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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
13 FOUR THOUSAND IH BECOMES P"tDE OF ARMY OFFICER avasco's Division Consultation OUST PER WEEK THE i OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY -i EVENINO, JANUARY 16, 1907. ; BECOMES ""IDE OF ARMY OFFICER - : IVe Cure Men for I f DISCUSSED Big Cold Dredgs on Foot's Creek Reaches Down for. Pay S . . ". , ' .' "'Dirt.' ONE OF STAUNCHEST . , OF ALL COLD SHIPS It Goes Aftor Everything Within' 00 ; Feet, of Itself, and Move 2,000 Tarda of Gravel Per Day -Method of Working Ground. . . (flpeoUt Ptapatrb. to The Joarnal.) Gold Hill. Or.. Jan. li.Tbe big cold flredg of Chemplln & Co., operating . on Foot's creek, near bare, ts beginning its fourth successful season. . Tba fact that from IJ.009 to 14.000 la being shipped through tha Jackson County bank each weak aa tha output of thta "fold ahlp- U proof sufficient that tha bis machine la a auoceaa. Tha Foot' a creek dredge la but one .- of two almllar machines owned ' and operaJexIbiChaiiiplln at Co.f tha other ,two are at work near Bannock.-Morn i tana. Tha Foot's creek machine la pro enounced by- dredee men to' be one of tha moat powerful and tha beat equipped on tha coast. Ita two electrlo motors develop over 200 horsepower, energy be ' lng aupplied by tha C6ndor Water Power company from Gold Ray. Tha barge of this dredge Is 111 feet long and the flume la 100 feet In length. The flume floata on separata ibsrgee and can be swung from point to point, thus , allowing ample dumping room. Besides tha main long flume there are two sec ; tlona of grliillee on tha dredge, where ' the main portion of the gold la caught , Forty buckata are operated on the crane, each with a capacity of eight eublo feet. The buckets scoop to a depth of 00 feet, and tha machine has a capacity of 1,000 cubio yards daily. . .. ... . . There's Money la Dredging-. . Ths. ..Foot's creek dredge le success -. fully doing work that other machines have failed to do, and Is demonstrating that dredging la a paying business in southern Oregon for men who know the ... business. Tha field selected by Champ Jin a Co. la this district - occupies a basin or aunkea placer tunnel .along Foofa .creek. A wing dam waa built1 ' aoroaa tha creek, forming a broad back- Water on which the dredge floata There are several hundred acres 'of available' dredging ground on -this stream, more than the one machine could mo,v. in 10 yeara' ..continuous pperstiort." 1 ..' Tha owners are considering the propo- altlon of building another maohine of the. same capacity and type of that now employed for operation on their Foot's creek holdings, v FLOElolfJII Unknown Man Tries to Make - Way. ' Across '.Columbia 'J Near Arlington. CRIES FOR HELP HEARD : ,.7 NEAR WHERE UST SEEN Supposed to Be Laborer Who Waa Seeking -. Employment on ' Wash - - IngtoS; Side Took Sand Board to Bridge Chasma Among River Ice. (Uncial DtaDsteh te The Jonrssl 1 Arlington. Or- Jan. II. It la retorted - ir that en unknown man attsmoted to cross the river about three miles i above .here lata Saturday evening by; . ualng one of the sand boards which the : O. R. ft N. employs to keep the sand off Ita track In many places. Us evl. dently tried to go from one floe of los to another with the aid of tha board and fears are entertained that- he was drowned, as a trackwalker In the vi . clnlty heard several cries for help near the place where the man was laat seen. No one has been reported missing, " but aa very few are coming away from 'any of the railroad cmp, H would naturally follow there would Je no in quiry, here. .. . It la generally supposed that ths un fortunate man was some laborer In search of employment and took this basardoua method of trying to erosa ths rlver, ' , ' .; .". .. SHORT RESPITE FOR - . 1 THE GASPIPE THUGS . f ... i , . . -. -,. j (leeraal SpeHal Rervkw.) ' Ban Franolaco, Jin. If. filemaen-and Dahner, the convicted gaeptpe thugs, have received a short - respite. Db . ner"s sentenoa being postponed until Sa witness oould be summoned from Pet- alnms, who IS expected by ths defense ; to show- ths youth was not responsible, . owing to a wound on the -head received several years sga Btemsen waa granted . a continuance until Friday to ale a bill Of exemptions. . ' REFORMS GOVERNOR :rr;v STUART RECOMMENDS . (Joarsal i pedal Serrlre t . . . Harrliburg. Jan. 1 Edward B. Stuart, who was inaugurated governor yeaterday, recommends In his message an examination of the bsnklng laws with a view ts the further safeguard ing t depositors and making ofOoers end directors of financial Institutions responsible for violations Of the law. He argea an Investigation of ths build ing and furnlahlnga of tha stats eapltol, a law empowering trolley companies to fWrry freight snd many other refnrma. cxxssruX.T nooirmsDio ton r MTMATIgaC O. 0. Hlgbee. anvllle. Ills., writes, Deo. t. 101: "Aoout two years a so I waa laid up for four months with rbaiimatlam. I tried Rallard'a Snow Liniment; one bottle cured me. - I can Jheerfully recommend It to sll sufferlne; from like affliction 16a. loo and 11.90 Bold by all druaalsta. J" " . (?- 1 1 IT ',".":' ! - 1 il V, - -j-r fjjjT ' I n, i i r .B.Cm? I11RS.BLAIWEDS,f7.! gOUlRiRt 7 -: 'y ; Lieutenant Pearson" Marries tha V. l9 f V -' Daughter of Rear. Admiral - A L . ' ,j M ;.... -.. . : r .' "'. " ' II ' ' . ' (Jonnal Special rVlei)' ' iv M - j Philadelphia, Jan.. 14. Society was f J ! much Interested In tha wedding at Belle- . - f N vus-8tratford Tuesday of Mr Martha j V .. ,; , l . (Journal BprcUl rl(.) Philadelphia, Jan.. 14. Society was much Interested In the wedding at Belle- vus-8tratford Tuesday pf Mra Martha Hlchborn Blaine,' who recently obtained a divorce from James O. ' Blaine Jr. In South Dakota and Lieutenant - Paul 8. Pearaal - of- New- Terk-' -Admiral and r Mra Hichborn. parents of -the bride, land Mr" and Mr a. Philip Hichborn. with a few; Intimate friends.- attended the ceremony, which,' in accordance with the dealre of all concerned, waa as quiet and unostentatious an affair- aa the prominence of the contracting- parties woul permit. 1 - I Lieu tenant Pearaa 11 amLbJ a bride will make their . future -some la New York. Lieutenant Pears U. who . served with the Rough Riders, belongs 'to. a. wealthy Kew;Tork temtl and also- has a fortune o ma pwrv ,T.V. -, :r,... t PRESSURE-TO SIGN UNDER KLAHATH PROJECT Water-Users, Board of Directors ' Advances the Schedule of -I Enrolling FeesJ . 'f Seeds! Dtsneteli te The Jaemal.) " Klamath Falls, Or., Jan. It. The board of directors of ths WateiUsers' assocla tlon at tha January meeting advanced the enrolling tee for all lands not signed up under tha federal reclamation project by April 1, 1907. aa follows: In sections OI xne project wori.BM noj jr?. been commenced. 75 cents per acre: m sections where -work baa commenced. and In all aucoeaalvs sections as soon as work shall be commenced. II per acre, and soon aa water la ready to be de- llvered to land the enrolling fee to H per acre: exempting, however, . lands owned by minor children' or unHer pro posed pumping system, or further ex tensions of the Klamath project. - Ths proposition to levy a special as sessment for advertising purposes was lost, 7 stockholders voting for and 141 againat, so ths board, decided to drop the matter. r tkm ruur warn. - Ths first of the series of IB beautiful popular songs to be Insued in connection- with Ths Sunday Journal, commencing on Jsnuary to. will be entitled "Like I Love Tou." This Is a beautiful little lovs song, with sn extremely catchy air. It Is from ths pen nf thoss well known and clever song writers, Joseph 8. Nathan and Harry Gordon, and la considered one of their moat popular hits. No music rack should be without this clever song, and yon -cannot afford to mlsa one of ths aeries. Subscribe for The Journal at once, ao that you can take ad vantage of this exceptional musle offer, which aterta next Sunday and continues for at least It weeks, a sheet of muslo accom panying every copy of Jhs Sunday Journal. Order The Journal, snd get - a sheet of muslo every Sunday. - UNION COUNTY PENSIONS ,A ONCE WEALTHY MAN (Sserlaf ttctrta te The Jmral. Union, Or., Jan.: It. The Union county court at Its last seaslon granted Fred Nodlne, an old-time resident of thla place. III a month. Borne years ago Nodlne waa one of tha wealthiest men In this section.. He was ths first settler on the sits where Union now standa. and ha gave ths early settlers land on which to make homes. For years . he was very wealthy. Hie first loss oc curred several years ego, amounting to 10,000, through signing notes as surety. This went on until ho finally ; ade an assignment. Through his good nature he was soon . a poor man. and now at the age of It yeara and nearly blind he ts dependent on ths county. His wife, who Js nearly 70 years of sge, works In the beet fields In ths summer and does different kinds of work In ths win ter to keep the wolf from ths door. - 4 11- Mrs, James G. Blaine Jrj, and Lieu tenant Paul S. Pe&rsalL REVIVAL OF-BEACH SAHD JVimiHG- Souther Oregon Coast -Awaits Dr. Day's Announcement n bf Process.tIl!Z!Zr" PAST YfcAR'S RESULTS ; ARE ALSO ENCOURAGING Diggings Profltabl Operated Abont Rogue River's Month and Other " Point Great Hopes That Dr. Day Will Solve All Problems. (Special Dispatch te Tha Joarsal.) Gold Beach, Or., Jan. 1$. . Interest Is being revived to a considerable extent In the gold-bearing beach sands along tha Oregon cosst. 'Thfa interest bss been created by the good' returns de rived during the past year by those who . havs followed practical methods. Ths experiments made by .Or. David T. Day and his assistants of ths United States geological survey havs also had much to do In reviving the beach sand mining. . Diggings are being worked at various polnta along ths beach, near the mourn or ttogue river, at the' mouth of the Ogetco and at points farthsr north. Thevands sought snd mined are much like ordinary beach sands, but darker. They carry values ta-floor gold snd platinum. Thla eand, as It Is called is really, so Dr. Day affirms, a magnetic Iron that forms at least half and n many Instances three fourths or ths bulk of ths blsck aarida of ths beach. Ths gold of these heach ssnds is very nne, light snd flsky. A very Urge percentage of the particles will float on watsr and for this reason snd ths fact thst they ' will not. or at least but scantily, adhere to mercury ths process of catching and saving them Is diffi cult. .- Ths beat of ths beach sanda do not ran over 130 a ton. while the aver age la nut 13 and $f a ton. Dr. Day and his assistants have not only been experimenting for vsluss but have also been seeking some practical metnoa or aeparating and aavlng them. Dr. Day hopes to be sble to give within a short tlms s method that will be far better than the erode system now em ployed, and that can readily bo adopted by all who ars Interested In beach sand mining. ,. . - . ; Wyoming Wool Cower. Jnnrnsl Spe-txt IttrTi.) Rock Springe, Wyo., Jan. H The biggest convention ever held by ths woolgrowers of Wyoming opened here today, ths occasion bslng ths third sn- nual meeting or tneir stats association. In addition to the several hundred sheepmen of the. stats ths attendance Includea wooibuyers snd commission men, ahearlng machine representatives snd a number Of experts In ths govern ment service. Aftor the adjournment of ths convention tomorrow the mem bers will leava In a body for Salt Lake td attend the annual convention there of ths National Woolgrowers asaocis- tlon.-, : " - - -- --. (.-, -.. , Third Arm Broken at Rink. (ftprrlal Plapatch to The Jonraal.) Kewberg, Or.. Jan. 1. The third person to recelvs a broken arm at ths skating rink wss Mls Leora Buchanan. At about the same time Miss Helena Ferguaon bad one of her anklet badly Injured. " - Partition of That County From the Viewpoint of The Dalles : Dwellers; . STOCKMAN COUNTY J MEETS. FIRST FAVOR Cascade, a Proposed New Forma tion, Advised ' to Await - a More Convenient Senaonp-The Argu ment Based on Taxes land Areas. '' (Bpeclsl Dispatch te The Joanial.) ' The Dallee, Or, Jan. lit. It la appar ent that attempts will be made during ths seaslon of the legislature to carve two more counties out of old Wasco. Ths residents of Hood River will make a grand effort to secure sn enactment creating Caacade county, aa they did rtwo years ago.. Tba cltlaejis of The Pallas are hot so bitterly ' opposed to this division as they wers during the last legislature, eapuelally It the line of the new county should be made to Daaa west of MoBler.' " - cascade county, aside rrotn tne rait-1 road assessment, ' will be one of the poorest oountlea In the state. The as sessed value of property la very little in excess of that of tha school district In which thla city la situated. Without Hood River the people i"of othef'Bortlons of tha county feel that the burden of taxation will be' more equally borne. Lands near Hood Itlver. aaaessed at $10 to $11 per acre, have been sold all the way from $100 to- $400 per acre, while at ths same time land In the ei stern portion of ths county has been 'assessed at about $10 per acre, nearly Its selling price. " ' ' - v; r Hood - River, ths prospective . county seat of the new county If formed, is only tl miles from The Dallea, tha pres ent county seat, and there Is both river and rail transportation.- Many of -the leading farmers - residing near - Hood River are opposed to being cut off from Wasco, but there is an element In the little city who for commercial reasons srs bending all' their energies to have ths bill for Caacade county pass. , ' toolanaa County. I ' Ths other division ts what Is termed Stockman county, comprising a portion of Wasco aouth and east of JBakeoven "and Antelope, snd a strip from Wheeler snd Crook. As the name Implies, the i llveetock Industry Is ths principal orie. i Bines ths Columbia Southern reached Bhanlko the wool and cattle Interests that centered at Ths Dallea have been tranaf trred- to the former town, and confining theae within ths boundarlea of a new political division- will work no financial injury to other portions of the county. i . There are-many arguments In favor of this division of Wasco, and. If Cas cade county will wait patiently until i Its resources and population warrant ita , creating. Stockman will be ushered Into i life without much opposition, at ths ore sent session -of the legislature- The distance between The Dallea and Ante- lope; the prospective county seat ofl Btoekman, 4s over 70 mllea find the road Is far from being a good, level highway. SWIFT BOAT rILL BRING ... WORLD JO tlERRIl Stocky Company Forming to Keep Travel Lines AF- ;" ways Open. ' (Special THaparrb te Tba Jnernal.) Merrill. Or, Jan. It. Merrill and southern Klamath . county are- to have a boat plying on ths lswer Klamath and White lakes next summer between Laird's landing and ths Merrill land ing. A maaa meeting wss held here Friday night with the object of form ing a Joint stock company to build a llfcht draft sternwheel boat for these lakes thst -would -roe: ths year-round and not bs tied up during ths winter when a little les forms on ths lakea. W. R. Davis ef ths Lake Shore Stage company, which runs a stags line from Qraas lake, ths end or tne canrornia Northeastern railroad, now the South ern Pacific branch. Into Klamath coun ty, called the meettng after a proposi tion had been tnnde to hla company by the Southern Pacific to sign a contract with any company that would put a swift, llrht draft boat on ths lakes and one built In a manner to exclude any possibility of Its being tied up by Ire. It ts proposed to xorm a joini stock company snd build , a boat that will draw only about It Inches of wster, one capable of making good tlms and ons that will gst through ths -Ice by keeping It on the run every day. The meeting was attended by almost every business man In town and many of ths Influential farmers In ths valley. After ststlng his proposition, Mr. Davis found those present enthusiastic, and a committee wss appointed to in vestigate the cost. This com ml tee Is to report st another meeting, January II, and when the approximate coat 's learned an organisation will ' bs Incor porated and work -commenced In prep aration for the early trafflo next sprlns;. It ts sxpected that never since ths Klamath bnaln first became a white man's county has tha Influx- reached half what It wilt be next summer, and the people hers srs going to bs prepared to hsndle this traffic With a swift boat connecting with ths stars line over the Lake Shore line, which connects with ths Northern Pacific terminus as It builds Into ths county. Merrill, in ths southern end of the valley, will get Its shars of the - newcomers. The In coming railroad may not reach Klamath Falls before two years, but it should reach water transportation next sum mer. When this point Is reached the boat will make direct connection with the rallroid. The present boat landing Is less than two mllea jrom Merrill and In coming here ths traveler need take a stage ride of only this' distance, after next summer, . ' BRITAIN ENVIOUS OF AMERICA'S PROGRESS London, Jan. !. Tha Express prints conspicuously, "comparisons of ths wealth of ths United States and other countries, and cities, snd estimates thai ths wealth of Great Britain Is lncrees: Ing at ths rats of $7,009,000 weekly, while that of ths United States Is In. cresalng st ths rate of 110.000.000 dally. Editorially ths Express deplores1 this "discreditable, tale relative to i British and American expansion, which Is not pleasant reading for patriotic men." and it declares that if ths British would bat In any uncomplicated ; case. Under Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured 1T fulfill our promises and never accept a eaae unleaa we believe ws can curs It Ws study the peculiar nature of every Individual case and ' treat the causes, not symptoms. We teach our patients how to help get well what to eat and drink during the course of treatment, and what to avoid. As to terms: Our Irags prac tice anablea us to curs for less money than the average so-called specialists and you see the results before you are required to pay us. Honest, eoaw solentlous work speaks fox itself, rretandera, lealona of on eoooean, try So balltUo ns because oar fes Is small, but Intelligent sua are sot lnfluanoe4 by their arguments. Ws ' ask any man suffering from any dls- - SMsrws txsat-to ''all-n8etta7 Many oaaes supposedly inonrabls are . often the result of poo treatment, and whea methods such as we em ploy are directed toward ths eauee, and with oars and proper attentloa to your eaae, yon eaa bs sored. ' Our ad vies to all men who ars afflicted with any of these diseases named above ts to start ths new year by having your case cured. Tour whole future depends upon your health.. Call and see ua. All cordially invited. Consul tstlon Is free. Cures guaranteed. Ours Is not of a muahroom growth, but being ths oldest and long est established Institution hers makes us solid, responsible and greater ability to cops with Diseases ef Me. - -Ws havs cured thousands. If your pny'slcal condition Is Impaired, If your vitality ts assailed from over work snd worry, if your system Is tainted with disease In any form whatever, TO V OWS TO TOUM1U to seek and obtain restoratlva power at once. , - ' V'"". '!.'"'.'. ."', : WE WANT EVERY MAN IN THE COUNTRY WHO IS AFFLICTED TO WRITE TJS ABOUT ? , HIS AILMENT. WE CURE YOU AT HOME. "a , mow ST. LOUIS MKcLAaLnd DISPENSARY - Corner Second and Yamhill St., Portland, Oregon : NoICheape Treatment on the Coast MY FES IS ONLY la Any Uncotnp teste 1 Ailment Lct Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health' and Renew Your Strength. Do you. feel that you ars not the man you ones wersT ' do you reel tired In the morning and eaaily ex haustedT Is your back weakf Is your memory falling? Do you havs .. difficulty in fixing your thoughts? . Are you losing ambition? . If you ' have any or all of tbs above symp- toms, you surely do not desire to remain In your present condition. -Let me explain to you my methods " of rebuilding ths vigor of men, and - refer you to ths thousands I have . cured, ; - . . jhe Only Diseases,! Treat ""Spermatorrhoea, Xosi Ttgor, Tart- eooele, mnptnre, riles. Hydrocele, Orgaalo Weakness, Contagions Blood Diseases, Aents and Chroals Ure- thral and Prostatic Inflammation. FREE CONSULTATION I Invite every weak or diseased man to call for free advice, and If dew1 sired I will make a free examination and dlagnosla, but ths visit will not obligate htm In sny way to become my patient, Offlos hours, f a. in to p m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. ) Patients living out of ths city -and coming to Portland for treatment will be fumlahed with .fine room free of charge. Check your trunks direct to 2JH Morrison street , TRAXSPORTATIOJr. North PacilicS.S.Co.'s STEAMSHIP 'ROANOKE;. J.U00 tons, sslls for Eureka, San Pran 1. Anselea direct. Saturday, t.nn.rv it.' at P m., from Martin s dock, foot 17th C Take 8- er loth st. ears Ticket offlcs 111 Third, neer Alder. PhonsM. 111.; y&igent Astoria A Columbia Riven Railroad Co. t'okm twpirt t-ave. Arle Tot atejr. Rainier. dste -sanle, Mlport. Cllfto; as lorU. Warreswe, risl, Hammnee. Kiwi Hteyeee, Ueer- ,.. bar 1 Hark. Seaaldo iOO aSI I1:SS aa Uatorla sad-ayMbote expraas C. a. STK W A RT. Commerelal a (Mi, S4 (MM Ptioee Main CHICHESTER'S PILLS UIAMA0 HMAMK PI U.e, k as li ' 4,. aia ftv Onnhlatfmvaira) m.tia,ftialiil O. fau, fa. rouse themselvea, and cast off the fet ters of a worn out commercial system, they would prosper Ilka Americana and regain thslr Old supremacy.,- lll Jmii ( M-lM-l'r,s HleaawS Urmm4 I'll la In H.4 at 4I4 .nnV l.,, aMwri wtta Ri.ia fcHu. f ;aaa atlMr ! ef .r I Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varicocele, All Forms of Rectal Diseases, I U ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND NERVOUS DECLINE mno wzaxjtkss by on, Ws are noeittve tne treatment ws employ In ths ours of this deraags. meat Is fas most potent, rational, di rect and certain. Oar solenttflo, sye tematlo eoorao of treatment has been adopts after years of smooeeaful practloe by aa. It Is the only ens by which a permanent and absolats oars eaa bs accomplished. --; :': " -'. ' . '. ': "' ' " .' racxrxo xzooo roxxov rosx- TTTtTjBkggOArBP Wlthm$ the' nee of daag-eroag drng-a. ws drive ths very last taint of vims from ths system and every symptom of ths disease vanishes to appear aa more, ws employ harmless eleaaslng remedies only. TO (30 SAXLTl fTTHB ATV-L sm. TATioa, ' Ths fccadlar Specialist. I Never Guess Experiment or take chances of any sort. I attempt to cure only those dlseaees that I havs bsan curing for the past 15 years, snd feel surs I am justified In saying that I havs learned all about them. Were I lacking la knowledge per taining to my specialty I would . never have attained my present success, nor would I todsy bs roc - g .-S-- ; ftlcted.- yon can depend - upon tt . that ths service I offer you Is the service you need, and Is service such as can bo rendered by no,, -ether physician, . AND EXAMINATION TRAXSPORTATIOJT. EAST vu SOUTH t)ak ve. Aavtva, PorUaiiS aaS SaS rraa elace kxprias Stoes eely st wart laportaot etatfcins fortl.nd aaa gaa raerlMO eonmrloos at rraalaea fur sll aetata Baet and South 7..... OTarlaDd Kipraae t rat no tor all loral points Suuth, SaeraaMnta, see Pna-iae aa Mists gaat sad lla. Morning trsls renaaeta st WMdbere Sally eieeet Saodiiy vltk Moont Anat aod Sllverloo leeel Cottaca Orore paaaaaser ewna.cta at Woedbora and Alba a dally, except Sua- 1140 sat II M b t:elai :Msi t:Masi If Jiea say, ante iraina ror points ee WMdonre-SprtnsBeHt as4 aiMH-UMMa araeeoes. CorTaflla BMana. kerldaa Daaaenrer. t'ltpa I1 roam 7 SO a at S SO sat 4 10 pna -.n to aw roraat Grave tmaaenaae. 4. .Ill t :OA nia mi as laorai rareat urova pMarniter . . . . us sops Daily. IIDally ueet Snartay. jrrrKK!l KKKI -iatio!. fm Uellaa one ktlersMtflste aolnta rtaily, 1:f s. a. sad I II p. a. Arrive ruTtlaseT 1S:I a. n and StSA p. Sk . Tot time and cam of Oawaee aaaairhee tralaa apply at City Tlrkat Offlea. ar atatloa. Tlrkata te laatare polnta and r.nroael eaw Jana. Chlra. M'mlnlo and Aaatralia. CHf tlekat Office frort Third eed mrrna ai-.- raeno aia'" ?ix. C. w. STlOKh Wm. MrMmtRAT. SEXUAtg BtratDXAWT end T0KIO Siarri man and ana ajan Intaml marry. It'a tba aasasea er lira in laDit tnrm. ajnirk to brtn the daatred reanlt the old nale ta fMI yannf acalnj aermanatitly bnfHa the wkle araleia. TUa ar.-,r...t Mrra fond knowa.. a III clra siaa.y ttraastk to nld and aniMle-axe. Sold a rnt1a (nrantMk mn ra (nrnad If not aatlatlrd. I'rl mn-d te iU Baal Ktate Troaf W. I ...nv, u.a, fa. I O looetN. shasm Gonorrhoea,; Blood Poison, " Lost Vitality, , . Sidney and Bladder Diseases, Prostatic Trouble, Rheumatism. Ths , result of such' a superior treatment speaks for Itself and, while ws hsvs many Imitators, ws havs ao superiors, as ears, the srlgiaal, stands boldly to ths front of all the inferior ones. We do not' advertise to sure rertaln ailments In a week, for we. I snow that euch would be desert. We havs been hers for over 1 1 yesrs and ws state as a positive fact that ws ars la a position to know what ws srs talking about and not guess work. Our offices ars ths 1 beat and moat elaborately equipped la the west, en abling ns to hsvs reoourss, to fhe best appliances' and treatment that money can produce. Our plijrelulana ars graduates of reputable medical colleges, . . ', LEGALLY LICENSED IN OREGON U NolBetter- J. Treatment In the World! YouWe Cured Thla Is My Fair Offer to Every Patient : VARICOCELE -7 An average of ons man tn fiv has varicocele. Moat men thst have this dragging, draining weakness are , ' not aware of It until ft -baa wrecked, their lives. Varicocele causes eon-' gestlon of ths blood In soma of the . most vital blood vessels of man. It oauaes a dull, heavy, listless feeling which Is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline of power. My cures of this disorder ars per manent and lasting. Mm toaloa that stimulate temporarily, but thor oughly scientific - treatment for the removal of conditions responsible for ' the functional derangement. rweakneas" Is merely a symptom of Inflammation or congestion in the wrostato gland, and under my' own original local, treatment thla gland is promptly restored to Its normal stats and complete foaetloaa) aotlvlty is ths lasting result. The Dr. Taylor Co. MH Komxxsov mill. . Corner Second, - pomraAjrn, ob. . ; ; TRAXSPORTATIOX. ahasaSAwaaaasaaaaaa it CoJilo Aiii UNIONPACinC 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Tkisak rallaiaa ataadard aed UerMt awn. S"S-eere dally ta tiBaha. Cktaaya. Saokaaat toeKai sleaplnir-earf Sally a kaaaaa Uif. Thrsesk rariiaiug ekalnalrs aaa la weal M Uia Kaat dally. DaiM n j t u Anaaw Cbieato-I he Eaat la Hiiorin.tno Sir. S :M aal f :t e "poan Ptyar for Saatare Waatirnetae. Walla Walla. Iwtatnn. Coaer a'Aleae aad .- . ' Oreat Nonk-rn exlnta. d"r. T OO aa) t:0 aa aiiaarv ant.,, a mr me aa- " via Mnntlnatoa. aVIte aaa sal ";nd nira kvaf for an fotntm katweee Blare aa ' Portland, datrr. , . IS aw 411 tr rof.ntmA Rivrit ltvteioJ. rr Aer.ala aid way aolnta. onaaathS m" I ateaaHa? far llwar and rt Raark. '." Heaaala, Aafc-at dork 'aaaoa " aarepf WamAmft Satarjav. IS f an. A'a anos a evroyit awda. - TAvnir.i. aivra Rorm. Par Day to, ttrraoe tit? a4 Iakm rta polara. etMmere Nma and MMoe. Aaat kaa T a. aa. dally, aiap4 taaday lair w- a-ltittif). Am, a t a. aa. dal f, at.e avK" stvye anrrt. yna Lf l. anl w - f. ' f'- Rlnarla. Wa.h . air... a a -.,,. . i I- - tne laara tt a. i. . . ... k'a. 4, d.lla r"- !-.r a t . a v ,IW .fp.Tl Vrt. . Tlrkel oin-. i i. I . - a . Va. V; 1