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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. "JANUARY 21. lwrr. 13 NEW TODAY. A Self-Evident Proposition;- "A little money beatt '- no money," and the'-.- v ; "Oldest Trust Company in Orcfion" Kecorrtmenda the old-fashioned homely virtue of taring, as the best meant of accumulating the "little money" which it the foundation of tuecest. - Open an account, or take a , certificate of deposit with us. The A.VINGS DEPOSE TOR receives J per cent inter est per annum, compounded ' teroi-annually. Money on abort . term. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT in turns of $500 or over earn from 2'A to 4 per cent interest per annum. - Coupon Certificates 4 ::' - Per Cent Per Annum - RESOURCES, JDYEI $1,800,000 . Call for book of ' "ILLUSTRATION'S." : Portland Trust Company of Oregon . S. Car. Third a Oak ata. .- . I . Pbone Kxcaango 7 BKNJ. I. fOHP.N......... Prealdaat ' R. L. PITTOCK...... VlcePreeldent B. LEB PAGICT Bacretary 1. O. UOLTRA Atahruat BocraUry IL W. Lemcke Company ', Irontabl Investments. $8500 - Quarter block, Rewd and Blackst'ona. ?800O lit foot on Tor It stroot Thar art few tocaln Ilka ttala. . . " 55,000 VA Ollaan atrcef quarter block and brick building, paring 500 a month. Quarter biock. Et Third street, now paying tit a month. , , , v.;; : 5 ; V. ?30,000 '.'V' ' "X North Btxth--srtrwV-4soriie4i 912,500.:,'-:. Full not on Waahlnvton atraat. ii.W. Lemcke Company Kfata 'Wa Wstk Hd WuaUarat gta. Bnttra ftooad oor. ; Holladayl Park ' Two of tno flneat homea In Holladay Park, one on Broadway, ono on Bchuy lor. If you ar aor-kina; a dealrablo home) . with all convenience aak ua about theas, ' TatOAiow gasoo : Bjo thlw raodorn 5-room bungalow on full lot. with lt-foot eUlaV. two car lints within a block. . Lawn aeeded and ter- ravced. HW IQXB-TB " i T-roora boua on Yamhill, on block from car, full cement basomant. This la a rare chance) to got a noma at a low figure. Term can bo arranged. MT ghorlock Bldf. VhOM Faolfl B43B. TWO SPECIALS gaT70O That well-arranged T-room mod . ern houa and full lot, on Kaat Rverott . otreet, wall all tinted, light fixtures In, nlco lawn and roaea, a nlc boua and a good buy, ftfiOO Beautiful, strictly modern home . on Clackama Street; In Holladay Park, : raw indiip to data, all convenlenrea Thla place la a snap at the price. Owner must go cast and will sell all furnishings If desired. X H. HEILBKONNER. & CO. - BIT SVaaibew Bsohaaga, Booond and Btaik Pamt Delay. , . Sea Vn Today, i 50x100 S. W. corner E. Seventh and E,-Ankeny sW no better s location for flats on East Side. , For Terms and Prices Se' J. L. WELLS CO. Room 306 Chamber of Commerce .;;,.-.:.V. Bldg. ' , DON'T DELAY. SEE US TODAY t" Nice Iota aa Waeea ot.. RolladaV Park. I roe Fine tot on Beat Plandera at. 4 block, Panoa nnnlevara. N. Alhln. t too Full lot, T-mom konee, Mt. Tabor, t (Hrull let, t-ronei house, Kaat Flanders. . Full lot, B-rooaa boose. East Oavla. t. X. HBTXMOW1TBB tt CO, "BIT Leabae Eichanga Bldg., Beeond aad Btark. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mertltf O. Oilllna, Wl. and' Catherine Haw. thnrne Beck, So. botk of Muliaomak county. n adding Cards. W. O. Smith Co., Weak Ingtno bxlg., esc Fourth aad Waablagtea ata. W ending printed. B. T. Roahtoa, 40S Biearna bldg. T"vv'Til CO. FLORIST. FOR FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 12S SIXTH BT. - clae Urea., Florlata Fine flower end fWsl dealiKt. St Morrtanej at. -.. ' F'lH dreea ant'a for rent, all Its. Calqee Ta.loileg Co., M Blark at. WHEN AWAY FROM iiOME. Copies ef The Journal eea b oetaln.4 In the followlug elites ssd town eot.ld of Or(l. The Journal woe Id eppraclete the receipt ef reporto ol f altars to el. t a lu copies of the paper at any or. iheee place: rntjfaT n'AMinviiTON A. E. King WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Wall , Matiooery company: avugere-nnewru umr..ri Hotsl Deere Newe Stand; La Urn Clear Bland, 1 I XL. Auiili BVuirth street TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel TlMI New Stand; Central Nfwi Company. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier Grand News Stand; International Nawa Agency Kmniw Waenti! Hotel Hostile News Stand. OOI.DHlLo, NEVADA Loula Paha, Nswspspsr Wagon. . AN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Aaao Kr Com pany, hewepaper Wagon. POkANK. WASHINGTON Job W. Orahaa fa. ..,.... ..i. BOISE. IDAHO Jneeob rolllna. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA M, J. Oa Ta na rti h , 5o Third arract. south. T. LOUIS. MISSOURI K. X. Jett, SO OUr street: Own L. Ackermsu. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI lorn Kewe Oo nanr. Newspaper Wagon. ,, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS P. 0. Beer Company, 17 a tiearbern irwt. DENVER, COLORADO Came Depot New Stan. LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNI A AM FW Company, newspaper Wagon. " OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Amoe Newe Com pany, newspeper wifni; c. waeeuey nawa AN FHANCISCti, CALIFORNIA N. Wheatlay , Nawa tympany, ".awepapec wagon; rosier m . Oreer, rerry punning; e-ounswn nawa uiaapeny, . 14A1 rillmnra atreet. ALT LA KB CITY. UTAH Mr. Levins. Nawa- taper Wacoa; o. -. uevxee. note! aenyoo; iirmr Hrna.. 48 West Second atraat. south. OGDEN, UTAH Gray hew Company, Papal Nawa stand. OMAHA. h'l3BA8KA Millard Hotal Haw Stand. ' HKW YORK CITY Arteoa HoUlln.. Nawa. papar Wafona. . WEATHER RETORT. Storm anutaeaa't warnlnica were ordered yea-T tonlaT anoralng at o'clock for a moderate I . whlib adranced ranldlr eastward I orer RrltUk Columbia and which la central talk t moruuig erer the Canadian nortDweai.. a maii aium wind velocity of T ml lea from tba aoutb- aaat occurred yesterday afternoon at Nowh Head, and the maximum wina Telocity-at rm-i.. land waa So ml lea from rue eoutbweet. Tbo report from Tatooab Island waa miseing last Bight aad tba maximum wind Telocity at tbat ata t Ion la not known. TBI disturbance caused moderately heary ralne In the aoand country and lighter amounta la tb Willamette valley and eastern Waablngton. . A email high pi-ensure area 1eetitrl tbw morning oyer KeTada and L'tah, and baeTT fraata hare occurred la California aa far aoutb ae the TabachaDL Light anow baa fallen la the northern atatea from the Dakotaa aaat to th lower lake region, and the temperature e thla etrirV af country are from 10 to 9ft degrees below normal. Reports from tb (oath- em atatea are musing. The ladlcetlone are for rain Tueoday In western Oregon and western, Waablngton and for fair and cooler waatber east af the Caf cad mountains , r - r - , Temp. Max. Mln. Prod p. Baker City. Oregon.. ...... .84 . 80 . .0 leuTer, t'oioraoo oa ,u Kanaaa City. Mlaaonrl ......W ' SO " ,.C Portland, Oregon .rr. .63 , d , .01 Roaebnrg. Oregon W ' 24 - ..0 Ban Pranciaco. California. ..SO ' 44 .0 Bpokene, Waablngton 41 ' S - ' .03 Tacema. Waablngton ......4l 42 -, .14 walla weiia. Washington . e e mm BIRTHS. WILDE At BfiO iJike street, Jsnoary IS, to Mr. and Mra. Guatar Wlltle. a boy. ME.SPI.IK At 2M8 Fremont street, January TT, o Mr. ana Mra. Jullua Miapue, a noy. DEATHS. MOODY At Good Bamarltan hospital. Jaaaary 18. Gtfle Moody, aged 83 years, W anoatna, 1 . day cauae, organic heart dlaaaae. TKOMANt) At Good Hamarttaa hoapltal, Jan- xuuy la-Hsnnsk Yaomana, a.' t yaere 1 enowth, 8t dayst eenao, diabeiea. FUNERAL NOTICES. ROSKRRAUOU At Oswego. Oregon. January 20. IM07. at t:0 a. m., Mra. Corllta Koao bra ugh, wife of H. O. Bosebraugh and taugh- er-trf Joaeob ajemory. - ramerel" aarTlcea will be held nt the Cat hollo church at Oswego at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday. January 23, later ment Oswego cemetery. . KKNNKDY la thla city, at SIT Morris at., January 20, 1007, John Daniel Jr.. Infant eon of J. D. and Ames Kennedy,' aged S yeara, - S montha and 10 daya. funeral from fit. Mary'a ebnrcb. Alblna. at t:lt Tneedey morn ing, January 22. Interment at Mount Calvary, Trlende Inrlted to attend. CIARLO In thla ait; to eltr. Jannarr 21. 107. Fal Tatorl (lark), aged 28 rearm. aged 26 yeara. Tba funeral will be held at St. Michael's church. Fourth and Mill etreeu, at 3 p. m., Tueoday. Jaau ary 22. Frlenda and acquaintance Invited. Interment at Loo Fir cemetery. HITCHtxiCK la thla city, at 4:40 p. at., Jan nary 20, Jamea C. Hitchcock of Vancouver, Wash., aged 83 years, 11 montha and t daya. belored bnabaad and father, paaaed away at the noma of bla ana, K. F. Hitchcock. S27 - 11th at-, N. Funeral aarrlcea wUl be held at the Metbodlat church, VaacouTor, Waeh., Tuesday, January 22, at I o'clock p. m. BOWS-la XII. Nevada. Jannarr Is. 107. Frances M. Howe, agef 37 yeers. Friends aad acaualntanoaa are respectfully mvltrd to attend the funeral aerrlces. which will be held at Flniey'a chapoL Tueoday, Jaaaary 22, IjWT, at 10 tf "Zij i' n ua i t ' UNDERTAKERS. . t'r "' Denning. McEateo Ollheugb, andertakere aad embelmera: snoriera In every derail. Seventh and Tina. Mala 4.10. Lady aaalauaL A. B. Heenetock, undertaker aad emhalmer, Kaat Thirteenth and L'matlUa are. Phone Ball Tl . .. Krtckeoa Tndertaklng Co., aad embalmbig. 40t Alder at. Phone Mala t!33. Lady aaaUuat. J. P. F Inlay A Bona, Third and Madlaoa ta. Office of county coroner. Pbone Alain t. 1 Edward Holms n, nadarthker, 220 Third at. . BIT EB, TUW CKMXTXRT. Single gravea, 110, Family lota. $100 to 11.000. The only cemetery la Portland which per petually BHlntalna aad caree for lota. For full information, apply to W. R. Macbenme. Wer eeater block, city. W. M. Ladd, preeldeat. Boti ern cxmxtkbt. BrnaU aravoa. Blt family Iota, t2f to ITS. Superintendent at cemetery. Corner of Fremont at. and Cully road. Phone Tabor 20. For full la form at Ion apply to Frank SehlegeL t02 Commercial blk. Pbone Mala 2N2S. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. AW B. Powell ta Alice H. Dead, lota S. 4. t, t. 7 and S. blcck 12, Port-; mouth Villa Annex No. 3. . .. ., . t l.STt II. C. George to D. T. Honeymaa. K.OnO aqnare feet of mta . I and e. Mock eo, ' ' Carter'a addltloo 10.004 Llhble D. aad Frank B. Fleming to John M. Bacon, north u or earn or niocx 102, U rover a addition, being lote T " aad t.OOO Auto H. Kdlefeea aad William M. Mc- , Creery Jennie D. Vance, lota . , t. S. .T10. It. 12, IS and 14, block t, . Oak Park addition No. t to SL Johne. 1100 Char lee aad A. Lelghow to Sarah J. Ilea- . demon, beginning at troff pipe m Bourn . aide of Belmont etreet as feet eeet of eaat Una of Glencoe Park ., ...Exchange of Property Carey W. and Clara W. Tbomneon to , J. B. C. I i wood, lot 4. block 106, Eaat Port la ad 17.000 J, L. and Emma B. Caroa to F. O. Has a, lota 13 and 14. Bowne' addition...... 1.300 Portland Trnet Company of Oregon1 to J. Mellrb, block P, k'ortemouUi Villa Ex tenaloB .....' Tt Tyler aad Mary J. Woodward to Portland Railway company, .04 of aa acre be- , ginning at Iron pipe at aontbweet cor ner of Oreenway addition, in chalna : west af northeast corner and 20 rbalna smith of north Una ef eerttoa g. town- - ship 1 south, ranee I eeet,.........,, I.JSt W. C. aad Addl R. Elliott te The Pence - company, atrip 0 feet wide hegla. " nine al point where ditch ef The; Pence rompaay crnaaes the aoutb bound ary ef enu (beast H of nortbeaat M of eex-tlo 2d, townaUlp $ north, rang t went 4 Aatoaette aad Thoma B. Rand te Ds ley L. Rand, undivided b el II acree be ginning at a point la anuth line of . L'uthbert and Terllna Stump a donation land claim. 1 eeet Ion . township 1 "7 nnrtb. raneo t Beat. S ehalna weat of eon thee at corner t.300 Orland and May Palle geek to E. M. f'erpenter, lota t and 10, block t, fhaee'e addition to Pleaaant Home.',.. tt t. H. aad barah A. Nolle to May Petty. lots ii end I. In eithdlvteVm of eeet ... ef lot L. Id M. Patton tract 1,100 Jamee W, anJ lanthe Cook to Florence I. . Miller, lot I, block 1, Cook Second addition i Alblna..,..., T7S REAL fSTATK TRAIfFERS. I'arcr P. aad Kturl ana Tabnar ta J. U. Clllott Klui. part of l'rrry ITotty. ' warn and wUe'a (kmatltai land i-laltM. ta aactkra tt. tuwaatitp L'lHHitu, ravca ' 31 aaat b00 t'torauca Ga.r to aorira l. Iaaprr, ' lot L Mora . unnv,l I. adtllllta COO Lawla and Karah AV. Kuwait to tionrra W. Klalaar. lot . tikica tH. Wlllaw ' ' atta Ilrlxhta aMltloa " l.WO William aiul Lellia A. Kaapu ta Mra. - - -M. J. Kjckmaa. Wt 0, pluck 1, Htaaart Part ' !f0 TlUa Guarantee Troat eooipaiir to ' Prank Sully, tot 21. MeDoukUu kub- . '' dlruioo tJO Anna 8. Nlrhola to Gcorr P. and Aria. Una K. Palta. iota 1 to 2, InrlualTa. block 2, Albkjo addltloa to Alblna t.OOO Frank aVohfol at al. to B. T. lj. Vnta 4U. 34, M and Stf, likirk T, INrtBt Vlaw. 00 H. B. and Kata Nlcbolaa to Lauder ' . Iwla. kt la. block 10. Tabors lua - J TO Tbereea and V. Hchtnld to Laander Law- . a. lot it. block 10. Taboralde Per abetrecta. title tnaaraaca or aaortirra loana, call oa PaHflc Title aV Traat oocineay. tue-t-t-T railing baUdln. Oat ToMr lneurnnce eat ahatrarta ta real aauta frooi the Title Onaranlee Trust eoea paay. S40 Waehfaftoa atraat. corner Becuad. NOTICES. BALF.D bide will be racelrad at tba arbool rlark'a of flea, city kaU, ap to rabmary im, lwu7. for a carta la tract of land located la fifephene' addition., elly of rortland.-boundad ea follows: By tba Koathern Pacific railroad track, ornter llnea of Kaat rJtepbana at.. Kaat Third and Kaat Mill ata., area tba lot eold to Thooiaa Colllnaon. fald tract of land la owned by arbuol district No. t, Uultnotaab county, Oregon, and they will rerelre pro poaala for same aa a bora stated. A denoett of 10 per cent Will be reqalret with all blda. Terms ca.hi . R. B: AfXBN. School Clark. Portland. Oregon. January IB. 1P0T. 1 IN the connty court of the- atata af Oregon for Multnomah county Th the oitrr or lb aetata of Jacob Bchaptro, deceawed. Jio wnotn It may concern; notice le hereby glaea tbat f-feaT beaa eppolBlasa.admlBlatratOT ef the aetata ef Jacob Mchaplro, deceaaed. All tboae baaing cUlma arslnat eaM aetata wtU preeent tbant at Riy oi I ice. no. ovt resiwisi "i"a -. within aix months froni the data of pttbllra tloo of thai notice, to wit, from January 7. 10T. K. 8. TAYLOR. Administrator. BRONAUOM BRONAUUH. Attorneya. THIS ta to certify tbat I bare eold my In tercet In the ealooa at .333 Market at. to L. U Rolatoa and will nt be reeimoalbla for any bllla alnee December 11. 190)1. JOHN PALMER. Myrtle Park. PERHONS awing tba Arleta tinsmith for aerr- Vrceo better come a no pay earns ana arm a further trouble CHAS. RLTH1NGU. EXCAVAT1NO and grading. aO. B. PotUge. 4X0 Commercial at. Phone Kaat B19S. PARTY who took umbrella on Rodney are. please return, aa party waa aeen taking n. MEETING NOTICES. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. B,4e, meet Wednesday evening, Aliaky bldg., tthlrd and Morrlaoa eta. M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp, No. t.STS, Mow- days. I7tb aad Marshall; viaitora welcome. jjQST AN1 found,. FOUND A place to have hair marrreaeea reaa-. vatea ana returnea eeme asy. inmi w. Main 474. Portland Cnrled-Halr Factory. U. Metxger, proprietor. LOBTLady' watr nd-fut with koraaoaoe . buckle get wita peer is. on into or naauing- ton at.. Reward if returned Jo 26J, offlco of Llpman. Wolfe & Co. LOST Fur collar, on lOtb at. or Went Park, between Balmon and Montgomery. Return to 407 Clay, or phont Xl'" K7K7- Bownrd. nan I 1i ' .1 . 1 LOUT A heary gold chain bracelet t Bell , wood, Bunday. Reward. - Columbia Woolen " Mills. Berenth and Btark ats. " HELP WANTED-MALH. , . j. Goy eriintiit Pcsltlcns AGE LIMIT IS TO 40 ; TT. B. BAILWAY MAIL CLKBIM. ... .1 x j tj. B. I.KTTEH-CARR1KRS. . I 4 ; t?. B. I'ONTOITICK CLERKS. V , , IT. 8. CI'STOMH INBHECTORS. WE WILL PRKPARF. YOIT BY If AITj ANT) ACCEPT I' ART TUITION AFTKR APPOINT- ' PACIFIC STATES BCHOOLB. M'KAT BLDG, COR. 3D AND STARK ITS. . PORTLAND. OREGON, WANTED AT ONCE Stare holt enttora. wages $1.40 per eordj ataady erork. Apply Waatarn . Cooperage Co, Btearas bldg., Portland, or Moolton. Or. ...,.,.:'; WANTED AT ONCE Bound young men for fe me a aad brake men en leading western rail road and f Bew roads now being com. plated: experience unnecessary: Bremea. f 100 per montu, brakamea 7: noalUona now open; write at oaee for particulars. National Railway Training asaoclatlnn, 7S0 paxton blk., Omaha, Nebraska or 31 Ridge bldg., Kansaa City. Mlaaonrl. WANTED Salesmen : many make 1100 to tlSO nor month; aome eren more; etocg Clean; grown oe reeervutlon. far from old orchards; rash advanced weekly! choice ef territory. Address Washington Nursery, oompany, Top- penlah, Waablngton. MEN and WOMEN te learn the barber trade In eight weeks: graduates earn from 1R ta zs weekly; expert instructors: catalogue iree. Moier Syetna of Collegee, U Morth Fenrth at., rertiana. TWO anlldtora for ettv and en raids towvai Inveetment; 14 per day salary and commlo- aioa. ran in CBamoer oi uomi PACIFIC BTATIONEBT PBINTINtf CO. ann-SOT Hemnd at. Phono main Ml . . V. aVMalen and install the snnet modern and Improved office ayatenm; complete line tone leaf ruing eevicra. SALESMEN Biperleneed epednl contract tlOO ner month rod enmmlealon. Cons five Mutual Life laanrance Co.. Ellur bldg. WANTED Two or three first -els aa. all-around mecfclne man: permanent position, gooa wages . Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam mad. WB gat erork for our mem here; special mem ber. $2. T. M. O. A. Fonrth aad XamhllL WILL evchance dentistry for eaipenlellug. Cell rnftna B, 823 Waabbi(toa at. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, California. Idaho, Waablngton) health and accident Inenrance; old rellsble eompanv; good eontrscts; refer eocee reonieed. L'attad States Health Ac cident Inaaraace Co.. tot Msrqaam. . tl.00 A MONTH PROTECTS Ton Against accident, glrknesa and death. Write cw call and Invaetigate. North weat Health Accident AaanctaTlna, aon-et)? McKay bldg. Ageata Waated. WANTED Every me a ont of position or die . satisfied with his present vocation, te tak night course at the Behnke-Walker Busi ness College, Seventh aad Stark ats. Ws will place yon In a poaltloa when competent. WANTED Boy to leera trade. St Front, corner Parle. WANTED Coach maker. Devle. St Front, camel BR independent: make money at home, leisure hours ; aomethlng saw, 170 Park at. ' MACHINE men wonted. Apply Port la ad Mill ax Furnitnre Co., 441 Kaat Morrlaoa at. John ' I inserted the enclosed ad in The journal and got results even be- . -, fore my own paper was delivered at my house. " Y ' - -. ' ; :j ' V JOHN A. MELTON, ' THE AD WANTED To bny house-snnvtng sutflt. - drees Melton, 2o4 I'ouTfh St, . . II ELI" WANTED MALE. WANTKD A (ood cu rn pa' out blurkamlth aad wegou-oiakor. Addrsaa W. S. Urlbbla. Mount Hood. Orraoa. ' . DON'T work for a email aalary) aaa or write Patfflr Aid aaaoriatloa tor good propoal tloa, 324 1. amber Cxctoange. TKAM SHOVEL enrlnaer, tlM month and board. No. t Niirtb TOlrd at. - D. K. Bvuld. PRINTERS, adrortlatnr anllrltora. Garni a a rant. poier Xrokarasa, Gotxloougb bid. , Nawa- WANTED Boy a orer It to wrap aoap. Ap ply Lockla. King Cak Soap Co., is AT ONCE Several yoang men te prepare for coining examination for railway mall rlerka n uregou; permanent government poaltbrna; good sale r lea; see me without delay, Mr, lleynea, 815 Columbia bltlg. WANTED Cooks' and helpers' beedouartere at a siiioroia tv me iepor. f. uara II. 14a Fourtb at. rnona ractno ai3. SEWER-DIGGERS. 2.e0 day, t hoar. , Beat sum ana inompaon eta. BOY wanted at lieltkemper'a, cigar factory, 723 YOCNO man te work la caa factory. o2 gorta wnio at. ... HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every woman ont of a poaltloa or dlaaatlaSed with her present vocation, te take a night course at the Behnke-Walker Ruslnees Gollege. Seventh and Btark ata. . We will place you la poaltloa when eoav 0IRI4I WANTED Operators to work aa ehirte " vTwrsii.. a,i seone givea xo inexpeneoceu. ' Apply at Standard factory tie. 2. Oniad ve. u , , , HA-ntWEWS LA riTEr AnwtrrTX4ti7WssB-' Ington at., cor. BeT,nth, n pet a Ira. Pkone main sw. remale Help wanted. LA W KM- ansae leisure noura: aometlilng new. Call and la- veatigate. lTO Park at. COMPETENT rtr! for general nonaework and vovauis. goon wage. ou rxaaaaio iu COMPETENT girl for general houaework. email .eiuu. gwo warn; rererencea requirea. aui lt.tb at., neat Montgomery. WANTED A lady ticket-seller, traveling abow) . weekly and expenaee; moat secure a ma chine, coat (loot experience unnecessary; give - description. Q 121. care Journal. WANTED Teachers for Chinese Episcopal m le sion erenuig ecnooi. xsa Mcoad st; 1:00 to t:30 p. m. WANTED Several glrla for light Inatrta work; wagea ex per oay. apply sea waaaingtoe at. WANTED Girl for ebamberwork and to help wan on taste; private ooarojng-oxmse. lod Fifth at. . - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP sranted and nuppHed. male or female. B. u. vraae. xuoh Washington et rncine uto. WANTED A few . good aollclbwe, mala ant remale; beat propoaltloa la Portland; good money to tbo right pert lea. Pbone Sellwood - Tt.- Oorner Beat 4Sth et, aadV Umautqie AMATEURS to take part tn refined drumaa; opportunity tor pracucet la city. M log. care JonrnaL WANTED . 000 men. and women to patronise the ueaa akanng rtnk, evening, anemone ana night. A good time for everybody.. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. JIEUABLB-po afraid of ewnk. wanta position. aa shipping clerk or any otber Inelde Job; refer no cee. Add reaa K 115, ear JonrnaL L POSITION wanted by. bookkeeper and office nan. Address r 114. care Journal. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants yob.. M 43, care Journal. SITTJATIOX9W ANTED. FEMALE. WANTED To do plain sawing of say kind. 20CH Second at., room t. WANTED AGENTS. THB largest gaannfactnreta of aluminum cook ing ntenelle want representative to soil full " line everywhere. H. H. Strelu Co., Foatofflce Box-14. -Gran ta Paae,- Or. . AORNTt Make good Income easily; ear burner turne common kerosene lamp Into brilliant, Jortable, abeolntely aafe light: big eeller; racrlptlon free. Oaallrht Manufacturing - Co., 231 Broadway, New York. AT ONCE Agente for aoap, n-iedtrlnee snd oil blacking. It. M. Plummar, 200 Third. First ones get beat territory. . TO take tnwne or ererntlee ta Oregoa for the thoroughly up to.dato -order, the "Trlh ' of rven Hor; agenta make rrom as a day up. For terms call at mom 22 Hen ana blk., corner Fifth end Morrison, between the hours et 2 end t P- aa. EEPLOTIENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPIX)YMENT CO, ' 1 ' Logging camp aad farm help a arsMxarry. 20 North Second at. Phone Mate tSwt. Wt pay all telegraph charge. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. St North Second et. Phone Mala IBS. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB tOBU Morrison at Phone Pacific SSt 27 North Second at Pbone Pacific 1300 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Honsea, rot tare, flats, atoree. off area, rooming bonaaa, eta Lead lorde will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON Phone Ex. 72, S. B. Cor. td snd Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THB TITLE at ABSTRACT CO., ' H. R. SALTMAR8H, Manager. Loana, collect kma, titles expected. Ex port advice on realty values. Property Hated for quick disposal. C. H. Plggott and J. A. Finch, legal eounaeL Phone Peel ft 1640. Boom 4 Mulkey bldg, 2d nnd Morrlaoa ata. CONTRACTOR will build yea house and Use lot part payaMBt. Addraaa O lid. Journal. I HAVB nn Immediate buyer for a modern B or -room house, not ever $2,100. aoutb of Hawthorne, weet of 21st and north of Powell; . half cash; answer quick. T lit. Journal. WANTED Full or fractional kit. east stde. ss far out ss ISth t between Eaat Stark and Gllsan; owners only; must be reasonable. W. J. Day o Co.. Buaeel bldg. ... 1 OB 2 acree on carltne. Improved or unim proved; state price and. location, at 40, car WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. IF f yon 411V!. have a fat cow tv sell telephone Beat HALL snd ballroom, separate or together; new and with all aoaventesces. . Phone Main 36. I PAY cash for household goods. W. W. Ssvsgs, 345-S47 Flrat at. Pbone Pacltle Sat. A. Melton Says- Ae WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. A LADY Uvlnp In tba eounn? would Ilka to board and rare for a cUlld. Addreaa f Hi, care Journal. W WILL BI T. SRI.L OR TRAD! ANY OLD Tni.M. WHPTKRN 8ALVAGB CO.. fT ftdt WASHINGTON. PACiriO TM, WANTED rnrnlmre and bouaabolt (soda at ararr deecrlpi loa bout-lit, enld and axenaagad. Tba . Sit flret at. VI a la 1174. I MAIN Mf CASH AND LOTS OP IT rOK FURNITURE. - PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. , 211 First St. MAIM BSBB. MAIM MSB. EXCAVATINO aad grading. O. B. PotUge. 4MP Commercial at. Pbone Kaat tlM. , HIGHEST eaab price paid for all klnda second hand goods. Phone Mala 2111. 82 N. Third. WE haul dead horses and cattle free. Oregoa Fertiliser Works, 701 Thurman. . Mala lBde. FIRHT -CLASS carpenter will exebenge work for phouoarraih, or anything In huuee furnishing a. Addreaa C 111, cars Journal. WANTED Honae building, reanodellng, wreck. lug. stors fixing, plastering, cement or briek work. Addrees X US, care Journal. WANTED A horse, l.gnO to 1,400; : cheap. Phone Weodlawa B8S. WANTED Fnrnlehed place or to take charge; a competent couple. Addreaa 824 First St. WANTED a Princess aeollaa. : John Mohr, llllwaakle, Or.; K. F. D. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT On or two furnished or anfur Pished rooms at very reasonable prtceer eon. venlent ssd oa carltne; L car. Comer Morris .. at. aad Mlaalaalppt are-X NH'ELY turn la lied room In private family for yealuvnian, lutiigi'e. viecinc Hguta, tetettbtiiia, gaa, bath. 471 Jefferson ti Telephone I'' clfle 1194. : THB-RICHBI,IKtr.-fH-NortS Blxtb at. Ele gantly furnlahed; steam beat an bathe. - FURNISHED rooms and furnlshsd housekeeping - rooms tor rent nt 7U2 Vsscoover are. THR GRAND, 4.14 North Third St. tot gentlemen, per we. a ana up. A NICE furnubed room In private family with bo otber roomers. Cull at 427 Third et. PLEASANT front root la neat home, close in, oa eaat aide; rent reasonable Inquire a ' Grand ave.. north. Phone Eaat BS2. "BED DRAGON" New a well roams, beert ef city; new furniture and carpets. Cornee " Sixth and Stark ata. Entrance 377 H Btark. FURNISHED room, day. week or month: rent reaaonabl. 183Vb tvarth at. . PaclOe 2630. BOOMS fox rent, froaa $1.00 np.'. 244 H Seo ood st. i TWO newly furnished rooms; furnace ' kaat, bath and free phone. 40" Vi Clay at FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.80 WEEK CP, large, clean, fornlsbed feoass keeplng rooms, laundry ana Data. 44 BOr man south, Portland. $1SWEEK- UP. oleaiv- rarnlnbed bouse .ep- Jng rooms, parlor. Dam, laanary, ramaoe beat, yard. 203 H Stanton, TJ cat. THB MITCH KLL Housekeeping aad transient rooms, reeaonable. Seven tb and slanders. 2 -OR S- furnlahed hsnankaiplng ropme, - Call nt ir)H East Harnsld C Pbone East 4S82. HOUSEKEEPINO-BOOMS aad sleeping-rooms at Z47ft rirta at- . FOR RENT S ftuntsbed botraekaelnxrooxua tn private lamny; gsa, puone ana Beta. 427 Becond at, near Hall. FURNISHED honeekeeplng-i r Sat; eenlrai. ten Itarta LARGE front room with eereve. 42S Stark at. ROOMS , AND BOARD. ROOM and board for several gentlemen tn a private family. 4 North 28d et. Telephone . Pacific 2UW7. ....' ROOM In private family, with or without board, for one or two people; free bath and pbone and heat. 8M Flret at FOR RENT HOUSES, WE are In need ef several fornlsbed and aa furnlahed honae to aattnfy th wants of nor - patrons, - Pbone main tioi or call 720 Cham ber of Commerce. Do It bow. B-ROOM boos, weet aide, good locality, close to car, low rent to good tenant; W4U ecu oa easy terms. Phone. Mala 1410. FOR RENT Nice cottage. rooms, corner West Park St. FOR BENT A T-teoss, beosav- gl4- see-nwotb. Alss s store with living-rooms a pat air, corner of Mississippi ave. snd Beech et. Jams Ryan, owner. Inquire oa th premiss. FOR RENT A good ft-room house. 753 East Aukeny at,, corner 22d- TS MARSHALL. ST. a-roont bona, thoroughly modern, convenient ana attractive. Bunt two yeara; rent SSt per month to permanent tenant. Morgan. Sweet A Chapman, alt Ab- Ington bldg. Phono Mala 201B. FOR RENT FLATS. $10 MODE BN 5-room fist, gaa, bath, woodllft, etc., 4.V) Rodney ave. Inquire 444 Rodney ave., corner Tillamook at. Eaat 466, FURNISHED HOUSES. FOB BENT Modern T-room furnlahed bouse tn Irrlngton; reference; rent $40. Call East auoe. t-ROOM lower Sat. toe furniture. $38; alas alngle rooms, alio Montgomery at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. WB aeed) furniture at aay price. Portland Aae twa Booma. til Flrat at. Mam sew. FURNITURE of 8 roouia ea Montgomery near Psrk; a money-maker; tnnet sell; maks ms an offer. Phono Sunday Mala tlSS; week-days Main 878. MEW furniture of S-room residence; good pise for boarders; terms. Pbone Main iSl. t-ROOM honae, full of roomers end board era, clearing $o0 per month; best location ta city. Inquire 428 Stark et. - FURNITURE- tor B-room houee, bergs tn If taken at once; bouse for rent. M 44. cure Journal. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. A CENTRALLY located Store, with good abow window, balcony, and lease. Apply 282 Yam hill at, rhone Pacific 200. OFFICE-ROOMS, anfornlrned roome and nam . pie-room fog rent, tesodnongh bldg. Apply elevator. S A FEW BrsVclaaa office-rooms left at aortheaet corner Ttnrd and Madlaoa ata. Apply room No, g. $111 OFFICE suitable for dentist; receptlon rooTB with doctor. T Cambridge bldg. A. . Carpenter and Builder. You Should Tba ajaallty af -Whtob) lax-pens Dspaada aah Tl a o n a n o w a t o Yaw seed m eleven fairy, c a .pern nsasl advertise . . Ta sell-year IN THE JOURNAL, . DAILT AND BUNDAT.". .' RATE: Ont Cent per word. Cunts per. lint each day, or Thirty days. ' , .,- , ' . Six wordt constitute a line, but etch line it charged for regard less of the number of wordt. . N0 ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN ' 13c, FOR RENT BHSCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, separate or together; aad with all conveniences. Pbone Mala BUSINESS . CHANCES. STOCK" tmpe nice tncorporsted ; If you have stocks or nonae ror naie, sex me xry so eell tbem for you. Oeorge M. kallogg, broker, 640 Ellloott Square. Buffalo. . - HOMER breeding pigeons, $7 per doeent larger amounta euppUed.. fieerge B. Houtn, Kalama. Waablngton. - . . SAVB MONEY Anything ta printing see Mad. nil, wiq ,,imw. ..iHaiM ew. juwn ata. t epatalra. , . i. $400 BUYS t-rooma, well fhrnlabed In good Jo- cslltyi west -side; ' hiw rent." gaganiaca A . BUnchard. tl Fifth at. V - . . DRUO STORB-for aale- ta Marsh field. For particulars apply to Title Goarsatss A Ah ' etract Ce, lursbflehl. Or. A NICB cigar 'tore, good trade, fine location. $100. J. B. Foreman, real estate broker, 132 Grand ave. Phone East 4243. j I CAN eell 2.000 Mammoth stock (Metallne) -very -reeaonable.- If Interested Invaetigate. K 112, care Journal. PLACES gold mine, partner wanted or will eell; mine tn Idaho; atrirtly high grade; $140 yard digging. . W. N. Ruble, Golden, FINB fnrnlrnre, 10-roora modem boner: must , eell: cheep rent; make offer.' . Hatfield 8ml th, 1B614 Fonrth at ' , . . . 19-ROOM flat, very central, rent $00. good fur niture, paying welt $1.200. Hatfield - A smith. 16hth Fourth ot. . r FuB SALE Restaurs nt domg a good buelneee: ' owner In hoapltnl; will be aoM at a sacrifice by the owner; ae agents, pbone East 1106. FOR BALE -Halt Interest In meat market. reaaouable; One location, Nashville. Mount - Scott Una. Call. 7 NICB ftrrntahed rnnaia, tnsu pine et.. be- tween F'fth snd Sixth, rent $.19: Price $.WO; a good bargain. Trade with the owner la the SALMON Wanted, eontracta to pack salmon. J. R. Foreman. 183 Grand ave. Phone Kaat 4243. FOB SALE Stock hardware, email town; thla la a money-maker; sslss 50 per cent more than last year. Address P, 0, Bex 20, Port land. Oregop. $2. 200 82-roora bouse, rent t7l per month, close In; boon full; must sell. Investigate this If yon want a bargain. Hagemana A Blanch ard, tl Fifth at. BOOMINO-HOUSR. it moms, leaea, $40; thll la no eteata-hrated affair, hut money-maker; on Second, near Madison. A la xa a (lev Land ve, tuts ci ., uni rin GROCERY store corner to trade What have yon I Alexander Land On., 6.1 H Sixth at., near Ptoe. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALK 1 to alghtly lot on Moant Scott carllne; One location; easy term. V lis, care Journal. FI VB acree oa Mount Scott carllne. level, alghtly. ckeap, by owner, too Benton at. Call morning. FINB LOTS la Tscotna at a bargain; $150 caah. Apply T lit. Journal. TWO nice residence lot on Rodney ave. and Going at., sewers m, street Improved, at a low price. REGISTER A 00., 10TH Third at. . .A BIO SNAP FOB LITTLE MONEY. Any one who will call at our. office caa buy from ns a very nest 4-room cottage, finished In good style, with half lot, on Eaat lOtb at, near Falling., for $700. Jugt tba price th house coat to build. J-THB DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 14lx I'lrat St. . RBAL ESTATE. If you hare reasonable first payment w will bny a led; anywhere yon went It snd build a .honae to ault yon at' a reeaonable price. Come In snd see ttav -B. ?. COOK A CO., . , iSl Alder St. $3.100 I-ROOM modern cottage, Corbett St., close, fins view; full Wt. Hatfield A Smith, lOOIa Fourth at. t-ROOM cottar, largs lot, rents $10, block from car. I0; term. Hatfield A tin I lb, 16Stt Fourth at. $1,000 BUYS a alee 4 room cottage nd 2 lota oa corner tn Vernon en 2nd et. REGISTER A CO.. 107 Vk Third St. $4,000 WILL buy K block, new modera T-room bones and o-rontn cottage, near S carllnee, 'Hatfield A Smith. l'MS'k Fourth at. Scmethtag: Nice : - Seethes at comer 14th and Kearney, modern tmprovements, good Income ; also B rlvsr-vfew lots, west front i for beauty can't he dupli cated. 61T Lumber Exchange bldg. A MCE t-room house and basement! title food; VI East loth at., north, near Maaon, rom Union ave. S blocks east: $1.0U0: terms, . SftOO down ami $15 per month, 7 per cent. Trade with the owner, la tbo house. , $1,600 B-R00M honae, barn, rhlrken-bonae, woodbouae and 2 acree land right ea carllne; creek nine through land. REGISTER A CO., 10T$ Third t.' ' "' PARTIES with email amount of capital deetr . Ing a noma caa bare aame bnllt according to their own plans on a small payment rt-.wn of 120 to two, balance earns ss rent. Cent. Bisotoats with C 114, cars Journal. I S-ROOM house; part caah, balance $20 month; it-mlnuts ear service: Improved street, la ' noire 3t Eaat Couch, fben Baal tOT, . Advertise. XXXIX. ueark steel ye year elerat ns e re si wavy. axUlllaerr. . Mors than two insertiona. Fhrg Cents pec line per week of seven '..'. ."v- .' ; . - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $2.Te0r-S-B0OsI hoeae. modern) aa exceptions! bargain.' W. J. Peddlcord, St. Jahne,'0a $20.000 VERY central BoxlOO: one ef the beat buya la Portland; will double In value la 2 - yere $10,000 caah, $000, mortgage, II ' yeara at t per Cent; will take $3,000 Ip seat ' aide property. Call at BOoW Bornaioa st. i. fnone raciiie uii. WATCH "TILT0N ADDITION" GROW. Home balldern are buying these lots be- eauae tbey are below value. Only tt left. - -v Agent on grounde ta mom mra. - - " THOMPSON A'OGDEN (Hrxuieh,) : Phone East 4300. - SO Belmont et. FINai lot oa lOtb at, wast side. Incecse $80 per month. $9,250. W eaters Oregoa Troat Co., 281 Stark at. TURNER WALKER. Keel Eat ate, Farma and Stock Sanaa an. . , Kxrhaagaa. BOSH Waablngton at. ' $125 FEB ACRB I tb price are hsva aa a . 22-srre place oa Johnson creek; half la eultl vat Ion, good house, near carllne. REGISTER A CO, 107th Third t A BARGAIN IN SUNNYBIDB Valuabla corner wltk tui prove mento nnd room for auore BPtR -and i Belmont ats. 84 feet frontage aa ear track. laqulre Geo. IC Btroog, 21.4 La cabas Eichanga bldg. ...... . ALPINE REAL ESTATB CO., 205H Morriaon. ronxn S; pbone Main 18 17 V block with jg-room nonae, ctoae in, gn.ooot, a t-room honae; eaay terms; $2,250. SEVERAL comfortable boosea and lot belong. lug to Bon resMent towtt he eold st one at ' ' a aacrlflce terma. W. B. McPhemoa, The . Philadelphia, room It, Third and Salmon. 400 ACRES eultable to cat Into B nnd lC-aere tracts; A-l eoll, near river and railroad; also oa line of proposed electric road; price $40 per acre; email tracts caa be sold readily for $100 per acre. Call on or addreaa Lei fayette Realty Co.. 313 H Washington at. - 200 FAglMS, a mall tracts and lots: bargain ea . w. r. aiectrie line, u. K- Addixo . Oregoa. Take Mount Scott ear. Be. HOUSES and lota la Holladay Park. I Bice, ,000 Wasco St. Pbone Kaat 1400. 5-ROOM bungalow cortege. lot BOxlOO; fall . cement basement; walking distance. Boar Skldmore: t2i0; $500 down, balance eaay.. Alexander Land Co., 63 Vi Sixth st, near Pine, Phone Pacific 25. - - BARBER SHOP, building and all, near Oak et., $2731 ground rent, $7: west side, close In. - We can deliver this; look this up quick. Alsx . ander Land Co., 93 Sixth at., near Pine. INCOME-REARING fleta on eeav 20 lth at., foar Hate. IT per month, por celain baths In each, close tn. easily rented: $2,000 rash, $73 monthly' Installments; In. . rams will pay tha inatallmente, making re markable Inveetment of, email .capital. Mor gan. Sweet A Chapmen, 813 Ublngtoa bldg, Pbon Main 2015. Sellwood . Morebooee A French, 1470 B. UtK ' Pbone Sellwood T4. City View Park :ota. $375 and apt Boas Addition lots. $100 snd np: $5 down nnd $ n . month. Homes from '00 to $5,000, Lets $200 and ap, la all porta of Sellsrood. List your property with ea; we will eell It, $3,ono MODERN 7-rontn cottage. 1 acres, near Mt, Scott rarHne, 23-mlnute servlcs; owner wants to nee money for nnstneen pnr. rr-e: mot be sold soon. Apply McKssaie Co., 200 Commercial bldg, Becond aad ' Waablngton ats. A SNAP Beeutlful modern 7-rootn nous, els - horstsly furnished; will sacrifice If taken at once; terma Owner, 77 We ecu at., Holla day Park. Pbone Esst 5230, . DESIRARLB lot ea Larrabee et. Ugh. alghtly, walking distance. - See owner, , room 4S2, Lumber Exchange. JUST think. 1.300 lota neer Salem carllne. no farther then St. Johns, st $15 per lot st $1 per month; level end good soiuwlth houses already there : yoe esirt bny scrssge r seres geaC ii jr ranifrng; ont there ror same amoentt lots wll - per lot In August, when cars are there will be the Sneat town out here le tha velley. Apply to owner, W. Reldt, room IS 'Washington bldg.. 270Vk Waablngton at, . $3.500 C-ROOM cottage; new, roodera, 10ft 100, L block from Bt. Johna rarllnei corner alone worth $1.(o0; grreete Improved; honae alone worth $2,000: bnllt by owner; terma; must have caah soon to meet other oblige, tlona. Apply McKrMde A Co., too Commer cial blk. Second snd Washington. MUST be sold st once, party need cash. For Bale Eaat Taylor at., near Kaat 42d St., modem t-room cottage, 11.750; 00 ! SilnO; ' tt.'ai caah. Apply McRenile A Ce, SuO Com merelal blk. ..... 1,500 ACRES of coal land for sal by Title Guarantee A Abatract Co., Marahfleld, Or. 812 ACRES fine prairie grain land In St S. 10 R., Lske county, $1,500 raak. We are offering to sacrifice thla beeauee we need -.' money for immediate use. Yoe can't find a better chance for specnlatloa. 0. W. Dixon, Canby, Or, A SNAP -room house and full ale lot, hi Sellwood, for only $ooo. If takes at once.; , Boaorth-Klnncy Co.; 1 Lumber Exchange, Portland. . . . , . $0100 LOT and new 5 room bungalow with fhll ,....,.f v.,.,r.. Nuaro in ine ciry, rinss to carllne; well built, double walla and floors; 1 good csr service; price $1.0.10. .lartmsa A Tbompeon. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS. riVR nice dairy farma for sale, from 100 ta jno acre, by Title Usaraalea ax, A be tract Co, Marshfleld. Or. c ACREAGE AND "FARMS bear Tlgardvma, Weeblngtoa, - te 10 mtlea fronj portlead. peer Portland and Salem carllne. Farmers' U Co, lit Madlaoa at 1'urUaod, Orego.