The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 23, Image 23

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i i I ii ,i . . y- I ...... .'woywoi
Big Eastern Packer; Goes Into
; Business on a Good Scale v
In Portland. .
1 Price Hero Rula Very High, - While
They Seldom Go Above 10c
i Pound in the Em( Would Bave
. (Some Effect Tpoa Price of Eggs.
"'':: By Hymsa H. Cohen. - ' .J
Wnk'l principal market fsaturss: -Would
control poultry mirkst.
Today's sltusUoa la onions.
What may be expected Is potatoes. .
Bap are firm kl quiet.
Eggs riM and till uik.
. MlUsre rafttae floor orders. - ,V
Wheal aurkat strengthens agstn.- v - '
- Apple trad ef good character. ' .
1 Swtf Would Take OontxoL ' "
Bsrly In ths wsek Tba Journal aiastloned
tba fact that tba big eestern pscktng company
of Swift Co., owners of tba lSkon Meat
company of this city, bad decided to embark
ia the poultry baalnaaa U Portland ou large
'scale. Tata means am a tba state than ia
' inwraQT ' Mllavad, tor "Svirt -at-Cov la am
' going Into thai trade" tor tba baaltb of tba
eonosra. It mU absolutely cob trot tba .poul
try situation stf tba Pselfle northwest and
thaa probably taka a ' Osr at tba trada of
Califorate. Tbara were reports early la tba
week that tba blf packing concern wua going
to ralaa largo mount of poultry for thla
msrkst 00 tba big Echo reach It became Inter
aatad tn a abort time ago. Thla. however.
Fraaldaat Deajrhtrey of tba anion atockyarda
-aao-eoov-of tba -oow. -owners of tba ranch.
denies.- Ia a ay avast It la autad that tba
company propoaaa to ramaln la tba poultry bust,
naaa hi thla city, aad baa atraady ablppod three
. can of aaatarn draaaid stock to tbla aurhat
aa a aort of faaler. Oa account of tba general
- shortage . of local poultry supplies bara during
tha past eeesk or two tba experiment turns oat
eulte wall, aad It la sold that regulat h,P
meata will ba made to thla aiarkat from thla
, tlma forth. Beretofore Portland kaa eeldoa
:' received fall core of oaatara- twinl aooltry
' ao tha experiment waa watched wltb eoaaider
able Interest by tba local trada.
Would Kike iaoal Poultry Moss.
Tha. Invading of tha Portland market by tba
poultry department of Swift A Co. means that
tbara la money la thla baalnaaa even for a
- eorporstiou with, tea millions of doilare of sspl-
taL Baratofora tbara baa been, nona h Mile
elite who made tba ralalng of ehlekeue a regu
lar business that vocation being given gener.
ally to . tba farmers' wives, wbo bare rslsed
Just enoug b aa tbat It would aot taterfera wltb
tbelr racalar work and yet brtat la a enffl
elant hMoeao to clot ha tha cbtMraa and allow
. tba women aome pin money oa tta aide. Tbeae
oondltloaa aa regarda the farmera wlvoa will
la all probability be eontlnaed for aa Indefinite
period, bat the ntilng of pooltry will ba pat
. . 00 a regular baalnaaa baa la from tbla tlma
' la former ttmee there war pertoda la thai
-..ooarter of what tba deaiand JuaUflad. Pneot
, laonad-cttlea to aome eitant. depend poa tha
i market foe tbow aagplleo. of poultry 'and were
- v forced oa occaalaoa to pay eery blrb prlcee
. tor tola privilege. " Brea the Portland trade
waa bald ap oa eeeaawaa bocaaaa there waa
no pooltry to ba bad. and at dlrero tlaoi the
price ruled ap to 17c and lSe a pooad fog the
lira alrda. ' Wbaa tbla figure waa reached the
eoneamer waa forced to pay a boat Sfte a poand
for hie poaltryr and thla laaaaoad the demand
""eonaiaarlulyr ! . .
' Peoltry a ProHUMe Baalnaaa. -
' Hera la Oregoa, where tba elraiel ' eoodl
' tloaa are axcallent tot tba ooeeeaafnl ralalng
of pooltry, tba price baa been at tlmea the
I btghrat la the entire United Stetaa. Ia be
middle weet. where It fete ao cold, moat af
the pooltry aaad la tba United Btatca to pro-
ducod. Ia tbo Chicago market yeeterday the
' price of lira ebtckena rated betwoea 10c and
lie a poand. and the aewanapen. of tbat city
' tboag bt thla waa awfully high. Bara to) Ore
goa when tba price goea to lie a peaad tba
producer belleaee the market baa gone to pTbcea
aad an It baa for the general pi-toe bere to
aroond I2a and Ue a poand tar tba lire
Mock. Aa a aaaal thing lire pooltry eela la
the aaatera market at Te aad a a poand, and
- It to only at eeaoona of tbo year whoa enppllea
are eery abort tbat raluaa go beyond tbeae
1,1 with tba beat of climatic oondltloaa la tale
. etete poultry mold bo more anally ratoed tbaa
la tha bleak, cold aaat, where tba thermometer
goea aa far below aero ao It a tare a bore bere.
Tbla to eery likely tap roaeon wby tbo big oaat
era prod ware hare act their eyea en Oregoa
- aa a poaltry producing eectloa, and wltb the
i- eetabl tinmen t of one big eoocara otbora era
eery Ukely to follow. " T,
- Zt'a Iffeet Vpea Zgg Karket. '
With not eaoagb poaltry to go aroaad ogga
aerar go to a eery -low figure to Oregoa. Laat
year the price did not go below 18c and It
did not tay long at that flgnre. 'Ia tba eaet
' egga are el wire mock cheaper than to Oregoa
boot 8c a doeea at tbla tlma Tbo entering
of tbo poaltry bnelneee by tba aaatera paekere
. 'weald greatly tncreaao the egg arodnctloa of
,, Oregoa. Erery year Ue Wnahlngtoa dtlea boy
many cara of aaatera egga, while sot ao man?
are brought hero. Ia a meaeare thla trade
beloage to Oregon, and if a euffleient amount
at egga wag rained bere to pat the price oa a
eoapetltlTe baaia PortUnd would eooa coatroi
tte egg bnalncoo of the Pacific coaat.
Daring the peat week the local egg market
changed poalUona very aaddenly. . Tba firat of
' the week aupplleo were eery email owing to
the cold enap. and oa a good-elaed order from
A leak a the market went aa high aa Boa again.
Thea It began to weaken again aa the enppllea
became -entailer aad toe weather atoderated.
The future of the market -a now entirely con
trolled by the weather. If It'a eery cold look
for high prlcee, bat If aa at preaeat tower prtoaa
- are awet Ukely to rale.
' Mlllera Eefoaa neat Ordarm.
It doee not happen very oftea that tba meal
1 milling trade refuaea ordera for flour when It
' can obtain tha fall quota tloea It aika. Thla,
' kowerer. waa the coadttioa tbat raled In tbla
market daring the peat week. QuMa a anmber
, af oriental ordera were rejected becaoea mlllera
. aey tbey cannot get the wheat. Car abort age,
aa aaaal. waa the cauia. - .
i.-Wheat market to aomewbat firmer la "Ihli
' rity owing to the mcreaeed floor demand,
i' Prlcea are about lea boabel higher all eroaod.
except la the valley grade, which to naebanged,
rbat firm at laat week's ruling. Tbo market,
- kowerer, to ahowlng a better poalttaa all the
' way through, and If a onfflcnat rramber f
earl could ba obtained prices would la 8U
. probability do aomewbat better. - ,
- ' 9rasee4 Keata Tory Blgb. -As
ktgk as 10c a pound was 'reeerred during
' the peat week for extra choice ehlnnienta of
greeted bogs and real. Becelpta during the
," treak were quite small and demand la growing.
- There to every pmapect at tbla time that Bert
2 week's market will be fully ss good aa tbla
weak. " Only something ewt of tbo ordinary la
: quality brought the extreato high Dark, asw
; sTr. - " ' '- - -
While a week ago It waa believed that tbara
' woald be a good run of Columbia river smelt,
- during tba tit week the reverie wes the case,
gait as a result of tba extreme enortage In eup-
, pllee, prlcea sdvssced ss klgb ss 13VrC a
.. poand. Salmon waa llkewlae very eraree, with
(he price oa the freeb srtMs eomewbet higher.
, TbS scarcity cauaed moat of tha trade to buy
frossa stock. -, . . . :
- r ' What to Capeet la Onions.
Wltb the liicreaiied shlpmente of onions to
fha south during the paat week. It to aat likely
' ' that the market thera will abow tnneb of aa art.
' vaaca la prlc-a during the coming alg daya. : It
a staled at I his tlma tbat -California has bit s
month's ennply of nnlnne of Ita own to draw
. from, and tbla will ranee better baying else
, where. Whether the trade will go to tbla atate
- defend altogether apoa tba ttltu4s at tba
:tpeclal Dlapatcb te The Journal.) 4
Ontario, Or Jan. 12. Jonea A
d Cox. eastern cattle buy ore, pur- q
d chased 150 hoad of alfalfa-fed 4)
e beef cattla thla week from Will- e
lam Tlnsen.-Richard Tlnaon, J, 4
q M. Butlor, Elbert Butlar and D.
v . MagilL . Tba animals averaged
: 1,460 pounds. They war ahlppod
4 to Omaha and wore tha first alfal- 1
fa-fed beef cattle from thla aeo- q
d Uob) to ba ahtppad to tha east- q
. era market. . , '
d d 4 d
growsfS acre. The combine of gtowero to said
to control the major part of the snppllaa. Ac
cord lag to Ita prealdeut, Mr. fauna, fully half
of tbo season's prod actios bere will not go
upon the market becanae af hn proper aondl.
Hon. It to in ted that tbo stocks matured
rally a month too earl; list eeaaoo, and their
keeping guay-r to aet of tbo beet. While tbara
ware considerable offerings of oalons at a
lower prion thaa tbo combine aimed early la
the week, the latter -tnrreaee to strength In
California csnaod a eoeiewbat stlffer feeling. It
can alee ba stated at tbla Mm tbat members
of ths assecistioa who formerly sold No. I
st a No. I price to order to get rid of their
stocks, are egala to the fold and are holding
for tba regular ecbedule.. Bow long Itila con
dition will remain, wltb a large per cent of the
crop, 'grewlag" Milj...ejBA,beforttoldJuat
BOW. -
There waa bat little act loo to tbo potato mar
ket during tba peat week. Prlcea held firm,
ant the lack of osra kept tba trada from baying
any large lota.. v -.v-'-f
rtra and Oaiat la Bopai
Daring the pest wsek there were S few fair
slxed salsa to the bop market, but as a gen
eral thing the market waa extremely quiet.
Prices tbat raled were about last week's aver
age prlcee. The market as a whole to aome
wbat firmer for the beet gradsa, bat thla la 1-toowtbos-oeseeoujot-"Od
f ne better holding by
those wbo still retained enppllea.
The trade paye tbo following prlcea to front
street. Prices paid ship para are lass regular
onnmisiooei .
-t- wrato floor aad reed.
GRAIN BAO" Calcutta. boytat pries i
mlllng. 8HesiS.
WHEAT New club, Mcl red Baaalaa, 8SI
blneatria, 8ci valley, one.
BARIJRT-New reed, ftl 6tn.o0i rolled.
12a 80t28.M; brewing, 121.0041.00.
- 4XIEN WbobfceOOi. .aracked. $SM BSf
fFV4l.i per wt. f
0AT New Hrndocere price No. 1 erklta,'
Vn.Wmrt.W, gray. 82S. 50328.00. .
PLOL'B Eaatera Oregon patents, fx eo
etrslgbtn, ta.3; export. 88.10; valley, 83.40:
graham Ha. 88-0O: whole wheat ' 88. T rye,
80e. 80 00: halve. 81 T5.
TMIL.t8TTTrr Braa. 118.00 per tool mid
dllnga, 828.00; aberta, 00a n try. 118.00; ally.
818 MM chop. 8la.002l .O0.
H AT Produoera' price Timothy, WtTlsmetts
valley, fancy. 8I2.U04J 18.00: emlnery, 8BO0irf
10.O0: eastern Oregon. 81T.00Cf 18.00; mixed,
$10,004)10 6U Clover, 88-00; grain. 88.OOUS.0O;
cheat. 88.0. . . ...... ?
- Butter, Zgga aad Poulli y. .....
BtrTTrJB PAT f. o. ' b, Portland Sweet
ereem. 8MHet sour, 81 He.
' BUTTE K City creamery. gSci oatstde fancy,
S2H0!C! eterage, toeSOct etore, ITQlTHc.
CUGS Kxtra fancy, candled. 82lI8aci local
and eaatern atorage. r7H62e. T
CBGK80 New full cream, flats. MHOlee;
Teung America, IBUellOc. -
POULTBT 4Jve Vixed cblekena, 1B(18H
lb; fancy bens. ISHttloc lb; roosters, old. lie
per Ibi fryers, l8Hle per tb broilers, 1M
10e per lb; old docks. 18Uc nor lb; spring
ducks, xSVie per lb; gveee, OQlOc per lb: (nr.
keye, ITc per lb for old; dreseod., fancy. 22
per lb; snoahe, 82.00 per doe; pigeons, 11.00
per don. -lrraeed poaltry lOIHe pef U klgbar.
Hops,'' Wool aad Bides. ...V
' " HOPB-"180e int. tbolcoi I8H) prims te
choice. 13c: medlam to prime. 10llei awiltaa.
- WOOU-1808 slip Ttlley, tt92Se aaatera
Oregon, JOe. - .1
MOHAIR New. nominal. '
BHKEPNKINS Bhearlng. IBQ20C oscb abort
wool. 8S)40ci medlam wool, 60j 70s oaobi
long wool. I9ct8lj0O each.
TALLOW Prime, per lb, 8HOl No. t and
greaev, JHe.
CHITTIM BARK 6HOTa for ear lots: assail
BIDKS Dry. No. t. I lbs and an. 16
ITHe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 8 te 15 lbs. 14c;
dry calf. No. t, under 8 lbs, 18c; ail ted bides,
steers, eoaod. 40 lbs sad over, lOQIIc; eons.
8HflHc: stage and balls, sound. SfflTe; kip.
10 10 aw roe, oci rait, eoaoa. anacr in loe, lie;
green, ansalted, 1c lees) calls, le per lb leesi
boree bldee. salted, eecb. 8I 24M.TS; dry, each.
IIXMI1.80; eolt blriee, 2At60ei goat skint.
eammea. each, lotjlocs Aagora. oaeh. SBejt81
- " mite aad Tegetnsles. -
' POT A TO ITS Baying price, eaetern Ifnlrno
mab and Clsckamaa select, ).00i81.a0; fancy,
81.00At.0S; ordinary. TOQBOc per ewts eweets,
tH.V lb.
6SION8 Jobbing price No. I Oregoa. 90o
81.00; No. i, 8037Bc; garlic. SeSe per lb.
Al'PLEA Pency Hood River fipltaenberg and
yellow Newtowna. 12-60; fancy Willamette val
ley and son tbara Oregon, 81.60; ordiaary stock.
80T5c. - .
PREftH FRCTTS Oranges, new BavnL 8S.TB0
8 25; Janansso, 15c; bananas, V per lb; lemons,
8B.Ooe.0O box; limes. Uexlran 81. 25 per
100; pineapples, 84 004 5.00 per dosrti.. grspes.
Mslaga, 17 50 per keg; pears. 81.AOJ1.75;
karklebeerlee, 8c; nlneapplea, $3.00 per doa;
pomegra nates, 81 -2510 per box! grape fruit.
VBOrTABT.SlS Turnips, aew, anfbtl sackeJ
rsrrefs, loreiii per aacs; eeete. Si ao per ears;
Oregoa redlabea. JOe per doa. eebnage, Ore
gon, 81.T5: ' bell peppers, ( ) per ib; to
matoea, 82.28: perenlpe. 80c4Tt.00: string
beans, ISc per lb.: realiriovrer. $1.0 per donea;
pass, 18c; boreersdlan. PDlOe per lb.: atttebekes
Il.tjO per doeea! snnaah. TBceJ8l.00 per hos;
celery. Callfornls,. 83-50 per crate; pumpkins,
81C11 He; cranberries, 810 per barrel.
DRIED rtUlTB Apples, evsporsted. Ur
Te per lb; aprteoto, !8Vi4X20c per Ib; peaches,
l2ji8He per lb; sacke. Vic per lb leaa: prunea,
80 to 40, aQflr; He drop on each 1-10 ameller
sns; figs, Callfornls blsck, l4e per lb;
California white, aUe per Ib: da tea, golden.
88.0V per eon tarda. 81.40381-80 par 15-lb box.
'" .v x., 1 Braoerlss. aTuta, Ite, "
- BrOAB eCeltfornla- Bswallio Cube
in. 2T Hi powdered. $5.II't berry, 8e.82t drf
Ksnnlatsd, 84-82H: fltsr, 8-t.T2Ui cent. A,
.02; sxtra B, 84.42H; golden C. 84 80 i, V,
yellow. 84.22Ht beet ersnllsted. 84 T2H
Western Cube. 85.87; powdered. BS-ltW:
dry grnnnlsted. 84 82; P. C. 84.821 roof. A,
M MHj extra C, 84.42H: goldeo C. 84.X2M: D,
yellow, 84 Elm oeet granulated. 84.T2HI bble,
loc; Va bble, 25c boxes, 60s sdvsnce 00 each
Above prlcea are 80 days set sash q Dota
tion. . .... . .
HONKY 88.00 per crate.
' COPPER Package braada. HR.aSfJtT.M. "
ALT Coarse Half ground. 1 00a, SB 00 pef
ton: Ms, 80 80.' table, dalryy BOB, 818 00: 400a.
812.78; bales, 81 -M; Imported Liverpool. 80s,
ilft.OOriOOs. 817.00: 224a. 810.00: extra fine,
bble, 2a, 5a, 10a, M-oOB-BO: Lrverponl lump
reek, 118.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. 8v.00t 100a,
(Above prwse apply to aslea of lean thaa
ear tote. Car tola at apodal prices subject to
ensl lafmm. si 1. net 1
BUei Mew Orleans, bead. Te;
jag. net
BRANM mall white. 88 0t large white.
83.28; pink. 820i bayou. 83.7Si Llmas. 614c:
Ueilcan reds. 4e. .
NUTS Psannts, Jamba, 8te per Ibt Ttrginls,
7 He per Ibi roasted, loe per lb; Japeneae. nf
Hc; roaeted7)7He per Iht eoooennta, K4Jc
per dna; walasta, California, le- per lb;
rrenrb I5e per lb; plnennta. 141 15c
per lb) hl-kory outs, 10c 'per lb: chestnuts,
eastern. I5$(ln per lb: Bmll note, INc per
Ib: fllheets. idc per lb; fancy pecans, 18JtOa;
sUnoads, W21He. , -
. Kaata. risk aad Provtalona. .
fTtrSB If EATS Frost street Hogs, fseey,
9c per Ibi vesj, extra, te per Ib; ordinary,
THiaac per Tb; poor, ae per Ibi auttoo, fancy.
64iMc per lb.
HAM A, BACO?t,' TfTC Portland eoe (lnrsl)
kama. 10 to 12 toe. HHo Iht 14 to 10 lbs. 16
Ibi la to 80 lha. l6Vk lb; breakfsat bacon,
144t20o lb: plcalcs. 11c Ib: eevtege, 11 Wc
lb 1 regular snort tears, an emoted. 12c lb;
smoked, Ae Ibi flee a backi. onemnked, I2e lb)
smoked. Ike lb -Untoe botts. , 10 to 18 Ihe 00
smobedijln Ib; smoked, wc lb: clear bell lea, an
imoked. I8e lb: amoked. I4e lb) eboulders, UVi
lb; pickled tournee. one eerh. .
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a, lH lb
Be, I84te ib: 50-1 b Uns, 12SS lb: steam ren
dered. 10a, 12e Ibi 6s, 12 e lb eompound.
His 6 ic lb.
CANNED RALMON Otnmble river. - l-lb
till.. 81-80: 8-lb tills. 82 75; tenry. l-lb flats,
8100; vi-lb fsncy fists, 61.15: fancy l-lb evsli,
12.76: Ali.ks. tails, rink. BGQiWc; red. tlMl
Somlnsl. 8a, till, 62.00.
VIKH Rock rod, 7c per Ib: flonnilera, 8c pet
lb kailbot, 6e peg lb; arabs, 1.0041.60 pet
4 JHearat JNeoraJSy JLeM.ae4 VHr!
New Tork, Jan. 11. Foreign
atock market were Irregular to-,
day. wltb London beaTy and Ber-
: Ua and Paris showing Improve
ment. American stocks In Lon
don rallied after early small da
ellnea. In London noma and
foreign stocks war heavy, but
African .. mining shares were
strong. . In this market thera
- waa-aome - talk j post- treasury
money - aid. owing to the visit
of Secretary Shaw to Wall
street. This, however, was de
nied. The bank - statement was
fully as favorable as predleted
by tha moat optlmlaUo. Ths In
croaee in the - surplus reserves ..
mounted to 18.412.876. .The
. gain tn cash items was 819,078,-
'900. The Increase In deposits was'
88.844.100. while loans deoreased
by 8M0i. !',.-.
CrrrfV: Kit -OArai-!tr
Car A Foundry ... UlWia. Central, pfd. lli
Cotton Oil ....... . S Delaware a Bud.. IS
Locomotive .... UiErle .............
omeiter ....t.... iooisviue ,
Anaconda ........ 8 V Mexican Coatral
Atmisoo .........
Bslttmore .......
Brooklyn it
Canadian ......... 1
fit. Paul l
c, a n. w...... 1
Chesapeake X
Colorado Pusl .... h
Oolorido ' a ftooih:
a v
Missouri Pacta ..
Nstlonal Lead ....
N. T. Central .
Ontario a West ..
Pennsylvania .....
People's Oaa
PictSe Mali ...... 1
Preeied Steel Csr.
TJnion Paclfla lVIReidlng ..........
II- H H "el lIlBapiiblTs Bteel ...
C. 8. Stall, pfd.. H loutbera PaclSe... 1
Wtoeoaala Ceatrar. ' i tnntbera Railway,. - 14
Amsbramsted .... to I Nortbera
ra Pselfle
uuaou veatrai .. a longer
(PuMlsbera' Press by flpedsl Lossed Wire.)
Wall Street, New Tork, Jan. 12. The week
kss brought soma striking developmeets into
the -flnanclal sltnatlon. the general effect of
which has dtotingulshed the stock exchange.
aeaunge tor a long time past a wees ego,
It wiU be rose lied, - there seemed Sa be a
very fslr proapect for better things la store
for the Immediate future, la toe Brat place the
Uquldatloa of December bad placed the market
hi what was apparently a strong position aad
more especially It bed carried prlcea to a
level, which by comparison with the two
previous years appeared attractively lew. .
V torty Situation Better. ., t -
la the eeeong place, the money stringency,
which bsa so king hsrsssed operations, seemed
la a fair way to alleviation. It waa true that
last week's statements, both of the home and
foreign banks, revealed a very low condition
of reserves. Bat It waa well understood that
this waa doe to heavy temporary withdrawals
of cash and a temporary strain apoui loan ac
counts to fulfill require men ta ever the first of
the year, and that these eeceeeltles over, e
quick recovery la the general banking position
wenld easoe. ' Tbeae a z pacta tloaa have ss a
matter of fact, bean eery well roellasd during
tba present. . . .. .
. All 4b European Institutions reached a large
addition to cash supplies, along with an
enormous reductioa of tonne, while our local
banks bars gained to sn snuiually large ex
tent through the various exchanges. ,
Vow ftnsstlons Osass Tp, "
The effect has beea felt la the easing of
rail money rates toward the close of the wsek,
The attention of Well street community baa.
however, beea directed to two other aspects
of the situation, which, during the week, ksve
come Into anpleseant prominence ops to the
sgttatloa of the snti-trust aoestloo again, la
tba tora of Inveetlgstlona and salts sgslnst
1 lleged lllegsl railway mergers. The ether Is
the appeale which continue to coses from' rail,
way snd ether eorooratloos for a aw capital
aeeded to meet enlarged boslaees demands. If
past experience counts for anything, each of
forte ere now nnder way to -break -ap railroad
eotfcblostloos will bsve no very serious eoose
eueaeee ultimately. . If anything definite to to
be ssld ea the situation It aursly must be a
word of euattoa. -
douent striped bsss. IrHe per Ibi catflsb. I0
to; salmon, fresh OolumMa river ellverslde. 801
iteelbead, 10c per Ib; herring, 6c per Ibi sole,
tc per lb; shrimps. 10c per lb: perch. Be per
Ib: blsck cod, Tc per Ib; tomeod. Tc per 1
Hirer smelt. Be per Tb: lobsters, lee per lot
freeb mackerel. 8c per lb; erawflab, tut per
dosen: sturgeon, 10c per lb; Meek beea, 80s peg
lb! Columbia rtver smslt, 10c per Ib.
OY8TRRS Sboslwster bey. per galloa. 8 25:
per 118-Ib sack, 84.25; Olympls. per galloa.
82.25; per ll.vib ssck. 86 00 to 86.60.
CLAMS Hsrdsbell. pef box, 82.001 reset
clam a, 12.00 per bos. .
s Paint, Ooal 00, to.
' ROPB Pure blaatU. 16Vfcc; standard. UVet
slssl. lie.
COAL OIL Peerl or Astral Caeae, 18 We per
gallon: watsr white. Iron bbls. 14c per gallooi
wooden. 17s per siilaul headllgbt. lfO-daa.,
asses. 21 Mr par galloa.
UA8OLINB M-dea esses, S4ViS per galloa.
Iron bbls.. 18c per gsllon.
BENS.INB a deg. cases. . toe per gsDoa;
Iron bbls. INHc per gslloo. ' -
TUBPGNTINR la eases. Par per gal; wooden
bble. Mr per gsllon. .
WRITE LEAD Too tots. Te per to; 800-lb
lets. e per lb; lees lots, site per Tb. ft A I LS prevent baaia at II sit. V OIL Pure -raw. la 6-bbl Iota, Bttol
l-bbl lot, 68c 1 essee. 68 per gal; genuine ket
tle boiled, cieas, 00 per gal; 6-bbl tots, 64e
l-bbl lots. 66c per gal; ground cake, ear lota.
820 per toa; lees than car tota, M peg tea.
w -.. . . 1 ... . '. . . "-.
San Francisco Values Not 80 Flrro
-Potatoes Hold Well. ' '
" ' - (Hearst ' News Berries., "
Sea Francisco, Jsa. 18. There waa ao local
wheat market today 00 which to baas aay re
marks. The receipts were 2.345 cents li, There
wes bsrdly any demand for eargooa on pasasge.
Tbo Bngllik country markets were firm and the
French were epilet.
A cargo of barley' wts cleared for Bnglaad
yesterday. Spot barley was trm bat not
active, snd May closed sac per cents! higher.
Ths other articles enumerated la tbla depart
ment were nominally unchanged. The receipt
incladed 6.0S8 eeatea barley, exclusive eg e
The .outlook la good for a fairly easy money
market daring the Dixt few weeks. The gov
ernment will be miking Urge disbursements for
pensions, mall-carrying charges and other pur
poses, sa it baa tbla wsek. The secrrtsry of
the treasary has bald matters by extending the
time for the return of the 812.OO0.OOO special
government deposits authorised a - month ago.
Besides this, the ordinary Inward currency move
ment from the Interior should be largely to tha
upbuilding of bank reserves. Bat If this sailer
money prospsct wore to 'be aisde ths occasion
for a '"bull movement" oa the stock sxebsngs
tbsre could be only one -object ia view, snd
that to the unloading of gpscnlstlve
Interests, who would like for ths next six
moatha te be carrying lees thaa they aew are.
Tb sheet aaebor of- the market to the modera
tion of Its psst aprt'ulsttve movement, and Its
comparative low priiw toveL Any such changes
from these condition would, .in view of the
uncertainties of 'ithe ysar ebead, he a Changs
for the worse. Of this tbsre can he slight
OOUbt. v , ' ... - V '.. , . ,.. .
O fnclal quotations by Overbeck, Starr Cooks
A mat Coooer ..
44 V
dm. Car A Pound!, coat.
do preferred .... ,
Am. Cotton OIL com....
Am. Locomotive, eomvt
Am. Sugar,, com.-,.,...
Am., com ........
Anaconda Mining Co...
Am. Wnoton, com.......
Atchison, eon ,,,
do preferred
Baltimore A Ohio, etna.
101 V
T4t T4
161 Vi
do preferred .........
Brooklyn Bspld Transit
04 0HU
t si r
IW1H !
aruu !' '
V 1 U Tf
Uh v BNBV.a JU
CM.. MIL A St. Paul
ChL A North weet.. oa
ITU) 17
1 54
Chesapeake A Ohio......
coio. roei a iron, com,
Oomradft aVmrbern, eom.
do 2d preferred......
do let preferred.....
Delaware A Budeaa...
D. A R. O.. eom......
do preferred.........
aw .
do 2d preferred
eo tat preferred. . .
nilnole Central
Louisville A N sib rills..
Msnbsttaa By
Mexican Central By..,.
M-. K. A T-. eom......
00 preferred..........
Ore Lands
Great Nortbera. ........
Missouri PsclAc
Kstloni! Lead..
New Tort Central......
N. T.. Out, West....
Norfolk A Weatera. eom.
do pref at 1 ed ..........
North American
Northern Pselfle, eom...
Fictile Mill Steam. Co..
Pennsylvania Ry ....... .
P. a., LIC. Co.
pressed Stsel Car, eom.
do preferred..,....,..
Reading, com
. do 2d preferred..,...,
do 1st preferred
Rep. Iron A Steal, com..
do preferred
Rock lali ad. eom
do preferred
St. U A 8 r, M pfd..
8t. U A R. w., aoa....
do preferred .........
outhero Psdfle, eom..
do preferred. .........
Son there Ry eom......
do preferred .
Tennessee Coal A Iron. .
Texas A Pacific...
T., Bt. U AS. W., eoa.
do pref erred ..,.... .
Unloa Paelnc. ssm. .. ., .
do preferred..........
0. S. Rubber, eoa.....
do preferred
0. 8- Steel Co., eoa....
do preferred.....,..,.
Wsbaah, com
do preferred..........
Western- Unlew TU. .
Wisconsin Central, poos
do preferred
Virginia Chemical, v....
1M 138 4 188
82 V
82 U
100 V
Total sales for dsy, 801,700 Shares.
cargo from Port Costa for export. Ib Sour
and mills tuffs there were ao reported changes.
The receipts of Sour were 1.2S1 bsrrels.
' Igga Are lower.'
The only change la butter was aa advance
ef Vie per poand for Csllfornls storage extra.
Cheese -wis without sny cbsnge. Callfornls
freak extra eggs wra reduced 4a per dossu. No
sstos were aude ea 'chsnga.
With no srrlvsls ef sny nots. snd oolv a
moderate demand, the fruit market aid net pre
asai any new tea Tares. , ,.
The Burbot for potatoes waa 8rm and the
demand active. Onions were essleO Hid the
tomatoes been choice they would have brought
as hiss sa 62.60 per 'crate. . The market 'was
still bere ef string beaaa.
' Only S8 coops of California poaltry arrived
aad tbsy were well cleaned ap at firm prices.
A carload of eeetera was at band.- Ths 're
ceipts ef dressed turkeys were JO esses, and
sacks and prices were lower. There wes a
light supply ef game sad eoao knda . were
higher. . . - ,(;.'
.: yrrw tork ootto burxr. '
Hew Tork. 'as. 1J Official prices:
' . J in. Iin.
,1. Open.' ITtrh. Ij"w. . 12, it,
inmry M2 6M , 942 :"8.18 " ftoO
February ..... 055 ." 870 p40 - x
March . ......v 870 ., 87(. 0d. t 6 7T
April , ... . ... ... 4 w
May ......... 878 .. 871 . SOS . P71 . 89
Jnne ... ... ... . , 874 e2
inly 1 64 7T 7S PWI
Augnat -T a S! PRS P7
October , 868 . 808 800 '. P0 878
. . . . CVlosge Oaah Oraln. ? ",v,"
Chicago, Jan. 14. Csih prlcea: . :
Wheat No. 8 red, T8He( No. bard, TS0
T4He; spring No. 1 aortbsra, TV-SSlci No. 8
rnrt bera, T4J70c.
Orn Ke. 8. 4040Mci No. 8 white, 40a
40He; NO. 8 yellow, 4OH40He.
Oats No. 1 85 ho. 8 white, M0MVie.
Klnnesptlls Wheat htarket.
MITinaipoUs, Jan. li-CJoss; Wbsst, May,
T8ai V -L. . :.- . - ..... v.. v
Past Six Days Show Better Tone
All Through the Livestock
: Market. i. V;.;.-
Even Price of Cattle Goes 13c Higher
All Around and Then, an Addi
tional Amount Up. From the Low
Point Hogs Advance. ' ' , . .
.'- By Bymsa U- Cohen.
PertUnd Union Stockyards, Jan. 12. Lire
stock receipts: .
1 Hoes. Cattle. ShM.
Todsy .....,...,....v., 624 i. ': 8t5 uw
naeg ago.,........,.., a 4M1 . 1
Tear ago , 504 IM.... 241)0
Prealeae year-,-. rrrrrrull . o0 . Zi
Thla wsa a good week for producers la ths
livestock market, and If .conditions continue to
rule as they bars during ths paat alx days
they will be-on the read to easy wealth. Of
coarse, some ef them still maks mighty com
plaint over the settle situation, bat that to a
very herd market to boost, especially wbsa
bay -Is high snd thsrs Is every evidence thai
stocgmeB will no 1 or ceo to ssnd to isrgsr sup
plies ta the sear future on account ef the blgb
cost of "finishing." Eras aa matters stind. the.
cart Is market to 15c higher then the previous
wsek sit throarb the Bit. SDd the low point bsa
been edvsneed sn additional 16e per bandied
pounds. ' While killers sre not very willing to
pat cattle over the 4e mark, as a general rule
they sometimes are forced to psy a smsll prem
ium for stock that suits their fancy and It of
the best grids. Livestock efftclsls ere gen.
orally expecting' esttle to de somewhat batter
within a abort time. When, seems to be the
qasstlos. .. . . ' -
What High! Bappsa ia Sheep.
-i AUIieagb-tltore----tr-ttftls proapect at this
tins ef sa early sdvsnce In tbe price of sheen.
sueb s course le poeelble anything- is possible
snd probsbis In llTaetock ir tbe price ef cattle
caa be advanced. If euppllea of sheep keep de
creasing aa tbey have ef late. It may force
the killers to go farther sway for tbelr stocks,
snd thug make tkea more willing to add a
fr act loo and get thett staff st boms. During
the peat six daya the price ef sheep advanced
about S6e for nixed grades. Tone very firm.
j : .. Outlook fsversble for Kegs.'
While ao great advances ere anticipated la
the bog market tbe price Is at preeent very
firm, and at Tc to en good ground. - Beyond the
Tc mark tbe future of the market Is quite badly
mind. Klllsrs are stow to buy wbsa thsrs is
sny talk ot advancing the price beyond tlist
figurs. Most their supplies are bow being
purchased In the asst. snd thsse will cost thera
considerably over Te to lay down at. their pack,
tog planta. Whether thry will be willing to
give local producers tbs benefit of this live
stock men are very much in doubt, but at To
tbe market bag squal chances of either going
higher or tower. The totter woald. ot coarse,
be most wslcome to klllsrs.
The following view of the esttle sltnstlon to
trout a Baker city paper: ,
' "Manager Brown of tha Baker City Packing
company, the largest meat prodaosr end stock
buying Institution ra eastern Oregon, to an.
tiKirity for the statement mil mi lesai earns
I Bli
market stesdiiy improving ana is now nearly
at ths figure where It wss before the slump laat
month. In a few daya It Is expected that nor
mal prices will prevail. - .
"Betwoea the Iflth and 20th a solid tratntoad
of Baker county prime beef will be shipped te
Portland, wnere it is a premium ea the markst.
"Tbe price of bogs has raised a little during
tbe isst lew aaye, ana eneep are eteaoy at lair
prions."' . ... i - ...
Offlclsl livestock ericest
Hog Best eastern Orsrno, gT.OOi- etockara
and feeders, 84.75; China fate. 86.60t.T0.
Csttlo Beet eaetsrn Oregon atsers, 84-00;
best cows and heifers. 83-85; stackers and feed-
srs. 83.26; bulla, -82.00.
Sheep Mixed, 68HoJ wethers, 6Hc ewes,
arrivals ef the Week. - ,
Tbe following srrlvsls were shown Is the
ysrds during tbe past wsek:
Saturday, Jan. a Smith Brothers of Chans-
pneg drove to 480 bead of sheep,
t Sunday . Charlea Lydatoe of Payette, Idaho,
hsd In four care of esttle; John MeCarfy of
lone was re -with e doable neck er sheep; Brick,
son A Peterson had ta a carload of horses from
mparts; J. W. Bedd of Carltoa brought la
two cars of hogs.
Monday. T. Olney bid ta a ear ef horses
from Baker City, going to Oakland. California;
0. A. Herding ot Payette came tn with two
ears ef esttle; Mr. Harrington cine In from
Payette,. Idaho, wltb tare ears of csttlet H.
Mattbes brought ta a few sheep; H. J. llionts
ef Mldvtle, Idaho, come in with a carload of
ssttls; A. H. Hlnemaa brought to two ears
ef rattle from Durkee.
Tuesday, B. Pstrchlld ef Heppner came hi
with two cars ef cattla: O. A, Peterson sent up
hogs on steamer Republic; A. B. Pord of fctc
Minnvllle was la wltb two ears of sheep and
hoars mixed. . '
Wednesday. t. Wltson, Sams la from Wssca
with a carload of aorses, going . to nest tie,
Wsshlngtna; Jobs Welch- psssed through tbo
ysrds from Albany with a car of horses, going
to Tioorea.
Thursday, T. A. Cats brought up 24 heed
of cattle oa the steamer Mascot from Bachelor's
totoad; P. B. Ferguson of Amity wss ta with
a ear of bogsi A. J. Bswley brought ra s car
of boss from Sheridan: B. L. Rica ef Sherl-
dsn came la with a ear of esttle; Sestsk a
Stowsll brought ta a csr of bogs from Wsst
Statoni J. O. Dsvto of Shedd came la wltb a
set of boa. TbaavW, Murphy bad ta horses
from Hstosy.
. Friday. W. 3. Wllsoa of Wood burn waa la
with a ear ot sheep and bogs alxed C
Adsms brought In two ears of ehsep from Jef
ferson. v bostow corns; kaxxxt.
Boston,' Jsn. 12. Offlclsl bid prices: Ad
venture, 84 87tyl AlbMtes. 60S 80; Arcadian,
61-8TH; Atlantic, 815.60- Bingham, 634.87:
Calumst, 605: Centennial. 848 svked: Copper
Bans. 800: Copper ML 645; Franklin. 1 21. 50;
Oreene Conanlldstsd, 831.8T(4t Michigan,
622.48ivl Mohawk, 618; Neveda Consolidated.
618; North Butte, tut: Old Dominion. 6.';
Oeceola. 8t4.60 Phoenix. l-12Vb: olney,
8124.50; Santa PC. Bd.BTH: Shannon, 821; Tinv
srack, 81l! Trinity. 8W.2A; I'nlted Copper,
873,60: Utsh.' 8.50l Vlctoris, 67.50: Winona.
618; Tenneseee Copper. 855; Apex. 812 50: Butte
Coals.. 67.76; Calnmet a Artooee. 81; Ar.
anna Com., 8-15; Wyandot. 8.1; Flick Mt..- 88;
Cnnsnss, 80 75: Ely. 812.75: Ei.le. 837;
Helena. 84: Nlppleeinr. 13.W; Bavea. 1J0
Superior Pitts... 628.28. , ,-s.:r--
Tjmxia dTATis oorxKirxzi'T bostm.
New Taek. Jan. 12. Offlctil prices:
. Date. Bid.
Twos, reglstersd opt.
do couimn Opt.
Threes, reglitsred .......... Opt,
do coupou upi-
8 ma It konda
Pours, reg Ii tared '. J"T
do coupon .. IKT
Foors. registered .......... ira
do enupou luUI
Pimtna 2a .........,...
do eodoon ...., a... u .. . . . .
piitrlct of Columbia
Philippine aa ---
New Tork, Jin. li-Bsnk ttatsment:
- Increase.
Reserve 6 4P2 S75
Reserve, less United Ststee .......... 8
Loans "Si-.l w)
Spenla 4 5VI.2"0
t-e.ll 62S.70
Pepoelts , 8.l44,rl
Ctrralatloa ...f.. ....... 20,700
eDesreese. ' '
' ' law Torh-Lendso Silver.
New Tork, Jan. 12. Bsc gllvgf. 88Msi Loa
aoa, 81 tko.
1044 1S
102 1"24
1C2 latfVa
lonM Ml U
lno inn?
I2!' imu
I2V 1.WS4
104 105
lf). ....108 ..
115 - .....
j - .1.... " -- - v
All Lines Show Better Tone In
Chicago During Yester
day'a Trade. ; '
Present 'Arrivals Are Very Small and
Price Goes Up In Consequence
.Corn Steady aa Rock and Fails
to Move at 411---Oats Brisk. .:
Jan. 12. -Jan: 11. Gain.
.1 ,7s,N .72 I .ot
January ..........
-May 1
.. . rrnua .on
(Publishers'. Press by Special Leased Wlre.l
Chicego, Jan. IX Oraln markets were sll
firm today at yesterday's prices sutil aeer tbe
and. when corn got eat of etep and closed 1-lHe
lower tor Msy snd H te 14c to tbs bed for
July. Tbe gains in wheat wire a la May
snd ! Of yuiy. -. .
Oats closed U to Ue higher for Uar and Ue
up tar July. Previa loos recovered before the
end practically- all that was lost la tbe esrly
decline, ribe la tbe end showing aa advoaee of
I!e-J, Wail'
At the etart tbe traders were under the rn.
flueoes of Indifferent cab lea and tha local snow
Tbe letter appeared to relieve to a still greater
extent what little spprehsnslon bad been felt
a day or two age for the winter wheat plant.
Wheat very shortly aftsrwsrd turned sgaia.
' Tsar mall Bspplies.
A moch further eon tin us Hon ef strikingly
small supplies. It wss fesred. would one of
these days cause aa excited stampede-among
the shorts and some of ths more timid of tbs
latter were evidently getting In sdvsnce ef the
expected rush for the narrow exit allowed by
narrow a - market. Northwestern receipts
only amounted to 270 cars, compered with 412
laat year. Foreign news wsa net of a Stirring
kind. Liverpool wss unchanged for the nearer
deliveiiee, but He lower for July wheat. Paris
quotations ware reduced hi,' and Antwerp re-
sisisea as oerore.
India shipped ao wheat this week, but Aoa-
trulm shipments amounted ta 1.040.000 bushels.
compared with 672.000 hushsls the similar
wssk but ysar. Broomhsll reported probable
smsu meres so oa ocean passsgs for the week.
snd estimated tbe week's world's shipment st
8.400.000 buahela. . Tbo market held stssdlly ta
ths sdvsnce It mads, early la tbe eessloa, end
st tbe close was at Its highest and hi to s
a nova ue closing figures or tns aay setore.
- Cora toady sa a Bock,
Cora Waa steady It might almost be asld
"steedy ss a rock for more thsa aa boar and
S half, for tbe fluctuations In Msy to that
time covered only 116c, the -prtce being alter.
nstely during the time mentioned 48tt to 4Sfll
43T40. Aa active trsde in both wheat snd oats
did nothing toward etlrrtng up tbe corn mar
ket, which lay like a log In a pond to which
tbe long green of atagnatlna had attached Itself.
Weather was scale unpromising tor enlarged
supplies, although the day'a receipts sxoseded
by T2 caratht.jrejlgna.niyg estimate. ?he
number in today a Inspection wss 283, snd at
those only one wss ef contract kind. Liverpool
reported ruiurea e sown. -Oats
Trade Brisk. .
Trade la eats wsa brisk sad the ' market
strong, at some Improvement ea tbe closing
prices of tbe day. learnings were small at tbe
atsrt, and tbe reluctance of sellers -to accept
the opening bids wss soon Justified by the
ralalng ef the letter.. The bossiest of the local
Individual kuige helped to stlmulats the bur
Ing by . appearing to person -eo- e purchsser.
Locel i rseelpte were -480 earoi 108 having been
the prevkrao day's eetloiste.
. Tbe movement of bogs giving Indication ef
enlarging, wltb probability of permanence to
tbe Increase, started the produces lower, but on
tbe decline there wss covering by aborts end
some buying' ua well by a prominent packing
concern, so that with tbe strength In the grata
markets tbe market reacted. .
Official euotatlooe by Overbeck, Starr Cooks
company; ' -
WHEAT. ' . -
Open. High. - Low.
4314 A
43 S B
84 lj
January .......
.way ,
8 Tsi TU
BV4 ' T4 TBii
614 T6J 78V4
48V 4.1
43 .
83 i.
IW Me .
K 8344
May .......
Jsly .......
January . . .
May 1040 1048
July 16T - 1600
. 1M0B -
" 820
7 Lasii.
Jsnoary ...
May ...... sra eaa .
July .......... 642 847 .
September 0-T ' ftoO
Janaary ... ...
May ano 802
July 810 . 818
Liverpool, Jan. 12. Official prices:
- WHEAT. - ; - v '.
' ' Jaa. U Jaa.ll,.
Marc5"';... a 4d a 4d
May a 2Hd 8s 84
July s OS .
v . vtjiin.
Jsnasry 4s 24 as t4d
jsarcn ., ...... w is -an
St, Louis Wheat Karket,
St. Louis. Jan. 11 Close: Wheat. May.
T6c. .-
.. Bsw Tsrk Whsat BUrkst.
' New Tork. Jan. 12 C Joes: Wheat. Msy.
V ' .' ' .. Xralutk Whsot Karket,-. ; -' -Duluth.
Jaa. 12. C'loss: Wbset, Ms, TSHe.
' . f" ' ' Winnipeg Wbsst Karkst, " 'I ' '
Wtnnipef , Jsn. 11 Closes TV beet. Key. Toe.
1 Bsw Tork Bead Market.
New Torkv Jaa. 12. Official prices!'
- swi
Burlington Joint 4a 8114
L. a . uniried sa. ...i'
N. W. Coos. 4a fn
Atlantic Coast 4e.....u........ eo
O. St. A N. 4s .
(Sneclal rtlenatrh le The Joarnil.l
Klamatb, Fallo. Or.,' Jan. 12. MupcrlB'
tendent H. G. Wilson of the Klnmath
Indian agency has been authorlxed by
ths Interior department at Waehington
to employ sn engineer lo prosecute the
work of Irrigation on the reservation
and thousande of acres will be Irrlnrated
and much mnrah land" drained, vastly to
the profit of the Indiana
It la the opinion of Mr, Wilson and
his predeceeaor. Captain O. C. Apple'
gate, that the exchange made for the
.1 MOf lands la for lha heel Intinit
vf the Indiana, and that tha advance In
the value of timber glnce negotiations
were Inntltuted and entlmatrd values
given,' which advance hna eon equal on
both aides, will account for the great
profit attributed by some to the Booth-
Kelly eotnpany.
,- - elBXBowewUBBBBemue f ' -
Diamondfield Stock. Has Sensa
tional Advance In the San '
.: ''--"'Francisco Market
Advance of 10e Made Over Friday's
Price and Brokers Try to Do Bust '
ness After Close of Beaslon sy
ver Pick Is One of Leader.' .
Heart Jfewa Service by Longest Lsassd WTre
in tns World.)
Bsa Francisco. Jsn. 12. The market ta mln.
Ing stocks wss generally ot a stronger tone
today.- , The hammering that many ef the
hlgh-jrlrod ssruiitiss- bed rooalsod oa -Trlday
when - hundreds sought the prod is that bsd
serened after tbe big market of Thursday,
ceaaed. Tbe Indications were that mi ay of
them were agile buying la. For a Bsturdsr
the market waa unuaually strong. Prices la the
mslorlty of Instances bald well, sad not a few
adrsnced to quotations Better thaa the high
high levels reached en the cllmsa ef the boom.
Dlsmondfleld- Triangle wss the eeneaUae of
tbe, day. Oa tbs Soar 60.606 shares were ex.
changed and oa the atreet brokers kept deillng
In this security boars after tbe adjournment ot
the board. Tbe prlcee were ta keeping wtth
tbe msgnltadw of the sales. Trtangls closed,
on Pridsy st 68. It opened At 88 today sad
sales wars recorded an to 88. 0a the street
later In the day It cold for 78. Large sates
were elso made la Nevada Qoldfleld and the or
eurlty almost doubted Its quotation. The stork .
opened st 68 snd on varying sales reached P".
Silver Pick continued en tbe upward treed,
sod from $1.45, the farmer reoerd. It mounted
to 81-U2, .
... Offlclsl bid prices 1 ' -
.; tonopah" district.
Belmont. 86.T61 Bronghera t. .. Xxtenslon,
2Sc; California, lie; Burrka Tonopah. 2r.
Golden Anchor, 42c; Golden Crown.. 20c; Jim
Butler. 21-80; lfscnamsra. 6Sc: Midway. 82.20;
Mldwsy Extension, 80c; North Stsr, 40c; Roeeee
Coasolldsted, 22c; Tonopah Kx tonal 00, 8d,76
Wsst End, 81-ttO. . .
Adsms. He! Atlsnta, tc; Bine Bell. t4ef '
Bine Bull, 6Sc; Blue Ooarta 81c: Bootn. $t.20 .
C. 0. D 21.2"; Columbia, $1; Columbia lleua
tain, 81-80; Combination Itlctloa, 8-2S Com
monweelth, 6W; Conqueror, 82c; Crarksr Jsck,
24c;iDslay, 62.88 Plimond Ball Butte Coneoll.
dated. 61c; Empire, 21c; Dixie, ITc; Esmeralda.
46c; Exploitation. 2Se; Florence, 88-76s Florence
Extension, 29c; Prances Mohawk, 80c; Oeldfleld
Consolidated Minos, 610; Oold Bar Estenetoa,
tor; Ooldneld M. of Nevada, 61.T6: North Star,
f 82c; Portland. 40c; Gold Fist, SOct Kewsnos.
81. TO; Third Chinee, 2flc; Cnloa. X3c; ursncme,
23c: Rrest Bend. $1.8T Greet Bend Exteit.
Ion. 8&c; Tllliernls. 20c; Jumbo. 84.30 Jambo
Kiteniloa, $1.86; Kendill, lr; Kewana Bxten
alon, 87c: Laguns. $1 .60; "Lone' Star, Tc; Tnu
Dillon, 2Tc; Mayne. 20c; MacQueeu. 81c: Mill-
tow s Mining ooapany, aac; aionawx, su.ei;
Mohawk Extension, 25c; Nevsds Boy. 27c; Ne
vsds GoldSeld, aoc: Oro, 60c; Potlsck. oOe: Bed
Hills, 87c; Bed Top. 84.40; Red Top Extrneton,
80c; Sandatorm. THc; SUver Pich. 81-62: noeer
-tl.Vssnnli 86s.
Amethyst. TOc; Bonnie Clara, 84c: BuHfrftS
Bsnner, 8106; Palsy, SOe; Oold King, 4c;
Bullfrog Mining company. Nevsds. 43c; Na
tional Bsnk. 80c; Oold Bsr, 81 Ml (esld Sceptre.
60c: HooMetake Consolldsted, 61.87: Maynewar
Coasolldsted. 67c: ' Maryland, 8.1c; Montgomery
Mountain, 48c; Montgomery Shoe Extsnshxk
2nc; Original Bullfrog. 24c: Btelnway, 82ci
Tramp Consolldsted. $1.80; Yankee Girl, 15c.
f.nun f nwr irrrrnn ninnr
auiiotuic uiicno imr
Disclosures in Raoul's Affair
' PreySorelyUponFathers I
v. ... Mind.
Publlshers' Press by Special Leased Wlre.1
New York. Jan. 12. The dtacloeuro
In the burning love letters of Dr. Raou I
Amador to Mrs. Bertha K. Grenhan
have cauaed the prospective realgnatlo:
of Amador'a father, president of Pana -ma.
according to dispatches from Colon
today.. - I
It, waa reported these fervent mla
elves, which forced Dr. Amador'a res
ignation aa Panama tmnsul-seneral I".
New Tork, have ao preyed upon th
mind of the elder Amador that ha la on
the verse of nervous prostration an !
baa decided to travel abroad.
The scandal has so Impaired the ex
ecutive's health that fears are enter
tained that he will never again returns
the presidency of the republic .. It ta
understood that his resignation Is ta ba
effective for on year. ....
( Pa bl libers' Preen by Special leessa Wire.)
Adrian. Mich., Jan. 12. Mra. W. C
Dodge, widow of a former Adrian phy
alclan, who realdea la Oak Para. Chi
cago, telle a romantic story In her suit
for the 11.000,000 estate of the lute pat-
fcprlw White, of Brooklyn, N. T. Bha
claims that she la White's slater. Me
only known relative and because he did
not know aha waa living he left hla ae
tata to four charitable Inntltutlone.
Mra Dodre says tn the presence ef
herself and Patrick White, both of them
email children, their mother waa killed
by an accident In the- street In Phila
delphia The woman was never Iden
tified, and tha children were too young
to make their blatory, so the boy (Pat
rick) was sent to a Cathollo orpnanag.
while the slater (now Mra Dodge) was
adopted by a Philadelphia lady, w
witnessed the accident. That tmly was
the grandmother of Commodore Thomas
Boyle, of Columbia Tacht cluh of Chi
cago. It Is mainly by. the latter-a an
that Mra. Dodge has been able to IM'i
her relationship to the late Brooklyn
millionaire. . .
. (Special rtfer-stc te The JoruroaL)
' Klanmth Falls, Or.. Jan. 12, T"
scare about the atarclty of potit
sre tns to be unfounded, as grrwers a
of the opinion that there la an ai.u--dance
In the aurroundtnb' -country i t
that the price will not nwei.inif
over I cenra per irfitind, nn l ti at I'
fould be shipped In and 6"!d at t
U r-Kaiurdiy si' t. it I " I.--s-rmd
sl ne-.!. ' 1 ,
l,utel f'KHasd eu-l r e 1- - 1-