The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Thousands-- of Dainty TTndermusllns Re
duced In Price, as followa;
"Don't Worry, Watch Us Crow"
Improved Composed Krup of WVt
' Tine uu ;.v,
OI1t Oil. meUt. plat., 4.
CMre Tahleta , ......mi'e Vlrhr H.lla. Mr .la. f nr. .'ltd
Wy.ih'g Vlrbr alu, t t.a Hm Kve
lhe Bwllnai rfcoay&ate, 6uc
' KV
flniirade Witter. ,
l ib can Chloride et LIbm... Hl
Tighting the Drug-Trust
Corset Covers
Chemise . .
Skirts . .
Drawers . .
Gowns . . .
2Jc to $9.25'
42c to $15.00
85c to $32.50
42c to $10.50
85c to $7.50
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Price Ar Always th Lowest.
Upton Sinclair, Author of the Jungle, Declares Railroad Magnate
Is Paving Way for the Rufa of People, as Ara Roose-
Buttcrick Patterns, February Delineator, 15 Cents
velt and Carnegie. . , . .
65 c to
Women's SaTOleHosiery
Regular $8.75 Values at $4.98
950 Petticoats of the best and heaviest quality .' taffeta silk. Splendidly
madev with section flounce, shirred and tucked. Com in black, . navy,
V:M f -
' , -
- - vz -
; 4 JJpton Sinclair.
Flh!MMM FlM kr peelal Utnd Wire.)
New Tork. Jan. II. Upton Sinclair,
author Of Tha Jungle," and on of the
moat up-to-date aoclaliata In America
today, declared that m. II. Harriman was
-one of to moat leading socialists In tba
country; that President Rooeevelt jwa
nasi and that Andrew . Carnegie, by
reason of hie raeant views on th distri
bution of money, baa greatly aided the
causa, Mr, Sinclair la living near En
glewood. New Jersey, where ha started
a colony. H baa gathered 46 associ
ates under on roof and aaya hla com
mon botn la great success. . . . .
The great library and ateel king has
written himself down aa great ' so
cialist," said Mr. Sinclair, "but not the
greatest. Id r. Harriman la the greatest
and than cornea President Rootevent.
. "Harriman cornea flrat," continued
Four Officers and Ten Soldiers
f-r- Killed - In Attempting - to
? " '.'':.V- Make Arrests. ' f
Sinclair, smiling, "because he la con
centrating everything. ' That la what
the socialists .want, because he la the
big fish In the present brutal, rutblesa
competition. ' For In the aea the big
flab gobble th little ones. Harriman
la gobbling them all. In thla great
rouatry th Anerlon- people will not
stand it much longer. The mass of
the people will ultimately gobble Har
riman, and then th peopl will com
into, their Own. r. v.,.. .---
"And Roosevelt The president," aald
Sinclair, "realise that It la to do or
die, - He knowa that If he doea not
Bryan wllL The president la therefore
determined to curb th syndicate, That
la the socialists' Idea. '
Mf. Carnegie expresses the Belief
that a millionaire ought to ahar hla
wealth-wttn iim -In't that th
purest socialism T" . . -
Portland probably has
never witnessed an offer
which stands out in the
limelight of selling
ly for unusual value-
giving than this great sale
of high-grade imported
-hosieryThe assortment
is too great to describe
in detail, but there hun-
and fancy weaves in sillT
biscuit, sage. Alice blue, gray, navy, brown, Dres
den, green, bronze, fancy stripes, plaids, lace , boots, lacev
allovers, drop stitch; bolkadots, embroidered figures, solid
colors, etc, in greatest variety. You never j
saw or heard of such a tremendous hosiery
bargain as this ; 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1 00 arul :
$1.35 Hosiery for . . : -. .... "7
V phon rdra filled, t
Bztra Salespeople to watt en yon, .
Bejrly oomer gat the beet aeieotion.
,3Kpm sent m ""mm
red, brown, gunmetaw changeable green, change-,
able red, changeable blue and changeable green and
red. While they are regularly sold at $8.75 they're
really $10.00 values,': Magnificent, bar- l QQ
gains at the special price...... ........ iPfeO
' ' Be Third-Street Wtndew Blsnlay. .
' MS,
if1!3 '
$7.50 Values at $3.95
X A i r i r Qljrfa'A rtril'A t4t. w1ilAa
. -e. ' vs it aiAui saliva v VAiyi 9u.uvjr.iaif niauc
tra full; sold regularly at $7.50; ; f r
saiev;7r.77.7;;7V7;7:vT; irr. :;:;7;iJ)i.y J r
Is now in full flast, offering in every department of the store the great
est January Sale bargains the people of Portland have ever known. Do ;
not fail to come today. Prices are so low that it will pay to buy fiow to
fill your needs for months to come. : .,.,.' - ?
"e- : ,
Veritable Fanlo PreTaila Among Rn.
: Uo Bureancrata None Know
Who TVU1 ext Be tlarked (or Aa-
aaaslnktlon Many on List.
; (Bssrst Hew ty Lsatest Leased Wli.)
: Bt Petersburr. Jan. IS. The klllln
of four policemen and two soldiers In
a raid on a meeting plao of terrorists
mark a new phase In the revolutionary
movement In Russia and ona which la
firing th aothoiitlaa no little eonoern.
Doctors Admit
That They Ca Do Nothing More for
Tow Stomach Than Smart's
Drspep! Tablet Are -K
Doing Erery Day. v .
oown sTOTroro to m. ,
Aoeordlnc to th expert analysis of
-nrernment authorities in the- United
Sutea and Oreat Britain, Stuart'a Dys
mnata Tablet contain the xact ele-
tenU provided by nature for dlffeatlne;
food in in neauny aiomacn.
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets have
aaved euf ferere from stomach disorders
millions of dollars by flvlns; 'them. In
ans small 10 eent package, more relief
ht goiintiese treatments ju pnysi-
l w. . Kn.i . f 1 n.. .1.11
I nans wwm.m " " .
TPerhao you are afflicted with rtys-
I aecsla or some kindred disease arlalnt
from a disordered oiireauon. it may
be headaohea, heartburn, . palpitation,
llrer trouble. Insomnia.' nervoua debility-
They all have their beginning
a stomach which doe not secrete the
juice or grind th food which 1 taken
'"if so. w rg yon to end for a fro
trial packer of . Stuart'a Dyspepsia
Tablet' It will cost you nothing and
surely will bring as no gain unless you
And. fter ue'ns; it, that you ar bene
fited nd feel that you need a full-slied
fTBr ! absolutely nd danger In using
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta. Nothing la
contained In them that hsa not been
Subjected to the closest scrutiny by th
aorsrnmsnt officials.
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet wfl! dl
tmt your food without demanding a
rTfsful diet One grain of these-Tab-let
Pwr to digest .1.009 praln
at ordinary food. You can be aura
therefore that no matter what, your
Inndltlon. these little tablet taken
I a tr eeh meal wlU shortly restore
lJfTtr- stomach to Ita normal condition
. It x.nahl. nt Anln ttm wnrk
and ren"T "
w,-t withhold th name of hundred
who have written voluntarily x
cresslng their gratltud to thl atmpl
;ubt1tut for nature.
Bend for trial pscknge today. F. K.
ptwrt Co.. 7 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall.
fj'eent alae package for sale by
4rug(tsU Yrywhr.
Heretofore It ha not been th custom
of th suspects , to resist th. po
nce openly with arm.
In view of th bloody battle of to
day the terrorist ar encouraged and
declare that th polio must prepare to
JU and b killed whenever a raid ta
ttad. . s. t;1 f ; i .
Today trarlc occurrence was th re
sult of a plot to kill Count Witt. ' In
some manner the former premier was
miormeo mat two men had been des
ignated to kill him and secured picture
ofth 'executioner.'"- When he saw
the original of the picture loitering
dodi nis nouae n notiried the police.
The men were placed under surveillance.
If 1-understood' that It was on th
suggestion of Witt himself that they
were not Immediately arrested. . but
wer followed In th hop that th po
lio would be led to th headquarter
or in plotter. They wer followed to
their homes in Oklit quarter and a
lores oi policemen wer thrown about
the house to prevent th escape of any
of th Inmate.
"V Opened Hviimi Tlrs. ; 7;
Account differ a to what happened
when an attempt was mad to fore an
entrance to the house. One report ha
It that there wer many men In the
place and that they drov th police
away, . disappearing before reinforce
ments could be secured. - Th most sen.
erally accepted tory I that there were
out rour or the terrorists present. When
the police battered In th door th ter
rorists who wer- well armed opened
a murderous fir ' on th polfc who
wer bunched about th door. Men fell
rapidly and the police gar way. A
they did so th terrorist, mad a de.
perate dash under cover of a smashing
fusillade of bullet which literally out
a path' for them through th police
line. Befor the bewildered pollc re
covered themselves sufficiently to us
their weapons with any degree of ac
curacy the men had dlaappeared. i
A search of their quarters. It I said,
not only revealed a 'well-formed plot
to kill Count Wltte, but a list of other
noted men wer found, all of whom
were doomed to death. Paper wer
also found, It I understood, whlcn wlU
lead to th arrest of a number of active
terrorist. . :
' onr Killed, Three Injure. ; '
- When the firing- had ceased . It was
found that four officer, had been
an lea. three other seriously If not fa
tally wounded, while several others re
ceived alight wounds. , Hardly one-of
in party anout th door passed un
scathed through th etorm of bullet.
On of th revolver left Jy the ter
rorise was round to b or the lateat
automatic . pattern and a far superior
weapon to the Russian service revolver.
It was loaded with cxploslv bullets,
nd - th-woand of -h-tld1er - Indi
cated that th same kind of bullet
were used In the fight.
This battle, coming upon th heal of
th assassination of Oeneral . Pavloff
and Colonel Andrleff. ha caused a ver
itable panle In official Russia." No of
ficial from the cxar down feela safe.
The assassinations of minor officials In
th province has assumed appalling
proportion and despite th efforts of
the officials to prevent new of the
oonstsnt killings reaching th publto,
enough Is teamed to Indicate that . the
whole empire l cnvrd by th opera
tion of th terrorists.
Th psnto ha reached sueh propor
tions that peremptory order, revised
by the csar himself, have been Issued
that no mercy is to be shown suspected
tetrorlsta. They ar to b executed
first and tried sfterward.
Sociologist Asserts That Rich
. Are Destroying the Ideals
of Nature.
John Graham Brook Lector Be
fore League for Political Educa-
. tloa Upon the Use and Abuse of
Money and What It Buys.
..,';..: . Xo Keed. , ,
From IJf. i, v .
"I wish. Jane," aald the' fond mother
t her new nurse, "that you would use
a thermometer to ascertain If the water
Is the right temperature when yon give
the beby his bsth."
'Oh. ' replied Jane, cheerfully,! "don't
worry ' about that. ' I don't need ny
thermometer. If the little un turn red,
the water le too hot; If It turns blue,
It's too sold, and ther you axe."
(mbnaben Prea ay Spedal Leased Wire.)
- New Tork. Jan. . II. John O rah am
Brook, sociologist and author, lectured
befor th Leagua for Political Educa
tion In - the Hudson theatre today -on
Marriage and Money."
Mr. Brooks told of a visit to a
great scientist, of meeting th scien
tist's companion, to whom h was not
wedded In the eye of th law, but who;
the lecturer said, "had th moat pitiable
face I vr saw in my Ufa,"
"But In the social organisation It has
been foynd necessary to put constraint
upon the family and tho ar th lagal
hedge that th law , put about th
family to protect , ana. maintain . u
child." , ,
He said: "That 1 th answer I
would give to those extremists, who ar
really anarchlata." ;
Than th speaxer too up. xne aunjeet
of money, declaring that It waa the
"greatest mystery" In th world. '
"Yes, Indeed, money I a mystery, ne
aid. "Tou go out with your money to
a hotel, to a restaurant; think ot th
power that it give you.
"Th press can be bought. Tou may
not believe It, but It I true. There ar
Dubllclty bureaus. X know on of them
whose head showed m a list ot paper
to whose columns you can get admis
sion on sny subject you desire, tf you
have enough of, the symbols, and the
worst of It la' that you can buy th
rellalou Press tor thos terrible medl-
Cine "compounds -taMng -t he-tl f -nd
peace from thousand, defrauding them
and propagandlng; death and disease.
"Tou can buy a child It ha been
done and you can buy - a' beautiful
woman outright Tea. two of them, tf
you have enough of those symbols. 1
know of famll) trying to get entrance
to the great families of Europe. For
money and social caste go together.
It Is posalble to buy a duke (laughter),
I believe, with an ancestral castle, and,
too, a right araart lord, I understand,
can be bad for a price.
"And so I com to my massage. Thl
money that will purchase almost any
thing ha attacked marriage, and it la
destroying the Ideal that nature wanta
In marriage that of selected affinities."
Terrorists Declare That Assas
einations in Russia Must Co"
Until Victory Comes.
AH Parties Applaud Harden Which
'Are Intended to Stop Lnwlessnese
- of the Autocracy Which Ha Cre
ated a Reign of Terror.'' '
' If you don't 11k Schilling' Best tea
and coffee, they cost you nothing. -
(FibliSBers Ptess by Special lessed Wire.)
Mew Tork. Jan. 1J. "Assassinations
must go on. No on desires a change
in th nature of the work more than
th terrorists .themselves, but the
change la Impossible until th csar 1
readv for serious concessions, if not
sdsoiui surrender." : -.- -
This statement waa mad today by
N. W. Tchaykouaky, a member of th
central commute of th social revolu
tlonary party, la dlaousalng th murder
of Oeneral Pavloff and th chief . of
pollc of tods. Thl gentleman has
lust returned from Russia.
"Is th csar, too, doomed T" he waa
aaked, .
"Tee and he la In deadly fear. He
know not whan th blow will fall or
where. If may be on of hi own
courtier, some on In whom he has
confidence and 'whom h trust. H is
walled" in. .
"AH parti in Russia applaud th
aasaastna Clone. They ar not a series
of Isolated attempt to seour liberty
by assassinations, but to arrest and
top th lawlessness of, th autooratlo
power. ---.-
"Th field courts, for whloh Pavloff
and- th Russian premier war reponst
ble, hav filled the country not only
with Mdnes and dismay, but . with a
atupor. Th awakening ha been seen
In th aaaaaalnatlona. Th wrath of
th entire country ha been poured out
on th responsible official. -
"In four mnth th court . de
stroyed, the live of more than 00 peo
pl. . and day by day th people have
been compelled to see th trickling of
th .blood with no means of stopping
tb slaughter.
"No one was under any Illusion shout
th natur of th field court, av-ealled.
In derision of the term. , They never
pretended to administer Juattce, but
merely murdered quickly th enemies
of autocracy."
If You Want Bargains
In coats, suits, skirts, waists, petti
coats, underwear, hosiery and millinery,
they'll hav thera at th clearance sale
thla week at L Palais Royal, lit Wash
in ft on street.
IdPitoy liM, Jan. M
Last Chance to See Wonderful
Demonstration of
Marcom wire
Showing how messages can be sent through walls,' ringing fire alarm bells,
lighting electric lights and showing how railway wrecks can be avoided
with the wonderful railway signal all without the use of wires. Monday
night at 8 o'clock Ladies invited. .
won of wooBmw : mil
Corner Tenlh and Taylor Streets
MMMMMMM......,,.,,...,,,,..,.,. mH,,.,,,,..,,,,,,,,,.,
m uuud ummi is a guod tumm i
4 1 '-
With ao-oaJled cheap dentists If
you need th services of a mem
ber of that profession. Th skilled
dentist does th work that 1
lasting, and glv complete satis
faction. An Inferior workman can
do your teeth Incalculable dam
es;. W hav to undo th work
r barsaln-connter dentist every
day. It la cheaper to com to us
at nrat tou will save
money, pain and nerve.
During th pt It yeara In
Portland we have treated thou
sands of patients and each suo
oeeding year our business shows
a remarkable increase. Whyt be
cause we give every patient the
best possible treetment and the
highest grsde ef skill, obtainable.
Whether yeu spend one dollar or
one aundred dollars, your case 1
hano-ed with the same ear,
prompt attention. Modern appli
ance. Reeaonabl price.
DH. B. E. 1701501,
staH WASKxaraTOB itbcet, coBJrxa t sttjh
OIjFICK liniTSt-1 A. M. to a P. m.: to J P. 'f : f-' x
11 1 ONE IklA I N 11U. TWrtTB ISttl It I
mfMTVTtvvvmHvmmtTMnHttlttMHMtlHItfttlMMtt :
- ..