The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 21, Image 21

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' -' ' ' 0R 8ALB.
$190,000 400 (set oa riaader. 100 Mt ee
Fifth, to feet oa Sixth.,
ia. (
.(K guarmr block Fifth aad aim a. ,
1,000 Lara 24 imm: Income.
l.OOO Modera houae. a mml lot 100x200.
Ji.euv aaooera Doaaa, 7 room, cioaa la.
7.8AO Four 4-ooui (lata I a and bar. '
' $7,000 Rooming boose, 40 rooms) Income.
$4.600 830 cxs; ttala la a aoap; ee a
$4,000 Boaee raeaiai (tea plee ef praa
ty. v ,
H.T80 80 acres, modera boo, aa r1vr)
. this la lost what job want.
(3,000 Houae. 8 rooma, larg attic, S acre
had; half eaah. .
2,600 Modera baaa. room! I half cash.
I.T00 80 aerat, rchrd; Bay brook, Ora.
1.4QO. g law hiuua:. half eaeh! eU'noA.
- 8L60O. t roana hoaae, aera laadi S00
- cash,
' 11.200 Hons, rooms, T acne land, t
aerea (rait. . -
- 80O Lota at Woodstock. $7$ eaah, Delano
110 month.
00 lata, 0x2801 I MO, 328 gash, (10 month.
' W hav aUer bargalna. Lut roar prop.
nwltb aa. ' v..
,, ' -.;'. COMPANY. ;. ',...;
.' Wereaalar Bid. ;'"
88.800 FOCB 6-room (lata aad oaa 8-room aot
tag.; (all aoraar lot; Orsrtoa aad lTtk at. I
1 kmm. MA m ma.,1.
V' s S.kOO ft-rooa oottsg, fun lot. - aiadam;
T : " - HmIImI mmI.Lm. Itu ImS fl.tllil a. . V
, twaaa Thrman and Upshur eta.
12.800 S-raooi, bath and laundry, fin baa.
'meat concrete; newly bulM by own; full
lot., graded atraat, ail Imprnvemeata, (lna
Uwo, quick car aarrioa; Eaat 84th, near Haw
. tborna eve.
f 81,660 6-reom eotteg. medm. thle a Ida
MntaTDatar aood basement! kit aoxlOO.
v una. . ,
' 63,860 I room eottag, emnt baaetaent
.laundry tube, Roosevelt at., Bortbwaat part
. af city, aloaa to car Una; raat $20 par moatb.
-$1.750 Vary dealrabls lot, 60x100, aaaat
front, 4th at., 100 (act north of Tbnrmaa at
- car Una. 1 ' ' -
' -. A. B. BIKKKH.Ii. ' ' '"?.
801808 McKay Bldg., Cor M aad Start.
t Loni
' lOOxiw (cat at Laorahrood. kfoaat Boatt
V 100x100 Mot cat Raat Unrein aoar Hum
nta arct arlco IsoO; fvog oowa,
. .a-oartarly. , ; .
' 100x100 (aot aa Eaat 8M. naar
aa. a Ana aoraart prleo l,00i aaay taraaa, ,
icholea lot oa Waaro' at. taf Ininfkjav.
Ballad dlatrlct: prleo 1.V0.
., i, FRANK POHTER, w.
, --t ta Waahlakton. eoraar FUat, apctalrc
TAKK apacui not loo thla tJna; lob H1U,
M.000. amt olcsaot. w, arrtrtly aaodara
-room roaldaaoo, bojjt (or a bean; owner
v taarlnf eltyj proud to anoar tbla. .
Baartnoraa are., eloaa In, awall aat-hbor-boed.
o.tS0, boaatlrnl jiaw atrtatly asodcra
react raaldeaeai a aplebdld bocee. .
PtedBMat, naar Dalea aToaaa ear - Una,
ft.00, le-raly w aMdera a-rooaa hoooo, all
laxfe aaataa. apieadtd elaw of rlTor and aMoa
taiaai balf caab. balance tlatf a big .bar-
fatet Owner learlng city.
' Beat Uth and Balnea ata., fl.SOO, flaa lot
wltb cant eat walk)- a ana p. Alao aocaa goad
taaayntda preportlea at areat barf lna. - --
UTH Waabteftoa (It, Room IT.
Pbona Paeifle (33.
. Good Buys?
Tao, aad aocaa o( tbeaa areat bairaraa.
l.aM 4 roaoaa, fully awdera, oa boala-
nrd, l 1-txlOO.
, TOO roome.
I2.SS0-0 reacaa, toUy
aw nt, eoxioo.
asio icccna, fan
aieoo i
new awall (aa baaamant,
, awdara,' waat rifle,' ila-
S.800 mat,
alaetrtettr, acta. toOrt,
etc J lot reoo auo.
v Payne & Van Tyne
- tie AUaky Bld. .-,'
POK f ALB. -
raranrhad awdera a-rooni flat, todadkit
Jlaaa, l.a0; aloaa km. Addraaa X 11a, aara
BOOM awdera aonea, JJ.0001 1800, baiaaoa
30 moathlyj eemer. Pbona Bact TB.
b(. FOB BALK M.TB0. alcraatlF turn (abed aew
r aaodera 0-reont kaoaa. lot 40 by lS3t (taa la
ectloa. Beat Balmoo, naar and. Owaar. - -
ROOM hooaa. B0 caab. balance Beatht
ImnroTed atraat b-mlnnta car aarrlca. In
quire tt (act Oaaca. Phone Beat WT.
Cha abow yoa a baraa-o a Vmtk Portlaad.
oath Portland aad ba Hob Bill. Call aad
MS Start .
LOT witb S boaeea oa Bact RneaeU tt. ebeap
(or caab. Bpblax Acaney, auOH BUrt at.
LA BUI modern boeaei aot water beat, won
located oa carltne and within, walklnf die
tancci lot 100x100; tbla U Terr ebeaprtbe
Srtca will aorprlae you. Spblax Afancy, KOVt
tnrk at.
T-ROOht aonea, ap ta data ta ererr reaoact.
oaa walklna dlatanca and alcely located oa
tbe weat aide. . Bpblas Aeacy. tPH -
0x100 lot oa Beat Start, Cheap.
Afeecy. 06H Stark et,
10 NICK lota clone In. BOxlOO, ta city, for
1,800; 1100 down, balance awatbly pajmtnU;
a aaap. , 4
W. J.Dar& Co. -
1SH rovrtb at. i
Locatloa Bne. d rooma, toilet and atnk, wood.
" abed, lot 46x118, fine yard. block frn
' ear; tl.600; , f900 caab, balance 1 yea re,
B80 Uarraerlta axe., corner Hawthorne.
Tabor Bid. -
SMALL VACANT HOUBB tbat eea aaally be
com plated into 4 roame or enlarged at email
coat, end eery ebolee elevated lota, wltb
macnlflcant view of almoot entire city; Mock
of car; well ah I tared from eaat wlnda by
cre-re; fond nrlchnors; rare apot (or a cocy
home: barcalbi S60, . Home Lead Co., 140
riret at. -
Winow LKAVINO CITT offera bar aeleeted
bolldlnf alto, BoxlOO, extra -choice corner, H
block rood varllne, pkoaa lino, electric Ufbt
end blch-preeenre water main near; It'a ont
of tbe fof belt and beelthfut; wide atreeta)
will trow la eaiuej only f2Ml come early,
noma Land Oo.v 145 rirat at. ,
11,000 FOR a lot on Beet Txylor and lotb ata.i
bre la juat wbat yon want.. 903 Lonber Bx
ebanca. . -
Hoaae. 4 rooma, lot eoxlOO, oa Monnt Brett
ltae, between Hawthorne and SWtloa Line
rood; intiat ba aeen to ba appreciated; Bull
Hoe water. onthnlMlngei terma like rant.
Cobb, ewaer. trr? 14tb. Pbona Mala 1183.
LOOK I I4.J0O Part caab. realty with lamr re
tnrne: owner caa't awlos It. Addreea J tit,
care Jonrnal.
1 C0TTA0KS oa Hawthorne for $1,000 and
li.Tooi o down; balance aame aa raat. 103
Lumber Excbanaa. . -
Owner need money at coca, as effera a
modern borne, aa W 60x120. aot far from eteel
bridge, tn (,n nelcbhnilinod; W.lM traja K.
t "' i rink st. :' -
Medera bom of rooma,. aew and ap ta
date) can be bonM at a bargaia If taken
eooat get partlcnlara of -
.... l Fifth St. -
A BAROAIN A doe acre Bear Myrtle Park
etetloa; alao a corner lot 40x140, new kooaa,
ana locatloa tot a etnrei It will pay yon
" to Vr thla ao. - Monet Bmit ear, Flret aad
Aider. . 4reaa HU,.0. Bod., Aileta, Or.
, POH'lLAbO BblUUTS, .
For Bala IT ' ; 'i
' h U C i K
' W.IWM-Quarter block on Klliabetb at, 1
block to car; cbeapeet bay la rlclnlty,
4,800 Qnarter block oa Myrtle at.l mar
Bllce&A Tlavri apleadld epeeulattre Taloe. .
4.800 Corner, SfxlOO. aplendld ba tiding
alto, auobatrnctlble clew, cement aldawai.
IS.00O Qoarter block, lmprored wltb I
modem eotUgeo; (lna elaw. v '- r.
T. BOO Corner, WxlOO, and (-room bouec,
aa the car Una. ... , :
, Can aa aa and get fall particular. : .
,7,;U ...Wa LBMOatB 00, ..aI''.
FINB (arm 170 aereei SO la cnlttTatloa, good
houaa aad barn, otker outbuilding, do eprlng
. at door, running water. Sue paature; well
located and only 10 mile from Portlaad; la
one of tbe flneet dairy ranch aa la tbe country
, One orchard; only goS per acre.
, Fine 4u-acr tract 10 mllce eeatt aa grncel,
aa good road; 80 la ealtlr.tlon. balance
paature; Sue orchard, good well, good houae
and barn; 14.600; 1,500 caab.
-Fine 10-aera tract, good boaaa, B aerea la
caltlTatloa, cloee to achool and a tore; SLOOP;
aa mn '
aouae, on good road, aeex acbool; (SoO; flBO
caab, 1100 per year. .
Fine T-roooi nooae, sew aad modem: the
beat part of Bonny aide; cement walks S,860
, Fine
acre of
Beer . aad . aeedaaa.
amond: aa.OJML
Fine 7 -room bona. B good lota, blgh and
etghtly, t block achool) a real anap. 1,00
giao caab. . - .
Fine mt, Eaat Portland Balgkta, TaxUSl
SSOO; 100 caab.
dot Cexnmerclal bldg. - Pbona PacUa IMS.
4 room bouee, Tabaaoo AddlUoa, lot StelOO,
B9S0. . , ...... - -
7 -room modera new boaaa, dStb and Hew.
'' tborna, gX.OOO.
. S-room good houae, Rodney ar.; Baa boane
or Inreetment; $2,300.
-room bonne, rery attraerlre, xsedern
ap to preeent boar, full baeement, with full
lot 4,aoo; rloee b eteel brtdgfc ."
'";. s-room modern, op ta data, lull paaaxaanf.
Beat Salmon, U.1O0.
S-room modern awelt boaaa. fall baeement.
Beat Sal moo at.. 8,o80.
S-room good honee,' full baeement, fall let,
aloe to eteel bridge, SS,000, . .
Two bonaee One very attractlT, aesden,
"fall baeement, with gaa and aleetrl Ufbt,
walking dlaunee, waet elda; tbe modem
one rente fur (30 par month and tbe other
would rent for S20; lot ftOxlOO; a aood In.
- xaatroent and two good, beuaea on one lot tor
Tbeaa ar a (ear af oar many bargain,
Terma can ba bad on any of tbeaa, -
S2 Lomber Bxebange. 3d and Btark ata.
T,00O On half block right la the heart
f tb city; a lot 60xS4 feat, with a on,
atory tram, fa tb block acroae tb etreet,
recently enld for 110,000, Do yoa want a
bargaia and a apleadld ln-raatmentt Now
la year opportunity. ;,
W. J. Pcddicord
Hear new city aalL - St, Jobaa, Ongoav
$S.teo BUTS THIS a-room aaodara bouee, in
cluding S200 worth of furniture, good locetlea.
rent -for 420: good taoanta; tbla U a Me. i
laxeetmeat; tbM week only.
$2,200 buy S-room bouee within walking
'dlatane. oa Bant Sixth, near Burnatd.
1,T00 B-roeea, ottagjf - -trlctly modem,
bath aad gaa, cement baeement. cement
- walke. lawn, near (Jaloa are- ,
$1.400 A aera eloae In, t block e nr
good eoll; tbla la a anap. .
gl.100 8 roeen cottage, aloaa to eartlnei S
Meet emeu payment ooirn, niano iwumy
100x100 In St.
Jobaa, eloae to peatofaoai
Pndna 101, SSI Aid at.
PORTLAND Lata oa Beat ISth aad Bonekwa
TRUST aea.. tw block from Alberta at.
CO. ' earllaa. Thai aectloa'ef tb dty
la rapidly building ap, aad at
$280 each theea are vary
reeeonable. Eaay terma. -PORTLAND
' B. B. Caraar Third aad Oak ata.
$1,000 Quarter block aa Macadam read, good
for renting purpura or baalneeel party bal
ing towa; yoa caa mak $A00 on the by
' anmmar. P. O. Nortnrnp At Oe til Commer
cial blk. i
beeaw, 10
cart $1.8i
caab. 80S
lOOxSS. 1H black from Moaat
800 win take tbla tbla woeai
Ltunbar Bxchanga.
A NEW partially SMabed email bene aad aor
Ber lot, 800; $100 down, balance aa rentt
other bargalna Juat ae good. Alpine Real
Batat Oe room a, tOSH Mprrlaoa at. Phoaa
Mala 1S1T.
FOR 8 ALB BT OWTBRV New aMdera S-room
boaee em Fifth at., near Oa rat her; beet
porcelain nlnmblagi a bargaia If aold tbla
week. W. 0. Hepaaa, BBS 11 U at.
ACRES, Blcety located, klg, la etty Itmlta,
aear ear, (trendy platted, partly Improred;
exchange for Income property, walking dla
tanca: will pay eom caab. Addraaa Owner,
T 108, -cere Journal.
$1,800 Corner 88x100, Mat front. Improved
$1,100 Corner 0x100, SOO feat from Saw
thorn are.
$1,000 Good prnepecttr bnetrwea comer aa
Bart 87th at and Hawthorne are.
f kare a few choice lota left ta Hawthorn
Arena addition. To cine out, theea lot ar
eelllng from tanO't $00 each; oaa fifth eaah,
balance to rait.
Real acuta bought gad aold. ,
M. B. LFB.
Room SO Balelgh bldg., 823V4 Waehtagtoa t,
oorner Sixth.
Phon Paelfl BS. ' .
PORTLAND Oar lota la Woodetnch bar baaa
TRUST eelllng rapidly - during tba peat
CO. , f few week. Only a limited num
' . bar attll anaold, and while they
lent we WIU eel on farorable
: terma. A good chance to get a
, , ' home. 100x100, $800 to $880.
' ", B. B. Corner Third and Oak ata.
' $1,800 v
' BannyirM lot, $3 1-gxlOO ftt baeement 1
atreeu lmprored. aula 8280.
' Pretty g-reom cottege, electric light, a
very an grate and mantle, wltb plate glee
mirror; kit 80x100 feet; too feet from car.
Addreea X 110, car Jonrnal. .. . '
ja.aoo g BOOMS, roracr lot, booea new, not
Jolt completed; buy now. bar room tinted
enltj ther are rare wmdowa and pore be a.
artletla deelga; located Bear carUn end
achool; ' term. C- C. Shay, t04 Ablngton
bldg. Mala 1048.
$10.000 soxioo BnsiNRRB property, aaer ta
an Front at., weet aid.
ll.eoo 00x100, new S-rocm beee. eaat
j aide, near In.
$1,100800x180 feet ta Center addition, aa
. block from carllnet moat eell.
gl.800 00x100, good s-mnca konaa, as Baa
Sell at., 800 feet fronr L'nlon are.
$5.(00 Quarter block, good 7 -room bone,
. aa IKth and Rant Med lion ata.; fin fruit.
- Money to loan In ml from li oofl to gS.OOO.
' Boom SO Waeblagtoa bldg. ,
FOR SAf.B 00 aerea unimproved land, rich
ami; will aril la 10 acre tract or merei will
make ale hoeve; !( dowa, helaae lo enlt
piircnaaer; iric ao aere. inomee auaca-
' (tnae, Rldgefleld, Clai
CUrk county, Waah.
FOR SALB $180 mart rare aa good properti,
t per eaat , PbAm Woodlawa 11. . , r
FcrSale- A Few of Ojr :
' S-room bouee, taew, lot 60x100, Eaat 10th
t.j 41,000. ,
- S-room bouee, saw, lota, ornr,- 40x118,
Anabell $1,200.
-room houaa, lot 88 1-4x100, cornar ttd
and Eaat Main at. $1,030.
1 1-room honiie, modern, lot . 80x100, But
nth at.; $H.2uO.
5- room borne, new, rood am. Jot tIx33S, STth
! t., eaat( ta.000. ' ,
6 -room elegant aMdera Cottage, lot 00x60.
Clinton at $2,800.
- Elegant iota a Eaat Mala aad Slat at.,
SOillOt; $1,800. ' '
O.k Orore Tory Sn lota 60x12; $228
to 8.T0.
Farme-ao , aerea, good, near North Yam
hill; lt060.
1.000 ecree. Terr fln. near Qraat Paea;
eery low.
e Fine ma loo and fruit tract ta Idaho.
- Timber location and bonaatoada; beat t
aa bad, . -,
- r J. ReFcreman r
Willamette on: the;
la tb beat pUc for laeMtora aad bow
bnllder; bar a ' few lote left overlooking
river and city, alao lot farther In. Boatnee
and Income property In different parte oa
the aet lid, from Koaeell at. ta St. John.
Modera bouee from S room up to 10 wltb
larg grouada, all lmprored nomca, from
$1,800 np to $7,000; eaah or tarma. . Don't
mla thla opportunity U yoa want a bargaia.
TBI ee me aoon.
a A. ZyeowskI
Office WUUmette atatloa. St. John ear.
WTB offer (or tb coming week a aalendld llet
o( tbe Boat lorely , home ver pat ea toe
$11,50011 larg room, n-todata boctee aa
" Irving at ' ,
$fl.T80 10-raoat modera bonne, Haleey at -'
M.Ooo Ocooot modern un-to-dat bona.
U 04-room modern bona, lot 100x18.
,600 S-rooat modern konaa,, M block, ta
- D-nngtoB.
$4,000 8 room modern bone. Tharmaa at.
- $n. 600 S-room modera bone, Eaat Stark at
.... . COMPANY. i-
J8SH Flrat at.
U BLOCK eV . Portlaad '. Height! Sn vlewi
at a bargain. 1 "
1 lot at ateat zero ana seimonv. . ami
let Ba bow yoa thla. 81.008.
i lot at rrth
and Wnac U 80x121 (eetl
tew gToO.
U block at 14th aa Wddle ata. i leak thla
Main 8180. SIT OnmmaraHI blk.
100x84, 14th and Columbia, $18,000
"let valued t 410.00! both for 81 8.000.
lli SI. South Portland,, flaa locatloa, la
poom bouee, 810,000. - - . .
112x00, twe eottarae, 84.008.
A11 tbaaa are oorner aad fce. 8Blas Bart
. af atty. .
..- boss tL nvuwtn, - . ; T
Craotare, 200 Third et. : .
88.800 TINS i-atorr S-raaaa
meal, betb, toilet, aad lot ooxlia, dwcb
from Bawtborn ar. $1,600 caab, blaaa
' tarma, par aent. . .. .
$4,000 10-room hoaae, lot dSxlSO,' Booth
Portlaad! a beautiful home; halt aaak, baiaaoa
per cent j' v .-.
, 81.400 B-vaom hanaa, lot 80x108, Baath
Portland. Kelly at- '
- 88.800 . S mom bone and tot 8814x180.
Booth Second t. berg hi; $1,000 caab..
amioacw uuae, .
Addreea W, Haaaam, 881 OorbeM at, Phaa
Padfla 141S. .
PORTr.Ajn), Obetc 7-ecw ottg at Mt. Tn
TRCST nor, only a kalf block freea oar
00. Hoe: 60x100 feet of groandi prto
. Ba,euu. Be a anont rerme.
B. B. Oorner Third aad Oak ata.
14-ROOM bone, corner lot 80x100, Boat 18th
aad Washington. $8,000; 11,000 down. '
acree, 4 bloeke af earl In. Be far, only
SO oar acre! tarmi
eoitaxe. fall lot. taihaaa, tddttloa.
vary emao In, $2,600.
tern bouee. Midway, lot BtalBS. tot of fr-
, nirara. ganoi term.'
ceem cottege, Bunnralde. aa ry good
terma. $1,200; $380 down. . -
8eoera honee for $260: $100 down. .
$ fin lot, email bouee, eheeni
- - 407 Hawthorn are. .......
SeeTtls '-x-
Good S-reom boaaa aa Portlaad I Hatgbta,
with a fine view, anly $8,880. .
Rntherfcrd & Co.
Main 8120. BIT Commercial blk.
flaw 8-raem boo, eaat aide, walking 41a
taac, all modera tmprorament and i will
a tend ttutpeetwa.
Good 10-room keaae at lttk aad Wridtor.
fall ti block of ground, nlc trace and good
barat fall cemeat baeement furnae, electric
light; eaay term, gee
Rutherford t& Co.
Mate S120. SIT OoauMrctal bib.
LOT at STth and Wi. $ TOO
Lot at 80th and Belmont.. 1.000
Lot on Ruoeell at m 1.000
. Lot bhi Roeaell et 1.200
Quarter block, lflth aad Weldler. 8,000
Rutnerford & Co.
KalB 8120.
SIT Oommareial blk.
8-ROOM kooaa and large lot at Mt Tabor anly
S-room bona, Bart 88th t. berg ata at
$8,000. ' - ... .
Nw T-room boaaa at Mt Tabor, olnae to
car, weet elope and full view of city, $3,700.
Quarter block.' with a good 10-room boo,
cement baeement and furnae, leotrle Ugbta
and fbie view, only $4,600. Yon con Id aot
build the bouee (or tb price Bow. Be . ,
Rutherford & Co.
Mala 8130. - , . SIT Com menial blk.
T-BOOM boo with bath. $18 per month. J 00
Nebruka at. Inquire 106 North 12th at
u BLOCK and nearly aew S-room boaaa at
Mount Tabor, near car Hoe. with full view
f city: nlc lawn aad ahrnboerr. Owner,
Tabor Vt B agent. , Addreae t 108, ar
JouraaL -
FOB SALB $8,TB0, elegantly furs (abed bow
modera S-room boo, lot 40 by 128 feet, (in
location on eaat aide, Saknoa Bear S8d
--wnar. O, 111. ear. JonraaL ,
$600 BUYS bolca tot In walking dhrraac aaat
aide. Hatfield A Smith, l6fe Poartb at.
Qnarter block, corner, oa a etreet eooa ta
. b Improved; $000; balf caab, balaae ay.
8S9 Margnerlte v., corner BAwtkorxm, .
. Tabor 610.
Now on market; lote going feet at $40, $60,
$.50 and 8100 each; very eaay term, flurry
np and get yenr cholc. Sea Bdenlgavd for
lnald Information. -
HO. OGDEN,' St, iohna. Or: - -
FOR SALB CHEAP Flmt-elaa plaaa, nearly
new. or will trad (or city tot, Addreea
N 108, car Journal.
A BARGAIN 10 aerea aeet of dty, flaw for
auburbaa Dome, tin eariy.
40$ Mohawk blk. - Phoaa Paelfl 841
$2,800 WILL bay a very deelranl bora, T room
boa and 8 tola, all la frnlt a aeet etde,
cloe In: worth OS.Oon. For a few daya only.
403 Mohawk blk, Paeifle 841.
MY hoetwnd m 111 la California and t anet
eell anr aew S-reoat Btodera cottage, with
full baeement, aewer and atreet Improve.
pneut all paid, f.vle than mat; brie only
t 2,600; eaay terme; corner lot, Sn locality.
1 106. care JonraaL i .
BETERAL romfortable honee and tor belong
ing to a eon-reel neat ronet b eold at oac et
a tarrirtces term. W. B. Mrrberana. Ih
rkUadelDhla, room U, Third aad Balamaw
NEW S-room modern bona, fireplace, furnace,
Stole, on Mt. Scoit line, $2,100; a good buy.
. J. Oeder, 1 Orand are., N. -
DEKIRABLB lot oa Lerrabee at., blgh, etghtly,
walking dlatanca. So owner, room 432,
Lumber Exchange, .
CHOIOB H block 100x100, Improved. 23d and
i nuron at.; alga, alghll, an vmw. U'
v vunion 9- -
BUILDING covering 4 tot. T
v ' i vj cv.rriuf . M'l. f n wu.
theatre and hall above; win pay for Itaelf
In S year; 17,000 caab or term to nlt
rurcbaeer. For particular cell at 111 Feu-
1. ' tun bldf.
$2. SOO 6 ROOM modera bemae erltb oorner lot,
,. Eaat 25 to and Yamhill et. Apply of owner,
nwa Muwai, vurner 4ou, , .
LARGE lot In Soeth Sunnyetde; nicely located
for building. Hartman .oompaoa. Cham
ber of Commerce.
I MUST gel quick my Sn Arbor Ledg home;
T-roem houae. 8 lot. 13 bearing frott treee,
city water, bath, etc.; It. Too; 8000 caab,
balaae Uk rent H. 106. ear JonraaL
TWO acre on penlnanla, alghtly, clear, cheep,
' by owner, room 26, Washington bldg...
BOUSE and tot oa Union ar. at bargain; T
rooma; owner hi hoapllat. caa't recover;
$2,000. Alexander Land Co., 44 Sixth at,
Bear Pin,
Scietlilii? Nice
ami Improvement, good Income! alao A river,
view lota, weet front for beauty can't be
duplicated. SIT Lumber Excbaag bldg.
FOR SALB A handaora 8 tory 6 -loom eot-
t xtT rylhttTKt!rmHirir llAiVll
for bom by owner; fruit tree, corner lot;
ample room, for another bouee; will b
; Salahed tbla week; cheap If uld at encel
4 block from ear. i
1 ' I '. 1 1 11 ' '
PORTLAND Tn tb eprlng you'll bnfld a borne;
TRUST .- why aot buy the tot today before
CO.? , -. ; i further advene 1b price? Wa
, . ' have ata oa But loth et., wltb
atreet Improvement Bade, . tor
"", $500. .
. 8. B. Oorner Third and Oak ata.
Corner can be bought t make money tor
-Bwrebaeert $8,000 cub, balaae 1, a aad 8
year, 8 per ceat.
' BBS Margurlt are., corner Baertnorn. '
JOTT-tblekv 1,800 tot Beer Salem cartlne.
a farther tbaa St. Johne. at $16 per bit.
at $1 rer month; level and good eon, with
honee already there; yea eanH'bav acre. re
at ther for earn aiBonati tota will be 800
per tor la Acer oat, when can are raanlnct
ther will be tb flneet town ont hero In the
- valley. Apply to owner, W, Reldt. room 18
Waahugtoa bldg 370 Wiehtngtoa at
' below Value ' an nearby atreeta. - Agent en
groonde In mornings.
Pboaa Eaat 4800. 800 Belmont at
INOOMR-BBAttlNO flat en aay terma i 24
, 80S 18th et., four flata, $T8 per month, sor
rel tin hatha la each, doe tn, aetly ranted;
- 32.000 each, fit Bwntbly rnetallmenta; In
come will pay the loatallment. making re
markable Inreetment of email capital. Mor
gan. Sweet Chanmaa, 813 Ablngton bldg.
Phon Mala 2018. .
800 FARMS, email tract aad lota: bargalna a
0. W. P. Uctrle Una, O. B, Addltno, Laata,
Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car. Sc.
Meraboae 8j Freoeb. 1070 B. 18th, '
Phone Sellwdbd 74.
' CTty Ttow Perk ku,T$STB ad apt Roe
Addition lota. 8100 and an: 66 down and 86
month. Home, from nO0 ta $6.000, Lota
. juu na up., in all part or neuwooo, tlat
your property with aa; wa win eell lt
FOB SALB BT OWNER On ( tb meet
beeutlfnl aew modern home In Portland; 8
. large , room, fireplace, plata-glu window,
doohl floor, talned, waxed and finished for
ruga; large rumaee, ruu mnc oaeemonti
'. bandaom built-in sideboard; wood lift laun
dry, la fact everything one would xpet to
find In f Irat-elaee honee: foil tot or amr If
. d.eltad. Anyone wanting rock a borne call
and owner will bow yon tbrongb -bone, 88
. Bast 18th at aoraar Washington,
S-ROOM house, lot 80x100, aear eerlrna, only
8675 If nld Dow. Aylrworth A Bp toe. rbona
Tabor 870.
FOR SALB by awner modern T-coem konaa,
, 641 Broadweri choice locatloa. For par
tleulare laqulr an premleee.
-BOOM hop, ta Alblna, near car Una. tot 0x
leo reet, ttatrwia 4k BmitB, 100M
' Foarth et.
8-ROOM booM, t tota 60x100, downetalre;
plaatered and furnished; look thla BP. 8.
Thornton, i486 Fern at, Woodlawa, . .-
WB bava aevaral good bouee and tomi term
eaay; eee us before buying. T20 Chamber af
OOOD tot, weet aide, reel
Chamber of Commerce,
ante, eleeo tn. T30
800x218 IN South Portland; 8n locatloa for
Sat; look thla ap, T20 Qiambar at Com-
100x100 ON St John earllne; 10 par eaat down.
Own?, T20 Chamber at Com mere.
SEVERAL nlc lota a St. Jobaa ear line; tarma.
T20 Chamber of Commerce.
$l.TO0 FOB honee oa Portlaad Halgbts. T20
Cbaasber of Commerce. .
B1.1O0 BUTS 40 m
T20 Chamber of Comi
8 CHOICE lota oa Beech at, very
f 20 Chamber af Com mere
8-ROOM aew cottage, cemeat tweeimmt, tot lOOx
100. en car Una, $3,300. Hatfield Smith,
166H Foarth at
" T-room Wyaser'TWceSHoa hall, bath, toilet
foil baeement, piped for furaec. eloae ta
In all bedroom; 1 bedroom lower Boor, 8
bedroom apper floors tot dOVtxlOSl $1,808
. Caak, balance eaey.
BS8 Marguerite eve., corner Bawtbova. ,
Tabor 810.
$800 FOB S-room cottar en block from Bell
wood car lift, tot 60x120, with alley. 011
on O. T. Neal. owner, 480 Hawthorn arena.
Pbona Eaat 4401.
(80,000 TERY central 60x100; ana of tba beat
bny ta Portland) will douM la vain fa 2
. year; $10,000 each, $5,000, mnrtgega, 8
year at 8 per cent: will tak $8,000 1 wst
aid properly. Call st Snni Bursals t,
room 10. - Phoaa Pactfm 121 1.
8IGHTLY 6-room hoaee, 8 tota, vnrtooting
Willamette river; Bull Raa water. Inquire
en premlee 1"14 Willamette boalevard.'; r
" phon Rest 8888. - m f T .
$1,000 BUYS g furnished d-ronm cottage, ale
Else; term. $800 eeah, balance $10 month,
lata Lead Co., 188 First et. ,
FOUR cottege fa Soatb Poet land, prlea $2,800,
- term a good bey. Stat Land Co 188)4
Flrat et.
A S-ROOM cotters ta Runnystdet $2.10 caab,
balance $14 monthly. State Lead Co.. 183)
First at, -
8-ROOM booea, larg bath, modern thmnghont,
brick baeement, cement floor end eldewelki
Untoa are. Phoaa Woodlawa ,T41. Owner.
XRW 4-mora modern boa, full basement,
Sunnyatdc $8,000; term. $408 caab, balance
$26 per month.
New T-reotu vendera bone. furl beeementt
tot 40HX10D: golden oek flnteh; Bawtborn
v. a good boy. $3,050.
a-room bouee, fine conditio; lot 84x108,
gbaie fruit: Eaet 46th t. 81.100.
S-rnom modera bone, tot 60x100, But
Rverett. Beer car. 82.8M.
Vacant We In ell pert of city.
851 Alder at, room 18.
8 AND 4-roonj cottage, cloee to ear, Moata
villa, tm year own trie; will tak vacant
tot or piano aa first payment, balaae $13
month. 1'bon Eaet 4100. .
88 ACRES, It In eief betiding, ateek. tenia:
gar 40 mlnatrir part trad, god Ooldsmll.
$2,10020 erea fronting on Columbia river:
18 acre cleared. 8 acree orchard: email booea
and bar fin view of tb Columbia river.
820 acre. 18 mile from Portland; 100 aerea
In fine etete of eultlvatlua, balf bottom land,
all fenced: S-room bouee, 2 bajrna, good
ton nillkhouae; 6 aerea brtag orchard,
' moally aoplea: near acbool. R. F. D., 4
mile to boatlaadlng and railroad. 8ne gravel
' road, level laud; price only $40 per cr
-.! sxt term; beat t-ulL
, 8000 60 aerea, 12H mllea from Portland,
In Washington eoent?; 20 acre cleared, eome
tlmher, balanc eeally cleared: ell level, on
mala county road, R. F. D. aad telephone,
4li mllee from railroad elation, eear acbool.
cream end milk route paet place: will give
good terma; Sirlll take part tn city property:
, beat of black eoll; no rock or gravel. Will
divide tract ' , .,' ..
" $T, 000 100 acree: '80 aerea cleared, aome
timber, balance paature: T mile tram Van
couver; all level, all feneecf, , good T-room
bouee, fair barn. S-crei bearlug orchard. IS
. mllee from railroad etatlon, I mil to arbool,
R. F, D.. eome atock and farm Implement;
; One locatloa, an main county road, level
nd graveled to Portland; will exchange for
city property. ... , ,
' $8,00040 aerea 4 mile from Taouvet, oa
Sn gravel road: tn acre cleared! family
orchard; 6-room bouee; fair etable: beet of
oil, a rock or gravel; halt caab. balaae 8
year; tbla I a leap; So locatloa; aear
, acbool; B, F. D. ,
. 31.40020 acre, 12 mile from Vancouver, 8
- mdlee from boat landing and railroad; -12
acre cleared, all feeced. S-room home, eg
main county road, Mar acbool, fine location,
beet ( eoll. .
Vt gxiinni In flirh iTfuintr. WnrMi3f ti f-
.mile from boat landing and railroad, 100
ere la fin etete of cultlvatloB. eome green
timber, balance paature. all fenced with poet
and wire. 8 acres bearing orchard. . 3 aerea
pptos end cherries and pears, balance prance:
new T-room bouee. met 81.P00; one large
bar. 40x400. frnlt dryer, milk house, with
fine snrlug water In It. otheroutbulldlnKS,
blacksmith shop and tools; personal property
goes wllb plac; good team. 3 waxons, 1 aew;
1 back, new; 1 top buggy, new; - new Os
borne binder, all hinds ef farm Implement.
14 milch cow. 1 fin bull. 4 head young
hog 126 chickens, new cream ae para tor. with
tread power; 60 tone of bay, 600 bushel of
cat, soma wheat end spud, aear. school, R.
F. D. This la a beautiful place, beat et black
oil. Price only $45 per acre. Including per
sonal property ; give terms. a
JOS Second St., Portland, Orr. aad-800
"Mtn et.VaBcouver. Weh.
Phon Main 2404.
657 -e ere place, one ef the beet atock and
dairy farma In tbe etete; excellent build
ing", rich eoll, living water, good roada; ISO
ere cultivated, 200 acree open paature.
balanc timber; convenient to railway ata
tloa. 10 mllea to MrMlnnvllle: 40 r.ttla. 4
.horira, feed; Implement; prle $8.0t)O.
u acree highly Improved, all fenced and
, In cnltlvatlon, good buildings, fine orchard
and berrlea, 8 mllea out pa tbe Section Line
-road; praapectiv electric ear line adjoining
. the place..
A 80-eere place, on of tb beat tn Clack e
- Bit county, S mllea from Oregoa City; any
man who really want to buy a farm will
buy thla on flrat light; place all fenced. 65
aerea la cnltlvatlon. So reeldence. good barn,
xcellent orchard of choice variety bearing
fruit; 85,000 -possibly $4,600 will buy It;
xaust eelL .
- 6T acre at railway etitlmt, 80 mile ont;
T-room bouee, good barn and other building;
choice fruit. Urine- water, team, stock, fm-
plement. feed: ell for 83.600.
. 4n aerea, on good public blghway, B mile
! Betaeada; rural mall route, neerly completed
8-room T-eeldence. email haen aonA .iti
Uvtng weter; don't tell to ae thla! It uinat
Mil; w re Instructed to accent a 11.000
wvi rirst st.
In order, to eettle aa estate a beautiful
. B7 -acre j well-improved farm near Newberg,
on the WUUmette river, will be eold (or
63,020, but I eaaliy worth gfl.OOO.
F. FV CHS. 22m Morruwa st
ONB of tb bast rsaehee ta atra Oregoa.
. Improved, 800 scree, 600 acre (In bottom
, land, a ban da nee of weter, at a bargaia. Ad-
ervae a, ai. Kerrey, owner, uaaer tily, or,
FOR SALE That 84 acre tract oa Johnson
creek, m mllee aoath ef Eaat Lent. H mil
- O. W. P. railroad; Uttl cleared, eome bot
tom land, oa creek, good road tbrongb land.-;
eome good timber; excellent place to raise
. cnicaene, uucaa, gvee. nogs; in tana will
i. produce abondeace of all kind of vegetables,
grain, grace and fruit anything "yoa want
' 8e'a eoon, . . i
A leo 63 acree mile of Clack imaa sta
tion : is aera tn cultivation, balanc old
leaking, eeey to clear; black oU: wood
for use; Spring water; oa gravel; bargain
et aa.xuo'. -- -
3. L. WELLS CO., '
- - Boom 808 Chamber of Commerca bldg.
Splendid farma of all description, with
-. without stock and lmplemeata.
Stock ranchee that cannot be beat; splendid
wintering place wita plenty or
feed and wtr.--.- :
THE beat 1.400-aer farm la Oregoa for tba
. money; $11 per sere: 8 aerea orchard, boaee.
- barn, well fenced, running water; $4,000 will
Banal. 002 iumner Kxrnange.
40 ACRES rich bottom land, 34 mile t of
veeoyi 10 ecree ie micivarion, ail. rencea
aad trees fenced, plenty antald range, good
8-room house, 8 bsrne, outbuilding, running
. weter. young orchard, telephone ia house. T
milch cows, cream ae para tor, 8 boraee, 60
chicken, wagon,, hack, harrow, bayrlrka.
Blower, 3 plows, cultivator and anmaroua 1m-
piemants; erics gz.twui aau eaan. u, w
. Dlxoa, Canny, Oregon, , -
40 ACRES. 4 mile east of Canby. on enhnty
road; 26 acre cultivated, good bouee, hero
oa granary, nee ercnaru, o ecree sue nope,
- running water, rural mall, telephone In houae,
U mil from school, 1 mil to drug star;
prle $2,600; ' $1,000 cash. Q. W. Dlxoa,
uenoy, uregrm.
FINB horn lb Canby population SOO, SO mllei
from Portland; SO acree, 80 la cnltlvatlon, SO
acre hope, annual production ln.uoo lbs.;
6 sera strawberries. 4 acre erunes. fln
10-room bouee, Insured for 8-iO: one of tbe
greataet bargain In Oregon; set Incom $3,000
per year; owner compelled to sscrl Ilea: auma
ana eee 11; bo treoe; price i,uw, . u. n,
Dlxoa, Canhy, Oregoa. -
A WELVtMPBIOVED farm of 841 acre; Sn
oHjailnareor He mile r Ksiams, weaning
tonillO aerea In culttvstlon. balanc tlnv
" ber and pasture! two T-room boaee In Sn re
nin two large be ma. one 8-etory brick dairy.
1 boaee) other oetDuiiaingej ail a mo or farm
lmplemcntai -alao 300 seres leased 1 SOO cords
of fln flr wood: thla la money-maker and
' will Stand rigid lnveetlgattoa; rirlca $60 per
era. . 1 .....
823 Washington, corn Flrat Bpetelre.
CHOICB fruit and vegatabls land, constating
of SO acres, siniateci at Monnt rieasant, Deri
raf Can Horn. Washington, 14 mile from th
nolnmhla rlvr. same distance from rail
road; boo, barn, other outbuildings; 12
, aerea cleared, Daianee orusn; ass en co-am
lope; plenty of good running water, good
eonnty road. R. F. D. and pboae; price
32,000, on terms.
223 Washington, corner Pint Bpetelre.
FREE boBM for tboueand of people ta Lake
' onaty; laou enojeev 10 Doaareivea ana aee-
art- entry. For parties la re writ Brtatoa
4V Boblnett Sliver Lake. Or.
rtonv -fAlene Heeervatloa will open eoon
Choice land. 80 mile from Spokane. Coeur
d'A'lea Ke--rvtion - inrmnon Agency
IT Is Bank bldg., Spokane. Washington.
nAr.RES adlolnlng good acbool; rood roads
good fruit lend; no Improvements-, a bsrgaln
' John Brown, Mock wood. Phone
Oreeham lad.
.,- ISO acre had at a berraln; price $2,000.
Address N lit car Journal. .
r ACRES rood lend eeer ennntv seat: trade
for lor or boue ami tut. Aoor , a . ivg,
are JoarnaL . r
nteltagton . 4; Oregon"":
uEealty..Co:-:r-:-- -
Come a Running
40 acre, partly slesr, balance timber, good
T-room house, large woodhotiee full of wood,
barn 22'. all other neceeaary bulldlnga,
good .orchard; line lend, level;"" 1 mil to
poatofflce end aeoool. Price 11,000.
A leo 40 acre adlotnln Jhe above, com
cleared, no timber; 2 good bull-Hug oq this.
Price $0. . v -
160-eere mountain ranch; world of ranee,
flneat eoll, ' flrst-claac buildings, larg bam
s gt-od a there Is In tbs country, large
8-room houae. porches and. bay wln.lowa; larx
wood house, oillkke-see. etc.; good family
orchard, all klnda of farming machinery
with wblchrto run th plan; 7u acree slashed
nd seeded, 86 acres In etilllvatloa, water
piped to the bouee and to tbe barn and milk,
houae; flneet of frnlt end garden land; In
feet will re lac enythlng grow on tbl betnt
' cohere. Price $4,000; part can etand et 8
per cent. In Yamhill county; world of oot
ld rang.
64 acre garden land: 48 la culttvatloa,
good orchard, all varieties 01 fruit, spnlee,
pears, cherries, prunes, plums, slmonds, Eng
lish walnuts; aold I'-iS worth off 1 freer full
bearing; good 4-room, barn and 1 neoessery
bnl dlnrs. flne weter. so gravel. 00 reruns:
price $160 -per acre; would exchange (or
larger place. ...
2 t -acre farm la Yamhill county; 100
aerea In cnltlvatlon and mostly In fall crop
grain and plenty of seed for tb remainder;
a goon 7-roem nonae, wooaoouoe, eonngnouae,
lane rranarv. larce barne. etraweheda. etc.;
8 orcbarde. old and young: SO acre of oek
grub, eeally clearea; worm er eatrange
grain and bay to feed antll harvest; phone
Is bonse. R. P.- D. mall, ecboole. rood county
rood, lerge etresm runs throogh center of
.be place : 1 heavy Paicberon tea m
Percberoa mare In foal, new farm wagon,
farm rake. 8 niowe. 1 eulkv Blow. 2 new
acta o( harness, new hayrake, mower, clder-
preee. aew trim;) poller, complete set or
farming tools and machinery, 4.600 (eet of
drveet lumber; 2. 000.01)0 feet timber on olsee,
near stream; 26 bead of hogs. 1 registered
boar: 20 Angorg' gnate, 8 Coxwell cheap,
head of eettle. Jersey cowl flne water at
the bouee. Price $7,600, oa term. Bealtbleet
locality la the atato.
8d- acre flrst-elaee lend vrltbln a half or
three-qnarter of a mile to the new car line
being built from Salem to Portland: S mllea
from the dty; about balf Is beaver dam
land, and about 400 cor da of wood on the
same. Land la not cleared. 'Fine firming
anvlne the whole vet, theoneb the niece.
Price l MOOl pars-trade, balanc rash If sold
within th Bxt 80 day. - .
100 sere 40 under ea!f!vt1oo.13
more alinoet clear: a good 8-room house.
fln aew barn; located on tbe Tualatin river
end on a fine road; milk and mall route
by the door, 14 mile from Portland,
mllee from railroad station; , all ateek and
Implement Included. Price $4,000; easy
term. : . . . '
81 H scree, abont 40 ta erttvt1on. ell
excellent eoll, nicely toected; good buildings;
11 miles from Pert land on a good road. Pries
$6,000i terms. Whlngtoa eonnty.
W. W. Espcy;::
Room 818 Commcrclsl bldg..
Cornet Second and Washington.
10 ACRES, all clear
a Ber.
young orchard, oa
82.000: terma.
good road, aar
3Vi aerea, cms to, all la berrlaa, good
8-room house, barn and oatbu tiding, 83,000;
8 aerea, all In berrlea, good 8-ronca bone,
hern and outbuilding, young ore hard, $2,850;
terma. ,
10 scree, all dear, good 6-room bouee. ban
- and outbuildings, all kinds af trait, 83.800;
terma. '
100-aer farm, 80 aerea ta culrlvarloa, 38
- acree In prunes, eome timber, $36 per acre.
351) Alder at, room 18, , ,
0REO0N wheat tarma that eaa b leased for
8 or 8 year to reliable end reaponalblo ten-
ania. ioc aaie at prieea met win emame in
lnveetor to realize from 8 to 13 per eantea
' th Investment For particulars can on er
addrees Lafayette Really Co., 31S)b Wash
tngtoa at, Portland, Or.
ACREAOB AND FARMS ner Tlgardvlll.
Wsablngton. S to 10 mllee from Portland,
Kar Portland aad Salem earllne. Farm are
nd Co., -178 Madleea St., Portlaad, Ore re.
: A ftw Bargains
... 88.000,000 ftr. 88 S," 14 W oa loggtrig
-85,000.000, 80 per cent yellow fir, oa fan
ned, ready tor Immediate togging.
- 42.OnO.00O, ta 4 N., 10 W., cheap.
1 60.000,000, oa Campbell rlrar, Vancouver
80.000,000 tret ftr aad sugar pin, aad mill.
. 164.000.000 fir and cedar, 6 mllea frem N,
P. railroad: good logging proposition,
830,000.000 la Clallam aad Jefferson eeaa
tlee. ea fln logging river. t
600.000,000, a per cent fir, balsa ea aadar
and hemlock great aaap.
40,000.000 yellow fir, $18,000; bow la that
for a snap I
280 acre pro, 40 8.. It B., $1,800.
100 fir aad pin. 80 8., B. 1 W..
$1,750. - - - t
160 ecree S N., 10 W.,' mil from ocean:
fln platting proposition when logred off:
beentlful view of Padfla ocean; gild-edged
100 acree, 81 B., S W., T.000,000, $1,800, oa
etreem. .
120 aeree, 8 It., S W., ieIlcnt yellow fir;
6 cent atnmpsg.
80 era, T S., S W.. fln fir! $1 rtumpag
1.800 acre, 11 N., 1 B., cheap.
140 acree, 1 mile from 0. W. P., on Clark
tail river,- 2,000.000 fine timber and 8,000
cords of wood, $1,000; tbla la a anap. ,
Schuylernan & Co.
. 227) Washlngtoa St
TO OWNERS of timber claim and timber We
' will buy for caab any good timber tributary
to Nebalem river; will deal wttb ewners
only; so ether need answer. Writ, giving
full psrtlmlsra, to Boa 8, U. P. Sution,
Portland, Oregoa.
WANTED Timbered . lands, targ apd . amsn
tracts; eorreopondeno solicited. B. S. Alat
teeoa C., 818 Wast 6th at.. Log Aagsl,
WB bar cash bayera (or yellow pro timber
lands In Oregon and Wsablngtna; alao for
yellow fir. sprue snd hemlock timber laade;
will buy from so claim ap l( prle and toca
tton are right Will pay caab (or good rs
. Ilnqnlabmeat. W have bad IS yeara' ex
perience In coast timber bustnea. and bar
. competent crulsera who will pea aa th
tend without delay. .
: TPS Cbanbee of Cemmero.
CERTIFIED acrlp, aiy 1x, toweet price. W.
O. Howell, 638 Chamber af Commerca,
84.000.000 F8ET cedar snd Sr. 88 mllee (
Portlsad. oa flne togging strsam, caa drlv
to Portland mllla; $1 tboueand; ball cash,
easy terms: 10 years to cati no agenta er
trIOers. Ueorg w. inxoa, canny, oregoa.
We have for aale larg d small tract
f fine timber, both oa water and ' rail;
prle (mm 84 Bo, according to meetlnal
tell us your want and will ba pleseed to
ennmit liar, augene k. t aanaier. u a.
tings rt Vsneouvor, B. v.
WB bv 4,000. OHO feet bnrned-ovr timber In
8 north. 8 eaat 1 mil tram Wnagl
river: make ae a offer.
Alee eome eeatterlng sections tbat ar
good ouys ana win mag yoa money rest.
Bl'lll.M AOEflCX, 80618 Stark St.
FOR good timber elatme aad aomeeveada, moat
sesirsnie eocsiity. peon acott g02o.
80 tevea yellow pine. 40 annth. It eat
Klamath eonnty, near new rellread urvy;
$4,000, George W, .Dixon, Canhy, Oregoa.
840-ACBES 25,000,000 feet cedar end tr. la 31
aoulb. 6 weet: good tor Immedlai milling;
8) mile to railroad; can Mil id mill ea tim
ber and sloach to track: price $16,000. leeorge
W. Dixon, Csnby, Oregon.
A FIRST-CLANS logging proposition; party with
come capital can eeqnre Internet In
feet large yellow 8r on localng etreem tribu
tary In Columbia; no ageula. Adores B 112.
car Journal.
WE hare bnr.TT for timber In 10, 1 eed to
eoetb. 6 to 1 J weet. Owners or erente tbst
- sen willing to Sell f,ir reaeonstiJe cininlion
tleeee anbnitl whal you hare. O lb.noeli A
eee, 614 Veait of Commerce.
I WILL sell yor timber lend for yoa, a 4
rereoce where located; send glacnptloa. 4.
Blair, 810 Ablugton bldg.
WANTED 100.000.000 as 150.000,000 of gor
timber ea driving etresm tributary to tui
bla rrver. X 200, cere JouraaL -
WILL buy aU tb yellow pin I eaa get f
eesa la Crook. Lak and Kaareatb eie'e
eend exact locatloa and lowest caab pel.-.
84, 227 V, Wsablngton St.
1 WANT a few t hoove ad aaeve cere ef ttmlx
rrom owners er direct reproeentsrlveet f1 '
full deacrl-xlon and lowest price! If call
factory, caab will be ready eooa eralee
:r Thcs. P. Thcrntcn
810 Chamber of Commerce. -
SMALL mill and aome timber. IH mllea rvo
be river, below Portland; get tba asic
'Sphinx Agency, 606 Stark at.
WANTED At one. 150,000.000 fort of
timber rrtlmtsry to tb Columbia. . Addrei
, X 108,. cere JouraaL ..- ... ,
TWO freak cow,
at., Montavllla.
41T Graad ave. and Kearw
Pbona Saet 4123.
FOR SALB Good fresh cow. 828 But J4th
SALB Fln milch eew, will be fre.
1. 1212 Mluneeou ava.
FOR SALE 8 fresh milch cows. - 1480 Maeada
St., Fulton. Phone Main 6081.
1 1 HAVE JueT efrTved with carToaT'oTTiorte i
mars, weighing from 050 to 1.400 pouoc:
smong which a re eon nlc pairs of drive
and ehnnka; also soma nice delivery bora,
several pair of cheap farm mare. Ci
Oregon Stable, lttb and Couch sts.
BAROAIN-r$150 buy pair ef chunky man
full elsters, wslgh 1,100 pound each, p
, feetly sound, anllable tut milk wagon, dell
- ry. ezniees or wy eurnoee; also eet
heavy ha meal. Call 23 North 14th at. ,
SNAP $100 bay pair of big aonnd men
3.000 pounde, are good worker, llttl thl
lsa small horse f 33.1, eorrel horse 846. d
1 to 8:80 f. m.. RsUtoa'a orraL ' 836 Jeffi
eon at.
HORSES end bngglee for reet by day we
nd month; enedal rates to b'tetneee-hou
, Sli'th and Ha wt born. Eaat .72.
WB buy. sell, rest exehsnge horses, warm
ssddlca, hamee. Hubert A Hall. 2B4 lib i
Oltaan at. I -a ones Main 14n-3ooT.
FOR BAT.E r -Team, ; gsnrte-,-weight 8. TOO S
u. A. Natxci, iiai ivonst.
FOR SALB CHEAP A Sn ddl eeay. par
broke; welrbe about Bp". 1410 Macadam a
Fulton. Pnon Msln 6081.-
840-ACRE wheat term ta Shermaa eonnty, O
goa; ooo acre sown to winter barley ; anr
favorabl eondltloB tbl crop will eet lo ot
farm eaa be leased for 8 or 4 yeara to i
sponsible psrtlee and bring owner 10 per
on Investment; for sale r will axchange 1
modern realdrnc ta Portland, Or. For p
tieular 'call as or sddreae Lafayette Be
C&, SISli. Washington at .
SEE Th Journal ef tb Uth regarding Madn
In ateru Oreion. w have etore buU.1l
Ented for 312.50 ther t trad for vaci
t. , Alexaadcr Land Co.., 63 Sixth
near Pine. - i
MORTGAGE. $2,000, on eastern Oregoa far
diawtng 8 pet cent, will discount er trad
city property, house and lot. Alexender Li
Co., 63) Blxth st., near Froe.. , -
320 ACRES wheat land In Lake county, east
Oregon; railroad pnrveysd cloee to 14;
per sera, or trade: this Is cssb prle. AI
- ander Ind C.. 68H Sixth St. Bear Pin.
Vl LlTtrad a good - rerYnforTfr e tb
Johna ear line, or hone and lot vicinity
Greely preferred. Addreae O 113. care Joun
WHO will trad 40 to 80 seres slightly :
proved farm for nearly new a-room boa I
' t good tots, halt block Monnt Scott ear? P
fer Bp Willamette; we will eell thl bo
for 8928, $550 down. Horn Lead Co., 141
First at.
COEUR D'ALENE mining stock
I am always the market snner r
r sll any active mining atock i loan mi
oa any Hated aernrttlra. .
' T. P. BROWN, 401 McKay bldg.
$00 REWARD for proof that any- talking
mine equal tn khisob poonocrape; ee
plete atock: easy parmeet. Portland Pbo
graph Agency, 128 Seventh L Main 8SS6
WHY hoa!d yea took' for a eecond-band pli
when yoa can get a neantimi new pn
direct from the ma an facte rent for tea moai
Heed Trench Piano Manufacturing l umps
"Krom maker to player." Sixth sad Burnsl
FOR SALB Cprlgtit piano, cherry esse; i
sen reenonsDis lor eaea or o term. r
Main 4U.
SHOWCASES and flrtnree. sew' aad eceo
band. Carisoa at Kallatrom, Jim looe si
WANTED leo men to wear oar celebrated
made-to-order suite. - Union Tailoring i
806 Ig Stsrk at. Saflafsrtloo gnaraateed.
SECOND-HAND bar Sxtnrea, ponttsbles. Ml
table, rhalre. Wester Salvage vo
Waahlngten t .
FOR SALB Chatham In c before and bvned
84 daya' free trial. Gee. W. Foott 821
' Morrlaoa St., portlaad.
WE print yon? name ea on celling card, pro
a Is and style, 86c; 240 bnelneee eerda.
7" A. W. Scbmala Co.. 320 Flrat. Portlaad. Oi
FOR-BAT.B HBAP Rat.. $30: ..,.8re eeea
Tbtrd-st building, $30. Inqulr 843 bo
18tb t '
SKRRN Electric Works. 10th nd Wssh. i
Phone Pacific 1474. New and aeeond-hi
electrical good bought aold ad xehng
SEWING MACHINES- bongbt, eold and
- chsnred, $6 snd up. Wester Salvag
27 Wuhlngtoa at
SHOWCASES. counter, flxtnro. boarbt.
ee evrhanxed. . Western Salvag Co,
Washington et. Pact ft -
BILLIARD AND POOL table for real
sal on easy reymenre.
48 Third St.. Portlaad.
60 SLIGHTLY damaged
very low price: Slsger.- Wbeelar A Wll
Domes tie, Whit. Heaasebold, rvls i
otberst to make room for new stock Whe.
4V Wilson and Sincere, S. B. Slget, 8J M
ruoa St., Msrqnsa Mdg. -
rheamatlom. Bold by U drugaevi.
CHUIRTMA8 BOOKS, Bible and prayer -eeo
Hylead Bros., 220 Yamhill . ;- - - -
FIVR eerilee popnler meale. 75e postpaid. Lev
Music Honee. 171 Foarth.
SII.P-CHA VflEMAKINO eaah register fer a
cheep. 811 First t
FOR SAI.B Koger automatic pbitol.
toartb at '
SET tlnner'a toele: cell et eeerlflce; mo.'
sold bv laaaary 14. 48 tlrand ava. I h
Eaat 12T.
HOUSES ve paired, eoeintere and eheivlng e
reeaonahte. Meleoo. 176 Eeal l4tb St. I l
Best 8MI0. i
FOUI IA for eonerlneHo. purely v-re'.'
bonxht from a noted phv'W lao ' e
Sldered It bis "be.t "; s-d x i-e
stamped anvelop. Mr. J. 11. !,-. f
Mr era. Flerlds.
A BAR0IN over
rser, rlrslelaw r '
ene. Phone Eeet
F(iR Ml E -K.'f
vie. W heeler
sllK'lr i1entarJ'i
-1. al.chifie
t., f'T'T 1 -