The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 16, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    16, 1C07.
&s!.' i THE f
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Well-Apppfnted Rooms in Sar-
gent Building Opened to
' Its Members.
Volunteer Long Supported by Local
! Ooatrlbntions Are Now to.. Do
- Superceded bjr Firemen iald by
the City Thomas B. West Dead.
"'' Bast Sid Departmaai.
Ths Eut Side club' bat now completed
it Quarters In the new Sargent build
In, Hswtboxns-end Grand avenue The
directors ' met tn - theTopTnstoday at
12:4s and aat down te an informal din
. nerto talk' ever plana for tbe final and
iormai opening or me ciuo quarters.
, Everything la furnished throughout
and In readiness for tbe members.. The
rooms ars . very neatly furnished in red
-. . and green, each, room being tinted and
' furnished in harmonious shades. The
- 'rooma occupy the half of tbe top floor
- - or tne hotel, a view of the entire city
: except to the immediate west presents
. useu irom tbe windows.
On the right are the reading rooma
and connecLig wtib the social rooms
on the left is the long room in tbe cen
ter equipped with billiard tables. Tbe
giUl-room ia on the first floor, and
, ' there ia sTsinall eafa on the top floor
in connection with tbe clubrooms proper.
Assistant Secretary Fixott (a in charge
of.tbe rooms' and, for the past Jo days
- or so Has been supervising the apart'
menta during the furnishing. The dl'
rectors bar been working hard to get
' the quartera Into shape as soon as pos
' stble and are much gratified at tbe re
, suits of tbelr work. ' -- .
" sTew Telophase Ordinaaoo.
, At the regular meeting last night of
tbe common council of the city of 6t
Johns a new franchise was presented
. by the librae Telephone company that
' will assure oetter terms for the city,
"but in Its essentials is tbe same as tbe
former one brought up last week.
Regarding the legality of the appoint
.ment of Cltjr Engineer Goodrich, a dla
. cusslon as to the authority in the mat-
ter of the length of his term arose, but
"..was dropped egaln without any definite
, action. It wasag ln announced JthU
tne cnarter W114 oe xinisnea naext wees.
Beats of T. B. West.
. Thomas B. treat, a' well-known east
side merchant, after a sickness of sev
eral months, died last night about 7
' o'clock of typhoid fever In bis apart
N menta over his plaos of business, Itt H
-East Morrison street. Mr. West was
II years old and a pioneer la east .side
business circles. He was bora la Man
Tdova. Wisconsin, and had been a resl
; dent of Portland for 10 years.
With bis brother, N. K. West, hs for
merly conducted a store on Grand ave
nue near East Alder, . but after the
J bridges were built bo moved to ' East
Morrison street and bad been In busi-
neas there everalnca something like 10
years: - He' bad some choice) holdings In
v east side business realty, worth perhaps
tl0,00. Ha is survived by his wife
and following brothers: K K. West of
Ijl Grande and Orvlllo West and T. &
' West of Portland.
The twelfth annua reunion of the
Bellwood fire department was held last
There's a Big
n':."- "REASON
. Why , Every"' Brain . Worker Can
- , . Rebuild on '
Oei th llttla be. "The Road
to Wellville." la pkgs.
I . a - : .. M
We live you the vsry best attachmenta ever made, absolutely FREE. - We also svs yoa the free services ol a lady Instructor If you
" are not familiar with a sewing; machine. You will want to fet the children ready for school. Our machine and oor blan for free fo
i - struction: enables the inexperienced mother to do her own eewing. The machine will soon pay for itself. Call and investigate. See
" ."'whatwa off erf" This offer holds food for one "week longer." r ; J :
1 , 1 '
'' '
- - s
"Teddy" Webb, the Popular FaTorlte Comedian at the Old Tirol!, -San
FranciscoWtao Will Be Been With "The Strollers' at ; the Helll
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nights. - : ; - -
nlgbt in the - Firemen's - nail-on -East
Thirteenth street snd T acorn a avenue,
and In spite of the unusual weather a
large number was ' present.
As plans ars now, under way to estab
lish an engine at Sell wood this will
perhaps be the last anniversary of tho
volunteer company. ' The women's aux
iliary asalsted by preparing a dinner.
ThersWBS anentertatnmentTon the
second floor, conducted by Chief 3. K.
Reinke and the volunteers. There ware
talks by Councllmen Wills snd others.
After the banquet, rerved by the ladles,
the ball was cleared for dancing.
Tha-Sellwood companybaa Just com
pleted its 12 years of usefulness and is
In a prosperous condition. Its holdings
are valued at S,000, and It has been
supported by" contributions throughout
from Bellwood people, except a donation
of 100 from the city. A paid company
from the Portland department will su
persede the company In a few months.
. Tbe Biacsmar circle or tno o. a., r.
will hold- a social at Bellwood tonight
la Knlpe's balL
The first of a series of teas by the
Ladles' Aid society of Bellwood will be
given Jthls afternoon between 1 and i
o'clock at the home of Mrs. 8. IX. Wills,
HOT East Seventeenth street.
'; r . ft
La 'Grande, Or., Jan. It. Articles of
inaorperatlen have b n filed . for -the
Real Estate, Loan eV Collection com
pany.' by P. 8. B ram well. C J. Black
and 1A. McBride. The principal office
of the company Is at La Grande. Tbe
officers are:. F. 8. Bramwell. president:
C. J. Black, vice-president; L A. Mo
Bride, secretary and treasurer.
More Emigrant for South.
(Joemal Sprtal tarries. )
Charleston, & C, Jan. 1. A cable
dispatch from Bremen says ' that the
steamship. Wltteklnd sails from that
port today for Charleston, bringing the
second lot of Immigrants direct to this
section of the country. The first lot,
which reached Charleston last fall, has
been distributed through the manufac
turing and milling centers of several ef
the south Atlantic states.
By special arrangements with the manufacturer we are able to cut our jobbers profits and tell you a high-class
Sewing Machine at the regular wholesale price. We order these great Machines by the hundreds' and ship in
: ' carload lots. That's why we are doing the Sewing Machine business of Portland.
(Journal Special Berries.) .
: New Tork. Jan. 1. In the arrest of
Alderman W. B. Clifford and David
Mann, foreman of a stoneyard. on
charges of bribery In connection with
the election of a recorder of the general
seeslona court, the district attorney's
office, declared a plot has been uncov
ered by which 11 aldermen have been
approached to sell their votes for re
corder for $609 each.
According toths district attorney's
office, t',000 hi marked bills waa found
on Mann, who is ae aimed . of being the
go-between. - It la alleged that Clifford
accepted a bribe of 16,000, In return for
which be was to deliver the votes of
himself and 1 other aldermen for ?x
Judge Rufus B. Cowing for recorder.
Protect Your Gas Meters. '
During " the present cold weather. It
will bo necessary to protect your meters
from freezing when In exposed places.
e The first of tbs series of II
4 beautiful popular songs to bo
4h Issued In connection v with The 4
4Bunday JouriaL commencing on
4 January to. will bo entitled
e "Like I Love Ton." This Is a e
"beautiful, little love" song," withe
4 an extremely catchy air. It Is
d from the pen " ot those ' well-
known snd clever song writers, 4
4 Joseph 8. Nathan and Harry 4
d Gordon, " and Is considered one
4 of their most popular hits. No
rauslo rack shonld be without
this clever song, and you csnnot
afford to miss one of the serten. 4
Subscribe for The Journal at
once, -so thst you can take ad-
d vantage of this exceptional musio e
offer, which atsrts next Sunday
d ' and continues for at least li
e weeks, a sheet of musle accom- s
4 panytng every copy of - The '
Sunday Journal. Order The
'Journal,' and get a sheet" of
q musle every Sunday. 4
Satin Now Used for FettlcoaU.
. satin finish, or at any rals a oertaln
amount of sheen. Is noticeable on nearly
every kind of material this season, even
on the dress lining snd under-pettl-ooata.
satln-flnlshed material la al
ways more effective than a dull silk, and
for this reason also requires less trim
ming often a decided advantage. This
years things have been rather reversed,
for there ars many' reception and bouse
gowns or lacs, chiffon, net and taffeta
silks, bt for the evening even the debu
tantes prefer satins and satin silks.
With a satin gown an underskirt of the
sama shade and having the same soft
sheen la naturally mors attractive than
the too sharp contrast of a dull silk
would be, but until just lately this
scheme . haa seldom been carried out.
Satin has been used' for some time ss
a background for lace or chiffon, and all
transparent textures are at present being
made up over satin finish silk.
An evening petticoat la all Important to
the ball gown and great care muat be
taken that it give Just the correct last
touch to the costume. A white sklrt,
with Its dainty lacs, ruffles, la hard to
Improve upon, but the satin petticoats
matching the ahads of the gowns with
which they are worn are much In vogue
at the moment The plain color Is re
lieved by deep flounces of laoe and
moussellne the lace being eaught up
here and there with garlsnda and ro
settes of ribbon.
Boms soft sstln makes the prettiest
skirt 4t must be perfectly fitted about
the waist and hips, and only from below
the kneea Is there any flare this yesr.
An empire gown gives ths Impression
ot a long clinging skirt, but there must
be a full under-petticoat to keep ths
skirt from sagging. :
t St
" Instead of Ribbons. -
The mother bf a small girl whose abil
ity to lose hair ribbons was a source of
constant worry solved tbe problem by
using, strips of plsin or flowered, muslin.
These she hemmed neatly, making
them ths width of ordinary hair ribbons.
They laundered nicely and always looked
fresh and clean, while the loss of ons of
them did not mean so serious a thing as
If a brand new hair ribbon bad disap
peared: -
Of course, these little muslin ties were
not used for "dress-up" . occasions, but
for ordinary boms wear-they proved to
bo as satisfactory as thsy.wers Inexpen
sive, - - .
' ' It at
Some Recipes. -At
this season of ths year, when ths
vegetableHas- la - narrewlnev- except for
the products shipped here from mors
favored climates. It Is well to think of
what Is at band, oven of unfamiliar.
One thing not used hers In many homes
Is chicory- It Is Sold ss sndrve often
times In our markets. It apreada out In
great bunches liks a big dandelion plant
which has been partially blanched. It
Is slightly blue? like endive.
It makes an excellent salad.-For this
na only ths tender whits portion; Just
as you do with celery when preparing
It for a salad. The chicory should be
dressed with oil and vinegar, pepper and
salt ths familiar French dressing. -'
Orange baskets maka a pretty dessert.
Stand ths oranges, blossom end - upper
most, and cut out from each upper half
two tight angle pieces In such a way
as to leave ths lower half Intact and a
strip of skin over the top to form s
handle. Remove all pulp and Jules, and
with a sharp knife scallop out ths top
of tbs rind.
Press and strain the juice; and for each
pint take a half package of gelatins and
a half cup of sold water. When soaked
add a half pint of boiling water and
when dissolved, the juice of ons lemon.
one cupful of sugar and ths orange julse.
Strain, and. when cold and firm, cut Into
cubea and heap these, In ths . orange
baskets. For an extra touch divide the
strained Jelly, coloring half pale pink.
Chill separately and mix ths two colors
in tbs baskets. '
These delicious little, dslnttes may be
mads with any little odd pieces of beef,
mutton, lamb, vesl or park ao matter
how small, ss long ss they are per
fectly sweet snd free from fat, bones
snd bristle. ,
Break three egg Into a basin and best
them until light and frothy; then stir
into them, by degrees, six tablespoonfuls
Seattle People Coming to
Ofympla to Rush Appropria.
tion Bill. v
Districting of State Congressional!
Fought by Present Represent
Uvea and Friends Empkfes Who
Face the Mileage Problem.
(Special Dlaoatch to' Tbe JoeraaL)'
Olympta, Wash., Jan. II. A large
delegation of Seattle men Is expected
hers tomorrow to start a campaign fof
an appropriation of $1,000,000 for the
Alaaka-Yukon-Paclflc exposition, to be
held at 6eattls la m. An attempt will
be made to .rush a bill through on the
theory that after an appropriation lias
been mads by ths stats it would bs
ssslsr to secure one from congress.
Ex-Benator John L. Wilson Is here
In the Interest of the appropriation and
la working hsrd to secure tbe early pas
ssgs of the bill, but the sentiment
among the members seems to be that
It will have to take Its regular eouras
through the committee on appropria
tions, and thst It will not ba passed
until near ths snd Of ths seaalon, after
the appropriations for ths state institu
tions and other expanses have been de
termined. Congressional Districts.'
Notwithstanding ths fsct thst ths
Republican stats convention declared
unequivocally for ths division of the
ststo Into congressional districts; that
such division Is provided for by the
stats constitution, and that the governor
rocommends It in his message, there
seems to bs a good prospect that no
such division will be made at this ses
sion,. asit Is opposed by Congressmen
Cushman. Humphrey and Jones, each of
whom fears that ths division or the
stats might Jeopardise bis chances for
reelection. The fight against division
will be led by the friends of these con
gressmen and-Srlrr bs to a finish.
Zmployes and allltags.
As an offset to the action of both
bouBes in cutting down ths salarlea of
employes, - It Is probabls that later In
ths session a resolution will bs Intro
duced to allow employes mileage to and
from their homes. It Is argued thst
unless this Is dons It will glvs practi
cally all of ths patrons re ot the legis
laturs to the members of -the west-sido,
thoss living ssst of ths mountains not
being sble to handle any patronage be
cause thsrs would bs no applicants for
positions who would bo willing to pay
their way to work for such beggarly
psy. -
of fins brsad crumbs, three ounces of
butter, slightly melted, a tablespoonful
of finely-powdered herbs, a- sufficient
seasoning of salt, a teaspoonfnl of
grated lemon rind, a pinch of cayenne,
three-quarters of a pound ef the meat,
finery - chopped,- and -a - good ; gravy " to
moisten the whole. Mix . these ingredi
ents thoroughly and .pour ths mass Into
the nest little pyramid shapes. . JCet
these entirely over, coat thickly with
bread crumbs and bake in greased gem
pans In a well-heated oven for about
half aa hour.
For creamed potatoes eut freshly
boiled or cold boiled potatoes Into one-
half-Incb. cubes, put them Into as flours n, I
boiling milk salted, cook gently, until
nearly all ths milk 'Is absorbed. Add
white sauce, stir for ons minute.
sprinkle with finely-cut parslsy and
servs ...
Ths saues Butter, two tsblespoonfuls:
salt, one-half teaapoonful; Tour, two
tableapoonfula; pepper, one-eighth tea
apoonful; milk, one cupfuL
Rub- tbs buttsr and flour together with
a spoAo In a small saucepan. Add ths
milk snd stir stesdily ever a moderate
heat until ths saucs bolts.- fjss ons and
one-half teaspoonfuls of flour to ons
cupful of cream. ,
To Report Ship Unbsld. "
ryoeraaf special Brnc ) ' -Washington,
D. C, Jan. l.--After a
fight that lasted all day and extended
Rest '
the Stomach
Nothing -will cure Indigestion that
doesn't digest the food. Itself, and give
the stomach a perfect rest.
You can't reasonably expect that
any weak stomach will regain ltt
strength and get well when - It Is
compelled to do the full work that a
sound stomach should do.
You wouldn't expect, a sick horse
to get well when It is compelled to do a
full day's work every day of the week.
Your stomach must have rest
- But Itjsn't necessary to starve your
elf in order to rest your stomach.
v Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect
digestantv It will digest all of the food
you. eat, regardless of the condition of
your stomach. : ' TCJ7"''
:: py spep si azCu re
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, flatulence. Headache, Water
Brash. Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis.
Heartburn and all troubles arising
from indigestion and non-issimilation
of the food. ''...'-'
, ' ' I had dyspepsia in lit -worMt form i was re
duced In weight to 118 pounds. After using tws
nd one-half bottles of Kodol, I was completely
' cured and restored to my usual weight of 143
' pounds. J. LUTHER JOHNSON.
T - 7 -r , Att'yAt Uw, Cleburne, Ter
D.lltx kU, k14
trial, m se mm 1
, Soldy Skldmore Drug Co.
That's" what makes us sell so many 'Over-;
coats, Heavy Underwear, Overshirts, Caps,
Hose and Gloves. We are certainly cutting
prices that beats every other sale in the city.
Good selection to pick, from yet of, Men's
Suits, Pants and a general line of Shoes"
We are giving up the branch store on Third
and Davis as scon as the stock is all sold.
--It will pay you to investigate prices.
to ths floor of ths house, threatening
to bring about much filibustering at ons
time, ths house committee on merchant
marine and fisheries finally decided last
night by s vote of S to 7 to make a
favorable report on a ship subsidy bill
prepared by Llttauer of New York aa a
e. a,. . ,
If ' T;.V- J
: r i . . i.m
? IM f ffi' (XL) f.t
hqM4 at ta.
r s.e.pi
and Woodard, darks ft Col
I substitute for the Orosvsnor bill, which
has been under consideration for
m any.
Wrferre Btoek Oaaaed
Allen lwla Best Brand.
1?3-175 First
' - . J ' -
. - 0emmm ; f