The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1907, SECTION THREE, Image 25

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jood'and drugs were'.
vtelcothed warmly, xno r":.
,- doubt by-tht -several c -
million (men "en a Uidrn '
en with 'disordered
.' stomachs and impaired
digestion, h e n 'the -;
"i , rtp'Ji national Pure '
- Food and -Drug:-law. '
, - xxfent into effect, 'on J.
1 V ' T-v.-.rr-".-A emi ears Day. t--
Y'..: r. '"Now,". they said 7
'1 .. , t-f.':v7. : o themselves 4 ; o :
' :" " . ' ' each other, "-perhaps- v
-i 'nre are-rid of the abomination of poisoned
nd adulterated foodstuffs, of impure- and
dishonest drugs. ? " '.;
; ':,""Our bread will no longer contain povs"-
Jirj alum;' our meats veill not be treated ' ;
, . tcxA sodium sulphite; coal-tar y dyes and , ,
salicylic' acid nill depart from our jellies,
and jams In the future our medicines will ,
heal and not poison ' us." - . .
Yes, if the consuming, public forms .
i" itself into a committee of the whole to
enforce the nem measure of protection. ,
The title of the act may be misleading. ?
If should be called an "Honest Food law,'" (.
rather than a "Pure Food . law." 'Under . '
it adulterated products may be placed on - -1
sale as before, but the exact nature of each -
article must be stated upon its label.
Consumers' are entitled to use what,
. they wish, whether deleterious or not. But
they are also entitled,, when purchasing'
articles of food or mediane, not to" have
different, in ferior or harmful articles palm
ed ojf en tnem- v
1 '
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' of constant ffittion.-har tli , fppeftfe bee
t ' 3To .fewer tJianr twenty-Bine meiutarM - law
. bea fntrodud hi IIr.on of 'Etre?enta-
rives, and twenty -vn is the Senate during that
,'tinie, but. some influence was always" powerful
enouirE t defeat them. ' " i '7.
7V Adl extent only does the new the i8tinir law wa pawed last-wimer,:ty
ro it wx o insure honest deoting. The teeome epe'atiy January 1 190,. Th there
man who does not object "doctored".' fSl7J
products may have them at his will, but the sxpiamed by th fact that WinM metlwxla at
purchaser who? Seeks pute foods and medi- tacked by the bill had become widespread and1
r'mt har at last an nmcial rnide thAl hnirttt' "immensely trofitable.'
r baneful dictations ... . Kecently single State Pennsylyani a
eontoht any sulphur dioxide. ' ' 1
1 :", "Tour dmtfc actionf hi nforingr your'
statutes har in the sgtrresrate, eost this onv -rany
in the? neighborhood of half a ; million
doUarst, wrote the president of the producingf ',
' eonee'rn t the Pennnylrania health authorities.
.What parent but is not glad to- see:harmfn :
- eindie removed f rom the reach of hie children;
- or, at least to know that upon- every jar or peclc-
'.' of mjurioun candy hereafter must be plainly
printed the names el the harmful elements? '
One would scnrcely purchase for his little one
candy froor a jar bearing tho words "Contains
Poisonous Sulphites, ' '
In an- aldrees before a SeoXiort of th Artietl-x
can- .Association for the- Advancement of
Science, Professor 1 on L. Watters, an eminent
3Tew York chemist- declrfred that few articles'
vj.'-'-- SJ
ground eoffeer ii dfuplicsted by drying, faking
and powderina; hogs' Krer, which is mixed witV
chicory and sufficient' coffee essence to give it
flavor.- - Whisky it sometimes rnsnufacturecf
frtm spiritt by the use of beading oils'' with
various flavors and caramel coloring.
"The greater: ynrt of the gin consumed in
thiis country has never beer prepared by distilk
lation ever juniper berries but is made By add-'-ing
the oil to diluted spirits. Mustard is loaded 1
with flour, tincture of Jamaica ginger is rein
forced with capsicum' and the greater part of
our" ground spie ee is adulterated. . ' ; 1 .
As far "as it can, the new Federal law i
" designed to prevent deeeptjon in the sale' of alt
adulterated articles of food or mediciue, or of
articles that do- not oomo up to- the prescribed
DCRESXJ tho last quarter of "a century the
growth, ef commercial fraud, of adul
terations iir food and dairy products
. .! and in medicines and liquors lua be
come ls3 alarming that Federal and State Gov
ernments have beea called upon repeatedly for
measures ef relief and protection.. ' ' ' ' ,
1 .Since 1S89, whea the first Pure Food bill was
introduced in. Congressr tiiat body ha been- im
portuned' year after year to extend its aid, to
the suffering publia Only after seventeen years- .
Lhel have come" to mean nothing, iie
said. "I venture to say it i almost if not quite '
impossible to obtain certain articles which are
true to their names. , '
"I have 'found' that in almost every esse
the, vinegar sold at low prices is fortified by the
addition ef mineral acid. Cocoa is adulterated
of starch or -with
se that thtrnpnwha'?eT-maT- kntwr-the-erigHH-
made a determined crusade against t single'
It was charged that this glueose had beeft f f ood, ny matter how expensive, a re free from Every article sold must be clearly labeled.
adulterated witn poisonous suipnites,, and that
it was used very extensively in the manufacture
of candies, especially of the kinds purchased by
Proceedings were brotght against 425 dealers,
and after costs and fines had been paid in 20
cases, the concern , said to have produced the
glucose, surrendered.. It? : "announced that it
would withcrawall the objectionable' Droducfwtth art'evcessive amount
from the State and '.would adopt a new process ground shells and sugar. , -
forthrmonuf actor of glucose that would- not . "If is an old story smong food chemists thst
natMre snd quality of the-product offered for
asle. -":-'' ' . ' ', ' '. ' "',
, With these ' safeguards thrown about food
sud drugs, the consumer i left fo work out hi
own salvntion. As a general thing, he-"will
still ftnd adulterated products in the market,
offered, nd doubt, at a cheaper price than the
goods-ef, known purity.- -
lie" may take his choice; if he is willing to
risk the impure article, the law cannot prevent
' ' "it cari and does' say to manufacturers and
V dealers that they cannot make and expose fof
' sale anything containing' injurious of inferior
7 'fubafanoe vithotit that fact being plainly stated
- .upon -the labels -that the' articles must bear
' These labels must be printed in ErJglish, and th
letfers nmst be large enough to be clearly dis-"
. ' eernible conspicuous, in fact,- '
Perhaps it might be, well, just here, to". state)
; that Congress1 has no power of police regulation) -
in the several States. TL new law is absoluter
- rin the'IHstrict of Colambia; and in the Territo-:
' ries ; - elsewhere it , applies . only ; to articlee f
, ; interstate1 commerce.- .' r 4 ' , .
------- manufaotnTef i "Penhnylvania,' Jfary'
land, Illinois, Tennessee, California Or' any other"
. State ' may' continue1 placing adulterated and
dangerous products -on the market of his owai
State, and dealers' may sell them as before, with
'' out having them bear the warning labT- It iat
when such goods; are sent for ale from on
State to another that the lav applies.'
: But overt with this imitation the new rhea'.
snre seems destined to accomplish great good
, When . its f intent and scope become generally
knovm to- tn purchasing" public the demand for'
articles known to be pure' will, it is believed
force hitherto dishoneet purveyors o , supply
better. trades of goods themselves. -' ; ' ,i .
, Take, for example, the ease of enreaf food
product factory with a national reputation and .
trade. It could not confine its sales to the Stato -in
which! it is located merely in order to avoid
meeting the requirements of the, new 'Federal
law.-'' '. "' ... - . ' '
' To "continue its sales in other States it must
brand its product with whatever impurity or
"doctoring" elements, if any, it contains. Should
it contain no warning label, consumers will be
convinced at '.once of itT purity.
... rfjnutTedl siich a confidence would losd" t'
a greater demand for that especial article than
would exist for something else ajruinst whicli
suspicion might bo dirertod, so that, in time,
Jhe quality of all similar' goods will bo improved.
" Sonio time auro" aT former brewr stated to th
"counsel for-the Pennsylvania" Iniry and Foo l
Commission that nmch of the bvr brewed i
the United States nowadays contain:
"Sulphites of lime, a a 'clenn-tr-r'; tririi
acid, as a pieervaTivc; citric ueid, si a f .vr;
henjtoic acid, as an anti'.rptie; tannic f ; , .i
bleacher; snlicylic aoidr nveolie aid en I i
niedda' sulphite, fltt pr'o-i'Tv.iTives; , ji i