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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
. 7 . j : 'THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16, 1807. CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR AT FOREST GROVE WORIUNG WOLIEN, WHAT THEY SHOULD KNOW t J CEf.lEriT WANTED ft '.'4 - ..itain'a New Ambassador Fav y ; ors Strengthenin g of Anglo " American Alliance. . ; (Jraraef Speelal rlra.) London. Jan. 1. "Candor U ths first . requisite to the uninterrupted progress of Anglo-American rood - will." Mid James Bryce, the new British ambas- k JimM Bryot. . sador to tha United States, on accepting - an lnvlutlon to be tha guest of tha Pile-rims society of London at a dinner on r February C Ha requeeted tha commit .' taa to secure tha largest posslbls at ' tendance at tha banquet of English and American Journalists, bualneaa men and rerrresentanves -TJf-society devoted to tha building up of a friendlier feeling between tha two countries. "We want to get together," added Mr. Bryce, "and apeak our minds freely.) - Whenever any one thinks be sees bad tendencies aa regards tha future rela tlona of Anglo-Saxons, ha should ba en cou raged to say so. Business men ought . to ba among tha most untiring support . ere of atabla Anglo-American relatione, lnca auch stability makes for universal tranquillity, which la Indispensable to tb normal development of Industry and r commerce." ' - ; CAR SHORTAGE WILL NOT S .r ;CUT OFF. MEAT SUPPLY e Wltb wood koxree, coei scarcer. e and a general complaint coming 4 from every quarter that freight ears for shipping purpose are becoming rare enough to com . mand a premium, Portland peo pie will not bava to go without their beefsteaks and chops.' Tha supply of meat Is not In danger from this source, 1 Livestock is perishable freight In one sense of the word and has : ' to ba burrled. Anyway, tha rati ' roads have - feeling enough- for the hungry people to roll the . beef steers and other livestock products Into Portland without delay, and up to the present time a meat famine la afar off. John ; F. O'Sbes, president and mana-. ger of tha Union Meat company, said this afternoon: - "Our consignments ef - live stock are coming In steadily, . and we have received no notifica tion from the railroads or from -shipping points that 'there Is likely to be a scarcity of cars In which te ship beeves. We entertain no fears that the meat supply of Portland will be Jeopardised by the car shortage which aeema to be affecting other Industries." ' ' Make Thern Adrertiae. ' .. (Joarnal Beeetal 8errlee. Baeramento, Jan. 1. At tha Instance f tha- California Press Association a . bill was today Introduced Is tha aaaam bly providing that all Insurance and banking corporations must advertise an nually In every county In which they do business their full annual statements. I ' 1 Great v Boys' and Children's Suits Tand Overcoats at 4 Price '-., ; .'-, - . ' i . ' - Famous Clothing o CC2. l!32RIS0ft AXD A"rTHHT-TA8 hardware, implement and vpbkle ealramani aUrjr ttoo per awota. Inquire UO, care Joarnal. . WAMTEIV-Boy to leara trade, M Frost, IMtis. WANTED Coecftmakers, S3 rreat. eoraer ' WANTT.n A got4 competent blaekaeitth ana wroiiuiair. aaanae n, g, vnwm atoeat UomL Oreawe. WANTED Immediately. rwng awn ever So. te prepare fur eaamhiaUaa f eua tufBS InapM-tocf permaDPSl gwvarnmaot naaltlasa; Sne ealarwsi rail Is la ante Inf er tomorrow. Mr. Htf sea, lis Ce luaibla blrtg. ; ' ' WANTXO Heron eakabakar or helper! good, tinarleueed. Apply Li Cable Kakery, 114 Kuxarll at. Zn iadepeadtntl make nosey at Some, . letanre auora; attuataiag Bear. : '170 Vark etr t. . MAlf'wASTED Ba'llahl, end' ateady. part. aer In real aarau ofttc; alilaat man la arm retlrto; nperleax nut nectaaaryt tall aartlrulora aws! prlea 1124. Al ander Land Co., JS Slua at., near line. WANTED An eleralor boy at Modern Coe fectlooerr Co.. 13tb and Huyt ata. ro -rwmTwa-i'WAjrTfTMJiio ; THE CLAMIFIXB fAQES ' Ifyouwantanything a 15 cent Classified advertisement will advertise the want among 130.000 JOURNAL Readersl MODERN TRILBY BEWITCHED BY REAL SVEfJGALI Remarkable Tale of Hypnotic In fluence Related ' by Female by Promoter Felt Electric Thrills and Cave Up Money. - (Joarnal Bpeelal service.! New fork. Jan, It. Back of the ar rest of Bollver C. Weppler, charged with swindling George M. Eno, general mana ger of the Delaware Baryeta 4k Chemical company, and Mrs. E, Pel Plerson of lit WsU0ll JtjeetJVM:storzoXJurn. notie influence as strange, as that told by DuMaurier In "Trilby." - Weppler, who was arrested on Bat urday. has been released under 11.000 balL Mrs. Plerson's own story of the strange spell east over her Is appended! - "I was a practicing physician for a number 6f yeare. I have followed this profession la 'three states, and am thoroughly acquainted with hypnotism from a scientific standpoint. To be hypnotised over a wire must, anyhow, seem ridiculous, out Bollver CL Weppler had Just tha;t power. ' ' "For some Ume I have represented a number of Nevrda mine owners In New York. Last November a very valuable tract of mineral land In, Ooldfleld was placed tn my bands, I saw the adver tisement of a man who afterward be come my Svengall, In which he pro feaaed to make a bualneaa of forming and incorporating companies and plac ing their stocks and bonds. -- "When I entered hla office, I wae In vited to a east where the lleht fall on my face. A quiver ewept over me. a thrill almost an electrle ehoclt When I left that room he had all the ready money I bad, snd t had signed papers the effect of which I do not even now know. Day after day, and week after week, he held me In his meshes. He ordered me to surrender my ofuces to him. I did it. "I consulted a -lawyer and complained to the police and be was arrested on the Joint complaint of myself and George M. Eno ef Newport, Delaware." BOILER EXPLOSION KILLS FIVE TRAINMEN (Journal Special Orrlca.) Monistown, Pa., Jan. It. Five train men were killed by the explosion of a locomotive boiler at Bridgeport today, due to low water. Engineer Blanke miraculously escaped, lie refuses to discuss the blow-up. Clearing Sale -SECOND STREETS m N7 7 Bedford Laughlln. "Wet," Who Wu Elected.' LEARN STATE'S WATER RESOURCES Engineer Grunsky Makes Public Report on His Investigations ' . Into Progress of Work Done by Reclamation Seryice , - In South Central Oregon. . According to the report olCll Q run sky, consulting engineer In the United States reclamation service, who has been In south central Oregon with a eorpe ef engineers, investigating the feasibil ity of reclaiming the land, the possibili ties of the soil. If properly tended, are wonderful. - Regions now barren and arld--ean re transformed Into prollflo fields, once the work of reclamation is started. Mr. Orunaky'a report Is valuable In that It deals with the soil and climatic condi tions of the region which he traversed, and because of the great resources lying waate at present He urges that ac tion be taken Immediately to -obtain faots concerning the water resources of the streams. ; , - - The reconnaissance which I have Just made in aouth central Oregon has gl vea- m a-eppertntty-te become ee quainted with the main physical feat- urea that muat be conalderea in plan ning the Irrigation of lands in that part of the state. Oe Aeeaiate Beeerda. "I desire, in the first place, to con firm the conclusions of other englnaera of the aerrlce who have made more or lese thorough examinations throughout this region, that Information relating to the amount of water that can be made available for Irrigation is deficient and unreliable! and that it la of great lm eortanoe that a eontinuoue study of the I t r.iniirri In thla part- Of-QrtCOal; shall be made. Reliable conclusions relating to the amount ef water that can be made available for Irrigation cannot be drawn from the records of stream flow natil such records cover a serlee of years. There should, there fore, be no delay In extending the study of water resources to these streams. I "The region under-cone iteration la a suocesaton of Interior drainage oaains in which the lowest areas are flat alkali beds or shallow lakes often surroundetl by axtenalve ewamp land areas. Such streams aa there axe have a brief early spring flood tn which the rush of water inundatee large bodies of land now mainly used for growing wild bay. HAUGHTY HENS TOO PROUD TO 1 THINK OF LAYING AN EGG 1 can lick any bird in the b-o-u-e-e," lustily proclaimed a medium slsed white leghorn rooster with his crest covered with blood. Tou're a liar" broke in his prototype In the next apartment with hie pretty white neck alao smirched with red blcod. "You know I spoiled a few of your chances for a priis on the wsy down from Eugene snd when I get out of here we'll see who Is the boss of the coop." . , All over the building at front and Salmon streets similar f conversations are in progress. Every gentleman chicken lu the establishment thinks he Is set apart from his neighbors for ths express" purpose of preserving the lives of the others, and Is loudly let ting It be known to all who happen to pass that way.. . Once In awhile some thoughtless exhib itor stilus two cocks In the same coop with the result that soms of the birds were received with a few of their deco rations missing. Today they are hav M'CREDIE HAS NOT YET " SECURED A BALL PARK (Special Dispatch to . The Jonreal.) Seattle, Wash Jan. 18. -Judge JV. McCredle, the Portland baseball mag nate, arrived tn Seattle last eight, to arrange for -the placing of the Coast league . team In this city next season. He declared thle morning that If local men did not wish to beck the team the directors ef the- Coast league would finance the proposition. ' He met Dug. dale, today by appointment, but aa Dug is tied te the Northwest lesgue and has made arrangements for a park, he would not break aweyto Join what he calls the bigger circuit and less money. Mo Credle hae been unable so far to secure a suitable sits for a park, but declares he baa a prospect of securing one easily accessible to the down town district. , COLD WEATHER -. :.. (Continued from Page One.) weather Is now' In store for the good people of Portland. Laat night was supposed to be leas cold than the night before, yet many on arising- this morning were confident thst the weather man was mistaken. But the Instruments on top of the custom-house show that his prediction of yesterday came true, -as according to the thermometer the temperatures from I t a till 1 p. m. today were as fol' lows: - -a.m., It degrees; a. m., IT degreee; T a. m4 I a. m.annd t a. m., It desTvea; 10 a. m., 1 degrees; IT a.'m., tl degrees; It noon, 24 degrees; 1 p m., (14 degreee. This shows a considerable rise as compared with the correspond- . j-: 1 . 'c in J ! v . ( -X cm i H - 1 1 laM M. Peteraori, "Dry,"' Wbo Wu Do- '. ' teated. - ACCURATELY "Notwithstanding the apparent abundance of water It Is quite clear that a aubmergence of large areaa after oc casional wtntere of copious snowfall In the mountains together with aome sur plus water discharged Into the lakes, ia not conclusive as to the actual supply of water that can be made available year after year for. . beneficial .uee. Each source ef supply must be studied to as certain Its yield before conclusions can be reached that will be -a satisfactory basis for the planning of works. .. '. Dry Terming Poesible, "It is to be stated in thla connection that more Information is also required relating to the amount of water that Is needed to supplement rainfall The ree- ldents at some points tn thle section of I the state are Just making the discovery ' that there are aome seasons tn which grain erope-eaa be produced by dry I farming. It Is being discovered, too, that climatic conditions there are not ' unfa vorable for the production of the ly anxloue to have him take this place, hardier fruits and vegetables. There Is but, like Stewart,' Oreenaway has bus! hot, however, enough known of "rainfall ness Interests which would have to be conditions and the behavior of soils un- 1 der cultivation to -determine bow mnch water must be supplied per acre of ir rigated land. . "Not even the rainfall conditions are known with . any degree of accuracy. The desert conditions which " prevail over a great portion of this part of the state Indicate a deficient supply of moisture in the f orsa of rain and snow. there Is seme praelpltatloa. At Silver Lake It amounts to about ten inches In a normal year. - The normal I rainfall at Burns In Harney valley lies nrobobly somewhere between 10 and 14 inches. At Palaley there le ne record ; of rainfall, but It la generally sup-1 posed the t this point has as much or- more rainfall than silver Utt. Kain-, aging only 40 cents, while many of the f acted at a larger meeting next Wed faU recorda should be kept St Holland, best professors snd specialists can .tel peaday evening of tha nommlttaea of Summer Lake, Riley en Sliver lake and at the Narrows between . Malheur and Harney lakea Obaervera should be selected and the necessary apparatus for rainfall observations should be in.' suited at , the earliest possible mo ment" ing their points examined for the awards and tn a few days will receive their blue rlbbone and then there will be more honors to strut over. -, The exhibits have nearly all arrived and are in their places. The pigeons are attracting attention and the exhibit In thle class is rood. There are red pigeons, hlue pigeons, black pigeons and pigeons of mixed colors, runts, homers, carriers, fan-tails. All sre looklnj on In a modest way except the fan-tails, some of which are so chesty and im portant that their heads sre hidden be tween their talis and their cheats In their efforts to impress the visitors with their unsurpaased beauty. Heavy Buff Orpington hens are casu ally passing a few words regarding the weather. Gossip of the hens Is quite modest, as It should be. but no one has yet detected any reference to the hlrh price of eggs. These chickens are too arlstocratlo to lay eyes. Some of them never saw an egg. Ihey sre quite satisfied with their mission In life, which Is to eat and get fat for the show. Ing temperatures of yeeterday.: ' - Thus It will be seen that gradually the weather Is becoming warmer. Still warmer weather le predicted tonight and e light -snow may possibly follow. "The weather will be warmer," eald Mr. Beals this morning, "but I sm not looking for e Chinook wind, so we will probably have a light snow-this even ing. At any rate It appears that the eold spell ie broken althougn It may remain cool for some time to come. The worst Is ovsr." ; BUTTE MURDERER IS i CAUGHT IN CALIFORNIA f Joarnal Spatial Srv1re.) San Bernardino, Cat., Jan: It. Charles Lenox, alias "Slim".. Evans, wanted at Butte, Montana, for a murder commit ted a year ago, waa arrested here and held pending extradition. Lenox waa Identified by e gunshot wound which he received when he broke Jail In Bnttax L 1 . I J The Itch Fiend That Is Bait Rheum or Edema, on of the outward manifestation! of scrofula. It comes in Itching, bdrnlDg, cosing, dry ing, snd scaling patches, on the face, bead, bands, legs or body. It cannot be cured by outward applies tlons,the blood mast be rid of the Im purity to which it Is due. Hood'sSarsaparilla Hat cured the most persistent and difficult esses. Accept no substitute for iiood'i; DO substitute acta uu n. TO FLY WITH HIS LOVE OVER HEW YORK CITY Young Inventor Requests x Per mission, to Try His Air Ship Off - Williamsburg' Bridge- Young Sweetheart to Accom ' pany Him In Experiment. (Journal Spade! Service.) ' ' - Philadelphia. Pa.. Jan. ia.I Police CommlasIonerJJlngham of New Tork will let him, John Francis' Delay, a young Inventor of this city, . will fly from Williamsburg bridge, New York, lir a flying machine that he says is the only real thing In. flying machines the .11 1 Ilea in. orld hae ever known. . With Daley will go Miss Henrietta Fulton, hla sweet- pretty, meir cnuanmwwj areaooa hart.-n-dventurumWeiv- ho-and tidy.. who do their own cooklnir knows all hla plana and Is so confident .sweeping,: dusting and often wahlnff, of success that she only laughs wbea Ironing and - sewing for the entire any one talks of danger. . . family, who call for oar sympathy. -r-Daley wrote Btngha n Saturday' Truly 'the "work ,ucn a womaiT chfr?! hric ht th 7 -in RfsUt"- dn0" nd " WmAtT chine, which be calls tne 'Aero Resist, . . . v. 1. jn.n v ta all completed, and Its Inventor is sat - at she breaks down at the end of isfled it can fly. Membera of the fao- w years, the back begins to ache, ulty of Pennsylvania, hearing of the In- there is a displacement, inflammation ventlon. laat week asked Daisy to give oy ulceration of the abdominal organs, them k secret demonstration. Daisy re- a female weaknees is brought on, and piled that he would not, except upon the- the struggle of that wife and mother deposit of 118.000 in forfeit money, to to continue her duties is pitiful. . reimburse him in the event of his secret Ivdla B. Plnkham'a Vegetable leaking out from the test. Daisy at hla , c-d -I- from native rootl home today said: I Compound, made from native roots "My Invention la all ready for traha-' nd herbs, is the exact medicine a portation toNew.Tork. a almply waat - woman needs whose strength Is Overr Commissioner Bingham's word. I have, taxed.1 It keeps the feminine organs studied this matter for ' yeara, and I in a Strong and healthy condition, know my machine will fly becauae I jn preparing for ehildblrth and re lMSXow? tL " .'' . ouperaUng therefrom it is moat effl- .7051';?, It carries a woman safely sets or wings and a controller which ai- i , , . , . ... j lows It to come te a perfect etandstllL I through the flHangO of Ufa and in IBls controller also act. as a ateerjng tasking her strong and well assists gear. Its framework Is part aluminum and part copper and the very light en gine la my great secret." " . " " IF NOT STEWART IT -' MAY BE JUDGE HELM Wa.1iln.tiM- Rimu if 'I n a Initmal Waahlnrton. Jan. IS. Followlna thai declination of Phil B. Stewart of Colo- rado Springs to accept the position ef commissioner of the general1 land.ofllce, It has again been pressed upon Captain Jack -Greenaway.-who had previously declined It. Oreenaway Is a personal friend of. the president, who te extreme- sacrificed In order- to take It. Should -Oreenaway hold out against -the presl dent'a wish It le possible that Joseph C Helm, formerly a Justice of the Colo rado supreme court, will be given the place. - - -.- . . DOCTORS OF AUSTRIA i 0EC1DE-T0 .RAISE FEES .Journal BMctal Berries. . Vienna, Jan. It. Owing to the general tncreaae in the cost of living the doctors of Auatrla have decided to raise their feee t0 per cent. Their present charges ars very moderate, those for visits aver- ment ba Increased telephone rates, the phyalclana proyoae to charge for con- sultatlons over the telephohe. They complain -that - people-hitherto have taken advantage of the telephones to obtain free medical advice, , QUESTIONS ROOSEVELT. -. PLAN FOR COAL LAND (Waahlnrtoe Boras ef The JoerasLt Washington, D. C Jan. 1 1. Secretary Rltchcock teat! f lad before tha houae publlo lands committee today as to the j president's recommendation - to repeal the coal land lawa and leave -coal end oil landa as' publlo landa. Hitchcock advocated the repeal of the desert, tim ber and atone end homestesd commute tatlon laws but -said heVwaa not pre pared at this time to offer any recom mendation on the leasing plan for coal landa He admitted that capital could not be secured readily to develop coal landa If the leaving eystem were adopt- GUGGENHEIM RECEIVES . TOGA THAT HE BOUGHT - (Joarnal SpKlal gerrlea.) , Denver, Jan, It. aim on Guggenheim's electlon'rwaa confirmed at noon today. He epoke, thanking the legtalatore, snd said that he had withdrawn from all bualness Interests to devote himself en tirely to the Interests of the state end nation. He declared that he waa free and untramroeled and under no obliga tions te any Interests, railroads or cor porations of any kind. He eays that he favors Roosevelt's plans to aid leg islation and correct Industrial evils. - SUNDAY CLOSING AT SEATTLE NEXT MONTH - (Special Dispatch te The Joarnal.) Seattle, Jan. It. Mayor Moore will enforce Sunday cloalng of saloons on February 14. unless the legislature sees (It to amend the law before that time. The mayor ennouncee that If the law Is not ehanged that data will be the last I on which Seattle people can quench their thirst on the Sabbath. The mayor says tba theatres will not be closed, ss It will take all the policemen to handle the aaloona " RECORD FOR ECONOMY (Continued "irdm" Page One,) 1 " wss referred to the resolutions commit tee. , Another matter of economy wae the bill prepared by Newell of Washington county, providing for a etate expert ac countant to examine all state books, to a r rente a uniform aystem of bookkeep ing throughout tha state end to do away with Junketing commissions ef the legis lature end unnecessary expense In cler ical aid. It Is estimated by Newell that bis bill will save the state a large sum of money. Last session and before clerks on speelal exsmlnlng commissions cost the Stste ever 17,009. It was argued that this sum will support an expert ac countant and the office for two yeare ' an4 an awural Investigation -end auditing of all atats books from tha, stats treasurer to ths county offices. The bill provides that an aconuntant shall bs appointed by the governor. , 1 MRS. SADIE ABBOTT -J Women for tha moat - Bark" BDend their livee at-home, and It la1 these women who are willing; and ambitious , i 4 . "" ""u, " ner 00 oe a gooa who ana muiuw, Mrs Sadie Abbott, of Jeannette, Pa., writes 1 ' DearMra Ptnkham-i ' ' "I suffered severelr with pain every month and also a pain in my left aide. My doctor m-Mcribed for me but did me no ) rood; a friend advised Lydla E. PtakhaaVa. VeKetable Compoend and I wrote you in I retrardtoniy condition. roiiowea your anil m a nrfrtlv well woman. The pains have ail disappeared ana 1 oaanoe reoommena your roeuicme n uikiu. Lydla C. PlBkuaaV Tcjcttbic Compooaa Soccecds Wfccre Otlicro ratt. FUNDS FOR BIG Y. M. C. A. BUILDING Committees Discuss Plans for -2 Raising Money to Build ' Structure. ThrtttV.WVTanS tof We "hew T." C A, and V W. C A. building Is te be ralaed . in spits of the former failure. At a meeting last n.ght of the commit tees with the board of directors, plans were discussed for raising the tjaianos of the amount not subscribed at the first canvass, and these plans will , bo "per msnagement and the eltlsens' committee with the board. ' Plane were alao made to enlarge the boye' department, which Is growing be yond bounda . New vroome are to be added and plane adopted to. eover a bet ter eupervlalon ef outalde boys' clubs In churches and other Institutions, J. C Clark has been appointed an addi tional eecretery In the boys work. This is one of the most important and most flourishing departments of the whole work end much attention ie paid to it At last night's .meeting the officers of last -year - were reelected ior . another 1 term as follows: President, William M. Ladd; vice-president, J. Thorburn Ross; treasurer, John Bain; secretary,' A. I Veaaie. - - . MINERS TO CONSIDER - MOYER'S IMPRISONMENT .w . 1 (Joarnal Special Service.) Indianapolis, Jan. It. It is announced that the miners' delegates will meet to night to eonelder the cases ef Western Federation officials, Moyer, - Haywood and Pettlbone, now In Jail In Idaho eharged with the murder of former Gov ernor stuenenberg. The convention enthused at the announcement. Some People Expect New Shoes to Hurl And they are seldom disappointed. . They buy that kind. The fact that a shoe should feel comfortable from the start la un known to Chem because they, putting on a rightly made shoe. " t" They overlook the fact that a Hanan Shoe at its price gives the wear of two pairs' of the kind they buy.: They forget, also, that a ' ' ' :, -. ; Hanan SIkoe ' offers more real comfort when new than their kind of shoes offer after mqnths of wear-that it starts out a smart, stylish - shoe and ends just as smart and stylish. -There are not so many such people as ' there used to be. " We know this because , we sell so many more Hanan Shoes than we used. : .. , , Maybe you would like to prove these . facts.:' i '".'---". ;' '.' liOseiilEial's Portland's Best Shoe Store - 'M91HIRD"STBEETI BET. MORRISON. AND ALDck MRS. PRE. E MC-K1TRICK Mrs- Pree MoJUtrlck, of La Farge, ; Wis., writes i . ?. ; ; Bear Mrs, Pinkhami -'-. V. . ' 44 For six years I suffered from 'female I weakneaa. I was so irregular that I would go from three woeki to sis months,- so I , thought I would give Lydia . Flnkham's I Veftetablo Compound a trial. I Now I am once more well and caa So ear I work without a pain. A ny one who wishes, can write to me and I will answer all letters .dir." .:.. .,.:r. .i... Women should remember that Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bolds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of female ilia. . Every suffering woman In tha United States is asked to accept the ' following invitation. It ia free, will bring you health and may save your .life. ... . I.. , ,- ,' . Mrs. Plnklitm't Iavltatloa to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weak less are invited to promptly oommunhnte with . Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Maas. From the symptoms given, tha trouble' may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast Volume of experience In treating female ills lira. Pinkham prebsbly baa tha rery knowledge that will help your case. "Her advice Is ire and always helpful. 7 " ; . f FIGHT TO CONTROL GERMANY HOST IJUIET AFFAIR : In Ten Days Political Fate Will J Be DecidedSocialists ; :-.-r Active, .--jf- (Joereal Special terete) Berlin, Jan. It In 10 daye the fath erland'e political ' fate will be decided, yet there is no outward sign in Berlin Indicating that an election fight le In progress. - Hardly a poster ts visible, but the Germans read attentively the advertisements tn the aewspapere and And there party communications about meetings that take place. There are a dosen fighting parties In Berlin and each can always count on full houses at their meetings, where, leaders Of learned professors deliver quiet lectures, The polling will cease election day precisely st 1 o'oloek In the evening, re garoleaa of bow many voters sre pres. I ent. , Armies of workmen will, howevjrVJ march up to the polls at noon, loadeir'. 1 with provisions, with a view of prevent ing thle rule from cutting down the socialistic vote. , It le reported that Prince Buelow will deliver a speech Saturday. LESS COLD AT SEATTLE " ; : BUT NO MORE FUEL (Special Dispatch ts Tha Journal.) Seattle, Jan. It. The weather ll slightly warmsr today, but thsre le n change In tlie fuel eltuation. Street ears, power plants, schools and manu factories sre on short allowanoea Man) families have closed their homes to g to hotels to keep warm. Similar condl tlone prevail throughout ths state, Overland tralne are three and four dayi late. Heavy snow and extreme cold pre vail -from St. Paul '.o the coast. . have never, felt the luxury of f J r r i - p . .... ' ."' " ' a