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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
Tlin OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 22. 1807. I ODAY'S MARKETS SPUD MARKET AT 81.35 TODAY ." V . . -,.. a Dealers Paying an Advance' o Ten Cents Per . Hundred Pounds for Stock. ; ' FANCY GOODS MOVE UP V W PRICE IN SOUTH unions Weaker There Owing to Somewhat More . Liberal Arrivals and That Market Loses th Gala Hade by Potatoes. Principal market feature today; - Potatoes (limb to 91.39. ' Onto market la nku, ' Are contra a ta rtroo. . ' ' Spirited tdHBM In. hi. TTlatilla rone As Un utnnnkl nly steady call for chickens. Contracting Ja bop msrket, . . Brain trads la vary qulat. t ....... --'--Potatoes Ollaife to 91.39. ' w"ttk 'the winch stronger demand mlhis for ipotalora la tba California markets, loral dealer ara kidding P tuetr pfferliixs at country ship- . bio point. Today aa hlgb a 31 M pel rod poHade l being offered by shippers at eoootry , points, and tba market Is ry firm at tba adranee. There la. howerepr very aiarh reject ing going oa at tbla tlma on arcoont of froaea ; etoek. . Dealers ara moat careful la tbetr pap- Chile oa tale ereeent. -mi If t -grower ta aoara to hare from potato shippers hardly cere to do bnalneae with bits for ana bat good ; stock at allghtly lower flguree than the tegular Sorer! of them hare already beea caught with froera atock and they do sat cara to ; repeat tba experiment. Inasmuch aa, prices ara Try bl(k end tuey ara baring eoaaldarabla difficulty ta mowing tba euppllee because of ut lack or cara. . .., Onion Market la Weaker. Despite .all attemnf to bald tba Briea at. ' rtonary by (rowan wbe ara holding tba enloo .markat continues ta show aa aaalar tona and " PW 'lt Bill kistancsa are lowar. la Call . . fnrata tba market la suotad abovt -TOO par 100 lowar thaa daring tba prerteu araak.- Thai la - doe to th. alight Increase- la arrlrale, thaa proving tba former contention tbat prices to 'tba aouth were only hlgb when there were aa anions to pa bad oa acouant of tba ear abortaaa -and that when aoppllea really did arrWa tiia 'demand waa pot ao food- Howersc, neaibera .of the, local associativa ait 111 bate bepaa of a r bat tar daauutd aad a caoaaooaat raaajvataiaiit .of aatoea. A loop Froat atraat BMat at tba nleoa sold ara babtp lob bad oat at $1 1K poaada. iraall ardera pamg a fraetfcMMl .aocraaaa orar that. ... - .OaatraatiBaT Has aUrfcat'" V Whlla tba anarkat for apot bona fc Tarj badly mixed aa to prloa aad baylaa power, tbare la a fod -nllaf dnaad for contracts 'amand lSe a poo ad. It Ik atatad that Tona :-dt Paga tiara coatrartad for 40.000 aoaada of . bona at cbolea vjuattty with aa- Independence , rrowar. Tba coatraet ra na or a terra of three aad 1PW. Tba atatad price la lie a pound. . xAt tbla flfure a a timber of dealere aay tbay , are keady ta da bnelaaaa at tbla tlma. Cp ta ' aona ao aew baabieaa waa reported ta aput bone, althoart aeearal dealara bad atfera oat wblca they had bopea of acceptance, former prior ralea,' . ttt Oeatltrua to Drop. ' Tbd.aac martat. ooottnoea to abow price,.. Raoelpia- ara-aemawbat mora Mheral ' and today'a vahMa rule between 83 He aad Ma onoen. . Soma daaleia attamptad ta make '- " kales at SSe. bat any tbay ware ease TaaafaL One laraa firm wbtcb raeelTed about aa ' jpeatarday aobl taem at ae la order ta eleaa up beeaaaa lowar prVee were erpeeted aad ton .firm preferred to take a amaii ft now ana amid a lar(r one later wbaa tba expected elnmp takes place' Beeetpta of chick ena are Increased. Demand fa )ut fcoMlnti steady, tbare beln ao real 1' flrmneaa to quotatlona. As a general thing not h Inn oeer 14a caa be obtained area for bens. ajtbaaab in one or twa Inataneea a fractional - adraaea ore that flgara waa obtained foe sin gle eoopa of aalectad ateck. . Brief Veiaa of ta. Trad. Another a (1 ranee of Me la oooted ta waah eakeafjoarda by tba doaaa. Tbla makes tba anesnd mm r a tike ineont na anoni a snonrn and la paid ta be doa (a tba bight eont at lambar. alna aad labor. - Manltn rope la adranead 14 a a paaad. bat Btandard and alaal gradea ara aachnedi . -k. m a.i alM. Wit elflMe ealea are slightly better. Hlllera aay they haaa a trrmble ta aacura axporr itoor onsimas. wn aierlnea troalifa la osllrerlng the gaoda eroual e( tba Uck of ears. : . Altbotiab a Doles ara eery aeare aloag troat atraat tba trade dnea not eeeot diapasad to pay nr thaa a angbt aarsae. . Tba trade pare the following prices to Front etreet. rrleaa paid ehrppern ara icaa tagmlar "' wrals, tlawr aad Vaad. . erMIM. Hags Caleatta. PVke baytag prtcai aelllne. PHft'S. . , M i WHr"AT New etna, etlfftTc: red taastaa. Jw: blnratem. Wflio: "'y. BAPI rY-Nr rVed. M I rt .9t rolled. (23 .VrtliS.y); brawrna. I33.0nom.otx CORN Wbel. WMi ararked. ,tM par tea. 1 1 -. . stTKgl M per cwt. ' OAT New Produce re" iiilie Wa. 1 white, - art.W'.rT.Orti pray, 2S.Ma26.rX. ' ri ftPk reetera Oregon s ten's. S ar atralgkta. S.V: eport. 8.! 7lh'i.W0 grabs m Hs. f.IO: wnole waaet. fS.tS; rya. 1 Son. gs.10: bale. $S.T. MlLLHTrrFS-rlran. Itd.OO per ton; mld- . dllna. 24.00: aborts, cooatry. lk.00j ally, tl 00: rtvop. l.00s3l.0O, . H A TPTo.locer.' price Tlawrhy, W II, me tte " 'alley, faacy. I ItOOail 00: or1lnar, 00M )6r: eaarera Oregoa. IT.6O4Hg.n0: ml led, i0.00rio.oi elorer. H.OO; grata. .U0(J.U hea,.oOO. , .. ' attar tgga aad aaltr. r :- BtrTTTB PAT f. a. b. ' rortUod Sweet ,reem, WH! oar. Via. .. - BCTTISnV-Clty creairery. gflc: aorsMe ranry, eSieiRSnei etoreae. i itnrt, ITqiTHc lA;tlH--tra. fancy, candled. UHlMoi lecal : aat essterm storage. 17 He. - rtnHa Kaarnll ereasa. flnta. tdUaatae, aW Traina America. IBHt1r- aa rVIT-TRlt l-rra Mixed ehlckna. IXle I IrV fancr beaa. 14c lb: romtera. aid. 10u, 114 lo: rryer. aa'wisTae i". eroiievn, iseeiae per lb: aid docks. 13 He per lb spring (tacks. ISHa per lb: geese, BrllOe per lb; tor here. ITS per lb for old: dreaaed. faacy, J2 per tbi Xitbe. W ,1n per Oon: pigeons, tl.oo P doa,. Preaaed pen I try lm per lb higher. , : jfepa. Weal bad BUee. . ftftpalpte) crop, enolee, lSHQlae: prtai te ehnlce, lS'tl8H)c; awllnta to prime. 1:.... ii touaille. '- WOOL 190 allp Valley, tOQXSei Oregon. SOo. MOHAIR wew, aomrea SHEEI-fKINS Hbearlng, ISQJOe each wool. J40ei milam woa. Md7aa aacbt 1dm wool. 1VO1.VO eh. TALLOW-Prlma. par lb. lH4e Ma. 1 aad ' CiliTTiM 6AsUt-dHTa for ear tola; emaa tola. Hrjot. BlDrTS Dry. He. I. I me and so. Wae ITH per lb; dry hip. No. 1. I n It Ha, tee? dry aalf, na. i. enner in, loci enirea ailea. aunaue: ta and bills, anand. rt JTei kin. 14 to (6 lbs, 8c: calf, eoond. and? IS lbe, lie: ' grtea. a nasi ted. 1 leesj colls. 1 per lb Weei Cerae hldea. salted, eecn. t12r.Oll.TS; dry. eecb, tl OcOl Ml celt M'e, X,HMt: aoat aklna, aernmsa. each,. lOaiae; Angara, each. aScwu frwrta aad Teawtaalea. ' POTATO IHirtag prtca. eaater VnHao eiak and Clackamae eVl, 1 1 i"wll a5; fancr, llliHM.W; ordlnsry, wt; meets, au1e lb. ....... ON 10 Jobbing netca -PJ. I Oreana, 11.00; lo.'f. TODtkOe, baying price, tOCijrje; garllo, aae per ib " , crLr--rec7 nmd Rlrae Pejlfsenbaeg and Vattew leewtawnav U.W fancy A'lllaaaetta eat I,. end anatbera Orego, ll.&O) ardaary slerk, ..TrKhi IIUtT-Orenee. new nsr.l. BTW t IS- Japaaere. IV: bnaaa. IVe pee Bm Hti aa ftoslt boa: limes, Mealcaa . II. J Ino- pteeapplea, $4 ravr no per doaeWt eeepe. ifslera. V-f ke; peara. l.'djl 7i bofklebeftlea, go; pineapples, li 00 per doa; WHAT DEALERS SAY OF, LOCAL MARKETS e - By Trmplaton Broa. ex Rice. 4 Th agg markat pbowa a de- e cllno of So. The extrama cold 4 . anap practically out off raoalpta. :They ara beginning to arrive . moro -freely again. ' Poultry markat bag. been alugglaji de- d apito light reeeipta, buyers re- e fualflg to pay the high prlcea. d and renortlng , to cold atorage 4 gtock. Veal and hog clean up 4 rapidly at top quotations, with d gupply not equal to demand. 4 Ducka and gecae ara scarce with 4 all offerings 'being cleaned . up. e Country butter Is In strong 4s- - dp maud. - . . . . 4 d d d e pomegrnaataa. tl.SSOlJSd par box; grape fruit. BOETABt.KS TarnlW new. 'eo$l sack: earrof 7Bcl per sack; U,.ts. 1 2.-T p .rk HZtat,V",;'JO abb..-0r EL.' .ita111 pepper. ner lb: to rn a toee II ; paranlne. PocQlteo: errleg beaaa, 13a pee Ib.t caa Hf lower i m uCi.., peea c; boraeradlah. lOr opt lb.: artichokes ai.oo per dosent inn.i'i Tru.,at nn . ir1rr,JK,,,"n"'' 3 per crate; pump- kle. llUc; cranberries. I0 per barrel. VRIklr elitit'iH i Apv'e,' erspoea reu. -atear tlJTi, ' p"l,K' "ri'dia! per lb; peacnea, l3ldH per lb; ancks. He per lb lees; pranee. Mi ta !. .e, Ho drop oa each 1-10 smalle. els: flea. Osllfornla kUeb ,mu. Hfornla erblto. aoinu. iv. i, aJKe pae beri tardar gl.40a4fl.eo pee Ift-la. boa. : wrooeTiav Jlut. JU. . , mwn-u . u . OT u.minn i ijuna, I9.2.H: powdered, 3.1IH! berry. I4.P2U; dry trsrml.ted. de PaU; tSt $4.TU; Vo?f A I.UH: extra B.4 jau.,' aIZW .T.o. A yellow. 4.H2Hi beet wnivitX 2niZ't ' weetera Cob. IS.27H; powdered. 15 ItV-I Jry grsaaUted. MM: P. cT.2M: oaf. 1 ii ru ' 4.73m.bla. ke.1. oa sack ioep prlcea are M. days set each, aaota- H0VP;T M ntk nee e. ' aVrtK5r,',, braada. 18 ae- .,, ton: oo. gA.&oi . k.i- A-1 . . . . hi?- L 1T W): ld.OO: eatra fin, a,a -"ft.60: LTerpool tamp rock $ per toai tO-lb reck. tU-Ob; 100. (A bora arfaea a- r -a i m cc lota. Car iota at anaHal oHrmm aahia t- rtuer--ln . - Orleaik. aaad. Te AJaa. Sej Creole. ,jA,rmr'lJ' wnlra' S ; larga white". .UI5".m,,, me.-14d per Tb; Ttfgtala, a 1?:.rf?rta- ,0 P "l paaae. i4o; rotad7(47,a per it: eocoaaut. moQm4 per aoat wsuiata, f allfomls. 1M ner lb rrenca. . lne nee th - umiu ."ti tl.,Tka'T e Per ib: ekeatnota. eastern, u-ald p. n: Bresil .ara. ltie w ataata. Pish and rroriiltma. rSBSR MKAT8 rroat Stmt Tioga, fancy. i nor lht r 1. -tr- o- n ik. ii. - KW1 -t-.w taw: llAVfS. BACOr, rraPortlead oeck (local) ham. 10 to 12 lbe, 16", lb; 14 te l lha, 1B4 'wIVa?.. " bacon. HHfcJOe lb plcvJea, HSie lb; cottage rolL 12c Ibireialar short clears, anamoked, lie ilii emokeil.-iaertb; clear baCka. enamokedTlto lb: amoked, Ike lb; I'aloa batta. 10 ta Ik rhs, smoked. St lb: amoked. a- lb: -1 h.111 smokeo, 13 Ibi smoked. 14 lb; ataaoldara. UV lb: pickled toniraea, 60c each. LOCAL. LARII Kettle leaf. 10a. ISMa fk, a, 13 S ai 50 lb tins. Uite lb; ateam n Jila.laik lb aa. Ua lb eompaand. CANNED PALMOK rVilnmht. .' Mm " IJk IT" rails, raaey. l ib (lata, 1 W: .H-lb faacy flat, ttltl; fancy I lk ersla, ta.75: Alsaka talh. pink. UteSOe;. red, UM; aomlnaL 2. ta II. gs.60. FISII Rorh end. Te nee tb; flonnoWea a- e lb ballbnt. 4tM per lb; crabs, 11 SO per dosea: striped naas, UHe per Oil eatflah. 10 mi eainnm. ireaa Columbia near anrersloe. Be; r.-raimi, jmw IUj neiTmg, pr IBi OOlea, L' '"""'r. "Oc per ibi parch lb: black cod. Te nor lb- tomemT Ta surer amen, ne per n: lobsters. Id net- Ibi freah . mackerel. Be aae TH? erewfl-i,. era, -ivrswo, iw per in; niaca ease. BUB par tv, lowaim rirer smeir, ixaa per ID. viniRitn nnoaiwater Day, per galloa. gS.tSt 115-lb ssck. g4S: nirmnla t2-: per 115-lb seek. (S.00 ta o.M. "77 tXAVIS Kardshall. ner - bn. ax.OOi e-aae elasew!3.M par box. - aratot, Oaal 00. Sto. . .. ROPr; Pnrn kfaaUa. lSVet atandard. tlaiei steal, lie. , . . f OAf, OlTy Tasrl aa Aatral fiat, laue ne gallon! water white. Iron bbls. lee per galloai aromtea, I7e ear rslloa: bandllahL. 17a.A- csaen. 21 Vic per gallon. . GAMOL1NR (aVdeg rasa, tii Iron hhla.. lite par galloa. per galloa. BRNaINB OS deg. naas, SBt per galloaj i.'n fm, prr gsiNna. TDRPENTINB In eaaaa. ade na ami. per aaiion. WI11T1 LEAD Toa Vita, T per tb 800-Tb tote, he per b; less lots, gV per Tb. rVIRR NAIIA Present haala at 12 r.iN-HRrr mi p-m 1. k w. i - t-bbl 1st. a3e: esa.a. nae ,.h- a... tie bolied. caeae. 40 par gal: g-nbl Iota, k-tc; 1 bhl lot, a, I -TM-a e-b 1- tl per last leas thaa ear lota, SM per tea. PORTLAND STOCK MARKET ., ' . C tie Company f250 Down-- x General Trade Slow. I Thar was aa BpeeUl Tea tore ta the trad. Ing oa the Portland atock exchange today. Ralea were loo Aaaorlated DO at (41L S.ono Dixie Meadows at e and 3,000 Alaska I1. trnlenm at prlrske aal. e. -. i,n matr 11.00 from m former Md ice. Alaska Petrolenm aalned 14-. Tha C'neral Coeor d'Aleaa lht waa dull, a fraetloa war. 1 OfdcUI, price: -;,'.. . - sank rrocKs. : .v Bank at California ........ .301.M $.1An.on Bankers' A I Jinibermeo's. . . 100.00 Msrebanti' Kstlooal .....i.JWM .. . . . Oreaoa Tmet ft Raring..,,.,. 122 K) 140 00 tMrfiaad Trust Company ,.. United gtetee National ........ 300.09 120.00 BONDS. Oty Suharoaa as ... Colnn.hls rVilhcra Irrlrattua Or Mtft ,. OA. OO ,- fi.0'1 IOOOO 100 00 13 IWt joo.or lon.oo fcl.00 - 00 io.rai T23 ivorn Tsiennoae as. ........ ... ..... C. Lea tympany as , . ; . . R. N. Ry 4a , ap.oo W. P. A Br. Company sa... loo 00 Pacific Coast Vlacnll OS ....... nn.oo American Blerntt a B3.00 Soathwaet l.trhilng 6e ......... ...... MITILLAMtOrs STOCKS. Asnnctated Oil 1. 4H.O0 Home To lei. tone ......... pn go C Lee Comnanr 22.S1I Oreana Ctty Mill Lamber.... 4.TII Orcri.n Journal, pfd .......... Ill no pacific Strte Telephane 100.00 Portland HilgMn Imp. Cs...... ...... 103.00 - M.a TO. 00 mi-t eon no Tiephont Muthwest Lighting Compaoy 1 SQUIDS jsay 'letepnone g.Z3 MINING STOCKS. A tasks FefmieiuB ' at Cosl...... P. me Stone Gold it. A M Brltleb Colombia Amabramated. Brltleb Yokoa ad!a Dixie .Meadow rest NoetLera Hoblea . Lakeriew lex Creek Gold ...,....&, Mammoth Morning; ...-.,...... ortl. Falrrlew rrega Pe,r(t ...... Ntsndexd Ceneolldatod ... Teeem. Pteel sited Placer Wseheaga! F.rteoelon ,,,, - COKkk O-AIJINB DISTBIt'T. Ten 11 tea) .otu Burke .................. i.ol'l oopar King ,2n tappy iHtr ...-.., .utU Park Copper .00 Reindeer ....... .irl , : .00 .TO 3.00 knoeahon Hd Snowstorm j.aj , , ., yerairs T,wtvr'. 5e Tork, Jan. ij Perelre esebsne ei I reelsn'f I rarer etth ree nv- a 7 eent. ,wie(MS; (O dark. A 1 W 11 1-.1 tsV I 4MiJ 14.00. , ,12H .IS .K .tO .4'4- - .... .1314 , . , .Tii ' . .2d .I'i'i. .... .on, , .OBVt .IS .... ... .so . .0A . .IOk( . .1314 -03i - .... .00 ,00 u .01 . ; .10 .is . .... . .10 n4 . jjs LOSSES ARE L10I1E TIIAO GAIOS Lower Range of Values Contin ued In San Francisco . Market. MINING SHARES SUFFER ' : BADLY FROM SELLING Stocks Drop About Twice as Much aa They Ifr-galn Nevada Tonopah la Fifty Centa Up Todaj" Other Market N'oteg. V ; 8a a rraaclero. Jsa. 12. Tha affect of the enatinned svlllng of Nersda sharsa k being ten asr Dy the oay-ioM)ay oownwsra troeiua tlona sa the local sicliauae. VVhlla a tew aUjck. t a a I - etaii instance their kaaaaa, thla can Dot bo eaid of the msrket In general. In soma Issue manlpulstWa to hold tha price ateady la openly-charged, dome people are therefore baying their owa stocks lu the open market to auka it appear aa IT the demand waa good. AS during- the past Tww-Tls-tbe--trartng on the local exchange Is ratber alow today. aiueay surrereu toe largest crop wita a ts of. fioc, while Neiad Toaopsb adraoced tba earn flgara. Thla la ioat half f what U lost yeeiarday. lha net chanrea ars: Gains Home, 3c; Ohio, Sc Nersda, Mo; West Knd. 10c; UoldOeld. 34; Jam be Eiten slon. IWc; Sandsterat, Icj M. Iras, 3c Cale doula. So; Original Bull frog, 2c; Denrar Arc Bex, '3c Black Back. Icj J urn plag Jack, be; kUid Top. EiUaaloa, le, - Losses Belmont, llIHe: Midway, bee; kfoa- tana, litl North star, le: Bluebell, le; Boota, , uwuuivi. aauwabeiu. ivtc, vwiu cw, v. Dixie, le: Laouna. lOe: Mohawk. liu.c: Tied Top, lft c; New York Coueolldated. 3c; stay. Bower. Te: Mexican, Be; Kxchoqaer, Ac: tor cross, 5r; Tsllow Tiger, le; Great Bead, 3o Great Bead Extension, le; Gold Bar, ' 10e; Dexter, 8c: in Bur Sc; Ttiaoghv del Flaa not. ic: Buu grog auniug. AC. Official bid price by Orerbeck. Starr Cook company t Belmont i.....M.tS Vf ex lean ...... .31.00 Caah Boy ...... ..13 Goldea Anchor. ,43 Home ., .Id Jim Butler .... l.ta XscNsmars .... .03 Caledonia ,61 .. Kiceequag ..... NorcnaM ....... .00 Gold Crow a .... .20 Great Bead .... l. Rosea ........ .19 Black Butte,' Xz .10 Golilfleld, Coa. .0O Midway ........ S.20 Montana pvl e-HO North. Star ..... ,43 Ohio . .so rVcrnal .24 Tonopah Bxtes. 5 2Vi ilnntgomery Mt. .43 Uunaet ld Xoeptre ....... .55 Manhattaa ...... r.jl reeeaa -. .. la-K . Waet Bad I S . Adams ........ iU& Atlanta .00 Bluebsll, ....... .Ml lafPfjt I) .,,' 1 a a ' .14 Par lor -Hunt prey. .13 Dexter .TO GrsnnV -. . . , .34 Gold vTedg .... .1 Lone Star ...... .30 Gt. Bend Bx... .M. G4r itend Annex. .27 CVbaceot ....... .13 Cowboy .11 Denrer Annas. , .80 Black Knrk .... at ColumbU Mt ... 1.1SH Con guarry 27 Dlamoadlleld S Dixie ,. ,M OoldOcld ....... 1.70A' Jumbo ..,. 4.20 Jumbo IU..V..w'1'CTK Kendall .00 Lagans l.M . N.T. Conaot .. ,13a. May tyaeea .... .so Uohawk TT OO Maahattaa Cos.. .VP IJttla Joe .06 Ued Top d.S 21 1 alar Tlowef .... .BfJ Sandakorni -.t., ,T3 I Jumping Jach.. .Hoa. SUrer I'lca .... 1.47 H Rd Top ax... .T Bt.- Ires ....... .03 I Mustang -au Nstlonsl Bank, Moo. Mho. Kl.. .M .34 Bull Pre lfla. .40 Triangle ....... .00 Gold Bar 1.S8 Wonder ........ ..or Lou Dlllea .... .20 Pine Nat ....... ,2T Kewaeos 1.90 Tallow Ttoar .IS. O. Boll Frog ... .2 Rtelaa way too. iai.f a I.lfl Opktr S-00 HO HOGS, CATRE, SHEEP ARRIVE IH YARDS Past Twenty-Four Hours . Witht out Receipts All Markets vV-;'; Very Firm." ':k Portia ad TJnloa Stockyards, Jam. tl Ltr. toes receipts: . , , Bogs. Osttnt. Toda week age............... lu eig Year aro, ............... .... . M Pre r loos year 100 .1,000 Jest IB borne farmed the loral eg in srr eala la the varda during tb past g poor. Not a single hoed of bags, eattla eg-sheep arrlred. AU markata are iirmer. A rear age hog aad ahep were ftna: dattlg tone leaned toward weakness. . .. Official U restock ptiree: ( 1 Hoe Beat eastern Oregon. ST .00: stock at I and feedere. -7: China fata, oa-7A. CatUa Beat aastrra uregon areers. S4.'..,a 4.2: best cows and heifers. 33.2ra8.n0: stock- era aad feedera. 3 2A U3.60 1 bulls, 92 00. Sheen Mixed, tuixo: wetnera. shc; ewes. CATTLE IN FINE SHAPE Unioa Meat Company Oet Select .Lot ,At Arlington. (Special Die pate to Tha fesnaL) Arllncton. Or.. Jan. xt. Cattle and sheen. which were kept oa bearr feed darmg the cold Swll, are la better rondlHoa thaa at any tlma till winter and shipping baa already sow meneed. The first shipment ef any sine was Oellrered here Sonday ny McBea Soger ef Willow Creek. It consisted of ITS bead ef beef rattles IM bead of thee were fad by then) eo. the eld Cecil ranch aad Sit bead were deureno' by Air. Bartholomew and were fed at hla reach aa TV 11 low creek.. The eonaUa meat was reeelred by Will Ism Shepherd for tba Calew Meat company, sod tha whole skip nent waa sent direct to Troutdale Sunday night. . TUeea cattle were fair, and averaged 1.2M pounoe la weight. The prire paid waa 94.10 oa account ef a contract made 00 days agny tb market price at present being fS KA. McBea A Rogeri will tourer 100 bead more some time la Kehruary. . yf , EASTERN MARKETS STEADY Chicago Shows ' Good Tone for All , j. Grade of Urcatock. Chicago, lea. tl Llreetock receipts: Rn... Csttle. Sheep. Chicago S1 T.000 H(A Kansas Clly....... 1 1.raai 11.000 Spot Omaha 11.000 a,onO in.noo lloa are ereaay ar Teeteraay a close with IS, 000 left ever. Receipts a year ago were 33.000. Prlcea r Mixed end but "-tiers, kd.3o 9.33; good and hesry, S.4nTA.M: ravxh aad beary. $ A0rin 40; light. t.308e.(2Vk. t sttie ntesoy. , , . ' r Sheep-Mkteady. : - - ' XSW , TOSS COTTON If ASSET. '-..'". New. Tork.. Jsa. 34 Cottoa futaree cmeed to poiais kigber. , - Official prlcea by Orerbeck, Starr Ceng e.n. ean. Ones, High. Lew; , gl ' 21, .. M4 , Wl pn ta : tm .. ... ... .aji v sat ,. 9il . 94 942 041 94! Jannarr , . . . 'ebrnary ... larch April Mar S ' - ... ... f-n ...9 . 9AS 9a IM ..." ... od -Ml PU P PM .. . . . .,. ... PIT ,. pa.3 1M ' PJ ae;t ,, 972 . 7 ' 913 ' 972 June July A'iniat v October ..... December ... VOtTtAVO SA7TX ITaTXMTt. IVsrlnes today ........... Clearings tear ago....... tt . 14 ".Trriiof , aiuott " l!iln today' ; 7".T. . . .;f . . 1, lance lodar Halaucee feat' 0.ti4.iM) . Whila Potatoes Are Going Higher, Owing to Increased Demand, Onions Are Clow end in Somo Instances Quoted at Lower Figures LITTLE CIIAOGE II STOCK MARKET Money Rates Stiffen Again and This Causes, a Lull In 1 .'7-'" Activity., TRADING IS SLOW IN . NEW YORIC AS RESULT Frgtctlonal Cliangra In Values Take : Place) of Enormous.' Gains and Losses of fast Few DaysExpect Xormal Condition Soon. ' NET GAINS. Amalgamated .Locoaurtlra ... 1 IKat ety ::: H U National Lead eiixar . SruelTer ,.arioia jt ...... C Northers Pacific.. v V Anaconda woolen Pacific Mall OoloraJo ruel i... preaaed Steel Car,. ureal txortiiera .. 1 IBenubllc Bteel .... Sootbern Pae, pfd S I Oo preferred ' Ai Atchlaon,JAM.5sJ XL. 9V Steel. pfd V, Baltlmora ........ a. Out. A Westers... k Maooklra a.1 p-nnarlranl-.. ... St. Paul V, People's Gas U Erie ! Reading weoje ........ yalVBMMa scuie ... a aiagucaa vearrau Walt Street. New Tork. Jan. 21 The stork market waa alow today wttp money rate aome what firmer. There was bat little actlrity rem tn any ef the list and with the exceDtlon of a gala of S points In nootbara Pscllla pre ferred, the net changes were not mora than a point elisor way. Official aootattoaa by Orarbsck, Starr A Cooke compaayi f DEScsnmort. Amal. Copper Co Aw- Car A, round., rem Am. Cotton oil, eent... Asa, Loconmtie. asm. 1144 113 Am. Sugar, com Am. Smolt.. com . . . 14o!14vte 14S Anaconda Miming C. . Aia. Woolen, com. . . ,. Atchleoa, com. ........ do .nrefarrod t79 2T9V, 2T8 Baltlnuar a Ohio, eoaj.. de preferred r.... Brook It a Ramd enraneit inaiiaa Partao, eom. wenarai rueataar. eom do arefarraa Chi. Gt. West., com.. vus., aiir. si or, yaui Chi. A Northwest., ana Chesapeake sk Ohio.... wr f oel a iron, seat. uoio. atoata., eom.-.. da Sd preferred. . . . Delaware a Hndsna. D. K. O.. com.... preferred. do Sd preferred do let neeraread. . . . . Illinois Central Lonlarllla Nash rill. Manhattan Ry ,, 114 14a 14'JV1 S4V( aiexicaa uenirei sur... 11.. K. A T.. eom..... o. preferred. ...... Dtstlllera Great Northern... Mlnsosnd Paclfla. ..... National Lead New Tork Central. .u. T2I ... vu,. w ne .... Norfolk Weetera, eea sto aM'Bw'ri! - -- -- -- -- 8V4l SS North Amerlcen. Northern Pscmc. eom.., PartOc Msll BtrsBs. Oo. . Paansylraala Ry. ...... r. ., i- a o. oa Preesed Steel Car. sum. Reading, eom ,da 3d pref erred...., do 1st Preferred Sep. Iron A Steel, som. oo prererreo.....,,. Sock I aland, com.. . . . preferred St. L. A 8- r.. 3d pfd, do 1st nref erred..... St. L, A ft. W., soat....i M M S8H oo prererrea.... Soothers Pacta, eeaa, .. ao prererreo. ......... Sootbern By., eesk do preferred, ......... Teoe. Coal A rron...... Tasaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W, sasa.. do preferred.......... Cilw Pacltlc, com...... do preferred. ......... IT. S. Bobber, eom...... V. S. Steel Co., oota.... do preferred.......... W a be ah. eom........... do arefetred ITS ITS ITS O0H oOH 47W 474 lid's. 100 IT IT Western L'nloai Tela taL Wisconsin Central, aoat. do preferred Tlrginla Chemical Total aalea for day. -TM.900 en area. tyill naooey closed 3H par oaat,. VISIBLE DECREASED HELPS Chicago AVheat Market Up in Con- , aeqnen ca Today. ' SSLATITS WBBAT TALCK9. Ooeti. ' Close. Ian. tl ' flat-. January I . -li - -"H J0U Slay .., SI ,TA . .nx .11 .oo u "14 .TT),A Xao3 July September , , . a. vnK-es-o. jsa 33. Oonalderlng th extent of Itn late trading ta toe wheat siarket tnlav'a action waa nn at alt bad. Tba large decrease In the visible supply aa shown by the report vransrreer wiib rne ex ce prion eg ta May eotlona rloaed blaher. Ilmrerer. mntmt f tb kcUrliy waa la that option. . Official onotatlena by Ossstawk. Stare a Cock company: , ,', , ' WBBAT. 4 ' "- Dnea. Bik. Low. .', rin. January . ., . . . .,. i. T4A , May TT' TWt .. TT TA ' m TiMA .. T7J ' TNU TT T3j , CORN. 4A- 41 4.1-; :, r, ' : a 46Vk OATS. Joly t'K TNU T7V, TTtiA Septeatber ...... TT T3i . rt n May ...... July , 4.1 4U' 1 Ml 4111,1 4rH e0,A SttA 3-1SA 3VA "eptembet ktay, uly September , ftai Ki MRUS PORK. siniirr -inrn TiVrTTftTOS f Msy ...... Ju4y .aj... ,lx3 . lir.a .lOtJO 1W1 LARD. 1CI7 A43 lenii . , 1M3 Tarrasry ,"U , SMI tMt r . terr 94T ' . 900 , 9fi0 ! SlVoKT jtiBS. , a7 ptr , POT . PIT ' . 930 S3S - ' SJT : 41 947 . 93T'. ' i 90 B l"rT : OT I lay ,....'. uly . . e. . . September i Jamary i.. APT 9o 919 May ...... uly ...... ; saADsraxrrs oxan ; arroaT. Okies to. lea. - .-Bradsfraet'g report i ml graia Ttaini euppiyi Decreaa. tag. ..... l.TM flno ..... 21f. (art ..... I.orai.iaa) ..... d.4aT.00O Wheal Kaat of Reekie an ana .....,...... Karoo and afloat.'.. ..1.4K1 ftTl .. 45T.0O0 .... ' Kew Terk 'stead Market. I New Terk. Jan. SS. Official price: - . . . - - . - Pin. : Aak, P44 U4 O.'Tt. A y. 4e. ..... j..,.. ....... , 4 dc He , I1.1U do aa .......13 l EGEPiLEII! LllLilGS THE SPHINX Harriman Land Agent Doesn't Know About Sale of . " Grant Lands. -V ,-V-- TIGHT GRIP KEPT ON VAST OREGON ACREAGE Six Million Acres of Grant Land la Arizona, Nevada and Utah Pat on Market, bat This Stato' Ja Still Locked rp.- v ' 7 Ir rlsw of 'th the announceraent from that the Harriman land San Francisco grant aopartment will place on sals 6,000. 000 acres of grant lands of the Contral Paclflo railway In Nevada. Utah and Alisons. It Is regarded aa an un paralleled act of effrontery that the Har riman management paraiata la aearreaate In tha Umla of tha Mouthara- e'aolfta, I amouming tor annul 1,000.000 acres, la tho stats of Oregon. Sentiment of ths publlo la Increasing dally that the legia. latum should memorialise congress on tha ejuesUoa of forfettura of tha Or gon grant. C, W. Eberleln. acting land agent ot tho Southern Paclflo and Central Fa oiflo- railways nms to JortIaid yester- dar. and It wan at cinco an tr-e-t aa th-t had arrived to' make - another an nouncement that tho lands In Oregon would be placed on sale tn tha near future. Mr. Eberleln whan asked at tha Portland hotel this morning If hla busi ness hero had any bearing on tha ques tion,' replied - that ho had nothing to aay. As usual, whan questioned con cerning tho publlo Interest In Oregon, ho out tho Interwlawor off short ' yotUaff to say. . "Does your visit hero ha to anything to do with tha land grant altuaUoaT" ha waa asked. - -"I have nothing to say," ho answered. "Is It your object to do anything with theaa lands r . "I am hero for Information. ' I Just reached this city yesterday morning," said he, with symptoms of asperity.. 'It has boon announced that tha Con tral Paclfl lands ara to ba sold." ho wss reminded, gently and. considerately, with a view of possibly securing con firmation or denial of tha report. - - "I don't know anything about It" ho declared, although : he la generally known na a land agent of that corpora tion. - - : . - - "Is It true that tha Contral Paclflo lands will bo placed on tha markatr Tba telephone snapped vlcionaly. Mr. Eberleln bad hung up tho receiver. Ho Is an adept at hanging up things that ths publlo would Ilka to have talked About. Ha- haa bean tha abla hang-up of grant lands for tha Southern Paclflo for aovera years, and has made a fairly good Job of It. A new Illustration of tha manna In t?! itf ?rrliwbl0" the Hnrrlmanland grant policy retards development of tho stato nas come to light In Jackson county. Large coal measures have bean found about four miles from Medford. Thby are located tn tho hills east ot the city, but therw ta a feasible, railroad grade from tha coal to a connection with tha South- era Paclflo at Medford. Tha people have petitioned tba railroad company to lsy a spur track to tne mines. They have pointed out that tha coal la of good quality, that the mine promises to be a large one and to furnish not only coal for-tho railroad company, but to relieve ths famlna from which the pub- Hd hag bern suffering. They ara an.r" awerod with the- statement - that tho I railroad company owns lands adjoining the mine, and that if it w!hesto do- velop coal mines tt will develop them on Its own lands. This rather narrow view of the situa tion would be cheerfully accepted by tne Mecirora people ir ins company would only develop Its own coal lands and build a spur to them. That would be a step In tho direction the Jackson county people want to move the mat ter. But the railroad eompany eon tlnues to do nothing, and.-will neither sell nor develop Its lands. A NEW DEPARTURE rhe Coat of yjstdrxaTAasiBS atas Beoa Oreap. ly Bedaeea by tha Wolman TJadag- taking Company. Heretofore it haa been ths custom ef funeral director to make charges for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. Tha Edward Holraan Undertaking eom pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1, 1999, wlU depart from thla old custom. When the casket Is furnished by as Its cost will Include all charges, such aa conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box, embalming, bearse to cemetery and all services which msy bg required of na except clothing, cemetery and carriages. thus effecting saving of 111 te ITS es each funeral. THE EDWARD HOI-UAH UNDERTAK ING COMPANY. StO Third street, corner Salmon, DREDGE DYNAMITED TWO MEN KILLED Caruthersville, If o.; Jan. St. Meager Information .has Just reached here of the destruction by dynamite ef a dredge boat this morning. Two workmen were killed. The International Harvester eompany is digging a drainage canal. , ; aosTOTt conn kaxxxt. Hoatoe, Jan. tl Official Md prices' Ad- venture. .1 !U A Hones. Arcadian. II J 37m Atlantic. 31M Ulna nam. 3A3.SO; Calnmet. 9060 1 Ceatennlal, 940.MI; Copper Mt.. 940; Copper Fanxe. H.V2A: laly Weet, 314 50: rrankllo, i.2: Greene t'onanlldsted. 310 3Tt4i blase.. 34.30: Michigan, 'rli Mceiawk, 901.90: Koran's r-nnanlMated. 3130; North Pntte. 3U4: Old Dominion. t"d.TA: tlseeol. fins: Psrret. Si; i'hueeoa. All CHilncy. 3119 5i Ttoesl, S33.3A: Santa re. 3AK7S: Khsnaan. 933 nil,; Tam ers Hi. $190: tatted Copper, 973 Utah, 973 7i Victoria. 97.75: Winona. SU.HO; Worrerlne. 91HO; I'. S. Mining, 9nA.T5: Apex, 913.30; Su perior A Pittsburg, fill; Celuaaet A Arlaana, tins naked. t tJsrTID STATIS OVXavifXsTT H01TDS. Saw Terk. Jan. .0fflHsl price: Data. Hid. Aak. 1M I021I luVt Two, registered.. Opt. So OMlDOa... Opt. 1"41 104 1"J ion at 10Jl Tkreea, reeletered. .......... Opt. do tfiwnon. ...... .......... Opt. matt toads...,. fours, resistered. ........... loT ao oreipon.. . IwrT . lOlai 0U looJ loi u I2' l.wa I, lKHi iv lOAtt. 1U4 ha loei4j -I fours, register!.. .......... H'-l da rnapo v......... 1930 Psnasis Ja do eoepon ,.,... .... Dlatrlct of Colnmbla. ....... .... rtilllpptne ' ' A Weaderfnl Xappenlng-. Port ilyfon. N. T., haa wltneaaed one of the moat remarkable caaea of heal ing ever recorded. Amoe V. King of that piare saVs: "Mucklen's Arnica filve cured a anre on my leg with which I had suffered over (.9 yeaj-a. 1 am now elghtv-flve.'." tiunrenteej to cure all sores, by I'.ed Cross P harmacy. )la. MILLS CAN'T RUN WITH FREIGHTS AS THEY ARE (Special Dlepatch to Tha JooraaL) HoqtiiHm, Wash.. Jan. 12. The mill- men of thla city favor 'a to-day shut down of ail ths plants on Oraya Har bor and thoy are working to that and. With cargo freight rates at SIS per thousand and logs sailing at tit, ml li ra an claim there Is no profit for them. Tha oongosted .condition of tho San Francisco market--has lowered prloea and ' mtllmon are not anxious to get more of their product on tha way. ' RAILWAY EMPLOYES IN CONFERENCE AT CHICAGO (Journal Special Servi,,) Chicago, Jan. 11. KaUlrood eonductora and trainmen to ths number of loo, rep. resenting locals throughout all tha west- n country, met today - to present a concerted demand to tho railroads for higher wages and ahorter hours. ROBERS SCARED AWAY ; FROM FIVE THOUSAND . . -. Crlt tendon, Ky Jan.' tL Safe blow ers got t&OS ta caah from tha Tobacco Growers' Dapoalt bank thla morning. Tbey wore discovered and fled, leaving 15.009 In tha Inner vault. PROMISE ' 'MaTm CrOSra SVBUI rOAU Bo afwapai pat on the markets was to make no PROMISE ia oar salesmanship, that was not characterized by PURITY and TRUTH and HONESTY, so that we could always DELIVER what we AGREED. It was our own PURE DRUG law and our PROMISE hs always been FULFILLED. . ' - - The best inducement we can offer our friends In our advertising', -past and present, it to TRY CASCARETS only ONCEI We prom, ised and promise bow, that these dainty, little candy tablets, if faithfully tried, would prove to be the most perfect Bowel Medicine ever placed before the American family, as dependable for their effects as nature herself- nu - . L In our eleven years of PROMISE, we have nevet failed to ful fill, and that's why we have gained the friendship of millions of the American people, who have experienced the reliable quality of our product.-;-- - - ---..'reTl.. - If the ONE TIME that we can induce the reader to try Casca rets proves to be a failure and disappointment, it means a BROKEN 1 PROMISE and NEVER a repetition of his patronage. The fact that at the present time over ONE MILLION of boxes of Cascarets are sold every month PROVES that we believe In "Purity of Prom Ise" and have delivered the goods. - : ::.:'; 60 w ask von vrlth ths andoTsemetit 4-raaeits, to sccepit onr promiaca njd try nd family maaicina tor all btuslavch ana duwui trouDies, especially CONSTIPATION and all Its complicatioss. Nearly every sationi ulaaaa Is caused by a derangement ot ths Stomach and Bowels. Cavscaxets will gtreegfthen ths walla ot tba weakened Intestines and make thorn act exactly as natura ijitendad tAtm ta do NQ VIOLENCE, bat plain, soothing actios. "Another PROMISE we) are wilting; to msks it that Cascarets will prove to be rrwat PREVENTIVE of DISEASE. They ara anti-septic, destroy dis ease germs all throng-h ths FOOD-CHANNELS, and ars what soap Is for taw ooter body a perfect cleansing: means for tho inside body. ' - Oa of onr mottos has bean: "Keep clean inside I" and CaAetarats will Ibslp yon to do It aad avoid disease resulting from internal neglect. ' yxn navw norer mm vascaroin aad buy a Utile iuo Dox. if win convince yon. YOU ASK THE GENUINEI -4. . , . You like a reasonable proposition, don't you ona that goes right at tha gist of the matter? It's tha best business, this thing of aide Issues and prizes, and trips, and bonuses, and dubs, is the mere flaunting of the flag to distract you these things never saved anybody anything. v : How often in your business experience have you sworn that you would steer clear of these same glanw ouring advertisements. The safe plan is the MERIT filan if you wanted good dry goods or good jewelry o this town you know where you would go, don't you, and well bet on it it wouldn t be the sensational ad vertisers, either.? . - ? "' '.' . : ' .' "i--t --The REED-FRENCH Cd. has the finest piano at gument in Portland they make pianoa and they sell them direct to the people they save you a hundred dollars or more on the purchase price of any piano- nor is it a hard matter t o test this statement eee what the retailers on the expensive streets want and then go into a wholesale district (Sixth and Burnside) and see a REED-FRENCH PIANO and find out just what a REED-FRENCH PRICE really ist ; 1 Installments $5 and $6 month. Think R - K-TRnkRecJ-BTicl. r Don't fail to see the Second Eicr Race ct Tl - ( Rink tonight. General sl.atir. before r Eleven, Also afternoon -. -! - - m;-:,lcn 10c. t tttttvvttt' heavy Lc:3Ti:r.:'::;; CCAL iX.. : Baltlmote. Jirt. :. lb- T' of the PennsyivsnU rAilnvi.i at t a i -klarylAJid. wavar Ueetr.-el l Ore All morning. Tho lose la 3..o.tio0. .OSTEOPATH V. rom A tvzfcxiTsa ths 910.00 Por Monthl KlrkavUla Infirma V . V- J , room It Orand The- atro building, Waah , Ingtoa and I'ark. ry ef Oeteorathy. 1 ' 1 . tro bulldlna. WaahA pr. Bom mar, grad- nato ' tn medlclna nd osteopathy and formerly profeaaor at tha Btlll Coli.go of Osteopathy, man ager. . AM rnTat WOBIS ' Is a Stag, and Ballard's Bnow Tinlment plays a most prominent part. It bee no auperlor for Kr mmatlam, stiff Joints, cuta. sprains and all pains. BuT It, try It and you wtll always use it. Any body who has used Ballard's Snow LlttltTinnt la a living proof ot what It doa. i uf a trial bottle. J 80, too and 11.00. pop sale by all druggists. ... ... . 'I DVERTIS1N0 U V PROMISE. It is also VVrcn we aerec to do certain things we haye to !naajce good. Othcnrisew lose the confidence and faith -of our patrons. The principle we adopted in 1896, when CASCARETS CANDY CATHARTIC were of tha American Doople behind onrstata). Cacaret as tha beat all-aronnd pernooat imurs, re ttr 4a BE SURE TO GET WHAT na e 1 II mcu; v9t 9 1 - i match rrc