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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY- EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1007. 11 OIIERE L10ST Rllil FULLS Id STATE Tillamook Gets Over One Hun- ! dred and Thirty Inches a Year. ' TEMPERATURE MAPS '. V. FULL OF INTEREST Where It's Coldest la Winter It's ; Hottest In Summer, and - Vice . Verm Motet and Warm All Along the Coast. J ' District , Ttoracastsr Edward A, Bsala of tha local' weathsr offlQS U prepsr In a at of charts showing; the rainfall and temparaturas In Oragon covering all tlma alnoa tha bagtnnlng of the rec ords On- tha- rain fall chart laob j eta aro drawn avsrjr 10 lnchaa and thay show soma Tery Interesting facts. Prob ably no othar atata In tha union has so great a variation In rainfall. Over a large portion of tha central part of the atata tha annual rainfall la mook eounty, on tha wast slope of the coast range at an elevation of a HCtle Over 1.000 feet, the annual rainfall la over 110 inches. Another section with ' Urge rainfall extends along the west siops or trie -cascade mountains, begin ning In Multnomah county and running south nearly to Marlon county. There the rainfall amounts to slightly over to Inches annually. There Is also a small area In the northwestern portion of Curry county whers.ths precipita tion amounts to a little over 10 Inches. Over tha greater portloaof the Wlllam ette valley the rainfall Is less than to Inches, and In southern Oregon it Is less than It rnchea, being only - SO Inches at Ashland, which is in a promi nent fruitgrowing, section of the state. The charts also show the mean tem perature over the entire state for Jaou ary, tha coldest month of the yesr, and ror July, uia warmest month of the year. The . warmeat portion of the- state 4a January with mean of 41 degrees la a narrow strip near the coast which takes in portions of Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry counties, while-the coldest sec tion with mean of II degrees. Is In ths . Blue mountains, centering about Baker eounty. - Tha July mean, temperature reverses these conditions, the warmest Weather with mean exceeding TO degrees belrg found In the Columbia river valley above .Tha Dal lea., and the coolest weather, mean 0 degrees, la along tha coast 11ns covering practically the whole length of tha state.' It Is also relatively cold at the summit of . the Cascade mountains, where the mean July tem perature Is also 00 degrees.- The Iso " thermal line of IS degrees runs nearly - north and south through the Willam ette valley through Josephine sounty to California. , - . . VANTS TO DIVORCE SPOUSE ; TO rto MIONAIRE . Proposed Substitution ..' of An- .other Attorney Causes Old v : Ona to Tall Secrets. V"'". " (Jeoraal Spartal ernrice.) New' York. Jan. 11. The proposed substitution of Joseph D. Redding, as attorney for Mrs, Minnie I Wsls In her divorce suit agalnat Louis Wets has caused Henry J. Hancock, who here tofore haa been representing her, to file van affidavit In which he asserts thst Aha wanta to get rid of well In order to marry an unnamed wealthy manufac turer, who has given her presents ag gregating 111.000 In ' the last few .months, including II new 11.000 bills. Redding In reply charges Hancock with gross breach of confidence and that tha affidavit contains, only scan daloul matter. . ' Wsls. who is a brewery manager, haa a large Income. Mrs, Wels resides at a swell hotel. ' The court has submitted the matter to a referee. ' SUTHERLAND SPEAKS ' f X IN SMOOrS. DEFENSE V. y.. . f. (Jearaal SpsHsl arTtra.) -' Washington. Jan. 11 Senator Rufher land of -Utah made his maiden effort In the senate today In defenae of Senator Bmootq- Ha said tha Issue to him seemed simple! ' . - . ,. - , - "If Smoot is a lawbreaker, either prin cipal or accessory. If he recognises a power higher than his allegiance ta hie country or if his condition Is such as to bring reproach - upon the eenate, he ought not te retain his seat. If not guilty of any of theae things he should not be deprived of his seat In obedience tt popular clamor.. The chargea of polygamy have all been refuted. Since a boy Smoot has opposed the practice and haa dona much to end the ayatem. As an observer cf 'the Mormon people I say they are today as loyal and as patrlotlo as any in ths country.-- Smoot during nis rour years in ins senate naa won the respect and admiration of all his colleagues and proved his devotion duty and bis patrlotlo regard for his obligations as a cltisen or the republic" SWETTENHAM'S THANKS FOR-AID FROM DAVIS Onanist Bpeelal SerrlcO ' . Washington, D. -CX. Jsn. It, Gover nor Swettenham today cabled the state department tendering thanks for the aid rendered by Admiral Parts during the Kingston calamity. It la assumed the British government ordered him to send ' it -" -" - ' .' ' CRIES YET COME FROM : FREEZING NORTHWEST (Joorasl SpaHal lervlee.) "-Wsshlngton,- D. Jan. II. Senator 'Hansborough is still " receiving tele grsras from ths-northwest ssklng that the continued serious coal famine be jeuaved. - '- - - - ' ; ' For Japanese Scholars. Bacramento. Cel., Jan, 12 Senator Keane of San Francisco haa introduced resolution specifically providing that Japanese children be provided with sep arate schools togethsr with children of the Chinese, Indian and Korean races. j-h1 measure Is Intnnded to fortify the pool t Ion of the board of education of fsn Francis In the test rase now In - tti coiirta Keane asked aa early coo elderatloa, i - 1. '-.. . - ' ' . GCZCDS'FIEOT- (Continued from Page One. serts his position with amp basis, thst ths chief menses to the welfare and prosperity of th American people to day la the trusts end monopolies, and the greateat queatlon which this nation has yet to solve, ha says, is ths de tailed 'control of the combinations which through discriminations, rebates snd a fostering tariff of which they constantly take advantage, is sapping the lire ana energy of the American populace Wise Move of Oregon. ' ' " Mr. Bryan believes Oregon has taken a long and wise step toward state control of ths railroad, in making ths imuat enori io secure a railroad com mission. - Not being acquainted with all of the details of ths bill which only a few days sgo was introduced at Salem, Mr. Bryan could not discuss ths subject at as great length as hs would like to have done. .., ,. , "I am strongly ta favor of a commis sion, however," he stated, "but I do not care to discuss the question whsthsr It should be aa appointive or aa elective board as that la a political question now under discussion la this state. Some states In the union have an appointive board and some maintain an elective commission. . The people of Oregon will decide for themsolvea which ia right. - "I believe a commission should have the rulleat poaalble power, and It would be Infinitely better to trust a commis sion to decide the questions fat which the public is vitally concerned than to leave those questions which affect every part of the public welfare, the DrosDaritr of Tndmduals nd-of-thsrrAte itaeif;-to tne raiiroaas wnicn have a pecuniary In terest in every matter left to the com mission to decide. JlgM for the Veep, ' ''".' ""' '"While I am not sufficiently ac quainted with all the details of Ore gon's proposed railroad commission, and therefore, cannot dlaeuaa It fntlv T h. lie've Governor Chamberlain's fight - Is for ths people, and I am unqualifiedly In favor of a commission providing- the largeat and amplest control." . The noted Nebraskan la aa emphatic on the trust qusstlon and Its solution as on ths liairoad and believes the rule of the nation's monopolies will be one of ths leading questions In the next pres idential campaign.- At the present time. - he continued. "the . trust qusstlon seems to be the most Important one before the American people, when you consider It In eonneo- tlon with, the tariff and railroad ques tions. It also Involves the question raised by President Roosevelt relative to swollen fortunes, for It la patent ta every one that tha towering aa cumula tions of money which have been gath ered together during a comparatively re cent period.- are the result of monopolies which have grown fat under tha foater lng ear of the tariff. '. In fact tha trust queatlon might be stated as an Issue - between predatory wealth on the 'one aids and tha people on the other." SoltrtiOB of the Question. "The solution of this trying qusstlon Is not one which can be given In a sen tence, but there are fourpolnts whlch claim .first consideration. First, there is the enforcement of present laws; sec ond, the' license system proposed by the Democrats In their platform of 1100 and Indorsed by President Roosevelt la his last annual message: third, the-preven tion of rebates and dlscrlmlnatlona by the railroads, and fourth, the reduction of the present tariff schedule of which the trusta and monopolies have con stantly taken advantage.", Mr. Bryan , would . not -. disease . ths probable presidential candidates on either tha Republican or Democratic tickets In 1101. He was introduced to Mayor Lane thle morning as ths "next president," but ha steadfastly refused to offer prophecy regarding a matter, the discussion of which would have led Into personalities. And he maintained the ' same " position regarding posstbls Republican candidates) for the presi dency. . ';' Mr. and Mrs. Bryan retired aa soon as thsy reached the hotel thla morning and were not disturbed until nsarly 11 o'clock. ' Soon afterward the Democratic leader was Introduced to Mayor Harry Lane and District Attorney Manning. and In the Same party were Judge Thomas CDs 7, Senator M. A. Miller and Charles W. PaUett, the Utter a cousin of Mrs, Bryan. .. . . --Tina aftha Otty. Carriages were stationed at tha hotel entrance and at HJ0 o'clock the party left for a tour of the citjr. -The Ne braska statesman and his oseort occu pied one carriage and In ths other were seated Mre. Bryan. Mrs. w. J4. ogaen. a former Lincoln, Nebraska, resident snd a personal friend of the latter, Mrs. D. M. Watson and Miss wataon. Tha party was driven to - Council Crest, thenos through ths city park, and from the latter T'ace to the Lewis and Clark fair grounds, where some tlma wsa soent In viewing what remains ox tha old buildings and visiting tha for- astrv building. - Mr. Bryan was mucn impressed witn ths rspld and substantial growth of Oregon's metropolis., snd ths city was shown jff to advantage thla forenoon by the sunlight which succeeded the heavy veil of fog which obscured objects 10 feet distance when the statesman and his wife arrived at an satrly hour from Tacoma. wraatsst City en Coast. "Portland hag had a remarkable growth," remarked Mr. Bryan. "It haa spread out In every direction, and with Its Immensely rich tributary country 1 ttrmly believe It Is destined to become the greatest city on ths Paclflo coast"' The party of sightseers returned to the Imperial at I o'clock this afternoon, where Mr. and Mrs. Bryan sat down to a luncheon with a number of Portlandersi This afternoon the Demo cratic leader is attending to a volumin ous amount' of mall matter which has been accumulating daring ths past few daya and Is also receiving callers. Both in leaving and returning to the hotel Mr. Bryan was greeted with lusty cheers and along the route of travel through the city's streets there was constantly shown ths , popularity with which the former presidential sandldats is held by tho people. Mr. Bryan will lecture at I. o'clock this svenlng at the White Temple on the subject, "The Old World and Its Ways. " An i. intense crowd will greet the speaker. Every seat waa sold early thle morning and nothing remained at noon but standing room. , Fisfsiied Stock Canned Ooode. Allen A Lewis' Beat brand. . TCoodburn Would IT ear Bryant 1 (SpecUl Damsteh ta The learaaL) Salem. Or., Jan.. II. The people of Woodburn. too. want the distinguished Nsbreakan to atop for a few minutes In their thrifty town and make a short ad dress, and to this snd Psms Cochran, recently candidate for congress on ths Pemoc ratio ticket, came to Salem yes terday to try to have the reception com mittee here prevail on - Mr. . Bryan to make a brief address at Woodburn. ' - n SLesae? FRENCH GOVERNMENT IS UNABLE TO ENFORCE LAW Joorsa! seeds terries.) Brussels, Jan. 12. ;t la reported from Paris that Prsmler Clemenceau is un sbls to enforce the church, law in the provinces, where a majority of tha peo ple are opposed to the vexatious changea. Women of the wealthy classes support the religious establishments sad farmers and merchants nots with disapproval that the antl-rellgious law coincides In time with, sn increase In the salaries of deputies. Ths government Is declared to be trying to gala time. Brlaad, min ister of education, la looked upon as only a lawyer and not as a statesman. CHICAGO PANICKY OVER INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Jooiasl flpeelal terries.) Chicago, Jsn. II. Ths epidemic of tnfect.ous d!ieaaa had r-n so n' Ing this morning thst uniformed r-! -" men were sent to ths houses of pattmx whose family Influence had preventl placarding. There have been reported lit new cases of Infectious diseases t-v. day. : Orders were 1 Issued today Ihet hereafter not the slightest attention should be paid to the political Influence o. claimants for special favora. SohUUng's Best Is the Coffee snd tea. WW lilDfilillflt, IK!) WAV nr . n x i x af i vvy " ii Ml ' 7 V 1 1 1 M I "" .aaA.!at It's in Every Cup ' of coffee the caffeine that causes many alia . They soon disappear on . leaving off coffee and taking ea POSTUM TWa. Reason' HOTEL EATON COS. MOkkUO axo unit taxjc m. - NEW - Beedeessely roralsked, eWsstlr eealraed. reproof. Its silsetse' walk frees heart ef shopping end basiseas district, all lerfe, strjr, eatslils noDie, stsssi seatse. eleetrlf Hlfits, t'lepbeee la eacS SDartoMat, tta Larue efflees, toanalna, sakln(, wrltlss, ladles' reeeptlns parlors. Wosais rssiina r stall er telepeeas, yrlTSte asssisos aaests tratss sad Steswsia Rooma $1.00 to $3.00 a Day , Ipaotal gaeae te Ossisisislal 1 A. AkMSTBOBO, rrayrWtsa, ;Ms : .;r; '-:'v C To cure coughs and colds breathe the frazrant. healing nd antiseptic air of Hyomd. If it doesn't cure, your druggist will give you your money tack. Thafa a square deal; Isn't it? ? And we wouldn't make such an offer if we didn't know from thousands of people that Hyomd will cure a coach or a cold and cure it in less time than all the stomach dosing nostrums in the world. Wha you hare cough or a cold tha mucous membrane of the nose or throat is acutely inflamed. You breathe Hyomei right over the inflamed membrane and ita wonderful healing properties penetrate into the little glands; allay the inflammation,' and promptly atop the offen aive discharge. Ita a pleasant way to cure a cough or a cold in twenty-four houra or less, v A cemplsta Hyomei outfit costs f 1.00 at any aruf store and costs nothing unless it cures Mall orders filled Writs far interesting-&ee booklet. ' -? -v' Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo. N. Y. .... .:. n. pM Bwsw. H. T. - - i I lad If renal a preveatrae el catarrhal colds, ts which T ' . mm easily sableot, aad which are very atubeera. 1 have So had a eold eteee asiag Hroaael. arskrh Is aa iaeasrsssfttls relief. w w iawivja aaaur wu aa J piaacniag. " slev. .C.urriNCOTT. - Don t sail to see the Second mg Kac at Ihe uaks Rink tonight. General skating before and after till Eleven. - Also afternoon match races. Night a . ' ' y : mission. 10c Skates' 25c. w 4 AMgAM MM; ro ooacA3rrl BAaramsT wnrnrnrs ooi . RCroLVcr TOt it BtATS THE BAND WHATVE oN Do WITH our. MONEY RYtTOOD JUDGMENT totn lANAtTEMENr IFW1: GO hbTHE RIGHT P1ACE.UHERE 3HEYKNOW bvsrnibRovn ' SS' ; V V - i w IT SY.n4 swma SMveos,ciiasn,i Advance Showing of Spring Suits and Waists We have the pleasure to announce one. of the very first ' showings in all the town of new Spring productions in Ladies' Suits and Waists. Fifty-four suits arrived yes- , terday by express, direct from one of the foremost makers ' in America. We invite you to view them tomorrow . several of them will be displayed in our windows and the . remainder In the suit section.. : - In addition to the new suits there will be opened for the first time a splendid snowing of late productions' in waists; these include rarely beautiful effects in lingerie and batiste, imported from the leading foreign fashion centers ; also others of lace for evening wear, and still others of Jap silk in tailored and fancy effects. - . . '''.. Selections msde now have the advantage of first choice, and by availing of our liberal credit system payments may be made in small amounts, weekly or monthly, which . : will be a decided accommodation to those who do not feel ; fully prepared to purchase for: cash at this time. We , make no interest charge. Special Sale WstslialJlc Rugs : FOR THE ONE DAY, WEDNESDAY ONLY r- Our Lower: Floor-off era a' very decided - bargain for - -: ' Wednesday in reversible and washable bathroom rugs, . ' : 24x43 inches, in a good range 'of colors and patterns, and --- a regular $1.50 grade. Special for the one day's Qfr J selling at only, choice......... sQI Eastern Outfitting Co. f V Washingtpn and Tenth Each day n series of rocord-breaklng Bales' nnd store-" crowding otTers Tomorrow's complete eclipsing bargain liliflhly Clearance Lot of 500 Doz. Vomen's Finest Not a garment In the lot wortH less than65c and most all 73c Qualities CHoice 33c each , It's the Greatest Underwear Bargain You m " a m ' . fcver-5aw-orneara-Ui- 500 do, 6000 carmcnts and ytry one at half price or lessIt's a bargalo to seosational that carer crowds should sack tha counter all day lone Think of It, tha bast of women s 63c, 75c,. yes and up to si underwear au sjc UNION SUITS. VESTS AND PANTS ; made of the finest hesyjr msco yarn, real Jersey knit, in ecru and natnral ray, tniCK sort fleecing, suit crotcnexea, nooon arawn ana iap iuuan he bast and finest Underwear ever sold at tha Dries Remember, real 65c and 75c arades thaf what they are worth, that's what you will pay- elsewhere, choice. Pictorial Review Patterns are best lQc & 15c PORTtWIDl IIEV7 DEFMIEIIT 5TGHE ENTIRE BLOCK ON YAMHILL f RON 2ND TO 8RA Hail Orders Fille(L Send us ' yours ALL, PORTLAND IS CROWDING HERE AGAIN TODAY GREAT LACE SALE. v Has Created the Biggest Kind ot a Sensation Hundreds snd hundreds of women crowding tha counters and buying as never befora think of ft 2c for 10c Laces. 5c for 15c to 25c kinds it means 3. 4 and 9 yards for tha price of 1 all tha best and finest of this season's styles, French and English Vals, ,- 10 forchon snd fancy Laces in edies, inaartiona, beadincs. medallioha, etc- white, cream. snd ecru, dainty, elegant patterns and many matched seta Laces up to 4 and S inches wide Buy a season's supply now, buy while you can get them at a song 2 great lots, VI L 1 .it , r a. -r i: i -I J . - . . , 1 m tug uaiiiui! mu w iw suius, uvhs v anu 7u., -Coma and see them whether you went to bay or notWe want yon here to convince yon tnat this is tne greatest uce Dargam tnat ever struck the town ii women Shoes Worth Up to S4.09 the Pair A great mixed lot picked up at a aacrifica id tomorrow they go at half odds and ends tomorrow they CO at half and less than half regular pricethe maker's samples and Finest Vici Kid and blucher styles, hand turn and Cuban and French heels, patent Xa lace welt soles. tips, real genuine hand welts, best dress and walk ing Shoaa. and every pai guaranteed S3 to $4 values. CHOICE .XL PAM I ' mm .. . "V i Vomen?s: Skirts Worth 6, $7 and up to $S Remember up to $8 values for 13.98, that's what we guarantee and that's exactly what youll get -hundreds and hundreds to go, all The Latest Styles Made of : gray and brown and novelty checks, pleated ana fancy effects, strap and DUTton trimming avery one the newest models snd. 16, 97 and aS values one day only no longer- CHOICE . .... WOMEN'S $2;00 LONG KIMONOSaOp Only 100 of them and but 1 to a customer, made of heavy soft fleeced Flannelettes in beautiful UJ 1 1C oriental designs and colorings, all fancy trimmed all sixes But yours tomorrow for if any f J are left back they go to the regular price of $2 as they are good values at that 1 to a customer KS CI 12 Lbs. Dest Granulated SUGAR 5Qc From 9 to II o'ClocH Wednesday Two Hours Only Wa Win Sell 5,000 Best 20c ENGLISH WALNUTS All good ones, all reg. 20c kind from 9 to 11 o'clock and only 3 lbs, to a customer. lOcLb. Large lCcCcn Mustard SARDINES s One More' Day of That Exciting Sale of SAMPLE DKE GOODS W AU that's left from Monday's Big Sale goes at Just Half Price. AU drummers' sample ends of Dress Ooods of every kind mostly one-half and three-quarter yard lengths, and including qualities worth np to $1J0 md $2.00 per yard. An go at, choice ; PER END WORTH UP TO 50c PER END WORTH UP; TO $1.00 flpPEREND flliil a WORTH UP Xi-Vs4 TO $1.50 Remnants of Dress Ooods of every kinds ths finest of Domestic and Imported fabrics Serges, Vene tians, Mohairs, Etaminea, Panamas Cashmeres, Worsteds, Cheviots and plain and fancy Suitings, Novel, ties snd Cloakings of all kinds; black,, colors and fancies ; all remnants of tha finest grades; mostly in half-yard lengths. Remnants you can use for hundreda of purposes. Remnants worth from 35c snd 30c tip to $1.50 a ysrd; all bunched in three great asaortnents and -tA nnl if. p. r at figures that give yon 3, 4 or 3 yards for the price of one; choice.,, 9 1UL till 11 13C ICr LCj 98c Yard For best ' $U9 ?aU-ailk pure dye, Black Taffeta Silks, full ysrd wide. 33c Yard For regular 50c and 60c fancy mixed Novelty Dress Goods, ysrd wide. 89c Yard ; For finest $12S 50-Inch' wide fancy Sicilian Suit ings, elegant finish, ; 25c Yard For 30c fancy . Mercer ised W sittings, all new Spring patterns," Finest 8Jc Apron ' Ginghams An color checks snd very fl! finest grade, ulv yard 15e Yard Wide SilKoline One of the beat gradea made, cut to, per yard IMS . lie 75c and QlWomen's Wool Gloves O0o Plain and Fancy, all col- ors and pattern a, JtjJ a pair 5,000 Yards Fancy ' YARD WIDE 35c DRAPERIES 15c All fancy colors, for ona day only, , per yard COTTON BAITS 69c 3-pound Soft and Downy Coton Batts, all in one piece, worth $1, rut to -lb. J1.50 Latts for 52. OO Ileavr Dlanllets Extra large, whits on ly, soft fleeced, each y $.25 lOcMlllCnd Embroideries n Also full pieces, all in ona lot, per yard .' .... 25c Ooiicti :: Korclal-r Flnftt Swis r ' erei and lar-t each