I H!tr it: i- ;;;4': .V'' "'NfifeSL- Jr . - J"- 'f .V 77 Oitfiin I in ii 'I .w- ' . i . . i, I . ' - , I 11 r - . V ' - f a. . ' .." . ' II I ji'.j i t - II . the hlom until vour flnKer-tlD touch Ui Vv - - i III liJi bttyocqulrTsfulclTla I I j' , , ( I It , - - V I ti . x - .?WI 1 if " will not. to out persona, corn I L V. V' " 'I I KPi ' '1 J U I ew habitually o stad on tha ball. ' HZZJli , I ;' ' - i V . ! I of tha teat; to ana unacouatomad to - I 1 - I f I -k X i-i v.4 I ,1 IV I - thla position It will at nrat be moat t J v I f . f ii: Vf 'fJ'i i v v -t I l' 14 .;. iatlKiilng. But remember that mean-z-- ' I " il I i I , f s ,"v I VSAM I whi"e your chest Is being-thrown out. i v 1 Ml v- J ."J $: . - " k I , WYh I the head raised. the abdomen straight-I I I 11" f- ' ' i , I ; ened and the shoulders naturaUy In I I I I . ' " ' f XJ I J . correct position, if. "however, thla II I B I v II a . .a 'a H I 1M 1. .n.tt ftla-ue . ud ii Is hardlv llkelv II " HI f : " ISSSBBBBBBSBBB.'! 1 . .,'XlBSSSBBBSt " f fAti. (hat U MnU4hrl a.r Several Ut. ' LaaaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSS -Jlarar-'Thrc 'the Gad Oat ef Uac . HAT ijrbo do." aaya FlorUal to ma s-eruna, ' . ' . "SUU batter'., what la " dona . . . When you do dance. I wish you - A wave o ma ever ao Mrs. Symes, Aids ' J The Proper troporttons "" A 1 1 II,'. Vott t""S ten how mere peroxide W tA hydwsea to a spoimtul of am-- " monls. to remove eui-eriluoua luurf -Aiao. wbat will lemjive plmpleei AHO. wna NgfiNT READER. ' You do not mi tne rtJro!ti".hwiyi the ammonia aa yde evidently think. . dilute the ammonl with water, raak liia a weak solution. Wash the f i"fted part with this ilv a little of th peroxide with a. loft linen rag. You mlKht pour about -a teaspoontul In a saucer. Pimples are usually a sign of lm eiTlred digestion or Impure blood. ?ie Simply and hvglenlolly.. Do not WY-tom.g,hr.0Vl.o,0tr. bottle or two ef sarsspsrilla or some other simple blood purlner to get you In eod oon- ''"mi PPltion the follow ing eream has given great eatlsfac- .tlODVoaiitti Cream tor Pimplea. 1 Lanolin, i aramsi sweet almond oil. J . fiJ!" eilPbJ ,icipHte. t &emejMj If dno, lit grams;, extract of vlotet. w . ,r2Tl a Very little ef the cream to eeelj .u: Welt until the plmplre ere cured Irrltste them. ' ; ; , v How to Get Walnut Skins Recently 1 noticed your formula for wslnet ;ststtiMr ins hair. lle tell me hoe - t . IJ! the walnut shine, snd sleo what will , KmoVe th?ststn. should you get on. hsnds . .iSou live "In the' country or an so for long walka In the woods, the L.i..t aklna may' be gathered by yourself. If you have i no such fclll- " . ih. hla drua- Arms keep $iase skins. Oet your own druggist u send for them. k... MmflvM tram The stains uiay w . ""' 'i th. hands or f ace . by the use of iTmoa Personally, I waye use a mece of fine pumice stone to ta-e off 5 ? stains, but h!3 roughens soma fiinS. Wet the etaln with warm wa !!r and rub the pumice lightly ever l ThVla also splsndld ior ink on the skin. : '- . '' The Effect of Walnut Stain t wM line to sek a outloii or tws -' iJTih. welnut eUln. Will the etsla waeli .g'hswsjd thTeotlre l.ostk hMv ito be Mined ever, time the Mir is wsshed or IM . j,i..,iuf km anl - '- ., . . . .1 ..u.l.,1 Klnml aair I'r aiiuti" .a ' -esiy a " .. " aiitis-rierm. I 1 1 1 ' k i r.it. The stain doea not eaally wash out af the hair with ordinary ehempoo- ln' f" i. ill rr in linta ami must be renewed, if you can do thla yourself, well Ind good, but l la rather delicate opo uun a- ri, a atreaked look, and I should lAvlss you- to t some good hair -SrVssar, who will See that.lt la evenly -rtlga O V sj iuvuim sr w otwir -w . ; unless you rstfre while It le "visyou can dilute It with water to -produce any shads of brown you pre fer. , ' - ' '. . Concerning Ammonia - ahrtild the half eunce of ammonia." m ' .Jpwiklu'l rreacrtptloB" le - -eetore H mil t ... J : , . i , , - r i Mothlns but that: move atllL UU SO, your back aitalnst the wall, with cuttlns; one or two unpeeleQ cucuao 55i .fii n.Lthm funetlonl . bead, hlpa, ahouldera and heels touch- - tiers Into small pieces. Pound these And own je mother f"0"!0"; .ank. fng. and note the effect- Not very ; , mortar until they make a pulp- - Howmany-! -sr- d- -ninr " good. Is ltT Abdomen thrown forward. ilk mass. Filter" through -cheese would Justify "cJ.PJr'?Vi nips seemingly enlarged, bust flat- f elotn or coarse muslin, squealing out ; llmple a matter aa standing and i wi t- tned and chin doubled! Tet thla Is as muck Juice s you can. Now put Ing about? The uore we examine . only m visible demonstration of your tJ pulp and tn, filtered Juloe Into Into the acquiring ' . . iVl 1 usual appearance when you stand on an enameled - saucepan and alkuner more we see that it la slmoBt a clnce, heela. That Is the great secret (aon-t boll) for ten mlnatee. . - k nwhtr there are'rulea. .. Iw. v,A.itv r rar- .. u.M . ait . . jt A . -win sonviiiw iwu wi w .. t - - . that, followed. nead on to fortune nas-a. Alwava atand on the halla of I . ... .ii v.A irAvan r.f nut Ufa ' vAur faat: throw vouraelf forward " 1 boundln ahallows and In miseries." - rather then backward. And tbua -. ' " Tim s at least eo far as the perennial searen for Ponce de Leon's fountain of youth and beauty Is concerned. ew women. ior instance, nww " ' 111! to Correspoildents a.-e. aL. .a, eh... as - task. - f ammooia or liquid- ammiNila? ' Uj'bat aruuuut.ef cwoouate ef ammonia le required to a rlnt of water for srwjt. -strons suusT ammonia for houeehold iuel , I ar-Jor vour helots! hints veiyoiuca. Thla prescription requires uqutd am monia. ' ' 1 Aqua ammonia' Is not made by dtlut- Ing the carbonate of ammonia with , water, but my - means of machinery, which injects the ammonia gaa into tha ' water. However, you can make a good, strong Cleaning fluid by using about an. ounce of the carbonate of ammonia to a quart of water. It Is very powerful used In these-proportions, and a certain amount of care must be exercised In its use. Thank you ao much for your words of appreciation. ' I am always glad to hear 1 have proved helpfuL ... ;; To Build Up Quickly Which Is. best to lane, wive all. grape '.' Julve or cod-liver out Whlca one bullae u ' qulckeet. as I am ery tnlo, and t.ould I Uke Dr. Vsucsire'i bust Jeveloper at , the eanie time? Kindly let DM know. as 1 have seen waitlns eo long aad I un so ' anxious. A eonstsnt reader, . . - . D. R. K. I Either of the remedies you mention r should build you up. If persisted In long : - enough. Which to use Is more or .ess matter of individual preference. 8omo people aimply cannot awsllow cod-llver , oil. though tt-ls now disguised In many , . plessant forms. There le no doubt, however, thst It rs Invsluabls for "pick ing up" run-down systems. Grape juice acta as e Mood maker, while olive e l Is ;.. not only fattening, but is now advised , by many physicians as a healthful dally diet. If you And It unpalatable, you may Just at first uw It In the form of French dressing, gradually oecreaslng the vine gar till you can take the oil 'straight. . The Vaucslre developer Will not Inter. ; fere with the oil treatment, whichever one you choose. " . . . I am very sorry you should have to . wait ao long for your answer, but your first letter was never received, and In such voluminous correspondence se , mine, each must wait, her turn ae :pe- tiently aa she can- " :y ; Cucumber Cream v 1 am s constant reader ef yer page aad : would llrie to aek a few queetinoe. . Will you pleeae rvee m. i'" cn the Juice of eueumbers la a fafe cream r tvhirh la the better to use, the ripe er the ., green cucumbers t . Alen. -can you tell me rrw . Preserve the Juice of the cucumbers so thet It will hnVi, lnnnlta l-rtath Of timet Will Ju' eofsing it n-ese it a-i . ran oi tell me how to prepare a ' j hBfr d , anits s few of f.,ns snrl have heard a vwy good dye wal- the- - w, nana m in m - .. . - aai. . . UMia.i. The following formula for cucumber cream has proved aatlafactory for -many years: . .- t ,,v' Cucumber Lotion or Cream, i Expreesed Jolee of eucumbere, H plntt deodortied alcohol, 114 ouaeee: sweet almoed rll, tH oonree: shavlns ereaat. 1 dram; blanched almonds. 1 dioma. Thle Is a suave h.tlon very whltenln. snflenlnc snd claanelns Teke the shaving . cream end dieeolve in roeewater by beatln - la a euetard kettle. Beat the almorete In a mortar, and bv rten work In the anas mw,ji Hfllaa Strain ihnmaK mnatln. and "W turn to the Svrtr. Biir eonetently. wjS Inc In svsduelly the alcohol. In which tae II have already been dleeolved. . - Wipe eueumbere should be chosen, as .. they are much Jul' lor than the green. to stand so aa to display their ng-ures w "..7 T. lth--l nraimi anih ma. made hv ; c::ixo:j sutoay. journal. roinxAiNi sunAir soomins; inousm cianoi - prmni -acute fatlgrue and it la hardly likely .' .that It cant there are aeveral exer ' clues that you may take to strengthen the overtaxed muscles. , - First. 4toe-nkaesi on which tha ' chief strain falls; Practice rising- from the balls of the feet to the toes, and repeat this exercise twenty times'. t mornlna- and evening;. Keep tha bodyjr erect d urine- this; otherwise the en- -tire wela-hf will fall on the heels, causlnr a distinct shock. Or (also for . I nen . rniriu, auu vum . .1 knl in Ik, nronortlon ef one tSV- blespoonful to bslf a pint of the strained liquid. - Bottle and use to sponge your face. . This should keep for a long time. : Here Is the formula for tho etaln. Bo careful In Applying; It to et , evenly spread over the balrt , y WeJaut Stala for tfie Hair. V ' rour onaees" of walnut' skins besteh te -a tX. which Is added pure aleohoL .U -Lucleal ltjrtsnd eight days Md strain. SASW VoWpg- S&HanU mi With " comb; oontaot with the "The KStlf& thtV Wrt-e. f &Jsztt - the stala. , '; .. x ;, j Series of Questions: ' fader eltaer eye the sJf roviCh. shouch It l oJ re7l think, the ue o cream P" aVe a tiny " cloeed, bet each one seemw a- ft hell I dof - - kkkn aTV) lengthen . rides and e oth. 1. tost form on ad viae rue. Many us J p h hers . ' nl TveWortlrVS, .Trwsa Wrr:Mr , : "Tou 'KSv-bw, a wj-g . nuriHer. aa Dimules are not a norma C0byOnot tTy the old-faahloned remedy of sulphur-and molasses tovthe P00" " tlon or one HDirapoowu . . I two of molasses and take a We-J00,; ful three tlmoa a day T Or ".co"u'! " your doctor ea to what he might advise , for your special condition, ".," - For-the tiny white lumps whlk you complain, suppose you try the lol- lowing treatment. ... - - Wliltehtadg (Acae JSollttacum). Open each- seed acae with the point of a fine cambric needle. The bsrdened .. must be preeeed or prtcked eut. The empty .... eac of the. eland ehould then, be Satben with a little toilet vtneser and wsjer. or . with a very weak solution of carbolic scld and water, eternise the needle before ualng . It by dlpplna It into bolllnc water. . in ansawiiwiii ivi not have the effect you mention, aa It has proved successful with eo rosny. You may, however, have a very sensi tive skin.- - Discontinue It and try gentle message with the orange-flower creams " alo dash cold wster on the eyes fre quently, Thle may help tone up the Ih.i,ifc. Vn,. .velaeheel the follow ing ointment Is excellent, and. 1 be lieve, the one- to which you refer. Be . very careful in using It not to get It In your eyes. Many people And their eye lashes grow better by trimming the ex treme tips occsslonslly. v Jhls Is not easy to do for one's self, as It at hard to keep them straight. Eyebrow aad Eyelash Grower. Red vaseline, t ounce ; tincture of eaa ' tharl'lee. ounce: oil of lavender. U droe: , all of roeemarr. U drone. Mis thoroushly. Apply to the eyebrows .-wits a tiny toothhruart once a eay until the crowth la sutncleatly stlmulaied, thes) tree often Thle ointment rosy be eeed for the eve taehee sleo. In this caee. It ehould he very - ear-Tally applied. -It will Inflame tha eyas, aa any ell will. If U gets late tbem. i,: .'''"''.. '.'..' the ankles) get at the root of the mat ter, by practicing walking on the bulla . of the feet, but In ao exaggerated A manner that the -whole body la thrown forward. So far should this go. In facC that you should Involun- am a-lad vou find tha Vaucalre rem- ' edy helps you. It may be taken tn son- nectlon with e blood purifier. . , , Softening the Hair . WTtff . . . . ' L ' and boauty. columns a recipe tor softening the balrt an ANXIOUS READER. ' If you -shampoo your hair at least every two weeks for a while with the egg shampoo so often given In these columns,- and massage it well every . night, using the following tonic, the dry. , narsiy condition, of your hair enouio dw ; much relieved: . Tonic for Dry, Isiling Hair. Pbenle scld. t grams: tincture ef.wu vomica. TW crams: tincture of red cinchona, M crams; tincture of cantharidea, t grejae, h ; eolocne, ua grama; sweet almond oil.. grama " , Apply to the roots ef the hair with a soft, snonse eace or twice a day. Thla MUOB IS especially goad for very dry -hau;.... Lanolin in Cold Cream: - 1 have bees making a sold cream extra- posed of lanolin, mutton tallow, beneoln. s siierroscetl and ell of almond, and using It every nlehl oa the Beck and bust for Oiling -rut. x rean in one or ravr raua - the benxoin and lanolin tor reducing fleah. Will thla Maun I am uslns beneflt . meT Doea lanniia reduce flaeht Perhape . ou could sucxeet a more beneficial m aese cream. ' Jf yoil could, you wouiu obiise , me very much. Instead of waehtng my face at nleht. I, rub the above cream well n and remove with a towel any duet er powder. - Is there anything among the In- ' aredlanta that would be Inlurtouv the aktn. oalng It so freouentlyT , If this cream I speak of erin Sve satis. , factory reeulta, I wish you would tell me Just how much of each ingredient I should wee. I do not know exactly. How can I . meeeore a SremT . INQtHBITlvR. 1 do not know the cold cream to which you refer, and so could not possibly give you the Ingredients. Lanolin does not reduce flesh, but la used In such -mixtures to give the proper consistency. 1 will give you a massage cream that I know to be excellent and which you can use Instead of yours. Personally, I do not believe In using a massage cream every night unless your skin ab solutely requires it. Nor do 1 approve of not washing tho face except possibly In the case of some aggravated akin trouble where wster haa been proved to be injurious. Wash your face thorough ly with a face brush, er If you do not possess one, with a perfectly clean wash rsg.. Then rub In the cream, massaging your flesh-carefully. The proper use of -. the face brush prevents the cream from stimulating a growth ef hair. .. . One teaspoonful Is a drain. Here la the formula: '..IV.. .. -- Magna go Cream. .-"--- --'-v lanolin, m onncss: sparraaoatl, 4 ounce: Whits vsaellne, is . ouooee) eocoanut oil, ( ; ' ounces; sweet almond ell. ouooee, tincture ' e benxoin. U dram. ... - Melt the first eve mcrsdlente together, beat antll the cues concretes, sddtng tha twnioln, drop by drop, duiinc this proem. ' ' Extract of violet or say perfume may be , added, U ecraamlile. .. Try Natural Methods ' - MISS O.Whlle the Vaucalre remedy ' will not hurt you In any way, I should not advise any young girl to adopt, artl flcial means of enlarging tne Dust, vt ny .. not try physical exercise and massage , Tne contour exercises given m yie ia lue of November Is are excellent to fill : out a neck. - Practice deep, breathing, and bathe the bust frequently In tepid wster; sleo give It a gentle massage 'With a good skin food, working upward and outward. Drink plenty of milk It It agrees with you. - Thle should rapidly make you put on flesh. - I know nothing of the skin food to which you refer, but you will find either the cream of eweet orangee or orange flower cream very good. Dry, Falling Hair ' '. have b-en helped br yoor kind sn-' ra to others, so come to you who. my ewe liure irounaa. - a my bsir? riW quite a long time It has tvaen filling out. There seems te be some dendrult. It seems to be deed. yet. when I. soank M. A snaps and Ales, but Is. vwf dry.. ''-..''.' v ' ' ' muiniinu. Aimi: : r i y Urily feel that It you do not ret your . feet In place quickly enough you will ' tall flat on your face. The next muscles needmg atrengthen tng are those of the waist. For them there Is a rery food exercise Stand I It seems to be thinnest at the sides, snd especially la front. I de K hick sad soma. It out in front fur a roll, but do not wees a roll under. Do yoa think It snoots tne HV to worrv? l -Hik U ltll iual tnsil ; snd water sbout once a month, and maeuce . tha scalo. as you direst, moat every aicai. . Ik. MM. Y It I ' A CONST A NT READER. . Worry, excessive enough to s fleet your health, will certainly have Ito ef feet upon the ecalp aa well as upon ail . other parts of the body. Try to over- : come the very bad habit of "crossing bridges'' too soon. Do you know that nine verse mat tens us When bv Ood aha neait la rlveSL , Ctrength la promised, suangtk Is glvsn But foredste the day of woe. And alone yo bear the blow. . . . Mow to see U the hair cannot be helped. . - Try shampooing oftener, eay, every week for. a month or two. Using the egg shamnoa faithfully ahould relieve ' the dandruff. Then five minutes before . you gnlsh your massage treatment eacn Bight, rub In thla lotion: ; Xctlon for Dry Hair. Glycerine, I ounce; aae da cologne, H iibit; liquid ammooia. 1 dram; oil of er- ' mum, W dram; oil of rosemary, ts dram; . tincture of cantharidea, 1 ounce. Brleklv aaluata for tea minutes, then add camphor Julep. M, pint, and asaln mix well , tend mr. A few drops of eeeence of null . , or other perfume may be sdded. If you can aiTord proissmonal treat ment, great benefit la often derived from electricity. ..-. , To Remove a Mole ' - Wrri -you please tell me bow I shall re move a mole from my fees without njuryt ----- i- -- -. Mrs.- S. F. O. ' Holes may be safely treauid oy m sur geoa or skin specialist only, and I would nut - advise your tampering with one, r They may be removed either by electrlo , needle er by cutting. If the' operation . Is properly done, only the faintest scar remaloA . ( -. Consult a Physician ' Will yew kindly give me the recipe for tetter of the ecalp snd falling hair? Will you slso give me a resips to thicken, the kalrt . R. U. V. M- joe best thing you can do la to cun ault a physician at once. Tetter la a form or ecstma ' and requlrea special ' treatment. It la that, of course, which i causes your hair to fall out. Cure the conditions and the hair should grow la . nicely. You might try, if you like, rub bing a little vaseline Into the scalp. ' Be sure not to get -It oa the hair, as It makes It very greasy... , . Falling and Broken Hair When s eeJd 1 had the most beautiful : head of hair. It wsa eo lone and thick that , , It had to be cut twice every samnter. as ; the doctor sal4 my strength all Went te my . jhatr. About three years sge 1 bed a slight esse . of typhoid-pneumonia, aad did not have my - hair cut. since then It has, come out by the eombtuL unless I waeh K every twe . ' weeks, if I do sot wajrh It that often. It sets . very oily sna sticks together, ao that It Is - Impossible to comb It decently M parts so; K Is of a very greasy nature. . " 1 sleo snarl my pompadour hafr; unless I do It eeen't look preaentabls. aad lately ray pompadour hair has become very short: canhardly take It back. It Is so short. I braid my hair In small braids, very tight. a week." Do you think that Injuree lt . have been told so. Every mner niMI comb It evil straight ane Braid H very Vhea 1 vera It In the first water 1 wee ' soap s4 rlnee lav bora, aad the next aad la at pure water. - - Now I have deeertbed as nearly as pas sible how 1 tree! my heir, and ask youto klrly sdvtoe me bow to make It grow longer and thicker, so I believe the hair to in. of the leading potots la a girl's Pp-ar-ance. B. D. K- 1 am giving you in excellent hair .. tonle. but I era sure It will be ef Utile use without massage each night, as your ecslp needs friction to getlt In good conditio". Aa you eay your hair Is oily. 1 will also give a good drying lotion. Use the egg shampoo when you wash your hair, rather than your present treatment of soap and borax. Snarling of the hair for a pompadour Is bound to break the hair, evea with the most careful combing out "' The plaiting ef your hair should not i;o7 floor, all without moving the knees. -t Or, If this seems too strenuous at first, try one of these: Sit on the floor, end, without -aid - from the hands or aims, sink slowly backward until you lie flat Then rise again to sitting pos ture, still with hands and arms immov able." Or, the third alternative, stand erect and bend at the kneea until you , sit on your heels. Recover without eld , from the hands. If you can accompIlKh all' this without once shifting the weight " to the heels, vou mar be sura that you have maintained a correct position '. " throughout the exercises, v ' straight line. - ' - . - - ' And now, finally, the head, on which - Even If you do not desire to s'na T-more-deoends-than inost persons hn-- end walk aracefaHy--fo-themselves, - - aglrie.-- To obtain correctneea of potse yon must know that the ?etyllsh . , In this, balance a book of medium ire la alwaya a correctly Poj" weight on the bead, and, with chest weU I do not mean the fashionable Mure" up and shoulders erect.- walk about the room, s low ty, then more rapiaiy, and at .last swiftly, never once einklng to the neeis. rinany, practice stooping wttn the book on the head until you caa pick up a pin from the floor. -There Is a secondary reason for all ttieea aivmrrtana Tlvue fnr fha anlrlaa lira in waiai. irwT-iii oviiii.-iiuh vi me chest and arching of the abdomen. That for the head forestalls that ugly line which results when the head Is thrown . - . rr ...... t w.. . . . too suppleness ana atrengtn, sna accustom the body to its new position oa the balls of the feet. - So much for standing. - but a word must be said about walking. Moat wo men move about by simply throwing On the Care of the -Hair and Skin trtjura it as much ae most methods of waving, particularly as you do not do It every night. Here ere your formulae! Quinlaa Hair Tonic. " ulphats of quinine. J dram: resewster I eunces; dilute sulphurlo scld. 1 minimi, rectified spirits, ounces. Mix; then further add glycerine. U ounce: eaeence roysle or easence musk. I or minima. Agitate until solution to complete. Apply W the roots : every day. ' ' lotion lor OUy, Uamp Hair. For gresay, moist hair the following Is an excellent drying lotion. If seed dally, H lends to produce a crispy condition fowdered btcartwnaie of soda, borax o , soda (also powdered. ounce of each: eau de cologne. 1 fluid ounce; alcohol, fluid ounces; diet 1 1 led water, IS ounces, Mix aad agitate until soiuiioa Is esae ' Btete. - ... . , .. ; 7: - Do Not Stain It I - Will kindly advise me what effect i henna leaves will have epon hair of theea - elosed sample? la some per" my half to : sot so red aad la otbars t Is probably a trine redder. , .., I desire to obtain brown-heir, no dark. If It can be secured otherwise. If henna leavea will not have the rteelred effect, eaa you sussest snrthlns out aide of dye that WII1T W ill you please also sdvise me U taey are wi. 1 u, that a ao not wsnt dara - hair, I mean that I do sot want a shade eo ' very dark that tha abangs would be quite aotloeeble E. R. afeM. It ou take my advice you wiu not tamper with your hair, which Is of m ' really lovely color.- Ton- probably have the objection most ' people of your coloring have to red hair. but. believe me, yours Is a shade whicla Titian haa made famouA -,-, Henna, you must understand, le really a etaln that must be constantly renewed like any other dye. Tho walnut stain diluted to a light shade ' would be better If yon persist la tampering- with your hair. It Can i also be used on the eyebrows. All such atalna, however, ahould be ap plied. If posslbls, by A professloaal hairdresser. . - - Try darkening your hair with A lit- tie vaseline ruboeo into tne roots If you wear browns It will do sraek to tone down the vivid hues ef year alr. . r. .- , '.',';..!.. - Red Feins and Shaded Hair I have red eaaehs. wkica X want, of eouras, bat mr eaeess have ti. ae utiia ted, .' ' veins that shew se plainly and are no . pretty. What caa I do to remove the little, . Wormy-like red value but ettil have rwt cheeks f Then my hair cke to my hea.t Is dark, while the amis are light, I should , like to have R all one ouior. whichever le the rtsht one. My hair Is very oily. It msv toe that which causee It to baxm ee . " dark eearer the roots, a te rt that tho ends sees taned" 8 D. H. - ids red veins ef which you eom-, plain are prooably due to an error In '' diet or to Impel. feet circulation, and - cannot be reached through the ordinary complexion remedies. It to Impossible ..i . i.-thae knowledaw to tell lust. what you aeed. Why not ask your doo- tor? The light eede ef your hair are not unusual when tho ecalp la not In a "healthy tondittor. as tha sxcesslve oil shown yours to not Use carefully the tonle and Minn given to "E. D. B." snd weh your heir with the egg shampoo svety two weeks "Vlsssags ft wen such night ter about twenty mlnuts. the weight of the body altematety front one hip to the other. Unless you wlsH to develop your tups unduly, and do not -' mind lack of grace la accomplishing your object, you should walk -without moving your hips at all. All motto should originate In the Joints. II M placing your hands on them you ea feel your hips move when you fik. rou are moving Incorrectly and Injur ng the beauty and grace i of your car riage. The head, too, should be held erect, but noi thrown forward; a good 7rule is to have the eyes alwaya on I... . i. . kn.i.nn TH 'chest ana shoulders should ' that -requwee-tna wa- '", - every year revoiuuumaw ""T", : . . the sske of some new mode but wns Vrmnfty Ball "la fOTtM CMO. tlM qulntessenoe of smsrtness. Jeu ca not wear elothea attractively unless yoil are yourself attractive, and yea . will never be that until your figure le ' : uvf '". ... , . - aa I At first yott will no ,oubt Bnd It rather difficult to keep the thought of . poise In mind, but when you once Bnd) I . . i. , m 1 a n -4 aatahllah That Mill- VDUr LCIllI l-. SilU va.nu.. "TiKnliim which la ma w-cJary. yorj will ' hsve mastered poise. Btwiding and walk' Ing oonrecUy will follow Aia natural sequence, and you will be TrVlaid for any mental effort entailed by a grace) and etyle that will be distinctive. Concerning a . Toupet ' f would Ilka some informsxion from yoo la recard to a hair dye. I wear a toe. pee, and my own hair to of a dull aetwre, v-ua-cut gloss, and tha toupee beins of a glossy . nature, adoea not match my owa hair, but If the sloes were taxes, set. tt would .sen k . perfectly a Kindly tell me ef a dye or somethmg tbs will deaden the lustre and soaks It full, ea . ' ss te match my ewa and not rnlure the touies.-. . . , CUgTOMCR. ' The best and Indeed the only thtoc for you to do Is to take the "toupee to the hairdresser from whom yett purchased it and have her color It to) match your hair. Too would la ail f robablllty ruin It If you attempted o remove the (loss yourself. ; Enameling the Face i t thougnt ef geuaug eaaaaet and esety , Ing it ea my face, tout 1 did sue. Ilka IS) venture without your vsluaoie ad-vtae X really know but very little about H, sue . when It Is put sw to It there te stay ea could I remove It at als-htt I did, av-C Intend having a prof east, mat to atHy It. merely le get A couple ef hat lies aad esv . perl meat- . i T ROU B LXaOktR gtrBwCRIBXR. Why not try some ether method of Improving your skin than erMuneiins; Itt -Personally 1 think any form of enamel or face whitewash, which it practically Is. can always be detected, and gives at rooet artificial look. There haa been such ruff advice gives) In these pages on acquiring a clear, fresh, healthy looking akin that you) should be able to And some treatment to suit your special sjesdav -rr. ., - - -.' ,"- '. ' " .' .'..- ; - To Cure a Red Face Will yew plea as teas me taroage yoa . . columns at a remeuy for rkoneas of tna - face aa.l hands t wuenaeer 1 euaue la suu - taut with heat or wlmi my fan gets veryr ted. And alee toll me or some harml-aa r-oietfT lus lesnevuig aupenluwaa hair froua the armsv . afARr. xtmi la tho chief factor In ovi turn ing a red faee. Do not overeat aad) avoid rich, I. greasy, indigestible tooua. Take couilng miner ttjun hoc drlnko and avolt all that arw alcokaHlc. Im lukewarm water In waahlng the faco rather than eoiit. When out In the Wla4 A thla veil ahould alwaya be worn. Hot toot baths are also sold to help) In a esse ef this kind. Iepilatorla are dangerous things to trifle with, as 1 have said repeatdly. The only sure cure for superfluous hairs le electrolysis or the X-ray. leu might try, however, tieachln them with a solution ef peroxide ef hydrogen. . Wash ths arms with a weak solu tion of ammonia and wster. Then pour a llttl of the peroxide la Weiu and apply with a piece of linen. The bleaching process wi.l have be repeated from time to tune. I c peroxide Is perfectly harmless t tue akin. Physical CullUfg I Or Vu't Dc - . veloprient ulanttih D'a i eia.a I ....ahed Very I i or ' Cheat. y ' X ' '' Snd '" ;i t e t r v a ef t s a . H 1 e. i 1 -V