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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND," WEDNESDAY EVENING, 'JANUARY 16, 1607. A Carload of Oregon Potatoes Recently Sent to San Francisco on Commission Lost Nearly Two Tons in Weight Between Two Cities TODAY'S -X . V'. rL X NEW ISSUE MARKETS LIAIIY COMPLAINTS -ilBOUT WEIGHTS Local Shippers Claim There Is " Too Much Shrinkage In - San Francisco. ALMOST A TON LOST ON POTATOES SENT THERE Between Portland and the Bay City Stock Lose Over Five Found to the Sack, While to Other Cities v' Loss Is Smaller. Principal aurket If not wway; ' Stop potato consignment trade. ' raid mibn affecting Bll markets, -nm HUM WIT lap SSBS. ' Oregon eppla trade with orient grow. Chicken market la not wj arm. Wneat and Hour bold steady. .": " ' . Kstce ara beginning to frees. , i : Unit dressed But arriving. Step rotate' Consignment Trs.-1 - , Or lata potato fnoumi w wep " - -, Braking swsy from the eonelsusjent of po- iiim to California points. There hsa'slwSys ; been considerable friction between tbe local shippers and . California reeeirars regarding welshta. ths local ma claiming that when their etoeks series la tha Bay city taey art not glvea credit far aU they send. They claim that to shrinkage a returned by 8au ', Kraocieou bouses to far too great, One local Cw. - mnt a eae, of notstoes to tha south oa consignment and when his returns ' war made the receivers claimed that tba car load had shrunk l.uo pounds. That la far .too great a shrinkage, according to the local .' trade, and In the mind ef tha local ahlpoera ' there la something wrong with the scales need la Oie south. As a genersl thing potatoea . should not ahrink mors tbaa 1 poand to a each. There are not quite Soo ssrks of potatoea to a hr, thua making the shrink not more ; than 800 pound. It haa been ascertained en numerous other ocraaiona that sulpmeuts of potatoea aent to other cltiea than Ban Fran else do not ahrink aa nrarb aa ther do when aent to the latter eltr on ennalmment. , The conelrnment boalneaa haa been round e us , satisfactory sven by some of the larger Bras U nan Francises that they are Dujing ineir war pUec f. e, b. thla city, than doing away with any dlaagreament regarding beary shrinkage. -Through a fanlt of the demand. , both the - potato nod tha onion market abow Tory dull tone today. The leaser baying la doe en-1 , Tireiy vo pitwh .Lrr. v....... - . .. . ,ha Mib aa nfs u sj&xlotta . to bay beesoss It does not know what per 1 caauga of the atorka haa been atpped by tha I heat. Thin 1 eeiiectally true aa regarda tha " onion sttustlou. The damage to onion supplies la aU a question of weather. If conditions ' take d sndden change and tha weather ba--wimes warm the damage win amount to eoa- eideraoie. 1 1. on tne wnw , rhangna gradually the damage by cold will be : rery alight. ' ' 1 Oragea -Applaa -lUka Hit in Orient. " .tnm whlrh leaTea tbla Port for the orient takna mora applea than tne preceaini - one. The- Oregon -ept baa aiada a- Jitn . ine nrwDi uv . . " la need there. CTitna taken aU Iba cheaper grade. lucfi i" " " - . that country preferlng them to rrea or bat ut applea. They hare roltlrated a taata for " tba Sen Daria apple and that la the- apple they want On the lat ateanw 100 boxoa ' were aent.-- On Iba other band. Buaaln takea ' all rartetlea of oar applea. Nona nra too good . for that trade and In VladlToetok they will j-, pay tha price to Hood Hirer Bpltaenberga the eame aa they would In Earope. Oa tha bat ateamer Xor ibat port .the vr. B. Clafke eom nanr of tbla city aent 6i Boxea of aeeorted appira. Tne erg naarnri . m. .mtm dMrntaatn. . Today tha atrlTtla were very ' email. Along tha afreet the general prlea for Oregon treeh ranch otoek ataada betwoea Sft and SS rente, with aoma dealere aaklng an adranca orer tbeee dgorea. . - BMinta in the aonltry market nra bat rrae- 4l.u inprMavd hot the trad m not really " nrnwonlT ateadr. ; The beary ' nnrchaaea of . ,iiiibd ntnrf made by tba local retail . wh or aa aat la atll acting agalnat tba local prodact and printed nrlcea are tba " ' Brief Vataa af tha Trade, Old weather la holding In check Boat luaa ' of trade along Front atreeu . ' A car of aweet potatoea waa among jn.iMr tha naat td noora. Bat tittle draeaed aaeabi are errmng ana an Unea are Terr Arm. 1 Toera are rwnwi w er 1 general expactatlana are that trade will IB creaaa with more moderata weather. . - W - - - . . fU Wneat . and Boor ooia auaoy wm timw narbanaed. - -- mom iya vii iviiuoiii, i - ...... PtIm. nald ahlonera are lean recalar cwmmlaatona. . rain, flour and feed. ORAIN BA08 Calcutta. V4e baring prtea: aellinr. nnfrHa.e.. ntw ' 1 . - uotim. nan. hln.twaa. aAAflltc: valler. ssc. BAKl.KY Sew reed. J2I 0nr2S.0 rotled, I22.A0I2S.A0'. brawlna. 22.o0it2S.00. CORN WboU, $S1M; cracked. 128.09 per sti 1IJU wee ewt. OATS Sew Prodacera price No. I wblte, I (2 5OH2T.00; gray, 12S.5OQ2S.00. TljOVa P!atera Oregoa patenta, H.eO; , straights. $3.86; export. .; ralley. $3.40; arabam. . ti.M: whole wheat, $3.71; rye. ail. t.'. no- ha lea. I2.TS. MILLHTlTrFB Bran.- 1.0 per ton J Uld- ailnva. imw; anocia. couairy, l.uu; city, SIX 00: chop. 1.O0f21 .00. HAY Prodocere price Tlaaothy, Wirtametts valley, fancy, 11.0UIB m: ordinary, 8.0fifJ I0.OO; eaaters Oregon. tIT.OOtais.on: mixed, 10.000 lO.KOj datcr, W.OO; grain, tHM&M; eneac 3.tJL -' antttan.' Eawa and lkanlti. ' ' BrTTFR rAT f. a. b. Ferttond sweat cream, date: sour. tlHe. BUTTKB City creamery, I3c: outfMe fancy. tut.n r.xtra lancy. cannicu, aotQjoc; local and eaatern etnrnge. jttnntw, CHKlB New roll cream, flata. 14U0tSc Teunr America. I381c. fOCI.TBYUre Mixed eblekeaa.' 1B16H in; rancy acne, iqwnie to; rooarera, old, lie per lb; fryera, ISHJle per lb) brollera. Iftvi Mine per lb; o'd ducke. 13 He per lb; spring dueka, ISHc per lb; geese, rlOe per lb; t in here. le per lb for eld; dreaead. fancy, 22e pec !b! aqneha. (t.OA per die: ptgenoe. tl.fie per do. Wasaea poultry lll4 par lb blgner. Aopn. wee mam Ainea, , HOPS IMS crop, choice. l3Ve; prime (a cnoice, loc, aueuinai an priana. juajixri aaediam. lUH'Slla. , wooic-IOOd cliproller, 20e2tc; eaitera -vrercn, ic. - MoHAIR ifew.'Boattnat. RHKKPMKINS ahearlag, IRQlOe each; abort Wool. ii3k40F; medlnm wool. MCiiSe each: long wool. ;srl.00 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, tHflac; Ns, and greaee, 2ttHe. ciiittiii BARK-dHOTe tor ear lota; small lota. .K(e. IlIDKk Dry. Ke. 1. II Iba and n llua I' tie per lb; dry kip, rte. I, to Id the, I4C; dry calf. No. 1, seder. ( Iba, lSe; aalted bides, aerera. eouad. dO lbs and ever, I0f11c: eowa, au&Uc: atari and polls, aoend. kip. It to IsO Iba. c; calf, aoond. under 15 Ine, lie; (reea. anaalted. I leei; rnlla. e per lb leee) fcnea, hldea. salted, each, 1 2r,en.TS; dry. each. l.utl.B0: colt htrtea. 2otoi30e; goat aklna! eonaea, each. 0a ITk-; Ancora. aacu. 20cUl rralbi and TegntaMaa. ttnnnr- nnrmg pries, eaetem Mnlteo. garlic a-.ifte per lb. Ai rt.l sraticy unnd RlTer anllitcBWr, and Yellow Kewrowna, 12 Ml! faacy liaNt,a lr an aoalbers tlregoa, ll.&O; ordmu, atock. i H rRTITm Oca urea, sew naeal, 2.T3 a v . i -il., v. . . i - 1 . . H" ' an; n-mtna. -t C otiet..w aa; llmaa, Meilcaa Bl 9 . t.t ttlarenrt. Tl-. (t ouwi.voo per doea-nt r'n-a, ..W per keg; pears, (l.(0,l.?6j ei.Mtga. ( -..VdiMr;. !6o;p, .w".Tt.: ?iMONl-JobWit price ltc, 1 n. an.A ll.wi i. S. 'Totlooe. WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS a , . By 6hcrk. Gaia ft Graham. On account of the -unpracT dented cold weather tha market haa been in a peculiar condition. Egga have temporarily advanced and wa do not look for a change Xor a few dira'afier,Hha weather tnoderatea, . aa it al way takea aometime, to recuperate aftep auch a severe apcll. , Potatoes and oniona';have taken a firmer ' price. The stocks of apples are being rapidly reduced and wo predict better prices In- the near future. Veal and hofs are s0.uickly picked op at top prices. Ship, pers of poultry are realizing good prices, which Is likely to continue for' soma time. kncklebeniea. Pa; pineapples.' 13.00 nor don: pomecraaatee, ll.ltofrl.CO per bos; grape fruit. VKGBTA1W.FS T amine, new. nfl lack carrot , I.Vtyll per aack: berte, 11.2a per aarki Oregon radlabea, 20c per due.: eaBbace. Ora- oeu peppera. t per id; m natoea, 12.2(1: pfnnlne,; atrial beaua. 13c per lb.: cauliflower, nor demn: peea, 1.1c; boraeradlab. BclOc per lb.: artlcbokea per i..en aiioaeh, Tnetfl.O0 per hui; celery. California. 3 SO ner crate: ouniDklna. eivifcj cranorrriaa, mi9 per Barrel. fU.kD I Kl 118 Applea. OTaporated. V,iH ic par in; aprieuis, lviaoe per lb; Beaches, IZUitfhe per lb; aacka, per lb b: pranea, 80 to eO, lC6c; He drop oa each MO emallet alae: flea. California black, 6C(tliue per lb; California white. (liiAUr nor lh- .Iiim mlnV. tHM per box; fardn, $1.4011.00 per 13-Ib boa. Oraoarlaa, kTnta, Ztc, 8POAD California M ' 4.SJH; powdered. S.i2h; berry, M.iait: dry rranolated, HtoHi .Star, W.fafci conf. A. H.W4: eirra B. i4.42u: enirien a. nun- i yellow, (4.22H; beet granllated. te.T2M. ' eatern ;nbe, .27V4; powdered, 13.1 J is: dry crannlatMl. 4 0-2- p. r. ai,-u.. I tV2i; eitre C, 4.42Vt; goldea C. H.JUfc: D, yellow. t.Xlii beet granulated, I4.J2; bbla. ': ib wa, &ci Doxaa, bus aaranco oa eeca baala. 1 A bora BiltMa ana 1A Amwm m mmA mtb Monal. - ...... - . MONET-gS.eo par crate. COITKB I'ackage branda, IIS.enQlT.Ss. -BALT CoaraaUalf ground. 100a. $ 00 be n; AOa. .00: -tabl:-datr.'40a. aia.oor ioik 12.73; bales, fl.HS; Impurtei; UrernooL AOa, IN.U0: luoa. 117.00: aiaon. ..m n.. . bhla. za, Aa, lOa, 1 4. AO '. 0;. Urerpool lauip rock, f lv.AO ner Aim Ui-iH wk ku 1M1 ioji. (A bora arleea . Annlw M ilia of Im rhaa car lota. Car kU at spaciai . prices subject to fiocta.tlona.) r KICK Imperial Japan," Wo. "I. 6er lo. . iVie: Maw Orieana. head. 7c; Ikt n cnolo. 6i,e. ' ! . . BKAWS Bmn -white, " tlgo, Jnrga white, pink, i0; bayaa. 8.76; Llmas, S(c; - NUTS Peanota. Jambo. e per lb Vtrgtetd, TMc per lb: rnaNtMl lft Mr IK. J n uu kl AVo Maaed7iTe ser lh; eeeoaantai--a!9H rrr uuni wamuta. uuuornia, ion per ib; Tench. l.V Dec lh: nlnnnN. . Kiftlhc per lb; hickory nnta. 10c per lb: ebebtnuta. eaatern, UajIMc per lb; Bra ail nnta, loe per lb; riete, ie per lb: fancy paeans, 18t20c; almonua. W2Hic , . nMts yiU m4 rrerUloM. FRRSI1 MKATS rroat Ktreet Hogs. fancy. per lb: vaaL -extra. Sc M- ih Ainmrw T4U8 per lb: poor, Se per lb; mutton, fancy, btuUc per lb. UAlltt, BACOJt, ETC. Portland nark (local) name. 10 to it the, luvjc tt: 14 to 10 lbs. 1614c !!: IS t 20 Iba. isi,e lh: breakfaat bacon. i)j!c inj piemen, n tic id; cottage. roll..l2o lh; regular short clean, uuanwked. lilc lit; autoaeu, in; ctear pacta, anamnked, 12s lb; smoked.. ISo lb; I Dion botta, 10 lo 13-lba. ua. eujoimi. oc id; amoacn. vc in; clear be I Ilea. an. amoked. Lie lb; a looked, 14c lh; shoulders, iV (u, uff-aioo lunitoca, ( T oacn. LOCAL LAKD Kettla leaf, 10a,' IS. s lb; Be, Ue lb: 30-lb tlna. I2je lb; steam ren dered. 10a, ISVie lb; Go. ,U9 lb; compound. ,0Sa.?N So'b' RALMO.t Colombia rrrer. Mb talla. $1.80; Mb talla, 13 75; fancy, l ib flats. (1.U0; H-lb fancy flata. 11.13; fancy 1-lb orala, 12.73: Alaika talla. pink, b3tu0c; red. S1X0: awHtnalr lkx-ehV x.t. - ; : riSII Rock cod, tc par lb; founders, se set lb; ballbat. sc par lh; crabs, $1.001.R0 per doxen; striped baaa. 12Hc per lb; catflan. lUc lb; aalmon, freab Dolnmbla rlrer sIlTeralde, be; iteeihead. 10c per lb; herring. C per Ibi aolea, tc per lb; ahrlmpa, 10c per lb; porch. Be per lb: black cod, 7o per lb; torn cod, 7e.per lh; Hirer smelt. 6c per lb; lobatera, 4fle per -lb; treab mackerel, w per lb: erawflah, sue per doxen: alnrgeon. 10c per lb; Mark baas, 20s per lb; Cotumblu rlrer amelt, 10o per lb. OyMTKUaV Unoaiwatee bay, per gallon, ll tSt per llfi-lb aack, I4.X3: olympla. per gal loe, 2 23; per 1 13-Ib aack, (5.00 to (3.50. ( tiarftahell, par box, I2.00 viania. aa.w per oox raiat, Oeal 00, Sta. ROPB Pure ktaofla. IBHe; etandard, I8ate; siaal. lie. i COAL Oil. Pearl or Aitral Caaaa. 19Hc per gallon; water whits, n-oa bbla. 14c per gallon; wooden, I7e per gallon; headlight. 170-deg., eaaea. zlHc per galloa. OA80UNB otVdeg caaaa, 24He per galloa. Iron bbla., 1 V par gallon. BENHINE 3 seg. casss, toe per galloa: Iron bhla. Ide per gallon. TUHPKNTINRIn caaaa, 6e per gal; wooden bhla. 3e per gallon. . WHITB LB1 Too lots,' T4c per lb; (OS-lb lota, Sc per lb; leas lota, Kc per lb. .IRS NAILS present baala at s2.Bfl. ' UNtSKEl) OIL Psrs rsw. In s-bbl lots. SOrl l-bbl lot. 63c; esses, ide per gal; gennlos ket tle boiled, caaaa, uoc per gal; ft-bbl lota. 64c; I'oni via, ooe per gai; grouna case, ear Iota, 120 sec tost lass tbaa car iota. $30 fit tea. RECEIPTS-fl(5AlfrKDMINAL IK STOCK YARDS No Hogs Arrive During the Past Twenty-Four Hours - All . Markets Hold Firm. rortlsnd TJnlos Staekrsrda, Jan. Id. Lira stock receipts: Hon . ,ri Today ,.UU1V; ,,. .122 110 wees ago. ... ., 20 " 148 aear aso " ... Prerlotn year .1 J0; 17 Uacelpta ef llreatock hare araln dropped back to a nominal number. Demand In all lines eon tmnea firm wlib ralnes Bacbaaged. loday 21 borara were recelred. Llreatock conditions a rear ago: . AU mar- neta iinn. Offlclal Ihrestnrk prices: Hogs Beat eaatern Oregon, 17.00; ernctrrs and feedera, 16.75; China fata, (Il.n0i50.78. Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon steera. (4 00; beat cowa and belfera. (8.2t; stackers snd feed era. (S.23: bulla, (2 00.- ftheep Mixed, ti&bc( wethers, (He; ewes, '4tf6ie. " CATTLE AND SHEEP STRONG Chicago Market Shows Good Tone in !- - . .All Lines. : :. Chicago, Jan. Id. Uveatock receipts: Ht.ra. Cattle. Kbacit Chicago ..,s.,.V.i.;".8.l.t0 22.O0O- - ao.noo Kanaaa City ....12.000 lu.OtiO 1.000 Owalta 7.tN1 s.imii) 4.m HogsSteady at yeaterday's cloalng. PYicea: a 1 .".1, ... . fc. ' v v rv , . - au, ,,n7, m. W a 1. Ot; aonrb and beary, (4.2oji.d.40; light, fd.26Ud.3d Phecp Ktropg. . ' ' vnnzn states eoTCavxEirr bovsi. .Vrw Terk. Jan. 11 Official price.: I xi re. Bid. Ak. 1031, lO.Hl low ioi'. !) li-"-. Twos, registered do coupon Threes, reslatered. ... ... Opt. ...Opt. ... Opt. ... Opt. .wit ... iri7 ... IK2S JIIU 104 104. 102 inv4 Jt2'i I00i lt4 do rOQINHI n all smit's. lonrs. recietered..... do CAort-et , , Ponrs. reslatered i'.i n i eonnos, ..... ,v ., lot i anaina 2, 1 do coatkm ti:ii 104 fltrict of Colaaibls ,..-.rn-i i toioaibia. .... IIS i'billpplns da ..... ,,.,-J.Hm HOLDERS TIRED OF SHARES Continued Liquidation Is Cause of Another Drop of Values in Nevada's. NEVADA AND MOHAWK ' LOST A DOLLAR TODAY Almost Ererjr Stock oa the List Clows Lowrr in Ban Francisco Silver Pick Is Thlrty-FJve Centa Under Tuesday. ; Sin Franclaco. Ian. laI n tired boldcra la erndlnr the price of Nevada mining abarea do a airaiu. VcaterdaVe d. cllne In Tajtwa.waa suuiuiued UMiu.tlJi downward trend waa grratcr today. crea ine ataitt ohl Tnnopab vtda Jnat VI ahare rotlar and tbe Mohawlr cam 1m Co. m Imilar ala.h la Tallica. Red Top M IV and Hllrer Pick BSc. UoldArld Cooaolldatad dropped back 8TU,e and liruna l.V. Jumbo loat the name aum but Jumlxi Extension wan a ealncr to-the extent ht Vie, Great Beud 'loet ' lite ana loiumnti -Moautstn the eame ainonnt. r.ewanoa ta ae lower tbaa yeaterdiiy and Uold Held la off the eame nam. I.lkewiae Dlamonil Acid. . Atlanta cloaed 4c. Otber loaaea were la bdobi ai sama proportion Offlclal bid price by Orerbeck. Starr i Cooke Belmont ....... 13.A0 Opblr soo (1.00 411 t .00 .no .20 1.80 .20 .13 -.28 .43 -.17 .35 t'aah Buy Meilcnn ....... Golden Anchor. Caledonia ...... riomo .Id 1.80 .2 i.'.ti 8. (A .'J Exchequer Jim Butler ... Mncnamara orcrona ....... Oold Crown ... Oreat Bend ..... Midway ...... Montana .... A Itcacoe Black Butte Ex. Noru Star ... Ohio i "V- .IS .IS Vernal fihio Montgomery lit. Tnnopah Biten B.75 19.00 jHunaet ., erada , Went End' i." Hccptre Manhattan 19 Atlanta ' , .T. Atlaota Pajlor-Humpreyv--.ia - . .fil . .Ad . l.tiS . 1.20 . .81 . .U Granny 2H uiueliell ....... Booth Cold Wedgs ... .ID ,W -W7 .2d .14 .12 23 . -.12 .14A .14A -.03 .43A .M .17 -.42- -.OR une ntar Gt. Bend Ex.... eolumbla t ... Con. Quarry ;.. Ot. Bend Annex. Dlamondoeld ... Creaernt Cowboy ........ Donxer Anax.. Black Bock pule . , .1 - 1.T0 Qoldneld lumho . 4.2S Jnmbo Kztea .. l.T(4 N. 1. Iktniul ... tvennaii '.R4 lt (Pina ........ 1 .Mf W.r Queen .... .Xt Mohawk .....IT.fiO Manhattan Con. It tie Jo ...... May Flower .... Jnmplng Jack.. Bed Top 4.23 fed lop fcx..... Bandetorm ..... .77 Mitetang Ihrer Tick".'.T: Ser-tntiTI TYttfTTin Str ileea rrr." National Bank.. .(M inangia ..... .no .M : .22 .as 1.10 nondvr Lou rtlloa .. .or .. .2 .. .27 - ' 1 00 .. S Sa Gold Bar ...... O. Bnll Frog ... Rteinway Con. CaL-Va.... line Not .... Kewonas ... Uolddeld Con PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Pacific States Telephone Sells at ..L-'I Advanced Price. Trsdlng en-fhrTorTIitiid" TitocS'"exchante" waa attain Heht todays- Bid pries on Bank of Cali fornia la (2.30 un.'whlle Orernn Tmat lnat tha ear anm. Coenr d" A Irate tnroea are tracUoReUy higher. T'tday"! sales were 1 X. C. Tjes at (SB. 8 Pacific States Telephone St (103 snd 1,004 juttruttix at oc. 0 Oflicial prices I Bid. Ask. Bank of California (362.60 t Bankers' Lumbermen's ...., 106.00 Merchants' National -....... KM.00 Orea-on Trnat Jk RaTlncs 120.00 1S3.00 I'ortlana Trnat rotnpany .,. ... io.iOq United Statea National 800.00 BONDS, i City 4 Snhnrbaa 4a Columbia Bflolhera Irrigation da. ..... Home Telephone 3s ....,.....'.....' J. C. Lee Company 6s 0. B. AN. By. 4s Bp 00 0. W .P. By. a 100.00 Pacific Count Blacult 6a 03.00 American Blarnlt 6 s. ......... 05.00 Portland By 6a 100.00 Southwestern .Lighting fls MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Associated Oil 4T.25 Horns Telepnone 23.00 1. 0. Les Conipanr S5.00 Oregon City Mill Lumber ... 4.50 Orcaon Journal, pfd 113.00 Paclnc Rtatre Telephone 1U2.00 Portland Hclghta Imp. Co...... ..... Puget Bound Telephone ......... ..... Southwestern Lighting -.,.,, -,,... Vaqulns Bay Telephone 4. SO . M1NIN0 rrocKs. Bid. Alnaks Petmlena $ .l'i'4 Brltlab' Colombia Amalramated. -O.TT4 o.i.oo '"05.00 KIO.00 100.00 103.00 100.00 100 jOO 101 43.00 7.60 103.00 68.00 61.00 76.00 A Ik .4 Brltleh Yukon .T . Caacadls ...................... . et .SO lilxle Mcadowa IUU Kir Cnnaolldated 2.2ft Uoldfleld Trotter ............... .10 .20 ""l .-.urtuw .................. M 02 4 Holden .16!& Lakerlew , Leea Creek Gold Mammoth i.,:i klorning North ralrrlcw ,. Oreron Scenrltlea .......... Staudard Consolidated ..... Tacoms Steel I'nlted Pbtrc-r ............. Waabougal Extraction COECB D-ALKN1 Bnllloa Bnrke Copper King Happy Kay ; Park Copper Monmouth ... ...... .. Hclttdeer Rnowahoa Snowatorm .23 .02 .12 :::: .... .03 .6oii -1QV4 15 .... .11 .... Xi'i DISTRICT. .A. .opt,. 02 ll 27 .... .41 -.... .0)i .ooii 70 .... 2.80 .oa .Oi .01 .if4 .174 .V4 .03 ,ao .09 .10 .'OH .to (.10 T orslga Zznbsnge Bates. Nsw York. Jan. Id. Money rates: Sterling, demand. 4b3.10itt4WI.20; AO-day hllla, 4S0.tii(J 4S1; cables, 486.0tjg48o; franca. 619, leas 11 1). " CORN MARKET IS HIGHER Chicago Advanced ftc to ?gc -Oats Pit Shows Activity. ' BBLATIVI WHAT TALPBS. Open, Close. Jan. 15. Stay ...... July ..... Heptetaber .( .7114, I .7mB I .7HHA .73X, .73 .. .75j; .101 Chlcaro, Jan. 18 Mrarpool opened M lower and thla wheat market was dull and motel within rery narrow lines today. Tbs cloalng was at yeaterday's prices. Corn waa firmer and cloaed He 4 a; shore yeeterday Oala - market - waa Terr firm ami rkteed e Bp for the May and July. Septetn. her wsa ouiet and unchanged. Pnrk waa dull with a Ices of shout 10c in the option.. Official onotatlona by Orerbeck, 8:arr At Cooks company: n HEAT. ---, 0ncn- Hlrhi ... .214 72"4 ... 714 7 ....73'4 78 ... 75H 7d 1 C0BX. ... 4' 44H ... 4'4 44 ... 4314 44T4 OATS. ... 8714 . 3T -... H44-.. 4tl ... B1V4 Rl'i MEMS PORK. ...102 1 002 L. 1070 170 ...170 107 J "- - LARO. . . ; f37 MO . ., ;o 002 ... Ii7 " 072 -SflORT RIBS. ...poo BOO ... P j P'JO . Low. :. Ct'tiS. 72 72 'i 73 '4 7t,B 75 . 7."4 16 . T514 4ST4 44I4B 4:t7 444A , 441. 8TI, 74 84 .14 H .' 8114 January . . May July ..... eptrmber Mar. ..... July . September May ..... Jnly ... September January .. 11J 1H70 1070 V) PH BOO I3 lOOJ l.-.3 170 OOO P15 94 mar July Mr.f ..... in IT September January ... May SUIT , ,,, hv sow THE SOUTHER! IS ' HIT HARD , - . - Earthquake In Jamaica Sends Values Down In New York Market During Day. PREFERRED LOSES OVER , r FIVE POINTS TODAY Common Stock Drops Two mid One Half Points on Selling by Scared Holder Missouri Pacific . Be- covers Two Points ot Early Loss, NI5T "i.osRire ' Amalramated a iMtaaAiti r..t.t- . ' Car Foundry. ... aijNalloual Lead I Locomotire. U K, X. Central...., ...... VOut. A Weatera... m Peuneylranla ...... .... BUIPetMile'a Oaa 1 Kucitr ....... 6ntelter Anaconda .. A tchtwm w... lxtlreaead (ileal Car.. 14 Brooklyn .... Canadian Rt. Panl C. N. W.. ,.., ti:iwtatiiiig .,, 2 ..... ltHepnbtlc"8teel .... .... IV Bock leland ....... 1 .... 2VISouihern Pacific ., ' .... HlHonthern Railway.. 2 .... ITU do preferred..... 0 .... l'IChloa Pacific ' Chesapeake . Colorado uel Erh Loularille .... slaty ...w.. PaclTle MaU ., 8. Steel.....1.;.. ' XA .d. P"'"ted J nv bT"! ii A t bi vi New' York, Jan. Id. market iitd a higher There was perttlatent 1 The Kew Turk atock opening this moraine. selling of Southern Ball- DT holders said to be affected by tbe -""t.." eamaica Testeniay snd tbut carried tue reat of -the Bat lower. Southern prcrcrreo tost o1 points sad tbe com. mon 2 points. There was sleo liialatent sell- " " "ouri r-acuic ana tnis. carried that leans down to . a lnaa of s mim. h. yeaterday's bid pries, bnt oa tha late recovery of the general market tbe price want back to 71. mmm w a point. - - - Official- mmtattofiai - K- ct .1 - . Cooks compiny? r: " - Clotting Amalgamated Copper Company V... 11814 11BW Amsrlcan Car foundry, com .... 44 2 44 3 Antcrlciin Locomotire, common .... 73V 7314 American Sugar, common 1:14 iai2 American Jtnelter, common ..,,!6ie- liioj American Bmeltrr. nrfrrM no'.k Anaconda Mining Company . Atcblsta, ctimmttn .2Si 20 107 ...,11014 103 lib so 1MH U3TS Haltlmore A Uhlo. mm. tiroomrn Kanld Tranait ... a. Canadian Pacific, common JOO. Chicago, Milwaukee a gt. Panl ..ISdJ Coloratlo fool st Iron, common t?TT5n (Tttoi trie, common 4144 - 40 Lri!Tllle A Naahrllle ." 143 ' 14214 Missouri, Kansas Texas, com.. 4 H Illatlllers ...,. 72H 7214 Mlaaonrl Pacific 8 8714 National Lead 73W 71 New Turk Central ......13114 !. i.ew iixx. vniano at western 43 cortnern lacinc, common ........159 Pacific Mall dteanmblp Company., ;'4 PennaylTanla Railway lmZ People's Oas, Ught Coke Co.. (WTV Presaed Steel Car, com..... 65 Beading, common . .,..13ii4 Eepublic Steel, eoromon.-rrr tfftt, Kock Inland, common ............. 2tZ St. lentil A Southwestern, nfd.... 6'4 tLntlimi Da.i,. . . . - 15614 13nii 96 - 6414 lSl .- 21 V4 .......... . . . . . .. . miuim.D Mil fThtTn .PnetSff milpiiaS- rwutnern Hallway, common . Southern Railway, preferred Texaa Ic Paclflc t'nlon Piclffc, common .... TT. S. Rubber, common 81 t 83 341 1791 . 86U IKOlJ . 60 C. S. Bred Company, common ... r.ii-, v.riufiaiij. nMl mun .... WVa - W C. 8. Bteel (Vtmpany, preferred ..! lofl 4NH v.....u.B an , , lit VI anaah.- preferred . . t4. Wlai-oualn Central, common ...... .... 241. jnrw toxx cottov kaxxxt. New Tork, Jao lower. 10. Cotton futures closed Affinal quotations by Orerbeck, Starr uuuae company: j. Jan. wan. tow. id. - 13. 0d filll P2S Rl 1 . fHU Open. .... 923 91. Htsh. 92l 91 January Kebruary March .. April ... May ... June ... JulV ... A linnet . .... 9W - 023" P2S fW3 947 969 964 944 934 PM 940 937 944 948 932 943 pro 94 .. ... .. t;3 : .... 044 .... 932 940 944 946 pr.7 no 943 October . 949 POHTXAHD BASK ITXTXiairZ. ClesHnea toesy .... Clearings year ato.. $1,11.007.79 708.870.a4 Oaln to4ay 1 IU2.XRI.M Bala tntlay - 224 017. M Balances year ago. 79,231.08 Xsw Task Seal Xsrkst. .. . ' New Tors, Jan. 10. Official prices: . , ' KM. Aak. tinriinrtoa jnmr as ., bhu lr. N. anlfletl 4s.-.l.i..,ir.,.-.-..lonaZ 1011 S. ft W. ona. 4a on now Atlantic Coast 4a 89 fftu, v. a. m .n. as...... ., . kh SHOOTS AT MAN HE THINKS IS A BURGLAR Tom Green, a baprarAi-eman emcloyed by the Northern Paclflo Terminal com pany, created muoh excitement In the vicinity of 13S Tenth atreet at midnight by Urine; a shot At a man Tie supposed wns trylne; to enter the lodging-house at that address. Detective Kienlln was detailed to make an Investigation, but waa unable to find any evidence that tha bullet from Green's run hit its Intended mark. Mr a. PIlR-er, landlady of the rooming-house, declared that she heard soma person run through the back yard after the shot was fired. It was ascertained by Kien lln that two suspicious characters had been aeen at the corner of Tenth and Hoyt street! Just before tha shooting. ISLAND OF SAMAR -SWEPT BY TYPHOON .... 1 ' ...i...-.:. Manila, Jan. It. Tha Islands of Xeyte and Bamar were awtpt by a typhoon January 10. , One hundred Urea were lost on the island of Ley te. The barracks and officers' Quarters on the east coast of Bamar were de stroyed. No estimate of tha damage ot property"has yet been made. No damage to snipping has been reported. The storm wan tha Worst that has occurred within, the last 10 years. Com munication with Leyte and Bamar has been cut off for the past six days and only meager partloulara-of-tha -storm were received today. IN TOO GREAT A RUSH - : FOR HIS CHOP SUEY John Lftvelace was arrested last nle-ht In a Chinese restaurant at 141H Becond street for sssAultlng Jung Tong, cash ier of the resort. With several congenial spirits, all considerably , under the In- rruence or liquor, Lovelace visited tha restaurant,- 'While awaiting the nren. aratlon of 4he "chop uey," he put his plan Into execution by landing- on Tong's left aye and. at a result landed in tha city prison. In tha, police court this morning the case waa continued for bearing; until Saturday. - HE PAGIFIG 'tEL.EPlONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY First Mortgage and Collateral Trust 5 per cent Sinking Fund 0-Year Gold Bonds. Dated January 2, 1907. These bonds covet the entire property of the company operating the extensive Bell telephone system in California, Oregon, and Washington, with branches into adjacent - states. - They are a first mortgage on the entire plant and real estate in San Francisco, a- first lien through stock ownership on the system in Oregon'and eastern Washington,' and, ' a refunding lien on the "Sunset property in California and western Washington. The value of the property covered amounts to three 'times the bonds outstanding jincluding . v the present issue),-and net earnings to three times interest charges. ; - : A large portion of the proceeds of th ese , bonds will be used in improving the ' systems in Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane. . - V "1, ' ,' -; .,;"''. , . . .; .' ' .' ' '-:':.:',.'.-, 1 ' I-.. ..-V:--:-".,-.:'-.v- .--J.; . We offer $3,000,000 pf the above bonds for public subscription at 102J4 and accrued, interest. Subscriptions will be received up to and including January 21, 1907. The pur chase price will be payable, upon the delivery of temporary bonds, which' will be' ex- changeable ior permanent' engraved. bonds when issued. The privilege is reserved of ,. ' rejecting any or all subscriptions and of allotting a ! smaller" amounrihah' subscribed "forT" Descriptive circular on application, to. and subscriptions will be received by . vMESSRS. LADD & TILTON AND THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. N. W. HALSEY m CO., Bankers 413 Montgomery St., San Francisco. . ! . New York. - Philadelphia. J. ' - Chicago.". r.lUCH ICE BUT NO E Bull Run Water Can Flow Into Pipe Line Wrthout Interference. HEAVY SNOWFALL ON : THE WATER RESERVATION Big BlghUnd Main Cannot Be Filled Although Completed, the Pre. I jAtw tuxl- Thff. : 1m JSa Water to Spare. ' . . . No danger of" a shortage In Part- land's water supply need, be apprehend ed on account of the flower tee at the head works "oflTBuir Run Mvif.TAT port -ta-thts-effect-waa- received this morning;' by Chief Clerk Keyser of tha water, repartment from Superintendent Dodge.' ':' Mr. Dodge, who had been- at th head works sine last Friday, telephoned that the Ic was not In any- way. interfering with th flow In tha canal. Employee were- kept busy sweeping th floes Into Ihm stream, and th full supply of 21,. 000,000 gallons a day was being given the city. ; ' Mr. Podge said th fail of snow at th head worka was heavy and ex tended 'down Into th lower country, At 10 a. m. yesterday th mercury at th head works registered 1 degrees above sera Mr. Dodge said he would be back in Portland tonight. Mr. Keyser said that owing to tha present wast of water th stream from Hull Kun will not be turned Into th great Highland main for a few days. "It would take two or three days to fill th main, and we cannot spar th water at present," he said this morning. W are expected to fill th main with spar water and we nave none to spare. Today th east side Is consuming 8,506,000 gallons daily. Other parts of Albina are supplied by tha pumping sla tlon. . "Th wast on th west side is not so great as on the east side, but ther ar millions of gallons of th supply of 28.000,000 gallons dally unaccounted, for. We have 12- inspectors out looking for householders Who are wasting water In order to save plumbers' bills, and when ever a person Is found- committing the offense his water Is turned off without notice. 1 "Our pressure today, due to th pre vention of waste, is greater man yes terday. Our pressure yesterday was IS pounds greater than Monday. If the fire on th east side yesterday had oc curred th day. before when pressure waa low on account of the waste, th fir department would have suffered from a lack of water, and what waa a small bias might have proved a serious con flagration. And th scarcity of water and th consequent low pressure would have been due to th wasteful people." IT IS NOW SENATOR. DIXON OF MONTANA (Special Dispatch to The loans.) Helena, Mont., Jan. H Congressman Joseph M. Dixon, Republican, waa to day elected to succeed United States Senator W, A. Clark. for th term be ginning March 4 next. Both houses of therlegislatur met. In Joint assembly at noon. Tremendous applause greeted the announcement of his selection by both houses, as did also the appearanr of th senator-elect, who addressed th as- hl, i-ns-th. A feature of th arl. semoiy at lengui... a xeature pi ine art- dress wa his advocacy of th nomlna- tlon of senatorial candidates in state conventions. . Borah Elected Senator. (Jcnrnal Special Berries.) Boise, Idaho, Jan. 16. Th legislature lected W. E. Borah to th United States senate today, to succeed Dubois. , - ar.r. ram Volts Is a atsga. and Pallard's Snow Lrrilment plsys a most prominent part It has no BLOCKAD superior ror rii umatism, stiff Joints, cuts, sprains and all pains. Buy It, try I' and you will always use It. Anybody who- hsa used Hnllsrd's flrmw Llntmertt Is a living proof of what It does. Buy a trlsl bottle. 261 6O0 ao SJ.0&. For al by aU .amggist. w . . ' ' t ,: - Interest January 2 and July BANISHED . CROWN . PRINCESS . .',V huLagtf ;:- .,' ,. n. afm -f"' .sW J . A , IV I ' . 1 m Mh - .sinsanSfaaBsa. . I YaF 7 .-'11 r w 1 v ' The report'from Brussels that Olron, tne Belgian tutor, wbo eloped with Crown Princess Louise of Saxony, has ,been.-.-marrled to a Belgian girl, arouses renewed In terest In the unfortunate princess. The accompanying picture shows the banished crown princess and her two sons who have been taken a,wsy iruiii uvr iiy luvir isiuuri iutt present King ot Saxony. AT THE THEATRES 7 f Last Time "Little Duchess". Tonight. TWilrht at tha Helllr theatre, fnartsentb ad Waahlngtoa streets, the mnetcal-eomedy snc cess, "Tos Little Oneness," will no glvsa for the test time st S:lfi o'olock. Thla Is Anns Held'S famous production snd IS Dreaentetl by tbs ebsrmlns snd dslnty comedienne. Connteas Olf a ran Uataf eldt. Tha grocers' convention will sttend the thestrs tonight in a body, - "The Strollers" Tomorrow Xight. Tbs unalcsl-comedr success. "Tbs Strollers." will be the attraction at tbs Being theatre tomorrow (Tbaraday), Friday, Saturday nights. January 17. IB, 10, with s sperial'prtc matl. see Batdraay. in writing the book Harry B. Smith gars special sttentlon to the comedy, snd for that rsaaoa the roles of Anrn.tna Lump snd ! B"1!" " strollers), as ployed by Teddy . wrtvl, . .M Hammi. rc-ti,.w n Utt twoot: cleanT wholesome comedy roles, cleverly enacted, always bars proved and slwsys will provs the nucleus ef aue- cessfal siualcai eomecy. Olga Xethersole as "6anho." fortland tlwatre-goers nay ennalder them- Ives enrmnste in me tact mat , tbs aia- Hngnlahed Gngllali Srtiate, OUa NrtbeVacle, will psy s vlalt to ths Hellig thestrs during tbs rat 1 three days of tbs coming .weak. -Tbla will be her drat vlalt to tills city, ror ber opening performance aud for the two per formances on Wednesday she will present Clyde fitch's - veraloa - sf . Alpbonas Dsodet'a "Sepbo." The bill for Tneatlay evenlrg thttt Mlaa Netheraols will present Is Arthur W. Ptoero's distinctively Rnglleb society play, "Tbs Second Mrs. -Tanmieray." . tbs great star ap pearing ss Paula Taaqueray. These 'bills' will fnrnlab OUT theatre-goers ss opportunity to bssrv the vsrsatlutt: e Ibis fm wtlste. roc 2. Due January 2 1937. the ersnlna eerfeeaaaaeee tks cartsta win as rslsed st S o'clock aharp snd st the matinee perform aoce at S o'clock. Best sals opens ass latnrday. ...... . . , . At the Baker This Week. Richard Harding Deris Is author of "Rsnsoa's folly." which tha Baker theatre company Is glTlos this week, ana his lotie ai.Jl one of tbe greatest of war enrrra pendente awkea It oulta likely that he haa drawn pretty nearly correct plctnres of the society snd st army Ufa. Tb play Is fall of snap and ginger Sad the stags settings moat realistic. , r "How Baxter Butted In." "How Barter Bntted titly of the llrei, (wee th. Baker company ' t'.neer'Th.."'!. ."r..i eo"nUdy 215 bealtles one of the moat laaghahls snd eiHtta. jfiTSL.'iS' wUI nun,bw " spccuiuss "At Cripple Oeek" Popular. ..' eW Cr"''".ll'' at tbe Empire thla week. Is wllbont doubt ens of tbs mant " rZljLiy 8,'"r ttr.ctlon.lSr.,, visit Portland from season so season. Thla by Hsl Held, snd lo spits ef weather snd evsry li ; e e people srs going to the Empire t see It la large aumbers. . , "The Midnight Flyer" Coming. Play with sensational aornlc sfTsets Tns Midnight Ply-." which come, to ,n?L plrs Sunday mstlnes ss next week's attraction. SZbT.taniX lllumlnsted 'J -Brooklyn st Nlsht." "Tbs Mammoth Shin Scene." "The Realistic Shipwreck." . "The Storm at Ses." -The Adirondack IrounUlns la WintOT" and tha thrilling ''IUIuxsaScBue." A 'a - "Sapho" at Lyric. . ''Ssphe." tbe moat tslked-of. play' of the sis. Is ths sttrsctlon presented this week nyMans gers Kestlns and Flood. This Is ths f rat time that thla noted drams hss ren prod oced at emotional setreaees have played fan ne La Orands. which Ulaa Wards Howsrd llSrtra r lag this week st the Lyric. portray "Humbug" at Star. Tor a real lansh visit tbs Star theatre thla ' week snd witness . rform.rcT J .t.'.! &U is th fBoalest farts ever si 1 -.5- .:! -I - - .. bai la plot, which tauoTa. nnUmlted number of complu-.tlona. and sack sew sltustlos brings forth LotherTmUsT - - 1 11 ' ! Gymnasts at Grand. Vsndsvills da hit Is advertised bybs m.'" f., Hr?lV'n.n',""1 W thll wVek" ; la living np to ths snnouncement. There re "InWrW "rte """ Vtl.e enr! "L WD rhl,,Tr "r" presented here st LJT. . J ?L"ni Lor" "d tbe three -a r-i 1 '..,.. ' -4 .. A