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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO, ; JANUARY 16, 190T. n You Should - , lTRr la atreacta la eoane pobllelty- ' - V ' . Which aa OB deny,. ;. ' ? ; . ' Aaa tailor aaV wapllelty 1 1, Before It always fir. Bin yea a fsaalaoee worth aaeeeos , . , : .. r. Y,t BO-, will reallae Itf - ' '. ' Tkii why Aea't too at oeafea '". At start to advertl Itt , . " IN THE JOURNAL, "v-- ' r. ';' DAJXT AND SUNDAY. . .' ' v . : RATE: One Cent per word. More than two Insertions, Five Cents per line each day, or Thirty Cents per line per week of seven days. ' ..; ' X.;l- : ' : Six words constitute a line, but each line is charged for regard less of the number of words. . .' . NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 15c. TIMBER. 1 TO OWNERS of timber claim aad timber W will bur for caeb any rood timber trlbatar to Kenalem rlrer: will deal with owner eolrj so other seed anewer. Writ. (Wlof full partlmlara, ta Bos 8. V. I.- Stattoa. Portlaod. Oreroa. WANTED Timbered laada. larf and a ma 11 tract ; eorrospondene anllcitcd. ' S. Mat. teaos A Co., SIS Weet U at., Loa Anialea, CL CERTIFIED snip, r (, loweat prlco. W. O. Uowall, BaS Cbamaa of Com puree. .FOR good timber claim and nomeatead;" moat daalrabl locality, plioo Scott S.'US. Wanted to f rsd - T timber a driving at rear tributary ta Oolanv Ma rlrar. X 300, cars Journal. WILL buy aU tbs yellow ptna I raa gat for eaa in orooa. Lata ana aviamau coantMa; exact locatlua and low eat tut BTra. S4, 32TM Wubingua at. TIMBER S00.000.000 feet yellow fir, all In on body, oa fin logglnic ftreara. f hold eieloalr option. H. J. l'ulfer, ColatnM Rlrer Tla Lambar aancUtloa, S04 Ablactoa bldg. BigSnap tSA aeraa yUow pin. 40 eovth. IS at, Klamstb oeanty; orar . 000. 000 yellow plaai ear railroad anrrey: (3.000 If takaa at aoc. xr W. Mxom, Canby. Orevoa. FOR BALE LIVESTOCK. fTWO freak cow, on flrat-rlua family Jeraey. 417 Xlrand are. aad Kaaraay at., Mootarllla. Pnoas lul 4123. riNBPIKB Jaraey cow, year old, frees la about week. .Call 800 Kut SSUi at. i m Mrnmm TEN fnah cow for t. i Apply to Jama tarty, HMgeflald. Who, CARNETS .VETERINARY HOSPITAL, tUaa at. . Pbooea Mala l-tM-itBT. rORTALR 3 freaa cowa. 8T3H Eaat lltb at. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARXESS. , BORSES and sagrlea for rent by day. week and montb; apeclal rata to bualneaa-bouaea, Sixth aad Bawtbora. Eaat 12. LARQB konw, barneav rid waron; a onr ex pre outnt. E. H. Stoaa, 1230 Mlnneaot - - tn.. Nor lb Alblna. WANT to boy a gratia bora.' weight about . SuO poaoda; aiuat be reaaoaabl. Addroa . V 113, car Journal. - Wl bny..ll. rent, eichanr bone, wagoao, addle, harneea. Hubert A Ilall. 208 Ith at. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HORP1TAL. 2S Qllaan L ' Pboaca Mala 14S4-3b3T, . . I-OB SALE 1 tram, gentle, wilgbt S.TO0 lb. O. A. Natael. 1161 Iron at .aaaaears i 1 1 -i. i 1 i 1 1 i na MIXES AXD IXVESTMEXTS. COECR D'ALENE MINING STOCK f am alway la tb market alther to bay r aell any actlr mining a tuck ; loan mad ao any llated aeenHtle. - T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHY ahonld you look for a second-hand plans when yon can get a beautiful new piano ' direct from tbe manufacturer (or lea money I . Reed-French Piano Manufacturing Company, "from maker to player." Sixth aud Burualde. FOE. SAMv-Qood krasd new (altar, coat S14, for SB. Phone Eaat 4160. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. t EXCHANGE. : 160 ar. aearly alt fenced. 40 acre colli, rated, moat of balance paaton; S acre In good orchard; sir trout stream Sow through . farm; beueo newly painted and papered; 2 barn, outbuilding. S cow, S belfera, 2 mare. S brood sows, S down chicken; 3 wagons. 1 buggy, I mower, 1 hayfork, 1 rake, 2 barrow. 1 cream aertara tor, all small tnole; convenient to ' rlrer and rail trantportalKin; good community; trade for property In Portland or a email farm near by. ITIca for all now IS.imo. SO acre, aU good land; 00 erres culMrated, kouas, barn, orchard, 12 mlli-a out from l'ort. land; tax cheaper farm as part pay. Price . . - - 1) srres, all Sn bottom land : wall fenced, fronts on Wlllaniett rlrer, Ina tswn of BntUrUlas will trail for Portlaud property nd pay caeb difference. 400 acre on Tualatin rlrer; abors 300 errea rnltlrated; bonse, 2 barn, orchard, fronta ea Sua road; an of the beat farma In Origon; 14 mllca from Portland; would exchange luts , JIT Ablngtoa bldg. HOMESTEAD reUnqulabment, S miles from Ms draa, Ittprored, ou scree broke; this Is In 'settled country; come and lOTeetlgate; will ' ' lake team part pay la exchange. . Alexaale - Lasd Co., 08 4 Rlxth St., near Pin. m-R WILL TRADE nearly new a-rnna bona on 2 rood Ms, H block car line, for 40 to KO-acra ellrhtly In prored frm, etr for good 'nearby acreage. Home Lend Co., 14ft Flrat at. FOR S VLE MISCELLANEOUS. MOTION PICTt'ltrl machine, films, gas sul fite, song slides, views, etc, bought. H. rented aad eichsnsed. Newman's M ottos . picture Co., 13M Sink St., near Alder. SHOWCASES. nd flitnre. new nd second kasd. Carlaoa A Kallatrom, 20 (ouch at. ' w AyTtr tort ren fr-sreor aar eltirst4 130 eude-to-ordcr aulta. Inlon Tailoring to piaVi Stark at. Sattafoctloa guaranteed. ncrOND-HANO bar fiirn-ea, poollnhlc. f-. ' " 'table, ehlrfc Westers to Vil tYssaint toa Advertise. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Chatham tncu before and brooders, M days' free trial, tleo. W. Foott. -Z1 Bast Morrlsua St.. Portland. WB print yowr name oa xo calling cards, proper six snd style, A5e; 2.V) boalneee card. IL. . A. W. Schmala Co.. 328 First, Portlaad, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP Safs. S30; ire eecape, Thlrdt building. 1 3a Inuulrs S43 North 181k at. SKEEN Electric Works.' -10th snd Waeh. at. Phone Paclflc 14T4. New snd second-hand . electrical goods bought, sold snd xehsnged. SEWINtl -MACHINES bonbt. eold and eg. chanred. $5 and up. Western Salvage C., S2T Washington at. SHOWCASES, counters, fistnrea. bonxht, sold or xctiangsd. Western Salvage Co. 037 Wssblngtoa st. Psclfle TJ. I BILLIARD AND POOL table for rest ar for sal on eaay payments. TUB BRLN8WICK BALKE COLLENDEB CO. 4S Third St. Portland. SO SLIGHTLY dam, red sewlng-ma chine at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic, Whits, Household. , Davis and - o there ; ro-meke room for new stock Wheeler - A Wllsoa and Singers, - B. 8. Blge. S3S Mor rlaoa at.. Marquam bldg. BOLDENH RHET-MATI0 CURE Sn re eor for rbsnmstlsm.- Sold y all drug stats. ' CnniSTMAS ROOKS, Bible sad prayer-book a. Hyland Bros.. 220 Yamhill at. . FIVE eopte popular maslc. Too postpaid. Levy's Music . Hoase, IT1 Fonrth. ... SEI.P-CHANOCMAKIN0 sash reglater for sale cheap. 311 First st HOUSES repaired, counter and shelving aisda, reseooahle. Nelaon, ITS Eaat 14th St. Pnons " Eaat SWO. r- : FOR SALE Barge'ne la White. Ringer. Ta vla. Wheeler A Wllwins, Hoaarholds and other 'slightly damsred machine. The Whit Sew ing Machine office, U. D. Jooea, 2S0 Vamhlll t corner Fourth. FOR SALE One trto wf theraaghhrsd Hon dam fowl; price 10. 103S East Ursnt at Pboas Tabor 870. FREB FOR EVERYBODY Ring np Main 4200 or call 213S Front. We buy and sell furni ture, clothing or ssy old thing. $400 NKW anrlrbw-prano 185: oprlgbt (30 i gsn 139. 341 M rirst at., npatalre. I AM la a poalttrm to furntaht yenr wants la hlch-grad new furniture for a limited time and save too money; credit If desired. Ar. rang to see ate before buying. P 113, ear Journal. DOT'BLB born dnplex phonograph and 12 laVg dtec record; hsndaom machine which give On mute; very cheap. 431 South Third at. FOR SALE CHEAP Mjeti rang and Favor. Ite ga rang. Call 35 Esst 22d at, north. Pboa Eaat SSSo. A FINE S-bole ateel rang for nly 3S. Tel - phone Msln 2007. . LOT of second-hand hrniher for sale etisap. O. P. Graham, foot Eaat Pin t. PERSONAL. - rs.- SBXINTI PILLS cur aU forma of aervoaa ar In iiacr l, r weskneas. For men or women. Price It a box. -S box IS. with fuH guar antee. Address or call J. Q. Clamrseon. drug glat Reread and Yamhill ate., Portland. Or. IF yon hv rbeomatiam we want to eor you. Kew York Medical A Sirgleal InatltuU. cor aer Sixth and (323m Waahlngtoa t. RCSHIAN BATH. SOT Third t betwa Taylor aud Salmon. Swimming pool. tears and bo, air bath, noor ladles, from s. m. to 1 p. m. ; gents, from S s. m. to 13 p. to. MOLES, - vrrmklee. superfluous bstr removed. No ensrvs to talk It ovsr. Mrs. M. D. Hill, Boom 330 riledner Bldg. Phone Pacific l.U. WERf'OOT Oil Blacking save tbs leather I ab aolutaly waterproof. bOLDEN'S BHEtTMATIO CURB Sura car for rhenniatlem. Sold by aU drnrglat. 0PRMAN bonk, magstlne. novel. t..; 0c man. English, French. Spenlah. Swedleh and Italian ritrtluoarles; foreign books of all klaus. Schmala Co., 2 First t. DR. RIK(i CnoONO. Importer Chinee rant msfliftnea: ll Chinee tea. certain curs for all dlasaass, IB1 34. bet Yamhill and Taylor. DR: O. V. KETCH I'M cure promptly privet dlaeiaes, kidney, nervon. aln and special female trouble. Cs il or writs. Office 170 t Third at. ear. YssiblL Pboa Pacific SHU. BAI.M OP PICS for all female dlasasea. 24 Bait Belmont Phone Eaat 4034. DtM.IJT HO.PtTAL-Rplr1ng and dreaalsg. . Konta S, S484j Waahlngtoa st Tl'RKISn BATHS. 300 Oregnntso Mdg.t ladles daya. gentlemen nlgbta. Mala IMS. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robert Narvs (ilobnle. On month' tteatmest. 2; S month, fit; sent ecnrly nealed by mail. Agents, Woodard, CUrk A Co. Portland. Or. SUITS pressed while yoe wait. Me. Ladle' aklrta preeeed. tOc. Cllhert. I"S4 Sixth at. next to Quelle. Phone Mala 20WL BEST magaalne rmh ever offered: lend foe price; agent wanted. Jon' Book Store. 2U1 Alder at. Portland. Or. DISEASES OF WOMEN; nnfortnnat glrla and bah lee eared for; private hoapltsL Dr. At wood, room a SViH A! or. at. Tel. PaelSe IT&a, UOI.D ON Tbsr ta on thing that will curs ., rheiimatlem A,k yrmr dmgrlat for , bark tonic ar rtlraa or call J. 0. Clemen oa, drugglet. Portland. Or. . lll.xs KNdl lKH. electric vibratory far, scalp ana nooy treatment: nartar e vibrator." at ttilng sew. ai'A Utk st. faosa 34 33, PERSONAL. OWL RESTAURANT. 8S8 Et Morrlaoa t. ileal Ife and up; ahurt order, freeii arstar. J.L. Telalaff. proprietor. . SWEDISH trained Bam, Helatngfor graduate, etirea rheuoiatlrni, etomarb trouble. arvoue UIWIIVTB SOU Bpriin J O BOrU OOlllg, IINOi ami tub bath. No. T F.t It til at. .a nasi aniaaf car.' rHM KUI sow. - FACB and elp IrntMiU glv at s41V htur rleoo at., aultaa I t REFINED lady flraa manicuring, ehh-opody, clp an4 faetol treatment S01I4 Third U mno Taylor. . . RECENTLY opened manicuring parlorai ladle and gentlemen, 161 S Morrlaoa at., room 13. CHIROPODY, clp treatment, aiedlcatod facial musag. 2241 Waeblngtoa at. : MARRIAGE PAPER, highest character: tn . corpora ted; 11th yer; 2, (UK) member; IS parr sealed; send loo. L. I , Lovs, Box looo. Denver, Colorado. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY PRINTING CO.i Ofnc uppt1e, looeeleaf retera Sling d. I vlor. typewriter ribbon and rarbna paper. f K. K. KIBLI. Mgr...Si38 Sum at. i MOTH r HI. T rara of roan ciHlrrrra. hMlthr roooiiK.n. par num. t all ires vortowtca at., Alblna. or phooa Scott ATli. . fTOI'NO aelrntlfle murm tfrt lartrtral, lhoHe and medicated treitraenta: ctalropo ' dlt and manicuring. 41 Halrlfk bids. FATB and aralp trratroanU gtra at US Uor rlann at., aultra 1-1. MANICURING RING narlora for lad lea aad gaotaa. 2K81A. Morrlaoa at., room 14. BUSINESS PERSONALS. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY PRINTING CO. Office supplle, Ixoa-cf ayatem filing d -vices, typewriter ribbons snd carbon paper.. K-Kr.KliBLl.-Mgr.- 33s- Stark at -AUTOMOBILES. PCLLMAN ACTO CAB CO.. Builder, designers and repairers ef all . make of automobiles. Bodies, tops, fend era, . dashes, lamp bracket, running boards snd glaaa fronta. Gears and all parta, of aat. , mobile md to order. S8-T0-T3-T4 north Sixth St., corner Everett. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO.. itrniunnii Ly ivn fireot re Northweetern dletrlbutora for Poo Hart- rnrda. Pop TTIbun. Pop warerly. Pop Toledo. Tnnma. OldamoMIe. Franklin. Bulck. 80-82 Seventh at., Portland. Oregon. P. T. MERRILL Pop Toledo ear, seres pa. eengera. $5 per bout. Off loa Seventh and Oak. Main B2S. Stand S. B. corner Sixth end Waahlngtoa. N. B To Merrill's Caetle Bdel Bras &. ASSATERS, 0ARVTN CTANIDB EXTRACTTO CO., aad Montana Aaaay Office. 188 Morrlaoa St. ART. FREB LESSONS IN Embroidery Every Day. ' THB NEEOLEt'RAFT BHOP, 383 Wssblngtoa St E. H. MOOREH0U8B A CO. Artists' materials, pleture molding, picture framing teroptl con. lantern slides.- 313 Alder st PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. 848 Alder at - Portrait and . landaeap artist and teacher. ... ATTORNEYS. a n PIOGOTT AND I. A. FINCH Attnmy-t-Lw. Practice la all enurta, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner Second aad Harrison. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Blrkenwsld Co., S04 308 Everett at; largest butcher supply boo oa the eoaat. . Writ for eaUlogu. BUTCHERS'. 8L'PPLIE8 Adolnb Dekaas, 131-1SS First st., carries a full line and com plete aaaortment at lowest market prlcee. BATHS MASSAGE. BATHS at 20T Third. Iwtweea Taylor aad Sal. mon, eta. w have added ea a Boaelaa bath) wtmtnlng Bool, ateara aad Dot sir. Hoorsi Ladle. 8 a at. ts 1 p. m.; genu, a. m. t 18 p. SB. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Second at. Blank book manufactured: agents for Jones improved Looss-tcst ledgers; ace tbe boo - Enreks leaf, tit beat on tb market- - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, tb carpenter, ?M rourtfe st. Store and offlc work. Mala 176T. B. MELTON Offlc, atoro Sxtnre- general Jobbing. 87 First t. Pbon Main B1W0. CLAIR VOTANTS AND PALMISTS. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL - PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE ENO. ' FREB TEST I - FREE TESTI Take thl advertteement ta . ' . PROF. D. MBLO. StKHi Waahlngtoa t He will give yon tet of hh wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by tolling yon year nam In full, free of charge, and glv feu advice, before you decide to hv a read, ng. and then If yon think be baa the power to read your past, present and fntuTe life, be will give you Mr. wonderful DEEP PSTCHI0 t!t READING FOR ft. Tbta week only. H r telle yoa who you are, where yon come from, how many member there are In e-onr family, what your occuDatlon is, and what It should bet what yonr ailments are, how to cur them, r here yon will be moat ucceful. and why; what yonr health will be all through - life; bow much wealth yoa will pnaeeaa. If any; who It that causes yoa trouble, and how to overcoat It: If your mine contain ore, and to what extent; bow to control thoae yon lor and admire; wher yonr loet one are: - what you ahonld Inveet In to be enc ceeafuL In fact, no matter what you wtah to know or wlab to do, he wll accomplish It for you or chart yoa nothing. Hour. a. m. to 8 p. m. 80S 14 WASHlNOTOrT ST. Opposlts Olda. Wort man A King. Always Consult the Beat PROF. E. KHIMO. Oreatrat living (arral dead-trance clair voyant of th age; advleer on boslnesa and ' all affair of life: tolls your full name end what yoa en lied for. whom yoa will mrrft how to control tb one you love, even tbongh miles- swsy; reunite tbe separatcdl give secret powers to control; no king delays in waiting. Hour 10 to S, dally and Sunday. Pcrmansntly located In bla own hsos. ' 850 Fifth at, comer Madlaeo at PROF. " WALLACE, palmist, clairvoyant aad medium: reeding Z3e. Parlor S, Th Cos too. SHSty Morrison at. IS CORRECT BEADINO S0e. I do not need big advertisements. ; I guar snfee satisfaction or so charge. PROF. HARRINOTON. 841 H Mnrrtaoa st. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Main CetM. .'V." Smithing Coal and ' coal for Ship . a specialty. , - - - STOREY A SKim.KES FUEL CAD, (Incorporated.) Bvclnalv agent for - KEUMKRER COAL. COAL. COKE. CHAKCOAC ' Office Snd Ysrd Front. - abd Kssmsy era. THE Portland Wood A Coal Co. are bow doing hti.lnee In their new yrd, t tb cornee of Id ib and Savler .atreets. Fir, aa. alaboood and coat-' ORKili'V Ft'EI, CO. now selling Welh f thrnclte, beet coal 00 the mark!. 334 Alder I. Main 88. . ALRINA rl EL CO. Dealer m enrdwood. coal nd green and dry, alahwond. R. ft snd Alblna av., S block cast f farry. Beat 87. STEEL BRIlXiB FL'RL CO. Dealer ta coal, cordVood and dry alabwood. Pboa Eaat 434. PORTI.ANO Sw-1at Slanwond Co.. SSS Peso, acceaeor t rltoa Wood Co. Mala ISM. WESTERN rEED A Fl'EL" CO. Ilooaa aad black. oltth coal. Phan Mala 1018. PRY rlsbwnod "chsp't quick d.ltverlea, 0f See Ku.'ft atar b rasa Faoia lava CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY aad Pedicuring. Mr. M. D. HIM. Boera 830 Fleldner Uldg. Phone Pacific W. CLEANING AND DVEINQ. CI.OTHES cleaned and preed II per Math. Lnly. Tailoring C.. tu Starh si. B. W. TURN Eft, professional dysr snd cleaner. S0J Jsfrsraoa at Pbooe Mala 3&18. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Pytng Works, . 211 fourth at. Ph. oe 1. rifle Silt. CAFES. THB OFTTCE 2SS Waahlngtoa at. ahoaa Mala T71. Sauiael Vlxaeux. , CARPED CLEANING. STAHTIARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant 00 the coaat. taring and Hardin ate . tele pbon Eaat 30. Carpeta cleaned, refitted, seared and laid: both ateam and latest 00 co preued air proceu; reoontlng mattrss and tea there a apcllty. SANITARY carpet eleealna. eortloa aad com . preaaed lr corublacd; earneta cleaned on floor wnhoat imovl. Main 8&S4.. Mala 8300. DANCING. DANCING lessoa, 2Sc; e1m er prtvatol wattl ing, two-etep. three-etep. etc.; (tag dancing, back and wing, clog, ' reel, aklrt, Hpanlan. Highland fling, ot. Prof. Wal Wllaoa. old- - eat recognised teacher. , AUaky bldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa at. - WOODWARD DANCING SCIIOOI Clasa Moo., Thar. nd Sat . : aoclal. fancy and step dancing taught; 8 asst. tesebers; clsas sml . priests lesson dally. Weatrrn Academy ball. Second and Morrlaoa eta. Pacific !3i PROFr BINOl.rit,- Mta Bnckauiiieiar loading school; he Uroea etiquette: correct dancing; -laas Tass.-Sat er. ; children Set. p. m. - prtrat leoii dally. 800 Alder. Main t61. DRESSMAKING. TUT Angele Dreeamaklng Parlors, 343 Flfta and Mln. Pacific 8e2. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Tat. 7. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at. BTwctrle snd Gas Fixtures snd Hoppllaa. - Mantels, Tiling, Grate aad Ituglroua. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Engineer, contrao- tors, repairer, lectrlc wiring, supplla. 04 First eor. Stark. Main 808. B. B. Tats. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 81 Sixth t. Contractor, electric (applies, aiotoc and dy namo; w Install light nd power plents. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 2D1 (aat Morrtaoa st Fixtures, wiring, repairing. Eaat 8138. BARRETTS. 408 Morrlsoa at. Phone Main 133. everything la eleetrte wiring snd lighting. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEOB, . Waeh tag toa and 10th sts., FHedner bldg. Bookkeeping, 8horthnd. Typewriting and sll Bngllsh branches taught, both day snd night BEHNKE-WALKER BCSIKESS COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SkXHIONO. Bpeda Xlasaes In German. French. Snanlah. Elk' ,bidg., Seventh and "Stark at. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS Second nd Everett at. Pbon Main 2taM. GASOLINE ENGINES. SHEFFIELD marine engine, revenlng or onild propeller; all mike repaired. . Fairbanks, Morse A Co., First nd Stirk. 0ASOI.INB engine, all erre -end (tylee. at lowest price. Relraoa Machinery Co. 1H3-4-8 Morrlaoa at - HOTELS. THR BELLEVL'B. Fourth and Salmoa Boom 6O0 np; rate by week r montb 1 oat-f-towB trad solicited. Ptclfle 810S. HOTEL Portland, American plan, 33, 88 par day. BELVEDERE; Buropesa plant 4th and Aldr t. -HARDWARE PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits smnrtu-i. Ity la oot price. 74 Sixth t. Pacific 400. INSURANCE. ISAA0 L. WB1TS, ara lasuraa lock bldg: J AS. Mrl. WOOD, employer' liability aad o dlvidual accident eecnrlty bnnda of all kinds. Phone 4T. 83 McKay bldg. ' LAND SCRIP. WANTED snd for sals All kinds. Including approved forest reaerv ecrip for corveyed. an urvyd. timber and prairie government lend. B. at. Hamilton. "Tbe Portlaad." Portland. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for banfm purpnaee. for from 8 to 10 year, time, with privilege to repay all or part f loa after tw years. Loans approved from plan and money advanced a building progr; snurt gage taken np and replaced. FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent. ' - U2 Stark at CONFIDENTIAL LOANS no eak-rle. insursnc. policies, piano, furniture, warannns receipt, etc.: sny deserving person may aecar a lfb - eral advance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly tnstallmenta. KEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE ' Jtrat 00 your own nam no other aeeurttyt don't borrow nntll yoa see me: my system Is ths best for railroad men. clerk, book keeper, streetcar men end all other mplova; bnel Bee atrictly confidential. F. A. Newtoa. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED EOPLB and others apon their ewa name without eecnr lty: cheapest rate. leat payment. : office tn 80 principal cities: ear yourself money rv retting onr term firt. TOLl AN, 323 Ablngtoa bldg.. lPf-V Third at MONET loaned tn aalsried peoole Juat no your ow name; don't borrow until yoo oe me; my ytm I tb beet for railroad men. : clerk, book keener. tretrsr mea and I1 other employea; nn.lneee strictly confidential. A F. A. Newton. 434 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED Notee. mnrtrarea or contra ere ea sny kind of real estate In Oretron nd Wh . Ingtnn: second ronrtcare purchased If wsQ secured. H. B. Nobl. 311 Commercial hlk. - MONEY tn loan tn titnti tn sntr. S and 8 yeer. a low 8 per cent, oa Improved city prop erty. Monltnn A Scobey, 801 Colombia bldg. 885 Washington at. DON'T boeeow money rm err until yoa ere Hattca Credit Co. J;I ijn,, tMg. V. S. WARD, lawyer. Aliekv bldg, Probsts and nortag hmlneae sntlctred; moderats tees: loans money oa mortgage , from 2U0 ap: easy termo. - MONEY to kn to prlv.fe nartle 4n any amount from l.l.orwv tn 2S.noo. or anr ns-t of It; low rate of hi tercet. Address II 110. car Journal. MONET loaned on frtmltnr. pianos and other ecoritlea. W. A. Hathaway, roots 10. Wah Ingtoa bldg. Pnea relfl 1S3X MONEY to Vtas: Isrtr son peelalty: lao - bnlMIng losnst lowe.f rte: fire tmursnc. William 0. Beck. Sit Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 41 Mnttawk bldg. Money to lend 00 av payment plan to srage aarnera; atrictly roofldeatlil. MnyT to loan oa 1l kind f eecartty. William noil, room 8 Waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sum to cult ehttl eecartty. R. A. From. 814 the Marqnem, TO LOAN IK.000 or less en city property. G. A. Johneon. 113 Cnwimerrlsl blk. A LOAN for the king salary or chattel. " Th Loan Co.. 410 bekai bldg. jriCTf loan on all aectrrltle. S, W. Kllf, as 1faiagoo aiug. aseiai , MONUMENTS. NEU A KINOSLEY. H Pint at. Psrtlaad'l leading marble aad gianlt works. - MUSICAL. THB' WEBBEB STCPIO Mandolin, toaja, gui tar Inatructloai Ulbwa aaaadoilna. 4UVt wavningioa. PIANO, vlolla. piano, trombone, clarinet FT. m A. aiBltb. BX 12th. Mala 470S, LESSONS BOc Piano, guitar, banjo, manaolla, vk.lln. 841 H First St., upstair. Mr. Marti. LOCI A. CnriTJ!, violin teacher. Stsdi 211 Sherman. PUAn I'clBo 1W. F. V. JONES, plan tuner. Pbon Eaat 1443. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAIt A CO. Mtntng. mwmtU, Var. ting machinery! hydrasllr pipe, esstlngi all Inds repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. J. PAUL. -103 First st Engine, boiler, sawmill aad cross-arm machinery. THE B. C. AI.BEB CO. Secoad-hsndi exa chlnory. ewmlll. etc. 348 Grand e-f OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. asssTVta.-s a,,SkBeJt, DR. MLLEBRLLB PATTERSON, epectaltat ea vervlon. acnt and chronic. Offlc SIT Fan to bldg. Pboa Pacific 1180. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 418-is-tT Dekam bldg.. Third and Waahlngtoa at. Pboa .Main 840.- Examination free. OPTICIANS. 0B. B. .- MfLLS Opfometrle. and BVe-dght Snecw rnrt Room 88-tT. 838. Waeh I tea Street, PAINTING AND PAPERING. '''r"'"''' P. A. DOANB. 388 YamhITI at., eppoette Jour- Kl office, well paper, painting and decora t Jt. Pbon n for eatlmate. Pacific 323. FOR reliable work. resonbl price. Sheeny Bros.. 383)4 YsmhtlL near 4th: Mala 8073. WORK don conelentlouly at about half prtc through winter. Addree Z 108, car JoaraaL PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plnmbera. S8I Second, net. Mala ana aaimoa. uregoa pnooe Mai suoi. DONNERBERO A BADEMACHER, removed t No. 80S Bornald t PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F, B. BEACH A CO Ta rtoaeer paint C. window glaaa and glaaing. 183 Flrat at Phone 1334. PRINTLNO. A. E. KERN CO. , ' . .. PROMPT .... PKINTEBS tlS Second street Fbon Mara IMST. THB MODERN PRINTERY Artlatie printing. 28 Ruasel bldg.. Fourth and Murrutoa. 1'hon PaclOc 1828. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circular to catlognea end newppra, Metropolltaa Printing Co., 147 Front St. OOILBKE - BROS., prtnters Tarda. taUlhsads, tr. Phone Mala 18.18. 148 Flrat et REAL ESTATE. GEO. 3. SCHAErrn, real esUte aad firs maunne. 817 ( haniher of Commerce. "C003 BAY NEXT." - - PARRISH. W ATKINS CO.. Real estats. Insurance, rental snd loan agenta. 2SO Alder st. OTTO. CROCKETT A UARK80N. -3U1-tt. loans. Inaursuotr. re Mala. 433 V lirsx at. room s. rnons rsciuc solo. 3. W. OOtLBER.' real eatate and loan: aatab- Ubcd 1883. 140 H Flrat t., room It A. B. RICHARPSON, REAL ESTATE AND MOKTOAOB LOANS. Pbon Mala &3Ufl. 533 Chamber of Oommero. SPHINX AGENCY, dealers In real eetato aad rental. 80., Stark St. Main 8164. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, W, W. KSIPIcr. 31S Commercial bldg ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Lo.ll, 312 Jefferson (.. Pac. 1424. RUBBEil STAMPS. P. C. STAMP Wtyfttfff. 148 Alder mi.7 phon Main 710; rubber stamp, sesle. stencil: bag. gag, trade cbecka; brass sign snd pistes. SHOWCASES, AND FIXTURES. -! -1 1 1 - ' 'I. LI 1 '. I L - SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and tnr Sxtnre mad to order. The Latk Manufacturing Co., Portland. B. H. BIRD8ALL, deetgnee; gnt M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamlltoa bldg. Main ofUM. STREET PAVING. WARREN Cuualtiiftloo Co.. etreet paving, aide walk and erueeloga. .114 Lsmber Exchssgs. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. of Portlaad. OfSce 8.M Worceersr blk. SEWING MACI1TNE8. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINB AGENCY. 280 Yamblli St. Cor. Fourth. Pbon Mala 8102. Bargains la U kind of new and ascoad hand aewlng tnachluea; a few ellghtly dam aged, good aa saw, at greatly reduced prtc. PHONE Pclf1e 2738 and I nernnlly win call nd repair your ew1ng-mchtne: work guar anteed, a Same. djnter. 881 Third t. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. ole gents for Herring. Hall-Mirvta safes and Manganese Steel Bar Co.' bank fe. The largest aortmot of ' high-grade Br and burglar-proof afa la tbe northwest. 83 Seventh St. Dlk'BOLD Wanganeee and B re-proof safe: mck mite opened; metal futures; vault and Jalt work; lack a. J. E. Dsrls. 08 3d. Msla 18U. EIGHT second-hand Sre-proor safe aad two second-hand bank afe for sal cheap, at 73 Sixth at.. Portland. Oregon. SIGN PAINTIER9. FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. W bar bnllt ap the largest lgn boslne In tbs city by Srat-claas wort and keeping our promise. - Our price ere right Fifth nd kvrtt sts. Pbsns Etcbsogs 88. SI0NS THAT ATrRACT." Portland Sign O., 28T Btrk t Pbous Pclne I880. W. P. RERGER SON. 34 Tsmblll st Signs of all kinds. Pbon PacISc 22SX TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., eor. Sixth and Oak at. : bsggeg checked from bttrl nr residence direct to declination: passengers therefore avoid rush and aay. nr at depot. - Jrlvt 'Exchange 88. SAFES, piano nd furnttut moved, packed ready fur ahlpplng and ahlpped: ail work guaranteed; lig I-atocv brick Sre-orong warebonee for atnrag. OfBVe a) Oak at Oleen A Bo. Phim Main 84 T. C. O. PICK, office a Flrat t.. between Stork nd Oak ata.. phone ftDO: piano and furniture moved and packed foe ahlpplng; comnamtlou ' brick wrehoiiee with eMirt Iroa rooam, Iroat anil Clay eta. . BOSK CITY . VAN CO.. ofdc 141 Flrtrt at., ebon Mai 8224. Fsrsttnr snd p)no-amvlng a pedalty; we gnarsuteo our work. RATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 370 Oak t. Telephone Mala 4440. Traaater ring and (taring. 1 ORHGON TRANSFER CO.. 1H North Sltth. Phon Main 80, Heavy hauling and aterag. INpFPENPrtT BAGGAGE A TSAK8FER CO, Slerage. 824 Stark t. Mala et.T. POST SPECIAL DELIVESY. No, SOOM) Wash. lAftoa it. Ikon Mala ffSJ, BANKS. FIRST RATIONAL BASK OF F0RTLARB, ORISON. Duslgnatod Depository end riaanclal Ageat of th TJnltd Ste. ' Preetdmit A. L. Ml LI A IC.hler.. ....J. W. WrWSnK AaaUtant Casblar W, C. ALVUUU I aevund Aaalstaat Chle B.F. SrfcVKM Letters of Credit Available la Enrwp nd th Eetera tea. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Traaafeva eold ou New York. Boalos. Chicago, St. L. St Paul. Omaha, San Prsnrleco snd ths principal polnte In the Nortbareat. Sight snd time bill draws Is en me to ottlt sn Lord.. Part, Berlin, rrankfort ea the-Mala, Hongkong. Tokoham. Copenhagen. Chrletlanl. Stoekbolra. 8. Petersburg. .Moscow. turtn. LADD A TUTOR, RAVRESS Etkl1sk4 la 183.) " Traaaaeta a Saral Basking Butua. Collections made st sTI Petri t o favor able term. Letter of credit leaned avstlible In Europe and all point In tb rnlted States. Sight Exchange aad Telegrapklr Transfera eold on New York. Waahlngtoa. Chtceg. St. Louie. Denver. Omaha. Saa Praurleeo and Montana aud BritLh Columbia. Exchange old en London. Prl. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honorur. MERCHANTS' RATIONAL BARK. P0BTXARD. 0RIOOR. J. FBANK WATSON I R L ftl'RHAV Tie-Pre seat R. W. H0YT Cashier f GEORGR W. H0YT Aaetetaat CaahVtf TVanaacts Oenaral Banking Bneineo. Draft and Letters of Credit leased Avsttobl to All Parts ot tb World,. URTTED STATES RATIO RAX BARK OF FORTLARD. OREO0R. NorUtweat Corner Third and Oak Street. - - . Tranaarta a (toueral Rankin Bnetneaa. hRltTI IHMI rtl AealtsM to ATI Cine ef th rtntted State and Enron. Hongkong and President J. c. AINSWORTPI I Vlc-Prsldat.......i R. LEA BARNES I Aaaletant Ca.hler BARXERS' A LtTMBERatEN'S BARK Pert land. Orsgsa. Onv-r Second snd Stark (tveets. Oommrvlal and raving department Internet nld en sating eecaeat. Dratu aad lettera of credit lamed a.sllahle to all narta of the world. D. C. PELTOV President I FREf) H. ROTHCHTTJ)...irt Vlce-Preeldent t JOHN A. KEATING Second Vle-Preldent I THR BARK OF CAUT0ERIA ZaUhlUked Cspltal paid no 84.000 000 wm.r.' p.niini n-i r..r-nsue mi. i nm ir.n-.ripu. ,mr.-r. . . ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Account may be opened of I1 sod apward.. ' Portland Rra.-4 Thamhee ef Commerce Bnlldlna. ' WW. R. HACRAB Manager I TRUST COMPANIES. t-wORTtARTJ TRTJ8T COMPART OF 0RFO0R V RESOf-RCRS OVER II Sort ono. Genersl Rankin. Two per cent intereet on check aceouar teven hundred on dally balances of 3500 or over. Letters of credit and xehng en parts of th world. Ssvlnr account. Tims certlAcstes. S to per cent: short-cell tmactal certlScatee. Snoo or aver. 3to 4 per cent. Call for Book of l,ILLSTRATf0n,, , , Sontheart Corner. Third and Osk Street. Phone Private Rxehasgs 73. Mm BE!fJrr.-rOHEV.,..;.-.7rr.Tr.. President t IT. t. .PTTTrvrK...... r.r,.-. crr,Vlc.Pisidat - B. LER PAGET.... Secretary I SRCTRITT SAVTROS A TRTTST COMPART 388 Morris-, Stteot, Portl. OtagsaV". - Trsnascts a General Banking Buslnaea. SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. .Interest Allowed w eree M . ,. a-vmnti. OCT Available on All C. F. ADAMS ., ...Prertdent I A. L. MILLS... Second Vire-Preeldent I . ' GEO. B. RUSSELL , NORTRTWZSTRRaT OTARARTER A TRUST COMPARE Portlaad. Oreroa. Lambsr Bxrhaogs. R E. Corner Second snd Stsrk Strsets (sacoad ! " ' FISCAL AGENT FOR State. Csasty, Municipal Corpora tlo Bood an nnanceo. ntocsa TITLE 0TJARARTER A TRTTST COMPANY 840 WASHINOTOR STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portlaad Reel Batata at Lowest Rata. H A IkMMrfl S.Mt.t.d J. THORRURW ROS8..,. PreeMent GEORGR H. HILL. Vlce-Preeldent I BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS Chsmbw of 0amra fnniept Rallrcod nd Public Servie Ccrr-orstlon 9mm. DOWTrartt-HOPRTRS COMPART ItWlksd STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN-Bought Private Wire. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OUTA j, WTLDZ HOME TELIPHORR BORDS BARK STOCKS. - - Member Portland Stock Exchange. - Onrner Sixth and Washing to Street. Portland, Orefon. OYCrtecfc Starr & Cooke Co. M Jtfr&XXft!-. ;7 ORATV. FROvisiORS. COTTOW. STOCKS ART) RORTw. . ' . WEDO A STRICTLY C0MMI8SI0V BUSIEXStT. A, Cbattnaooi Mark by Prlv.t Wire. rlX)ulc rs, and Unlta eta tea cauooat e.w w, ruruvm, . - . - TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS tor arw and rebuilt type writer of all makast see onr window: If you are going to buy a new typewriter aa be fore buying; we cn ve yoo money; w have part for repairing all machines; state foe the Visible Fox: we bu all klnda of- typewriter. - Tb Typewriter Kaehng inc., K. 4. auiaon. manager, n toiru si. WB all Bcmlnaton. Smlfh-Premlcra. Dens more. te., lower than any other company; Investigate. L'sderwood Typewriter Co.. S3 8th, TTPEWRITER Repair A Sitnolv Co., 400 Wash. " Ingtoa gt.T6ons Main BLtCKENSDERFER t.pewrlteca, 0 snd SAO: supplies, repairing. Ross A Rosa. 2V1S Stark. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Com h. brush, en p. SI per month. Portland Laundry A Towel npply Co.. Ninth and Couch. Phon 410. 4HIOUSALlU( M. A. OUNST A CO.. DISTBIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. SIIERK, OAEB A GRAHAM ls. Commission merchant. Jobber of frail, produce, etc.; eonalgameat aollcitcd. I2B Froat at EVERDING A FARHPLL. prndnc sad com mission merchant, 140 Front at. Portlaud. " Or. Phon Mala ITS. - OREGON FUP.NfTURR MANUFACTURING CO. Mannfactnrera f rural tor, tor th trail. Portlaad. Oregon. . WADHAMS A CO.. whole, gracera, ran. fsctnrers snd coca m tea lo merchant. Foarth and Oak at. Fl'RNITURB manufactarmg and apectal arder. L. Buvsnsky'a furnlrnr factory. SOT Froat at. ALLEN A LEWIS, commie Ion and prod m chant. Frost and Davis sts., Portlaad. Or. WHOI.ESALB crockery snd glwwr. Pre el, Hegele a Co. 100 to 108 firth, ear. Stark at t .. - - - J IMPROVED JBUTTER "CHURN Operation Much Easier Than by the ' Old-FMhioned Method. .'11 Th -old-taahlonedl hand hotter churn. so Ions; associated with trash atr aad country Ufa. sesms destined to ho over, taken by others up to date aad which require leas labor to operate. The old fashioned churn was a clumsy, affair and not a little "elbow rreaae" was required to manipulate It. In the Illustration is shown one of the newer hand churns, which nevertheless contains moat of th principles of th older churns. The only chang Is tn the application of the power mechanism. In this machine the power la so placed that little effort Is required FOOT AND . HAND-POWE! CHTRK, to operate It. A foot pedal u 'added, and the hand power la entirely different from th old method. Inatead ot forcing- tb paddle up from th churn after every dvarent with the hands, spring ar placed beneath the hand grips which do the forcing automatically. It would bo possible tr operate thla churn and at th same time read a biwik. or newsiutpor. A .Kentucky m;n 1 lhi Invcn'nr Caik!;:-? p-ij la cutht tj tnj-iy the poultry :.; Collection s Specialty. Manila. Collection Mad on reebl Term. Ca.hler ,.,...B. W BCHMEF.II Aaal.taat Cashier W. A. HOLT A. M WRI0HT ' . E. C WFAR9. Caahler II. TV STOREY Aestatant Caahler PLATT A PLATT General Coontel 184. Had Oflos. Sea TrmneUe. C11frats. I Sumlns snd SBdlvided pnats. .. .IO.Oa.4383 J. T. BIRTCHAELL Aaslstant Vina res Ths ' Oldaet Trt Omasaay ra J. O. GOLTRA: Altt .vcvexry iru.iaw I'w mmrm. .. -- Parts of tbe World. L. A. LEWIS First TV-President B, O. Jf'BITS ......Secretary Aaaletant Secretary CORPORATIONS. Bought and Sold. New EnUrpria Oigsaloas ana nonaa i,narantrea. JNO E. AITCH1SON. Seoretary T. T. BFRKH ART. INVESTMENTS. Building. 1183 BROKXRS. and Bold for Cash aad ea Margin. of COMMERCE. Phon Mala ST. Servlca, RETRENCES Ladd A Tlltoo. Baaa- 1 WOMAN" CIVIL ENGINEER Miss Nora Blatch, whose picture here appears. Is lollowlng la the foot steps of her distinguished mother, Mrs. Harriet 8tanton Blatoh and her grandmother, Elisabeth Cadr. Stanton, In working for the eleva tion of the down-trodden members of her sex. Sbe Is taking an ac tive part in the new Worsens' Trade Union League. Miss Blatch la a civil engineer and la employed by the city water department. , KEEPING GRAPES FRESH How French Growers Preserve Frnlt All Winter. Orsp growers tn the Vnlted Stat . - .i--.i.. ..ei hint from a crocs. aa yet unknown on tu..s side of .n water, hy whicn vin growers in ran.-, ar enabled to market fresh outdoor .11 hMih ih winter. Th 1 1 m i" m ii , . . , u w .. .... - method, which la a recent Invention. IS both ourloua and interesting. . - Bunches of the flneat irtpsa, -1.. , ...... . tn atich a wag 1 1 rm m buiuiiii. , that to each bunch a place of vino flv or six inches long rtma. s. From this plce th atra of th buncn hang th arrangement whlnh. aa will presently b seen. 1 esoentlal t the gucrcsa of the operation. . . 1.... .nmher ef -wide-necked bot tle filled with water are rngd m horlsontal rows on raca in us v.u.r, and In iho onn na of -each of tnea receptacle Is placed a bunch of grape, that l to any. the piece of vine atem Is Inserted Into th mouth of th bottle, and the grape hang outside. Th grnt-c .. - -- supplied with Miniature thr'Wgh the vlns Atem. whicn is immersecj in tin wvr In this manner Lin. k Hanrilmrga st 1 other choice t.iilo -mfa are k t f'- 1 and perfect throm -i en !.'" -The tempernt'ire ' ' ' f form snd m ' 1 to the prr- , ' ' fresh wnt-r w " botti '' pn1' v'. l,;,t ' R s . 1: - f-.'V 1 I r .... m!fimnh 1- - '! .' ."?.;" V . I v t ,5 fr-::'-l-v. V1--.'. 11 "V ' .sa"ls, 1 r. J .-,' t I 1 '" ' - .::: ' ' i 1 ' : .': .;, " I ' " V : - X v"' ' . ' pr--e , . . .. v k . . ... .... . ;., ' i , ' ' , ': ' ' '.'' " 1 ' - . ; , .' I Vrt''.Vv ...-. " t -.,:."-.: a- t:"- , I It V',l;'... ..;:;.;.- A 1