I It vf. I I I I v -' - -. 1 ,i 1 r I 7 IIE year which haa uil ton . ' I , gathered into history waa on M of peculiar disaster to new re ligious aeota. From all psrta TOfThs country com reports -Of pollc lnterererene with "prophets' ana their dlaotplea and soma of the moat promi nent "leadere" have gone down to de- (cat' and their f ortunaa, . wrung from convert, have been swept away. ' " Few high priest of self .appointment have been able to carry their sealoua followara through - this Inauaplcloua year. ; .. w In thla' year we have seen the dra .matle ending; of the career of Dowla. the high priest, self-named Elijah, the j Reatorer.. t - . i ' : . One of the moat plotureaque "proph eta" who ever graced - a stage, John Alexander Dowla by sheer faith In him- self and by reaaon of the -preposterous clatma which ha set op will long, remain t fir -the public- mind, a ahlnlns -example ,0A the- blind -jprednc sn vnth.lf(mn6 , crowd wilt give to any. per on who will . grace hla teachlnga with a semblance of religion. rri Having dissipated the Immena for- tune poured out teehlm by the faithful. - having brought ruin upon a populous city founded on hla pretention, at laal the reatorer la believed by bis flocks to ba a lunatic, ;- . t -.r - Tha pitiful scenes hi the great drama when he spoke for the last time In the housa where once all bowed to him aa a supernatural being, ,' when, . denounced hi by hla people and overpowered by atrong ' men, he wss led away raving In -hla lunacy, marked the end of tba tragedy. . End of Doweism. f ' For tragedy tt waa. Tha strong par- aonallty of the man cannot be denied. Asserting (and perns pa believing) that ; be was Elijah come to earth again and 1 ' that ha waa being led by heaven to re store all tha glory of tha Lord's chosen . people,- this man gathered together a , multitude of follower) who poured out to him their wealth 'and their faith, .-.following bJro Jn all . hla. fantastlo- ex periments. He took their money and built them a city. .It was- aupposed to - bo typical of tha New Jerusalem. In It . -waa permitted no aln. no vain display (except by tha high-priest himself), no . vulgarity. Liquor and tobecco- were for- ' bidden. Truth and godliness were, the precept euppoaed to be demonstrated, and while tha member of the com- '' munlty wera enjoying the unique, ad vantage tha unfortunate discovery wss made that aa a financial investment It was a gigantic failure. - The downfall of Dowlelsm may be dated from the pil grimage of tha prophet to New York ' City . three year ago to convert the wicked Gothamtte. This proved a very expensive undertaking, coating - aome thing Ilka 1100,000 and resulting only In ridicule. ' ' The same result was obtained by the voyage to London, when Punch - Illus trated the whole enterprise with that clever cartoon labeled, "All there la to Dowla," representing him rn an attitude of Invocation with upraised arms. The and the dark trousers formed the -two .'-parallel lines and the awlrllng draperies . of his prophet's robe formed tha letter 8, so that the whole figure summarised the I sign. In fact, that was ah essential part of Dowlelsm. From other people'a gifts ha accumulated a fund of $20,000,000 and founded an Industrial city of (,000 souls. It wsg the unfortunate discovery that' an (heir money naa been aquan dered on high living and erratic enter prises such aa tha founding of tha Max " lean-colony, and hmt the faithful fol lowers were (60.000,000 worse off than nothing, that caused the belief in his supernatural wisdom to waver. . Standford's Queer Religion. - v ; Another strange Elijah has also seen the end of his freak religion m. this memorable year. Elijah Btandford. of "Tha Holy Ghost and- Us" society, came near to rivaling Dowla as a coloniser and -converter. ' On the sandhills, two -mils from the village of Lisbon Falls. Maine, stand the departed buildings " which are today all that remain la this 'country to mark tha New Zlon where Btandford's believer gathered to listen to his words of wisdom. This Is an other story of a one-man religion. In - S91 Btandford began to build the foun ' dationa of his temple. His capital waa represented by a wheelbarrow, a shovel and a copper cent. As he worked the farmers In tha neighborhood Jeered, but on by one they fell under the Influence of hla preaching and became converts. fh faith -spread and hla "cure" were heralded afar. On persecution, vigorous elf-denlal and faatlng, the little sect - thrived mightily,. ."Elijah"-, appointed seasons for prayer, and from the tower of hi now completed temple without nterml1on the flow of petitions went " up. For dy arid weeks It continued. Food, waa brought t the facalLc who X. ir 11 I I V XI v - A v Viv were on the verge of collapse, and still the stream of language " . waa ' poured fourth. Such Intense faith was rewarded with much coin. It came pouring In. and waa uaed to purchase . a fleet Of sailing vessels which on last December left Boston harbor bearing- "Elijah" Btandford and hla helper. "Moaes," with TO others who had no Idea of tbelr dea tlnatlon. Word came In December that the pilgrims had arrived at Beirut and were preparing to colonise In tha Holy Land. Meanwhile the state autboritlea are ready to deal. with ..tha representa tives of the New Zlon If any can ba found or If any should attempt to con tinue Ita bparatlona. - , - Blood on Holy RoQera. - V - This year, has been' the downfall also of mora than baa sect of tha Holy Roll era. -Of the Crefneld branch and Ita orgies we of tha west know much. Frans Creffleld. tha leader of tha local branch of tha sect, had a varied career In the-northwest and waa at the-time of his death pursued by - several men whAMhomesadLJjenJl.stedbyhls vtlo practloea . In ' Portland he was at one time av lieutenant In the' Salvation Army. For a terra ha waa Incarcerated In an aaylum for tha- Insane.' but waa released, and In Corvallla ha gathered togemer a band of follower, for tha moat part weak-minded women, who were easy victim to tha maniacal frensy which ha encouraged. The au thor I tie of Corvallla becoming aroused agalnat "the practices of the band, such aa tba aacrtflclal bonfire. Into which they cast their cats and'doga and other pos sessions, to show their self-abnegation. the police at last Interfered, and Cref fleld disappeared. " He waa' found after some dsys .hiding' under a house, naked and almost-starved.- Then"wlth -Tm--f nant of hla band ha went to m remote part of the coast and there hla victims wera gathering. ' Some women whom he lured there were' found almost starved and suffering from exposure. From there ha went to Seattle. - ' . AMERICAN I , f ' , M'' i iQ I j jCHgNLEy OP PITXSPURGH.j By a Staff Corespondent,., LADY ELLKNBOROUOH. the very latest American peeress, will rUH the United Plate with her hushsnd In "April. .' Lord EUeuborouj h sad I will to Xlrat ; ' ; 'yi . ..... .. -. . -.. - O . o G J ) Tha killing of tha leader of tha band by George Mitchell, who endeavored thus to right , tha ; monstrous wrong which tha man had wrought agalnat his twoalsUrs, : and the -subsequent -.mars der of her brother by Esther Mitchell, who thought aha was . avenging tha alight to her religion, shocked but hard ly surprised the public.' If any remain of tha Holy Rollers-In this part of the country- they., are not advertising the fact. - f ; ; f, . . Where Roller Were Organized. years ago on tha shores of Lake Canaa dalgua. in western New York.. Their chief tenet ia a belief In hell, and the repentant alnner shows his regeneration by lying on the floor and roiling over and over from one end of the hall to tha other. Aa ha rolls he Is expected to confess tha alns- of- hla lifetime, and, In cidentally to dispossess himself of the devlL Thoee remaining -in New York now prefer to be called "Knee Benders." Another kind of Holy Rollers bear the name for another reason. They be lieve their namea are Inscribed In the holy rolls. They also have a purifica tion meeting, at which, amid great ex- c1iemnt,theinhfow-Ittf a-Hugr1on fire the things tney most cnerisn, lo how that they foraake all for their re ligion. Thla sect has been an exception to the rule, for they have received many convert this year. ' Misfortune ha befallen tha "Sanctl- GIRL WEDS to Pittsburg," the former Miss Schen ley told me, "there to take part In tha ceremonies attending the opening of the Carnegie Inatltuta. After that wa in tend to travel extensively In America, visiting Chicago, Washington. Denver, New Orleans and in fact, practically all the large cltlee." ' At present the couple are honeymoon ing In Italy. They may go on to Al bania, where Lady Ellenborough'a broth er. Captain Schenley, Is yachting. Both bride and groom are keen shota, and may Indulge in tha excellent sport Albania provides. Captain Schenley's , steam yacht Samaritan will remain in Albania waters all winter. Ilm . - Lord and Lady Ellenbo rough will re turn to England in time for the opening of parliament In February, when Lady Ellenborough win attend the houae of lords for tha first time In her peeress' robes. She will also attend tha first drawtngroom In February at Bucking ham palace, there to be presented to the king and queen "on her marriage.? Urged on by hla American wife. Lord Ellenborough In tha future will take an active part In the house of lords. - Hav ing for years seen active service In the royal navy, he will become the champion of sailors in parliament, ao far aa his health, which Is very delicate, will per mit. - .i . . J. ... ; r ' Long Pedigree, Short Purse, . , .Lady Ellenborough, on her return to England from the United States, will purchase an estatepreferably an Irish castle for the Ellenborough family sad ly needs an ancestral home. Both Lord and Lady Ellenborough are .of direct Irish descent. The Law family, . of which the fifth Baron Ellenborough la the head, haa never possessed lands or honsea. It is not on of the old aristo cratic famlllca of Britain, but a family descended from a poor country curate of the eighteenth century. The present ti tle and two others which have lapsed were honor earned by hard and brilliant work. Tha Lawa have followed the fam ily name and have been great lawyere as well as remarkable- eeoleelsstlra and naval men. It la a strange fact, and one hereto fore entirely unnot1ced,tht when Mis Ilermloh Schenley of Pittsburg, . Px, married EUaaid )ones Law, baron of o)1 " -aa. ma II a B -aa m -w- m av Bk jou;.::au iotlaud. Sunday mm i fled Church of .Adam and Eve," for their founder. Rev. John A. Mattley, was ar rested while preaching In tha street In Rathdrum. Idaho. In tha garb which ha maintain ia essential to tha sanctlflca- tlon of the soul. The- rebe being In- vlslble to tha eya of tha unredeemed, tha preacher was draped In a horse blanket and lad ta the lunatic asylum. Golden Rulers Discouraged. Even so ancient and obvious a tenet as tha Golden Rule has come In for a. share of fanatical enthusiasm, and its devotees have met with discouragement A bare-footed and scantily clad old man who' said ho waa Adam gathered to gether a band of 44 followers called the Golden Ruters. and started from Okla homa City for the Pacific coast, which seems to be-th-e meoca f tr -enthusiasts of all sects. He waa going to found a new Eden, ha said, but-the year being Inauspicious and the climate, although kindly, not being aufflciently mild to permit of the costuming which this gar den party demanded, hla half-clad people AGED, POVERTY-TOUCHED ?EER Ellenborough, last week at Bt, Saviour's church. Chelsea. London, she married direct connection of George Washington, first president of tha United Statea, through Martha Washington, hla wife. Extent of the Relationship. Thoraaa Law. born In 1756, the great-great-grandfather of tha present peer, married Anne, daughter of John Farke Curti. whoso widow was Martha, who later married General George Washing ton. The Lawa and the Washington were family friends and when Martha Washington's t English granddaughter went lo visit her In tha United Statea, aha fell In love With a acton of tha Rogers family of Maryland and waa married to him from the Waahlngtona' home. It waa her grandfather by mar riage, the president of the United States, who gave her away at the bridal. . As already mentioned, the title of Ellenborough waa. won by hard .and good wayk for tha empire. There are no rayaf favorites In the ancestry, no bar alntster on the shield. And In these particulate tha family la one of tha few exception! of Great Britain's peerage. It waa Edward Law, attorney genera and later Chief Justice of England, who earned flrt knighthood and then a bar ony in Ittt. Ills- eon became viceroy of India- and wa si so a cabinet minister during three- relgna. For hla brilliant work, he waa crested Viscount Southam and Earl of Ellenborough. - He married twice, but had only one son by hut second wife. This child died in In fancy, The vlecounty and earldom be came extinct on the death of tha holder, but the barony descended to his nephew. Woman of Many Husbands. ' 'It was the "earl's second' ' marriage which almost wrecked hi career. Hla wife. Jane Elisabeth, daughter of Ad miral Dlgby, married When- she waa IT. - She waa a granddaughter "of the great William Coke, first earl of Lei cester. After her baby's death, her eon duct becamo reckless. She waa soon re-' nowned aa on of tha greatest flirts In London society,. Gossip about her, one of the greatest of English women be cause of her husbsnd'a position. culmN natad elx years after her marriage, in a publio scanJai. She eloped with, ::o:::a:,G. janual: ! :?- t ill: w m wera scattered, and his career cams to an end.' " The Holy Jumpers Invaded tha sum mer resort - of - Waukeaha, - VUeonaQ. and brought down on. their heads the i..lllim of the tn-mn-p pan.lfl 1.1 hotelkeepers, who said that their meet Inga Interfered with their business. .The meetings wera attacked, -ind soma of tha Jumpers Injured, but they have bought one of the larso summer hotels there and my ba heard from later. - A colony waa founded ; on a ranch aouthwest of Denver by a sent callid tba ."Brotherhood of Light," whoa aim la to throw off tha carnal for :ho spir itual life. Their tactlca Include sub sisting of a diet of apple sauce, data and water, and they might have attained their spiritual ' atata without Interfer ence, but that ao many small children forsook tha earthly Ufa for the epirit. lial,with-suchcelerlty that tha Ire of the authorltlea waa aroused and the activities of ths colony have been sus pended. ' Tongues of Fire Extinguished. ' ,,' Tha "Tongues of Fire" or "Pentecoe- Prince Schwsrtsenberg, one of tha Aus trian embaaay. '. Lord Ellenborough immediately ap pealed to parliament and a special bill waa passed dissolving tha marriage. Lord Ellenborough died soon afterward. It la said, of a broken heart. Mean while the woman cut a lively figure In Vienna, But for a ehort time only. She ran away from tha prlnco with an Italian nobleman. She In turn tired of him and la said to hav married and divorced In quick succession, five other Italians of various degrees. Next sho appeared in Greece and Is said to have had two hus banda there. Finally she went to Asia Minor and, according to report." married a Beyrout camel-driver - named Sheik Abdul." ' .This -evoked another great scandal, when It. became known in 1171, and Lady Burton, wife of the famous Sir Richard, and a great friend of Lady Ellenborough, wrote a public letter of defense and ex planation. In thla letter Lady Burton said that, tiring of Europe after It years, the former Lady Ellenborough set out for the east. She had' been fascinated with tha desert borne and life of Lady Hester Stanhope, described In Ktnglaka'a "Eothen," and wished to end her days in tha same peaceful surround ings. Queen of the Desert, i The sheik, who commanded her escort, fell In love with her, her wild fancy caught the Idea of becoming queen of tha desert, and she married him. For six months In each year, the couple lived in and of tha desert. Tha other alx months were apent In civilised quar ters In Damascus. . Lady Burton avows that her friend was greatly respected aa the mother and queen of the tribe. She died In 1SS1 and waa burled in the desert wlthroyal honore. Aa her death had been chronicled some few years be fore, she was sble to read tha extremely lively -obituaries published about" her all over tha world. S While tha Lawa In various branches have had large families of from nine te a doten children. It Is somewhat strsns that those directly the heirs to the title or nearest to It In aucceaslon. have been visited wholeasle by the hand of death, The present peer succeeded te the-title four and a Jialf years ago, hla cousin. III m m m t m m m ; ' . - ' mm W'--'.k- 'Mm XWWVX f J " 'fffJtfm aa .1 -mm: MITCttEi: ymoKiLu; fs - - - - vx v r ' m ss s f m s J m w laSsasi' tal" aect, which baa been represented In our city by a negro woman and man, and whoao orgies closely resemble those LXXXX XXXXXAAAI n il i t II Aflx is rKDMTfl f"""': VT"-"- VW-crpvovW-A- v if eji ." r-" ' . . ' t 4 .t 7 i 4 VV Jif bswcm of tha Holy Rollers, have attracted: much' attention lately. The child of' Mrs. Crawford, the local leader, haa been ordered sent to school instead of assisting in tha mystical rttea, bat her . mother prefers sending her to Los An geles, to Join branch of the society there. This cult professes to talk to fellow converts in - unknown -tongues, which ' they maintain are language which may bo understood by thoaa of different natlonalltiea. They are vnder police supervision, but tha aecrat- rites which may bo practiced have not been disclosed. Aa with tha Holy Roller at sinner ahows his regeneration by rolling around on tba dirty floor, and a oondN tlon of hysteria is a sura sign of divine favor. - And so It goea. - The one-man or one woman religion, so called, whloh ha survived the year 10 without disaster has bad to live a very quiet and orderly life. - , Evan tha rich and firmly estahllahedl Christian Selene church haa not es caped detraction. Aa Mrs. Mary .Kddy'e health haa been declared quit frail and her tenure of life uncertain, muclt discussion has followed' aa to tha possi ble violation of tha principle of hee faith should thee stories be verified, and the gentle lady herself baa been obliged to com out with a public de- ' Dial of stories concerning her life and belief. the fourth baron, dytng without a direct heir. Thla cousin received tha title on his uncle's death a few years before, and this baron had nine brothers and slstera, who all died before him. A good many years ago the fraqnent and early d eat ha so frightened) tha fsm lly that five of alx girls In one genera, tioa became nun. On of these, tli present peer's aunt, waa Elisabeth, th first abbese and founder of the Fran ciscan order In Ireland. Th abbey la at Drumshamho, county Leltrlm. Tha fourth baron married four times, the last time within a few months of M wlfe'a death,- Hla widow, a daughter ft Sir Norton Knatrhbull, baronet, or Kent, haa to date been known aa La.! r Ellenborough. but now the new Amen can peeresa possesses the only rltVt ' th title, and the widowed baroness I In future be known aa Bestrin.. i,.iy Ellenborough, ' Jfo Hsle? After Th. It seemed that his Si tut pi - wss about to be reini, j. "YOU fJ Perrniln r ) fiu.'' s I the i-dltor. What, n . I ,!, t wesrT' "The close of t!v - " t' s j Ursd, SruUluf ton i.e.. I 1 ) f A A