The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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    J Ax iJA
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, LAI D wi'fcl L) ivUii
Toivd Topics J
"Tbe Stroller"
. ..."Hanenu' roily"
.."At Crlpll Creek"
tlrand .
Htir ..
lrla . .
Helen Manafee, the B-year-old daugh
ter of Councilman and Mrs. R. E. Men
.efee, who waa severely urnad laat
Sunday by tha explosion of a hot water
hag. died of her Injuries taut night at
the Meneteo home on Rodney avenue,
Last Sunday when the mother of the
child put tha little Ctrl to bed aha
placed a hot water baa at her feet
becauae of tha severe weather, but had
: hardly left the room when the bar ex
ploded ' and tha child waa aeverely
burned. The funeral will be held Bun
day at I o'clock from tha family .home.
A - reception will be riven next
. Thursday afternoon by the Multnomnh
County Woman'a Christian Temperance
'. Union at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth
, Xfelglelsh, 101 Twelfth street, in honor
of State President Mra. Lucia Faxon
Addlton, a delegate to tha world and na
tional convention of tha; organisation.
The hours will be from I to t, and Mra.
Addlton will ba assisted in receiving;
M hy Mrs. Ida Barkley and Mlaa Clara
r" Ansonge. Ttfoss Interested in the work
of the society are Invited to attend.
i Ths followlnir - federal ' elvH service
' examinations have been announced to be
held to - Portland;- Manual training
. teacher, February 10 and 21, salary 00
a year; plat printer, February U; ma
tine steam engineer. February IS sal-
.. sry $1,080 a year; electrician, February
SO. salary $1,000 a year. Applicants
. can1 secure complete Information con
ccrnlng the examination by applying'
to Z. A, Leigh at tha poa toff ice.
Nathan Jacobs, who was arrested in
this city a few days ago, waa sentenced
to five years in ths California state
penitentiary yesterday in ,- the superior
crcrT" at-lOS "An relem Jacobs . pleaded
guilty to the charge ot forging the nam
of United States Marshal Leo Young
" "worth to a check for ts1. Jacob was
alleged to have forged the names of a
number ot other government official.
C To the Member of the Portland Com
mercial Club! Ths annual meeting of
the Portland Commercial elub will be
held at the rooms of the club at 7:30
p. m., Saturday, January 1, 1807. for the
election of members of the Board of
Governors, and for tha transaction of
such other business aa may coma before
the meeting. B. I Thompson, secretary.
Careful measurement by the man who
know how, careful cutting by. aa sx-
- perlenced cutter, careful making by
killed tailors those are the reasons
why our garments always fit well, look
well and wear well. Any suit in ths
1 house mad to order for $26 no more,
-no less. Unique Tailoring company, 202
Btark street, between Firth and Sixth,
Article of Incorporation of the Union
f liarante association have been filed
id the offlo of the county clerk by
H. D. Wagnon Sr., H. D. Wagnon Jr.,
, J. 9. Wetherbee and 8. C Spencer. They
will engage In a general sick and acct
dent, plat glass, boiler and employers
liability insurano business. Capital
,. stock, $10,000. .
i Thnrman Lamphlsr, charged with a
statutory - offena against 14-year-old
- Kather R. Dixon, pleaded not guilty be-1
fore Judge Bear in the state circuit
court this morning. Lamphler will be
defended by Attorney A. Fererra, Tb
date of hi trial was not set.
Articles ef Incorporation of the Rosen-thai-Straus
company war filed In the
' office of tha county clerk this morning
by B. M.. Rosenthal. L. H. Lewis and
Ralph a Moody. -They will do a gen-
- eral business in cigars, tobacco, - winos
and liquor. Capital stock, $1,000.
Article of incorporation of the Royal
Gorge Mining company have been filed
- In tha office of tha county clerk by J.
Lr- Hartinan.- J. .V Garrison and 8. B.
Moor. Capital stock. SeOAvOo.
lai ' Bishop Moor of the Methodist Epls-
copal church -' la expected home next
Wednesday, after an absence of six
months south and east on official bust-
.' nets. . -'-'.'
Phone order for window glass and
. glatlng given prompt attention by F. K.
Beach A Co, the Pioneer Paint Co Its
First street. Phone Main 111. . .
- Steamer Jessie Barklna for Camas,
Wssbougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leave Washington street
' flock at I p. m. .
Wilholt mineral water and salt. K.
- J. Wallace Agt, IIS Id. Tel. Pao. XSC6.
Woman'a Exchange, ltl Tenth street,
lunch 11:10 to I; business men' lunch,
Aetna Oil Co. sells ths best safety coal
IX and fin gasoline. Phona Eaat III.
Big shoe sale, great bargains. Marks
Shoe Co $11 Morrison street.
- School Board Censure Jordan.
(Jonrnal Special SerTlee.l "
San Francisco, Jan. 1. Ths member
of the San Franolsco board of education
last night issned statement in reply to
the address mad by David Starr -Jordan
'on tha Japansss aohool question
before the Unitarian elub. In which ths
president of ' Stanford university is
vigorously denounced by tha local
.school board for favoring ths Japanese.
V pai"aa"snw"- - , , .
WOULD YOU be one of
CJJH j sell your time
w t
' you a prize, but start a bank account and
build to success. You can do it. We will pay you 4 per
cent interest on Savings Accounts.
Leave It to Us
Let n do rosr family wa.tilnf. We oil
Cor and delirer. Bauiah the siua of waehrtar
and Its wvrrliuent and toll. Head our eric:
ftiH te
Slip 8a DraaM o
Plireade 6e to fik,-,- a
.Tablecloth ""
Kullm 2o Walats 4.. St
Twl ,. 1 Coraet Covare to
Naokloa le , g- .... le """'
lludkrcal(a. silk Be Drawer Se
i! I"tdreaes
Orerahlrta Re
Aorona ...... le
Nlsblatilrte U piiwj,aBi 10
I)ra were ......... to
' Se
Uin Ha
Chlld'a rieeM ..... So
Rt:r".:x::::::io. -.w. p'-
- lira' Teeia e Blanket. Cotton. pr.SBe
CblMrui'i Orerill fc) Qullta SBe
Me ahlrta, eellara, euffa, eeats, or nulla rt
iumpn done la Una dapaatstant. Ma ktiaale
laaa taaa 60a, -
laooed and Oalumbte Streets.
; ' ' Xelepeooe alala SHi. , '
All Department Can Now. Bo
-; Reached Through Number, .
' Call Main 717$ when you wish
to telephone to any department
. of The Journal. - . "
A private exchangs has. been
installed In The Journal offlos
with enough, trunk line to
accommodate the constantly in
creasing demands upon the tele-
phona service....'. ... . ; . .r
Tell the operator whom you '
wish to speak to, and sh will '
connect you at once.'"" - -.
Remember, Mr.ln T17S is the
new number ot all departments ,
of . Tb Journal.
Text of Law Concerning Hours
on Government , Work ' Fol-;
" lowed In Bailey Bill. !
A day work on state eontract of all
aorta will ba sight hours If ths bill In
troduced In ' the senate- by Senatoi
Bailey of Multnomah becomes a law.
Tha bill contains practically the earn a
provisions as. to the law now In affect,
controlling the number of hour work
on government contract. - -
Senat bill IS, as it will be known
until the legislature has adjourned, pro
vides for emergencies In ths perform
ance or state contracts,' such as water
famine or othsr classes of work for
which there is urgent need. When an
emergency exist, laborer may work aa
many hours as there are in the day If
they choose, but for all work over eight,
hours they ar to be credited with time
and a half.
- The measure was Introduced at the
request of ths State Federation of La
bor. Similar bills have been lntroduoad
at previous sessions of the legislature,
but all have failed to pass. Ths pro
visions of ths bill apply only to state
contracts, slnos tha eight-hours law as
applied to private contracts- ha been
held unconstitutional. ;
Spokane Mining Men Return
From Visit to Their Nevada
7 Properties.
That th LI da copper mining district
Of Nsvada will greatly add to the wealth
of th state is ths belief of J. H. Tates
and J. A. Long, two Spokane men now
in Portland. Thsy arrived yesterday
fioin rfovednr
Mr. - Tates la th general manage of
th Indian Spring Copper Mining com
pany, tha owner of a group of ssven
claim in tha LI da district. Ho has
opened an ffios at . Ill Chamber of
Commerce building. Mr. Long went to
Nevada aa th representative of Spokane
stockholders. .
"Tha Lida district Is S mile south
of Goldftelo," said Mr. Tates this morn
ing. "There are $0 mine' la active
operation within - five mile of our
claims. Ths quarts - carries copper,
gold and silver. It is th copper ws ar
after. Her 1 a specimen of th ordi
nary quarts on -the claims that assays
at ISO a ton. Borax Smith's railway
has been surveyed right through our
property. A smelter Is building within
sight miles of It."
All Are Cordially Invited.
A hlgh-clas entertainment will ' be
given by tha Swedlah lodge Svlthlod
No. S, X. O. O. T, Saturday, January It,
HOT. Arlon hall. Second and Oak, com
mencing at 8:11 p. m. Senator George
F. Cotterlll will speak. All are) oordlally
Invited. Admission too.
Miiwauklo Country Club.
Eastern and California race. Taks
Sellwood and Oregon City ears at First
and Alder.
n. j hl - --". HI tit W
the employers or one of the
servants?- It is a question for you to de
cide. Without money you are forced to
and efforts to others in or-
, growing bank accoiint you will soon be
ableto command not only your own time
and labor, but that of others also. Small
savings, persistently deposited in bank,
will eventually raise you above the aver
age and enable you to become one of the
rulers. Don't wait for Fortune to hand
City to Supply fire Apparatus
for Woodlawn and Young
Men Will Enlist.
Citizens of Suburb Also Want Dim
Connection With the nig Highland
Main, ; That Water Supply . May
Become Adeqnate. : ' "'
Cast Slds Xtspartaan. '
A delegation of eltlcena representing
ths "Woodlawn Push club came befors
ths ways and means committee of the
council yesterday in the interests of
better (Ire protection and was promised
Immediate assistance by the committee.
Ths delegation atated that It would be
autlafled temporarily with a volunteer
company If the city would furnish the
apparatus and this will bs the form of
protection' that Woodlawn will-, have
for the present. -
At first ths delegation wanted a Are
engine, then when 4ts - member saw
that an engine was out of the question'
they stated that they would be satisfied
With something less and euggested s
chemical snglns. However, the commit
tee was enable to promise a chemical,
but did sssure them that, a building
would bs erected by the city and a hose
cart, .with. 1.000 . feet . of boss provided.
Tha citizens accepted this proposition
and stated that they already bad a list
of tS husky young men who -had sig
nified their willingness to join.
Th city will put up a 13.600 building
with th end In view of establishing a
paid company in Woodlawn as soon as
conditions there demsnd It Th action
that brought about this arrangement
was agreed upon Thursday svenlng at
a meeting of the Woodlawn Push club.
For Better- Oar Servloa. - '
" Another improvement matter that wilt
be pushed forward at one 1 that of
th car service to Woodlawn. A com
mittee. Including W. C. North, W. M.
Cook and R. I Adams, was appointed
to confer with the railway company to
aecure an Improved service. There are
two distinct grievances. Ths company
allows -cars that vsrs delayed to - turn
back, ' causing considerable inconven
ience to th traffic and Woodlawn pas
sengers especially, who, r .compelled
to tranafer from on car to another.
- Th 'company will be asked to have
th regular Union avenue cars' con
tinue out to Woodlawn Instead of turnT
lng as. Xhsy tlo now this slds of Wood
lawn, Councilman W. T. Vaughn will
wait upon Manager Fullsr to urge thess
At th next meeting th elub will tsks
action regarding the water supply which
Is also an important matter with th
residents of Woodlawn, and the water
board will bs invited to attend. The
new pip line passes nesr Woodlawn
and tha cltisene wish to have a direct
connection With that main aa soon a
poaalble. , .
; h Want of Woodstock.
' A delegation from Woodstock ap
peared at tha city hall yesterday to
urge soms attention to that section of
the city. C Ben Rlesland was prssent
and stated in his remarks - that tha
nearest firs company was Just three
mile rrom Woodstock; that a police
man was a rars specimen la th commu
nity and that th small boys, whsn th
policeman was about due, would collect
in bunches .to vlsw ths blus uniform
of. ths unusual cltlsen and talk about
thavtatest novelty then seen on the
streets for months, at least until ths
next time when he would be due again.
Xlndergartem at Brooklyn.
A room in th basement of th school
house at Brooklyn I to be fitted up for
a kindergarten, which 1 to bs opened
February 1. Th Inman. Poulsen Lum
ber company has donated th lumber,
and W. J. Standley, head of th publlo
school manual training department, will
superintend the work; The Mothers' and
Teachers' club has th proposition
under It control, and th school will
be open to all children in th district
A chargs of f 1 a. month will ba mads
fair esvoh child, but those not able to pay
will be admitted free of charge.
Th funeral of Thomas B. West, tb
pionssr merchant of th aat slds, wss
held yesterday afternoon from th Dun
ning establishment East 81xth and East
Alder street. : Rev. W. O. Eliot con
ducted th eervloes. Th pallbearers
were George Rae, W. C Barlow, M. D.
George, C N. Cuttsscker. W. H. Fits
gsrold and Pr. W. A. Roberta There
waa a larg attendance of friend. -
MasBSBaaaa-aaMSSBasawawawaiaaa. '
Company Formed Will Also En-
gag in Portland-Alaska
; Steamship Trade.
A steamer, te be built In part In
Portland and transported to th Tukon
river, In Alaska, . will b operated on
that stream and it tributaries by th
Alaska Transportation, Mining A Trad
ing company, a corporation Just formed
in this city. It Will ultimstely go Into
tb atsamahip business between . Port
land and Alaska, and may extend it
steamboat operations to tb upper Co
lumbia and Bnak rivers.
Th company waa Incorporated today
at Salem, with a nominal capital of I0,
000. Th incorporator are R. II Bpen
cer, John 8. Jensen. Frank Bchlegel, L
H. Campbell and Captain George Walker.
Three of th men named ar practical
steamboat men and have had extended
xperieno -In th transportation and
trading business. Mr. Campbell and Cap
tain Walker were soma year a ago en
gaged In steamboatlng on ths Colum
bia and In recent years hav been in
business in Alsska. Mr. Jensen is also
recently-from Alaska. Their first boat
will ba built under personal supervision
of thss three men. It will b deslgnsd
to meet special requirements of th up
per Tukon and it tiibutarlea '
' Miss Oertrud Brush of Pendleton
Is a guest at ths horn ot A. Q. Rich
ardson, city passenger agent of tb
Rockr Island. -
Mra Jo vita Wldrlg of Oakland, Cali
fornia, mad a pleasant visit with
friend In this city. Among her enter
tainers were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Btalsy
and Mr.rnd Mrs, 13, Dr Be4tsr,
- -There Is no dlfh"1ry In retting good
cofCM and. Schilling; post,
' Cnhrenlty Park Rev. A. B. Walts, gnifaay
arbool at 10; morula arlre at Hi B. . ".
I'- at 6:43; trains avrvlce at T:30, aililreM by
tUT. Aruiur K. UlJer of OakUad, California.
arleta Her. Join Bentalea, paetor. Sunday
fuuil, 10 a. m.; jualur I nloo, S s. n. B.
U.. 6:80 p. in.; preacutus, II a. m. and
T:SO p. n. "Juetlftrafkio tr alta." x
Muunt OUve, He Tenth end BrerettNatreeta;
. J. w. Sinlik, putot. freacblog at 11
a. at. and la. "
St. Jnhna Rev. B. A. Ionard.' ontnr
aekool, 10 a. m. nreerhlnf. It a. m. and 1:M
P. n. B. V. P. I'.. 6 30 p. ui.
Thu-4--raurnioTer arenaa and Knott atreel:
Bar. S. kl. Hllee, peaiur. Sunday e-houl, 10
a. aa. I preaeblns. 11 a. m. anUT:80 p. m.
Mlaa XUa S. IJarLaurln of hew York will
apeak at the siorulug eerrlae.
eredUh Hoj-t , and fifteenth treeta; Bt.
Erie ticaeratruui. freath lag, 10:4a a. m. and
1-.Ha p. m i Sunday acnwl, 11 s.
Ulsblaud Alberts and With etreete. Preach-
J"f at t.M p. at. and 7:SU . m. Ir KrangelUI
m umninimi; eunuar aruool at a:au p. ai
NellwwNt Tarom and Elerentk aUeeta; Ue,
a. earn. Hunday K'bwd, 10 a. ui-1
prearhlnc. n a. BJ.r S p.-a. and 1:30 p. m.
. a, . nit ione.
First German reurtb end Milt streets) Rev.
J. Kratt, peadar. v Prearblnf. lU:eb a. n. and
T:M ; p. si.; Hunday acnool. 0:46 a. s.; B. X.
r. U., 6:4.1 p. ui.
Second Uernian-Rodney arenas and Mnrrle
traet; Rev. V. Rneermann, paatur. 1'reacbluK,
11 a. m. and T:SO p. .; Sunday 'acnuol, .
a. si. B. V. P. U.. S:es p. tu.
Calrory Eaat KlshUi and Grant atreeU; Rev.
A.- I.awrenre Black. Bible acbuol, 1U a. m.
preaeblng at 11 a. si. b BT. i. L. Whiny;
T ito p. in. by Hav. K. t. LVrrere, D. V., of
New York.
Second He Tenth and East Ankeny atreeta;
Rer. Suntqs Ov, Lapham. Berrtrae at 10:UO
m. and :M p. m. Hperlal'ralljr of BaptUta
of city at p. m, Rer. C. A. Cook of New
Jeraejr the speaket ... .. . ".
Immanuel Hecoud and Meade streeta; Rev.
Oeori-e W. Orlffla. ttuntlay acbool. lo a. m.j
Junior t'nioo,.4 p. su U. Y.f. S aO p. ai.;
preaebiiis St 11 a. n. br Rer. An bur v.
Hlder of Onklaad, California; T:So p. m.,
"Cbrlatlan Joy."
Ureoe atuntarllla; " Rev. " flllroaS' Parker.
Prearblng at 11 a. si., '"the Lakewaru
Cburck"; aermon at T:30 p. m. by bee. C. A.
Cook of New Jersey.
Central Eaat Twentieth and jjnkeny atreetsl
W. T. Jordan. Proacblnc, 10:80 a. id., "Cbrla
tlan Htewardahlp"; Huuday , acbool, 12 St. I
services at T:30 p. ai.
Unlreralty Park Rev. A. B. Wlts- Sunday
acbool at 10 a. ra. worship at 11 a. St., ar
mon, ."The Secret of a full Cnurcli"i B. Y.
P. u., : p. an.; ami Ins errrtce, 7:80 o'clock,
sernios- sr-Rev. A. Wi Hldee. -
r'lret 'ilia White Temnbt. ninvr Twelfth end
Taylor atreeta; Rev. J. Whltcomb bmnsben
D. C, paator. Mnrnlns arareblp. IOiSO o'clo- k.
William Edsar Getl; Bible acbool. 12:10. tn-lsiit
muale, lotereatlns eierrlaea, vlaltora Invited;
B. X. P. U. aerrloes, S:15 p. si.; popular erea
kif eervlce, 7:to o'clock. Orduiaiice of Imp
tiam will se adaaJaiatared by Dr. Brougber.
' PRISBTTERIAg. -' '''''
' Ulapahv East Thirteenth and Powtll tree'ti;
Rev. Jerome R. AlrOlade, 1. It. At 10:80
preaching, aiiblect. "Moral luflnenca of Chrla-
t Unity -; 7:80 p. an., preaeblng, "Hplrltnal ,
Optics." gpeelal Bisalc morning and eieuliig .
Bnuer toe iiusctioa of rroteaaor ixjwen; sn,
J. 1'etereon, orgaalat; Mlaa May rle roater,
sololat. 1
Calvary Eleventh - and Clay atreeta; Rev,
Bra-tar a BtUva Ely Jr., f. . gerrlcea, IO:S0
a. an., with aerswsi Sunday acbool, U as. j aer
Boa it 1:30 p. n.
ronrth aim and (Jlbhs streets; Rev. Jofes
R. Welch Preaching at tuJO s. m. Bun
day school,. 13 aa.; X. P. 8. C ., p..u. !
at 7:110 p. m.. eermon. .
Hawthorne-Park Twelfth and 'East Taylor
streeta; Kev. K. Neteon Allen. - Sunday ecuonl,
12 m.; praaehlni, 10:20 a. at.; 7:30 p. m.,
aermon; V. P. s'c. K., 6:110 p. ai.
rorbea Sellwood strset and Oantenbels are
Due; Mev. Harry 11. Pratt. Preachlug, 11
a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bandar acbool. 10 a. m.l
"Where Art Taosl" wlii be the anbject at the
evening eervlce.
Highland .! -Thirteenth and Wygant; Rev.
O. a. lllalr. Sunday school, 10 a. Bi.i praaca
loc, II a. m. and 7:20 p. m. -
Pladaaont Cleveland avenue and larrett
traet; Uev. L. Myros lloosrr. -- Preaching at
11 a. aa.; Sunday acbool, 1218 p. ai.; 7:0
S. m., srrmos. Hpeel.l ma. la.
Weetmlnetsr Eaat Teeth and Weldler atreeta:
Rev. Henry U atareotta. Moraine aermoa. II
o'clock. eTenlng aermou, 3:&t o'clock; Sunday
acbool, 12.20 p. m.; X. P. S. U R-. :
IrTrat Twelfth and Alder streets. At 10:20
a. si., services; 7.00 p. In., preaching by Mas.
J. K. aMttrldga.
Pol too lier. A. B. Bark holder. Berseo at
7:45 p. m.
Maraball-Btreet Marahall and North Revee
teeatb etreaU; Ilea. ti. W. Haye. Sunday
acbool, 10 a. ta. ; preacklng. II .a. m. ; lar sies.
7:30 pi m.l Y. P. S. C. 44 p. m.
Mount Tabor be I men t and Prettymaa streets)
Rev. Kdward M. Bberp. Berawa at 11 a. ao.;
aervlre at 7:20 s. m. Sotckil mnale. -
Anabel Rev. Oeo. W. Arma, Jr. Sunday
school, 10:20 s. bm presetting, 11:20 s, m.
Sellwood Corner Eaet Uaveoteeath aadrlpo
kane avaeue; Mev. D. A. Tbompavm, paator.
sabbath acbuol, 10 s. aa.; morning eervlce, 11
a. in., -tneoM, "Chrlatlaa Olrlna"; evening
eervlce. 1:46 o'clock, thesis, "Joahss Conquer
Ur In the Name ef the Lord."
Third East Thirteenth and Piss streets: Rev.
Andrew J. Montgomery, paetur. .At 10:20 a.
av, eommonloe; evening subject, "The Hea
ter's ktroke of Ceepel Appeal," I'M o'clock.
' St lfark'a Kloetaeatk and Qnlmby atreeta;
Rev. J. Ai. H. Slaipaos. Holy nmnninnlnii, 2 a. m.j
Bnsday acbool, 10 a. an.; morning prayer and
litany, 11 o'clock ; evauaong ead Sarauon, 7 .SO
e'clock, - . . . .
St. Andrew's Unlreralty Park: Rev. W. R.
Powell. Herrtce asd aermon, 7:30 p. at. Sun
day acbool. ( p. an.; Bible claaa. 7 p. m.
Good Shepherd Sellwood etreet sad Van
couver avenue, Alblita; Rev. Jobs Daweon.
Holy eommauloa, S a. m.; Sunday acbool,
a. m.; morning aervica, 11 o'clock; e renin a
eerrlce. 7:30 o clock.
St. John's Memorial Sen wood ; Rev. W. R.
PowelL nund.y acbool, 10 a. a. aermos ami
serrlea, 11 a, ui.
St. Paul's Woodmere; C I. Parker, . lay
reader la ebarga. Service asd eersma. 11
Vest Sloe St. afattbeWa, Ptrat ssd Carsth
ars a tree u; Rev. W. A. aU Brack la charge.
Bunday acbool, 2:46 s. m. eervloes ssd err
moa, 11 a. si. I sarvice and sersiea, 1:20 p. is.
CBtversity Park ArtUaas Umple; Rev. D.
B. Uray. Sermos st 11 s. mH "Ths Undoing
of the Covetous Mas" I Sunday acbool. 10 a. m.
Mtonteelppt-AvenBe Mlaelealppl avenue and
Pre moat etreet; Rev. William L. t'pabaw. Sun
day acbool. 10 a. m.l aermoa. 11 s. m., "Tb
Bleealng ssd Evil of Proaperlty") Gbrlstlaa
Endeavor, 6:80 p. au.; aermon, 7:50 p. mH
Tne Grafter and Ills Spolli."
Laorelwood ArleU kali; Rev. D. B. Gray.
Sunday acbool, 10 a. St.; T. P. 8. 0. 6:20
Ponndi'1 MrUM ;3. P- m, ' "The Lost ,
- Hamlo Street Eatt Seventh sod Basaale,
Sermon. 10:20 s. m. Sunday acbool, noon (
Chrlatlaa Endeavor, 6:42 p. Bkt svenlng serv
ice, 7:40 o clock. Rev. W. , A. Uirrle will
conduct .services. 1 '
Sunnytlde Corner wf Eaat Taylor asd Eaet
Thirty-fourth atreeta: Tier. J. J. stanb, paator.
Morning service at 11 o'clock by Rav. U. M.
Tenny of Berkeley, California; evening eervtca.
7:20 o'clock, aubject, "A ft lee leader"; Sun
day school, 10 e. si.; Junior Chrlatlaa En
deavor, 2 p. m.; Senior Esdeevor, 6:12 p. m.
Klrat-Maillaon and Park; Rev. B. U ilouae,
D. It., paatvr. Morning aermoa by Rev. H. O.
litaeoU st New X"rk, 10:20 o'clock; evening
aeruioB. 7:80 o'clock, "Bared Ernes Paneer";
Sunday acbool, 12:12 p. m, P. H. Whitfield,
superintendent; X. P. S, O. E, 6:20 p. m.
Highland Seat SlTtb street north aad Free
eott; Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Sunday acbool, 10
a. aa.; morning service. 11 e'elock. "The Baal
peas of the Church"; Junior Endeavor, 2 p. m.
V. P. B. O. K., 6:80 p. m.l evening eerrlcv,
tM e'ewekv Hav. il. M. Taany wlU preach. j
' UTTHODrST. r "." . . j
' Taylor-Street Dr. Eranela - Bunratte Sbort.
naaaea, :2U a. aa. sermos. 10:20 s. aa by
Rev. J antes Moore; Knnday acbool, 12:19 p. ai.;
Epworth legue, 6:2u p. a. aeraaoa, T:S0
p. m., by Rev. E. I. Soper. -
Sellwood rifteenth and Tarawa atreeta; Rev.
A. D. Wagner. Snnday arbnnl, JO a. m.l see
mon.. 11 a. m.J. claaa meeting. 11 12 p. m.;
rlaas meetlag. 2:20 p. ai. fp worth League,!
6:20 p. m.i eeenhng aerrlce, 7:30 p. m. J
Grace Twelfth and Taylor atreeta. Clarence
Trne WIWws, D. I. aermon. 10:20 a. m..
"Man'e .Place In the Cnlverae"; aermoa, - 7:20
p. ., "How "Sis dot Herat A Story of the
Snake, the Wwii. Slid IhS Man" I Sundae
school, 1312 p. an : Edward Drake at the
EperortB League, ea-i - mam ennrua
stnat at evening eerrlce. Clareeee M. Godfrey
will be the soloist st the morning serW-e.
Susnyalde Eaat Tamhtll etreet, between
Tblrty-flftb sad Thirty -el itbtT. B. Pord, pea
tor. Pareonage 186 Eaet Thirty fifth street;
at borne Thuraday afternoon. Sunday eerr
lees: 10 a. m Sunday acbool. Dr. HolVnpeter,
enpermtandent; 11 a. m., preaching hy tb
paator; rla-e Bieetlns follow the preaching
eervlce; 8:20 p. .. Jim lev leKU. Mary Shaver,
unerlntesdent ; children claaeea. Mr. Lntt
ni Mr. UnlnMne. leader: e-IA p. m., Kp
worth lasne devrlBal mrertns. W. ft. War
res, preaMent; 7:20 p. m., semion by the pee
rori efftrlal board meeting Monday eeenin:
prater aveetlng Thsraday evening. Buangera j
cor"1Illy wel.timed to ell fit eervlrea.
l.iirelwixi Mount Hcott ear line; 4'barlea H. I
W,iiiy. pm.tnr. kcTlral eerrlroe every sisbi, 1
oJd-titue MftuoUlat fire and frvrir. aViaiUiy
'' in., nunaaj ecuaoii a4 i
'Kntlre HM&ctirir.tlnn" 1-1 e. in..'
rlara meeiing; 2 y. m aermon le children,
topi", "fbe Ark'; 6:30 p. m.. tuworth
l.eaue; 7 0 p. rerlval aervl,-, mbiect.
"Kepeutaac," with aa after service.
Betasla Danleb Union aveaue and M'Wri
etreel; ilav. Uudmuud OxLll. Bnndar -hnol.
12:12 p. m.; serrlc. ( p. m. Wednesday ve. ,
liia: lletanla Laillea' anclety at 8 p. 01. with 1
Mr. Murtaoaea, Eaat Nbith and Wldlr I
street. I
Norwegian Sysod Eaet Tenth snd Grant I
atreeta r Kev. O. llagoea. Sunday ecbool, :HO
a. u.; morulns errlw. 11 o'cbMrk: evenlna :
service, 7:20 e clock: X. P. S. meets Thuraday
evening at 2:12 o'olock.
Ht. Jane' Engllab-e-Weat- Park snd Jeffer
aoa a trout. J. Allen l.eaa. paator. Service
at 11 a. m-i "Haul Venue Pul"; svenlng
ervb-e st S o'clock. aeketliMi from Meu
deuwnua'a oratorio "St. Paul" by the ebolr;
Lutber League, 7 p. aa.; Sunday school, 10
Tentral Kaat Twentieth and Eaat Salmon
treeta; Mev. J. 1'. Ubnruiley, ). I. At 1:40
a. ni., aermoa, "I'ntll II Come": Bunday
fcHiocJ. 12 fa.; Senior S odea tot. S:20 p. sal
Junior Endeavor, 2:30 p. m.i 7:80 p. 01.. (
rival eervlce.
Kodney-Aventie Rodney avenu aad Knotl
Heel; Kev. K. Elmo Hoblneon. At P:4A a.
1., Blbla acbool; 11 s. m., aermon by Rev.
V. E. ' ItllllnirtuB, "What Mitat I Do to See
Other!": S:3 p. ., T. P. S. '. R.: J:U0
p. m., sermon. "Tb World's Ureateet Book.''
Mount Scot t Service la hall at era Park,
2 p. 01. .' . , .
Weodlawa goaday acbool, IS- a. m-1 preach
lag, 11 s. m. Uirlatla Endeavor, 7 p. m.l
ervlres S p. aa. . with aweclel meele. '
. Plret Comer Park and Columbia atreeta; Rev.
E: S. Murkier, mUiUter. At lu.aO a. m., "Tbs
Law of Iterlvabi," by Rev. C. A. Phlppa;
lilol school, 12 m.; Chrlatlaa Eodcevnr meet
tug, :30 p. m. .
Grace Lect: Rev. 8. O. Heudenos. ' Preach
ing. 11 1 k. and p. m.; Xoang l eople'e At
Uance, 7 p. m.i Sunday arhonl. lo a a
- Pint Oeraaaa Tenth saa Ctay -awoatav Eel.
Theo. . Schaucr. Suuday achool. SiSU . m.
ermoa, 10:42 s. si. preachlug. 1:48 p. m.
X. P A.. 7 p. m
North Portland Twenty-flrat snd Peltygrov
treeta; Rev. E. O. Hornacborh. Sunday school,
:44 s. m-i preaching. 11 s. m.; X. P. A.
program. 7 P. m.; preaching. 7:20 p. m.
yirst Engllah East Sixth and Market treet;
S. A. hlewert, paaur. At 11 . m.. "A Ro
markahl Prophecy and lie ynlflllroent": Sun
day ecbool, 10 a. m: ; Vmuig People's Alliance,
S:4S p. m. "As Old Mas s Oplnioa ef Young
Men' 7:4S p. m.
Emanuel Mllwauk!; P, W. Flaher, paator.
Sunday 'bool, 2 p. m. ; T. P. A. aervlre. 7
p. m. ; worohlp and sermon, 8 p. nr.; Germ a
preaching every third Sunday, 2 p. m.
Keacne narroony 4-'. M. I-lobar, paator. Sun
day ebnl, m. a . m ; t'r'''hl"l. M . - i Y
P. A., 7:20 p. m. .. .
First Eet Tenth and Sherman atreeta: Rev.
A. A. Winter. At 1 a. m., Sunday ebool;
preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:3o p. m.
Secondfar and Kwby etreete; Rev. J.
Bowereor. At lla. m., preerhlnav "Human
poaalbllltlee Through Cbrlt" Burnley acbool.
10 a. m.j K. L. C. E., 7 p. m.; aermon, 7:20
p. in. x - -
St. Jnbs'a Ivanbo snd Jobs streets: Re.
B. B. MeVlrker. Sunday echnoL, 10 s. . m.
prMcblng, II . m.; J. a.-C. E.. :SO p. m.:
L K. L. C E 6:90 p. m-i preaching. 7:24
p." in.
- Orkley Green Sunday acbooL 111 s. m.
preaching. 11 s. m.. by Rev. H. I- Pratt)
Voaug Popl' meeting. T p. m.: preachlug,
7:20 p. m., by Iter. N. Urblno, ot Slous City.
Second ' Ctinrch of Chrlut, MclraUst Elks'
temple. Stark and Seventh streets. Snnday
services st 11 s. m. sod S p. m aubject.
"Truth"! Sunday school, 11 s. m.; Wednee
day meeting. 2 p. m.
- Church ef tb Stranger- Wco street aad
Grand avenue; Rev. 8. Earl DuBals. Morning
aervlre, 10:48 o'clock, 'with eermon: Sunday
scnnnl, 12 m.; aermon. 7:20 p. th.
yiret Blath snd Montgomery afreets) Rev.
A. W. Wllaon. Morning aermon. 10:30 a. m.
8uuday school, IS m. ; sermon, 7:20 p. m. .-
Plret Eaat Fifteenth and Morrison afreet i
Rev. u. c ssaner. mnie acnoot ai lot, m. ;
aermeo st 11 a. m.) raoa at 7:20 p. m- X.
P. S. C. E 7 V- m. '
Radical fllith and Mechanic streets: Rev. C
P. Blanehard. Sunday achool, 10 a. m. aermon,
11 a. am. end 7:20 p. a. - ? . -
Church ef Onr Father Corner ef Yamhill and
Seventh streeta; Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr., minis
ter; Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. T)., minister emerltn.
Service at 11 6. m.. sobtrot of Memos, "Tlie
Ethics OX Church Memherebip"! Sundiy school.
s. m.; kindergarten, 11 a. m.; Adult
elaaa, 12.10 p. m,i X. P. :SO p, m.
p. 2a. ,
W In la ten' sad Mediums' Proteetfve Aoeoria.
tlon Regular rellfiou eerrlcea In W.- O. W.
hall. Klerenth afreet, between Waahlnatoa aad
Alder, at 7:80 p. m. rirat part of asrvlc
will be devoted to apttit roeeeci re. bearer. Ger
trude Wood field: at 8:12 Rev. Dr. Dlekey will
flv trance leetsra oa aubject, "Clean llseea
Next to Codlm. : .
rirat Spiritual SorlarrArtisea bsll, lOSH
Third street. Conferences. 11 s. m. ; lyevom.
12:30 p. m.l M. snd I. club, 2:W p. m.; IT.
Corn win lectors w "The Tare ftoda" et T:4.1
p. m., followed by lira. V, Row of Jackaoo,
Independent Splrtrnal " Society Forum, con
ducted Sv fivlnne Jiitinatn. followed erttk)
teeta, at Lotus hall, m Kart Grand aveese,
corner f Waahtogtoa. Bunday st T:90 p. aa.
- rtrer 1T1H Seeoad stnet. Forestsrs' ball;
Rev. S. U. Mow re. At 10 . m.i Sunday
ecbool. 11 s. m. S:S0 p. m., Epworth League;
T:20 p. m, prearnlns by Or. IUId
: :'- .. MZX'fl RT.20RT.
Ten's Iteeort and People' Institute Fourth
ad Burnelde atreeta. Stereoptlmn Bible rsdy
hoar, p. m.l sies' meellns with eddree. 4
p. m.; people' (oapel ferric with sperlsl
mane, T:4 p. as. '
rhoreb ef Jeeu Cbrlat ef Lttr-Iy Saint
Hill 400 Albiky boildlny. Third and Morrlaoa.
Service 11:80 a. m. asd T p. m.; Sunday
scbeol, 10 a. as.
Free Mfbodlat Eaat Mntb asd Mill streets.
Free oh 1ns, 11 a. am.; Sand ay scbeal, 10 a. as.
t; k. c. a.
Foertb snd TamhIU atreet. Orehesfrs eon
Pert and men's meetlns st S p. m., A. H. Bin
ell. graduate of Utrblaae anlveralty. and a
reeldeat of India foe IS yean, will speak ta
"Miracle of lm oa Shores et taneea.''
Group rody claaaea at 4:20; mncbeoa a 8: SO,
Tb meetlns ar Ire end epea te sll ansa. .
Flrat Eaat Elsbth and Orarb street. At
11 s. m.. sermos br Rev. T. W. Butler 00
"Pat lour Levs Into It" Soaday Khooi, 10
s. m. --" '
Sevestb-txr Adrestlets 208H Third afreet,
hetweea TavW snd Salmos; Kev. Oeerge A.
Snyder. Prtachins. T:20 p. m.
rRtEaTDa. .:-
atreeta; Rev. Lewi I. Badlev. Preebln al
1 a . Hi. UU I.JO P. aa., o,, wvawa, w
t. m.l Endvot. 2:80 . m. . 1
Xew Oinrck Rodetr Eleven tS snd Aides
treeta: Rev. Hiram Vroomaa. At It a. as.,
"NoarealaUBc"i Sunday achool, J-aS.
Pint German Tenth snd Blsf (treeta I Rev.
O. Hafner. Servlcea at tO:4S a. as. asd f
p. as.1 . r. 8. C. E.. 8 p. m.
a. a. M ....! aiea fsTwtaaS afktak .ffatti
Tw-ntbUtb n4 M-rr-o. lUNti. EfuU
Ios Cuts Off Log Bapply.
SnUl rMeptcb e Tbs JournaL) V"
Attardeen. Wash.. Jan. !. For lac
of lots, wfilch eannot bo got on scoounl
of le la tha Wisbkah rlvsr. tb Ameri
can1 mill has shut aown.
certainly smssbed a hole tn tha Kar
roo ma of Kanasa. but, Ballard a Hore
hour.d Byrup bus smsshed all records
as a cure for coushe. Bronchitis, In
(tuensa ami all Pulmonary JIeaa. T,
ti iionoii, miw wfnuw. t
have-never found a mcllolne thnt wnM
cure a coush so quickly as I il nr'l e
.. , . . . r a.i 1. . -
linrenuuil'J rj'wi". " . . . . " .
ears." bold by all dmscista.
"A Contrvatlu0 Cuttodlan"
4 Per Cent
For the convenience of
its customers bn. Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St
, c ' Corner; iVashtaflioa j
Bill for Charter to Portland, Ora-
' gori and Sea Coast Railway
: -5 r-; s Introduced.
Other lUllways Would B Given Use
or Structar by PayrneRt of Tolls
Interstate' Commerce Commis
sion to Bo Arbiter. '.
' fellla providing for a charter for a
.bridge across the Willamette at Elk
Rock, near Oswego, have been Intro
duced In. both house of the legislature.
Ths bridge Is to be built by the Port
land, Oregon, and, 8ea ' Coast Railroad
company, which is being promoted by
William Held.
Tha bridge la to be open to all rail
road, street railway or otner transpor
tation companies, which will be subject
to tolls by. the owners of tha bridge.
In caaa of any controversy between Any
road and tha owners of tbs bridge over
the amount of tolls that may ba justly
exacted, ths Interstats commerce com
mission la made tha arbiter. - -.
There Is to be a free track for the
passage of wagons and other vehlclee
and pedestrians. Ttoo privilege of pur
chasing the bridge at Any time It Is de
sired la reserved to Multnomah county,
at a Plica not specified. Should tbr
be any controversy over tha purchase
price, or over Sny other matter pertain
ing to tha bridge. It Is to ba arbitrated
by tha interstats commerce commission.
Elk Rock is recognisea oy an rail
road engineers as the only practical
sit for a bridge across tha Willamette
a short distance above Portland, and It
Is "considered ft strataglo point In ran
road building. This Is the place tha
Southern Pacific ; has contemplated
building ft bridge for Its west side
trains should tne routii street una dj
abandoned, and Is also desired by the
Paclflo Railway A Navigation cOmpiwy;
whloh Is now building a Una to Tilla
mook, tor ft crossing.
The bill for tha charter for the bridge
was Introduced In tha aenato by Senator
Nottlnrham of Multnomah county and
In tha bouse by Representative Jones of
Polk. and Lincoln.
Senator Nottingham said this morning
that tha bill had been sent to him with
the request that It be Introduced. Ha
had read It twice, ho said, and could
discern no joker In It, but If It should
cohtaliT joksrtt-wtitw discovered in
the committee to which It Is referred.
Tom aUolardao of tha ertlaul Com-
saaMlal Olab atves to the Stadsabs of
. tha Xolmes Baslmsss Oonsgw tha Slob
Adwioo of sTlnailnssa aad gertt asaess
' 1m ZVlf a. ' .'
Tom Richardson, manager of the
Portland. Commercial club, addressed the
students of tha Holmes Business col
lege yesterday morning, earnestly ad
vising kindliness of servloa, kindliness
of speech and kindliness of general do
portment In all relatione between man
and man In an inter oourse oexween
human beings. Bo said that tha world
la famishing for mors human Considers
tlon of each other's dsssrts for more
human affection for mora human
tolerance for greater human patience
with another. Ho said that kindliness
Is the lever that moves tha world that
wins peaceful -victories over all human
difficulties and the rtchsst treasure of
the human heart. -Tha
college orchestra, of Ova pieces
enlivened the occasion with soma ex
cellent selections. .. This was its first
appearance snd Its efforts war greatly
Tbs midwinter dinner of tb Portland
realty board will ba held tn tha main
dining room at Richarde restaurant
Wednesday evening. January It, at I
o'clock. It will bo an informal affair
and members, of the board and Invited
guests will go direct from their offices
to the dinner.
A string orchestra wm furnish mnsld
and J. A. Epplng will furnlsn ft quartet
of male voices which will sing during
the evening. ''
The following speakers will address
tha meeting: H. M. Cake, J. 15. Bro-
naugh, H. La Pit took, R. W. Montagu,
Percy Blythe. M. o. uritrin.
Tha commutes which has tha matter
in 'Charge la compoeed of 3. O. Rountree
W. H. Moore, Elnathsn fjweet, M. Xi,
Oriffln and Henry FTlea. J. O. Roun
tree will ba toastmaater.
V ii ,
This Ool Weather
Get one of tha M. J. Walsh Co.'s wood
or coal portable basket grates. They
also carry a complsts line of andiron
spark guards, flreeets and fenders. Sale
rooms 211 Stark, between tirta ana
Ptsth, or phone them sis of your Are-
plsre snd they will deliver.
Frferr4 gtoe Canned floods.
Aliun Lewis' Heat brand.
''Tr'J stiV tip by giving tn-
Jtirt tatisf utu in .
cur vork. - Our fmstt and
. , tyt rt all nrui and ap-t '
Hatt. U't do not (I aim to to
the 0HtyiTrtntfrf in town
thai ido good wort, tut wo do
tlaim that wo can't to boat
when it (omr$ to , . , , ':
- : Phce Jlam 5500 ):
The Portland
Everything to eat and 'drink, aad
tt costs ne raers la the--
PortJanl Hotel Rattuksllor
thaa eleewhere In the city. Kvsry
weekday nl;ht from 8:12 to 12.
L-a SOVnt, ataaage.'' '
kTt. Thivtlelli Theatre
; i TONIflHT S:15 O'CLOCK , !
' - TOMtiBROW MGHI " .
Special Price Matinee Haiarday,
Tb Tuneful Maaleal Oomdy, ',
Alwar e lilt ft I Today.
PRICES Lower Floor. 11 .AO. 21; Halooar. t.
7fx?. oOej Callerr. 25e, 29c. ,
Seats Selling at Theatre for Ensasamest. .
Seat Sale Tomorrow
10 A. If.v ' ,"
BEIUa THEATBE. 14th and Waabtegtsa sts.
MONDAY January 21 .enflf.,,
WED. Jgfc. Jaa. 23 , OdjJliJ .
edayr-Jaseary 23.
lower - floor, except laat S rowa, 22: laat S
row, fl.eo. Balcony, mat d low. 21 JO: neat
ft raw. $ls laat S rowa, T.1c. Batlr gaUary, .
SO las reeorre). Bosas $10 ssd 21.20.
Baker Theatre ore'ci---.
George la, Baker, aaanager.
Hoase ef tbe Fsmen Baker Stack Company.
This Wsek's Prodnctloa Rleaard Hording
Oavtr V eater Military lomeoy-uraaas.
A tete New York gneraae. Dlrecrlos Mr. Jobs
- SalnpoUa. . Matinee Saturday,
ventng prleee S5r, soc. Sue. Matin. 12. 25.
Meat Week "How BaxU Butted In."
tors aaJI V t T I....
korrlaoa. LUIUIIX lUCailC bUla 11T.
hUltoa W. Sesasa, Maasger.
PMytng Only Eaeters Reed ArtnetaaBS.
TouIrM All Tbl Week Matinee
Wedneaday aad Satsrday.
B. 7. Carpenter a Great lerams of WaStera
Mlnlne Cmp IJfe.
A Rami nder of the Guides ! la Ootorado.
Re ; n lar Fmplr Price.
Eext Attraouoa "Ta atldaiskt Flyer.
Week ef deanery Id. Telephone Mais SdPS.
Ths Alloa Stock Company freats
A Tbree-Aet Roerlag Fare,
atari nee TOedar Tbnisdaja. Saturdays aad
Sundays at 2 30 p. m. Price loe. 20c.
Every vnlag at S:1S prices loe, 2Uc. 20n.
Swears eeats Par all performance by pboaa.
Mala 24iet.
The Grand
TandevOl tm lose
SmBethlss Mew Urn
dor the Ses
Clever Comedy I
AarohaU .
Tbs Three Fetrswe
Mm Sadl Bosssvmtg
, Tipple ft EUtmeet
Saaford ft Bsrlisgtea
Jay BcgaH
Xaatar Harold Keff
Oalis RIe!i
. TOatTOatT ,
Leaping Hie Gap
Zast XshlbltloB oada.
'.' OpJ AH Bar EsaAay.
AomJssloa Tree. Skates t9o.
Big a-D,,, jts, jr,,t w.
h sfl 'AAV s
, J-