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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
2." niE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, MONDAY' EVENING. JANUARY 21, Ud7. BRYAN WILL SPEND TWO BUSY DAYS IN PORTLAND Whea Ha, Is Not Speaking Ha Will Be Dining or Shaking Hands HWith Welcoming Throngs at the Imperial Hotel v: ; v ' v.' ' :'".:'v fe'V During His Stay. v.; ; r; ' From the time that William Jennings Bryan arrives- in Portland tomorrow until he leavea for California Wednes ' Day ha will bave but few hour of rwt Practically aU of tbe tlma apent here k. win ha before the public Hla iin,r. will be as" follows: ' - ' ' ' Tuesday Arrtvaa In , Portland from . Tacoma. 4:10 p. m.; apeak at the White T, a b. m. Subject. , ("The Ola World and IU Way." ''"' ' Wadnaadav tAddreas to Elks at Elks' " hall. 10 a. at.; nubile reception at tha Imnerlal hotel. II to" 1 p. m.: leaves for Ealera. 4:li p. m. . ' Thursday, Address berore Joint a Ion of tha atata legislators In the fore noon: leaves at tl a.: m, and glvee 10- mlnute. ., platform, addreaa at -Albany itmn (ha arrival of the train. . ' " ' "Friday Addreaa lit forenoon before Bute university at Eugene; t-rotnute addreaaea-aV-Oranta-'Paaa and Ashland In the afternoon, ':- V, , ''-. . William Jennlnga Bryaa will be Port land'! guest of honor tomorrow. Final ' ' arrangements between tha bead of. the t various committees, 1 which will extend I the hospitality of the Boae City to tha : Nebraska statesmen and bis wife, have . been completed and await their coming, 4 . . Commit tea arrangements , relative to , the former presidential candidate a re I ceptton and disposition of his time while " ' In Portland have been made so , that 1 nothing, so far aa ran be aeen now, will occur to mar the harmony of his visit - bare . and the" heArty.good will 'with ' which he will be met by Portland pop- Tblniomlng-tt- v definitely de- "elded to seat Mr. Bryan as the guest of honor at a luncheon which will be given ' for him at Wataon'a restaurant some time Wednesday before his departure. Mr. Watson is an old time friend of the , Nebrankan, linked elbows with him dur 4 Ing his previous visile to Portland and . haa been a gueat at the letters home ' In Lincoln. . Aa soon aa Mr. Bryan arrives here he will become Mr. Watson's guest at the ' Imperial, and It was through the latter principally that arrangements bave been r made for the luncheon. Plates will be laid for II and thia number will Include - the beads pf .various reception commit tees which have been appolntedoto look ' after the ste teaman's welfare and a few others. , If his time permits, Mr. Bryan will be dined In thla way several times . before taking" his "departure. "" ESCORT TO STATE LINE Committer of Democrats Will At " ; "' f. ' tend Xebraskan. - 1 "'" ' ("perlal Da-patca te TW Joaraal.) - Salem,. Or., Jan. Jlv A oommlttee ef prominent Democrats has been appoint ed to meet W. J. Bryan at the state line , and escort hira through the state. The committee will give him Into the care "of the Portland committees at Portland, which will escort him from there-to ' Balem an! to other points until the California line le reached.. - Mr. Bryan will leave Eugene, January ' 14 at midnight. He will make platform addresses - at Albany, Ashland and , .Grants Paas. .... . '. - - The committee la aa follows: Senator M. A. Miller, chairman; Everett Hicks, Grant: J. C Foley. Harney) J. D. Old- well, Jackson; X O. Booth. ' Josephine; Judge Qeorge Baldwin. Klamath r Dr. Barnard. Lake; J. U Mattock, Lsine; W, a Peterson, Llnooln; Will R. King. Mai. heur; J.-B. Messick. Baker; B. r. Ir vine. Benton i. J. K Hedges, Clackamas; John H. Smith. Clatsop; Wr B. Dillard. Col limb la; A. J. Sherweod, Coos; W. A. Booth. Crook; 8. B. Masters. Curry; Dexter Bice, Douglas; Judge S. Dunne. Gilliam; W. H. Holmes, Marlon; Bam K. Van Vector. Morrow; Alex Sweek. Mult nomah; Oscar Hayter, Polk; R. U Camp bell. Sherman: B. O. Snuffer, Tillamook; W. F. Matlock, Umatilla; Turner Caiver, Union) W. D. Shehan, -Wallowa; .Judge A. 8. Bennett, Wasco; W. H. Wehrung, Washington: P. L. Keeton. Wheeler; Charlea V. Galloway. TamhllL . .; BRYAN REACHES TACOMA Arrives From Seattle and Attend ' But Commltt Meeting. ' (ftperUI Dbtpatca Tha Josre.I V Tscoma, Wah.. Jan. 21. William J. Bryan arrived bare from Seattle. thla morning. , He , was met by Mayor Wright and a large committee or prominent Tacomans. After being es cort ad to the hotel. Mr. Bryan - at tended the meeting of the state Demo cratic committee, which adjourned at noon. The nubile reception then fol lowed.: after wMch came the banquet, lasting from 1 to I p. m. Mr. Bryan delivered the only speech at the banquet' and It was one of the most Important addresses delivered by Mm In the course of his western trip He Will address a missionary meeting this evening-and afterward lecture, leaving for Portland at midnight. Mrs. Bryan, was, given a reception by the Tacoma women this afternoon. : JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 i :. AU Depurtmeiit Co Jfow Be I -f Beached Through Number. .1. Call Main TITS when you wish -: to telephone to any department of The JournaL . ; ' ' A private exchange haa been "Installed, in The Journal office ( with : enough trunk lines to ; accommodate the constantly In-., creasing demands upon the tele phone service, " " . Tell the operator whom you ' wish to speak to. and she will , connect you St once. ' .Remember. Main 7171 is the 1 new number of aj.1 departments ' ' of The JournaL , 7. CUT OFF SALARY OF GRITZfilllCIIER Council Plans to Compel Mayor Lane to Appoint a Permanent Chief of Police and Threatens to Eliminate Pay of Captain Now Acting Chief,", FJREMEN EXERCISEzTO- KEEP FREE OF LAZINESS X - 4 't ? Auer meir nrenuoni ween or e fires during the cold weather. ,A nre department feila ths - - lack of exercise that Is enforced 4 ' ) on them now. ' The apparatus e , a.vfrom No. 1 haa not had a call e , e4 slpca 1 o'clock Friday morning,' e e and for fear of "going stale ' the . e i e 'truck was sent out this noon for ' e some exercise. The sight of the e three big - botsea dashing up e ' yiftU street created -tne-twiprew- e . slon that there must be a fire, - for Portland people 4iave become - e -4 -used to seeing e busy Are de-' e ; 0 a partment. e .'. - - : ; e e e e INDEPENDENT PHONE COMPANY-REORGANIZED . ..-(RomUI Dtosatea The Joareal.V . La Grande, Or., Jan. .Jhe Home Independent Telephone . company has been Incorporated with a capital stock of 175,00. The Incorporators are W. H. Behenkamp, W. J. Church, S. D. Crowe, WUliam Miller and J. L. Cavlnesa. Thla Is essentially the Vergers Phone com pany on an expanded basis and the new company will absorb the old one. Tht Vergere company has expended about 138.000 In building the Independent sys tem In Union and Wallowa counties. ' About as much more is to be expended In - extensions . and Improvements. The principal office of the eompany will be at La Grande. . ' Box Factory to Be Enlarged. . (ftptrlal DtoBstch U The Joarasl.) ' Salem, Or Jan. SI. The Salem Bog A Lumber company haa bought a tract from the .Vogal Lumber company con taining a" residence and planing mill The box factory will be moved from Ua present location- la Mouth Salemto the new site near the Southern Pacific depot and will be expanded and Its capacity-Increased. The-growing--de mand for apple boxes and berry crates Is the cause ef the enlargement Of the Industry. . E m k WIMP? pCTplcxing, Bewitderingr, Iimfoundirg and Ctavindng Is : the Work of a Wonderful Man Now in Portland Hudson ' the Clairvoyant Proves Marvelous Revelations to Skeptics. Itosj raialnsabla Flflk evraue. New Terfe, te ' tke eaelnaM orntar at rorllaad Is sat sack s wise stretch eltse la SleUae r degree. The mm taktag et sock s Joaraey by soy see of s thotmad prewlaeot laa-rer. poUtlrUoa ar klaft ef riDior from the greet netropolU weald be smtwr at arery Ut acenrrenee, can farrh bat ersst. If eny, eoainirat. Sot whea a sua srrlTes was haa ausdfted tha aamrtait t,t nnhm' aiaart set, eaaaMl s fever ef he. wllAerlns tiiowt t peaetrale tke arrln. 1 1 'i i i.r i r nt staid W IMetaa, to the Itaek Par etolrlrt, IW trvm a-tting Waaallttte ' lt t with perplnlty sad weoaar. It i lime t ' .It as sed take auttca." H.-Ijwb. tha CUIrrariat, ke atylaa hlmlf. rv. aha have sot hla la kla errrf. ailasal caM-lty call htal "Hueaoa. th Wlaaes.' -i.l4 a raceat ealler St hta efni Is Fort. nd. "Mi name" "Eintts ana." aald 1',.i.on. inlerrautlns her, "jroar Sana Is J ana . at'iiwr." njM whKii Mlaa Jane -"-la(l'in 1a alranse sea 1 flit ft aB4-llit. Hla taaatery of In a.. a atart sad uh UtuiUTe kaewlle ef smsipt Ir riiywaa apredlly rrvlvrd r W laaj af aaaetratlaa far sraater thaa one eeent and ana'a peroenal sffalrs exceed the paaatbllltlM at any ectrsce ar arqalrad stady. Tha prableas ef real Ufa that sarnie eawry Individual at ose tlma ar asather are made te seeaa aa Both In f whea Budaoa has laaleated the caaa sad solnted aat the proper conns te Kreae. Hla advice la mock aoagkt after h aa who hava haaliieaa, lefal or flnaarlal alfrti-alUn, dtaapttotatmeaui la leva. atarrUaa, dlnirra or dfimeatle Ufa. Those eesarated ratrajiead or noabla to attract the abject of thalr deelre sad affeptlna aftes Soak his esaa sal with ameet ratUUf raaulta. Ia the selertlae - af loeatlea seaoa t chases s selshharheod where ladies or fentbi-SK-a may ")ut drop In." without sttrartlns tha attantlos or helns subleeted to tha sahltrUy that won I a a rite froaa ulUag s larfa hotel. Hie erflrea la the Benena bloek, at tfitH Morrtsns treat, earner rift a -street, are eea. trally loeated, sad arc aa arranged that sailers Seed Beet o oae sat Bsdaaa Is penos. . He has ahready been vie! ted fey many ef ant foremoat rltiaeaa, who iweueauea the anaalnrttia rerdlvt lhat ka h almply a woonrt wha at tha eatae time hewlldvra, convinces ssd dumb found seerrsaa. , The writer la ran el a, ad that all Wha vWt Radanq will' (eel sissy UsmS tsgaid for U swaU lea wyuded, . . . The council committee on wts and means boldly Invaded . the executive branch of the olty government today, and told Mayor Lane that he had to ap point a chief of police and If be did not do so the present acting chief, Carl Urits ma cher, would In the future receive nothing' mora than a-captain's salary. The chief, the committee's, order ran, mnat be appointed or no provision for bis salary would be made. , ' v. We ought to have a chief." said Councilman Rushlight when the matter was-taken up. "I move that we appro priate $2,400 for the chief's salary for the year." . , "I'll second tha motion In order to get it before the house,"' said Councilman, Bennett Tlt say-right now, though." ne added. "I'll vote against It waen it mnca UB.M'e wjxt.ajUllefcperina- nent chief and no acting-chief goes. e Bond tfp stow. There la nd reason why an acting i chief should draw a chiefs salary," de clared Chairman Wallace and Council man Gray in chorus. "And," - added Gray, "an acting chief cannot give us the service that we might expect from permanent chief." "Worse thaa that." said Bennett The acting chief puts up no bond to In demnify the city , for damages that might arise from false arrests. The charter requires the chief to give a bond In the sum. of 110.000. There le no bond now for the protection of the city." The motion wss put and lost. Bush- light voted for It, and Gray and Ben nett against It. Masters was absent. :i."sve 'To Dataottvee." " "We ought to provide for the detec tives," said Rushlight, after the chief talncy matter had been disposed of, "We must pay good salaries In order to get good men. - The lives of the people should not be jeopardised by poor polics service." - ' "We 'have '-no detectives," rejoined Gray, tartly. ' "We have nothing but plain clothes ,wen.. When the detective bureau Is established we may mane an nnronrlatlon." " -" - - ---.- RushllKht'a suggestion-- was -oroppea. The total appropriation for the- police department was ' fixed at 1171.700, or about f.0 less than the amount the tsg 1evy-vrlll produce. An appropriation of ,000 waa reoommenaea xor toe new east side ' station at Union and HolU- dav avenues and appropriations were also made for minor miscellaneous ex penses. ' h 1 - ?. - THAW GOES TO COURT --MANACLED TO OFFICER ''. 4Jsarnal Special garvtea.) ' New Tfork, Jan. II. A tremendous crowd fathered., to see. Harry Thaw when be--was taken from the prison to the court bulldlngito plead to the charge of. wilfully, killing Stanford White. Aa ths millionaire walked across the Bridge of Sighs e was manacled, and hla wrist was bound by a steel chain to that of a guard.- V This corroborated District - Attorney Jerome's statement to ths effect that millionaire murderers received no more privileges thaa did hobo thuga The - courtroom was filled, and --the people who had places of vantage from which they could see the prisoner ar rived very early In the morning, and held their seats. -The arraignment was purely formal. The plea will be temporary Insanity, and will be entered on Wednesday, when the trial -will begin. District Attorney Jerome believe the trial will be ahort, and says ths case Is simply one of brutal murder, whlch can easily be proved. : KELSO PRESBYTERIANS" TO HAVLTNEW CHURCH , (Kpeet.i Dlesatefe te The Journal.) Kelso, Wash.. Jen. II At a banquet given by the ladles of the Presbyterian church to the men of the church at the Ma son fo hall, nearly 10 guests were present. The purpose of the ban quet was te discuss the building of new and up-to-date church wdlfice. After the cloth was removed ' R. W. Smlta. acting as toastmaster, called on various persons for speeches on topics relating to the "building of the new church. - Many enthualastlo talks, were given. Judging from which Kelso will. In the near future, unquestionably have an elegant new Presbyterian church. GAS AND COLD KILLS THE WHOLE FAMILY J (Jonraal social Bar Tree.) ; Calgary. Alberta, Jan. IL--A terrible tragedy waa revealed to the police when they broke open ths home of Edward Ferdinand, proprietor of a tannery. For a day or so nons of the members of the family had ben seen, and an inves tigation showed Mr, and Mrs. Ferdinand and a 'hew-born babe ' dead, and two sons so badly froien that they died while on the way to the hospital. - . It Is believed the family had first been overcome by coal gas, and had then succumbed to ths cold., BOY WITH SMALLPOX - . FOUR DAYS ALONE (Special rdapatck to The Journal.) ' Walla Walla, Wash.. Jan. SI. Neg lected and shivering in a cold, cheerless room In one of the. local lodging-houses, a lf-year-old boy named Luther Ham was discovered by Dr. B. B. Shew and on examination It was found the lad bad a mild ease of smallpox. He had been sick tons days, without food or attendance. He was In ths employ of a local cycle company until be became 111. Nothing la known of bis parents. . -.a. i.i , - ', Pastor Cllf fe to Legre 6alem. (Special' Dtapafce. te The Joenul.) Salem, Or, , Jan. Jl-j-Rev. F. W. Cliffs has tendered his resignation to the trustees of ths First Baptist church, to take ' effect Immediately. He will leave this week to visit relatives at Rochester, New fork. At Its last meet ing the Ministerial nnlon paased reso lutions of regret- He has been hers more thaa four years and ths church Is most prosperous. , -.-. - , i a ii - . Aatomobile Show In California. (Journal gpeclst servlea.) "Los Angeles, CaL, Jan. 21. Ths first show of ths Automobile Dealers' asso ciation of Southern California opened teOajr wlU mere Una 11,00 sijuare (est SKIDMORSL'S SOoVIR ' J " . , a W . . SALZ, ELASTIC STOCKINGS TOR ROLLER SKATERS If you have tired or wtak Joints or muscles, from any cause, an clastic bandage will -furnish support and relief. We sell the goods of C W. White ft Co., "the best nude.. ": 7- Silk Wn'ntVre' :,:. l.QO Anklets ... $2.00 Knee Caps v Garter -Legging .mm . .f SB.OO Garter Hoe i....3.00 Knee Hoee ............. ..8.00 -Thigh Hose i'.;..f IO.OO SOAPS i Gypsy Violet Soap,, box 3 144 Round Violet Soap, each "J Transparent Glycerine -,,..'.'. Tar Soap, S-og. and 10-oe. cakei. T..,,.. ;f and ? Oatmeal Soap, Colgate's .............8 Perfumed Soap, round, box 3.,, f Shaving Soap,. Colgate's. ......... ;...18e ;This is not a sale of odds and ends, but you arc afforded an opportunity to ' siJect fron a complete up-to-date stock at reduced pricesWhy notftake ' advantage of this reduction, buy now and SAVE MONEY? - This sale will include . everything in Bristle Goods, Rubber Goods, Leather Goods, Cutlery, SoapsSponges, Perfumery, Toilet Powders, Complexion Creams, Toilet Articles of every ; description.; ' V ' ' ; CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FACE VALUE : To every purchaser of 50c worth or more we give a SOUVENIR PLATE, except with patent, medicines and a few contract goods. These plates are six inches in diameter, without advertiie- , ment of any character, and of a design and quality that make them an attractive decoration to the most handsomely furnished table. , . . Yon will find here a few of our special prices, but our general stock Is subject to a discount of from 20 to 40 per cent, .except patent medicines, graphophonea, records and gome photographic supplies.. "'"'" " Vv,'.,'" ' . -'...:','-.'. .';. SHAVING SUPPLIES Ragors, guaranteed . . . .................. 8 Razors, high grade , f 1.68 Gem Safety Razor, guaranteed......... $1.66 Kazor itrops.........esea7, exfi o.f, and ujl ' Castile Soap, per lb Castile. Soaphigh , fjuality, per lb TOILET PAPER- ,-;, '-:. ;''V': :.' ' V. -;' Per dor. Corona, 6-oz. roll ....... ...... .4? Aurora. 7-o. roll.;..,.V....'.K3 Strand. 8-oz. roll ...... ..... T Economic, og. roll 83. HospiUl, lOoz. roll.-....v:.8 AVashmgtcnv44-o.olIf,t!84 A. W. P. 3,000 Sheets with fixture e......3.00 Columbia, SOO flat sheets...... 3e Globe, 1,000 flat sheets......; 88 Medallion, 1,000 yery soft - - sheets ... .. fl.1T A.;W. P. 1,500 flat sheets... fa.OO SURGICAL SUPPLIES titw York -Elastic-Trust- Water Pad T7'T g i 8 Nev -Yorlc -Elastic Water Pad. double fl.68 Spring Trusses, leather covered .. 86y 1.88 Spring Trusses,leatlrer covered," double .......... f 1.84, 2.73 Abdominal Supporters., f 1.48 up Lather Brushes ......13?. 18, 33, 58, T8e Shaving Mugs,Uw14V le, 24e, 3Te, 03 RUBBER GOODS ' Hot-'WateragsysekT-w-qtr-geS-qt.- flg. qt. .........,.'...6e Hot Water Bags, white, 2-qt T8e, 3-qt 88, 4- qt. ...... ........... ..... .;,.es Hot Water Bags, red, best grader2-qt f 184, 3-qt. f 1,34, 4-qt. .81.44 t ; ' Fountain Syringes 3 pipes B5f , p8f T8f v v ... . . , - Rapid '' "'"'" Flow 88e 98 f 1.08 Red.. r T-. - trade f 1.32 f 1.42 f l.Saf j Combi- .. ;' i1,..;"-,-". nation,'.-' white f r.33 f 1.43 $1.53 Combi- ' -' -4 . - , . nation; "''- ' "- red ..f 1.04 f 2.04 8 2.14 s DRUG CO lilrTHIRD STREET- RALPH CRYSLER, Proprietor -HERE-IS A COULD HEIRESS 41' - . t ' . I , T J ,;- ' .-; " 7 : Ni ' ' i ' ' 1 . -v - fill A . . - i4'i " v- - It I - ' SX A. 1 :V ;e) Tf W'- '" -..a .-. - I "i S Vi: ' i : ' -:' ' ' This picture Is from a miniature painting of Miss Marjorle Gould, eldest , daughter of George Gould, who has recently started on a yachting trip ' with her parents. Miss Marjorle Is as enthusiastic a sailor as her brothers are In polo and athletics. . ' . . ef floor space occupied ' with exhibits that represent nearly all the prominent automobile manufacturers and the mak ers of Urea, tops and other accessories. Charged With Uxoricide. " ; i ' (Journal Special Kerrlre.) Corinth. Mlsa.. Jan. .si At the term of the circuit court which convened to dar William Wroten, who eluded the officers of the law for over three years. 111 be plsoed on trial for the murder ef his wife. ' Domestio troubles had led to the separation of Mr. and Mrs. Give DrGravcs' Tooth Powder - . .' a '''! ' - 'Mt . one trial ana you win use no other. Makes yellow teeth white, clean and beautiful. "Society and your health, demands its use twica-a-day'Tsa the dentists say. 1 0 bottles, toe. Ia handy metal Or. firavfis' Testh Ptrdsr Co. '1 rrr 3 Wroten. ' On" December 1, IMS', her dead body was found on the roadside with a aruiishot wound In the breast and the throat cut. Wroten was suspected but no trace of ' Mm could be found. Two weeks afo be was discovered llv intT quietly within IS or 7 miles of the scene of the-erlroe. 1 ., CHILD LABOR BILL 1 . INDORSED BY MINERS 's (Jourasl S pee Servlea.) ' 'Indianapolis. Ind., Jan. 11.- The reso lutions committee of the miners' con vention decided that the Beverldfe child labor bill ia the best offered and will Indorse meny of the Ideas ' of ' tha measure. Senator Bevertdse will not peak on ths bill In the senate today as was his intent, but will take It. op Wednesday. , HOW BUSINESS GROWS . AT KELSO STATE BANK ' (Special Dlspawi te Te Jearaal.) Kelso, Wash., Jan II. At a meeting of tbe directors of the Kelso Btate bank twe new assistant cashiers were sp pointed to meet tbe demands of the In rreaslnt business. I N. Plamondon of Kelso and - U. A. Knight, of Taooma were chosen. Mr. Plamondon baa been In tbe bank for some time aa book keeper and Mr, Knight comes from the ; " - " . '. " ", ' ;; ' e ALL : COPIES 0 F"LI KE 1 LOVE YOU" ARE ALREADY SOLD OUT ' Evidently hundreds of people were In terested to know yesterday how the song writer loved the object of his af fections, for early In the day aU the copies Of tbe musical supplement. "Like I Love You." were sold, out- Thla was the first of the series f supplements aad the' rapid sale and great demand was A. surprise. '" Next 8unday tbe sonr, "My Love ' I Dare Not TeH,N'wlll be added to the list, and It Is said to be -prettier tKan tbe first sonr. It Is a sons; of ths sen timental ballad type, and should be or dered early in the week by those who wish to secure a copy. Orders may be left at The Journal oflVoe, or may be Biven by telephone. Main "l?t. The amp. plement Is only It pentft a. week. . 1 The UUes Of this series are as fol lows: "Like I Love You.- by Nathan and Gordon; "I've Got My Eyes On You," by Theo." F.' Morse; "The mane With the Ladder and the Hose.- by T. Mayo Geary; "The Army of Poaoe," by Theo. ' F. Morse; "You KnoVw Who I,-. Love," : by- tv Mayo- Geary i "Your Dad ... Gave His Life for His Country." "In the Moonllcht With the Girl You Love." by . Theo. F. Morse; "EVry Morn I Brina " Her Chicken," "My Love I Dare Not Tell," "What'd Tot Do.;Wid De Letter. Mr. Johnson T" by M.I K. Bosenfeldj "Just an Ob) 8weetheart of Mine," by T. Mayo . Geary; "When tbe . Moeklns; Birds Are Slnsina."- "The Lily and the Rose," by M. H. Rosenfeld; "Love s Own Bweet War." by Tbeev F. Morsel "Hajfpy HooUcan.',' , ,. . Paotflo National bank of - Tacoma. A. O. Buher, who haa been assistant cash ier for several years, has severed bis connection and will move to southern On ton. where be haa taken up a very valuable homestead. - Six-Day Races Tonight. T Bis race at Oaks rink' starts at t:ll tonight. . Races run 10 minutes. The lona-looked-for professional roller skatlnf rink rsoa meet - will -have its opening- race, tonight at the Oaks rink. The big event has been, carefully arranged and every fletall that will lend speed ,10 me twe racers nas been pro vided. These racers represent . the largest rinks In the west and the Pa clflo coast championship will be de cided. There la 11.009 at stake on tbe race and every racer wants to win. Come out and start your score card to- nigm: pica your wmnsr early; don't miss a night. There wilt" be match races, hurdle raoesi relay races, tandem races and comedy races every afternoon, tnen admission free. At night admis sion 10 cents, skates fS cents, . ' , Editor Trial. V (Joamal Special Serrlpe.) Paterson, N. J., Jan. 11. Lulgt Oal llonl, charged with complicity In the silk dyer riots la 101. was placed -on trial today under six Indictments, In cluding one for shooting and twe for assaulting an officer. After the riots Oalllonl disappeared and only recently was found to Barre, Vermont, where he was editing an Italian paper. It le a mistake to drink poor eoffaSv -e o....iii' y . - 1 aiw uvuuiui a pii -Pollco Clnb Over Russia. . . 1 ' (Joarsal Speeisl Servlre.) . St Petersburg, Jan. 11. The author ttles are tsklng every precaution to pre vent and repress any pnblie disorder tomorrow on the occasion of tbe second -snnlversary of "Red Sunday. "All pub llo meetings have been prohibited and a warning haa been Issued against 1 tbe congregation of crowds in the streets or other publlo plaoea, . - Ft ef erred anook Oaaaed Ooods. ' Allen A Lewis' Beet Brand.' - Fuel Scarce at Condon. ' " (SpecUl Dlsvateh te Tha Journal.) Condon, Or., Jan. C The people et Condon are feeling the effects of the eoal famine. Both- the Arlington Lumber eompany and the Interior Warehouse ars completely out of coat with, . but ' little prospect of securing any for soma time to come. Freighters are hauling wood from the mountains and will doubt- ; less supply the residents of Condon with -fuel until coal can be had. - ,' r-SPlliIiL OTo-1 lV,-eJWei jl i,saw-eaea WJ , sasssaaaaaaa. i n i ' . v v r my r r w. I ' V rV-.,l I f V Allcock't Plaster has a fine aromatic odor because it's made of tbe choicest materials that can be had it cures because it's made of the right material. , Just smell one, that s all you have to do to compare it 'With other plasters. Your sense of smell -will tell you which is best. :.;;. PIASTER It aMMBER cures' are theerlg Inal and getmiae porass plas ters tk StuUri tmUnat Kimidy. Tbejr bave fctea la aaa lor 6e years, aa are siadaeiabaolately the aaraat and seat nslertsls, sad Caaraaiaaad eseW tke Pere Feed aad Prase Aat. JaaeSO,ltoa. Serial Ne. IS. ':. -. rr CW'ta, MxMtuntii, V4dU, Diitbuu, AUigtiti, c,tmkt randreths Pills stsbllsKed 17Sa A Laxative and a eBlead Tanla lach pill contains oae grals et solid eatrart nl sarssne - rills, whlrb, wHa ether valuable veaetibls praducta. saake ' its bleed penaerof escslieMtasrsctsr.