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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY IB, 1007. IE ISLAND OF CHARLOTTE HELPS CHESTER NONE ROGERS SUED FOR $3,000,000 : - Standard Oil Magnate Defend ant in Boston Gas Case - - Now on Trial. JUFFEREDFROM , Cool as Ice and Almost Savage in Contempt of Her pal- low Lover. JAMAICA f .of the Wheat J y ff fSz? ) Y Made by the mart y f T) ' wio makes . M '. (I i( EARTHQUAKE ...,.. , Itt." ',- ; sv'' wi ll . JAMAICA . f JnOTR.l &MrlA I ' . New, Tork. Jan., II. Report from Jamaica today atata that tha flra at 'iKlncston which fallowed the earthquake J Monday afternoon':; la rapidly - being brought under control, though flames are still raging. The loss of life was . greatly exaggerated in tha early reporta The hospitals are filled with Injured. . but not over so dead have been recov ered from the ruins. . . The Myrtle Bank hotel and other lm- portant buildings have been destroyed - -and other houses In Kingston sustained considerable damage. Satire Island (hakes. The entire Island felt tha effects of the quake, though It seems to have been B108t ..vlllnt at. Kingston. At Holland , bay alight damage was' done "and no . . damage Ja reported at Port Antonio, 40 mile east of Kingston. Kingston -Is quiet and there Is at "tempted rioting. Appeals for aid and , v assistanca are being sent abroad. , The governor of the colony, 8lr Alex, gander Bweetenham. assisted by Sir Al fred Jones, Is directing affairs. - v - " Sail Calaa ts Quake. ; "Among the visitors In the Island are a party of English statesmen, agricul tural, experts and men of affair, who " under the leadernhlp of 8lp Alfred Jones had arrived In -Kingston within the past few days to attend an agricultural con Terence there. Among those In the com pany were Hall Calna. the novelist; Via. : count Montmorree. 11 O. Arnold-Fore-ter, M. P. Sir' Thomas Hughes. Sir ..Thomas tshann, and others of aqual prominence, jione of whom is reported Injured. - Spok ane Switches Plan One Teal Says That Spokane Is Mak ing Poor Case Against Coast Cities :1,..'. i . ' (Special Dtapatek to The JoamaM Spokane. Wash., Jan. 11. Each day - - brings out facta concerning conditions In the northwest regarding railroad .... rates which Aha attorneya for the coast cltlea are preparing to take advantage of . when tha Interstate commerce conimlS' , aioa concludes Its hearing la Spokane and the fight la continued at Portland, Beattla and other places where water rates are of such great Importance to shippers. It la claimed that the hear ' -Ins- here promotes the Interests of the coast cities, snd that this Is tha- very opportunity they have been looking for- . ward to for tha past two years. Referring to tha possible results of the hearing In Spokane, Joseph N. Teal, . who la bar representing tha Portland chamber of commerca, in an Interview last night aald: Cass Doesnt Mt Complaint. The case as presented by the Spo- ' kane commercial bodies to th commls ston Is different from tha one mad In their complaint. The long and ahort . haul clauae, un-ler section 4 of the act. Is not Involved. ;. 1 t "Mr, Adams In his opening statement said they relied entirely on section la j . .. of the amended act. This goes direct : Into tha reasonableness of rates in thefrt- ' selves, regardless of relativity or water competition. They claim that, owing to . the ahorter haul and more economical ,f construction, tha Great Northern can handle freight at much lower rates than . now charged, ana endeavor to suDstan tlata this by the financial showing of .v the road. ; . r. Water Bat Governs oa Ooaat. J , ' "Their fight Is klmed primarily at the '.Great Northern, assuming. that If rates ' are reduced on this roaa otners win ' . have to .follow or do no business They V assert It Is not a Jobbers" fight, but a v consumers' fight, a fliilit on high rules. They, of -course. Claim terming rateH, ' ' not h virtus of the long and short haul 1 clause, but by reason of the fact that f i such rates will pay the rauroaa compa , ' nlea as a reasonable rfturn on their in- vestment. On th other hsnd, the f coast cities claim that water competition 4 will govern the coast rate and that a J coast city cannot bo deprived of this nd- vsntage any mor than an Inland city , can ba deprived of certain advantage It "." enjoy. v " " Spokan Jeopardise Bom. "The coast cities', representative also olalm that Oil arrangement 'mada two year ago. when the Spokane sane) Was ' created, waa an unjust and unreaaonabla - . discrimination against other distributing cltle. 1 confess, tha mora this condi tion la studied, the more Indefensible It seems to tns, for by a scheme of rata ir.aklng the richest territory In Wssh Ington for a radius of 100 miles In every dlroetlon waa turned Dt to. Spokane, gluing a prsrtlcal monopoly ot th ' ttnile. No other Jaboing cenl-f In tha Vnlted States enjoys such an advantage. "A to U outcome of Ih hearing, no, , JAMAICA SUGAXJUaXTB. V pfj; 'j Sceneg la Island tf Jamaica, . -The Myrtle . Bank hotel, the prlnclpftl hotel at Kingston, was destroyed. The great military hospital was burned and number ol aoldiera araeportaddaad. 81r-James- Ferguson- waa- Instantly killed, but no other Englishmen, Cana dians or Americans' are missing. . Steamers Reported Safe. Many steamer carrying tourista to Jamaica were on the way to the island when the earthquake occurred, but It o happened that, according to sched ules, none of the ships from New York or Boston wss in Kingston harbor Monday afternoon. Those that were suffered-no -damsgevj- : - Kingston Is -tha capital city Of Ja. males, having a population of about 60.000. It 1 a noted tourist' resort.ln the winter season and all hotels were thronged when tha earthquake occurred. ' . Island of Jaaalea. - 1 Jamaica . Is 1,60a .mile from New Iiurn, (limn; vuui-vi v. v . Und Is It miles In lengthy and 49 miles v 1- ,1 -. 1 ....... ' .it., H'L . i a to Attack to a General on can aafely predict It, except that water rates must corftrol within the radius of their Influence, wherever that may reach; and, second, that It Is hard to see how the present discriminating tariff from all points In favor of Spo kane can be maintained." - ; ' The taking of testimony In Spokane will probably be completed Thursday, aa th coast cities expect to take most of thQlr testimony at Seattle, Taeoma snd Portland after the hearing here Is ended, but Just when this will be taken haa not yet been determined. TO DECIDE ON PLAN fQR PANAMA CANAL (Journal Special Serrlc.) Washington, Dt C, Jan. 14. The whole question as to whether or not congress made a mistake in deciding to construct a lock canal at Panama In stead of a sea level will ba brought be fore th canal committee of congress next week. Th canal commission has forwarded data regarding borings made within th last year to ascertain the character of tha foundation upon which It ts proposed 4a build the GAnun -dam, upon th strength and efficiency of which depend th lock canal plan. These show that a soft material, prac tically mud. Ilea beneath a bed of In- Nlurated clay upon which It I proposod to has tha foundation of tha dam and that in place th clay la thin. ' Farrloh-Afoorehcad Wedding. ' "(Joarnaf Special Berrlct.) ' Sprsy, N. C, Jan. 14. -Society people of Richmond, Washington, New York and other cities, attended th wedding of Miss Grey Moorehead and Robert U Parrlsh, which took plao today at th home of the bride' parent near here. Th ' bride I . tha daughter of- Major Turner Moorehead of North Carolina and New York and a granddaughter of former Governor Moorehead of . this state. " Mr. Parrlsh Is a prominent young lawyer of Virginia. "" T COUGH drops, throat lozenges, or rough syrups may relieve a cold, but j they don't cure it Scolt's Emulsion not only immediately re o z lieves your cough or cold,' but cures it by giving you the strength to throw it off. Take Scott r Emulsion for coughs and colds. ALL DRUGGISTS 1 1 Devastated by Earthquake. In breadth, having an area' of 4,204 square miles and a population of 780. 000, of which 14,tt: are white and I - rn-r-tronKlngston la tha hn- 10,114 East Indian coolies. portant navalstatlon of -Port-Royal, headquarters for the British West In dia navnl forces, and a strongly forti fied place. Port Aiftonlo; on the northeast aide of th Island, Is 'tha American shipping point for the banana industry, and is a thorough. American town. American capital hit built a large winter resort hotel at this place, run by American hotel men. The island is a favorite with American tourists. Columbus dis covered Jamaica In 1494. " Kingston clusters - along tha : ahores of ona of tha finest and roost securelyl The Island of Jamaica naa suffered many calamities. ; An earthquake ruined its cltle on June 7, 1497, and hurri cane devastated It In 1712, 1722 and 1902. In 181S Kingston-waa destroyed by fir. OF SHOPLIFTING Mrs. Alice MarshalLPJead3Guity Loved Finery Too Much. (Journal gpectal Service. ) -hlcago, Jan: 14. Another Bible stu dent associated wUh th work of . th Moody Bible institute ha been brought Into court charged with shoplifting. She la Mrs. Alice Marshall, whose hus band Is also connected with the Insti tute, and whose brotber-ln-law. Rev. Ed ward A. Marshall, has chargs of one of the departments of Institute work. Mrs. Marshall Is. a daughter of th lnt Judge Waltej)eton Of Fresno, Cali fornia. A number of students of tha In stitute have been before tha courts on petty criminal- charges. Mrs. Marshall was found guilty and fined 415. Sh admitted her guilt and said ah waa a victim of the lov for finery. In passing sentence upon her Judge Newcomer denounced her conduct. He said woman's love for finery causes mor harm than her love for man. PROVINCE OF CANADA ELECTING ARCHBISHOP . i- (Joorail Special Serrlre.) Toronto, Ont., Jan. 14. The house of bishops of the provincial synod met at St, Alban'a cathedral today for th pur pose of electing an archbishop and met ropolitan for the ecclesiastical province of Canada.. Th meeting of th house of bishops of the gnnersl synod for the election of a primate of all Canada, In succession to the late Archbishop Bond was to have been held today, but th meeting haa been deferred to a later date because of the absenc of several of th bishop In England. Admiral Sigsbeo Retires. (Journal Special Berries. ) Washington, D. C, Jan. 14. Rear Admiral Charles D. Slgsbee, who com manded the armored cruiser Main when she was sunk la Havana harbor on th night of February ill, 1898, waa placed on the retired list today by operation of the age limit Admiral Slgsbee leavea behind him a brilliant record of 4S yeara of active service in the navy. He Is- th first of a list of It. rear-admirals who will be placed on the retired list for age during the present year. -1 - 1 - - . . J o SO. AND 91.00. PROVES GOOD WITNESS . FOR THE PROSECUTION Stands CroM'Examtiiatloa Fnacathed Thompson Absolutely Impaaalve During Fateful Scne Il Whit- tlcsejr Equally Oblivious. (Special Plapatck to The Journal.) Taeoma. Wash., Jan. 14. Charlott Whittlesey, . raven-haired, red-cheeked and black-eed, haa given her testimony in the Chester Thompson murder trial. The state reserved her for rebuttal and she proved an excellent witness la re futing much, of th evidence Introduced by the defense to prove the mental un soundness of Wheeler Thompson. . In 'addition to being decidedly pretty. Miss Whittlesey has a patrician air, ap pears very up to date and ha the aa mospher of a rounded and positive character. Her testimony was given with snap and straight from tha shoul der. - Hot a Word of Pity. During all th hour shs waa on th witness stand she uttered no syllable of sympathy, no word of pity, for Ches ter Thompson. In telling of the young man's Infatuation for her ahe. did not by ton or Intimation acknowledge .any sentimental softness for him. She never one raised her eyes to b'tfr former lover, who sat crouched In bis chair trot IS feet distant from her. In fact, -her testimony was so Icily adverse to him that It seemed to carry with It a certain heartlessnes that chilled the spectators. During the . cross-examination Miss Whittlesey appeared bored, and while her air could hardly be called blase, yet tt IsraTiaentrthat'sh Tiad a thorough mastery of th situation. She recounted her acquaintance with Thompson, which she said began In 1801. Ha sent her books and bouquets. (called on her, wrote poems and letters to ner and made protestations 01 love. 8h Identified long love letters, that young Thompson wrote to her. - - Vim oa Cross-Exam I nation., -On cross-examination, which was con ducted by Judge Thompson, th defend ant's father," Mlsr "Whittlesey answered th steady fire of questions with a for titude and quickness, savoring rather of a woman of mature years and long experience In courts than of a girl but 14 yeara old. Once' or twice she flamed into anger as questions were put. (hat could ba Interpreted as semi-accuaativ In character. On the whole she exhib ited a. daring and at tha aame time a quick" appreciation of situations during several wordy legal battle that took place over her. testimony that made of hor appearance th aensatlonal climax of the trlaL - Chester a ever booked Tp. ' ' Thl)rbecU"lIorihad counted a great deal on th effect the. presence of Miss Whittlesey would have upon Chester Thompson, who ha sat sine th begin ning of th trial with a Vacant star on his face, gaslng at th carpet through th long aeaslons of tha court During all the hours Miss Whittlesey waa on th stand be gave no Intimation" even by a; movement f; "tala body-orth sytfr' ingfof his eye or th lifting of hi eyebrows that be was aware of Tier presence. - The trial will probably last about a week longer. , . . : v C0MPETE.WITHTRUST (Continued from Pag Ona.) to buy beef Independent of tha trust, slaughter their stock at"th"Fulton plant and pay Mr. Zimmerman rental by the month, each member of th associa tion using the plant paying a pro rata assessment". . . The Fulton property Is On of tha old est packing plants In the vicinity of Portland, -wis built by Mr. Zimmerman about 25 years ago, and tifttfl a few years ago waj known a th Zimmerman Packing-company." In 102 Mr. Zimmer man leased the' plant to tha Paclfle States Peeking company. Soon- after the tatter's lease expired In November the proposal to lease It to the membor of the Retail Meat Dealer' association was first mentioned, with the result that later developments, together with ithos to take place next week, will In all probability see the plant soon working In active opposition to th beer trust , Bstaller Ar Helpless. Tha move on the part of the retailer to gain their Independence I clearly the outgrowth of conditions arising from the recent consolidation of the Union Meat company with the Swift Packing company, which only a short time ago Invaded this part of th Paclflo coast The fact that the Union company Is now selling meat supplies to the Paclfle States Packing company Is declared by Portland butchers conclusive evidence that the latter company Is also directly under the control of the Swifts." ; Retailers in consequence are helpless. If they - attempt to buy meat, supplies from farmers they are punished for It by the trust when the latter, after learn ing, as It always does, that a butcher has bought elsewhere, refuses to sell to tha butcher when there Is no farmer handy and he Is pinched- for supplies. This and other of the old trust method In vogue has brought about th deter mlnatlon to wrench themselves free of th octopus, and thl no doubt will be done In part with th leasing of th Fulton plant. Officer of the Retail Meat Dealer' association were elected t th meeting last night as follows: Hsrry Wood, president; U M. Larson, seoretaryj W. Im Maher, treasurer;- J. B. Hoffman, marshal; Rudolph Hochuli, assistant marshal. "Duke" Evan In Trouble. "Duke" Evans, proprietor' of the Royal cafe, 2H Stark street, Is again In the tolls. lis was srrested last night by Detective Kay, Kienlln and Burke on a charge of allowing a woman of 111. repute to frequent his resort Evans furnished 450 ball snd th case will be heard tomorrow. Miss J. H. Smith, the woman found In- the saloon, was' also taken into custody and released on de posit of 450 ball. Building Permits. Building permit were Issued today sa follow; C, A. Ward, one-story .dwell ing. East Salmon, between Kast Thirty second and East Thirty-third, 11,760; A. Kutner, repairs. Fourth between Davis and Everwtt, 450; J. R. Norgard, one and1) a half story dwelling, Fremont street between Montana and Maryland nues, 1,040, . ' , ' (Jouroal Spatial Servfe,) Boston, Mass.. Jan. . 14. Th suit brought by Receiver George W. Pepper of the Bay State Gas company of Dela ware against tienry a. Hogers, th (Standard Oil magnate, came up for bear ing today before John C. Gray, acting as master under appointment of the United State. circuit court. The action waa brought to recover from Mr, Rogers certain profits, claimed to Amount to about 43.000,000, alleged to have accrued to him from tha aale of his holdings In the Brookllne. and Dor chester Gas Light companies and 41,000,000 of Boston United Gas. bond to the Interests representing the- New England Gas A Coke company. It I claimed that Mr.. Roger at th time held complete control of the Boston gas situation by virtue of his authority a trustee of the Bay State. Gas company of Delaware, th Addicka holding com pany, and that he turned over thl con trol to th New England Ga 4 Coke company at the aame ttmethathaold to them hi own securities. CONTRACT LET FOR FRIEDE BUILDING Plan's for Two New Manufac tories Are Being Drawn By - 'Architects. - Th contract for th four-story busi ness block of Leo Frlsdo. to be erected at Fifth and. Pin -streets, ha been let to the following firms: Concrete and brick work. Elerath & Sons; carpenter work, A. F. Squires; steel and Iron work, Paclfle Iron work. " Richard -Wmiamshas -Iat : tha-Con. tract for th erection of a three-story apartment-house,' 60x100 feet, at th outhwest corner ' of Fourth and Clay street. Th structure will coat be tween $4,000 and 410,000, and la re quired under the contract to be finished within four months. Th plan war prepared by Architect T. J. Jones. Frank 6 wan ton has employed J. O. Wren, the archlect, to draw the plan for a two-story grist mill, 40x76 feet. Lto be erected on.East Market, between East First and Second streets. Th building will cost about 410.000. "Later In th year Mr. Swantoa will put up a grain warehouse to cover the remain der of the lot ' The plan for th turpentine and al cohol plant of Messrs. . Campbell A Holbrook. to - ba erected on th .west bank of th Willamette, opposite St Johns, are completed and the contract will be let In -a few days. Th build ing will be 100x150 feet two stories, with- a baaement. and together with the distilling machinery, now en route from the east, will represent an outlay 4Jf-aljout3M00 : , SERVICES OF FIRE LADS HELD IN HIGH ESTEEM People, . wasteful and other- 4wie, appeared oecognlx thr valu of th fir department, . with or without water, during th 11 days of . f reeling weather ended last night During that 41 period 49 calls were responded to by th department During th am period In l0f th call JSVinibere4 JO, andln1906, tt ' . . . . INSANE MAN GIVEN INTO CARE OF FRIENDS . - An overwrought - nervous condition, brought about through overwork, caused E. Chappell, a Chicago accountant, en rout to Portland for his health, to at tempt suicide. -While on a Northern Pacific train Chappell suddenly drew a pocket knife and tried to sever th ar teries of his. wrist a Blood flowed and th man became a raving maniac H wa overpowered by th train crew and last night h passed In th Multnomah county jail. . . " A charge of Insanity waa filed against Chappell, but th man had fully recov ered hi senses today and waa turned over to Portland friend, who. called for biro, - ' . - - MY. WHATJS BEST TO DO Thl Ooi WeatharV '". f -. Oct on of th M. J. Walsh Co.'g wood or coal portable basket grate. They also carry s complete line of andirons, spark guards, Bresets and -fender. Bales rooms 411 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth, or phone them lx of your fire place and they will deliver. Elks Bound for Salem. '. ' Allmembers "and "visiting" Elks goirVt to Salem to attend th dedication of th new ham of Salem lodge will assemble ' at. th clubroom of 141 at 8:40 sharp tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. -... COMMITTEE, , WIDE AREA (Continued from Pag One.) manager of , th Halifax aV Bermuda Cable company, received a cable die patch from William Sullivan, rnanager of th Bermuda Cable company at King ston. . Th dispatch -1 dated Holland Bay and reads; "Nearly whole of city destroyed by earthquake and fire; staff all safe with the exception of on member, who 1 seriously Injured." -1 . - - , . - TkAa.AM .Tan IS fha - ... . T".- sails today with miscellaneous cargo for Kingston. New Tork, Jsn. 14. If their usual schedules wer well maintained, and there 'is nothing to Indicate that they were .not, none of th steamer to and CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Han Always Bought Bears th Slfccatnr of - ':, . f iia 11 1 - has W . ttm Vf w mnriA ir win i . 1 ' - . , .---, ' umuv ik nut 11 1 if' TT.A rvrlrre.r (ncA that rntures the II 1 , A . W . m -v. - r - mm , I .... . . r I 1 . 11 if I , (1 , children s taste. LveryDoay, is taikung , j' about the increasing success of ' i i - II km avai tf irnc 11 1 ULuU Jl vvl vCrllf--V 1 I ..11. -i.ij. 5..-,. - :A ' I . . r Mr - One reason for its great popularity is its l T . economy. -. A 2 lb. package makes . l 12 lbs. when served.' A creamy ' j v TV . white, granular food rich, full Jrfi anddelicious. . : ; l i dKiJlYour Grocer Has ft r:-' ' ' !.Sy' II' L III II I i .. . 7 1 . (. "".5 V" -v. 'V . .V.;" ' -'',.,' , : 7" . t . ' - t ' ''-.'.'. . ; ., .m , .. . . ir ... -', - ' :'' ." ' 1 ... . , ! ; ?7 : . .' Ilii s I ir" - .llil 4ata-.aVaaVL'4a , V ; START A BANK ACCdUNT i This is the exact size of our neat, attractive and convenient leather-covered Pocket Savings Banks. ...They are loaned free.. The 25-cent deposit required . is refunded any time the banks "are retarned.;' Start early in the new year. - , ; '. ) i r Merchants Investment ; v & Trust Company 4 247 Washington St'' Capital $150,000.00 V J. Frank Watson. . . , .V.v. . . . . . . .President R. I. Durham. ............ ... .....Vice-President , W. H. Fear... ... ... ... ...Secretary S. C. Catching. ..... ',.7. ....... Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt .Cashier from New Tork whloh call at Jamaica wer in th vicinity of th Island when th earthquake occurred. There war sailings trorn Kingston Sunday and ar rivals due today and Thursday, but, ao cording to the list marine advice re ceived here before cable communication wa Interrupted, no vessel of th regu lar line wer In Kingston harbor Mon day. . OREGON FRUIT GROWERS ATTEND SEATTLE MEET i . ... , . , -, . . (Jrmra'al Special Sarvlee.) Seattle, Waah., Jan, 14. With a good attendance of member from various parts of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, th Northwest Fruitgrowers' association began it annual meeting In Seattle to day, "Th large attpndane nd'attrae tlv program combine to give prom la of th moat successful meeting ever held by tit association, Th meeting 1 , to last three dsya tlv . fruit exhibit convention. A large and attraa Is a feature of thl - . Anti-nailejriteg Vlctorion. x Woorsal gpeehii gn-rlce.) ' Austin, Tex., Jan, 14. Th house haj adopted a resolution calling on tin attorney-general - to submit document papers, etc, In his possession bearlni upon Senator Bailey' trust affiliation This Is regarded as a victory for th antl-Balleyltea. a, I LJ J mi I' Curesore - throat.-" Relieve pronchitiand Asthma. Con-, .tain nothing injurious, ( e Q V ,7 v.