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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
THL OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, 1907. ;- A: Clearing rignse' The Modern Dailv NewsD-iDer Is the Medium Human Need. The Journal Is That Medium - The country lass who thought that "all ha had to do was to com to th "city" and all doors would stand opn to lucra tlvo employment finds her little fund running- low while she still -stands be wildered, and then some good chance brings her to the newspaper. - I-siiles to wprk at home-to make aprons, to address envelopes such an advertisement appeals to the woman r who wants to add her mile to the fum lly Income and who works hard all dny at the household tanks and then bends her flagging; enorglcs to eke- out a few pennies when the day's work la over. Whatever the nerd, here is the place supply It. -In former times people -used to store away in the garret all . the outgrown pieces of furniture now they . mention them In an advertisement and . there Is an. easy exchange . of ownara . f J. A-'--C- -- :-Li' -if This reproduction shows that there la much human Interest In a "want ad." Over 100 replies cam In answer to thla ad and tha little tot no doubt Is now comfortably Installed In some good borne through a Journal "want ad." She oertalnly had a goodly number of boarding-houses opened to her from which to select a permanent and restful abiding; place ,---. -.- -; - -. . - - . ., FOR SALE FARMS. 100-ACRg rellnqatsbmeet, g mllee from rn- Hwnt-WMCT ceuiUT'.-tood Tiew koaui. t-wire feaee, bant, cellar, well with Dnmo: 1M tnw under plow: will sell for coat ef improvements, sine opportunity u yea waat improved turn, Adaroas O lis. ear nil. rOR BALM BT OWWSB 41 acres, 4S la cntrl vattao; good bnlktlnn; located SH , mil" - Boruiean or uanny. - . u ea er Mreas J, w. Brlsca, Oretoa City. J ft. r. D. Ke. 1. : ONI ef toe best naetiea In eaatera Orecoa, tmproreit, - S00 scree, 60S Seres fine bottom land, abendanre ef water, at a barrla. d nm U. aVCateey, sat. Baker City, Or. .T " ' B0ME8TBAD. Obenr d'Alene HraerTetloa will choice land, 23 miles from Spokane. Coeor d'Alftne Reearratlon Inforsiatloa Agency, 11-ia szeoange oaaa siag., Bpasaae, waaa. . SUNHHINB Orawra ercharda, eaeae land and goTarnmeat trrlgatioa. Oriand. Calif orn Is, s booming, rare 17 rrom rortlaaa. W. W, I'LL sell er trade 100 acres wheat land, 4 . , noraea ana imp i meats ror valley und. Write to 0. at. Chriatenaoa, Toangs, Oragoa. TIMBER. Now Get Busy y n.000 seres, eat TOO.000,000, heavy fir sad cedar, all la solid body; (s.OO per acre. $'13,200 acre, fine cedar and snrnce; good k arbor and mill sites) fo.M per sere; orolae ever 1.000.000, ono feet. 12.800 arrea. fir, cedar, epraee end Bemlork; cruise KiO.aoO.OoO; on salt water, good bar tor and mill site; 7 per acre. , 20.400 acrea, on salt water, easy logging, TOO.000,000, gg per acre. - Ifl.OUO acres, nr. cedar, pnire, floe sarbon and booma, easy logslng. $11.60 par acre. $.700 acres, all oa water, fir, eedar and snrere, Wt.OoO to the acre, easy logging, good harbor. gft.SO per sere. $.840 acres, miles water frost, 25,000 per acre, $ per sere. t 1.2)) arrea, ea salt water; fir, cedar and sentee, 00 per cent cedar, eaay logglnf ; fine eincie propgaltloDi eat 30,000,000; . JO per "ecre. ' $.120 a eras, all ea water, good harbor, eaay logging, $0,000 pet aero; price fe per sere. T.MS acres, ea sslt water, fine for snd cedar. 80 per cent fir, finest quality, $2T per acre. $.T0 sere, froots ea lake, fir and cedar, erntte laO.UO0,0OO; price $ per sere.. $,100 acre, very floe fir and cedar, 10,000 . per acre; price $T.$0 per acre. 10.NHO acres, on river, $00,000,000 . fir, spruce, cedar and hemlock i good harbor, eaay lot-red: MM. - 1.2M) acre, on water, fir, cedar, sprace, hemlock, 25.000 per ssre; eaay logged, good harbor; price $3.V). Ixsa hrwKlat $12 at the mill; here le you chance I oaver will there be each soother. - Schuyleman &. Co. - Pacific Ooat Timber Dealers, - , ' 22TH Waablugtoa St. TO OWKgHS ef timber clalme and timber W will boy for eaah any good timber trlhatary T to Nabalem rivers will deal . with owners . only; no ethers seed answer. Write, giving fall partlralare. to Boa $,' U. P. Utloa, PorUaod. Oreana.-. . . ... WANTEDTtmeered land, large aad small tracts; rncreaponqewc eoiiciifNi. m . o. mar A C.. $1$ went eta at., ixm aageies. CaL . - t cgRTinicn orrln, ay else, lowest prions. O. HoweU, $M Chambes ef Commeree. Big Snap SHU acrea jeuow pine, w miui. mm Klamath ceenty; over 8.000 00O yellow pine: ear new railroad anrvey; $2,000 If takes at one, ueente w. iMioe. lenny, irreann, FOR 8 ALE LIVESTOCK. fOB 8AI. 4, head yeaag eatllet one win b freah soea. 122$ aat Mala at. - A FEW thormgbbred Barred Rock cocker la sad pallet sell. Phone Baat 4TT. , mz i 1 1 i 11 11 HORSES, VEHICLES, HARXESS. B0M end borglee for rent by dy week . and month; epeclal rates to knalaese-beQeae. glith and. Hawthorne. East 12. LARDg horaa, bameas and wsgnn: a tne ea ms eotnt. H. IL. 8 ton a, 12M atlaseaou are.. North Alblne. I boy. !!. real, eretiasfe bore, wnffnaa, 'aedolr. baraeaa. Bolxrt A Balk Sod th at. f-ARNgt" VKTRRIXART HOSPITAL, $ Ollaan t. rhonee Mala lM-a3T, MTfES AND INVESTMENTS. ' CftgCB D'AI.ENB MININO STOCK 4 I am alwaro Is tha market either te bey er-eH sny active mining atock) loan Bade ' -o. Hated a.cnrltlea. . T. P. BROWN, 01 tftlap Idg. . The boy goes to college no use storing a bicycle four years put an advertise ment In the dally paper. The baby has outgrown her crib. - Put an advertise ment In the paper. Do you need a stove or an automobile, or a go-car tT Go to the advertising window and your want will receive the attention of? those who can supply lust those things. All day long and every day the Inter change of want and supply between Che members of the whole big buman family goes tin over the counter, of The Jour nal s advertising window. The clearing-house for want of all kinds la the modern daily paper. Where else can on Bud such diversity of de stresT The manager of a wholesale house who wants a porter, the house keeper seeking; help la the kitchen, the person who looks for employment. In WANTKI-To Ttna Bord tor a baby girl years ef age, la a good fanUly. O 101, cars ' joaraaL - . . MCSICAIi INSTRUMENTS. WHY shooM yea look for s a, rood-hand plane direct fnn the Aa'dfactarers'fi.r leMaioneyf Keed-Prencb Plane Manafaetarlng Company, ' "lYom maker to player." Sixth aad Banulde. FOR SALE MISCEIXANHOUS. FOR SALB Chatham mcobators and brooder, M daja-free trial. Gee. W. roott, $21 Bast Morrlaoa aC. Partlaad. t W B print year same on HO calling cards, proper la and ryle, $0e; 250 baslneae card, $1. ' A. W. gchmal Co.. 22 Pint. Portland. Or. al inHU-ein, a,v" are mmi ape, Third -rt -boUdlng, $30. laqolrs US' Kurth SKEEN Ehtctrle Works, ISth end .Waah. eta. Phon Paclde 1TA Kaw and aeeond-hnd electrical goads bought, sold aad exchanged. SEWING MACHINES bonrht. sold sad- ex- i ehanred, $5 aad as. Wastsra Salvage Co., -9 waaaingroa sa IHOWCASK8. eoantera. fixture. kMrht,. sold or exchanged. Western Balvags Co, 2T Waahlngtoa at. Paclfle TOX BILLIARD AND POOf, tables for rent ar for nie on eaay payment. TUB BRUN'SWICK-BAUCFJ COLLBNSXB CO, - 49 Third tn Portland. 50 8UOHTLT damaged sewtng-mschtnes st very low price; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic White. Hooaehold, Davt and . ether; te make room for new atork Wheeler WUaoa and Singer. S. S. Slgel. SU ktor - rlpoat.. Marquam hldg. . BOLDEN'S RBEHMATIO CURE Bore i rheomatlam. Sold by all drnggiata, tot CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Bible aad prayer-book a. . Bylsad Bros-. 32 XamhUl at - -- PITB copte nepnlar ainale. TBe postpaid. Levy's Mails Bone. 171 Poartk. . SELP-CBANOEMAKIlta h teglster for sal cheap. 211 Pint at. BOUHBS repaired, eoanters aad sbelvmg made, reasonable. Nelaoa, ITS Eaat 14th at. Pbos Eaat BH20. v POB SALE Bargains la Whites, Singers. Da v Tka. Wheeler A Wllaone. Hooaehold and othet slightly damaged machine. The White Sew . Ing Machine erflce, 11. D. Jones, 380 YsmblU at., outlier roorta. . PRE POR EVF1RTBODT Ring ap Mala 4200 or eau its rraat. we ear ana sou rarni. tare, clothing or sny eld thing. POR BALE A new Oliver typewriter; No. machine. Address O 11$, care Journal. X)R SALE CHEAP Majestic rant and Favor ite gea rang. Call 86 East K2d at., aorta. rsons seat SHOWCASES and flTtnres. sew sad second- hang, caruoa m aallatrom. vm tooch St.- WANTED 100 am to weer ear celebrated 820 md-to4rner ult. Union Tailoring Co., $06 Stark at. Batlafactloa gnaraataed. SECOND-BAND bar gitares, poolrables. ssfMi. . tables, chairs. wasters salvage ue., evr Waaklngtoa at, i -. POR SALB at a bargain; rnrnlrnre ef B-reont boa, wall raraUbed. Call st 934 Mlealaslpul sv., before S p. a. POR SALE 10-foot laanrh Is good condition. with gVa-beroepower Prkr gasoline engine. $126) worth fully doable- this amount. Ad- hi, cars rfoernai. 84O0 NEW piano $10, Pecker $40. ergaa $20. X4ik ram t earner Mala, aoatair. Fl'RNITt'RB B-robai enttag and upright piano. cheap tor eaan. aai Eaat Morrlaoa at. UOI 8RHOAT for sale; rented for $T a month; mut be sold thla week; $100. Address 110, ear JoaraaL . . ... . .. At TOMOBIM ranaboat la good order; meat be sold thla week; no reasonable offer re fnaad. Adilrra B Us, ear Journal. POR SALE Scow, S rooms, aear Swan Island; price am. a lie, cere Journal. i POR SALB OR TRADE As arrhlteetnral enerae la the Interaatloeal Onrrponloce School varoed st (will accept carpenter workl. M'hat have yoa te rraitet Phone Tabor 24T. PERSON AIi. SEXIKB) FILLS cere a!I form of aervnss or pTloe $1 s boa, 0 boxes $S, with roll gner. ant. Addras or call J. O. Clemen so, drag. DIBEASRS ef atea en red In anerteat poaalbl lima nr new wientine metnona or treatment) mnenltatloa free; rail and Investigate. Dr. W. I. Howard, rommeaweallh bltlg., Sixth, corner Buraald at. B USUI AN BATH. T Third it, batwta Taylor and galmoa. Swimming pool, a team snd hot- , sir bath. Hoar Ladle, from 0 s. m, t 1 p. m.t ganta, from S a. at, to IS p. m. 0ERMAN bonk, magaxlaea. aovels, te.. 0r saian, Engllah, French-. Spaalab. SwdM and Italian, dlctlonarleai fnreign bonks of all ilads. achmsis O, sUS-rirst St. : .ior Wanis That Fills Almost Lvcrv in Portland and Oregon stead of wasting time and energy' In a personnl search tor the answer to mnr particular necessity, all turn to the dally ftaoer. Here Is an Instance of tha quick and hearty response whiih came to an ad vertisement. The baby girl finds many hearts and homes open to her, and fam lies which felt the need of a baby's presence vie with each other to secure tne privilege or caring xor ins iiiuo uiiw. .-If one reads between the lines. What a collection of personal histories the want column reveala. A weary-looking little woman, carrying her heavy baby, her black dress speaking of a new sor row, finds her way to the newspaper of fice to tell ?he world, through the few lines, headed "Situation Wanted," that hereafter she must take up the burden of life alone and be the breadwinner for her child. . .. - 1 ' . V" PERSONAL. If yen five- rheumatism w wnt to rare yon. . Kew fork Medical A Rnrglcal Inatltute, ear. aer Sixth aad (23H) Waahlngtoa ate. MOI.EH. wrlnklea. anperfraoa hair removed. . No ebarre to talk It over. Mr. M. t). Hill. Boom $30 rUedaer Bids. . Pboae Paotfla ISA. W KB FOOT OH Blacking saves the kMtber; ab olstaly waterproof. BOLOKN'8 RHEUMATIC CURB Unre core for . rhenmatlasa. " Sold by all drogghrta. DB. BIKO CHOONO, Importer Cbnm root medlcineet sell Chinee tea, certain core for ail niaaasss, iwi u. set. xamaiu ana xaytor, DB. O. V., KETCHCM cares promptly private diseases, kfdney, aervous, kls- and epeclal remai trooblee, Oall er writ. Office itiu. Third at, ear. Tsmhll. Pboae Padfls S22U, BALM OP PIOS for D femele dlssasss. M East Bolmont. Phene Eaat euSe. DOLLS HOSPITAL Repairing gad Soeav S, $i$tt Weeblagtear t- driaalng, TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregnnlaa bldg.l ladle . say, genuemea aigota. Mala lwss. MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Robert Mere Olobnle. One month's treatment, $2: ' month, $8; ent aectirsly sealed by mall. Ageata, Woodard, Clarke A Co Portland, Or. SUITS pressed while yon wait SOe, Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. Gilbert. lOAVi Sixth at., seat to Quelle. Phone Mala 208$. BEST magaxtse elabe ever offered; eead for Klcea: agents wsnted. oa' Book - Store, 1 Alder at., Portlaad. Or. ' DISEASES OP WOMEN; anforronat gtrle and bablee cared for; private boapltaJL Dr. Atwood. a. sboh mot. at. Tak rsois itss. BOLD -ON There la awe thing that wlU ears rheomatlam. Aak yoar draggtat for bark toele or address or call J. O. Csmnana, - dragglat. Portlaad. Or. . . . J , OWL RESTAURANT, tie) Eaat Morrlaoa trt. Meale ISe snd api short order, fresh oysters. 1. U Tetslaff, proprietor. MOTHERLY ear ef yeang children, healthy condition, pare Bilk. Call 122S BorUwld St., Albln. or pboae Scott 6114. XOUNO sctentUe masseose gives electrical, alcoholic and medicated treatments; chiropo dist aad manicuring. 41 Batelgh bldg.. SWEDISH framed nor. Hekdngfnrs graduate. cure rnvumatwm. Btoraaca trouniea. aervoos disorder sad sprsln by hand rubbing, a team, aweat and tab bath. - No. T East 11th at. Take East Aakeny car. Phone Eaat SoO. THE Va Vlerk Glaadnlar Extract core tnber- culoci, nervoosnea, stomach trouble sad gen eral debility. Call at TOO Deksnt bldg, city, for consultation, free. UIMS ENGLISH Magnetic healer; dleeaaa cured without drag; rheumatism a specialty, also vibratory treatments... 140Vk Slatb St. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors ladle ana geiiuemen. soih atornaoa St. J 2. SCIENTIPIO maaseoss gives treatment for chronic disease: scalp treatments sad chiro pody. 224V, Wsshlngtoa st. . EDNA I csa be found at 0$i Waahlngtoa st. - - j- rsicua. MANICURINd parlor for ladles aad gentle men, sose Movnsow st., room . , MARRIAGB PAPKR, klgheet Character; In. corporaieo; ilia year; ciaay naamners; 12 rage, sealed; eend inc. I I Love, Bex ,SC0, Denver, Colorado, . . PROFESSOR O. 8. DOVR. pbraamloglst, scien tific character-reader; leeson given X clsaa , er private; formerly ef San Fraaclaoo. Office Bis AHasy Didg., corner l ntra and Morrlaoa. BUSINESS PERSONALS. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY A PRINTINO CO. Of Doe soppllee, loose-lea r intern Sung de vice. i typewriter ribbon and car boa paper. n. nijrJL.i. ragr., xa mars st. AUTOMOBILES. , PULLMAN ACT0 CAR CO., I Builders, designers snd repairers ef Btl makes ef aatomnblleo. Bodies, tone, fenders. desk,- btmp bracket, running board and glas front. Sar and all pert ef sate- mobile made to awder. 08-TO-72-T4 gorth-Sixth st-, eoraer Everett. .' -I H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., - -. - AUTOMOBIW.S AND SUPPLrBS. ' Korlb western distributor for Pop Rart fords, Pop Trlbaae. Pop Waverlys, Pope Toledo, Thorn a a, OldamoMlea, Franklin, Balrka S0-K2 Seventh at.. Portland. Ongoa. have TOtr seen baker bi.pctricsj CAPITAL SUI'I'LI CO., 408 ALDER ST. tiba - by -appolatnieat. - Pkoo P elflc 87 L ATTORNEYS. ft PI. PtOGOTT AND X. X. FINCH Attnrneye-al-l.ew. rraetic is sn eenraa, d Molkag kdai swasg gaeued aad Marrlaoa. ART. .' PES LEfSOMg IN Eoitrrf'lery KTerr Dar. TBB NKI-Hl.kCKAyT hUOP, th2 Waaklustun at. I. H. MOOHEIItll BE A CO. Art lata matarlala. picture BMldliig. picture framing, slereupll- ceoa, lantara allde. $1$ Alder at. PKOrKSHOH R. MAX MEYER. $4 Alder at. t-oriralt ana landiK-ane art 1.1 and teacher. ASSAYEKS. OARPIIt 0TANIPR EXTR ACTIO! CO.. Montana Aaaay Office. IM Morrbwa at. aad BATHS MASSAGE. "V BATHS at 2rr Third, betweea TcylAr aad Bal. moo ta. W hare adtled oa a kuaalaa baths (wlmmlog aool, steam and hot air. Hoar: , Ladle. a. m. to 1 p. m.L genta, S s. m. to 12 p. a. - BUTCHERS' SVPrUVS. BUTCHER SUPPLIED-.-RlrkenwaM Co., StH. i $0 Everett at.; Itrt batrhar supply fcoaa oa the tout Writ for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adnlpb A. Itokom, 131-13$ Flrat at., earrie a full lln and cow plete aaaorrment at loeaat market prices. BLA NK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB. DAVIS A Elt.HAM, 100-11 1 SecoaA ,t. Blank book manufactared; agent for Jose - Improved I.ooaa Leaf ledger; the new Enrek leaf, the heat oa too marten. 111 1 . 11 "." CARPENTERS AND HOLDERS. ji A. MEI.TOnTIi carpenter, V4 onrtlk etl Store and office work. Mala 17DT. , E. MELTON Offlc. atura Axtiirca; xooarel Jobbing. ST Flrat at. Phone Mela SlleO. CLAIRVOTAXTS AND PALMISTS. CONSULT TUB BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. iPBEB TE8TI. . PBEE- TESTL ... Take thla adrertlaement to . . ' .. : :;. . PROP. D. MHLO. ',".. , SOSVk Washington st. . . Bs win glr rou s teat of hla wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by tailing roe yonr aam in full, free of charge, and give yes sdvlce, before yos decide to have s reading, nd then If yog think be ha the power to rd your paat. preaent and future life, be will give yoa hi wonderful DP. BP PMYCHIC -$3 BEADING FOR $1. Thlk week only II ; tell yog who yoa are. wber yoa come from, how many member tber are In your famllr. what yoar occupation la. and what It altould be; what yoos ailment are. how to core . them, where yoa will he most eseceaafnl. anil why;, what- yoar health will h all through life; how much wealth yoa will poaeeea. If anrt wad It la that can era yoa trouble, and bow to overcome It; If your mine contain ore, and to what extent I bow to control those yoa love and admire: where your kt one are; what yoa tboald Invest la to be euc eeeful. In tact, no matter what yoa wish te know or wleb to do, be will acentnplleh It far yos or charge yoa so thing. Boar, t a, ai. te o p, m - - 0a WASHINGTON- BT. - Oppoalte Olds, Wortmaa A King. : i . Always Consult the Bast, . PROF. E. KBIMO. Or a teat living satral dead-trance elstr. - voyant of tb age; advleer ea boalnee aad .' all affairs ef life: telle year roll name end what yos called for. wbooi yoa will marry, . bow to aoatrol tha eoe yen love,"' even though mile away; reunite - the separated ; give , secret powers to . control ; so long delays la Waiting. Hoar 10 to $, dally aad Sunday, permanently located In hla -owe 'borne. 200 fifth St.. corner Madlaoa st. PRPBVR-AUwtCeV-wlmltT-eUtroyaat ana meaiam; reeaioge sue. rarnjrs e aad B, Th Coanw. SHMV Morrlaoa St. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Canning Cou. largest plant oa toe coeu ixiring ana Kirains t., tie phone East 20. Carpets cleaned, refitted, aewsd aad laid; both stem and latest com pressed air process; reaovating atattneeoa aaa laetaera a epeciaity. SANITARY carpet cleaalng, aactloa aad com- pressea sir eomoiaeo; carper eieanM oa rioor witaout removal. Mate ea.14. Mala um, COAL AND WOOD. THE Portland Wood A Coal Co. are sow going holiness n their new yard, st trie corner ef iflta and Savicr streets. . Fir, ash. siabwood aaa coal. .- . . ORBOOft- PUEtreO;- WOW" selllng-Wel thrsdte, beet eoal oa th market. S34 Alder ' st. Msla 05. . . ALBINA FUEL COc-Dler te cord wood, coal ana green ana ary aisbwooa. u. b. and Alhlns sv., S block east ef ferry. Xait, 674, STEEL BB1DGB FUEL CO-Ieler la coal, eordweod and dry slsbwood. Pboae Eaat 424. PORTLAND Sawdust A Siabwood Co.. $58 Front, un.ui so ruiioa wooa te, sis ivsa. WESTERN FEED A FUEL COc Hons and blacksmith coals, Phone Mala 101$. h DRT siabwood "cheap": quick deliveries. Of- nee sou v. ster at. r-nooe racino lao. 1 CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY sad Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Bin. Koom B--H1 rieidoer nidg. Phon pacirie 1S9. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pecad $1 par stb. unique xaimnng ve., sua stars at. H. W. TURNEB, profeaaloeal dyer end cleaner. Bun jerreraoa st. rnons Msla SD1B. PORTLAND Bteara Cleaalng and Dying Work, Sll roorts st, rnce racin DANCING. DANCING Isssoa, t8t claaae er pel rata; wait. lag, two-step, three-step. tc. stag discing, buck snd wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spanish, Highland fling, ate. Prof. Wsl Wluwn, old. est recognised teacher, Aliaky bldg Third sad Merrlaoa at. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOIl Moa Thar, and Bat, r. ; aoclaL fancy and tn dasctog taught; $ asat. teathera; claa and pnvat leeeon aawy. wasters acaoemy Bali, Second snd Morrison ata. Pacifls 1030. PROF. BINGI.ER, Mia Bochsnmeyer Leading echool; ballroom stlqaette; correct aasclngi rises Taea.-gat, ev. children Bst. p. m. prlvats lesson dslly. $08 AWer. Msla 1B31. DRESSMAKING. MRS. MARY CRIPPEN, a eaters dreei maker. Moanats Bouse, ZHonj ruat at. TRT Angela Dressmaking Parlor, 242 FUU sa Mais, facit le , kx CAFES. THE OFFICE 2SS Wsshlngtoa st, pboae Mais til. asm Del vigaeex- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. 1. WAI-SH CO.,. 811 Stark t. Xlecrrle ad Ga Fixture and Suppllaa. Msnteto, Tiling, Orate and Doglroa. PACIFIC BLRCTBIO CO. Engineers,- enntreo tot, repairer, electrie wiring, eunpiiee, P4 Flrat, cor. Stark. Msla 808. R. B. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Slxtk st Contractor, electric supplies, motors and dy aamoa; w Install light and power plaata. . MORRISON ELBCTRI0 CO., TI East Morrlaoa C Flxtaree. wiring, repairing. Baal gi2g. BARRETT'S, 400 MorrWo at. Phone Main 122. Everything In electn wiring ana ngniug. EDUCATIONAL, HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, ' Wsahlrgma and 10th ata., riletluer bldg. Bookkeeping, Shertheed, Typewriting ssd sll Engllah branohee touglit, botk day ssd night. 8EBNKB-WALKER Bt'SINEKS CnLLBflB DAY AND NIGHT SaslONS. Speelsl Claaae ta Geriaan, lYench, Spealaa. Elk hldg., Seventh and Stark ata. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS.. POBTTlvn Will A IRON WORKS Be flood aad K'erstt sts. rooag Mia suvu., -I GASOLINE ENGINES. BIIIH-IKl.Il Biarln ngiua, rereralng or solid prooeilera; all makca rrpalred. Palrbauka, Mors A Co., Flrat and Stark' 0AKOI.1NR engines,- all atsee snd stylee, st hwat prices. BeL-tea Machinery Co, 12-4 Morrtm st. HOTELS. THS BEI.I.KVI B. Poartk gnd Balmoa ra Rooma $0 p; rate by w set er- moath out of-town trad solicited. Pacific 2106. HOTEL Portland. America plaa. $$,$$$ day. BELVEDERE: Europe plaa i 4th and Alder ta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. eollclta sceortun Ity te qeote price.' T4 Rlxth st. Paeirl 4AA INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, Are Issaraa loch . bldg. ... -. $44 Bfcar- W. L. rAOR. luanranre; tmployer' liability, nrety hooda, burglar snd accident -Insurance. ' Pnon Mala $28. 3t4. Palling bklg. JAB. Met. WOOD, empmyarr Hablllty aad In dividual accident aecarlty bood ef all klada. , phone 47. Aug McKay hldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for sal. All knde. Including . approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, on. urveyad. timber and Ipralrl gorarament land. U. M. Hamilton, "Tb Port land. '.' Portland. ,-r-T MONUMENTS." JtEU. A -aVINOSLET. $ rirst. at., PwtiAad'l leading marble and granlt worka MUSICAL. THE WEBBER BTl'DIO Maadella. heajo. gab tar Inatrectloal filbaoa maadellas. ; del)) Waahlngtoa. - ' r'- PIANO, vlolla, piano, trombone, clarinet Pi - feasor B A, Smith. $34 12th. Mala 470$. LESSON'S Soc Piano, guitar, banja. mandolin, violin. . 24 m Pint t., upaUlra. Mr. MarUo. LOFIS A. CREITE, violin teacher. Studio 211 - Sherman. I'bon Pacloe low. P. U. JON EM. plane tuar. Phon Eaat IUX MA CI1 EVERY. B. TRENKMAN A CO Mining, sawmill, log. Ing machinery; hydraulic pine, eaat lug; all lad repaired. 104 North Fourth. - A. J. PAUL, 102 Pint t Engine, holler, sawmill snd crowsrm machinery.. THE ' H. C. ALBES CO Second-hind ' chtnery. sawmilla. etc, 248 Urnd v. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN OS Tmrroved city property o" rbroofl4mf porpoaee, fur from to 10 years, time, with privilege to repay ell er part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plana and awney dvaced a building progresses; mort gages taken up and replaced. FBED H. 8TRO.VO, financial Agent. " ' - M2 Stark -at. - CONFIDENTIAt, LOANS ea salarle, tuorane pollcle, pianos, fnraltare. warebouae' eecelpr. ete.t any deserving person may eearo e llb- . oral adranc. repaying by easy weakly or " monthly Inatallment. 7 -NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPART. . 203 Aolngtoa bldg. - . MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat a your own name so ether eecarlty; don't borrow antll yoa ere me; my svatem I - the best for railroad men. clerka, bookkeeper. tretcr men and all other employes; boat, am strictly confldentlsL r. A.. Newton. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. . MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PROPLB and others anon their ews name without eecur- .1ty; cheapest rate. eleat paymeota: office In 00 principal cities; ssv . yourself mony by getting our term flrat. - TOLMAN. S23 Ablngtoa bldg., I0H Third st, MONEY loaned to salaried people Juat ea yoar owe name; ono i sorrow until yoa ee me my system Is rhs beat for railroad men clerk, bookkeeper, atreetrar men and all oioer smpioyea; fin.tnes strictly ronriocaasL, r. a. WeWtOB, 424 ADIBgtOO Bldg. WANTED Note, mortgages or contract ea any kind of real estate la Oregon and Wash- . tngton; second mortgsge purchased If well eenreg. II. a. Noble, aia commercial. pix. MONEY te lean on S per cent gold- bond life In- urance poiicte oa Boie-eecority or in policy t B per cent per annua. Andres t. o. Box S42. Portland. Oregon. MONEY to Insa In sums to suit. S sad 8 years. aa low 8 per cent, ea Improved city pmp. erry. atoniroa a acoMy, out uoiumoi Blag. 865 Waahlngtoa t. . DON'T borrow money -ea aalsry oatll Huttca Credit Co,- B12 Dekooi bldg. ' . W. S. WARD, lawyer. Aliaky bldg. Probaf and mortgage boaleess nllclrd; toodemta fees; losns money ea mortgage from $200 apt eaay term. . MONET loaned n ruroltar. plana and ether eecnntle. w. A. Hatha way, room lu, waan lngtoa bldg. Pboae Pacific 1KI2. . MONET te roan; large knaa specialty; slss , building losne: lowest rate; fir lnsarance. William G. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. PRIVATR money to loan ea city snd suburban mprty at s ana T per cent. . m. vew lahaw, SIT Commercial bldg.- - CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg Money ta lend oa a. T payment plaa te wge- l atrietry coolioeniiai. MONEY tn loaa ea all kind f ecrtty. William Holl, room Waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sams ts salt an chattel sscartty. H. A. rrsme, ni tus Marquam. A LOAN for the asking salary or ehsttsL The Loss Co., 410 Dekom Bldg. . QUICK losns on all securities. 8. W. King, so at asningroa emg. eiaie snv. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBEI.LB PATTERSON.' peelallat at varvlon. acute and chronic, otnee 217 Fa ton bldg. Pbon Pselfl 110. DRS. ADIT A NORTHRUP. 410-18 IT Dekam hide.. Third and Waahlngtoa sts. ghen Mais 848. Examination free. OPTICIANS. DR. B. . MILLS Optometrist and gyeatgnt apMSTsni. Boom SS-gf. 828 Waahlegtaa Street. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANB. 2H0 Yimhlll at., appnalt Joey. najLofflce. well paper, painting and decorat ing. Phon a for aatlmatea. Pacific 2230. WORK dose eoBMlentlonsly st aboot belf price through winter. Addreea 112, care Journal. FOR - reliable work, reasonable prlcee, Sheehy Urn.. 2H24 Tarohlll. Bear 4lh. Main 87g, PHrIBER8. . FOX A CO. Sanitary plumbers, 221 Second, bet. Mala snd Salmon. Oregoa pbon Mala 2001, DONNEHBKRG A BADEMACHBR. No. $08 Bnrnsld at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. a BRACH A CO The Pioneer Paint On. I - window glaas ssd glsalng. -196 First st. Phone I2.14. PRINTING. A. K. KERN CO., PROMPT I'tUMERS IIS Second street. PIiob Matn.$r7. THB MODERN PRINTER T Artistic prlrrrln-. 20 Rnsssl bldg leurth sad Morrlaoa. Phuoe Pactac 162. - EVERYTHING 14 PRINTING . Prom similar to cstalngoe and sewsfanera. 1. .-..MatropolUaa Prlntlag Lo. 141 Front at. OOILBES BROS,. PHn i, billhead. ete. rpese at a in isos. 14AI4 first b , BANKS. "UK VATIOMAI, BANK Of P0BTLAID, Dwlgnatcd Depository and rtaanrtal Agent ef the Tatted Stale. .,, It , A. L. MILLS I Cashier I J,a i anlnl I Cash Is W. C ALV0BD seoond Assistant Cs.hUr B. F. Bin a President AsalsUul -; Letter of Credit Available Is Karoo red the Eastern '', a. t v s. 5'V Krchang and Telegraphic Treeafer -ld on New f..rt, H-s-o. tUloege. . I". U lVl Wl"aha. San rrandace end th principal point In the Northwest. 8 Sht snd tiro hill drawn Is auma to suit oo London. Pa rla, Berlin. raekfortoa -r ;w"m !nfjJ!'"na!penhagen. Chrtattanla. Stockholm. St. Prterh!irgieewi;rt; ADD A TILT0N, BANKIlfJhllabed S-d Oeaeral Banking Business. State HI 1V l a eredlt Isaac s. . , -- - - - . in, ivirsrspnie arsnsmrs snsa ea fw - . - . . . e.Mk-ns. St. Loals, Dearer, rim.h. a.. I---, .. u .... .a anti.h Columhis. Exchange fjold oa Indo. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila nd ll 'ndulm 1$ fg EBOHAMTS vlTtnvar wsw-s- u- vf,n5. WATSON President B. W. UOYT ..Csahler I Trans eta a General Basking Buatsee. Draft All Part of the World. UBITID STATES HATI0BAL BAMS 0 TOBTLAkTD, 0XXOOV. Northwest Comer Third and Dag Sfreerr. a st ' n,. .,. ."""" Oeneral Banking Buataes. DRAPIS ISSI'fO Available tn A ""js I ,t e1 urop. Hongkong .nd Manila. Collections Made vTJ. C. AI.NSWOHTH I Cashier e..B. W. Sc KMEER Vlce-Prrmldeot...., R. LEA BARNES I Aaalstant Caahler. ... H-r ' ' Asalatant Cashier ; A. M. WRIGHT . BABKXXS' lUatBIXMEB'S BAVX Pertlaad, Oregea. Corner Beeond aad Star fjtreeta. Commerelal and aarlnga department. Interest paid on asvtags sccooata Draft aad ef credit lesoed svslUbl to sll parts of th world. . ii,2i.m-Jl praid.nt 1 r. c mears vv:":-?" 512 FRED 11. Iimirntt n . n. n . I r, n e-r-ces-e . A Ml.t.nt Csshler JOHN A. KEATIN(...;s.cood Vice-President f THE BAKE OF CALIFORNIA Zftabltehed 1IM. Bead Oflo. Baa Prseetaee. Osllfsrsls. -'Cnltl paid bp..... M.OOOoOA I Sombi d nedlvlded proflfe ,. .$10.ort2.2 . , ,.- General Banking and Erebange Bo.lnes Transacted. Interest ee Time Deposits. - SAVINGS - DEPARTMENT Arxodnts mar be opened of Sl and upward. ' , , ,''. Portlaad Broob Chamber of Cmuierc Bnlldlng. . . -- - ' Wbf. R. MACRAB Manager J. T. BI'RTCHAEI.L. IJL'j,j?!M,g TRUST COMPANIES.- POBTTAND TRUST 00MPANT 0T OREO 0 The Oldest Trast (Vmpaay ta Oregea. RESOPRCES OVER $1 OO.find., General Banking. Two per cent torerost oa cheek aeeoaata feven hundreds! en dally balance of $B00 or over. Letters of credit snd xchne ' T..."' th ,"rld. Saving aorouuts. Tim ertiamtc. $ te per cent: beet-call speelsl certlflcatea. .Wl er ever. 2U to 4 per cent. Call tor Book ef '-ILLl STRATIONS. rr, ' Sowthee-c,ewar Third end Oab Street., Pbeee-Priests gickaaga -1V . " SNy J, roiiEX. Preside t I B. U -PlTTOCK.wi. VI cermet frr- B. tEB PAOKV... Secretary J. O..0OLTRA.....t..7;.Aiwlatant ffeccetary SEOtrBITT SAVINGS A TRUST COMPART 080 Morris Street. Portland, Oreeea. Transacts General Banking Buirln. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. In teroat Allowed ' Time and Saving Accounts. Act a Trust f. Estatee. Draft sad Latter of Credit . - Available en All Parte ef the World. : - i - C. f. ADAMS....,;..;,...... President t L. A. LEWIS...... First Vice-Prssldeet A. L. MILLS. Second Vlce-Presldaat I R. 0. JI'BITB. ... Secretary GEO. B. BraHtlJ,. ..... ...... Assistant Secretary NORTHWESTERS' AVABAVTEX A TRUST COMPAWT Portland, Oregea. Lumber Exchange, a. E. Corner Second and Stark Streets (second Soer). , - - , FISCAL AGENT rOR CORPORATIONS. ' - - " - Stat. County, Municipal Corporatlna Bonds Bought and Sold. Mew Enterprise Organised - nd Financed, Stock nd Bond Onarairteed. TITLB OUABAHTEB A TBV8T COMPANY 840 WASHIrtOTOaT STXIET. -, I MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portlaad Reel Bst.t at Leweat Bag;- Title Insured.. Abatraets Furnlnhad .. ... J.-THOBBUBrt -ROBB.....jrar.n. .Prealdent- 1NO. g. Al tt HIWiK, ......,. Spwstarv GEORGE H. HIIX ....Vice-President I T. T. BURKHABT Treeanrer BONDS AND M 0XXJS BX0THTXS Ckambar ef Ocavsaere ' Mnnletpal, Rsllr-ood'and Pnbltc Service yWToeat1vn Bonds. DOwTrafO-HOPXTNS C0MPAXY latabllaked 1$ BX0XXXS. : STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought aad Bold for C4. and ea Xargla. , . Private Wires. . ROOM CHAMBER of COMMERCE. Pbon Mla ST. I0UIS . WTLDX H0MX TELEPHONE BONDS BAVX STOCXS. Member Portland Stock Exchange. t -, , - - . fSlxth sad" Wsfriilngtua 0 vcrtcck, Starr & Cooie Co. ' aiATBT, PB0VT8T0W8. C0TT0W. STOCXS AND BOVSt. ' WX DO 8IA10TLT COkUlIBSIOM BUSIVEhA. 1 V. CeatlBaeas Markata by private Wire. Quick Service. BEFTRENCES-tadd A Tlltoa, Btak r. aod United Stat National . Bank of Portland. ROOFING. ---'-,-"-- -:v - TIN RVlNO.Sutferlngi repairing snd general robbing. J, Loall, 212 Jefferaos PC 124, REAL ESTATE. M. S. BROWN. Real Katat sad Insarsnee. Nashvlll. ornce. Mtiiara a senna, ai. scon car line; aostottlr Lent a, B. P. D. No. 1, bog' 13d. GEO. I. SCH A EVER.' real est at aad Inaaranc. 817 Cliamber of Commerce. ,. COOS BAY NEXTJ' fir lntH. W ATKINS A CO... Beat eatate, Inmmnce, rental and loss ...... ageata. 200 Alder t. I. W. OGII.BEE. real estate aad loan! sates. Imbed 18NS. . 4$d, First t room IL -- A. R. RICHARDSON. - REAL ESTATE AND M0RTOAGB LOANS. Ibuoe Main A'lOO. 822 Chamber of Commerce. SPHINX AGENCY, dealer ta reel estate am rental. SOTiVs Stark at. Mala 0104. KITTIIKIirvjrXI. W tr.i err Beeldcnc property ear pcialty. FOR FARMS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. tgPEY. $18 Commercial bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. 3. STAMP WORKS. 24 Alder st-, phone Main 7 m; rubber tamp. ri. atenciia; nag. gag, trade check; brass signs ssd pistes. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES f every deeertptlo; bssk. bar ana sirs- Bxiurrs bsu, w wrw., . - Maaufsetarlag Co.r Portlaad. . . B. Trt. BIRDSALL, designer; gent K. Winter Lumbar Co.. 1 Hamilton oicig. aiaro ooau. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. street pevlng. sld walk and croaalnga. si 4 Lamber gxcaang THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. t Portland. orpre o.-o Worcester bib. SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITE 8RWINO MACHINE AGENCY. 280 Yamhill St., Cor. Fourth. Phone Mala 8102. Xfargai ya u aiuo oa new euo oiuiw band sewing machine; a few (lightly dam aged, good aa aew, at greatly reduced prlcee. PHONB Pacific 2789 and I pereneally wID caO aad repair year eewtng-macnine; wors guar anteed, a. Saras, sdjoster. $61 Third St. 8. AFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO.. sols sgrat for Barring' eiiw " - - - - Co.' hank safes. The largeat aeenrtnjent ef hlgh-grsds 8r and burglar-proof pfs la ta BortbwMt. 82 Seventh st. DIEROLD Mangan gad 8 re-proof eafea: lock. cut opened; metal nun res; vault ana isu work; jack, i. E. Davla, 80 Sd. Mala lOoa. EIGHT eemnd hand 8 re-proof eefee end two second-kind bank aafes roe sale cases, st re Cl-,k .. D.1.. Ohm. ' ... SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. , W hare built up the largest aim baetaec tn tb city by flrst-crass work and keeping or promisee. Oar price are right. Flflk snd Everett at. Phens Eiohsag Aa. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign Co., 2HT SUrfc t. Phooe Psclflc 1M. W. P. HEROES A SON, 284 Yamhill st Signs er sn vino, rnoa rcin e - TYPEWRITERS. DON'T any s typewriter an less yog buy th heat, to L. i'. sniita a tiros.- writing-lu-Slght Typewriter Is the beat typewriter made. Also .a lis of allghtly ased trgded wst machine st all make at yowr ews price. L. M. Alexsnder; n. B-, Stemkv. manager. 170 Fifth at., stmnalt poatofflr. HEADQUARTERS for aew'snd rebuilt type. writer of all make: e ear window i it ye ar going to bay s new typewriter e a be fore hurlngi we cae aare yoa mnney; w t hse parts ns repstrhig all anrntsee; state sgsnre for toe si.ioie mil we my m . r-w of typewriter. The Typewriter Eaehango, c.. fc. i. tlllao. manager. $4 Third at. WE sell Remingtons. Smlth-Premlera, Deue- etc. lower than sny other company; Isrestlgata. I'Bderwosd Ttpewrlter Oe..S8 8 to. TYPEWRITER Repslr A Strprty Ce., B0 Waah lngtoa at. I'lKin Ma la Nt. BI.If'K ENSUE II EKR trne writer. $an and $v; aunpnea, reeairtng. nose m sew, si i -si eisre. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOW I IS 1' Ml Y O-o.h. bni.h. s.p. 81 per mon'ti. I. sun-try a T'-w-l apply Co., Mnlh and lunch. 1 hoae 4. J. OBXOOkT. EatahtUhed ta 18A) - - ng Buatneaa. Collactloea mart at tj "J laaaed available la Europe nd all rleta Jk .1" bl Transrsr. sold a Kiv York. t.l: ta 18$.) sw eMO II I. DCRBA. lZ?cm GEOBGB W. HOYT Alstst Cart leg nd Letter of Credit lsod AvalUbl I Collectloue a aneclaltv. PL ATT A Pf.ATT'.'. General Couna.1 INVESTMENTS. . Building. Btret;- Port hind,' --Oregea. . . f?eemnertt Crrteaire Biaud ef Tiade.V Third t, McKay Bldg Portia. Oregoa. 103. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Slxtk and Oak ata.; baggage checked -from hotel or reel dene direct t deetlnatloa; ' passenger thtrafure avoid rush and anaoj-. aaca at depots. Private ki change 88. SAFES, plai anos sed furniture narked reedy for ahlpplng and ahlnned: nil work gnaraataed; large 8-tery brick warchou for atorag. Offlc ZUO Oak Olaea A Roe. ! Pboae Mala 647. a O. PICK, offlc 88 rtrst t., between Stark sad Oak ta., phone 500; piano and furultnr moved and packed for ahlpplng; commedlo brick warehouse with separ! troa room, Froat ssd Clay ata. BOSB CITY VAd CO., offlc 141 rtrst t.. phese Msla $328. Farnltur ssd pMsaeawvlsg a apectaity; we gaaraetee ear work. NATIONAL TRANSFER A 8TORAOB CO. 270 Osk it. Tlepvoae Mala eeOO. Trssarfar rlng aad atorlng. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North SlTth. Pheae Malu 80. Heavy Was ling aad storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. -stc sranx eor. : POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Me. SOOVb Waab- . ... .... ... , u'Tnm eta WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. OUNST A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINB CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. 8HERK. GAEB A ORAHAM flne.l raercnanta. jooosrs ef rreita. produce, ets.t coaalgaavaats aollcltedL 12S great EVERD1 NO A PARBEI.L. produce and eran- miaaiea mercncate. leu great at. Partlsad. Or. Phooe Msla ITS. OREGON FCP.NITl'RB MANUFACTCRING CO. 1 Manafactarars ef furltr fuc the trade. ' Portlaad, Oregon. fADHAMS A CO.. facturer ssd earn sd Oak ate. wholesale grocer, mesn Bbauoa sMrchaats. Foena FURNITURE mansfsetarlng aed apeclal erdera. - lacrary, jut f ront St. ALLEN A LBW1S. enmmlssyTU aad peodnea mer- Chssls ,,il !, 1. . , . . - . - - -. rwusss, vr. WHOLES ALB crockery and glassware. Praal, n"r.e si w., is io iuh sirtn. eoe. at.rk sr. 8 i - BREAKING ITS GRIP '' awaaajaBBraxsama a Desperate Fight Going oa Against ' th Tobacco Trast. . ( A deanerate fla-ht for nr i bjin carried ort by the tobacco growers of tha sooth against one of tha mightiest of tha truata which ha Iim. .in.i throttling them for seven years. The lecnnicai world haa a deacrtptlon ef tha eondltlona anrl or th ris-he In an article under caption of "Tha Oreat tobacco Btrlke." by Rene. Bache. anw ninae- is a reDeiiion or tha grow ers of thla lmriortanr nroHitcr s.iisit a systematlo bearing of prices by tha irusi, wuion naa orougnt intm into an unbearable situation. - Much ef the in-. formation It contains la mntHain. i. ' tha reader who has not been conversant with tha recent history of tha trade. a single tact contained in th follow ing paragraph la very significant: -in wigniing effect of trust control upon this agricultural Industry Is shown In a striking way by a few flmirea which. hlns fnrnlhai , th. department of agriculture, may be ac cepted as approximately accurate. The- remiw 10 tne tooaooo crop ai mi last half dosen years a crop which In 18 amounted to 88, 181,271 pounds. In 1881 two veara litter. It aheesJ m enn. slderabl diminution, being $1,BS J7S pounds. But from that time on. awing ta tha reduction In nrlr-s ra 1.1 A a-enw- ers. It has dropped much mora rapldlv. i ne- vrwp vt 1 ricing sn,4SO,74. pounda-e-a loaa of nearly one-fmirtn. In l' sank still lower, to 83i oji 7t poun(lB, P'i-h a Inas tn A staple Industry, di rectly chargeable to the operations ef the. trust which cnntrnla the trait 1 dlcatea at least one sffect of trust nlo, and tha measures which grower are aslngr so far successfully to hre r the death grip this great conih1nit1'n .f rornoratlnns waa fatenlnsr ttnon i.... are enlightening and Inspiring. . 'nionftlc SiwHIti The lt John Stcts -i,. r day as a t)ieatrl l nu a yacht built, n- I him on the aire. i was going to r "I haven't i! "but It . I I wuu f-;. i 7 ..