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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1907. 18 TRAFFIC WITH HAWAII SOON TO BE RESUMED Matson Navigation Company Found a Splendid Opportunity fpr ' Trade Between Portland and Honolulu, and a Steamer for That Run Will Be Built In Bay City. "Say to the -merchants of Portland, whether ther believe It or. not. that, we did not withdraw oar steamers from ths l'ortland-Honolulu trade because of dis couragement. On tha contrary wa wara encouraged by the way tha buatnaaa from Portland opened up- Say to thm that wa will coma back to Portland, Captain Mataon. head of tha Matsoif Navigation company or tn r-ranciaco sent thla message by WW'. Robinson, who has Juat arrived In Portland via Han Franclaco from . Honolulu, whither ha wont acme months a (to aa the repre sentative of J. Whyte Evana to eetab ' Hah a Joint agency for handling Fort ! land trade with the lulanda. Owing to unexpected- event tha Hl lonlaa. which atarted tha trade, waa withdrawn, to be placed on the way at San Franclaco for repair, and It waa ' Impossible for the Mataon company to ret a ahlp to takeXher place on -the lortlaTtd-JlmQlttlu run, . .Build Taaarl fat ay City. - - Captain- - Mataon ha juat - returned from the east,- where be went to nego tlata for tha purchase of a vessel ault able for thla trade." aald Mr. Robinson. "Ha Informed - ma of tha purpose and raault of hla -trip, and. bade ma -. aay to Portland buatneaa man that ha la till determined to maintain a steam ahlp line between Portland and tha Ha waiian islands. He waa unable It Hi a ahlp In New York suitable -for hla business, and haa Juat -accepted, plana for a new reaael that la to be built at San Franclaco. - , .. . "Ha informed ma that be did not take the Hflontaa ' ft of the Portland run because lie waa dissatisfied, or because of any unfavorable oondlUon here. He aald he waa almply compelled to take care of the trade of hla company be tween San Franclaco and Honolulu Brat Ha had contracts 'with four of tha big sugar plantations In Hawaii to deliver their ' sugar at San Franolaco wltMn certain time llmlta. and waa under heavy bonds to fulfill theaa contracts. Oo Xnaa Sugar Trade. . .. . "A soon aa tba HUonlan cornea oft tha ways aba will be put Into the sugar trade between Honolulu and San Fran Cisco, and her alster ahlp will so on the ware for repairs." . Theaa are the only two available ships now operated by tha Mataon company for coastwise trade. They bad a num ber of oil vessels, but theaa havs been sold and' the proceeds will go Into new ships for tha regular carry Ins trade.' It la practically certain that as soon as suitable vessels oftn ba built - or -purchased tha Mataon company will again ba In the Portland-Honolulu trade. . "Portland can. do a vary large bual neaa In the Islands," Mr. Robinson said dlacusalng his stay there. "I : da voted my time to making ' a thorough teat of the question, and I found that the people of the Islands , want our gooda and want to trade with Portland. Tba buatneaa Interests will trade with ns and glve ua their moral support." . SKATERS GLIDE FOR MILES OVER FROZEN COLUMBIA SLOUGH ' Portland skaters art' enjoying the best sport tbey bare experienced tn nearly 10 years During tha past three days cnany hundreds hays, takes ad vantage of the film ! of ice 'that baa formed! en all still bodies of water - heraboutsr-Th-todlcatlons are that tha paatlma will be available for many days more, for every boor sees a con tinued thickening of . the Ice. . Up to .last. Sunday only tha most venture some boys dared to tempt the thin crustH upon the sloughs, but sines. that, time men. women and children in Increasing numbers havs skimmed over the frosen - aurface with safety. -i . For the Drat time in nine years Co lumbia slough baa become a -skating rink. Here are 85 - miles of skating, snd the ambitious sportsmen may travel without' stint. One of the most popular skating places la Guild's lake, at the fair grounds.' Several hundred people were out upon It yesterday and among the skaters were many children on sleds. So far no drownings have been reported and no serious accidents. Last Bight two -tJuinrsTlaks skaters found a thin spot In front of ths Gov ernment building on tha laland In the old fair grounds, , and, broke through, plunging : Into tha . freezing 'water up to their armpits. Their ' mishap was greeted with, shouts -of laughter from the - other skaters and they .'quickly scrambled out. - . , The winter larks are now hoping for a snow, that they may havs coast ing, and the chances are that tbey will not be disappointed. At least, that's what the weather man says. REACH TILLAMOOK UK BELT Railway to Run From Bay City, at Head of NavigationvUp -..-.. Wilson River." r. " " WORK ON THE GRADE .LI WILL SOON COMMENCE One 8uitcv, That of the) United Rail .". ways. Has Already Been Made for Electric Line Over Coast Range and Into Portland. -' . ; A surveying party has been sent out by the Pacific Railway A Navigation - aoaapany to make final location of its proposed 'branch line to tap heavy tim ber on the Wilson river and transport tha loe-a to tidawater at Bav Oltv. Lirn sawmill devalopmentav are to-tak -place at BayClty, the bead of navigation for lumber vessels" on Tillamook 'bay.",' '' J Right of way men will follow np the surveyors Immediately, and - It la ex pected that by spring arrangements will be completed for beginning work on the grade The Wilson river branch will diverge from the main coast line at a point about one mile north of the 'city of Tillamook and run straight to the Wilson river canyon, where it will enter ths gorge snd follow up the stream. . array Already' Mads. ' Boms months ago the United Railways company sent a surveying party to Bay City and quietly began a survey of the route Tor an electric road oetween THIS' mook bay and Portland. . Tbey located a route and filed a survey of the Una from Bay City to a point two miles up the Wllaon river canyon. In order to prevent any possibility of being fore stalled by a steam road. This company, which has recently been financed by C. E. Ioss, proposes ultimately- to build an electric railway between Portland and beaches In the vicinity of Tillamook bay, and It la probable that a hard fight for rights of way on the Wllaon river route will be precipitated when tbe atnam .and electric railroad promoters begin work on the same ground. The Pacific Railway A Navigation company at" tbe beginning of its enter prise attempted to run Its line - from Forest Grove to Tillamook bay via tha Wllaon river route, but reconsidered Its plans and adopted - the route via tha Kehaletn and Salmonberry. It was al leged that the company's engineers wars nnabls to find better than a three per cent trade over the summit of the const range by that route. Other railroad en- From Chicken-Pox to Cholera Cure-Alls No Longer Tolerated. In early days every barber shop was an operating room and the town-physi cian resorted to bleeding aa tha sure cure tor all ailments from chicken P to choli-r. As a remilt, many. Includ ing our D.-at president, died prema turely, " . : The preaent low rate of mortality la due in large measure to tba advances made In medical science and the knowl edge of the spectHo treatment needed for each dlaaaae known. There la no dlseaae more common among American and Kngllan people than dyapepaia. So prevalent has it become that thousands suffer with It half unconsciously, conntder the symp toms aa natural to their physical con stitution and realm themselves to liv ing on in that condition. There Is a remedy for dyspepsia, and only one, recommended . and indorsed generally by jhyaiciana:' Stuart'a Dya pepaia Tablets have stood ths test of years of use by millions of sufferers, have been . subjected to governmental snalyses In Europe and America and alone have been found to oontaln tbe elements which Nature has put Into tbe stomach for digestion pepsin, di astase and other ferments. Stuart s ' Dyapepaia Tablets : relieve stomach . and bowels In a 1 perfectly natural way by helping them do their work. If the atomaah Is. weak in gss trto Jules, Stuart's Tablets make up the deficiency. If the muaclea are Inactive, Stusrt'a Dyspepsia Tablets digest every form of food entering the stomach, one grain of the active principle of these Tablets being capable of digesting t.OOH grains of meat.:egga and other foods. They are not cathartic pills their ac tion Is simply that of a digestive. Stuart's Dyapepaia Tablets 'cure noth ing but dyapepaia, waterbraah. ' aour stomach and kindred ailments resulting from tbe Imperfect digestion of food, but these diseases they positively euro. , We wilt gladly send you a trial pack age to prove the truth of ourJ claims. Stusrt's Dyapepaia Tablets can ba got ten of all druggists' at SO cents. - F. A. Btoart Co, 6 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall.. JUlch. . '. ' DRIFTING TQVJARD IL L). CAKE Presidency of Commercial Club Is a Matter of Deep In terest to Members. V DOUBLE TICKET MAKES r ELECTION INTERESTING Though Cake's Name Is Not on Either Ticket It Is Believed -One - of the Candidates Will Withdraw . In His Favor, - " '' gtneers say a two per cent grade la available there, and that the propoaed electrio road will have no trouble get ting suob a grade,'. , ,v, ' L Will Improve Harbor. V . President E. K. Lytle of the Pacific Railway A Navigation company said: - "It Is not our intention to build any thing further than a branch line on tbe Wilson river, connecting with the-coast main line a mllo north "of-Tillamook. We do not expect to come on over tbe range toward Portland' with this line. The road will be pushed eaatward from Tillamook bay Into the timber about 10 miles up the Wilson rlverJ. -r: Jt Is said extensive: sawmitMndusfrles In the neighborhood of Bay City will be the result of construction of this branch, iome of the beat timber In Oregon Is to be found along the Wilson river, west of the main divide. Water and rail transportation will be developed at Bay City, where the harbor haa six feet of water- at low tide. Dredging will be tried and the harbor. Improved as tbe lumber, mill industry is developed. It Is believed this point Is destined to be come., one - of - the important - shipping porta of ths northwest coast. . . Regulates the bowels, promotes easy, -natural movements, cures constipation Doan's Regulets. Aak your drugglat for them. 2 cents a box. - TVM HUT sTUICBZm. Tba first of the series of II e beautiful popular songs to-be-e) Isaued In connection with The; e Sunday Journal, commencing on January 20, will be entitled T4ke I Love you." This Is a e beautiful little love song, with an extremely catchy air. (It Is from ths pen of those. well- 4 known and clever song witters, Joseph . ..So ... Nathan and Harry 4 Gordon, and la consfaered one e of their moat popular bits. No music rack should be without this clever song, and yon cannot afford to miss one of the aeries. e Subscribe for Tbe Journal at once, so that you can take ad- e vantage of this exceptional tnuela offer, As the date of tbe annual election of the Portland Commercial .club drawa near, . although there Is little outward demonatration. an extraordinary degree of quiet Interest Is being taken by tbe memberahlp. It la said -the drift of sentiment Is toward H.XM. Cake- for president and a continued policy. Of ex ploitation work by the department that at preaent la directed by tbe executive committee. , - ' " The election of nine governors will be hold Saturday. January 1. Inatead of the usual cut and dried affair In this regard, there -are today two tickets in the field. The first ticket was aoml nated In the usual manner by the nomi nating committee appointed by the pres ent administration. A second ticket was named by a strong -element In the club membership who favored broader elect ive methods, . ' , . More Chance to Choose. Both tickets have been ' duly recog- nixaa. Dy -tne ciuo management, and wiu be presented In the form of printed bal lots for tbe members to vote on next Saturday. The ballots are now being printed. - . . - . . Under the heading of "Regular Tlckot ' tbe following names appear: Robert Kennedy, 8. G. Reed, ' W. B. Olafke, George H. Hilt. IS. H. Mo- Craken, J. H. Thatcher, H. Wittenberg. J. W. Ganong. WUllam McMurray. The-other ticket ' Is headed "Special" and bears tbe following names: R. D. Inman, J. Annand. R. 1. Durham, B. H. McCraken, lig. Blchel, B. H. Trumbull, F. Dresser, W. B. Glafke, Dr. J. Wetherbae. ., - - . - - - i Under the rules a member may vote for any nine lie may chooae from both tickets. In practical effect, tbe double ucket simply furnishes to the "Voter 1 1 names Instead of nine from which to select his nine candidates for club gov amors. .- That Mr. Cake's name does not appaar-oa-aitber ticket ia said, to ..have no significance In connection with the presidency of the club,'" although the rules require the board of governors to elect one ef their number as president Bl Tots . BxpeeteA. : It Is hinted that, should tba senti ment orystallss la -the form expecttd, one of thoae elected might realgn and Mr, Cake be elected to the board In 'his place. There will be a large vote cast In tha election. It Is expected that practically tha full membership of tit men will . exercise their right of suf frage. r r . . 1 - Since the etction-tf fL -Or Reed' to be president of the Portland chamber of commerce, he ba indicated1' his Inten tion of not being a candidate for the ' preaiaency or tae commercial Ciuo, al though "he was for a time strongly talked of for that position. . No other candidates bav been brought forward. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR 'AD IT'S SO OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST iand when wc Make Further Reductions for our '.'r:'i-''--''.-.'-.--i'.. ':;W:'V; a . iff ' .. .. v. . j a m m wssa. - . t , . V--- - - - - - i ,' . ii -A.'i: -v earanee; You may depend upon obtaining the GREATEST BARGAINS Boys' Two Piece and 8 to 16 $2.95 Values J 5 now - Overcoats f; - $2.95 Values I O C -h now l $5.00 Values I 5 (TV ttCdTs Reefers $1.50 Values 7Er ...... wv Area 3 to 5 now - -"T. v -Boys Outing Flannel Blouses GREaA.T.EICI10IJ :pp V. , MOVER Third caGak POLITICAL POT IS QUIETER NOW Effect of Harmony in Walla Walla Felt by Legislature of Washington. ' 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streetsj-r "FIGHTING THE CHICAGO BEEF TRUST" The Beef Trust has announced a raise in the price of meat throughout O. T. Cornwelf of Walla Walla,- a " member ef -the Republican state can- tral committee of Washington, arrived In Portland reaterdav and Is st the 1 YflH Fa! wnica siaria u auaasre-viosun uuloi who iiri. Lornvtu ana. the city. Smith's prices remain the same. . They are as follows:. When Yon Fal Smith's Mtats and continues fos ' at least ' 16 weeks, a sheet ot Iraualo accom panying - every copy of The Sunday Journal. Order Tbe Journal, and get a . sheet of music every Bundaj. -; ..' e daugbtera In commenting upon polltl- 4 , can conditions In Washington, IMr. 4 Cornwall aild: . el "Political affairs In my state ere In e a harmonious condition. Especially Is this true In eaatern Washington. The 4 factions iniwalla Walla got nearer to. PORTLAND PEOPLE ARE CERTAINLY. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF - - . WELCH'S GENUINE ; ' l- .' - N y. , . Sale , And If You Want Bargains Come Along Men's $ 7.50 Overcoats, Sale $ 4.95 Men's $10.00 Overcoats, Sale $ 7.45 ; Men's $15.00 Overcoats, Sale $ 9.75 Men's $20.00 Overcoats, Sale $14.75 Men's $25.00 Overcoats, Sale $19.75 BARGAINS l MEN'S AND COYSV SlllSt SHOES, S0X( GLOVES, HATS AND SHIRTS- Men's $7.00 Pants, Sale. .... .$5.95 Men's $5.00 Pants, Sale. .... .$4.25. Men's $4.00 Pants, Sale ...... $3.40 Mens' $3.00 Pants, Sale... . . .$2.55 Men's 75c Underwear, Sale 45c Men's $1.25 Underwear, Sale 85c Men's $1.50 Underwear, Sale $1.15; Men's $1.75 Underwear, Sale $1.35 IF NOT RIGHT WLLCH MAKES IT RIGHT 4v4v44v4444vve! gather last year than ever before In the Imaiory or ins state snd tneir action had a salutary affect upon the eaatern part of Waahlngton. In the legislature which convened at Olympla yeaterday . there are bu' two measures that threat I en to bring about strenuous debates. "One of these, and tbe moat Import ant. Is tbe bill which will be .Intro duced to appropriate f SOO.ooO for the opening of the Col urn bU river. This la regarded as a very Important tneaa ure and la sure to bring about a hot debate. The other bill Is In regard to appropriations for the Alaska-Yukon exposition. The state will doubtless do nate large sums for the big Seattle show, that Its success may be assured." Mr. Cornwall and family will leave In a day or two for California where they will spend the . cold weather period. . v . ' Police Act as bill rosters. - Other . police, departments may havs their gasoline motor cars and other In novations, but It Is safe to "say tsat Portland Is the only municipality In the United States that can boast of a blllpostlng squad. Upon orders of Chief Orltzmaoher, Patrolmen "Walts" Keller, P. Maloney, Inakeep. "Adonis" Parker, Glttlngs, Ru dolph and Raney were busily at work yeaterday In the suburbs tacking up circulars announolng ths 11,000 re ward offered Aty the relatives and friends of Dr. Johnson, for ths arrest and conviction of his murderers. . Identified by Tils Nose. F. J. ' Foley, arrested by Detectives Hellyer and Price on a charge of high way robbery, waa.glven a preliminary bearing In the - police -court yesterday and bound over to the grand jury In tha sum of 11,000. " Foley Is accused of being one of two men who held up and robbed E. D. McOee at Fifth and .Pins streets about a wetk ago. McOee Idon tlflad Foley' by 'the peculiar shape of his nose. .. PcrlecUy ' Healthy Meats MORRISON CofcftRSrST Contracts to Clear Streets. The street cleaning committee of ths executive board met yeaterday and awarded eontracta as follows: O. W. Simpson, , for furnishing ths street cleaning department with- 42 tons of Yon Eat, V OREGON 0LY Meals Yon Eat Heats Dressed In Ccr OWN City Abattoir Choice Ribs of Beef...... ...5s Choice BHsket Beef,.. . . . .. .5 Choice Neck Cuts to boil...5f Corned Beef Plates. .i. . .6 Corned Beef Brisket. . . . . . . . .6 Choice Pot Roast Beef r, . .-.e Choice Rump Roast Beef. ....8e RoIlecT Roast Beef .10s Loin Beef Steak.. ...... 12f Round Beef Steak . . . ... .... .10J Porterhouse Steak .12jf "T'-Bone Steak . ....V.'.'.USKl Prime. Rib Roast Beef.'..'..'.10 Hamburg Steak ............ 8 Beef Liver .............. ...5 Leg of Veal..... 12 Lorn .Roast Veal ... 12 Loin Veal Cutlets . ;.;15f Shoulder Roast Veal.. .12 Lamb Shoulder Roast. . .'. ,v:.8 Breast Lamb . ... I .... . . . . . .C Lamb Stew . ... .. ,i ....... .6$ Leg of Lamb...... ........ 15 Loin Roast Lamb.... ......15 Lamb Loin Chops. V.T.V...15s? Lamb Rib Chops . ,. . . . . ; . .15 Lamb Shoulder Chops.... 124 Pork Shoulder Roast..., ;12l$ PorkTShoulder Chops.... .12js Leg of Pork....,.,. ...12,s Pork Loin Chops.......... 15 Pork Loin Roast..'........ .15 Shoulder of Pork. . ; .12yf Pigs' Feet . . . ... ..... . . . . ,5s Leaf Lard ....... .;V....124 Our Own Pure Lard. 12s Breast Veal .10 Veal Stew ............. .....8 Our Own Bacon.. ....... 17 Hams, our own . .... . . '. ; . ,17$ Sausage ;. ............... .10 IVhen Yon EatSW SQi:bs Meats Yon i Don'l Ear Chicago lleats Yon Escape Cold Storage Meats . Yon Avoid Ilea's Shipped, in Refrigera tor tars UPPER - HTASBIHIITOII TRACT SOLD TO MATIHIESEH Equivalent to Nine City Lots Purchased by Hotel Man for .Forty Thousand. , John Wattblcson. proprietor of the Hotel Rheinpfals. - has purchased from Z.-S Spalding, proprietor of ths Hotel Perkins, sn Irregular shaped plot of land situated on . ths north aids of Wsahlngton street, 15 feet west of Twenty-first street. It has a frontage of H0 feet on Waahlngton and Is equal In area to about nine full sited city lots. Ths pufcTiaa erica waa t40,0O. or leas than $6,000 a lot, which Is regarded ss a very low price for upper Wsahlng ton street property, The deed, which was sent for alirna ture to Honolulu, where -Mr. Spalding Is wintering, was received back yeater day snd the deal brought to a close. The sale was made through the agency of C H. Muedorf far. Tbe Oltenheimor Investment company purchased from Loewenaon 1! roth re a tO-foot lot on the west side of First street, between Morrison and Yamhill, for- MO.O0O. . The Improvement on the lot consists of a two-story, brick build ing, occupied by two stores en ths eaatern Oregon .timothy hay at $110, delivered; 12 tons of No. 1 feed oats at 12140;' Albers " Brothers" Hilling- gronnd floor with offices above,--snd company, five tons of country bran at 1 Is said to be paying s good revenue on U $17, I ' . the purchaae prlot. The sal was made i-xnrougii jnBagencymuoiaamnnsna company. I,oewanaon Bros, havs purchased- ..a lot at the south wast corner of First Baby won't suffer five mlnutea with croup ii you appiy ur. i noma a incise- fcJ i trio OU at once. It aots like magic and Burnald. Ths property waa pur chased by Goldsmith and company from O'Hhea Bros, a few weeks sgo for 145, 000, snd was sold to the latest buyers for 181,000. . ' . SOCIALIST EDITOR WILL : CHALLENGE DR., WILSON "The Saturday Evening Tribune" wUl be tbs name of a new Socialist paper to be started at BeetUe within a short time. Walter Thomas Mills, a noted editor, author and lecturer, will be edi tor of the new publication. , Tbe Tribune will be a 11-page wsskly paper and will attempt to give a claaat fled news story of Industrial and eco nomical events from Socialist stand point. Mr. Mills was on of the editors of the New Tork Voles when that pub lication waa alive, and was later editor or the BUtesnuji, published at CblosgsT Hs has aa International reputation as a writer and authority on Soolalistlo sub jecte. , . Mr. Mills will deliver aa address to night at tb T. M. C. A. and In tba course of his remarks will tssus a ehs lengs to Rev. Clarence True Wilson to Join him In a publlo debate on tb sub act of Socialism. Was $3.50 Now $1.49 The Maker Is Selling Out at Cost . Tbs last 100 of nis big stock et Air Tight Heaters left on his hands after supplying tb wholesale trade, and to hurry them off theaa astonishingly low prices will now prevail: ' . , , All ll.lo 'Air-Tlghta now... .... in All 14 80 Alr-Tlghts now....... JaS All 18.00 Alr-Tlghts now...... .Sa RO Ail $.! Alr-Tlghts now 215 Faetorr aad alesToeaa ; 271 First Street " . r w m "'I'. nu rfeiiersoa streets. . 7 Open from a. my to p. m. V.