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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2. 1S07. -II But in 15 minutes' talk with a want ad solicitor stated five wants: Wanted a mandolin, wanted to sell his bicycle, wanted to rent a houserwanted a second-hand piano. He advertised r now he has no want. Have you a want? 15 words 15 cents. . NEW TODAY. ; " ,1ri,- rxj"!, 1. I . M 1 '" ""T" CHOICE BUYS. HOMES, INVESTMENTS . -. 8700O - On ectrner. areJkln.T distance. Eaet Side, 100x100. four s-rooia coiulm; .eiwaye ' rented. ' .' .., .. . : 7,7, S0200 : fiEVBNTH BT., lot 60x100. two houses; income $60. ". , S5500 , HOTXATIAT-S PAHK ADD., Waik-0 lit cortr 100x100. newly built, 6-roorA house, cement alrtewslks, furnace, j ail conveniences. .s .- $5000 . EAST ASH ST, ' 3-room house, .lot eOil.O. . ,--7:- S5000 . - ' BAST 1TH ST.. S-room houMu lot (Dc . 100; 11,000 worm or furniture incitiuea; Income 10. - ,- 83750 ..:. ' BA6T UTH ST.. walking distance, mo '" em 6-roora bouse, every convenience, built only hort.tlmo, lot 60x100, on cx tin. ' v 7- r.:z:..: . y ;-g32S0-rt'-"- r- frrwTH 8jr.Bteomplta.t I -room S2800 ;-''..-'. -; . HOLLA DAT PARK ADD., modern etc- room bouse, lot 10x100, concrete side walk.' This Is splendid bar fain. . - S2750 '-'' BOThTI" PORTtAND. twocotta m lot JclOO; Income lit. . : i 7T s. 81750, (-room Bona and bsaemont. lot (6x160, in outhweat Sunnyelde; Income 11. f v:". 85500 7,;.'' Modern t-room house, full lot, vicinity ' 16th at end Ma.wthonw-aT.- 85500 'f SIXTH BT, Wirt side, modern t-room house, alao 1 room In attic; all eon - vsmlenoes; wslklng . distance, v t.i., 84500 -; OToe home, new. modern. In Irrtnfton; full lot; fixtures alone coat 1160. :.'-' ; . S350O Cornea? 'BOclO. 6-rootn modern - house. A 6NAP. 1 Holladsy's Pars, Addition.- .; A'v'.r;;;' -82250 -V 'v A anap. Irrabee at., lot (OzlOO. ; s3ooo ; r Quartar block on Eat $rax afreet. - 81500 ; . COIXJBOBl BTREET, lot .0xl00. ... 81300 "" Corner tot on TUlainook atreet,-.,-...;. . . SU00j .Corner lot ra.Hawtliorne are, and Hat .. (treat ' v. t - 81000 ' ,'- ' Three fall lots on East Bide, Juet east of 4 Union av vicinity of Beech.. . . - - 8500 , Ita 2lxl7t on t'lrat at., neat Hamilton. 8800 ' - WASCO ST.. lot tOxlOO, near Uth st II. W. LEHCKE CO. ' Blxtk aa WasUnirtam Wf. " "" vnone Xaia 650, ... AN EXPERIENCED BANK ER HAS A BANKING PROP OSITION TO PRESENT TO PARTIES DESIRING TO ENGAGE IN BUSINESS IN PORTLAND. A GOOD OP PORTUNITY FOR SEVER 'AL MONEYED MEN. i - AOOSESS K 116 CAKE JOURNAL IS BRREBT CITE! THAT THB RPI.E. DID KOMR, ST1 EAST EK1HTR ST., NORTH, BKTWKKN BROADWAY AND BOHUY IJEB. HOIXADAT AM1IT10T. 18 FOB HALE; S aotiMH: LOT Tftiltn. KLEOANT SHRUB iBERT AND rRUlT TKEEa. Ol T8IDK AND ; IM." WORTH RFTKINt. the PKIOl S .ana. tr VOU WANT IT rTK.MHHKD YOO MAY HAVE IT AT A BIDIOCLOrSLT ' HUOHT JNCRKARB IN COST. EASY TEBMB. , 5EE IT ,'v Aim HO SOH, t4-2SCKBAfr,. BARGAINS 100x100, Corner, Fourteenth and Irvmcr sts. This is : a snap, f, Trice 828,000; good income. 50x100, Corner Harrison and Wa -r-ter t. Price 810.000. " Half Block'on Twentr'first, be- J i tween Oregon and Pacific sts. t - If taken at once only 84,000. ; ' PACIFIC 'INVESTMENT CO. Washington St., Cor. Sixth V - : 1'hone Alain 6282 NOTICE! ; ..', GET OINE ' Have 'you bought lot in LYDIA BUCKMAN'S ADDI TION If not, don't deljy it " Vill make money for you. Only - I small payment necessary to e ." :ure a choice lot. ttt the ' North western ,Cuarnt8 & Trmt Coia?cny . ii Lumber Exchange Bldg S. E. , Cor. Second and tark St. : , NKW TODAF, MR. WORKING MAN - :' If yoa wish to lay away a' little money each week where It will brine you an lnooma of from It to St per cent, oall and investigate our plan of lnveat ment wtiere every ." dollar la aecured acalnat loss, and ean be withdrawn at any time. ; .;: 7 yv: - ; : :' . nmsnaaT BBPAJtTKXjrT, . . 10 tTEiUf BUD., : . 'J BXXTX AJTD atOSXIBOsT. WHEN AWAY FROM HOME. OpWe ef The 'Joernt! eea be ebtelnd la the following eltlre Dd ts-rne oatsld ot Oprgoa. The. Joernal omM apprHeM toe rmipp or r porta of failure to ebtala euplce ef the ptper r anr or towae piaa: i WUTAX, WAHHINWTON A. K. Xlnf. WAI.I.A WALLA. WAHHINOTOX Wall. Well 8UtUqeiT OoDipu)r;Micm-Hiewll Uoanwar; Hotel Iara firm Stand; tnloa tifar Stand. 114 Bouth Fourth' atrMt. TA'OMA, WAKHl.NOTO.V Motel Tteoaa Itewa nrann; ventral jfa inmpiny. . . . SEATTLE. WASHINOTO.N tUlnler ', Orand News Htann; Int-rnatiomi newe Airenrr Nrwummf Warnn: Uotul Heartl Newe Stand. 00I.IKti:U. K K V Al A-Loote feaa. Kewapapar v airon. BAN 11 BOO, CAUroRNIA Aaiea Kewf fjoev party, Nevapaper Wairoa. (POKAinc - W AHNtmNVoha'W.' re-e a to. . . . boiss. tnAnoJoirh roiiina. aaa-ua. oo intra etrtei. eouui. T. IH IH. WltOLKI . X. Jttt, tot Ollre etreM; ()or( u. Arkeraiaa. EAK8A8 riTV. MlSSoI Rl Vonta Hewa Oo re ran, t . Newapa-pr Wavon. Crtli'AOO. ILUNOIK p. O. Kewa Ooatpaay, ITS learbora atreat. DKXVKH.. .CULUEADOL'nlon Depot Ntari r . T LOH ANGELEH, CALIFORNIA Amoe-ltr! Companr. Newepepr Wegoa. ' OAKLAND. .CAUrttKNIA Aavw Wews Ooea ' panj. KewapatKir Wagon; N. Wkaatlay Kewa Cotnnanr. fttwupapw w agon. SAN FRANCISCO. ("aUKOKMA-N. Wheatley hewe (ttmptnt. Newapaper wagna; rnetar a Oroar, Ferry balldtng; joaaaoa Newe Compear, I4AI FlllBor Kreet. SALT LAKB CITt, UTAH Mre, Lerhui, Kewa- Kipee wagoa; o. I., liaviea, lintel ivanyon; arrow Kroa.. 4R Weet 8emd atret.,eoatli. 0GDKN-, UTAH Ore Sewe Company, . Depot Newa Btand. OMAHA. NEBRASKA Millard Hotel Rewa Brand. HEW YORK CITT Arthur Hotallnf, r Newe. paper wagone. WEATHER REPORT.' The minimum" trmpere tore 't Pertlead 'this Mrnlag wee SI drgraee. The blah oreeaare area ever the eeatrnl pletaea regloa bee remained aearly etatlooary and light to henry fr tiara again oeearrad la Oallforula aa far aoeth ee the TehaehepL Ex. eept a few email ebowera la aortbwent Weak Ington. ee rein baa fallea In tble dlatrlrt onr Ing the , lent !M hoare,end the temperattme re from R to 18 degrees lower than reeterdey. a aew alga preaaure erea see anaae Ita en peerenee erer the Daketae and aero weether preTalla In thoee etete and eleo la Iflnneeota. The barometer fcr reteilee!?' tew eyer tba lower lake region and light enow bee fallen la Pennerlraala. weetern New Terk and Michigan. The- teoiDereturee era below sorauU . la . tba eonth Atlaatle etataa and a light treat Is re ported tble morning at Jarkeonrille, Florida. lag eontnuone are ravoraoie we geaermjir fair weather In , tble dlatrlct tonight and Vedaeeday. -Tesi.'r Statlf Max. . . Mia. Preelp. Baker City. Oregon. 14 Se .0 Denver, Colorado..... ... Kaneae City, Mteeoort... Lewlaton, Idaho North. Head, Washington. eo . 90 e M , Rl .0 .0 .0 T .0 24 M , e , 8'i PoMlana Oragctn . J. Han JTranrlam. California... AH 4H .0 Bpokane, Waahlngtoa 43 , .Ol Tanrnie. waantngroa , at . h . .vo Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa. 4 . - .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES.' willUra H. Bailey. t8; Berths M. AHehoff, 38. Orion I. 'Shelley, 4t: Mary P. Brnwa, ST. Yrank Cbeetermea. S3; Mildred KUaa Uela Ing. 17. . . Wedding Carda. W. O. Smith Co., Waah lngtoa blclg., cor yoarth and Waablngtoa eta. Wedding end ratling cards eo era red a printed. E. T. Knabtoa. 408 Steema bldg. TONSETH CO- FLORISTS. FOR FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 121 SIXTH ST. Clarke Bros, norlera Tine fJowent. aad floral deelgne. S8t Morrlaaai at. Fall drees salts for rent, all slsea. Tailoring Co., SOS Stark at. Cnlqoe BIRTHS. Saae,abgS.aceW laaoary to, a eea to Mr. and Mrs. ' Fege Bmlth. SOS Page street. . Jaaaary 31, a eea ta Mr. and Mrs. Tboma Cabltaa. U8 Barter. ' " " Jannary 19, a danghtrr to Mr. and Mre. Charlee D. Rager. WIS Exeter etreet. January IS, a danghtrr M Mr. and Mre. L, E. McDonald, at Uood Bamarttaa hospital. Jannary 30. a eoa to Mr. and Mre. O. r. Bradahaw, 3S Beat ThhnreTenth atrest. Janearr 18. a eoa a Mr. and Mre. Onetae Wilde. t& Iaka etreet. January IS. a eoa ta Mr. and Mrs. Archie Walker, st Ht Ylneenfs hoepluL ' ' Jannary 1s. a eoa to Mr. end Mrs. Lngea Sparke. Eaet Mala and Forty-third etreete. Janaary 31. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Augnat Lambee. ftlTW Clay street. Jannary SO. s daoabter to Mr. aad Mrs. A. I. Hart. Good Samaritan hospital. . Janaary 31, a daughter to Mr. asd Mrs. Aoguat Lambee, 8174 Clay afreet. Jannary 90, n dangbter to Mr. sad Mrs. A. J. Bart. Good Be roar! tan hoepluL Jannary 18. s danghter to Mr. aad Mrs. Jaajea Tartar, Portland eaaJtarlun. Janaary 1H, a eon to Mr. and Mrs. Jsllss Meeplle, t rrenwnt street. DEATHS. Jnm-ery IS, Ixyal 0. Tones, eged 10 years, at North Pacific aanltarlum. Jannary Jo, FWirrere Gertrude Myers, i aged yeara, 520 Park arenoe. Sannary 30, Mary A. tinnnlng, aged W yearn, at. (loud Samaritan hoeoltel. Jannary 3. Janee Monres .Cain, aged U yea re, siz 'mira atreei. Janaary 30, .Walter H. Ony, aged 37, 132H Cnioa errmte. Jannary Si. Sa Ira tore Cterke, egad. 28 years. 8T1 Water etreet. UNDERTAKERS. Dnnntng. MeEatee Ollbanrh. andertakere and emhalmere: modeni ra every aefelL SaraeUt aad riae.. Mala 430. Lady eaalatant. A. B. flenatoek. sndertaker aad emhelmer. Reat ThlneenU and L'taaUlla are. Phone leu. 71. - -. Erlekeos Undertaking Co., and embalming, S08 AMer at. Phone Mela eiss. Lady eaalatant. J. P. Flaley Hone. Third nod Madleoa ate. Office of eoonty eoroaer. rneae Men a. Edward Bolmen. sodertaker, 330 Third at. i , IYM VIEW CESLETEET. ' mngle graree, $10. Family Me, 8100 to 11,00. The only eentetery Is Portland ' whir ner petnally malntelne sad esree for lota, rer fall loformntlna. apply to W. R. Marhenile. Wet- eeeler blork. cltf. W, M. Ladd. preeldeat. 3011 CITT CEMETEET. Hlngte graree, f 10; family lots. 128 to 871. Enperletentlent at eeaeetery, eorner of rrenmet CilW mm. Pbone Tahnr ZDS. Tor foil raforntetioe apply-ta erank scaiegeiwz Coacmerrle his. . 1'booe Mela REAJL ESTATE TRAX8FER9. 0. S. end Serah B. Rreilforrl to Angitec Steuler No. 3 .............. - 100 Oeorae T. Tbooipaon to trans Banig, in 8. block 4. Heeeriy ........ .... dM Clre -BV.-Veeatck -to Kuna. D. Tlnim, bMa I. 3. 8. hl-k 1, Krwln A Wataon e ...llllM M All.tM 3.. 1.000 Both end L. Bnndy to Rufna Mat- Inry. Into t and 8, block s. Una's ae- ' rijiioa w l" . MIIW end Mary E. MwoVk to .Lmile 850 rterke, X. S, e, eurs jl. uouaaay . Park athlltioa a,ooo J, P.. and Anna J. Peterson to C. It. ITrtg- enenn, !" I and B, htoce s, stewsri ,. rark Bddltteej t.,,, ...... :tss, REAL ESTATE TR.iJTSFERS. .A. and Mary H. Bay brook to Rohert Ilaaawerth. eoethwaet H of northeaat -, 44 of aet'tloa lit. townahlp 3 north, ranre 1 wet: elao eoutbeaec 4 ef ' northweat H-eeotion 1, towoablp 3 aM-th. range 1 weet. contalnlne eu ;Tee. 3.SV) niuiam r. utibert. William L. Palmer ' to J. 8. McKlnner and r'rank MerrllL rrar In i i . . dm ' ' . ii nm-arn. ........ ,V"V "re icn.iniey -to ik-iia M. Miller, lot -. . i. uwm o. nunuyaioe , 1,009 ""w V"y te K. at. end Jenoqua S. tarleou, lota 8 end s. tjLu-k 1 i.ib. Bian'e addition to St. Johoa 1.600 v. 8terna to A. P. Klegel. lot . bWh 4. Macsly Highland 1.600 na-iiana jictsnta Improrement eempeny to Kama J. Bradley. Iota 13 and 13, 1 Mock at la klocke J to P. linuia. war . '1 nM auuv , amj inrieiina Jf. L.eckc 10 M. K. Her la or L stratb W at blork A Kent . v mu ............................. ao.uuv Joaeph Strnchler ta -d and Boea Dora, lot 18. Mock S. AlMne SnB voeet ineeetment company ae Mary J. . MrPbfreoa. lot IB. block 4. Barton's aililltloa to 8t. Johns - 330 ueorfe 11. and Emily Barton to kiary J. Mol'hcraon, tot 1 4. block -T8, Woodi etock 1,360 3.000 W. J. and Mary A, Ranch to R. S. , Winiame,' lote 12 and 13. block M, HcllwflOll m .. .....'..... .. Merchanta' Ineretnsent A Trnet company , to Mary Durtna Avery, lota J and 8, block 19. Couurtl t reat Park ' Henry and Kraiua Wlngert to Title Ouar antee A Truat companr.. lots 36 80, 37.. i 88. block 3. North Villa 1.0M 4.000 U. A. - and Blanche Zollinger, ta Title. Guarantee A Truer eomneii. lote T. S.9 B.JO, block 3. Kdeudale , 1,000 om7 Bcllwood 1.0SO L. K. Stone te Herman F. Frltech, lot IB. block 4. Ina Perk ' 160 James end Clers Montgomery to Albert : . 1,. lrmaa. lot 8. block 14 Tremont .. Piece S8 H. A. and Agere B. Rows to Elian. betk Falling Kaner : lot T, block A,--: ' --Ltunwood eiH414e- , 3ff0 Jamee W", and Iantbe Cook to Dlna Warne, lot 4, block 1, Cook's Beeoad addltlcei to Alblne 6TB Jamee H. and Luaelle C. McMcholaa te Knnkel I n reat men t company, lot I. " block 00. Couch'a addition ........... 48.000 Oeorse A. Merrill to Rachel E. Ronnde. , bueh. lote 10 sod II, block 13. Keet i. Portland Halebta; slap ell-Interest of amid arantor In lot 8. on Id block......" too Charlee and Kate Page to C. P. Jordan ; et aL. lot a. blocs la, aaonni laoor Villa Annex (re-recorderj , 138 William and Annie Beldt to F. Fen- r nrlrk, 70il00 feet northweat k e " hlock a Whaeler'e addition 6.000 Ethel Moore to Jennie Buchanan Pad dock, nndinaed 1-s or lots s ena iv, . block 10. City View perk addition.... . 330 Bertha Mooree to Mary Tobey,. let 6. block 8. Klnsel park i.vw Lnla f. end A, V. Wllllarnaon to J. ' P. ntegeraia, tot s, oiocs B, tanref,, wood Park i 380 CnlTorelty Lend company to Loey N. Jonee, lots 81. S3, 33. 34. block 188, v I'nlTereltr Land eompany P00 Mary O. and Jamee D. Hart to H. Free- - borough, tot 6, blork 8. Tenotdale .... 100 Ftrlaad eetnpeny to Sbeiieday Janes, - - tots 11 SIKI IS, Oiocs z, rirtaea wuv ror shetreete, title meorence or mart ra ire nana, rail oa Peclrtc Title Treat Borneo nr, 304-8-8-T Falling bolldlng. net eonr tna eat ate rroes the Title Guarantee A Trnet eoa seer. 340 Weaningtoa etreet. eoner NOTICES. SEALED bide will be remind at the school clerk's or nee, city sell, ap ta reDniary 11, 1007. for a certals tract of land located fa Stephena' addition, city ef Portland, bonnded as followa: By the Soathera Pecifle railroad track, center lines of East Stephens at-, Eaet ' Third snd Eaet Mill' ate., lees the lot sold to Thomas Col 11 neon. Bald tract of land le owned be school dlatrlct Slk "county Oregoa, and they will recelre pro poeele for unit aa a bore stated. A depoelt of 10 per cent will be reqnlred with all bMe. Terms cash. The ecbooi board reesrres the right to reject any snd all bide. .. H. 8. ALLEN. Hchool Clerk. - Portland, Oregon. Jesuery 18, Jt07. PERSONS ewtog the Arleta tlnamltk for sere vices barter corae and pay ssme snd evold farther trouble. C11AS. RUTH INCH. KOTICB. I will sot be reenonalble for any bills sontrscted by mf wife, JeeMe B. Adklns. ,..'' WILLIAM ADKIJiS. EXCAYATINO snd grading. 0. B. Pottage. 8 Cemmerelal st. Phens Eaet, 8100. - - PARTY who took umbrella ee Rodney are. pleeea retarn, ss parry was aees taking It. ' MEETING NOTICES. GK0BGB WASHINGTON Camp, 3S1, W. O. W., meets eeerr . lrjesdsy erenng In new Wood men temple, 1 on Eleventh at. ! between Waahlngtoa and Alder. All Tlaitora are welcome. H. B. AARON, a 0. H. A. FREDRICK. Clerk. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Cams. 6,4rM, meets Wedneaday evening, Allaky blag.. Third ssd Morrlsoa sts, . " - M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp, No. OTB, Mon days. 17th snd Msrehall: rial tore welcome. LOST AND FOUND. roriNiv A niece to have hatr matt' rated and returned eema day. 328 Front at. Main-474. Portland Oorled-H sir rectory. H. Metsger, proprietor. LOST Small parkase eontalntng ' belt and parse, with coo federate bllL Howard. , II 47. rare Journal. HELP WAJHCT MALE. Goycrnment Pcsltlcas , AOS LIMIT 18 TO 40 , TJ. B. RAILWAY MAIL CI. EBBS. IT. B. LETTER-CARRIERS. ' v 1 U. 8. POSTOrriCB CI.EKKS. . I'. 8. CI'STOMS INSPECTORS. ' WB WILL PREPARE YOU BY MATT, ATTt ArrfPT PART TUITION AFTBB APPOINT MENT. PACIPIC BTATF.S SCHOOLS, ' M'KAY BLDO, COR. 8D AND STARK STS. PORTLAND, OREGON, WANTED AT ONCB Stave bolt eatters. wares 31.40 per cord; eteedy work . Apply Westsrs . Conperags Co Steams bldg., Portland, sr Uooltoa, Or. - r- WANTED AT ONCE Bonnd yonng seen for Bre ' men and brekemen oa leading weetera rail roads asd for new roods now being com pleted; experience snnsreeaaryt Bremen lit") per seenth,' brskemes 670: pneltlone sow open; write st ones for particulars. National Railway Training aasoclation, 71 Paitoa blk., Omaha, Nebraska; er 631 Rldgf bldg., Kaness City, MlaaonrL WANTED Sateemen: mssy make 6100 to 31M . per montbj some eeea mora I stock clean! grown 00 reeerretlos, far from eld ereharda; raah advanced -weekly: choice of . territory. Addreae Waahlnstoa Vnrnery company. Top. ' penleh, Wsehisgton. MEN AND WOMEN te tear the barker trade In slsht weeke; grades tee ears from 816 to $20 weekly; e I pert Inetructora; catelogae free. Holer Srstea st Colleges. 38 North Faarth et.. Portland. - . .- - Worlt for two or three months.' ' ' INVESTMENT COM PA BY, 244 Start ef. E. Qnackesbnah, Preeldent. THEATRICAL menarar with splendid outfit - want loan of IZntt, fnlly eeeuted; will grrs pneltloa and Intereeti referencee required snd ' Riven. B 81. care Journal. rACtriC STATIONERY PRINTING CO.- OrV2n7 Hecnnif et. Phone mala S3I . We deelgrj and leetsll the stoat aiders snd Improeed office ayetams; complete line loose leaf filing devices. SALESMEN -Experienced special eon tract men; 10 per month ,rnd eomailealon, Cotiserra- ' ties Mutual Llfs Inearsncs Co., Elk a bldg. WANTED Two or three flref-rlaae, all -a mend Diarhlne men; nermenent poaltlon, good wefes. Oregoa Pureltnre Mfg. Co., Mace 4am road. WB set work for etir swmheret enerlal mene bera, 63. Y. M. C. A, roartk and ramhllL P.' M.I, exrbange dentistry far oe reenter Inf. Call . reoss , 3X3 Waebtnflos st, gjeoeeafl sfrrf HELP WANTED MALE. AGKNTS wanted. Oregon. California. Idaho, , Weablngton; heelth ead eccldmt Insarencet Sid reliable ronipanri food euntrecte; refer Snree nollred. I'nlted Htatee Health As- "ueoi luaurance am Uamuaas. , 31.00 A Agalnet A MONTH PROTECTS YOU secldent. alckneaa and omul Write ne call ana I.kui I ,. I. Korthweet Heelth A Accident Aeeoelarlon. - McKay bldg. Agenu Wanted. WANTED Erery man eat 0 e pneltloa er dle- eatiancd with hie preeent eocatlnn. to take , .m ronree at me u-nnke-Walker Bnal neee College, Serenth and Stark sts. Ws will piece yon Is s poeltloa when competent. WANTED Bop corner Da via. to learn trade. - 68 Frost, WANTED Coachmekers. Derle. 68 Front, earner BB Independent: make money st home, lelanrs houra; eomethlng new. 170 Park at. MACHINE men wanted. Apply Portland Mill -rnraltara Co., 441 Eaal alorrteos et. . . WANTED-A good competent bUckemttb and wanoB-maaer. , aaareea w. S. Url bole. Meant tuxrd. Oregon. - v, , OW"?,".. mn s'ryi eee or write . f."c,f,!L..Atd eeeorletlno far a good propuat- o, zxe Mmuer Exchange. STEAM 8HOTKI, engineer, !60 month and ""era. m, e norta Third St.. D. E. Bndd. . AT ONCE Beeeral yeong men te prepare for Tmim-auMuaae railway mall eleeks In Oregon; permanent government poeltlona; p aaience; eee me wunoot delay. Mr. S PER WEEK and trsrellsg expenses paid , ealeamen to aell gonda to srocery deelerej experience naneceeeary. Fsrity Co., Chicago, WANTED t good machtnemen foe furniture rectory. Portland Spring Bed A Farnltnra Co., i06 North 11th at. SOY -wanted at Maltkearper'a-asgas ssstorp, 736 WANTED Reaawyer for Merehoai band.. Ad- areas tueawyer, cere . journal. riHST-CLASS ophobrterer ssd are per to take merge ox npuoistery rooov AUdrees 4 fa Wsehtagtoa at. .- r - WANTED As experienced men to opes eye- tern, appiy at oex muums sts. HELPER wanted, ra Sd7 factory, A 117, ears eouraai. yon NO man to work la easy factory. 63 Nana HELP WANTED FEMALE. WATtTKD -Eteir wmnaa owt of e pueltioe oe diaaauaoed with her present . eocetion. ta take s night coarse st tba Behnke-Wslker Bueineee College. Berenth snd Stark sts. We will place yoa la a poeltloa when com. potent. - - . f ' OIRIA WANTED - Operators to week aa ahtrta and ereralle. Leeaoos given ta laeipai leeiea. Apply at Standard factory Nev Sr nind sre4 snd Eeet Taylor St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848,1 Wash ington at. cor. Seventh, nnetafcrs. Fheae - Mela S03. remele-help wanted. COMPETENT alrl for aeneral cooking l good wages, seo Haaeaio st. WA NT ED A Isdy tlcket-eeller, traveling thow So weekly end sxpeneee; meet seenrs a ma ebloe, cost (100; eiperienca nnnereeaary; give descrlptloa. Q 131, cere JoarsaL WANTED Tesehers for Ceilnsee Eplecopsl mis sion evening seaooi. gas second St.! T.ou to 8:80 p. si. WILL beard maa sad wife Is exchange foe eerrlcee oXJlfa fns. geseesl keejsewuik: Three In TemlTr. No. 611 Orerton St. Pboos Main 8658. ' WANTED Apprentices ts aa drrssmsklng. East Carnthers at. 80T WANTED Girl for travel In f a how; experience unnecessary! If ron hare talent, glee fall details sf .self. . r 118. cere Journal. WANTED Girl for ehamberwork ssd te help welt on table) private bosrdlng-hoass. Is6 Fifth st. . WANTED Good girl for gee Call 866 Wlllleme sea. If ci GIRL wanted-to do sweeping ta roomtsg-bonss. 47Ve North Sixth st. '. " MALE AND FEMALE HELP.; WANTED Gentleman or . lady to travel fog merrantlle-bouae ef lsrge ceplul; territory - st home off abroad, to suit: If deetrshle, ths home may be used as aesdqus iters; weekly salsry of 11,000 per yesr and expeness. Ad dress Joseph A. Alexander, Portland. Oregon. HELP westod snd supplied, male er female. R, O. Drake, 306Vk Washington at Pecifle 137a WANTED A few good solleltofB. male sal female; beat proposition la Portland; good money to ths right parties. .Phone Bellwood 71. .Corner Bast Uth st, and Umatilla are. ., AMATETBS te take part Is refined dramas: opportunity for practice; la city. M 108. care Journal. . WANTED 8.000 men and emmen to patronlss . ths Osks skating rink, srenlng. afternoon ead night. A good time for everybody. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.T BEUABLB yansg mas. not afraid of wente poeltloa ss shipping clerk or. any ether , tnelds tob; referencee. Addreae K 116, cere Joarnsl. ; WANTED A poeltloa ss solicitor or collector by newepeper men. Addrees M 4S, Journal. SITUATIpNS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED By s young stesogrspher, posittoe , In city; experienes snd good referencee. M 68, ears Journal. WANTED To do plala sewing ef say kind. 26oty Second at., roots 6. WANTED AGENTS. TH8 la rev at snannfactnrers sf aluminum soak ing ntenella wsnt repreeentatleea to eell full line srerywbera. H. B. Stretta Caw, Poatofflce Box 134. Grants Pees, Or. - - - - AGENTS Make good Income eeeilri ear burner tarns eommos kerosene lamp Into brilliant, portable, sbeolntely aa fc light; bis seller; deecriptlon free. Gaslight Msnofactsrlog Co.. 281 Broadway, New fork. AT ONCE A rente for sosp,' srediclnes ssd oil . blacking, H. M. Plnmmer, 300 Third. First sees tet beet territory. - ADVERTISERS WANT RESULTS THE JOURNAL . Many advertiaers using The Journal report that the most satisfactory results are obtained from it. The Journal has a larger paid circulation than any daily paper published in Oregon, and therefore re sults flow to its advertisers as a matter of course. MORALr-Oet the habit of advertising in THE JOURNAL and you "will be a Journal booster, too t pays. ,v . '; EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Loeeine cerno and farm help a epeetaYry. 30 Nona Secoad at. Phoaa Mela iMMi. Ws pay all telesreph cbarsee. HANSEN'S FMPLOYMEN'T OfPlCl ron iie.N. 38 North Second st. Phooe Main IMS. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPICE engix Morrleoe at Phone Part fie 3KS tl North Second et ..i... .Phone Pecifle lle0 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, corteges, flats. etoree. efflcee. rooming boneee, etc. Lssd- lorda will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Or OREQ0S - Phone Ex. 7 A S. B. Cor. 84) and Oak. YOUN lady wlehes room and board In private family ta riortb rortiend. st sv, journal. WANTED Ta rent a O room sradera koaes, I'heae Mr. Muaroe. Mela 20S. WANTED Heseekeeelngeoms. see. Phone Woorilawn Awe. 898 Wllllaau WANTED REAL ESTATE. THE TITLE A ABSTRACT CO.. ; ',''' H. B. 8ALTMAUHU, Manager. Loena. collectlone. tltlea eiperted. . Ex pert adrtee en realtor ealooa. Property Mate.1 foe qnlck. dlepoeel. C. H. Plggott end J. A. , Plaea. . legal counsel. Phone Pecifle 1640. Room 4 Mulkey bldg.. 3d and Morrleoa SU. CONTRACTOR will bolld yoe a houaa and take lot part payment., aaareea u no, vurnei, . I HAVE an Immediate buyer for a modern 8 or e-room nouee, sot eeer sz.iou. eooin i Hewthorne. weet of Slat and north ef Powell; helf reek! anewer quick. T 112, Journal. WANTED Poll or freetionel lot. eeet aide, as far out ss 18th St.. between Eeet Biers sue Ollsan; owner only: mnet he reeaonsble. W. J. Day A Co.. Roeeel bldg.- - - ' WANTED Te buy a eraell ranch ef owner; pries not ever si.ow. wun . itnpreremenie. Address "R." Box 8, Bt. Johns. Or. . - t OR 3 seres ee earllns. Im proved er anlm- J raced; at ate price ssd losatioa. M 48, ears oornal. . . WANTED-MISCELLANEOTJS." WB WILL BUY. SELL OB TBADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.,, 37-' ' 62 WASHINGTON. . PACIFIC TsS. - - ' WANTED rnrnltnrs snd household goods ef every deecriptlon bought, sold and axehaaged. The 6. 3M First at. Mala 4374. 6 - MAIN 618. , CASH AND LOTS OF IT , poR FL'RNITCRB. " - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMt. ..... . Bit First Bt. V ... MAIN BOBS. MAIN 8068. YOUNG lady whines room snd hoard ta priests family In North Portland. - Address M 4, - cars Joomel." - BXCAVATINO asd grading. O. B. Pottage, 48 Cool ni ere tal et. Paooe Best 6100. HIGHEST raah price paid for all kinds seeaad . bead (oods. Pbona Mela Bill. 63 N. Third. WB kenl deed horses sad cattle tree, Oregoa FsrUllsex. Works. 792 Thurmsa. Main 11W4. PTRST-CLASS carpenter will exchange work for phnnogreph, or anything In houeefornlahlnga. ; Addreae C 111, ears JonraaL WANTED House bolldlng. remodeling' wrstk Ing. store fixing, plaaterlng. cement or brick work. Address X 116. cars Journal. . WANTED A home, 1 S00 to 1.400; mast be ' cheap. Phone Wood law a 683. - WANTED Famished place eg te take charge; s competent couple. Address 834 First st. HALL snd ballroom, separate or together; new . snd with sll conveniences. Phooe Male 88s. I PAY seek for tieeeebeM goedr. - W. W. Savage, 846-64T First st. Phase P settle 800. DO yes wast to sell yoar rooming -hoaee T - ee. aU np Main 8303. : WANTED A Prlsrses ssoUsa. Mllwankle, Or. 1 R. P. D. Joha Mobr. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THB HYLAND, 490 Morrlsoa St., opposits btrh ; school Brick ' bonding, stesm' best, newly fnrnlehed, beat la city: rooms feeaoaeble, by 1 tba dsy, week or month. TWO lsrgs fornlshed boueekssptng-i cooker; central; reeeonabla; clean. 341 I SsW moo St.. between Third sna rourta THB RICHELIEU. 83 North Sixth St. Bet gsatly furnished! stesm beat aed he ths. . FURNISHED rsoms snd furnlskse boasskeapbvf rooms for rant et 761 VsscoBrst see. THB GRAND, 46 H North Third st- gsntwmea. par week and en. PLEASANT front room In east borne, ctoee In, on eaat side; rent reasonable. Inquire B Grand are., aorta. Pbona East BBS. . FrRNISHED rooms, day, week or month; rests reasonsbls. 183 Si Fourth St. PaeiAe 3080. -. BOOMS for rant, from II 60 ap. 44ty 8ee- . end st. TWO aewly furnished - rooms: fnmaoe heet, batb and free phone. 4O04 Clay et. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOB RENT-8 fm-nhmed booaekeeplrtg. moose tn modern residence; gas, pbooe snd balk, 421 Bscone St.. near Hsu. . , FOB BENT Pies nnfurnlohsd keewskseprng rooma; electric Heats snd gaa; cheep. Pboos - I . . 1 , 9ti Alii (.1 . . 81.60 WEEK UP, lsrgs, clean, fsrnkmed kouse keeplng rooms, laundry snd betk. 184 Bbsr- ' mas eoa to, renieaa. 81.38 WEEK UP, eleen. furnished bsasekess- ing rooms, parlor, befh, lasndry, furnace neat, yard, ausvfc etsntoa. u ear. THB MITCHELL Bousekeenlng ssd rrsnstaat rooms, reaaonable. Sevan th aad Flanders. S OB 3. fnrnlehed beeisekssplng-raoms. Cell at bssh East Humslda St. i'bosa East 4683. FURNISHED boaeekeeplng-rooasst Beer centraL , 86 North - -- Bat; LA RGB front eooea with alcove. 43S Stark st. FOR RENT FLATS. A MODERN 6-room unsutrs fist, with - lain both, res snd wood II ft: rent 110. In. ' antra 111 Best 3Mh St., N. take MonUrtUs sr Eset Ankeny car. . s GIVES THEM ROOMS AND BOARD. MJNNEgi'A INN, 870 Yamhill st. Nice rooms ateem heet, epleadld meela; day, week t muotb; new mauaf rmest j reeeonable retrh. WANT 4 students or rlerhe fr large ateem- beated rem; f'n. free bath, beat meaia. Mlnnequa Inn, Hid Ycnihtll et. - BOOM snd board for several sentlemen ta s private family. 64 North 2X4 St.. Telephone . Pedfic atoui. BOOM la orleete femlLr. with or without board, for one or two people: free bath snd phoos snd heat. s.v Firat et. VOR RENT HOUSES. WE are la need of several furnished ssd ss fsrnlabed bonaes to eat tuff ths wanta of eor pa iron roone main otui or eau iv wv - ber of Commerce. Do It now. 6-ROOM bouse, weet side, good locality, close to car. low rent to good teneoti will seH os saay terms, rnooe sisia 1410. . rOR RENT A 7-rootn booae. 818 per month Alao a atore with Uriog-rooma upetalrs, corner - or Miaeieaippi are. end Beech et.. James Keen, owner. Inquire oa the premleea, . FOR RENT A good, Broom Bouse. 733 Beet Anseny et.; eorner zza. TOO MARSHALL ST 8-mom bones, thoroughly , seeders, coneenient end attract Ire. bntit two ?'eere: rest son per month to permanent enant. V organ. Sweet A Chapman, 813, Ae- -- innMiet oiub. - roone main eitv. j FURNISHED HOCSES. FdRREST"Tehe4'"Brmaw-1n Irelngtas; refereaceg; rent 640. Cell Beat 3264. .. . 5-ROOM lower Bat. Bns furntrnre. tfi; alee eingie rooms, svo Montgomery St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURB r . . i FOR SALE. WB seed fsraltars st say price. Portland Ass- tlon imm ,gii First su Mars B660. , NEW farnltnra of S-room raaldencai good plsos for boarders; terms.' t bone Mais Wil. 8-ROOM house, full of roomers snd boarders. clearing iw per month; best location in city, lnoulra 428 Stark st. - rl'BNITCRB for 6-raom house, he rye in If taken at oace; nouee ror rent. M 44, care journal. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Stores For-Rent Two lsrge stores with, modern treats, full eeaements. in new anra ouiraisg. at 11 is snd Wsehlngtoa ate. low rent; loog lease; growing part f city. Apply to -, . T-ira-irs First si" A CENTRALLY located atore, with good a bow window, balcony, snd lease. Apply ass xsa ' hill St.. Pbooe Pecifle iSM. orncB-BooMB. arafarnlaked rooms snd nam- ple-naoeos Ihbeag, Apply . elevator. A FEW Bret-clsss efflcs-rooms left st northeast career Thud sod Madlsoa sts. Apply No. S. - .':.-......- 116 orriCE suitable for dentist; reception- room wits oocror. 1 (.amonugs oiag. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ' BALL and ballroom, ee pa rate er together I new sad with ill oonesnlenees. Phase Mass son. BUSINESS CHANCES. k STOCKS AND BONDS ' ., - '.' WB WANT TO BUY . .: BANK:' ':-':i - '' ;'.'.'-;' , ..... OREGON TRrST A SAVINGS. ". : t'NlTED STATES NATIONAL. . , ; ; MERCHANTS' NATIONAL. ; v MINING: ' '; -;- ' - ' :" "-' ".' B. C. AMALGAMATED COAL. I CASCADIA. MAMMOTH S-T, MINTNO A S. CO. ' -'MORNING MININO CO. - . , . ; TACOMA STEEL. ' ' BI U.ION. , . . , . - ' COPPER KTNQ. . '' , PARK COPPER. ... v ' J?-'','.. REINDEER. .... ..-'7..r..-- .-' r. ; .. SNOWSHOB. - ' SNOWSTORM. ' ' '," . ' THE e. 0. LEBCOMPAM Y. . INDrSTBIAL; , ;'. HOME TELEPtTONB IPortWII. . PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE. If yea bars any kind et stacks or I " tbet yoa deelre to dlepoee sf, bring them to as, even though yoa think them worth less. Oftestlmes stock thet Is supposed to be worth leee proves rsiusbls. THS INVESTORS' EXCHANGE. .I' 'A Concers of Merit.,'. . 304 lfselssy blk. Phone Mais TOM. BIG 8NAP! Very Bns confectionery and cigar store with three tiring-rooms, in Bret-claaa location 1 good atock ; eery low rent, only 310 . per month! twice S76. M. Cadonau A Co., weaningtoa oing. WANTED Partner with $600; bare fine pay Ing bueineee; easy work, short houra; moncf fully secsred: don't anewer nnlees yoa hare required capital and meaa business; references sxchangsd. M 61. care Journal. GROCERY stars, corner locstlon. genuine snsp, weet side, to be sold tomorrow regardless " of ealue; some esrly, we will show ssd sell; . It's s bargain. Alexander Land Co., 83 H Blxtb St.. near Pine. ROOMING-HOt'SB, It rooms, lease, rent 840; price .160; this ts sot s steam-nested affair but a money-maker. Alexander Lend Co., 68 Sixth St., oeer Pins.' . ...... TEAM, hsrneea. wegon, scrapers, plow, ehoeele, etc., to sxchsnge ss payment oa bones and ' Int. ee roe aaU at XiDO IbMsAw tmmjt rw V e8 sixth (tv near Pins. HOMER breeding pigeons. $7 per dossnt larger amounts supplied. , George E. Hosts, Kalama, Waeblegton. . BAVB MONEY Anything la printing eee Mad. den. Odd Fellows' Temple, First snd AMer sts. 1 n pet a Ira. 460 BUYS B-rsoens, well furnished ta good ta , rallty: weet etdei low rent, Hsgemsss 6 Blenckard, 61 Flftk M. . A NICB cigar store, good trade, fine location. , 8000. J. R. Foreman, real eetate broker, 1:12 . Grand see. Phone East 4348. PLACE B gold miss, pertner wsnted er will sell: mine in Idaho; etrtctly htgh grade; 8160 yard diggings.. W, N. Rnble, Gokles, . Oregon. FIN8 furniture, 10-roeca aiodera bonae; mnet sell; sheen rent: msks offer.. Hatfield A Smith. 166V4 Feortb at. 10-ROOM flat, eery central, rest 6V, good far nltnre, paring well. 61.300. Hatfield A Smith. 1064 Foorth St. FOB SALE Reetanrant doing s good business owner In hospital: will he sold at s saerirics by the owner; bo agenta. Pbone Eeat line. FOB SALE Half Interest Is meat atarket, reaeouahle; Bne location, Nashville. , Mvast Scett line. Call. SALMON Wanted, conrracta to pack aslmoa. Jf R. Foreman, 163 Orand are. Phone Best FOB SALE Stock hardware, email tows; this Is a money .maker; selea SO per cent more than last fear. Addrees P, 0. Bos 30, Port land. Oregon. WILL sell smell block of Csnedten Marconi Wlrekes Mock to beat offer. . k 118, Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES. ttuo Rl'YS lrn1ture of 10 room house ea MxUi et., eluee lu., rent .. Call 2-12 Madl- soa et. ... ..... 8EM tble 21-rootb boarding bouse; Id bnerdere, . r-nt 828; no reeeonable offer refueed. - 841 Medleos St. FOR RENT Hawthorns Avenue Dye Works. Inquire at 811 Kourtk at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TBxl'IO WITH two modern boneee; one T, the other 8 roonw; on eerllue, west side; price f7,600; good Income. , 8-ronta modere hmias. eaet elde, 16 mlnntee' -rl.le from city, close to Williams see, esr- Hue; prk-e 62,000; tersis. . . . . "A a ma 11 modern S-room konae, just ooea- . Dieted: es Ideal home; m blocka from ear. line, 20 minutes' rids treat city; 2,BuO; terms. sv . , ... ... ' ' 8-mom modera bouse, Juet being completed, , snd 8 full lota on Mount Scott carllne; oaly uo0; 3J0 down, be la nee like rent) yon Bast - '. be quick to get this bargals. . . .. - ; e lots In tnlreralty perk; only 300 seek. - lots U block from Alberta strsstes Mas! 026 will take both; esey tsrms. - 8 lets la Vernon; party mnet sell, st sees; ' l will take the 3: eaay terme. KAIHU' INVESTMENT COMPANY. S33H Wsaklnston. comer Sixth,. Rosa . . - raoos stain etj. FOB 8ALB SOME SPLENDID BARGAINS, A - house ghd 8 lote et Aeate.1. Mf . BLmw. New uotlern house. R nmma. Lot ete.oe S7th at., eeat, (S.OuO. . ' EleganTfih-m of 1,878 acres, near Eugene: dark, rich soil, good bouse, rood orchard. . lote e of email fruit, two large barns, fine wster. un.u to neeu or recite, some . noraee snd plenty ot fanning IniDlemente. ernee- wlrh the L, piece, at -ths netale aetllement price of IKL- J. Bv FOREMAN. ' ' "' ' 133 Grand era. Paoee Esst 4349. A BIO SNAP FOB LITTLE MONEY. Any one who will cell st oar ofOce ces buy from as a eery neat 4-room cottage, ' flnlahed la good strle, with half lot. on East loth St., near sKUIng. for 8700. Just Us price the hoaee root to bntld. - . ... THB DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, rv . Its' First St. , Stop In as You ro by And look over our list ef ACREAGE TRACTS, . I know we caa suit you If you wsnt a good INVESTMENT or S-FINB HOME. INVKoTMEXT COMPANY,, 244 Stsrk St E. Quackenbneh, Preeldent. - FOR 8 A LEW 1 to sightly lots on Meant Scott reruns; one location; ssay terms. V lis. , ' cere Joarnsl. " " J - FIVE seres oa Mount 8eott. mrUne. lerel. signtiy, cheep. By owner, soo Beotoa st. Celt- mornings. , TWO ales rssldenes lota en .Rodney eee. sad uohii ee., sewera a, etreete lmpraeseV st e tow price. REGI8TEB A CO.. 107H Third St. REAL ESTATE. .. ..... - If yoB base a - reeeonable' first payment ". -ws will buy s tot anywhere 70a want It Ssd build a hooae to etilt yoa st a rceeosable -' price. . Come W snfl eee us.' . . B. 8. COOK A CO.." ' " '.7 " ". ' 251 Alder St.. --"4------- (3.100 T-BOOM modern cottage: Corhett et., 1 eioes. nne view; ruu let. Hatfield Smith, -106 V Feorth st. 6-ROOM cotter., large lot, rents BIO. bmek from car. ; terms. Hatfield A Smith. 16614 JToerth at.; - -... .. . 6UI0O- BUYB-er-n-rcs 4-room mttsgs Sad 3 )oU , , ea a corner m eeraoa en ze et. BKGISTEB CO.. 10714 Third St. - " 80.900 WILL bay H block, vow .modern T-room - nouee end s-reem cottage, near 8 esrllnee. Hetfleld A 8mjth, ltU'4 fourth St. rV? - Scmetfelair Nice ' ; - ;- Soatheaet comer 14th snd Kesrney, modern lmnroeementa. good Incooie; slso 6 rlrsr-elew tots, weet front; for beauty can't be dupli cated. 61 T Lumber Kxchsngs bldg. 31.000 S-ROOM boose, hem. cblckeo-loee. wooanouae ana s scree mna ngnt oa carllne; ersek rune through land. ' BEU18TEB i CO., 10TH Third st . PARTIES' wtth smell emonnt ef earpttal deetr- ing a Borne caa save asms ouut scenrains to their ows plens on s smsll par meet down of 6260 te 8IO0, balance ssms ae rent. Com- ' munlcate with 0 114, ears Journal . S-ROOM boose; pert cash, balance 620 month 6-mlnnte car semce; improeed street. la quire KM Esst Couch. Phone Best eVT.. 12.750 8-BOOM hoaee. modem 1 en eioeptloesl oargara. w. J . t-eaotcoru. at. e-onas. us. a $20,000 VERY central 60x100; one of the best ooys m rorriena; wiu aounto in eaiae ra a yeera; 310,000 cash, 63.000, mortgage, 8 years st 6 per cent; will take IVOno hi east side property.- Cell et irKS" Baraalde St., 10. rnone racitie 1211. , , WATCH "TILTON ADDITION" 0R0W. Home ballilers ere baying theos Ints he esase they are below rslne. Only 66 left. , Agent oa grounds In mornisss. THOMPSON A OGDEN (Branch). ' Phone Bsst 4300. too Belreont ex. F1NB tot en loth St., weet side. Income 600 Western Oregoa Trnet per month. 6,2r0. tew 2UL. Ststk st. TURNER A WALKER. -Real Estate. Farms ssd Suck Batches. Exchanges. - -S06Vi Wsshlngtoe et. 125 PER ACRE Is the price we hare on a xx-a ere puce on Johnson creek: kalf la eultl , ration, enod house, near carllne. BEGI8TER A CO., 107H Third at,- '' A BARGAIN IN SUNN Y81DB Valuable , with impmeementa end room for more, Both snd Belmont eta.; 84 feet frontegs oa car track. Inquire Geo, M. Strong, 314 Lambs Exebssge bldg. . , AI.PINB REAL ESTATB CO.. 3r5U Morrleee. room g; phone Main 1817 block wlrk I3-room house, close In, Itl.Koo. 8 seres. 6-mom kouaet esey terms; (3.360. S-ROOV brnte snd lot Bnxino, oa east side,' wirnin wanting aisrence; s oergain st fx. 10(1. Weetera Oregoa Truat Co.. 381 Stark St., BBVEBAL comfortable boneee snd lots belong ing to s nne-reeident mast be eotd st sacs st a ssrrtrirei terms, w. m. Mcpnersno,- The Philadelphia, room 13. Third and Salmoe. HOUSES snd lots la Hollsdsy Park.' B. Rice, eeo wasco st. pbone Eaat 1400. , S-ROOM bungalow sot tare, lot 80x100: full cement -basement; walking dietaries, near nk.amorei S'.sou; w oovre. be u nee ee. Alexander Lend Co.. SJ14 sixth St.. sear Phono Pacific 36. INCOME-BEARING flats .on esey terms 34- i-n torn sr., tour tiata. 119 per month, por celain bethe ta esch, clone In, easily rented;. 62.000 rash, 676 seontMy tnatallmentei la-; come will pay the Inetsllments, making rs markaMs Investment of small capital. Mor ren. Sweet A Cheomes. fta A h kt.. '. mAmim, OOtK . v.. , . " Sellwcod r llorehouse A Pre neb, 1070 B. Pkons Beiiai 7. 13th. Cltf View Park lota, 6278 as4 sp! Ross Addltioe tots, $100 ssd np; $6 down sad 66 a montk. Homes from 4:Mt to 6(1.000, Lots u ana up. in su parts of RelarnrHL , L.iat ' your property with as; ws will eell It. . DERIRABLB lot oa LarrsheS St., high, sightly, walking distance. See owner, room 432, . lumber Bicbsngs. MODERN 6-ronm residence ea Esst Tselort pew, never occupied, within eaay walking die " iJj. "" tosjethlog worth tooklng at, for 63.000; eaay terms. W eaters Oregoa Trust Co.ewil . Burk st . . J18T think, 1.2O0 lots near Salem carllne. eo farther than St. Johne. at $16 per lot, st 61 pee month; level snd good soil, with ' houses slreedy there; yoe can't hue acres re out there tor earns amount; lots will be 60 ' -per lot Is August, wkea cere are running; . there will be the Bneet town out here In the ll!"7.' .A(,DlT. t0 "nrj w- room 16 Weablngton bldg.. 370 Washington St. .'T"!0 boa - to" slss lot. la Kenwood, for only ooo. If taken at once. BoenrUi-Klnncy Cs.. 310 Lumber Eicbsnge, 1 Portland. , , TWO B-rooni Bats os weet tide, close IA carllne; rent 1 16 pee mouth; een he hed foe I.."-O0 lL.,i."'mtt B' esters .Orrgoa Truat Co.. Ski Stark aL , , . . . .7 ..' j . '.. ' ' . - y - . - . ' l 7L