn't, take any begging to get me to send for a second box. think 1 am about well now but if I feel any symptoms of a return I will order st once. I order It from the Pyramid rrur Co. to be sure of the cure. Tell all about thia fine remedy for piles. "And if there is anything in this let ter you want to use, do so. I received your letter a few dsys sgo. Tours for remedy like Pyramid Pile Cure. i. J. McF.lwee. Honey Drove, Tex R. R. , Box tt. ' "P. 8 1 only used two boxes and don't think I need any more. ; Piles of seven months' standing." To get a free trial packs ge nd to day to the Pyramid Drug Co.. $ Pyr amid Building, Marshall. Michigan. ' It will come by return mall and . the re sults wlU both delight and astonish you. r TO USE CONCENTRATORS metal first put to test tha "early bird geta tha worm atory on the banks of a tiny gold laden creek or In the virgin soil that was swept down In some pre historic period Irani whit are now the mighty Cascade mountain. He will have to traoe the bird front Infancy to tha time It Indulged In epicurean feasts that make CleoDatra'a drinking of a pearl cocktail seem like coffee and sink ers when compared to a Waldorf-Astoria triumph. Finally, he will have to aaoertaln whether thia particular chicken had aolved the feat of alchemy practiced ao .long and so unaaooessfully by the wise men of the middle ages, by mixing oertaln species of worms, known In Gresham alone, with certain mineral waters in . that neighborhood of the townslte. ... ..( Fletcher la determined to do all these things and expects aa time goes by. to form a stock company which will have for Ita purpose the lining of chickens' stomachs with a gajd deposit by an especial " diet,, or the digging of gold from rich, but at present unknown, gold mines in the neighborhood ot Fort- land.- i . . In . particular being especially com mended. The services will be continued throughout the week.' - - Te Cure a Cold la Oas Day . ' Tesa XAftVg BIIOMO Quinine Tablets. Urarslsts .refund sBr it It falls to . enre. B. W. OROVK Ifovtur U ea esc bos. !. William Jennings Bryan Tonight. Every one Is anxious to hear the peer less orator and great ltlsen who will appear at the White Temple tonight un der the auspices of tbe Young Men's Christian Association. - Mr. Bryan spoke to an audience of 1.000 in Seattle last night and the way tie seat sale haa gone Indicatea that a large udienoe will hear him in Portland.- - f: : ' i There are still a few reserved seats, which can be had at tha business offloe of the T. M. C. A. 226-228 Alder Pork : Loin Roast . 1 Sc Pork Chops ....... . .'. 15c Pork Steak;; irt;. .vv? . 15c Pork' Shtfulder Roast-.-12c Pork Sides ....... ;..12Hc Pork Mixed Sausage . . . ', 10c Pork Hocks . . . ." . . .7; . . . 8c Pigs' Feet V............ 5c Pure Lard ............12c Pickle Pork ...... . ..12c Breakfast Bacon .....17c Hams".: . .... .V.. 17c Veal Loin Roast. ... ... 15c Veal Leg, ....r.... .120 yealShoulderast .v. 10c Veal Breast . . . '. ioc $1.00 Umbrellas ..............80 SOe Underwear ....19 $5.00 Black Satlne PetUcoats.fl.89 S.O Walking Skirts ........ajl.95 $. Bouse Wrappers ....... .89 Men's for .,, f 10.00 Raincoats in the Bala 92.90 Infants' $1.00 Shoes for..;... Children's $0o Walats for..., Boys' SOe Knee Panta, pr Children's 10c Underwear..;. 19) 1T 19 M xtra aalesmea Wants Apply early - tomorrow. Inquire for Mm. ' WUsoa. . - Watch for the T allow Trout aad nags the "lgaala of the Sale," Mind the etgnals! That' good ad v.lce, whether railroading, automo blllng, driving, walking or sitting still. Ignoring them means a col lapse sooner or later la one form er another. Mind the signals! the fellow Front and Flags 1 . Franks BUBYOUR MEAT jp Soon Be Gone, women's - I Mpn CJhfh i ri cr r I 0 Men's $$ 00 - I I Bhoes f 1.89 f Women's t$.0 Vr i) ?bo ) Misses U.E0 '' J V2 1 8b0" 1''45 lit By' I J y Shoes 91.19 SELirJOOD PEOPLE TERRIFIED Bold, Bad Men Stare Through v Windows , Late at - Night. , THREAT OF PRIVATE ... POLICE WORK IS MADE Conference - Over Construction; . of Eaat Side Theatre Will Be Held . fey Jush. Club Delegate Friday Instead of Wednesday. ; Bast Side Department. - Slnoe the recent -attempted burglary of the Sell wood postal station tn which Officer A, O. Borenson waa ahot in aa encounter with the thieves, burglara and hold-up men have kept the more timid inhabitants of that suburb In continual fear even -of their Uvea While W. S. Strahlman and wife were away from home Saturday night, two fm enappeared at ths-wlndow of the resldenoe' and so terrified hla stepdaughter.- who. was alone In the house wltb .two . small children, that she fainted and a veritable panto ensued, aa the "children were afraid to go out side the house. t - - Sunday morning -of ' the . same night the young daughter of F. Johnson, aa expressman living in Sallwood, awoke suddenly about 4 o'clock and saw dis tinctly three men on horses staring Into the windows, havrng ridden oloaa to the house. - . . .. . . These authentic . instances have been enough to frighten even the bolder in habitants, and torn made strong decla rations to the effect that they would do some effective police work on their Street, Bttween First arid In the Largest Retail Market on the Pacific Coast From Smith, Who Is : "Fighting the Beef Trust" With Guarantee That They Are Fresh and Pure Veal Rib Cutlets . . .':.12Kc Veal Loin Cutlets . . . . ; .15c Veal Shoulder Cutlets 12c Veal Stew ......8c Beef Short Tlibs . . 5c Beef Plates . . . :i ....... 5c Beef Brisket ;7.. . ......5c Beef Necks' to boil. . . . . .5c Beef Stew ... .;5c Liver.'. ... ... 5c Beef Tongues, each, . . . 45c Beef Hamburg Steak;..; 8c Corned Beef . ..... . . . ; ;6c Soup Bones iV.v. ,j.i t2c Beef Prime Rib Roast. .10c Beef Sirloin Steak. . . i2xc BeerPor'house' Steakl2Hc Beejrni-BorieiSteakJl2Hc Beef Rib Steak .' . . : . j . 12c A Mighty Stock of , : : National Shoe & Clothihg: Th unprecedented offerings tv amaxed Portland' ahrewdest ahoppera! And with food reason, as th price marked on thousand and thousand of dollar' worth of clean, desirable, up-to-dat merchandiae ar actually less than half today's wholesale cost- The much hither and 'constantly advancing cost of every Una of good manufactured make it absolutely Impossible for any one to buy those sam food for twice to three times what you pay u for them this week. - Therefore, it will be wise to take advantage of the auction price this week, and, as most of th lots ar going rapidly, - coma as early as possible tomorrow morning. tor first and beat choice. , On account of dissolution of partnership the combined fine stock of th National Co.'s four stores, Se attle, Aberdeen and Salt Lake City ar combined with th Portland stock, and money to satisfy the demands of th retiring partner must be raised within 10 day. Over $100,000 worth of fin grad Suit, Overcoats, Cravenette. Pants, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Underwear, . Sweaters, Shirts, Soa, etc.; also a complete stock of ladies' Underwear, Skirts, Wrappers, etc, and boys' and misses' Clothing, etc The four big stocks are divided into over 200 lota. Mr. Wilson auctions off an article from each lot, and th price received I th pric put on the balance of the lot. All goods sold at private sal. Good marked in plain figure and one pric to all. Great bargain table ar extended throughout th entire establishment, When one lot ia cleared another Immediately take ita place. Over 100 lota are always on sale, and every hour sees new bargain. Th people make the price, as there must b a certain amount of money raised by February Jl. Sell the good 2 must, and sell th good I will. Com and select your goods. The prices ar th lowest ever seen under any cir cumstances in the United States. , The store, stock and sal I under the supervision of JAMES T. WIL SON, of Wilson' Auction House.' " r ' . Representative Examples of the Merciless Methods of Massacre Employed to Sell th Clothing and .Shoes In the Next Eight Days I ' - . ' ' -'. - Sale Opens at 9 A. M. Tomorrow, Continuing All Day Until 8 P, M. At the , Natiosiar Shoe! & Clothing Co. 207 FIRST ST Between Tsylor and Salmon Sts., Opposite Wilson's Auction' House, Jas. .T Wilson, Auc . i ' tioneer in charge . - - own Initiative if any suspicious prowlers wers found staring Into their residences at unusual hours, persons not wishing to be received by a. load of buckshot will do well to consider the front door when contemplating a visit to Bellwood friends. ... . Ooafsreaos Date Changed. The conference made up of commit tees appointed by the different east slds push clubs to cooperate In the erection of an opera house on Qrand avenue will be entertained Friday night. Jan uary 26, at t o'clock, instesd of Wednes day; aa first announced, at the rooms of the East Side club on the top floor of the Sargent hotel, Hawthorne ' and Grand avenues. At this meeting plana for placing $0,000 or II0.000 of the stock of the theatre company will be laid and data fixed for carrying them put - John T. Cordray, who la to 'have charge of ttfs theatre, will guarantee per cent interest on the etoek Issued. The shares will be placed at 110 each and an effort will be made to have them as widely distributed aa possible. Already considerable stock , has been spoken for, but it la tha plan te appoint a dag and have all the stock taken at that Ume by as many different eaat alders aa possible. The clubs ssndlng delegatea are the Eaat Side Improvement association.' ttie Eaat Side Business Men' club. Bell wood board ot trade. Mount Tabor Im provement association. Woodstock Push club, Montavllla board of trade, Monte, villa Improvement league, - Woodlawn Push club, Center Addition Progressive association. Northeastern Improvement association. Irvlngton Improvement as sociation, Mississippi Avenue board of 4-rado aiid-tae-'Meunt Seett Impi'oveiuent association. A partial list of tbe in dividuals ha already been given. Oreat internet is being taken in the project The Cnamila Womaa ' i ts not necessarily one of- perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who oould never serve as an artist s model, poesesses those rare qualities that all world admires; neatness, elear eyes, elean amooth akin and that sprlghtli ness of step and action that accom pany good health. A physically weak woman Is never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety akin, beautiful com plexion. - Guaranteed at Red Cross Pharmacy. 60c ' Second Streets ; - t ; - Beef Round" Steak. ...10c Beef Shoulder Steak.'. ...8c Beef Rolled Rib Roast 12Jc Beef . Pot Roast . 8c Beef ChuckRoasf . . . . .8c Limb Loin Roast ... . w . 15c Lamb Rib Roasl.'. .... . 15c Lamb - Legs I . . . . f . . ; 1 5c Lamb Rib Chops . . . .... 1 5c Lamb Loin Chops .7 . .1 .15c Lamb Shoulder Chops 12Jc Lamb Frontquarters ".7 .10c Lamb Shoulders .-. . . . . . 10c Lamb Stew ...... . ,0c WE DO NOT USE DYES. PRESERVATIVES. COLOR INGS. ADULTERATIONS or CO LD - STORAGE " MEATS. The Most Marvelous Opportunity Ever Offered Shoe and ... , , ; ' Buyers on This Hemisphere. . , , Hats Going for a 5png Four Great Stores Massed in varni vai 10 sx doiq hi , Prices Under tht manasrernent of JAS. T. WILSON, Auctioneer, ol WUaon'ft . Big- Auction Houm, Portland, Of, at th ' ; , all over the east side and all are con fident of tbe success of the undertaking. Norman Tracey of Estacada found a gold nugget In a hen's craw laat week and the whole surrounding country has been throwing dirt furiously for the past five days trying to find the hidden ledge. :.. - Srldg Oeastraetto Begia. - Finally,-after a long delay and much anxiety among the eaat elders, actual preparations for the construction of the steel bj-lde across Sullivan's gulch was commenced yesterday by contractor B. Tlllotson, who Is performing the work for the , International Contract company of Seattle that has the con tract for the erection of the structure. ' A small toolhouse ia In the course ef erection and a stirring activity was seen around the site of the bridge yesterday.- The details of the plans will have to be worked out first from the natural conditions, but the workmen have until June to put up the bridge, which la thought to be ample, time for completion. , Estaoada is to have a city hall. It by 69 feet, and to ooat IS 00. It will also be used to house the fire apparatusrl The - meetings ' of the common council will be held there also. .The lecture of Rev. 8amuel O. Kuegg on "Swltserland" at Mllwaukie In the More, Then Ends Our January: 10 to 25 - -DISCOUNT SALE OF - High Class Furnishings - v Standard Hots t ; Benjamin Clothing : '.'- ,- , - : ESsawSslBsssssaEssslwS ,.;; s s, , v If you are not a customer v - of ours, drop in and get acquainted, after that you will be. - r - w Mm r PORTLAND'S Sole Agearta Kao Xats. and Shoes a Monster Bargain Co; 207 First Street South f Taylor Merchandise Under theHammer Evangelkal church will take place next evening, Juniry H. Instead of this evening, as puuvlously sn nounced. The lecture Is under the auspices of the Mllwaukie public school. i. ' . . - - -I r, n73 NEVER FAILS to Start a New GrowlJi ol Tklck laxurhnl Ci!r "My hair was falling out badly, and after using a bottle of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH I found that my balr he grown wonderfully. will recommend It to any one who ask about It. . Tour truly, - ' "MRS. 8. E. BR0WER, "111 Bayonet St., New London, . Conn." SOc at All Druggists Per Cent 'Unnecessary to say more. 311 KORRISON ST cpp. Postofflca. - GENTILITY SHOP : Sols Afeat 'fesajaaata Oloihss, Clothing Men s $10.00 Suit Men s $11.00 Butts Men's $10.00 Suits ........ a. 89 85 85 Men's Linen Handkerchiefs. ... .8 Men's $10.00 Coats .,..$1.49 .Men's $1.0 Oolf Shirts ...... 39 Men's $5o Suspenders ....... .1 3(0 Men's $$.$0 Hats for 49f Men' lOe Work Shirts ..29r -Men's good eeamless .Hosiery. pr.3 Men's toe Neckwear ....... ...15s Men's $$.(0 Pants '.. ..894 Men's best 'Ldnen Collars ...... T Men's $1.00 Underwear 394 Men's best T$e Overalls ...... 35 Men' $1 Overcoata . f3.28 Mea'a $11 Overcoats 04.75 Men's $$ Overeoats S.25 '' ' Important to Merchants Msrchaate bayiag qnaaUtles fo spot -eaaa wlU. find this sale ehaape thaa aa waalseale hoaoe la Amer ica. Merchants ar reqnseted to ems Before a. m., as the bur taU erowds reeaire all ear arte tloa after that ho nr. r' -iiVv'l