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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY N 18, 1C07. 13 NEW TODAY. BUSINESS RTY The Spanton Co. Quarter block, Washington St., letting 7 per cent. Do not fail K see us about this. - ... $16,000 ; Quarter block on ( Second St.; letting- 9 per, cent Well im rove. This property is below jhe market. Quarter block, one lockr norths without improvc nents held at $20,000. Termsr- $50,000 78x100 on Sixth St. You know iow , scarce and valuable " Sixth St, property is now. T Come in and see us tomorrow. fVe have our files full of good targains.- BVIUUO, EXCELLENT VALUES IN -RESIDENCES THESE:- ' 4 -i $4500 ' ; i Inrlnftoa, ntodarn. wcll-bollt T-room aoaaa, ui conTanienoaa,- ntoeljr ar !auifd; flxturas alona ooat 1260. -$5500 ' Vlelnltv Eaat Sixteenth and Hair 5iome -room houae, modern, ail con renlencea, well planned houaa, concrete ildawaJka, full Jot, desirable nelnhbor- tood.-cloae---to - down " town," fine cat ervlce. alno Walklrifc dlstaoca; owner tarlna; Portland. v. See theaa two nornea without delay, la t hoy won't lvat very lotig; at these : krlcea.' . -. .v1;- , "y H. WvLtMCKE COMPANY . Blitn and VTaahliirtoa Btrta. v" - eOn4.aOOaW.--:-r ' """"" " " $12,000 fTtll buy . 10 -room modern houae. "full aeemnt, furnace, aaa, electric llptf!. tic, on a corner lot in tne oest resiaenca Ustriet on the weat aides - Houae fur (lahed complete; without urplture, iio.ioo. : ; :. , . , ,. , ; ;. A SPECIAL' BARGAIN: Thla houae, lot and furniture coat 111,(00, but now can be bought at thla tpeclal BARGAIN PRICE for reaabna (re don't care to atate ' $7,000 cash, (6.000 can stand. Sea ua at once. LIND&CO. , 83 sVnaabe ZaXhavna-a Bldf. : MoIIaday Parte Special '; Pary comfortable home; 7 rooms, atiict. " ly modern. aU conveniences, fJ4,500; r will aell furnished at a aacrlflce, aa awner must so cast, and' wishes to aell it once. . . . ' J. X. sTEIXBrnOITBrEB ft CO J II T Lumber Exchange Bldg.idaV Stark. Bee na tot realdeaee yroperty. , WEATHER IlEPORT. Taa ninliaoBi tanprratnre at Portland thla awralsf was UWdcarera abovs .aero, and H la ilse warmer la aoutliara Oragoa and tha aoend Katrr, bat la aontbraatera Idaho. Mar ads and ife it la mnrh eoldar. now dlaiorbanca Is anpreaehlsf the eoath. era Oragoa coast and Uia northwaatara blah araaaara araa la loaing atrangtb. A portion of 3ia aortbaroatera blab preaaura araa baa aieved aaa to tbe appar laka rrxloa and the temprra airaa la Montana. Wynmlua, the Dakotaa. Mla taai'U, loara, Kcbraaka and Kaaaaa hare riara TroB 10 to SO daersns alnre yaataruar. Tha (torn yaaterday eaer Utah la adTanrlns alowty aatwand. aad tbe ralna la Callrornla bare Kaad sod brea folloarad by aaary froata. im la reported la Utah aad Bortbera Kear Uxlee aad a Lao at widoly arattarad plaeaa la the eortbera and eaatnna atatea, la the aid lla Atlantic and Mew Knflaad states It la asoch colder. The ladlcarloaa are for llrht rain or snow Innlsht and Tbarsday In 'aouthwa Oroa and tor snow dairies In the Willamette Valley, eaat. ra Oresoa. eaatera Waablaf toe and Idaho. It wlU b warmer Tbaraday. -ObaervatkMia tskea at a. m.. Padfle time: Tamp. 1 Stations-- - Max. Mln. Preeln. taker City, Oregon 10 i M HoTr, Colorado XU 10 .0 M Anreln, Callfbrala.... 04 MS .10 ertlaad, Orecoa.... 3 II T toeetmrg. Oregon Sd T las ITanHaVro. California.. 44 80 T Ipokane, Waahlngtoo.,.-. JO - .. ' r . t raroms, ' Wasblngtnn...... Xa 23 .0 rValla Walla. Vlaahlngton. 14 4 T BIRTHS. If AODEW January 14, to Cha rlaa W. Ifad- aa. H4e aoaaeil si., s aoe. UNDERTAKERS. Doeelng. MeBatee Oltbanxh. andertekere and etnhalmeni; modcra In erery detail. BeTeata ' and Pine. Mala 4JO. Lady aaatataat A. B. netnatoek, ondVrtakar and ,ooihalmr, Eaat Thlrteentfe and tinaUlla aae. ruoee aaU- wood 71. : Crlrkaoa Tortertaklng Co., aad embalmleg, 40 A Mae at. rbooe Mala tU3. Lady aaalatant. J. p. Fhilor Done. Third aad Madlaoa eta. fVfloa ad ceesty eorenar. fboaw Mala 0. Fdward Bolmaa, emderfaker, - 230 Third at. BiTZB rxrw CrsTTTTlT, tnfla grem. I0. Family Iota. 1100 te 11.000. Tha only eametary la Portland whlrh par yiuatif eialntatna and eate for Iota. For full in format Ion, apply te W. B. Maekaratle. Wae m.tar blrrk, tl'j. W. M. Ledd, pr.ldaet , BOSS CTTT cmiTTBT. lrfe graaaa, 10; family Ma, 50 te ITI. Hoieriiitei.o'nt si eeswtery, sarner ef 'Freaannt and cully road. Tboea Tabor noa. or rill lutomiaii'ia ai plr 4 Frank BcfcJaarel, 0U2 faana-errlal big. Itwaai ataJLa MJe, f f wtwaa nooi , . .M-11"018 LICENSES. George L. JUIaea 38, and Htut K While, no. James Ilnwa, 90, and NettU Cfyett, 25. Lewie k. Hnillli. 44, end Nettle iinith. 8. ' -Prank Branrfea. an. and EiImI Hardin. IT. Perley Anderson of bulla. Waahlngtoa. It. ana w BirwiM. is. W. P. Slebert sr7. and BeasU J. Marshall, 24 K. kl. CUT. 2. and Inea Olaaa. 1W. BoViJemla Xtehcp of Bridal Vail, Oregon, 40, and Millie Ana, 40., F. William Braes of MarebalL Oregoa 33. aaa Kama May Colrtn, J8. Weddlnc Cards. W. O. Smith A Oa.. Waah. ragteo eidg., car rourta aaa waaaiagtoa iu Wedding and railing tarda engraved a printed, fc. T. Boahtoa 408 Slesrna kldg. TONSETH CO., FLORIHT8. FOR FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. Clarke Broa, Flortete Fine - flowers aad floral ilv 28ft Uorrlaoa et. Full dreaa anlta for rant, all sleea Unique Tailoring Co., 4ha Stsrk at. ' DEATHS. JODSON At North Pacific sanitarium,' January is, tluarwlD juaeoa, aged no yeara. 11 . ,u kiwi uaje, svavra, prnuiun IB. SHUPP At lialla. January 14. Elisabeth enupp. acta "4 yesre, IV months aaa 11 days; nervone nrtiatrarlnn. BANDfcl.L At Good Samaritan hospital, Jan uary v uuam Ksnaeii, agea 4U years, a months and 7 davs: cause, chronic nanhritta. LAPflN At 67 Arniatrong etreet, January la. Amanda u. rappin, aged To yeara 7 montha and 25 dava: mh h.. hll.H - KENDALL At San Francisco, Juiaarj 11," Oa. afa as faara; cauaa, lobar iwniiiottla. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. K. at Dal t.Trllal HwkKaaaa 4a n r . A. and Aatrld KrrMlng to W. B. and .rarrla C Bridgea, lot T, block 1. carter a addition . i 400 O. W. and Celia "A. ' Prleat to Orrllle , "t'pneoaon. lot la, blovk 18, Central Coliiubis Cemetery aaaoclatkm to John .gger, mia J. 4. 0, 8. block T, north ecctlon raauraav Niv 1 ..1.4 u.... ait Colnrabla Cemetery aaaorlatlon to Christ aggar et at., mta X. a, a, T. block 7. : In north aectloa reauriey. No. 1, aald rematerr an Arlcta Land company to John F. Nattsrl. . . oi -in, oiocs jz, ana lot S, block X unt.iw.Di oamnasy to jamea 4. Walter : et al., lota 8. . 10. 11. block. , fled- moot ,. 1.T80 Emma C. and II, L. Miller to Jamea J. Walter et al., lot 13, block 23, Central a . 3,300 LeTlnla A. and B. P. Watklns te iTed p. Northwall, lot , block 67. Port land City Ilemeauad ... . 1 A. 8. and Lmoltne fthaw to John R. -Breedeen, weat H of eaat H of north--weat of northaaat H of aeetloa 7, tDwnalilp 1 north, range S eaat ...... TM W. W. Qulmby te Klale . Barr, lots 3, B, block a Springwater Acreage.... 1,064 C. B. Mlnalnrr to C. Mlnalnger, lot . and north 14.4 feet of lot S, block 203, ' Ilolladay'T addition vT.. 1,000 Bephaniah 8. Spalding et al. to John Matthloen, eeglunlng at point oa north line of Waahliif too atreet 1M fert want ' from . lntoraecUaa with -weat line tf . Twenty-Brat atreet; thence weat IM.O feet; tbeaee north 2Htl.H0 faet; thence eaat IM feet; thence aoutb 207.31 feet - to place of beginning , 40,000 Title Guarantee d Trout company te .Jamea W. Brock, lot 21, block 3, Mo-Irttia-airs aubdlTlahm 300 Oart W. Jensen to H. B. Btont. eut.l.t-'. - lot'g.-llock 8117 Couch addition 1,000 Bannah M. Bhaw, gnardlaa. to W. A. Townsead, lota 4. t, 6, block B, Fair, view-. 1,800 W. A. and Josephine Townaend to Ed ward Ererett. lots a. .fi. a. block &. ' A., and Panllna- wlldman to John Cole, lots 11 and 12, block 72, Sell wood 800 Mosea Bark to Robert J. rptoe. 20x820 fert la aeetloa 17. town, bin 1 aoutn. range- 4 -.. 1.800 Sunnyalde Land ' 4k Improvement com, -pany to Char lea A. and Flora K. Ward! kit 13 and eaat H of lot 0. block .!. fionnralde 800 Martha McKeaa te James T. Boyerofr.T eaat A of lot 10. block 17. Alblna ad- dltkm - ' 100 Jamea W. en lanthe Cook te B. C. Ood. dard. lots and 7, block 10, Cook's First addition to AIMns i Point View Real Katate company to Iialla Tlcar. lota 10. la 17. la. block SO. Point VI, w BOO security Bavtnge at iruet company to - James P. Hert,- kts 1, 4, block T, ' Conch addltkm 10 Loula and Anna Kroettner to John Meier, lot la Moyer'e anhdlvlaloa of lot 3, block 3. Portland Uemeateed 300 Iarats and Anna Kruettnar te Security BaTlnga A Truat company, lot 0, ' Moyar'a snbdlvlaloa of lot , Mock 8, Portlaad Ilomeatead ................ 350 John and Mary Mater to Beenrlty Savings A Truat company, lot ft, Moyer'a autxll vlalon of lot 3, block 3, PortUad Home- . ' stead 33 J. J. and Lonella A. Walter te nerbert . U Millar, lots ft, 10, 11, bwek , Plad mont 1,800 Loo tne Wetnhard et at to Oregon Elee- trie Railway company, a atrip 13 feet wide rough block 108. city...,;. 13,700 bnrkel. King A Cake Hoop eomiany to Oregoa Electric Railway company, a ' atrip 10 feet wide through block 1. ' Taruthenf Addltkm' te Cajra-bera' ad dition 3.000 1. L. Hartman et al. to A. B. Stone, lou 1 and 3, block ft. enbdlrlalon Bt. Johns Relghta .1 I Eaat Inveatment coon pany, Ltd., to Anna v, M. Worth, loto 10, 17, 18, buck 02, Bunnyalde 1 B. K. and Ella T. Noble to Anne M. Wortb. kits Id, 17, 18, block 32, Bunny- aide 1.200 Bellwood Real Estate company te Heal Estate Inveetinent aaaoclntlos. parcel ' of lots and blocka In Rellwood Scllwood Btal Eatate company te Oregon Realty A Inveatment company, lots 1, X, block ftS, Bellwood For abstracts, title In eu re nee or aiertgage leans, rail on Pacific Title Treat eompaay, 204-5-8-T Falling building. Oet your Insnrancs and abatraets to real eatate from the Title On araa tea A Truat eotu pany. 340 Waahlngtoa street, comer Becoad. NOTICES. EXCAYATINO end grading. C H. Pottage. 4 NO Commercial at. Phone Beat 810ft. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something Doln; TO-NIGHT!. . WASITINOTON Lodgs, No. 46. A. - F. A A. M. Staled communication thla (Wednesday) evening 7:80 o'clock. Bnrkbard bldg. Work In E. A. degree. AU Maaona Inrlted. 'jr order W. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. B. P. 0. ELKS Members of Portland lodge No. 143 are reqnested to meet m oar ladee room tomorrow at 1:45 p. m. to" conduct the funeral aervlcea of our late brother, T. B. - llomea. Visiting Itmtliers Inrlted to aaalat. By order of the exalted ruler. CV M. Ill LLM feting Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8.406. meeta Wedneeday erasing, Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa ata. , , M. W. A. regnoj Qrape Camp, No. 6,075. Mna days. 17th aaf M aeaee H: vlel tore - w elciiaie. LOST AND FOUND. LOST In South Portland, In vicinity ef 17th and Flanders a handle of . riot lies for Weat " tt Lanadry. marked "California Reatau, rant." Pboiie kostt 8100, - FOUND A place to have hair mattreaaea- rstw vat.d and returned him day. 228 Front at. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. U. Metigrr," proprietor. PICKED ep la drift, 33-foot eat boat. 7 -foot beam; awner tan have aame by paying ex penses Phone Main 65. HELP WANTED MALE. DON'T work for a email eatery; aee er write Paelfle Aid aeaoclatloa foe a good proposl tma, ' 224 Lumber Bsobaage. WANTED Two onion lynotypera. oat of city; permaeent poaitioss. Norinwear iNewapaper Uu ao, " ttM4agSa bU' 'I,ltM f CAMP 4j1 r'.W.O.WA ''as I HELP WANTED MALE. 8ALR8MKV WAKTKIW Three aaleamen for ear new county, towualiip aol railroad aurv-ya of ttregen. ' Tfaeae aurveya era a aplepdld compllatloa of facta, fUurna and drewlmm end of wonsTful value; oouiitlee sad towns are fully iadexrd and populatlosa of each are , glTeni rallroada plainly attown.aad dlataneea between all atatloua aleo ahowa; congreaaloflal dlatrkts outlined, Buuibered and popnlaiiona flTon, Otber features too nntneroua to men Ion. A splendid opportunity for onergeUe auto,, mcnaiiy at tn., cnicago, iu. Goverment Positions ACB LIMIT 18 TO 40 TT. S. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. , t'. B. LKTTERARltlEltS. . , II. 8. I'OSTOKFU H CLKUKS. V. 8. CI'STOMS INSPECTOHS. : WB WILL HHKPAHB YOU BY MAIL A!r ATCf.PT PART TUITION AFTER APPOINT- MJ-aNT PACIFI0 BTATKS BrnoOLB. M'KAT BLIXI. COR. 8l ANI 8TARK STB. I'OUTLANO, OKEUON. WANTED AT ONCE Stare bolt enttera. wages Si. per cord; ateady work. Apply Western Cooperage Jo Btearna bJdg., Portland, or Houiuw. Or. WANTED AT ON'CB Sound young mea for 8re- aoen ana DraneBMte on' leaaing weatera rati, roads and for new roads now being com pleted; experience nnneceaaaryt firemen n0 per month, brakemen 875; poaltlona now open; write at once for particular!.. National Hallway Training association. 730 Pa I too blk., Omahk. Netiraaka; or 031 Ridge bldg., Kanasa City, Mlaaooti. WANTED Ssleemen; many make 1100 to 8100 per month; some even -more; stock ' elean; grown on reaereatlon. far from old orchards; raan aurancea weekly; enoice or .Territory sunraaa waaniusion t pentali, W'aahlnKton . ae-pa-y, Tup. MEN NU WOMEN to learn the barber trade in eiaht weeka; graduatea earn from 810 to 82S weekly; expert Inatruetore: estalogoe free. Moler Kyalem uf Collegae. 8S Kurtk Fourth Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to our patrons ' Weekly rates: Room, a 1.23 ant room aad beard, $4M up. Aadenba. proprietor. TWO enltcltora for elty and ontalda townai Be Investment; 84 per day salary and eommte - elon. Call 714 Cbambar of Commerce. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO. 30.V207 Second at. Phone main 021 We dealgn and Inetall tbe moat awdera and Improved office eyeiema; complete line loose last filing devices. SAI.KHMEN Experienced special contract men! 81U0 per month rad eommlaaion. Conaerva tire Mutual Life Insurance Co., Elks' bldg. WANTED Two er three flratlaaa, all-aronnd machine men; permanent position, good wages. . Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WB get work for ear metnbera; a pedal mem bers, 2. ft ML O. A.. Fourth and YamhllL WANTED Cooke and helpers' beadqaartera at .. Cslifernla Wine Depot. P. Leratl. 14s Fourth at. Pbene Paelfle 2183. AGENTS wanted. Oregon. California. Idaho, Waablngtoo) health and accident tneorancei . eld reliable company; good contracts ; refer . en eea required. United Stotea Health At Ac cident Insurance Co.. 303 Marquam. 3100 A"-MtNTH VROTECTS-TOO--'- -Agalnat eeeident,-elokneae end death. Write or' call and tnveatlsate. Nnrthweat Health A' Accident Aeenclarlon. )7 McKay bldg. Agents Wanted. WANTED Every mas out ef a noaltkm or dts- oarlarfted 1 w Itb-nls--preaent vocation, to - take t a night courao at the Bennka-Wslker Bust. , neas Collegs, Seventh end Stark a la. We will place yen la a poalttoa wbea competent. .. TOO can earn f 38 per week If yon lean te operate Hot lea Pictures; you work In theatres and balls; leaaona very reaaonabls. Call room -8. 145H Sixth at., aear Alder.' , WANTED Boy . to learn trade. - OB Front, corner Davta. WANTED Courhmekwrfc. Davis. . 65 . Front, onraer WANTED A good eompetenl blacksmith and wagna-maear. Aaareaa w. n. urinoie. Mount flood, Oregoa. WANTED Immediately, young men ever SO, to prepare for examination for evetome in- - apectort permanent government positions; fins aalarlee; call thla evening or tomorrow, Mr, Beynen. 818 Columbia bldg. WANTED Maenad eekebakar ee belperi good, experienced. Apply Log Cabin Bakery, 114 KoaaeU et. BB Independent; make money at heme, lelsnra hoars; something new. 170 Park at. MAN WANTED Reliable end ateady, partner In reel eatate office; oldest man la firm re tiring; experience not necessary; full par - tlenlare given) price 3126. - Alexander Lead Co., 68 Sixth at., aear Pine. A F1R8T-CLARS roes tea tter wanted for tha block at Jones' Market, 161 Fourth at. . STEADY young man to lesra trade. Portlaad Paper-Box Co., 08 First St. WANTED Toong msa for porter; chance te advenes. Brans A Co., First snd Alder. WANTED Aa elevator boy at Modern Confec tionery Co., isth and Uoyt at HELP WANTED FEMALE. ' L W A N TE D Every womsa eat ef naalttoa er V dlaaatlafled .with bee nreaent vnesrlon. ta take a night course at tbe Bebnke-Walker Bualneea College, Seventh and Stark eta. We will place yoa la a poalttoa when com petent. OIRIB WANTED Operators to work ea abuts and overalle. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory Na. 3, Grand ave, ' and Eaat Taylor at. BANREN'B LADIES' AGENCY. 84Sti Wsak Ington atv cor. Seventh, apetabs. Pbene Main 3092. ' Female help wanted. WANTED Good waitress! highest wages paid If aatlafactory. Apply atatroa Open-Alr Banl- WANTED Flrat-elaaa conk; hlgbeet wages paid If aatlafactory. Apply matron Opsa-Alr Ssnl- tarlcm. LADIES to learn ratting and ladles' tailoring. Call eerly 848, Yamhill at. . LADIES, make pla money at year borne at year . leisure noura; anmethlng new. Call aad In vestigate. 170 Park at. WANTED At once, two glrla; eete bonbon dipper, one packer. 460 Waahlngtoa at. Eaetern Candy Works. GIRL to keen boaae and oook for two man; abort OBlinnrs in .wniniryt- ggga Wlfo. auiilTM V 113, care' Journal. WANTED A girl la tallor-ebop. . 11H North Fourth at. WANTED An apprentice at dreaamakfng. 173 17tb at., comer YamhllL ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. ' HELP wanted and eonplled, male er female. R. O. Drake. 20BVt Waahlngtoa at, reel fie 1.17a WANTED A few good solicitors, male an1 female; best propoeltlnn In Portland; good money to the Mint partlee. Phone Sellwoed 71. Corner East IStl at. and CmatUla avs. WANTED Shorthand aad bookkeeping Instrno. . tor In eatahllalied college; partnership propo sition conaldered.'" T 111, care Journal.; SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNlf man, a good penmen, wants a final - tlon ta some wholesale-boose aa aaalatant ahlpplng clerk or any ether nercaatlle-aeaeev Addraae J 110, care Journal. YOnNO eaatarn lawyer wanta Sosltlos. Ad dress Y 105, cars Journal. YOUNG married man, experienced In hanging shades, putting op etnvear and handy man with too la, wanta. altnatloa at anything. Ad dreaa 0 112, cere Journal. WANTED By a middle-aged ma a ef experi ence, poeltton at aaalatant In a real eatate . office, - Addreaa Boa 465, elty. T SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. POSITION by young lady to take charge ef small rooming-house) nice respectable place Ad ire avB.i'Hm bw. uu w sao 'aa. - aw, sws iiwmh WANTED AGENTS TUB Urimt muinnictaiwr- of ftlnnlnam 0700k , In Qtfn.lla want prenc.ltT. to Mil hill . rrywbr. H. ks tr.U Co.. PustloCflc St.w 1 'A g'-e b s- AGENTS Make good Income eaally; our burner lurns common aeroeena lamp lute Brilliant, portable, ebeolutelr safe IlKht: big eelter: deaerltiiloa free. Oaallaht Manufacturing 1.0-. 44t nroaaway, r-ear-'iora. AT ONCE A rente foe aoap. medldnea and otl blackings R. M. P In miner, 2tW Third. Flrat ease get neat territory. TO take towns or counties In Oregon for tbe laarouaniy up to-aats order, the Tribe of Ben Hur; aiteots auks from 5 a day Bp. For tertna call at room 23 Benson blk., corner . Fifth and Morrlaoa, between the boors ef sana o p. m. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO ' " Locglng eemp and farm belp a specialty. 30 North Second at. Pboaa Mala B2ua. We pay all telegraph cbargee. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB . FOB MEN. 38 North Second at. Paone Man 1828. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFNCB SMU Morrlaoa at. ........ Phone Pacific (SO 27 Korth Second at .Phooe Paelfle 1800 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Ron eea, cettagea. nets. atoras . - otrieea, rnommg honaaa. etc - La ad- lorda will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON rhone Kx. 72. 8. B. Cor. 2d and Oak. WANTED Neat 8 room houae,. wlthlh 10 mln. utea- ride or poetornce; weet alile preferred. State rent and location. 1 Addreaa V 114, care Journal. w;ANTTJB7" young ma ngttendlhg "acbonl. room ana oonra ta privais tamuy, cioee in. W 114, care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THB TITLE A ABSTRACT CO., ., - U, B. BALTMAHSH, Manager. Loans, collectlona, titles experted. Ex pert ad rice on realty values Property Hated t rr quick dlapoaal. C, H. Plggott and J. A. Finch, legal counael. Phone Pad no 1640. Room 4 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrlaoa eta. I WANT to pay eaah for residence corner 80 or 00x100, close In on eaat aide; prefer to oeai who owner, nimpeoa, buz Lnmoer ex. change. S OR 10 acres lmneoved. near Portland: sire . lowest price snd location; a pot eaah: bo gems. ts. sk t.neemore, roreat ureve, tir. A NICE suburban home, near carllne. within 8c fare: about 82.000 preferred; 83.250 the limit; SUM details. Addreaa T 114, Journal. I WANT' email Income property, 3.1,000 to 54.000. What have goal Owner preferred. .ddroee B 112, cars JonrnsL WANTED Honaaa and vacant lots. Borne Land w. isne aires at. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WH WILL BTTT. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE Ca, 627 820 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. '- a WANTED Furniture and boaaehoM ' goods ef every description bought, sold and exchanged. The I. 232 Flrat at. Main 6374. 8 -', i ' . MAIN w. CA8B AND LOTS .Of sTt FOR F0RNITURB. - .. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 Flrat St, "H ATif BOSS. " " MAIN 86S3. WH exterminate rata, mice and tnsecta; do the work oorselTea er aell yoa - the eomponnd. Ealk A Kamuaher. SOS FeorU at. Phone raelfle JS36. EXCAVATING and - grading. O. Pj. - Pottage, uimmereiat er. rnene Beat siw. - HIGHEST eaah price paid for aO klnda second band goods. Phone Mala' 2111. 82 N. Third. BALL and ballroom, ae pa rate er together; new and with aU cos ran lances. Phone Mela Saa I PAY eaah for household goods. W. W. Ssvsga, 846-847 First at. Pboaa Pacific 866. WANTED Dead horses sad cattle; ne charge, j reena mam avoe. tus inarmaa. WANTED Cera of garden end htwns by practi cal gardener, experienced In reee culture, alee grading and planting; very reasonable terma; Al reference. Addreaa A. J. Andersen, 1200 Mllwauxls sra, or Tel. East 4608. LADY, formerly teacher, would like children to care for In her home: terms resaonabla. J Address R 100, care Journal. WANTED Bids for digging two- basements; abort haul; eaat aide, rhone Mala 1722. WE ban! dead horses and cattle free. Oregoa Fertiliser Works, 702 Thurman. Mala 1068. WAN TE D Tl mbsr claims la Washington and Wllamook coaatlea for eaah. 34, 227 Warh Ingtoa at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THB RICHEi.IETJ, 884 North Sixth stEla gnntly furulshed; stsam heat aad hatha FURNISHED ae and faralahed hoasekeeptnc rooms for rent at iwi v TUB GRAND, 4ftH North Third at : for gentlemen, ai.w per weea ana up. A NICB turn letted In a private family Cell at 427 Third at. with BO other roomers. 7-ROOM btuee with hath. 813 per month. 160 Nets-sake St. Inquire 106 North 12th at.- PLEASANT front room In neat home, close tn, ea east side; rent ressonable. Inquire 8 Grand ave., north. Phone Eaat 863. "RED DRAGON" New awell roome, heart e city; new furniture and carpet.. Corner Sixth and Btark ata. Entrance 827H Stark. FURNISHED rooms, day, week or mourn; rents reaaonabls. 183H Fourth at. Pacific 3080. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 3180 WEEK UP, Urge, clean, furnished houae keeplng rooma. laundry and bath. 184 Base man aoutn, PortUad. TWO Urge furnlehed housekeeping-rooms bay window; very pleasant; bath, gas, phone. 813 l.HUIII l. $1.28 WEEK UP. Clean, famished tMasekssi lag rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, fnrnsce best yard. 203 H Btanton, U csr. . THE MITCHELL Hooaekee ping and tranalant rooma. reaaonable. Berenln snd Flanders. BOUNEKEEPING-ROOMS. lowest rates; elso trle lights, phone Included. - 801 Va Water st. 3 AND 8-ROOM aaltea) modem Improvements. 814 Jefferson at. Phone Mela 8432. IOCSEKEEPING-ROOMS for teat 31230. 381 ruin si., corner aiao ivon. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. WB aeed furniture at aay price. Portland Auc tion Rooma. 211 Flrat at. Mala 6668. H.C. Schellhous Rejoices ,"''.' .' i v ' Lost pocketbook with $75, cash and money orders. Pays 18c for 15 words under. Lost "and Fouttdia- The Journal" classifieds ; gets back ; his purse and is most pleased - man in Oregon.-- ROOMS AND "BOARD. FOR one or more (employed people preferred), niodorn. reeaouable. UI4 Eaat Morrlaoa. M1KNEO.UA INN. 876 Yamhill at- nice . a team beat, eplendld meala, day, week, month; new management; reaeouable rates, FIKHT-CLASS table board, hems cooking, beat In The city for Die price, only 34 par week. Call and Investigate. Aater house. Be Tenth FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT. Three 4-room flats; upper data, IT par , month aad lower 88 per month. s-room modern cottage, Usntenbeta ava.. new, rent io. Stereruem, Fremont and Mlaalaslppt ave., OTToJCBOCKETT ' BABKSON REAITT COMPANY, -188 H First, between Alder aad WHhlngtoa. WE are In need of several fnrnletied and an fumlahed houaes to eat Iffy the waata of ear patroae. Phuoe main Biol oi esll 720 Cham ber ef Commerce. Do It now. 3-ROOM hiae, weat aide, good locality, rloae to ear, low rent to good tenant; will aell oa eaay terms. Phone Main 1410. FOR RENT New 4 room cottage. Booth Port lead: bath, toilet, fireplace; corner lot; alght ly location, one block to oar. rred B. Strang, 342 Buck at. B-ltOOM modern bouse, f urntehed or uufurnlabed, for aale. Inquire 800 Fremont at. FOR RENT 6-room houaa with bath for I3 per month. . 1605 Oneonta at., - Woodlawn. ' FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FOR RENT OR SALE Liquor store, complete, WIIB SUM'S VT WlU(VVi R uuuw . " " - man; answer today. Addreaa X 114. Journal. OFFICE- ROOMB:- ple-rooms for rent, elevstor. , woodnongh bldg. , Apply A FEW Brat-class offlrs-rooma left at northaaat roraer Third ana sieaison eis. ppiy im No. a 815 OFFICE, aeparats reception-room, with IKII., . .HUm,. V - w FOR RENT FARMS. 7 SMALL farm, 5 room houae, 8 acres cleared, , good srehsrd, 11 ml lea from Portland, plenty wood, 38 month. 194 First at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, aeparats or together) new and with all conveniences. Phone Mala 806. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT eae or more partlee to furnish 81.000 more In completing organisation in fine heal uses enterprise, where 60 per ' cent annual proflta are assured on investment. Don't overlook this. Sse or write me Immediately. I bars bualneea chances from X np lo 33.000. Taos. P. Thornton, 818 ( amber of Commerce. STOCK companies Incorporated; If yoa have Blocks or bonds for aale, , let me try to sell them for yoa. George M. Kellogg, broker. - 640 Elllcott Square, Buffalo. BOMER breeding pigeons. 37 (er dooen; larger amounts auppued. George E. Hoots. K a Isms, '.Washington,- - . - e .. SAVB MONEY Anything In printing aee Madden.-Odd fallows- Templar- First snd- Aidor st. j upstairs. -.-i . 1 . . $460 BDY8 arooms. well fnralabed In good kv callty; west side; low rent. Bagsmaaa A - Blsnehsrd, K Fifth at. - WANTED Maa with capital to take charge of A-No. 1 clay ledge. 'near by. Call M. Cowan. 668 Barter. Phone Taclflc 3013, - SAWMILL and logging outfit. Including donkey 1 , eugice and , location, for sals or exchange f for city or country noierty; price 84,000. T Tlughea A Markwell, Clatekatrte, Oregon. FOR SAf.B Furniture ef 14 -room hoose; rooms all full; caeep tut caan. wo linn at... corner Stark. - 33.000 BUYS into a business clearing 3500 per month. See as quick. Btats Land Co.. 138H . First at,,. . . . DRUG STORE for aale tn Marshfleld. For particulars apply to Title Guarantee A Ab atract Co., U a res field. Or. GROCERY store at bargain, comer, resaonabla rent, good dtetriet; thla a tore la going to be aold regard leae of Its value; hoy direct from owner. Call and Investigate. 821 17th at., ft., sorrnwesi eersee 4, is so vuunny BEVBN nice faralahed roome, 80814 Pine at., - between - Fifth and -Sixtn, rent- S8; -prlca $560; a good bargain. Trade with tha owner In the houae. NICB sew restaorant or betel dining-room end kitchen outfit; new French range; everything first class; sell cheap or trade. laqaire 201 Stark st WANTED By aa eaetern brewery, a dla . tributor for the nortbweet; maa wanted who la responetble sad can give good references. Address "Brewery," care Journal, 3360 BUYS 21 -room boose, close In. 34 years lesss; thU U a bargain. Call 243 Madlaoa. NEW fnrnltnve of 8-room cottage, near elty hall, rent 320; thU moat go. Call 342 Madi- " BOB St - - - - I WANTED m Portland.' a grocery atore by a country grocer; will pay eaah. Addreaa ,,0ra- r eery," cere Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OHOICB VACANT PROPERTY". f 2,400 Splendid piece of ground) Alblna, . l.2oO Splendid kit oa Union ave, . 5.000 IOOxIOOl Wlllleme eve. , 1.7O0 u block on Grand are. .. 8 800 Nice lot East Ash. " 650 0xl0S. Cook ave. - 660 Splendid earner, Alnaworth ava ' -'750 H block, Alnaworth ava ftoo 60x100. Eaat Waahlngtoa at 226 50 1 100, Panlnaular ave. 60060x100 oa Cleveland ava $1,000 I lota 60x100 each, Ocfcley CJreea, or win aeu aingie lot fiso. f 36062x100, Manhattan at. 8 20060x100. Highland Park. OTTO, CROCKETT A HARKSON REALTY , COMPANY. 188H rtrat at. bet Alder aad Waahlngtoa $2,260 BUYS THIS ft room modern houae. In cluding $200 worth of furniture) good loca tion; rent for $28) good tenants; thU la a No. 1 Inveatment; thla week only. $2,250 buya 6-room house . within walking dlatance, 'on Eaat Sixth, aear Rum aid. 31,700 8-room cot tag, atrlctly modern, bath and gas. cement basement cement walks. Uwn, near Union ave. 81,100 e-room cottage, close to carllne; S lota; email payment down, baUnce monthly. 100x100 h St. Johns, close to os toffies. $2,000. . DIAMOND REALTY CO., rhone Pacific 101. . 368 Aider at HOUSE BARGAINS. , $1,600 S-room, Eaat 42d. aear Bawtheraa $2,800 7-room, modern, with 2 lota and barn, tree and shrubbery, at Midway. . $3,000 d-room baementjnodeyaiiJt8 aad ahrubbery; excellent. $800 4-room, East 14th at, north; Foaag tree; eity water, $. O00 1 1 -room residence on Job neon gt fine flnlah; realdenee alone coat $11,000. , B. W0LVERT0N. 408 Mohawk bldg. Pone Paelfle 341. DO NOT WAIT TILL IT IS TOO LATE. la order te settle an estate a beantlfal 87-acr well-Improved farm near Newberg, on the WUIemette river, will be sold for 38,026, but , ta easily worth 3.000. F. FUCHS, 221U MorrtsoB st GOOD INVESTMENT. 810.000 Nice corner, 8 blocks from city hall, bringing 11 per cent net; half eaah, balane 6 per cent. $38.000 Fine quarter block, well Improved, 8 bucks from cour (houae, bringing $H percent " ' F. rtTCTJS, 221t4 Morrlaoa at. ' - - . A BARGAIN. Houae. 4 rooma, lot 60x100, ea Mount Scott Una, between Hawthorne and Section - Line road; most he seen to be spprecUted; Bull Run water, ontbulldlngaj terme like rent Cobb, owner, 207 14th. Phooe Main 1168. ON EASY TERMS la that famous Eaat Holla day'a addition; new modem 6-room wood fiber nlaaterrd house, with porcelain bath, hand baeln, patent toilet and other acces- aorlea; full cement basement and wall; 6 cl,et. pantry and alnk i 60i loo gra.led np lot; yod only need $400 down; price $2,400. Home Land Co., 14Sft Flrat rt. . $660 BUYS choice lot tn walking dlatance, east aide. Hatfield A Smith, Wy, Four tit et.- M. B. BROWN, red estate and laenraeea Teke Mmnt Bcott car. Naehvllle addition. Poat- iXli SALE REAL ESTATE. I NtOMM-REARING flata on eaay terms 2S4 2S0 10th at., four flata, 378 per aionlh, por celain bat ha m earn, close In, eaally rented; I2.0U0 eaah, 875 monthly lnatallmenta; In come will pay the Installments, making re merkalile tnrestntent of small capital. Moe- . can. Sweet A Chapman.' 213 Ablngtoa b!4g' Phone Mala 2016. Sellwoed ' Morehouse French. 1670 B. 18th. , Pbons Sellwood 74. -. City View Park '.ota. 8.17 and npl Rosa Addition lota, 3100 and np; 3 down and 35 a month, llomea from MQ to 35.000. Lota tA)0 and op, la all parts ef Sellwood.' Ual your property with as: ws will sell If. $20.000 VERY central 50x100; one of tbe heat buya ta Portland; will douhle In value la 2 years; 10.000 eaah, $3,0U0, - mortgage. 2 years at 6 per eeutt will lake 85.0(0 Ip eaat aide property, can at wnvh Humsiae sc., av. rnunf rarui, ati, 1 WATCH "TILTON ADDITION" GROW, Home balldera are buying these kola be cause they are below valne. Only 88 left. -Agents on grounds in mornlnca. luuurein a .UUUE9I inranrni rhone Eaat 4300. 800 Belmont at. SIGHTLY 6-rooea house, 3 lots, overlooking Willamette river; Bull Run water. Inquire oa prenilaee 1314 Willamette boulevard, or phone East 6382. ' 11.050 BUYS a furnished 4-room cottage, nice Elsce; tertna, 30O eaah, balance 1 10 month, late Land Co., 13M Flrat at. POOR cottages In South Portland, price 2.8O0. terma; a good bay. State Land Co., 183V ..'Flrat at. 1,600 ACRES ef coal land for sale by Title Guarantee At Abstract Co., Marahflsld, Or. 5-ROOM new cottage, cement basement, lot louxiuo, on canine, sj.iug. . Hatfield a Smith, lttStt Fourth at. . BJeroom houaeltw,booe location. gl.zoo; fMO nown, 10 per montn, Aduraaa U 114, care Journal. . I2.WI0 7 ROOMS, corner lot. boose new, sot quite eempietea; buy now, pave roome tin leu to autt; there are Urge windows and porches, artlatlc dealgn; located near carllne and echool; terma. C. 0. Shay,, 304 Ablngtoo bldg. Mala 1042. QUARTER block, close tn. walking dlatance. west sine. o..-xai. c. V. Boa, sue Atilngton bldg. Main 1042. - WIDOW leaving dty offers extra choice 60x100 corner lot, formerly aeieetea ana neia ror aer own homej Meal location, oae block of good carllne: electric are light, phone line and btgh-preaaure water mala near; will double In value In abort time; come aee It; price only 1250. Home Lead 0w 148Vp Flrat at. , 812 ACRES fine prairie grain land In 8ft S. 10 E., Lake county, 31.600 eaah. Wa are ' offering to aacrlflce tills beceuee we need money for Immediate aaa. Yoa can't find a better chance for a peculation. . G. W. Dixon, Canby, Or. $3.200 8-ROOM hoose, good aa new, 80x100 lot, en Eaat Aider at.; half eaah; rare bargain. Reglatsr Co.. 107H Third at - TURNER WALKER. Reel Batato. Farma and Stock Beaehea Excbsnges. i. 30SH Wssblngton et A BARGAIN IN SUNN YSIDB Valuable corner with Improvements and room for more. 80th and Belmont eta.; 84 feet frontage oa car track. Inquire Geo. M. Strong, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. - -' - $no BARGAIN la 80x100. betweea William are, and Union ave. Reglatsr A Co.. 10714 Third et. . ALPINE REAL E8TATB CO., 20644 Morrison. room 2; phone Mala 1917 U block with ' 12-room houae. ekae In. 311.600. 3 acres, 6-room houae: eaay terms; 32,230. $3.750 new 8-rootn house and V block la Piedmont Reg later A Co., 107 if Third at SEVERAL comfortable sou eea aad lota belong ing to a non-resident moat be aold at once at a sacrifice: terma. W. B. McPheraon, The - Phllsdelphln, roam 13, Third and Salmon. DRSIRABLB let- Lexrabee sU hlghr sightly, walking dlatance. Bet owner, room 432. Lumber Exchange. 22.MUV 6-KOOM modern houaa wltb corner lot. - Rest nth and Yamhill at. jApply of ownsi. no. law rtriiooaf. corner a. Ml. TWO acres on pentnanla. sightly, clear, cheap, by owner, room 20, WashUgtoa bldg. - Scnictnli? Nice South eaat corner 14tn and Kearney, Btod ern Improvements, good Income; a lao 5 river view lota, weat front; for beauty can't be duplicated. 617 Lumber Exchange bldg. JUST think, 1.200 Jots near Salem carllne, no farihef than St Johns, at 316 per kit, at 81 per month; level and good eoll, with boaaee already there) you csn't hay arrears oat there for aame amount) lots will be 850 per lot tn A as oat, when ears are running; there will he tbe fineet town out hare la the -1 valley. Apply to owner, W. Reidt, room IS Washington bldg., 270 Waahlngtoa at . ' . SIX SIXES. 6 -roots hone, lot 80xloo.,.. ......31.000 roome. South Sunnyalde...... 81.200 rooma, 3 big lota ,,...3l.l"0 6 rooma, new, corner, 100x100... V 32.000 6 rooms, corner. Eaat Anxenv ear. .....32.500 rooma. new, modern, ESat 28th $3,400 J. J. OEDKB, cor. Grand ava and E. Ankeny, $1.860 STRICTLY aew erode ra 6-room cottage, fall lot, on Will Is me ave.. Central addition; terma. 802 Lumber Exchange. $800 FOR 6 room cottage ana block from Bell . wood car line, 'lot -60x126, with alley. Cell on O. T. Neal. owner, 430 Hawthorne avenue. Phone Eaat 4461. FOR SALE FARMS. $2,100 20 acres f mating on Columbia river) 16 acres cleared, 8 acree orchard; email boene and bars; fine view of tha Columbia river. 820 acree, 18 miles from Portland: 100 acrea tn fine atate ef cultivation, halt bottom land, an fenced: a room houae, 8 barna, good atone mllkheasa; 3 acree bearing orchard, mostly applee; near echool, R. F. D., 4 mile to boatlandtng and railroad, fine gravel road, level land; price only $40 par acre; give good terma; beat of eoll, . $2,00060 acrea 12H mtlee from PortUad, In Waablngtoo county; SO acrea cleared, aome timber, balance eaally cleared; all level, ea 7ala county road, U. F. D. and telephone, tt miles from railroad station, near echool, cream and milk mute past place; wMI glv good terma; will take part In city property: heat of black eoll; bo rock or gravaL Will divide tract. , , 37.000160 acrea: 80 acres cleared, aome timber, balance paature; 7 miles from Van couver; ' all level, all fenced, good 7-room houae, fair barn, 8-acre bearing orchard, 1H mllee from railroad atatlon, H mile to echool, H. F. D., aojhe atock and farm implementet fine location, on main county road. Uvel and graveled ta Portland; will exchange for city property, . " $8,00040 acrea 4 mllee from Vaneonvet, oa Sne gravel road; So acre cleared; family orchard; 8-room houae; fair stable: beet ef eoll. no rock or gravel) half caab, balance 8 years: thla la a snap) fine location; aear school; R, F. D. , , 81,40030 acrea, 13 miles from Vancouver, $ miles from boat landing and railroad; 12 acres cleared, ell fenced, ft-room house, on steta county road, Beer school, floe location, best Of SOIL . . , -;. .-, 200 acrea In' Clark connty. Waahlngtoa, 8 mllee from boat landing and railroad, 100 acree la fin atate of cultivation, aome green timber, balance paature. all fenced with poet and wire, ft acres hearing orchard, 8 acres applee and cherries and pears, balance prunea; new 7-room houae, coat $1,800; one Urge bara 80x100, fruit dryer, milk house, with ' fine em-Ins water in It. other outbuilding. .' hlaekamtth ebop and tenia; ireonal-aroprty goes wlta place; gooa team, a wasooe, i new; 1 back, sew; 1 top bugiry, new) new Os - borne binder, all klnda of .farm tmplvments, 14 milch cows, I fins bull, 4 head young hoga. 126 rhlckena, new cream eeparator, with tread power l 60 tone ef hay, 600 bsebsla of oata, some wheel and epuda, near school. R, F. D. . Thla la a beautiful place . beat ef black soli. Price only 346 per ecrr including per. eona! property; give terms. Washinslon & '(Drcon ; -tt7-Realty Co.--: 7. 108 , Second it.. Portland. Or..' aad, 300 Main at.. Vancouver, Wash. . Phone Mela 3404. - , ... FIVE alee dairy farma for ealei from 160 ta 800 acrea, by Tu Ogaraata A Abstract 04 kjra.l.flaldj Qg, - . . , - ''.. 4 ', ' ' '' FOR SALE FARMS. 40 decree, partly clear, halauce timber, good T-rootn uoitaa, larae wooduouae full or wuod, barn 2Lioi. all other ueceaaarv bulldiuca. a , good orchard; 8ue laud, k-rel. 1 mile to poaioincs sua s.'nooi. rrtce si.utaj. Also 40 acres adlolulug the above, some cleared, -ne -timber; good buildings ea this. . fries 360. 40 acres, T Improved, IS seeded to graaa, good 4-room houae, good bam, on a good county road, milk rout by the door, R. F. ' D. mall, phone In houae, echool Vi mile; to beet atore In county, 214).Bitlee; atock, eowa. rhlckena and Inuilrmeots for. aale cheap. I'rlce 31,600, ' 100-acre mountain ranch: worlds of ranca. finest soil, firat-cUas buildings, large barn aa good as there la In tha country, large 8-room bouse, porcbea and bey wtmtowe; large woodbonae, aillkbouee. etc.; good family erchartl. all kiuda of farming machinery wltb which to run the place; 70 acres alsahed and aveded, 2f acrea la cultivation, water ' piped to the house and to the bara gnd milk houae; finest of fruit and gardeo laud; la , fact will raiee anything grown ea thla heail. apbere. ...Price $4.0O; part can stand at 8 per cent. la Yamhill county; worlds of oat. side range. ; 84 acres gardon land: 43 In cultivation, good orchard, all varUtlea of fruit, apples, Kara, cherries, prunea, pluma, almonde, Eug b walnuta; sold $26 worth of 1 tree; full hearing; good v-room houae and a fair bars and all neoeaaary htilldlur; fine water, no gravel, oa carllne. Price $130 per acre) would exchange for Urgar place, 281-acre ' farm la Yamhill county; ' 100 a reee In cultivation and mostly la fall crop 1 grain aad plenty of seed foe the remainder; a goad 7-room houae, woodbonae, aprlnghouae,' . large granary, large hsrne, atraWahsda. etc.; . 2 orchards, . old aud young: 60 acree of oak gruba, eaally cleared; worlda ef outrange; gratn and "hay to- feedrnntll- hat vest; -pnonw" In hones, R. F. D. mall, achoola, good county road, large a tree m run through center of the place; 1 heevy Percheron team, 1 . Perch erou mare la foaL new farm wagon. ... farm rake, 8 plows, 1 aulky plow, 3 new seta of harness, nsw hayraks. mower, etder nreaa, new stumppuller, complete act ef . farming tnola and machinery. 4.600 feet of ' dryeat lumber; 2.000. 0O0 feet timber ea place, near at ream; 25 bead ef hoga, 1 registered boar: 26 Angora goata. 0 Cexwell aheep, 6 bead of cattle, Jeraey cow; fine water at tha bouse, price $7,600, on terms. Healthiest , locality la the atate. 20 acrea flret-cUae land within a half er three-quarter of a mile to tbe new car Una being built from Salem to Portland: 8 ml lee from the city) about half la beaver-dam. Und, and about 400-,enrda of wood on the" ' aame. Land U not cleared. Fine flowing aprlng the whole yeer through the place. Price $1,600; part trade, balance eaah It aold within the next, 30 daya 100 acres, 40 under cultivation, 12 acrea more almoei clear; a good ft-room bouse, a fine new barn; located on the Tualatin river ' aud oa a fine rood; milk and mall route by the door, 14 mllee front Portland. miles from railroad atatlon; all atock and Implements Included., Price $6,000; easy terma 61 H acrea. about 40 In cultivation, all -excellent soil, nicely located : good bnlldlncs: -1 1 miles from Portland en a good road. Prise $3,000 term. Waahlngtoa couaty. . Boom 819 Commercial Mdg., . : i Oneaer Second end Washington. Choice Farm ; 119.. acree nil good land, no waata: 111 .acres cultivated.- 5 acres bottom land, ft acree bea verdant, 8. acres la orchard, running atreem of water: 3 acts of gone) buildings. . large barna, granarlea. 3 .ehlckea-hoases: rail road atatlon at the farm. 4 train daily to and fraen Portland: la Marlon county, about 40 mllra from roriUad: niight take Portlaad property as part pay; price $08 per acre. - Henkle & Harrison - i . 217 Abhigton bldg. ' . ' ; ' " , FARM BARGAIN. READ CAREFULLY. 160-wcres, all fine soil, ner1y-lverr"70rr- eeres cultivated. 10 acres In orchard, 3 acree SO acree beaverdam. nice atreem of water, all well fenced, new. 8 acres tim ber, balance In pasture; gsdj large bonae ' nearly new, painted white: wood houae painted red. chicken-bouse painted red, waatabouse Klnted red, mllkbouae. painted while, root nee and feedhnuae painted red, granary -painted white, new barn 8KXI20 feet, tHeeh--smith-shop, machine ahed. 8 pig pens, 1 goat I bara. 10 good milch eowa 26 tons of bay, binder, mower, rake, S wagons. 3 plows, har row. aaa dir. roller, haraeaa, ereem sees ra tor: e- locraaaed : s . sood . p-io-oare rariu pteaaantty located la the valley, m tullee from railroad atatlon) terma, 32.000 down, baUnce time at 6 per cent In tereet) no other aurh a propnaltloa bow ot- - feredl all goea for 340 per acre. - . , HENKLE A HARRISON, ('"' 217 Ablngton bklg. WASHINGTON COUNTY . . . ' FARM. 14)0 acres all choice level Und: TO acree - cultivated, 80 acree fine timber, 6,000 cool, wood. 30 acrea paature, running stream ef water: good S-room plastered house, full brick 1 baaament bath; good bara and all outbuild ings ; 8 acrea heaverdami 1 mile from BeeeV vllle, 13 ml lea from Portland. HENKLE A HARRISON. . . -,.217 Ablngton bklg.-- .,...... Choice Farm . 33i acres, all choice Und,- nearly Uvel. 10 miles from Port Und, on good road; 13 acree cultivated; house, hern, chicken-booses . and yarda; nice fruits, berries, eta; 3 a ones, 2 eowa 2 wairona, clover cutter, barrow. v plows, cultivator and a mail tools. For a quick aale will aell all for 32.600. Henkle & Harrison 817 AbUgtoa bldg. SO-AGItB feult farm i -40 In cultivation, 3 ta neanng orrnsra. large nouae, nam and fruit. bonee, good well, plenty ontrange, on county -T mils Of noatofOcS. Ita, miles railroad - atofOce, 2H nil lea railroad; will trade for Portland property or aell for eaab. Home Land Co.. 146 Vt First at ON 8 of tbe beat reaches la eaetern Oregon, Improved. 800 acree. 600 acres fine Bottom Und, abundance of water, at a bargain. AaV drees H. E. Carrey, owner. Baker City. Or. HOMESTEAD. . Ooear d'Alene Reeervatloa win open sooa: choice Und, 25 miles from Spoksna. Conor d'Alene Reeervatloa Information Agency, 17-18 Exchange Hank bldg., Spekaae. Wash. FBEB hotnee tor thousands ef people In Lake county: land subject to homeatead aud des ert entry. For particulate writs Brautoa A Boblnett Silver Laka Or. , ACREAGE AND FARMS near Tlgardvllle' Waehlngton, 8 to 10 mllee from Portland, . near Portland and Salem car Hoe. Farmers' Land Co., 178 Madlaoa at , Portlaad, Oregoa. TIMBER.; Get Bus? 23.000 acrea, rat 700,000.000, heavy fig aad eedar. all In aolld body; $0.80 per acre. . 836,200 acres, fine cedar and apruca; good harbor and mill altea; 86.60 per acrei cruise , over 3 000.000.000 feet. . - . ' - ' 12.800 acres, fir, eedar, sprues) and hemlock) Crulae 800.000.000; oa aalt water, good bar- . bor and ailU alte; 37 per acre. 20,400 acres, en aalt water, eaay logging, TOrt.000.000. 38 tier acre. ' l, 10.000 acrea fir, cetlar, anraca fine harbors and hoomi, eaay logging, 211.60 per acre. o, lou screa, aii on water, nr. cedar aad eprnee, 80.000 to the acre, easy logging, good - harbors, $6.50 per acre, 8,840 acrea miles water front 38,000 per acre, $6 per acre. 1.2 W0 acree, en aalt water, fir, cedar fend apruca, 60 per cent eedar. eaay logging; fine alngle propoaltlon; Cut 26,000,000; $4.60 per acre. B.120 acre, all oa water, good harbors, eeay logging, 80,000 per acre; price $8 par - acre. .- t, 7.608 acree. on aale water, fine fir and cedar, SO per eeot fir, finest quality, $117 . per acre. 6.7H0 acrea, froata oa laka fir and eedar. eruiee 160,000.000; price ttt per acre. 6.700 acrea very fine fir end cedar, 30,000 per acre; price $7.80 per acre. 10,8X0 acrea on river, 800.000.000 , fir, spruce, cedar, and hemlock; good harbor, aeay logged; 36.60, 1.2W) acrea. oa water, fir, cedar, spree, hemlock. 85.000 per acre; eaay logged, good harbor: price) j.k . lgs bringing $12 at the mill; here I femf - ehaaoe; never will there be such another. - HCBRYLEMAM A CO., Pacific Coaat Timber DeaUra, - si v, aeningtoB at, A GOOD logging proposition of from 18,000,000 to 26.000.0OU feet, available to Portland; Co lumbia river preferred. Address B 118, care Journal. . .