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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
THE - OREGON DAILY JOURIfALV PORTLAND, MONDAY nVTNINO. JANPAEY tt' H80T." : i : - . (Li (LiU (iUL! o : is: iSu S? -1 a;UilMi UvLJiU) : f ' wit f (-ml wW&Ska ' n ' R '. - V -J II - Hit- BH titsKPHvKVtJVAi II AVIkJc- IIHi.vHi 1 1 II nnpil RSEaB Als pwfnflM y -SJ 031 'BBS : wk is : . . i, arnvi l - i iny i si ii-i ilk ! i aw hi i i ii a n ii ai a iisr s n a B - afl-JM III iJ.JLTf II . .Ihlll 3t-irZrH . 1 I -Wl, r f I If 1 1 .1V l I II " II I I Pin B . r vta r i ivjirHui n ti sn 'i rm u t lii inii m ii i vil . rv I FLMIES Ifl HIGH CJIRKIIfAl . . .-gMYra ' store open I .. i Ksarl mif ft MUllom Dollar Worth I ' ft if EVENINGS '. ?-...,. , ' v.. I . WUIIIIIC 119'' I I (C TUT PS TCJ 'GREAT. SALE; Jl 1L Js 11 Your Money AsYou Never Bought the . Like Before For the Price ' Gor. Third and Burnside- Streets Never in the history of The Hub has there beerysuch an outpotglng of peoplo to attcna a saue as visiiea ine store iasc oamraay to secure nrst cnoice ox me IO . Tl f- Tl Tl-TT TT T wi li Uli i V - - . ... . ... .. r ... . .. ri Tl nr iimriJTn5i V liUWlJlllUIUJ III. 9 Ml iMIii Although every available salesman in town was engaged, the store had to be dosed every hour, to relieve the situation. This is not a surprise to the manage ment, because the stock of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes were . 1 . . : '. ,. . ... . .- Dougnt at ... ...... 29 Cents on the Dollar And so it is not strange that we are selling I the , stock at ONE" QUARTER, ONE THIRD and ONE HALF the original retail pricesVt"' Lindenthal't $3.50 to $12.00 Suit l P and Overcoats. Fire Sale Price. . . 4t 10 .Lindenthal's $13.50, $15, $16 and $18 Suits and Overcoats.' .. . a.. (PT 1 C Fire Sale Price. Lindenthal's $20, $22 and $24 Suits ft g and Overcoats. Fire Sale Price.. $7lO Lindenthal's $25, $28, $30 and $32.50 Suits and Overcoats. .c:r.:..::... '.....Li,,' 1 1 1 C Fire Sale Price.... . . . . . . . .. . 1 1 d SMity mm ft MUllom Dollar Worth . of Oooda XKcti , Tb llnkit ttmt V tu d1amvm4 M Oi fwHt fimor ot tbc bulldlnc at MMi, oratpM k7 H. M. UndoUbal Son', rinthlac Omnpaar, br tb watrb, md. riainoa wt taa VmdIbc fraaa tna window, a ad by tb tin ta watchaiao tnnmd la a aUrsj tka (In igntd ,11k neb tapldlty aa to aaTalop tb Imrat fkwn. A atrac wind wit blowlw from th aartb and tb flanM alvat oraa Vaa Im atfat, aad fc rtttz Kaba Cat bolldla waa fcnrains wbci tb flnt -tacbaaaat iwhal & 4-11 alarai waa' taa. wltataly tarmd In. Tb UndVBtbat Clotblnc Ocapaiy n. Bird tb tour floor and baaomant at tha balldlnc at t-2 Market atraat, kad b other atorta war aaad bjr BAann fact lire ra i oiht wevvi UDdoatbal ktl nta iMH laaat We Win Sell the H. M. Lindenthal & - - ; Son's Stock . at " " OI-QUARTER ONE-THIRD AWD OWfrHALF Of ItMrXihdefllhil&S6fis Prices LINDENTIIAL'S SHOES, HATS AND FURMSflEVGS AT LESS THAN ONE HALF LIN- )ENTHAL PK1CES LINDENTHAL'S WORKING AND DRESS PANTS ; SMARTEST MODELS OF THE SEASON V .. .we im ay euuiQieciiirere Df arL' Th lea f tb Oearaaajr - alosa will Hat I100.0UO. , . Lindenthal's $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50 Pants. Fire Sale Price ......................... . XIndenthal's $3.50 to $150 Pants. 0 ( Lindenthars $7.50 Pants. """" tf Fire Sale-price. . . . . .,..:' t I eVy ' Fire Sale Price. , ....alpiieV" GOVERflQR OF! IS STRUTTING PUSS IN BOOTS (Continued from Pa) On.) thla. natter tor U of common liumftaMjr. ., ' v. . -.. ... "I bald, ft patrol ot six men aahor today to cuard and aecuro tha a rehires of th Ualtrd State oonaulat. tosetbar w4tb Triy of ! elwartnj; awaf wrcb as. . TMi party. aftr . flnlahtn Ita wrork at th oonaulat. aaatated othar wFkrnir parti to eatch thlTa, rexT arinc from thom ft af. taken from a MtwaJry tor. emitted at IVOM. rroaa of th elty ta taadoqual for th nrot- tlon of prlvat proDertr Aoruated by th (am mot It, name ly, aoramen humanity, 1 abaU direct th medioal officer ef ny (ayauadrM to malm all fforta to aid eaaea of dlatrea whloft perhap do a at com ndr th Observation of yo nedteal orrieera. "I ahaa hftrft preaaar hi ateettnir yeu at the kvenar apyadated. 10 a. av. at head quarter houa. 1 true y pprr my action In thla matter. Tea phedlent aarvant. - ' rReat-Adrnlral," - V abnfcri luoaaav . Th day fol)own. hut Friday. Gov ernor Swcttenham antwered a follow: "Dear admtral:. Thaak rry . much for youf letter, your ktnd can and all the aaaietaM - (tree. t. offered ua. TVhll I moat hrnrtlly appreclat the vary arar ffr t aaeratajape, I ,f H ar araty to aale yoa a r-rhark tb. rrkin patrty and aM prt which yotf htndoeairprompted y to land av- "If ia eonatdetatloa o th vtoe-eon-ul1 ftaalduox ttatlonl to hf family at hlft eoftatry houae. th Aaaavtean eonr aitlat need nuardla. h ymir opinio. altboah h waa preaent and It Waa aot KUitrd) n h,our a (TO, I hav a ob .tlon 1- rf dettalllne; ft fore for tb aol purpoa Of guarding, but th Prty 'mor offenalv than club or atavee for thl funotloB. ' . "t find ynnr work lna;. party waa thl 'mmlr holFlii M. CroMwell )an hta 'iitorev Croanwoli wu dallejhted that tha ' work waa doa without enat. If your ncelny eiwuld remaJn tunc nofh I am aur almoal all the prlvat owner ouia b glad of th aervlcaa ot th navy to aav expense. "It I n longer a question of hu manity; all th dead died day ago aad th work of giving th burial ie mrly a oc convenience. "I would bo glad to accept delivery of th oaf which it la alleged thievea had poaaeaaioa of. Th American vlce-con- aul haa no haowicdga of WU th ator I ctoa to ft aentry poat, and th officer of th pot profeaaea Ignorance of th taciqeni. ... . ... "I believe th polldef unrelllane f th city ia adeqaat for th protection of private property. I may rewind your excellency that aot long ago It waa dis covered tnat thiavwa had lcdrM In aad pillaged th realdenc of aom Nqw Tork mllllonielr during) ala abseac Is the summer, but thla would aot bav tuatl- fied a Brtthrit admiral landing an armed party and aasKUng the New Tork pe llce. . .. . Tl hav tb hoaor to bo, with profound gratitud and th hlgheat reapeot, your obedient aervant. (Htnd) s " ALEXANDER gWKTTENIIAM. 1 , . " "Qovernor.T Keep Admiral Waitkaf . ' . In th meantime th bluejacket had ba laadod; on receipt f ta tttr from th governor Admiral Dart re ailed hi mere and tb Yankton. Bailed away at I o'cloak for Ouatanamo: th battleahlpa left three hoar later. When Admiral Oavta went to Bay geod-by t overor awetunham th Amertoaa wa kept waning IB mmntea. At the end of that tlm. h 4Xt a aaw aag with th governor aid to tha ef feet that, (naawiuch aa he had bei aa uredi that Jamaica uld g4 alaag without aid from America h bad coun termanded President Hooaelt' order reardtna th awnding t th supply abrp Ceitto with beef and provision for th sufferer. At thai moment th . governor ap peared and tha greetln between hhn and tb admiral appeared to b oordial enough. - Ah he veant to hla ship Admiral Davis said he deeply regretted the Mvarnor'a attHadex i "Thor waa nothing for a 4 do but J recall pay men," he aatd. "1. wUi leave the people of Klagstoa to determine (he value of. th sexvloe th United States rendered th unfortunate. "I doubt that tha governor has tb mana to tak car of th situation. It Is arlou very serious; appalling. Bom of th dying are without succor, and the dead are unburled. " , ("What w ware doing must hav been needed; our hospital was ailed, th peo ple wer brought to ua who had been unable to gain admiaslon to tna go' emment hoapltaL Bom were la ft ter rible condition. - wound undreased. In. juries uncared for. They needed relief, and that Immediately." ' . From th first. Governor Swettenham and th local medical men wer oppoaed to th American hoapttal. which- was es tablished in Winchester park last Thurs day; mom than 10 sufferer wer eared for thor. Surgeon Ames la reported te hav said they would accept medical supplies, but wished no American in terferenc. WAITINQ ON BRITISH Preaidmt an 4 Secretary Taft Expect -, i ' 'am Explanation. ..' ' ' (Jowaal SpeeUI Sarvtc.). Washington. D. C. Jan. II. Th pwe of th treatment ef Admiral Davis, rep resenting th United States government, at Kingston, by Governor Swettenham created ft profound sensation her. - At one President Hooaevelt had a eon far arte with Secretary Taft and Asalataat Secretary Paeoo on th affair, but It ta aot Ukaly that aay action will be taktn until word cornea from London. "It la regarded as absolutely certain that some sort of diplomat lo statement will be made, and that aa effort will b made to- expluli th roeaarkabl action ef Ooveraor Swetteahaav Wrd wae reoatvod from Kingston ta the effect that before Admiral Davis sailed tha mayor and ft deputation of ettraeea- waited on hint and assured him that they disclaimed all responatb titty for th governor'a action. It la considered very nnfortunat that there ta no Brltlah ambaasador her; the developments of tha past ft hoar wUI prove the need ot one. Tb city need betp aU It can get Tb tawleeeneaa haa aot ben aua- pressed. Half a dosen negroe attacked a midshipman for th purpos of rob bery and would hav used him badly had he aot drawn a revolver. Loot lac goes on and th polio cannot stop It. Th authorities , ere burning th corpses and from tha fires that ronsam th unfortunate Uft otty gta Its only light. ' . . .... I Many more bodies hav been founu. traoed by watching Tnltare. which hav gathered about the city In dark flocks. When th foul bird alight they rush to tha spot and usually find them feasting on in aeaa . . It la officially announced that th government will not ask Great Britain to punish Governor Bwettenham. SHIPS AT CUANTANAMO Admiral. Davi Sends Hepori to Washington on Conditions. . (Joana! Bvvclal garrteat Washington, D. C, Jan. 11. Th navy department ha Teoelved a- dispatch from Admiral Davis aaytng that th Missouri and Indiana and gunboat , Yankton arrived at Quantanamo thla morning. - I Admiral Davis report to th govern ment had of eonrs no mention of th enrt order to withdraw hi bluejackets. He cabled that th Jamaican authorities declined his offer ef assistance, but that later, by request, ho landed men to pre vent aa alleged mutiny at th pealten. tlary and to guard th consulate. . Speaking ef conditions on tb Island and of tb governor, be wrote: ' A to th social conditions, th gor. eraor. Sir Alexander Swettenham, seems te be a man of great power, Judging from conversation, in that he hold tb situation well In hand. II assure me trier is no need of police protection r relief; declined my offer to land wreck ing party te assist In hospital, 1)01100 street, dear away debris, to bury dead. H told mo thl morning that loa by dead wa 44 actual count; tbera are still many bodies In th ruins. Th Cuban eonaul waa killed, other foreign resident seem to hav scaped.' The American consul is absent. Tb consu late is represented by Tleo-eonsuL X hav a party on shore now guarding con sulate and securing archive. "1 consider It my dnty t remain her for th present t.lenC!i: BRITISH FEElTsORRY Kws paper Ask for tha Itecall ot Governor Swrttenham. (Jnernal ftpeMal rte. London, Jan. SI. Th newspapers are practically unanimous In the declara tion, ttiaj Oovornor SwatUnhara commit ted a arrtevoua blunder In his curt. ear. castl not to Admiral Davis, Tb ex traordinary thing about It Is that the London papers and tha . pulpit hav been loud Uv thanks tor America for her kindness In th appealing disaster. . that ha overtaken Jamaica. Th aWrnors statement that he 1 able to handle th situation alon Is In marked contrast to the report that hav com from tb press correspondents. Of course, th governor acted on hi awa Initiative, and that point la reiter ated by th papers with remarkable unanimity. r, Th Information that 00m ee from Kingston Is to tb effeot that th peo ple r protesting vigorously against Bwettenham' action, but th Time cor- respondent says Swettenham took his cue from the action of tb United State under similar circumstance In San Francisco. The Time also say that tha elty of Kingston asked Admiral Devi to remain. ,! ; Deplored by Brlttsh. . - Th Chroncl say It 1 Impossible to apportion tha responsibility for the misunderstanding, but that th painful ending ofl th mission of mercy la de plored by th British. Th paper hopea the American peopl will tak ft cool view of th facta.' , - t , Th Dally Kxpress aaya tha disaster will become doubly disastrous If It should lead to III feeling between Great Britain and America. Should Governor Swottenham' action b as tnsxousable a appear from th correspondence pub lished, th government would do well to supersede him and offer dlplorpatlo regrets to Washington without delay. Tha Tribune discusses th matter ia the same way and th Time says there la no excuse tor th governor action. except tbat he was unstrung by th ca lamity. There 1 a feeling that Swetten ham should resign, . ' "" "' Pass la Boot. (Journal Rpceial gaul ) Nw Tork, Jan. Jl. A number of peopl arrived from Kingston today and express bo surpris st th action of Governor Swettenham." - Max Magnus, a ho wa on th Island at th ttm of the. quake, said: "It is just what might ba expected of Swettenham. I saw him strutting about in Jack boots, th plotur ot absurdity. Th Americans were doing more than all hla fore to right things." waa without official advices, but If ths story of th Davis affair were true It was a moat regrettabl happening. Klngstdn with provisions, has returned to Guantanamo. ' Mr. Howard. In charge of th British embassy, said he CONTRACT TO REPLACE BRIDGE WASHED AWAY (gpedal Waparcb t The JoemaLt Kelso, wash., . Jan. IL Th Kslso Brtdg company haa awarded th con tract for building tba nw brtdg be tween her and Catlln to J. A. Fasts band, th contractor who- built th old bridge. " taken out by th November floods. Work on th new bridge will begin at one and be pushed. The new bridge will be along the same line as the old on but much stronger and with perhaps a little longer draw. Th new center pier will consist of 175 plies thoroughly braced Instead ot 14, as In the old bridge. The bridge company haa tried to han dle th trafflo between her and Catlln by means of ths old ferry, th launch Edna and rowboata. PASTOR OFFENDS WITH VIEWS ON AMUSEMENTS i, (Special Dispatch t The JeexBaL) Enterprise. Or., Jan. jftTh Her. Ware, In whose church revival meet ing are being held here, ha raised quit a flurry among th church-goers by censuring them for dancing and at tending the roller-skating rink. 80 aerlously did soma persona tak thl reproof that they left th tneetlnca be fore th benediction had been pro nounced. . The meeting ar largely at tended. . . ,. .-. Wrre Near Death. Beaton. Maaa. Jan. 11. The United Fruit ompany's steamer Admiral Same son arrived thla morning with 2t Ameri cans who escaped death in-tha Kings diss start, - -j -. Supply Ship IVtorn. Washington. Jan. IX Tha supply hip Celtic, which wag ; ordered to INDIAN REPEATERS IN v ALLOTMENT OF LANDS (Special tUapatch t Tk JUrnnat.) ' -Pendleton, Or., Jan. tl. Colonel Cyrua Beede, general Inspector in th Indian service, ha arrived in Pendleton to look over the rolls ot sllottee on the Umatilla Indian reservation, ills object In coming here at thla time Is to Kunrd against repeatera tn rnnoootlon with the allotment of the Flathead Indian reser vation in Montana. Hollevltifr there wr Indians rexlatering there who hud al ready been aivn a A m-ti hre. he, came her to lnvot'.s;;i'. It U nil b f ouhd his belief wa well founded. Colonel Beede Is on of th oldest men In ths Indian servlo. having first en tered It In January, VfTL TO .MAKE BAKER COUNTY SEPARATE FAIR DISTRICT (Special Blspateh t Tha Joernal.) Baker City. Or, Jan. tt Senator Hart of Baker City la preparing a bill asking th legislature to make Baker county a separate fair district. Th county is now oomtrfned with Blarney and Grant. H asks for IXtoO for th Baker county fair and 1760 for Harney. Th sums ap propriated ror tn joint fair hereto fore have 'h... tl 90 in. vi.w.- ... - - - ' euiu ev'.-j for Harney, ,.. v- ..- . ,. SUIT TO RECOVER ON .TIMBER LAND DEAL . , , . .. (secelal Dlapateh t The Jearaal.) Elgin, Or, Jan. 11. Tha Hacket Lumber oompany of this plac has fllM a suit against Kst L Brown for $4.a damages, allsglng that James A. Brown. tn dsfemdant'a huah&nS an4 ..,1. h' agent, sold th lumber oompany oaruiin wmoer lanae wnicn. It i claimed, wer misrepresented a to boundarlee and la ether respects. FOR BREAKING EARLY CLOSING ORDINANCE (Kpeelal Steaatch t Th Jearnal.) Salem, Or, Jan. II. J. Connor, pro prietor of the Willamette hotel, hm been fined $10 by City Recorder Moore for violating the new early t'loeirur aaloon ordinance. aWAaxBjggg:-' Oa!(s Rink, Ten!"' Six Days Hr First rc of the t.' . start at 1 . tnn!nt kitting hff.ire hi. 1. ' -.. m run in nut, ! , , Mutrh races . y lon't mi H t winners ton!'.'. Aflml.e n !