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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL". . PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22. 1S07. COLLEGE -'ATHLETES TURmnG OUT Baseball Squads at the Big East. ' ern Universities Are Seek ,n2 Eariy Work. ' - . . " r - ' i 1 YALE HAS LOST SOME i -l OF HER BEST PLAYERS pornpll". Vmtlrn Will Tatkle) Eli's Mid Vlgew Nest MonthTerry McGorera Is Xow Down ud Out for 'All Time.; , By Manhattan.' ' ' (JowmI Special SoeTlce.) . ' . ; New York. Jan. it. Collage athlete now .arbcglnning to 'take stock of baseball material for the approaching ' season. Rowing men 'are being looked over and the track and field candidates are preparing for ths struggles ot 1807. which bid fair ' to make the season a .f.i.t.1, ah .fnv mane- Kuonfe. There wlU be. more contests between east and 1 west than usual, ana tne oontesis d tween ths lnetltutions tn the east are likely to be closer and more Interesting than usual. . , Bam ball -naturally ha -the center of the stage-Just at present. Tale, Prince ton. Harvard and Cornell all will have flrst-claas teams, and several of the other universities will be represented on ths diamond by formidable aggregations of players. ,' - While Tale has spffered. heavily In the loss of baseball material by gradua tion, there seems to be a goodly num ber of new men who will make good. By graduation the college has lost Captain O'Brien, the clever, shortstop; K. V. Jackson.) first base and pitcher; B. D. Smith, center field; Hulskamp. right field. ' The members of last year's 'varsity nine who are now In college and eligible- for ths "varsity team are as follows: "Tad" Jones, first base; Camp. second base; "Wllllms and .Madden,- fielders; Chapla and Wylle. catch ers, and Captain Kinney, third base. The men who did ths pitching last year will be candidates for. the team this year, with the exception of Jack son. -Those-who remain are Parsons, Meyer and Pratt. Howard Jones is also here, but lie .Injured bis arm so badly last year that ha la net likely to be of much usa to ths team. , Of the new material, E. B. Taylor, 'OS. will bes a candidate for first base. Taylor made his spurt last season, but then fell off In ths work and dropped out of sight. J. H. Mallory, 'OS, cap tain of last year's freshman team, will . be a candidate for left field, and B. F. Jefferson, last - year's freshman first baseman, will also try for ths .'varsity. e ",. ""Cornell! wieslling schedule Is near ly completed and ths two principal ; dates. wlth- Tnle and - Princeton." have already been fixed. The Princeton meet will be held at that college on February 16, and. that with Tals at New Haven on February 21. " There are also pros " pects of a return match wttb Princeton to be wrestled In Ithaca. , . -v. , - e e ' . , That Terry McGovern Is down - and out for good Is certain. Not only will the great little fighter never go Into the ring again, but it Is doubtful If he ever will come out of the asylum. It Is probable that the benefit for Terry will net enough - to keep- him for- ths balance of bis days. As an evidence of the financial possibilities of a cham pionship fighter, Sam Harris and Joe Humphreys, who have been Terry's managers, figured that the little fight er's earnings since ths beginning of his 'fighting career have reached ths enor mous total of 1201.200. Of this lit,. 000 came from purses and 1(7,200 from ' moving pictures and the stage. Of this enormous sum. not a dollar, it Is said. Is left- About $2 MOO has gone to his -family outaido living ex penses; $35,000 baa gone In loans or a-lfta to neighbors and friends, and- be tween f 76,000 and 1100,000 was squan dered on the racetrack. - The balance is Just simply ' gone.- It's - Just another example of "easy coma easy go." ... -. o .' '...w.. .;. C .J; Jos Gans la another fighter who could probably tell the asms story of easy money easily spent, though X under stand that the ' dusky fighter Intends to put aside soma of ths fruits of his present ran of prosperity. Maybe be will. - i, : There seems to have been a good deal of stage money In theee 150,000 offers for Jeffries to fight and the big feUow won't fight except for real coin. . So at this writing ths alfalfa farmer haa no fight In prospect. Doubtless Jeff would be well worth 150,000 as aa attraction to ons of ths gold camp fight feats, pro Tided there was soma sns whom ths sporting public could be Induced to think bad a chance with Mm, but there "ain't no sich person," and as a sold business proposition Jeffries, with any body In sight, ought not to draw as big a house aa say Brltt and Gans, or oven Murphy and Herrmann. Ths great American public is willing to pay big to see a fight,' but when It comes to exhibitions It's altogether another prop osition. , .- ' - . - e 'S . ; t .,. ' America's .first big rowing event In "1107 will be ths fifth annual regatta of the American Rowing . association, which will be held on the Schuylkill river on May 15. This data tWas se lected because It is tbs most Satisfac tory to the largest number -of competi tors. The - stewarda have decided on the following events: First, second elght-oared shells for the New England . cup; second, first four-oared sheila; third, first four skulls; fourth, scholastlo elght-oared race for the Franklin cup; fifth, second four-oared shells; sixth, first single " eoutis for th. Farragut upr seventh. Junior college elght-oared shells; eighth. second single -scull race; ninth, first pair-oared., -sheila: .tenth, elght-oared scull race; eleventh, first double scull race for SchuyklU cup; twelfth, first elnhUoared still race lor Htewnrar cud. The . stewarda- are considering a prop osition to hulp-etart Princeton 'In the rowing business.. IX the university ath letic authorities themselves do not taMlsh rowing- this spring ths stewards wIM 'mxkn an effort to get ths various clubs of Tlgertown to Tvit soms sort of crew on the water, if not for tbs college rare, st' least for one Of the novice event. They are even willing to sup- l'rlnc-eton witn a racing snen in which to compete, and will extend them nv other assistance la their power. The prospects are that all the differ ent events will be well filled with the strong -club crews from ' this city. New York. Jirooklirn, Boston., Washington and Paltimore. ' ,' .f.lilwauklsj Country Club. raatern and California races. -Take f !:wood and Oregon CUjr car at First j) J AUer. '." , ' , f.;uiTi;o:.!JiH club r;o:.:fii TO GIVE E Annual Fancy ! and Gymnastio Features Will Be Illustrated on Washington's Birthday. On tbs aftsrnoon of Washington's birthday, February 11. tbe women of the Multnomah Amateur Athletlo club will hold their annual raceptlon for the bene fit of their women friends only. This Is on occasion when the stern yet eurt ous males will be barred severely from tuelr own clubhouse, and every knot hole and crack Jn the (rest gymnaalum will be carefully guarded by the women in order that no prying men may wit ness the performance. The women will civs illustrations in every department -ot tneir worn. ana. while It would be all right to nave ins men present, this Is on day in the year that Is set aside for tne women, ana as Professor Robert Krohn, 'Who Has Charge of All Gymnastio Work at the Multnomah Club. - ' a consequence the men must go away back and stand up outside. So far aa ths women are concerned the men may occupy th grandstand out on the ath letlo Held. - - - Those who remember the splendid program rendered by the. women each year recall events that were a credit to ths womsn and the club they repre sent. An incident that happened two years ago during a similar performance la often referred to at the club. It ap-; pears that a painter engaged In plying his festlvs brush on ths outside of the gymnasium managed to work close to a window on that memorable afternoon at the time Professor's Krohn'a class of womsn waa executing some of Its prmtert steps. The man was seated high on a ladder and waa enjoying the entertainment. Suddenly aa one ox tne most perfect formations In the drill came to. a stop ths man forgot where he wss and fell off the laddar, making a terrible racket as he reached the bot- torn. ' In falling he made the usual grab at the floating straw, clutched a can filled with red paint. When picked up the unfortunate man looked as though he was bleeding to death, but It Was only ths paint. Ths drill wss resumed, but the man had to go down town and buy" some more paint. The features of the ' coming-enter tainment -will .- be: Illustrations - best suited for women, chest weights, mat exercises, grace features, fencing, danc ing, marching., apparatus work, wands, rings, Indian clubs and other gymnast la exercises. The exhibition will be held between the hours of I and i. ,.'. " - ' . J RUNNING SUMMARY ON ' CALIFORNIA TRACKS (Josraal Special San Francisco, Jan. St. Oakland race results: ". ' " Three and one 'half furlongs Alta- dlce won; Bonheur second, Billy Vyer third: time, :4 1-i, - ' r Five and one naif runongs roinsstta won. Joyful second, caienaar tnira; time. 1:11 -." Seven furlongs eanta nay -won. Edith James second. Alios Carey third; time. !: 1-6. ,. One mile and one sign in iras won. Laselle second. IsabeUta third; time, 1:5 1-. . - One roue Captain Buanett won, in vader second, Wenrick third; time. l:4f t-6. - Six furlongs Blondy won, ueage- thorn second, .The Borglan third; time, ' . 1 '. At 1m Angelea. Los Angeles, Jsn. 11. Ascot raos re- suits: ' Six furlongs The Major won, sina King second. I Told Ton third; time, 1:14 8-6. , Seven furlongs Canoplan won, TTncM Henry second. Taylor ' George third; time, I:llH. v .. Five and one half furlongs Gold Sifter won. Ampedo second, Fred Mul- holland third; time. 1:0714. One mile, handicap ixra Biannope won, San Alvlso second. MUshora third; time. 1:414. ? . ' , Five furlongs Tsddo won. Louise Fltsgtbbon seoond, Vinton third; time, 1:01. i One mlle-i-Mandarln won. Btandovsr second. Oratorlan third; time, 1:41. YESTERDAY'S GOING ON NEW ORLEANS TRACK , " ' (JonrBal BpeHal iervle.) "m New Orleans, Jan. ts. Yesterday's raea results:- , ,-F1ve and ons half furlongs, selling Bosnertan won. Odd Trick second. Im pertinence third; time, 1:07.-.: ' .: . .- Three furlongs Shirley Rossmore won. Dewolfo Dawn second, Ruby Wick third: time. 8:87." , I Six furlongs Fantastic won, Mortl boy second, Dargln third;. tlms, 1:14.-. Ons mils and 70 yards Beau Brum mel won. Besterllng seoond, Missouri Lad third; time, 1:44 1-8.- - v. . ... -. T One mUe and 10 yardsr-Flavigny won, Rickey second, Bonard third; time, l Ons mUs and 10 yards, selling Cam paigner won, Oberon seoond,- Zlck Abrsms third; tlms, 1:41. One mile and ons sixteenth, selling tady Ellison won. Foreigner second, Omar Khayam third; time, 1:4 8-8. oammxa watiost certainly smashed a hole In tha bar rooms of Kansas, but Tlallsrd's Hore hour.d Syrup hss smashed all records ss a cure for coughs. Bronchitis, In fluent and sll Fulmonsry dleeaeea, T. C 11 k 1 lor ton, Kanaaa, writes: "I hsve never found a medicine that would cure a couch so quickly as Ballard's Ilorehound Syrnp. I have used It for vaara" Hold by all druggists. DAN KELLY nil ACTRESS FO g s a-r STUDY LA17 Clever Sprinter Will Spend but One More Year at Ore gon University. MAY , ENTER MICHIGAN FOR HIS LEGAL COURSE I Baker City JmA Doe Not Think That He Will Be Able io Lower the ' Hundred-Yard Record Any Further UliAt He Say. . V (Special Dlepatch to The Journal.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. I J. -Das Kelly. Oregon's great sprinter and track athlete, has not decided just whar ha shall do next year about at tending college. - He la quite certain not to come back to Oregon, but has not chosen any particular school In the east where be Intends to go. Kelly wants to go Into law seriously, without wasting any more lime on preparatory eancauon. om i llate4yesterday thathahad notmadel a choice of Institutions. "ProbablsTMicb lgan has the best show of getting him. but It Is not ths athletic reputation that attracts Dan there, but the fine course in law. Kelly hardly thinks that be will do much in the oast In athletics, for he believes he will be barred, therefore he must look at everything from the standpoint ot his studies. He seem to like Princeton, but law. he eays, Is not very good there. 'It Is not likely that Dan will make any decision until he goes east next summer on the North west track teem. While there he will dectdewhsjt he shall do, -after looking Into the -various merits of the different schools. Dsn likes Oregon, and hates o leave her but feels that be cannot put. aa much , time on his eduoatlon as others da However, despite what haa been said. Dan now says that he will run -for Oregon under Oregon colors at Jamestown exposition, and further as serts that he never made any statement that be would run for any one else. He said yesterday that hs did not think the college In the east would allow htm to run owing to the rules governing track aspirants there, whloh allows a 'man to go Into competition only three yeara Of eonrae. It Is possible, the records msde la Oregon would not eount-Against him there, but Kelly himself seems to v.1nb AthitrarfaA. - - -1 - - J Kelly says thai he does not expect to lower the 100-yara aasn tnis spring, hnt erMl trr to beat the world's record In Jhe 120-yard dasa or n wmou hs tied last spring. Ms siso wmm get the broad jump record. Last year hs mads 14 feet 1 Inches. The world's record Is U feet 11 inenes. ' FLOWER BOWLERS BEGIN ., .JHEIH NEWJitASUN "The Flower league, consisting of two classes, A and B. was started last night an ha Oreaon alleys by the B class. The league Is under the auspices of tha Oraaon Bowling association, and eonalata ot eight team a la each class. three men to a team, total plna for three games to count. -Ths teams that played lest night were Marguerites vs. Sweet Peas and uaisies vs. noses. Ths Marguerites won their games with a big majority, securing lit pins more than their opponents. The Dalslss trimmed the - Rosea and. .Jiad .17 pins to sparer. - Meleen hsd the highest single gams of the evening, 117. alee lgk aver age, 14. ' , Tonight -the -elaaa A . teams, Thlstls v. Carnation and Chrysanthemum vs. Snowballs, play the first games of ths A echedule. - , ..- - '.The scores: t .'' ' .''" ' .'' , ' ' , '' OlsM B. Teams. ;-' MABXJUERITES. - 1 9 t Av. Bhafer ............ '1ST -.181 14 HI Meleea 1 "7 1T7 14 Amba.r?.. 178 101 in in Total 811 v 871 Grand total, 1.88 plna SWTET PBA8. .u i 44 181 148 lit At. 11 14 180 Deavsr 18 1 ArmlUge 148 14s Raymond .......... 188 148 Total ........... 80 4S 411 Grand total, 1.48 plna. v'" v i . .DAI8IE8. . . f t I sjtsln 14 '111 184 Hergert .... 188 141 14 Bumption 18 111 llo At. 148 148 184 Total ....... 1.. . 478 188 481 I Grand total, 1.148 plna. ( onavn I t ; m i7 lit tm 188 111 8 , 148 lit 11 417 At. 181 188 148 Duffy - Newstead ......... Davidson Total ........... 411 411 Grand total. 1,18 plna. GIRLS' BASKETBALL TEAMS TO PLAY MATCH GAME asaaaaMSaawsSMaawas 1 The first ladles basketball game of tne season la Portland will be played next Friday evening at Rlnglera ball. The match will be" between the Zeniths, representing ths Marshall-Wells, com pany, and the Willamette university team of Salem. . That the contest , will be, both Interesting and exciting ts forecasted in ths hard work that ths young women players have been doing for some time In preparation - for the event. The Marshall-Wells girls play a fast'and scientific game, but will be handicapped a trifle In going up against the 'Varsity - girls. - who have had the advantage of longer training. However, the Portlanders feel confident of put ting their Methodist sisters out of busi ness on Friday night . The lineup of the Zenith Is: " Miss Sophia Huff, -center and captain; Miss Clara MrOUl and Miss ' Agnes Llnd, guards; MUs Anna O'Brien and Miss Helen Thaier, forwards. John XjT Sullivan still Holds several world's fighting records. One of the records that have never been excelled Is the number of knockdowns held by a fighter In a single event. During his nine-month trip around the country In 1884, Sullivan met G. M. Robinson In a four-round bout In tha ling at San Francisco. Robinson wanted a division of the gate -receipts to stay the limit, and Sullivan agreed. In the four short periods of fighting Robinson went to the floor 81 times. Bo far as la known this Is the world's record. . As usual, the aftermath of the recent six-day bicycle race in New Tork Is a squabble between riders and .the - mart agement ever money. 2ES AXES TROUPE for ji:.::.iy britt Neva Aymar Deserts Profession " for the Companionship of a Prlze-Fighter. (Journal "pedal Berries.) BakerefleJd, CaU - Jan. 11. Pretty Neva Aymar, - a young star of "Rain Dears," and principal attraction of the Orpbeum road show, haa gone to Join Jimmy Britt. according to a statement by Manager Sutton of the troupe last night. - atlas Aymar, whose name haa been linked with that of the lightweight for the past few weeks, failed to board the northbound train for Los Angeles last night and when the show waa pre sented In this city ths "Rain Dears" laaked the charmiag and attractive air instilled by the alngtng and dancing of the little actress. Ths unaerstuay filled the part. 7 , . - t ? ' SPORTINQ GOSSIP And now comas President Lucas of the Northwest league with-the positive declaration that bis organisation would not desert ths ranks of organised base ball fr the alluring freedom of out lawry. Mr. Lucas also takes time to assure the Pacific northwest fsns thst Seattle belongs to his - league, that r,,,. ni v. . .nr...nt.H at u, naUnm; ... his -league on Friday and that hia league will be composed of the strongest teams In Its history. The fans are glad "to -hear-' such -atraight-f- forward talk from-President Lucas, as some league executives do their talking in roundabout " waya, through numan megaphones aa it were. All hall, -the via cnjeiB. . i-...-. v ' e- e -. v . .- .,, ..t The Amateur Athletlo mnlott boxing championships bsve been awarded to the Boston Athletlo association, and will be held at Mechanics hall, Boston, on April I and 80. The classes offered will be even in number, 108 pounds, lis pounds. 11 pounds. 118 pounds, 148 pounds, 188 pounds, and the heavyweight class. The Boxers must weign in- ds tweea 8 and 8:10 p. nv on April II. s.v- . .- ,.' e. e . . r An impression Is gaining ground on the Paciflo coast that Jimmy Britt is going to have trouble In making the required weight,- 181 pounds.- for his fight with- Joe Gans r at -Tonepah - on March 18. Brltt Is inclined to be stout, and -when it comes to -taking off seven or eight pounds at practically tne eleventh hour It will mean some road work oc the hardest ajna lor mm. sim ply because the Calif ornlan stood out for 118 pounds, ringside. It doea not tol low that he thought be would be able to make that weight, for when Cans' manager suggested lit pounds two hours before the tight Britt snapped at the chance. It will be comparatively easy for the negro to train down to the required sllmneas, so the conditions are all right for htm, but there's surely to be lots doing In Biitt'a training camp before ths time comes to weigh in. - Many a -ao-sOTy-;ta--tld en Tom Sharkey, but Tim Mod rath, the famous trainer, and Eddie Graney, the "Honest Blacksmith" and peer of all referees. vie with each other In the spinning of yarns about the' famous heavyweight. , Here's Oraney'a story: "After Inspecting a bunch of Christ- mas turkeys In a butcher shop, SKkr. key decided, on one weighing. 18 pounds and paid for It, "When the bird reached Tom's house the latter decided to weigh It, because he was suspicious of everybody. He found It weighed only It pounds. - "As angry as a March hare, Sharkey set off with Mr. Turk forth butcher snop. ' " "What's the matter with this blrdt he asked angrily. When I bought it It weighed II pounds; now It weighs only II.' "Welt. Mr. Sharkey.' said t he u lobar, you bought the turkey undressed..' Ill getting It ready for tha table I suppose we dressed away about live pounds of it.' .. " 'Is that the ease? asksd Sharkey, i tartly. "Well, in the future none of this I o'clock weighing for me. When I buy turkey I want ringside . weight Good day. , That's all " i ' .'. The four big American bowling tour naments for 1107 are: . . March 7-11 Western bowling ' con gress, at Denver. -- March 11-81 America bowling con gress, St Louis. - - March IS-Aprll 8 National ' Bowling association, Atlantic City, New Jersey. April '11-17 Canadian Bowling asso ciation, Toronto. ' , , . -- : -. , e.s . Ths bookmakers ot Kew Orleans re cently lost a ball game to the turf writers by a score of to I. This Is the only time the Crescent City bookies ever lost anything. ,, - - ; e a, 1 ' With the exception of Columbus and Indianapolis every elub In the American association will have a new manager the coming season. , ' , ' ...... s' e- '.- ,. , If Glen Llebhardt and Tom Hughes work against each other In the Ameri can as they did in the Southern league there will be fancy, doings when Cleve land and New Tork meet." '-. e e , , , "Wild Bill" Donovan should be able to show the Harvard pitchers a few tricks of the slabmen, while Willis Keeler Is demonstrating ths art ot "hit-, tin 'em where they alnt" :i - -..' . s 's ' ' .. . The veteran Bobby Carruthera of tho old St Louis Browns has been appoint, ed an umpire in the Southern league. " - ' e . . -y ' . Toung Donohue of Roxbury has quite a following in Boston who- think he can put it over any of the 110-pound boys in the country., . . . -" ' Utl . ''ft ' A V e FRFECT FITCUARANTEED $1.? EXPERT OPTICIANS METZ0ER a CO. Ml SIXTK5T. ICE TROTTING MEET - , , ON AT MONTREAL (Journal Spwlal Serrlee.) Montreal. Qua, Jan. 11. An Ice trot, ting meeting under ths ausploes of tha Gentlemen's Driving club opened todsy at De Lorlmer park under conditions that promise a highly aucceasful meet ing. Tbs program covers four days and provides for two or three events each day.fc The purses offered In the several events aggregate nearly 18,000 In value. RUBE SMITH MEETS HARRY LEWIS TONIGHT asassaaasaBBaaaaaaasBaa. Denver, Col Jan. 13. Much Interest Is displsyed In the bout between Harry Lewla and "Rube" Smith, to be pulled off tonight In the coliseum. - Both men are in fine fettle, and the conteet prom ises to be one of the fastest of the sea son. Lewis rules favorite, but ths Den ver boy Is not without f rlsnoa . whs figure he will win. ,. ' , -' -. lref erred? atoek Canned Ooeasv' : Alien Lewis' Best Brand. MEN TREATED AND CURED! Ccsl Service! lowest Cfcarces! Cures Cnaranteed! Tee who are afflicted with K EBVOITg DEBILITY, ar railing 'gtrwagts. eomatoolr ealud -,U)ST--aIAKOOl). Kihauntinf Dralu, ' ptwplea, Lame bark, InSaaimaUoa af tne Bladder aad KldiMja, Hlrhlr Col ored I'rlne. Impotency, Deapoitdeney, railing Memory, toes 5f '' Ambi tion, WUnUl Worry, rnulu at exteaa and avarwork; PIIm, riatula aad Hdroeele or etber weakaeaa. whlrk abanluulf antlt tbesi for Study, Busl fieaaore ar Man-lace Ve ear, ae am. Bleed Btiaumntlim, Umm, gaalllsire, wraea rrvaiaae aas l&raraoeia. cleatloss Barries, RuaoaaMe CalLar-arrtte- DB, 3f J. In Uncomplicated T : ; Cases My Fee Is Only iii Yon Can Pay When Cured work the serious complex and stubborn -rin aHmefTt- rtelrme-ins eft-thiaflaai V ... ,,. ... . . , . . , ... .. Ffe's feeasss telly : and definite claims, i tell men triat 1 can care them, even tnougn others, nave failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too- much. JJut, I ask,' wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that of any-other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating. men's diseases.- It has 'Town to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. Each cure I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has - had its part in the making of my -success. Each day new -cures are com-, , pletedand my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. . x" Consultation i free. If yon are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that a complete , and permanent cure will follow my treatment .-. .:, . All necessary X-Ray examinations - ara absoi" lutely free to patients. My equipment for; X-Ray work fa the finest and most complete ever ' pro duced, and equally . per. feet results are not possi ble with an inferior appa : ratuB. ' '' : - : All medicines. ar pre pared from ' standardised . drags In my own private laboratory' and are sup. . plied to patients at actual cost. ; Meinio Save Yoirselves. Good Results and Strldly Reliable Hen's Specialists Permanent ; Cures 23 YEARS IN PORTLAND are-' Sure Indica tions of a Physi cian's .-. Ability to . Successf ullyi-Treat Disease.'' V'- . -N" We ask the to judge us public by re-' suits. erence dreds that Our best ref-. is the hun of f patients have been. cured , by us. XQ O It iea patron lee ss If the beat boat nest yeot Net te , "' HAVE THE BEST It te te behind the time. That was tbe way ws figured It la equipping earsthrss, ea4 same way wbea yoe need a doctor. - rot years we kara spared ae ex panne te occupy first pises as sseclallsts, and bive Tea Must Oetae U Vt Sooner av LaWrt ' thorougji and aeientlfle eosrrs ef treatment, whli-b art a at onea upon the nerrs force, oat and run-down tlunee. It Inrreaeas the welsht In aonnd, bealthr fleah and atnaelee l,k fMA It-lit ftMtll,1lna an We eure when we take ronr ra ae te knew It. Uooanltatlon ooau yon aotliiaf eure roor aeaUb la worth eoaelderlng. ; There's lbs potar the moat vital one. yosog man, tbe father, tbe mtridle-aeed we acanowienaa ao auperior in ins inainwui oi priraia ana enronic aiaraoFa an,, v- . ... - ,w uia rapionv, i aarmanenea and reaaonable rhentea for eurea. Why keep en treating Indefinitely wltk ethers, wasting betk time and money, wbea worn can be eared eolrklr and reaeoni bljr t . - - - Kany avnn Be eoabt heeitmta te eenaalt aa SB, soaoaBt ef karmg keen seoatvaa, ana Barkens nave keeema ss kevtieal as to tklak tbera ta ae eure for them, bat ws want aa eppertanlty te treat Jaet sunk man, and it nukee as dlffereaea wketlmr yea ' aaea s dellar ar sat, as we will acosyt say for ear terrioaa wbea w saaeaayllab a ears fet there is any doubt about the eaas being Mirakle by ear methods. '.... ' . . Wrtte. If yon cannot cell. ATI eorraepoBdeaee strictly eoufMentlel tad sll re pi lea sent Is plats snvekmes... Isetost I cent ' stamt te 1 nan re reply. orriLB HOURS e a. m. te s. m. Xrenlnaa, T to S SO. Bundaya, a. m. to U soon. ST. LOUIS McAaLn1 DISPENSARY - :- -rCOBBIB SECOND AND tAMHttt' STBtxT S. POBIXAND, OBIOOB'. ... , TTe lelntinaal 1 an thAnM k ) vM.irUrifj &pray ;Tu-t mw Vsxftaj yraf. Jmf v Mi Nf m roiiTonltkut. VI lanMktlt. tiie aonc mo full iriittUn and .lireHi. e . ana . r.. i .i i ...m WOODaai), lLtu to. in VI LAUa-SATII Dkliii CO SlOMEa. Sccirs S::!:i-Fc;s:n c:;s:::s A PCSITIVE CURE ForTnOaaiawMoa erOatarrfe ot tha - - ' - ' 1 kld- 1 m fr"- aoouas gorafT crs f J V1 r lolrklf aae riiio,tir lb I . , I h onl m el i arrana V. Band ua.iufot bow -eVf kafmlea. b drnaaMta. rnoa SI.ML or hr Biall, sua, Paid, I1.UU.I Immms, i.I4. iKEwmL-rraci Beikseatslas, Okie. Sols by AU Srartlats. quickly and permaaantly cored. Tfalaea, contracted er haredlteiT: Skis DiaaaaM, - pumhans. - OoHunhoaa, 01trtrlotura. Xa Hoaea Baallaga, Bueeessful and Coa- Cbargea, tCtBOB, ll 1 8i., ParUaad, Oregea, If h .nfoi kiaa. at lis. a v mm I have he largest prac tice because I invaria bly fulfill mx ipjroinises Success isn't attained at a bound. . It Is made up of many little triumph. A Urge medical prac tice doesn't await the young physician at the col lege door. He must Drove -himself.: He must toward ."success .:dayftcr.dy,. doing. wej. ucu uy s ias. . . ... , It has always been my rule to promise nothing' that I am not absolutely certain of accomplish ing. Realizing that no one physician ran suc cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study. in preparation for my, present work. For sixteen years, I ' have been proving my ability and building my success. - I have mastered, first the simpler , diseases, then ones that others neither cure nor that I cinnot fully conquer.! jnake Company 234M UoitIsod Street, Corner Second . Porlland, Orcflon i . fattests UvhttT set ef tke elty sad eamlag e 101. laad fee tieataaeat will ke f am la bee vita faie mesi fraa ef esaiga. - Caack year trans alreot ts BM4 Xanieea at. tx . . CONSULTATION FREE Our Fee Need Not Be Paid - Unlats Cored TO YOUR OWN I NT-tlE5T l T'jCH la preference aa ether apecUllat la the city, ooess't tket siaks tbs argil meat Strang eaoafk PROGRESSIVE THOUGHT AND Way Not Newt Aeuae te Saffar Any Iasav tha anllra avatam and trn.tnrmln, tha ail f rarer If ro are alrk we want roe te come and . COME TALK TO US - Don't be afraid don't be baekward eonald et man, and we want you to feel that we nerer C. GIXH. Vv1 Portland' Widely t Known and Successful . Chines Medicinal, Root and ' - Herb Doctor Ulm faawua reuiedlea. the laaTedleata at from tae Ortoal la whirs we Import direct ' large enantlllM aad prepa ssd pat torn n mm ap-ia nmim mm lory. Km awreara. klad seeds fately aoleoaa ar druse ef a or ,,,-laDra. Tke Doctor treani aeeeeeaealty and taaraataaa a vara ell stomeek troablas. catarrh, aatnaa. teas, taroat rbeemattam. munaa, Urmt. kidney and Wt maehood. taaUXX XBOTJBLFS SWO AU, VB1TATB DIHIASEa ' Pa falaa ar wlaleadtns stateaseata ts tke tfSlcted. A safe and laatlag cure la tke aslek. eat aeaalble time and at tke Wweet aaat age. tola faf aoaeat treataMat. If yae can But eall. arrtte foe aywteai Has and -ttrealar. fneleae 4 et. la at a me. OOKBuXTATIOV FBrB. Zae a Ben We gkiaaee KMiuiu Ca., 1US4 Tint St., Oer. atorrleea, rertlaad, 0a , Blaaaa steaUaa tats So Per. Pure, Safe, dure iJr. , Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. Ths best and only- reliable remedy for DELATED PE Kls: Curs the most -ob- sTlnale cases in I to 10 days. Price $1 ' per box, mailed in plain wrapper. Ad Sraaa T. J. PIERCE, D. O, 111 First street.- Portlsnd. Oregon.- . , XtS. TATXOB, The leaadlag BpaotaUst. WEAKNESS." " compre - jroad aa. T are Inee iawporary . acflTltl ef the functions In eaaea of aw-, railed weakaeae ts s almpW mat ter, bat te permanently reatore atreogtb ssd vigor la s aroeleai tbat bet few phrak-lene kaea aolred. - I nerer treat for teat sorary ef facta. Unoer ai aya tem af IreatoMst, eeery hit ef tmnroresMat Is s part of s per- -aanent rare, - laeatb etber phralclaiia bare, threucb sly aae-' eeaa In effeetlnf pemiaftettt carea. beea eaaTlneed ef tha fart tbat prematnran.aa, luaa af pnw. sr. etc., are bat syaiptnaia re anltlng from ehranle laflaaista ties ar eonaastlaa ts the praatate glass.- none here -aa yet bees able te duplicate sir ettrea. My eyalaaa mi Vnral ereataaeat te ttva ealy ef feet Ire sieans jet known far reetorlDg tbe prostata' te It a norma at ate, arhlcli always re aiilla In full and eomplete return af stretutth aad visor. Haeb s ' ear la abaolatelr permaneet, he eaaaa tbe eaaditmn reasnnalhle for the SaaetloBal dsnrder la en tirely restored. It la tbe ealy kind ef a cere a patient dealrea, . and te tbe enly klad at cure 1 will treat for. : CONSULTATION TKtX ' I state sottilsg ta mr sa aoancetuents bat tha atralgbt. sqnare trntk. It will enat yam Both ln te eaU and talk ever yoar ease. Ton eaa f lad eat all about year tronbla end yea eaa later arrange to begin treatment . aay time roe like. My offk-ee. " eauiprlalng tea room a, are tbe lareaat, praat alasant ssd heat equipped Is tbs west. 7 A LIFE LONG CURE KBRVO-VITAL DBBILITT v, -., Varioocixh , . , CHRONIC tUSCHaKfJB ' 1 , - . STRICTI BB " - ? IIUKID POISON '",' 1 - KII'NtT AND BT.lrTBI D18BA8E8 -PRtlHTATIO- DlHKASES .... PILFCS AND TISTULA RK1N PISRAHEB . ' - ' ' WCAKNKH88 - -I'm'.' There are so many raea mfferlns- raronle pelrle dlaeaaes. and tbe (renter number of tbese tlctlma are still store unfortunate In ' treating wltb sartors wbe knew enly enonsb te prodaee temporary reautta, or a tales rare. If tbe aaoreed Is benefiting tbe earferer at all. Tnere Is no sueb thins aa a partial ears of s dleeaee, and tbe phriMan whose method does not eradleate eeery reatlae eannot rl(lit- ' ruiiy ciaiw 10 oo more man retieee. WB OOVEB THB ETtTIBB FIBtD OT FBIVATB AND CHHOK10, SSKP-SBATX9, COMPUCAIED DISEASES. ' We earnestly dealre having all dlanonrafad ! enfrerera and men eontemplatlns karlnc tbane selTsa cored af any of tue dlaeaaes we treat pay as s personal vlalt or write as rerardlnt tbelr eondltlon.- Pe not aeeltata beeauae you hare failed te reeelre a ears la treatment wltb your family phyalclam seek medical attentloa from s pbyalclaa wbe thorohlr nnderatanda year eeae and eaa ears yen safely, enlckly and BarswsaBtly. ,, yoe . TraDt make ae mlrtaka te flgare the tbe founaatJoa ef ACTION sa Premlaea af Otben. Onr em m' atopplnt tbe drain that sirs etrenf th tbe drain and replarlnf the and -fllle tha brala and Into B tTDS Of oerrert manhood. ... talk ts sa. If yea sts incurable ysav Waal - --.- , sa yoar rrienna. We want ts talk te As aouee anr nairaawa piaeea m ue.