f I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 18.-1:57. : L LI . LI. ' U "' : . . .1 , Samples! of -He ; ;0ufle3; 'Oof Meij Mill laie'Iii(i)S9 Mails ail .GtoflMii 1P Eflci . . . . .1 I. ' mm I w rm LOOK OUT FOR THE THE " OUTLET UNION MADE.'.$io.OO SUIT .. 'lldDffiDM SWEET-ORR OVERALLS . ' . THE OUTLET UNION -MADE OVERALLS, 75c PAIR V lw . I3I own or "4 f. OJA IDE PflltllfltJD nO'JE ATlD.IIEADQUAniElS. OF iii EQei's pFd" Nol in a Suealshop, Dot by UMon Workmen, , ' - and in Clean, Ilcallny Factories : 1TTW, THE HMD " - ... ' v . " - r . . . . ,. . . . . iooli'i THE ;-. OUTLET UNION MADE HIGH GRADE TROUSERS, $3.50 to $7.50 THE- OUTLET MEN'S WORKING PANTS $l56TO'$3.56 PAIR"! A 1 llfSi THE .'OUTLET; UNION MADE $10 OVERCOAT- SHnirs Thi mo of the management of the eleeamvnew store in thu constantly alluding to Union Made Clothing, is to awaken re- newel interest in Udonism. ?hat great salvation of the working cUsses of our country , It is .well known act that rcdJn ,rior to the oroducts of the "rats." The reason for this is Unionism industriously proclaims, the excellence of its work, and that confidence in UnS be ihto thta cUim must be made good. It is different with the -rat.- He has no reputation to uphold, has nothing at stake YSi SSStJStTfS hi. work. Hence8 it is that THE OUTLET CLOTHING COMPANY so tenaciously cUngs tc fts .hi.. "The Bcsthaf sMaflc in-Mcnparel 01 me union bnop Is it not, therefore, to the best interests of every Union man in this rich bailiwick to heartily bestow his Mtronage upon the f? J JJEJ!? out. sunds for the interesU of the Union man of toU by. iterating-nd reiterating that his merchandise is Union made, notwithstanding that he may of fend the enemy of Union labor and thereby forfeit his good will and patronage as weU?, r . - . v - . 7 ' The OuUet Clothing Company Has Stuck to Its Text inrounn inicu ana inin It never has wavered. Its banner has daily been floating in the breezes since the first day its doors swung upon their hinges and Its first sale was made! It U rstickler for Unionism. Its voice has ever been for organised labor. It has been fearless. It is a friend indeed-the more so because it never quits. In this connection it is a pleasure to refer to the product of the famous Sweet, Orr & Co. factory, makers of the celebrated overalls dver . tised.all over Christendom as those that "never rip.. ... . t :" .; S'0--:;-jiy.'.t. ;; T-:.7TTt'"r:;'.,'':i,-: -l-, r'4r7Trr75 Sweet, Orr & Co. Were the First People in the World to torjn ana Scale THE OUTLET CLOTHING. COMPANY, recognizing its worth and sterling, quality of its goods. Immediately contacted witthe firm, and laboring men aU over and aU around the city are wearing the garment that the store says it will give A NEW PAIR IF, THEY RIP. . . All Ms Garments irfcr The most 'will be sati m msi i iiui s mm mmwv lur mm mm aim euvs ' ' -r--W 1:. stylish can be suited at THE OUTLET STORE. The manjaf the most modest means can likewise be pleased. Xu classes and conditions jsfied when they buy at this great headquarters of I n t , V ' ' nn j a irbnf nriw v tni99' rm 1 r 1 Mm mm MWk v wrm Kin Jiiiii 1 11111111 ii jiua Willi pi Which handles the product of Union Workers In Ciothlng, Hats, Shoes, and Furnishing .Goods.'.. Its place is at the. . NORTHEAST CORNER OF FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS nn M Cm TT T -THE OUTLET -UNION MADE 'MEN'S $2.50 :TO $3.50 WORKING SHOES THE OUTLET UNION MADE DRESS SHOES $3.50 to $4.50 : . , THE OUTLET tjNION MADE $3.00 HAT