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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
It THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21. 1807. -- - " If the Price of Hops Goes to Lower Figure Growers Are Responsible, as the Dealers Have Made Repeated Efforts to Put It Up. TODAY'S MARKETS UnABLE TO ACCEPT FLOUR ORDERS Millers Are Forced to Turn Down Business They Would r t ike to Have. MANY MILLS IN THE NORTHWEST ARE CLOSED 'U-.y. : ' - . Wheat CannotBy Obtained on Ac count of Lack of Cars and That Market It Nominal MlUstuffs and Grain Supplies Never Smaller.' - rtrtr! market - restores today Miller refuting floor order. Car abortage holds wheat. No barley or ou la Hock." . market Slides downwsrd. ' 1' paele for stsarir poultry marks! Greet scarclly of vegetable. Apple mnrket ban of anppllM. Hallbnt la dowa to 8e stain. Still ao fmh sslmoa la msrkst. Wlda range show la hop values. v Xillara Bsfusing Ilenr Ordsrs. . Tber I a queer situation la tha flour mar. ket at llil time. Ml Hera ara refoelng orders. Thla condition waa not brought about bjr any d-alre of tba floor nao to tnra dowa bailees . In fact, the; ara Terr anxious to sell. That's tha altuatloa In a antahell at thla tlma. Never waa tba mllllof business of tba Pacific north west so thoroughly demoralised aa p la at tha moment. Most of tha mill hsv been ' shut dowa because tbey have ao wheat to grind. On every alda tha trade la la despair. Moat f tba boelneae now being cabled her by tha orient will be loat entirely to tha Psclfle northwsst. Tb flour must bs secured at aa srly data sad mtllmen ara not la a position ' to make contracts with any special data for delivery. As this floar Is badly seeded oa so mnt of tbs email stocks a ths other slda of In. Pacific tba bualosas will co to other guar- tors wbsrs ths grsla raa bs ae cared and tbs floor manufactured. Bars oas floor seller to ssy: ...There is ao as In our accepting floor bnslassa st this tUa. We eaanot tall whoa tha atorka caa bs delivered, for w cannot seears wheat on sccoont of lbs general lack of cars. Tbs sltoatloa Is dally growing wore." - - All Orata Is Vary Soars. With ao ears la which to transport lb stacks, there Is s loll In ths wheat trad ot tba antlrs Pacific aorthwsst. Beery section la a Ilka af " fectsd. rrtres as at preseat oweted ara bona. Inal. - ...... Tbs car sbartars la likely to result tn star vation for soma of ths llTratock In ths Padfle northwest for never were supplies of oats. barley,' ntllstoffs and hay so scare st thla time. - Itt lUrkat Hid Downward. A downward trend la noted la ths erg mar ket todar. Receipts are not ret heavy, bat , ths milder weather has loosened on ths sup plies considerably and today's ton price, along ' tx toc with kales Taurine eosrn to - Mr, - Koma dealers expert, tba low point to strike B2He by tomorrow morning, Cblckena ars Juat about steady and with tbs lower range of value durlni tbs psst few days tba general sipsctatksia of ths trade ars tbst a fair tons will rols tbs prsssnt wsek. - Creamery batter eoatlnoes scare, bat a alight Ineeesss Is shows la arrival sf country rirss arlfa. .-r Oreat Sosreity sf Tsgetables. Oa account af the severs cold snap which kM this sactloa In Its ernsn for tw weeks. Front strsrt, deators ordered vry small but pltea ot vegetables from tba seats for esriy shipment and ths reenlt Is tbst today scant atorka ars offered by tba trade. With a much better demand tbs apple msr kst Is firmer. Supplies ars only, fab? with beat eniallfv verv scares. prangs show alow mnvamsnt on " W snaatlafactory quality Wld Jtsng ia Hop Taluaa. There la a scry wide rasa of values Is the bop market at thla time. Despite the off era of dealers to pay as kirn aa 14 for strictly choir good and arsoad 13WI3H far prima to choir.' some growers are nrjlng to dunnai ths market for they "are offering under thsss figures. A representetlvs ef Barry 1,. Hart yesterday porrhased IS bales of prims poods from Hutchlns of Dsytoa at a prlc said to be llie. Brief Xstss sf tbs Trad. . t. Aj,rr. id cf frossn nloas end potatoes ta bow being offered tbe trad at lowr prices, Thla la hurting, to so mar extent, tbe demand for better grsdee: onion especially. Bowevsr, representatives of ths assoclstloa ssy tbe 7 ars receiving as many orders for anion., at tbs - aasoelatioa'B pries as they csa secure cars for xoovement. " " - so fresh salmon ta la the market and tbe trade continue the as tot cold storag stock. Prlc 'the same. With smsll locressa la sup plies of fresh halibut ths prlc baa dropped H to 8H a pound again. Tba trad pay ths following prlc to Front street. Prices paid, shippers are less regular commissions: - Oral. f1mr aad Vssd. ' ORAI r).o ColcatU. iVs haying pries: eel 11 ns. .tfie. . WHKAT New club, agflgTet red Russtsa, nc: blueatem. salley. gdc. . BARI.RY Kew resd. l frt.0O: rollsd, 2t M23 ISO: brewing. I23.OOSI2S.0. CORN Wboiw WJKi racsd, I2S.0 pat ta. ' . ' RTF II W see ewt. OAT New Prodocer netes N. 1 whits, 26Si2T.0O: grsy. f2S.M2.oa FLOUR Rsatsra Oregon pstsnts. MP": i strslghts. Mi export, tXWt valley 3.40j graham. WB": whole wlmst. U.T0: rye, bus. t5.0r: bales. $J 75. MILUITrrra Rrsn. pee font mid dllnrs, 2J.0O: shorts, country. l00; cty, i.a(M): coop, no.oost21.oo. H A X ProducerV pries Timothy. Willamette alley, fsney. ia.00J13.n: srdlnsry. 8.00'. low: ssstera Oregon. mixed, tin.noQio.Bi; clover, S.00 grain. $8 00 a. 40; cheat. sS-"0. ..- '1 Bnttor, ' Eggs aad smttry. BtrrrFR rAT-f. . P. Portland Sweet cream. Mc: soar. glHe. BUTTBR City cresmery. Us: ostatds fsney, taiiffl.lfte: stnrsre. 2Jfe: store. iTsflTHc rtiul KXtra SV'rscr ranoien, aoajooc; local 7 and enteta stnfrf,-ST42r. , ; Ting America. l5Hl(le. OI LTBTUve Mixed chickens. 'l014Ue Jb: fsney beos. 14HQ1V; roosters, sld. 10Ht lie per lb; frysra. lie per lb; .broilers, irx per lb: old ducks. l3He per lb; spring duck, ISHc per lb: gees, aioc per PS; tur keys. IT per lb for old; drssssd. fsney, r.'e per lb: ao oc he. 200 dos: plgsnns. tl.00 par do. lresad poultry lfllHr par lb higher. Heps, Wool sad Rids. ; ' wfjptv-iooei crop. rnnIA. 1.1VkQt4i: prim ta choice, l.VftlSHc; medium to prims. Hue, edhim, 1"HM'. WOOL lo clip Valley. t0823ei eatrs Oregon. JOo. klOHAIH New, seminal - gmEPCKirtA aiiesrtng. IHtJIOc each: short wsol. IBa; medium wool. 40Q 78 saahl ks( wool. 7VI1.0 srb. TALLOW-Prlm. pet lb. IHOci N. t aad grease. 'tfHe. CHlTTrM BASK MOT tor car Iota; small bjrs. iR6e. H1DKS Pry. M. 1. 1 lb and np. gu triae per lb; dry kin. No. 1. t to IB lbs, lect dry Call. no. a, anitr m, uc; saiTew Dine, iteers. sooad. 00 Ins and ever, lotgllr; sows, ai, ifOHe: sod bulls, snnnd. SffTe; kip, is m an lbs. ae; cnlf. sound, under IS lbs. Ik?! .rees, assailed. Is k-as) enlla. 1c per Ik level Cnrae hides, salted, each, (1 tfirff! TO; dry. each. gl.0iifll.40; colt hMee, ahtgnOc; (oat shins, coatmea. each. 10914; Aagnra. each. XlcQtl Frulta aad YsgstaUas. POTATO; Buying arte, sa.tem llnltns. nab and Clackamaa select, tl ooejl . faaxy. II m)il.0S; sedlasry. TAUOOg per rwi; swevta. aii'ii-ic lb. i . ONION Jobbing prlc Ms, Oregon, gnes aim; No. 8, T0ju, haying price sOVT4c; iarllc. Kite par lb. ' A'PLIt Paney Hood P. Ivor nltsenberg and v.llew Nswtewns. I J 40; fancy Wlllamstt val ue and eoatbara Oregon, tl.40; am wiry stock, SiielTne. ' - - fBEB rnciTel-Orsnges. sew naval, Japsnss. 14; hesasss. ne per lb; lemons. 1 M)a box: lime. Mevleaa tl.SS per ,a)' plBcapples, t1.OO5.00 per doses; (rspea, WHAT DEALERS SAY '' ' OF LOCAL MARKETS . t By W. B. Clafk. : , ; d The poultry market shows a d decline of about I centa during; e tba past week, owing; to the cold e weather, which caused a general e e lack of demand. Receipt at no d 4 time were heavy, and what little d gale the retailers bad for poultry d d . they supplied out of cold ator- d age. The prospects ... tar the e present week are for a slightly 4 better demand, with prices about aavpreaent quoted. . Eggs are lower on account of d the milder weather of the past e few days, which caused a alight k Increase In receipts. The-mar- ket stands tojuy . at It cents, , d e and If recetpts Increase during; d e . the. present .'week values will probably go slightly lower. e d . And dressed meats are very d d ' Arm with lighter arrivals and e better demand. Prices ss pres- e ant quoted. ; ' :' Jlalsgs, tT.50 per' ksg; pssra. tl.n0OI.T5: huckleberrlea, Sc; pineapples, (5.00 per dos; pomegrsnatss, tlStul.bO per box; grspe fruit. sa-io. carrota. T&crdil Ber sack: beets, tl .2.1 ner sack Oregon radlahe. 20c per dos.: cabbage; Ore ton, tl.TS: ball peppers, per lb: to matoes, fi.-M: psranls, . aucttl.oot string bssns, IS per tb.i can II flower, II. SO par doseal peas, 1.1c; korssrsdlah. tulOe per Ih.t artichokes tl 00 per doaen; siiuaali. Tncail.OO par box; celery, Csllfornls, g.'l.'JSStS.SO per crate: pomp kins. lrl(Ac; cranberries, 110 per barrel. DRlEll r'RL'ITta Apples, svaporatsd. bHM 'e per lb; sprioots, 18Va20e per lb; peaches. 12$I3H per lb; sscka. He per lb leaa; prunes, 80 to 40. 6c; H drop on sack 1-10 smaller else: figs, California black. gflflHe per lb; California whit. SeJUHs per lb; datss. golden. IB 60 per box; fsrds. tl-0e$l.B0 Par IB-lb bog. --':r Ore aeries. Hats, Bt.- . . BPOAB California nawallan Onba. t5.2IH; pawdered. S.12H; berry. Uih: dry rranulated. t.KM: B". 72H: conf. A, $4.oa) extra B, H; golden C, t4.H0; D, yellow, t4 2iv: beet granlUted, t4.T2V. - Western Cubs; I5.27H; powdered.- S.ltH; dry granulated. $4.2: P. C. M 24: conf. 1, ea.BHH; extra C, 44.42H 1 goldea O. MJUm D, fellow. t4.22tt; best grsnulatsd. t4T2Hl bbls, loc; tk bbls, 2Sci boxes. Sue advsaes ea sack bssls. . . Ubeve price are SO days set Saab (nota tion ). . IIONKY-S3 0 psr ersto. COFKLE Packers brsnds. tl.01T.M. SALT Cnara Half ground. 100a. .00 per Jon; 80s,- tu 0; table, dairy. 40a. l 00: fboax II2.TS; bales, II So; Imported Liverpool. eOs, 118.00; loos. 117.00: 2-ts, llg.00; sitra fins, bbls, fa. Bs, 10s, t. 4" i(3 80: Liverpool ranip ro. per ton; 40-lb reek. gK.OO; loos, lAbove pries apply to sale of less than esr lots. Csr lata at special pries subject to tluetuatlona.l - , . KICK Imperial Japan. No. t, c: No. t IHe; Mw Orlesas, head. Te; AJsx. Ic; trsols, . jbKANS msn whit. BO, whits. 3.2S; pink. 2.IM; tayoo. 3.7B; Llwaa. 414c; Mexican reds, 4c. NUTS Peanuts, Jumbo. H psr Ibt TlrgmU. TH per lb; meated. 10 per lb; Japsneae. Bit tct roatsd7t7Ws ner lb: eoonannts. MB0M per do; wntnata, rallfurntni lnt av TbT ecpnnr, lite per id; piuennts. aexaioc per lb: - bl-kory nets. lOe per ibi ehestnnts. eastern. LBgjle per lb; Brat!! nuts. INc per lb: fllbvts. lc pet lb; taocy pacana, UJ2ui slmpnds, 1921hV. . Keats. Plak and Provisions. PRRRH sIKAToV-Pront Strsst Hogs, fancy, Be per lb: veal, extra, be per lb; srdlnsry, TMstSo psr lb; posr, per lb; Button, fancy, biiso ner lb. . f HAMS BACON, KTO Portland pack floeall llama, id to 12 lbs, le lb; 1 to la Rn. lio lb: II to 90 lbs. ise tb; breakfa.t bacon, Wfettaoe lb; picnics 11K lb; cottage roll, 12e iu, rvfaur snort clears, ' nnsmoseo. ive ll; smoked, IK lb; clesr barks, ansmoked. II lb; ssaoked. 13e lb; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs. en smoked. c lb: smafced. So D: clear ball la, em. emoked. 13c lb) saaofced. 14c lb; ebon Idere, 121, e tu, piraie iwruea, ouc naen. - LOCAL LARIt Kettle leaf. 10s, 18 U lb: Bs, U4ke lb: AO-lb' tine. lle lb: staam m. dersd, 10s. . 1214s lb: a. 12Us lb; tcmpimsd. iui. fir id. CANNGA ALION Oolumbls river, lib tolls. l.Ot t-lb tslls, 11.73: fancy, f-lb rata, tl.IrO; H-lb fancy flat. 11.13; fancy l ib oral, 174; Alaaka telle, pink, acQWOc; red. 110; nominal, 2a, toll. 1 2 00. PIHII Rack cod. Tc pee lb; fWiders, Be per lb; hallbnt. mtl)o per lb; crabs, II.W per noses : , srrlped bssn, 12H per lb; catfish, 10c lb; sslmon. fresh Oolombls river silvsrslds, Sc; tselhesd. 10 per lb; herring, ae per lb; soles, e per lb; shrimps, 10c psr lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod, Tc per lb; tomcod, Te psr lb; sliver smslt. 8 per lb: lobsters, I6e per lb, treah mackerel, a per lb; crawfish. ze per dusen: stargson. 10c per Ik: black base, 80 psr lb; Colombia river smelt, laite per lb. OYSTKRg Sboalwster bay. per galloa, tl t3: per IIB-Ib sack. 14.28: Olympla. psr galloe, 12.23; per lit lb sack, 15.00 to 14.40. CLAM -Hardshell. " ner box. 12.00; rasot elama, 2 40 per box. taint. Coal 00.. Ms. ' ROPrV Pare Manaa, ISHc; auadard, tSVet sisal, lie. - COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, tU,t psr gslloo: water white. Iron bbta. Is psr gallon; a, 17a psr gallon; baadllgbt, ITe-deg.. OAkou.NB Sn-deg esses. tHe per gallon, tros bbls.. lHc per gsuosk BENHINB U deg. eases, 24 par- galloa: toon bbla. lHe per gallon. TURPENTINE la eases. SOe per gal; woods bbls. :tc per gallon WHITE LEAD Toe Ma, Te per lb; MO-lk lots. Se per lb; less bits. Il,e per lb. IK NAILS Prsaeat basis st 12 P5. LINSKEb OIL Pars rs. la B-bbl lots, I0e; 1-bbl lot, B3c: cases. IS per gal: xesnlns ket II boiled, caa, gOe psr gsl; B-bbl wis, Bsc; 1-bbl lots. Bar per gsl; g.ooed cake, car lots, M per tea; less than car lots, 130 per ton, . Tnrrrxo itatu oovr.ararT bowd. ' . ' Open. Clos! Jas. 1. Gain, Jsnnsry I .7.1 .7.1 t .T8S $ .ooi May ,TTH ,THA .T7V4A ..0(4 July .77 .T74 .T714 ..." .OU'i .,-, liScplsiribst Ilk. . ,771s , , -IT JKU4 ... Opd ... rt)t. ... Opt. ... Opt. New York, Jan. 21. Official prices: . list. Rid 1 woe, regiaierca ...... do couoon , Threes, resilstered .... 0 eaniion ......, mall bonds .., lours, reg latered ...... 4 ooupos ..., Foars. regtstsred ..... ilo eonwia ........... Psnsms 2s do OHW ........... Matrlct ot rsmmbla . Phlllppln 4s , 1WH 104 M2 124 Hit lOflV lOlAT . llljft . 11126 Ak. )! loli Kl2i2 10814 io24 1IU i:i' l'4 1044 . w 0tT01(-00PPZ. MAITIT, , Bostrei. Jsn. tl. Official bid prices: Ad Ten ts re. I.t; Allows l7; ArcsdUn. I1S.2B; At lantic. 1; Blnshsm. t:)2.24: Calnntet. UHJ; Centennial. .1 ; Copper Ran re, IM.2B; Paly West, IIS.BO; Krsnkllu. 124.24; C.reeue Con. .W; Mlchixan. t21.AO; Mohawk. tli2; Nevada (on. A lie: North Bntte, HUM; Artaona Con. I. Vi: Unite Coals. .17J7H: Calument A Art 100. I1H1; Old Pomlntou. 14.60; 'INiceela. lloT.: Parrot, til BO: Phoenix, tl; Qnlney, llisno; Rovsl. I33.TH: Santa Pe. I-I.1T,; Fhannon. 12.1. SJ Hi Tamarack. tl0; Trinity. t.1T.7t Cnlted Copper, 171; Irak. ITS So; Vic. tnrla, f 7b; Wlivono. 112.40; Wolverine. $12; I. a. Mining, toe. LrrrHPOot kaxx haxxet. . Liverpool, Jan March . May .... July .... January March .. II. Official prk-es: H UU 1 Open. Close, as 4',4 n 4 n I'sd s SVd s he S J CORN. 4a JSd 4a tsd 4a 1S4 s lv,d Jas. 1. Cain. AS 4Hd lod Ss tid . d bs 1 td es Sd 4 11.1 He rrw tobx cotto haxxxt. New Tors. Jsn. 21. Cotton fa rare closed I to P points lower. Official a notations by - Overbeck. Stsrr a tools to. Open. Itirb. Ier. January f.'1 rm . pj February K H March 4 l.-.O P4t) April Mar aid " I 0 : tW June , , ... July . bell eTT OfiT Answst October M0 bit a. Jan. Jan, in. P1I ett P4T Pol .v , .o -) 11.1 Peg IMT umi bos feu Pel pert Tbar are snany Waa A en ta tday-a rearaal that will tnbsrswt ywa - - I ARGENTINE STRIKE IS A HELP All Grain Markets Display Much , ' Firmer Tone Today and - Prices Rise. HALF CENT GAINED CHICAGO WHEAT PIT AU Ojitions Ar Boosted and Close at th High rotate of Session- Good Gain I Made In the Pro- ' vision Market. ' . - KELATIVB WHEAT TALPB1, Chlesgo, Jan. 21 . A strike la Argsntln wss responslbls for eonaldersbls abort ovsrtsg rn tbs grain market today. All lines wsr boostsd and closed Mrm. Wheel atarted shoot 4c k liber ss tbe news from South -Amsrlc end was strong nil dsy. The closing ta Liverpool wss i higher tbaa on Saturday, while tbs opening tber was St, 4 up. Tbls msrket wss not dull or wvak st any tlm (luring tbs sessloa aad all options ad vanced 14c at ths cloee. Cora followed the bullishness ef tbe wheat and rloeed with net gslns of He to He over nsinrusy. usee nsa a snsrp savsne, to ms closing e ap. whlht July gained e. With a highs range oa bags hi tbe ysrds, ths provision msrket bad a geaeral edvsBC. stay closed 10c evsr tbe price ( baturday. Baa rrsnclaoo, Jan.-M. Trading la mining hares today abowed aa erratic aatnre. There Wr good gslns In sots of tbs leaders, and Bom of tbess regained ths losses ef Saturday. In others there wss farther liquids Uoa with Consequent hnaea in ths prlc. Belmont with an ealviuc af 2Ua heldtb. TBiy'srscorS "for "sSvancea, whlls Nevada To- nopaa Baa Ul greateet, loss with a dec! In f tl a share. Ths principal gslns: Belmont. 62He Mid way, BOc; blootsn Tonopsh, 17Vc; North Star, Sc; Columbia Mt, IT Ho: Jumbo, 25c; Laguna, Bet blotaawk, 12Hs; Kel Top, 40c; Xxcbsusr, 2c. Principal losses: Jnmbo, JUe; Tonopab Ex tsnslon, 1214c; Nevada, II; Wsst End, 2Vic; Atlanta. Ic; Bluebell. 2e; Dlajnondfleld. 4c; Jumbo xtsnslon, 10c; Kendall, Be; St. I Tea, tc; Nor cross, 2c; Great Bead 4c; Black Butt Extension, 2c; Ooa. CaU ' Vs.. 6c: Jumping Jack, scj Trlasgls, Be; Lou Dillon, 2c. k OfflHal ' kid prices by Overbeck. Starr at tenet 10. Official eaoratlona by Crrsrbeck, Cook company ; .. WHEAT. Open. . nixb. January . . .. .. 78 '4 May ...... July , beptsmber May ..... July Septsmber May ..... July ...... September T:i'A ITi TS T7S 7T- TTii. nil C0BK. 4BH 4 ' 44Z 44 444 40, OATS. tn4 . 84. ' 84 S2'i 32 V el ESS r0Rh Btsrr 4 Close. . TST4 TA TT& 44B 444 B 4014 84. A January ... ... ' 1112B May ..........InoO lnnr) JdSO 1642A July .....I60B 1X7B - 1063 . I60BA LARD. January ..... ,. .'. PSIA May , 644 '. W P50B Julv B.V) PAT P4T 44A September ..... nxo PT BOO P8TA ' "BJ,10BRIBS. "" January ;..;,, ... '1T 10 1 POBlt May 822 KJ0 . 022 S14A July;.. ... ... P2TA GREAT RECOVERY IS HADE A'maTgsmsted" Car A Kooodry. IxKomotlv .... Sugsr Smelter ........ Ansconda ........ Atchison ...... Baltlinors ...... Brooklyn ...... Csasdlsa ...... Bt. Paul ....... ihxMPan1i NET GAINS. 2T4 .. 1 me llllnsle Central . Loulavills Mexleaa Central SttlKatv 6 la I Ted. Smelter, pfd. . 1 Missouri rsciric -14 National Lead .. ," 4 N. T. Central... . 1 V, Out. A Weeters. , SKI Northern Pactle lU!Peole; Osa a. Heading J lVjIwoothem Padfle ..IS Slli- S. Steel -. e HI do prefarrsd . ... Colorado Fuel .... Colo. Bonthera.. do 2d pfd Souther Hallway. do preferred Onion Pacific .... . . .. Wall Street. New York. Jan. 21. Th great recovery mads la values oa tbe stork market wss tbe wonder ot recent unaaeisi tracing. Nssrly e million aad a half share were traded la during tbe day. tbe purchases In most In stances ibelng bs heavy block. Bight after th opmlng tber wss aa annsosl amount of pressure forced opoa tbe market by liquidating boldera, and this carried to general rang of valuea reveral potsts lower, sapeclally In the leaders, such as Brooklyn Rapid Trssatt, Csas dlsa Psrlfle, Heading end I' Bio Pacific. Later In tbe day tber appeared a very beavy buying demssd and tbs otfsrlngs ef sellsrs were In stantly gobbled np, nnd after these ksd die appeared tbs msrket strengthened aad not only re rained Its early loos but closed esveral points higher than on Saturday. Money rate were easy and ruled between i and S per cent. Official q sou Uooa by Overbore. Starr Cook company: Description. A max Copper Co...;... Am. Car round:, com do preferred Am. Cotton till. com... Am. Locomotive, com . . Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelter, com d preferred Ansconda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com Atchison, com.......... Baltimore A Ohio, com. . no prererreci , Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Canadian Pacific, com.. Central- Leather, eona,.. do preferred.. Oil. A ft. W., com...., CM., hill, a St. Paul.., Chi. a N. W. com..... Chesspesk a Onto Colo. Fuel A Iron. eosa. , Colo, Son (been. com.. do .2.1 preferred Delaware -Hudson Denver At R. U.. coat.., Erie, com - err -t preferred. vr. t. en let preferred frahsvllls) Nsshvlll.. Manhattan Rsllwav .... Mexleaa Central Ry.... M.. K. AT., com do preferred. ........ , DlstlUrrs (treat Northern ........ Missouri Partfle National Lead New Vera Central. N. T.. Ont. A Western. Norfolk A Weal, coos.. North American Northern Pacific, cere.. Pacific Mall S. 9. Co.., Pennsylvania Railway. - P. ft.. L. C. Co Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred.......... Readlnr, com. ., do 21 preferred do 1st preferred Rep. Iron a steel, com. do preferred... ...,,. Rock Island, com...... Sf. L I K P.. 2d pfd.. tt. L. M. W.. com.... V prsfrf rH . . Sotittaera Psclftc, eona.. do preferred.......... Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Teiae a Psclflc.. Tol . St. 1: A cwn.. do preferred . t'nlon relflo. com do preferred V. t. Rubber, ensi..... do preferred ...... . .. C. S. Steel to,, ,es do preferred. X . . Wabeah. com.. J... Weal am. Union Telegraph Wleconeln central, com do prr.rred -. Irslnls Cbemlcsl ..... 1 llSH!114.i elk T2 11K 11314 1211 S3 SO T8 1121, 148 V lit 2TH BS 10ST4 104H lit TT. 1TH 0 I 1I2HI114H aa-. 1011, to 1.11 , 14NS H4r IH14 ""Ik lAlt MH IWH 214 88 IS -.-v.i Tt I i:tsu 874 T0'4 11 i STH T1H 12 a 142'4 STV,, 134 H P4 B4 120 H 7H 'tTH 44 2 ati 1l 84 81 1781k 4T" loss. IT 84 181 1444 HH 2T414l2Tg SZHI B2t OX. 104. llTSIllglk;147V TsiiTfiaeil 7Tt 17 is lMHllseu O I !M ....I lOOVt ldHl 14 ieZ H.'14.'.-,;14S. im 2H M MH 214 2SH, WV4 in" inn 14'-'H XD sh 71 Tl I 'wH T1H 120 4 44 V, "is"! 1MH M l I'Vk, 1N6 404 ss 213 8H T2V. 142 14S S7S, TO '4 71 124 SO h' 140 8T lj4'iHr., 12H 8TV, 414 8414 178 its 124 8T 2 44 te 'wii, 11H H 80. 17a-k,ii7e SI IB 411 te ftnU 21 8R H m 72 H I8UH 142 8s H Tl in 12I z ST l.vt 8T a. i7 4t 12 SI , 8 24 BTH S44 1414 144 84 Be)'' "iti, ii 'ii" lor., 10 IT IT B4 84 no Incl 4T insM IT 84 24 47 8.1 , "TotaTssles.r'tbs'dsy. tT411.nVV absrra. t all money cmeed st per cent. losUillls 4 Nsshvlll, ei-dlvldead, $ per cent. .- ; : r-. ' - ERRATIC TRADING in rmiG Nevada Shares Are Badly Mixed as to Prices In San -.' Francisco. ' GOOD CAINS AND VERY HEAVY LOSSES SHOWN Nevada Droj fl Vl'hUc , Belmont :. Gains eao Midway Shows an Increase of . 60c Over Saturday Qnotat'lon. ' : Belmont ......5.8TH insn bot . . .-. ja Ooldsa Anchor . .48 Boss .14 Jim Butler .... J. 22 14 sssensmara ... .n.i Midway 2.70 Montana t.02H ivortn star ... .48 Ohio 18 Tbeopah Ex. .. 8 2H fevaas West Bad ..... 1.T0 Adams 23 Atlantic .UO Blnebsll . . .40 Booth 1.01 Polumbls Mt, .. 1.28 Coo Quarry ... .29 Msmondfleid .. .48 plxle -TTviwv .14- Ooldflsld 1.44 Jumbo ........ 4.24 do eaten. . . 1.8ft Kendall ....... .60 Lsenns l.TO Msjr Quees . .8014 Mobawk ...... .IT. 121, Kea lop ....... .4o Baadetoras .... .Tl Silver Pick .... 14T Bt, Ivee .HI Nat Bank M Gold Bar ..... 1.44 0." Bullfrog .. Btelnway ..... Ooa. Csl. Wm. . Opblr tt-00- Mexlcaa ...... 1.0B Caledonia 60 Exchequer Tl Nor cross .PS Gold Crown .... .20 (treat Bend X.29 Rescus .!-- Blk. Butt EX... .18 Vernsl .24 Tlxer' .10 Uontgomsry Mt.. ..4- tonset .! Sceptr 44 kUshsttan ...1. .18 I. Humphrsy .. .18 )exter ......... ' .TO Orsnny .24 Gold Wedge .. .1 Lone Star ...... .M Ot. Bend 81n- iM - do annex ..... .2 Crescent ....... . .18 ICowboy .11 Denver annex ... - .24) Black Bock .... .10 N. X. Cnosot .. .IS : Man. Con ...... .PS Lento Jo .0 Mayflower -rrv-fii01 Jumping Jack .. .80 Ken 'top bx...- .m - II oa tang .20 Bullfrog Mitt. .. .41 :le .fsr- Loe fillloa ; .24 Pin Nut 28 SrTtrlanxl 1.10 PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Further Rise In British Columbia . Amalgamated Coal. Aa advance af 13.56 Is shows ta the Wd prise til. O. Lm Co, with e sels- Brttteb Columbia Amalgamated is showing a rortber its, s.000 aba res belaa sold toc.r at 4.e, rise ef ss ever tbe prevlons flgnrg. other sslcs today wer 8 000 Blueatone UoM at lOe aad 2.000 washoogal tiolg Kxtractloa at 23 He urncisi prices: , BANK STOCKS. Bill. Ask. Bank of California ..tdttt.Ov fanoM Bankers' tt Lumbermen's 106.00 Merchsnts' National 144.00 Oregon Trust A Savings. ....... Iii2.404(t00 Portland Treat Co 120.00 Lnltsd HUtes Matloaal 200.00 BONDS. City Surburbsn 4a.......... Colombia Host hers Irrigation ea Home Telephone. BS.. ..... J. C, Lee Co. SS O. R. A N Ry. 4s 09 00 0. W. P. A By. Co. Ss 100.00 Psctfte Ooa at Biscuit BS , P4.00 American Biscuit s. ........... P4.00 Portlasd Railway Bs PB.OO Portland Wster Ss. 11T 108.00 Boutkwsst Lighting ss MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. - Aeaoclsted Oil , Home Telephone , 22 80 J. C Lee Oe , 24 OS Oregon City Mill Lumber. ... 4.40 Oregon Journal, preferred 114.00 Pacific. Statee Telepbone....... 101.00 Portland Ilelghts Imp. Co...... ..... Pncet Sound Telepnooe.......M ....... Southsrest Lighting Co... Ysuslna Bay Tesepbone ,.. .4M M1NINO STOCKS. Alaaka Pctmlsom A Ooa I0U Blneetan Oold at- M .OS. Brltleh ColumbU Axsal .03 Brltl.h Tukoa JKVk Cssradla : .24 Dixie Meadow ... m Ooldfleld Trotter Orest Northern X H eklea .20 . Labevlrw Lee's Creek Ootd..... M'.014 Msmmotb U Morning - .0214 forth rsnrverw ....... ..... Ore row Securities JOOVj Rtsndard Consolidated 10 Tseoms Steel .It I'stted Placer. Waahoogal Eitenstoo 181 C0BCB D' ALXNB 0I8TBJ0T. BoHlon .04 Bark J topper King .22 Happy Dsy JOS Psrk Copper .04 . Monmouth Reindeer ...................... Jrr Snowsbee B3 Saawstorsa 1A0 82.04 64 00 B4.00 100.00 1U0.00 100.00 100.00 101.00 108.00 8.00 40 00 40 00 T.BO 108.04 B3.00 6000 TO.00 .14 .10 .28 A2 .84 .28 J.t'i cS .04 .Ol .11 JtO . .60 .28 . AH .08 JM JM4 J .10 jos u A S.M voiTZJuro BAinc tTArjacrirT. CleeHng today Clearings year ago1 jOala today ....... Stsisncen innny . . .f1.lo4.1M. 44 47.aC-&4 .J.... "S,eis.g Balances year age 12 242.84 18a.6o7.0T NO CHARGE IS SENU OYER SUNDAY Pert Is nd t'nlon troclryards, Jas. 21. Ltv. gteck receipts: . ' ' Born. Cattle. Sheer). Today 22.1 . 40 pra wseg ago............... s no poo Tesr ago.....'... 10 . 144 212 Previous yssr 108 240 47J ovr sundsy iner waa no cbbbx ia asntl- in th irveatoen maraet. is angs and a Peep th receipt were eniy lair ennaiderlng tn arrival, ar rsaiiy enr res aiyr rna. All marketa ar firm with vetoes BBCbangsd from Sstarday. Uveetnrli medlthm a year sen: Bog sad sheep firm, cattle Just balding Its ess. Value stationery, bat .with aa bBCllBetlea t ernp ha IH isirer. OfflcUl Itvesnwk prVeer; Hows Bast ssstsrn Oregon, fTOO; a rockers SBd feeders, l.7: ChUB fsts, t.BO(d.7B. Csttle Best as at em Oregon steers. 84. oft el 4 14: best eows snd heifers, t 2413 80: stork- sre aad feeders, t J-'4i.t.40; nulla, 8X00. Sheep Mixed! BlBAkk. Warners, s4i swes. 81tV. FOR BRAND INSPECTION ' Law T Advocated to Stop Stolen Animals From tyeavlns; State). (Special Mspstck tn Tbe Josrssl Bsk city. Or. Jan. 11. 4ountr Stock Tn- epe. tor lagl el Blcblaad adwssstse the pen- WW In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only You Can Pay, When Cured I have the largest prac tice because I invaria bly fulfill my promises Siiccett isn't attained st a bound. It it mde up of many little triumphs. A large medical prac- fv I v v g tice doesn't await the young physician at tne coi- fKllll I I l lege door. Ha must prove himself. He roust M III I) II Jill) 'worhkdtord ,ucceM ". fter day domg ClysBwLHyOHy K It has always been my rule to promise nothing . . . . eha I am not absolutely certain of accomplish ing. Realizing that no one physician cn suc cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study in preparation , for my present work. For sixteen - yean' I have been proving my ability and building my tuccets. I have mastered, firsf the 'simpler diseates, then the serious complex and ttubborn ones that others neither cure nor compre hend. I have confined my ettorta to diseases or men exciusiveiy, ana mere no ailment belonging to this class that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctort have charged me with. claiming too much. But, I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a tromise?-Mr practice is now fully twiet that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating mens disease.- It has Krown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. Each aire I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part -in ths making of my snceetSi " Koch day new caresTTira -coTn pleted, and my present growth of practice Is more rapid than ever before. Consultation is free. If you are afflicted,' consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you .can rest aisured that a complete and permanent cure will follow my treatment . ; . y , :a .... " AH "necessary "X-Ray ' examinations are abso lutely free to patients. My , equipment for X-Ray work ia the finest - and most complete ever pro duced, and equally per fect result are not possi ble with an inferior appa- - ratus. , ' All medicines are pre pared from standardised drugs in my own private laboratory and are sup plied to patients at actual . cat-.-'--.-r-; T'TZT' TheDr:T Company 234J4 Morrison street. Comer Second Porlland. Oregon laaf ef oxsug. tleats Using eat ef the elty aad soralsg te rert, lot treatment will be f arnlab4 with fas room Ira Casek yew truss s direct te See Memssa st. m. VATXom, i The Zieadina; apedaUst. "WEAKNESS." . - To prod see temporary activity ef tbe fuoctlonB In of n . celled wssknsss Is a slropI met- . ter, bet t permanently restore strsngtb and vigor ta n problem tbst bat few pbyslclans bars solved. I never trsst tor tern porsry effects. , Under my sys tem of treatment, every, bit of 7 lutiHoieaearr-'bT 8 part nf s Tr. msnent ear. Tnongb ether pfcrskclsBS bsvs, throng b my sno cess In effecting permanent enrss, bees convinced ef tn fart that prsmstarenesa, koss f pow sr. ste., ar bst eymptome re sulting from enronle uflsrama tin or Cons sst low la the pro tats gland, son hav as yet bees able t duplies t ssy ears. - sty system f local trsatmeml I tb only effect It mesne yet knew for restoring tbs prostst so rts norms! stste, wblcb always r. snlu la fnll and complete retura of strength snd vigor. Pooh n ear la sbsolntely permanent, bs- eaaae th onnrlltltm responsible for tb fnnctlonal dbmrder ta est- tlrvly iwmnved. It x tb enly kind of a ears a patient dealrea, and hi th only kind f ear t wUl treat for. .. CONSULTATION rtll I stste nothing xa my aa aonnesments but tb straight, eqnsr - trntb. It will seat yes) nothing 1 call and talk ever joat esse. Too ran find eat nil about roar trouble and ya en biter srranrs to begla tree t me at any tlm yon Ilk. My offices, eomprtalng tea renrns, srs tb lanteat, aooat -elegant,.anV. beet equipped la tbe wsst. I Mel. Save YoiirselvesJ BT I XJood Results and" Permanent - Cures ,are. . Sure Indica tions of a Physi dan's Ability ' to ; Successfully Treat Disease. '" . , We ask the public to judge us by re- f-sults. Our best ref- erence Js the hun dreds of patients that have been cured by us. StrlcUy ReUabltUUen's Specialists 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND A LIFE LONG CURE CONSULTATION FREE Our Fo Need Not Be Paid Unlets Cured KKHVO-VlTAL DEBILITT . , VARirot'El.K '' ':'--:;.:";:r..:-":.r.r-.- niKONio DiscaaBxia - , . . , STRICTURB - PI.OOI) fOlKON .'''. KIDNRT AND Bt.APMtB OlSBAtBS " r , r-ROWTATIO DIHEAKEH ',,' PILKS AND IMSTVLA . f KIN MHKAHKS .WKAnUiEiiast-c I.."., r, : -' There srs an maay man ssf feeing Woes rhronle pelvle diseases, snd tb greater somber of these victims srs still mar afortanat ta trsstlnr with doctors who know enly eacasgS, to prod see temporary revolts, or s fa lea rare, if they succeed m benefiting tb sufferer nt all. Tber b) no sock thing ss e partial core of dwsss, sad tb pbyalcbin wbea mefbod does not eradicate every vsstbr eanaet rlghs raiiv claim to de more tbaa relieve. WE COVER THS ENTTP.B ITELD OT PalVATB AMD CMKgjtlUr-A-ajr-, CO Mr LIC AT ID Dl -.. W earneetl deslr Saving an dlscoorared enfferere aad sxeai contemplating having theea selves cored f any of tb dlaesse ws treat psy a a psrssaal visit e write n rewarding their enndltmn. Io not keel late because yoa bsve failed te receive a ear bs treatment with yonr family physician; seek nwdtcnl attention from a pnyslriaa whn theroaghly anderstaads yonr ease aad Can rare yes safsly, anlcklj and permaaeatly. - . y- ... If the best bnsti for yoa T Not te LOOKTOYOUROWNINTIlWrrr prsrsrancs t ether specialists m ta cur. wev a - e ness taes pstronls as la behind tb tloiee. That HAVE THE BEST ' was ths way ws flgsred it hi sqnlpylng earserree. ss i) ess ssass bbsm way wbea row seed s)tor. .t baUt ear ltases npen the) . rot year we save spores nw aim w.mvt"vi-".r - ,. PROCRJtSSlVE THOUGHT AND ACTION r lBt-r, Wky Hvt Hewl Bf t Bnffw ny le. jjp, '- mistake te flgas tha et ex ! asm ' ftsssa, asnsneail fa tl Ten Must Cm. to U. lew ,LsUe, Wky vt ew, aj. "ier w aj-w- - . replarm, th. woenl Al: les'Th. we,en," ,n a,.d. Ye.ltbr a-i" -e 'Jbal B-tt-4 lb4 U. br.bx sl .TSbwi vTal.ty.' bnlldln, np tbe snt.r. ey.tem -'--, tksriexw in type of wt We esre wbea we Uke yew ess. If yea srs sick ws want yos to rente aad lais to so. m an iawee r-- wan to ksow It. OoosBlutloB eosu yos Bothlngsorsly yser kssltk hi wortb "j' r"2Hl mLL-tM. .if.t Bna't wrieE-gon't b bsckward eonsld er as year friends. W wist to tol to tba sarsaansnee and re aeon a bit charge for enree. Why keep en treating ladsflnltel Wit tbst. wssuog sou urn aaoj assmsy, was) -mj? -rt.,u4i;'sr hUfmtrtr:lr.t - - ?srj: gtr-Jweb think tbar. taa ore 1st tbom, hot sr wast aa eppertnntty te, treat st sneh msn. ja It JJ JS J." a dnllnr or net. as w sri3 aaospt nay lm ear servtos when w aeawmpUU a ess if tber is ear ason to ess. hats? vxtraaae by ewr sssta. 'Writ, tf ys enanot call, stasis to lsssrs reply. orriCI AH raeTssmoadaar HOC BS afmsdeae gtrletly eonfMentlel asd all repllee sent to Iselsa zVeent sTb. to 8 p. m. Kvsalnga. T to S;tO. Soadays, t a. m. to IS Boon. , ... . ST. LOUIS "fi?RaicAa"d DISPENSARY COXxTIB BSC0xT9 AMD TAnHTLt BTmitTt, gOmTtAxTP. OEtOOxT. . - . J tnrat e. sage ex am snaenom-o - - - quTrlng brand Inapeettoa es Wwttb rUrl shipments. Ha ststes tbst h bellsvej that sU stoc snoaia '.-".".,k- ZuZ. porrsiHm oi " - - H elte th Bis of tb state la sntmort of hie contention d4 an (eats tbst tbe Baker eoonty stockmen a tart a awve to havo sock a xseasare brsnxht before th present stale esstmbly for BtglAiauvs CVI"H. . HOGS FIVE TO TEN UP Eaatera Livestock Has at Btronger ' Tone Othera BIse. Chicago, Jan. 11 Livestock receipts:' ' Hogs. Csttle. Sheep. fblcsgo .... '' J0 " J-; Ksnaas City, .f"K) 10.000 4.0" OmahV ....T.OiX) "' ?. Hogs are ae t tun ntgnev '"."" , evsr. Receipts a year ago were 48.00. Mcee: Mixed,, g.n . w' -. K: rooakeaad baary. ts.s0i.48l light. 30 ... v,-v I t few) Wrermay ina trotl esttltsara. FIVE JURORS SECURED IN WIDDOWSON CASE (Special Dbmateh to The JonrnsL) Baker Cltr.'Or, Jan. tl. -The entire morning session of the circuit court was taken up tn securing- rive jurors in tne Wlddowson ease. A special ventre ef te names will be rmlled thla afternoon snd ths rasa eg. I taken up at T o'clock this evening;. The jurors seniTi are Ellis Bests. A. J. Allen. H. A. Carrts. IX M. Cartmtll and dosepn cartar, an farmers. . Death of Pioneer of Tacoma. (PpseJal T1a patch to Tb JearaaL) Tscoxns. Wash.. Jan. -St. -News ha reaRhefl hers ot ths death of George R. Del prat a prominent Taeoma, pioneer, TS years oM. st the home of Bis son. Vt. J. & Delprat, at CblcagD. - --r PROUDLY DISPLAY -POULTRY CUPS Owners Well Satisfied With the Work of Judges Dixon and Storehouse. QUALITY OF FOWLS HAS MUCK IMPROVED a. Exhibition Has Also Been Success ful From Financial Standpoint nasj Every body Connected With It Ia Well rieatsed. Ths Judging- baa been completed and aow many exhibitors ara disposing of thoroushbrerl birds at ths poultry show. Front and Salmon Streets, to admirers of goexi stork aad to tbosa desirous of providing their poultry yards with purs stock. Good prices ars bains re ceived aad tba btrds ar selling; from tit and oven more in a few cases down to all kinds of prices. All exhibitors are well battnnrld with the Judgments, which la not slwavs th case on such occasions. No dis satisfaction has been found and tn fact many congratulations are beard for th good work of Klmer Dixon, who. it Is the genertj opinion, was very suocean. ful In pleasing everybody and at the " asms time rendering as perfect Judg ments ss can be) erpeoted where an man Judges 0t er lot birds of all va rieties. There baa not been a mora successful show In ths city' either from tn ex hibitors' standpoint.' ths - spectators" standpoint or from tba financial stand point, and the class of birds exhibited show a gradual advsjysment ever those of previous years which Is the primary object of th exhibition. In tha pigeon department there) is general satisfaction with ths work of W. Stc-nebonse, and this feature of the show was of great Interest to many spectators, Th attraction now to visitors fs ths display Of beautiful trophies won by the different exhibitors. Several 21 cup given by other fanciers ar among the prises, besides ths larger national club awards costing tlOO and tlsO enrh. This year a larger number of sneclnl prises were offered than ta usually trie case. ... . Crar li fihofa Meet. . (Jeiernst Special perw " BrenhBm. Te.. Jan, H. Crar shot ; from all over th country are hr to take part In lbs alttti annual Bunny Mouth handicap tournament tinder li e auspices of the Bmnhsm Gun r! Both target and Uve bird event e IncludsdjBnd nearly $l.09 added m ,cy will be distributed among the wt ... r,. rtattlcshlp Iromlnlon f-. ",. (Journal Special Servt'-e ) Hamilton, Iterminl, Jan. ? I . ' . British lBttleehlp lotnlrilon. n fered aoms) damage In the g- -of Inst fiepternher and ln s I going repairs her ever i i.ngisntl today.